List PSP Games

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi hunggz, 8/4/09.

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  1. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

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    7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    007: Russia Yori Ai o Komete
    100 Bullets
    12Riven: The Psi-Climinal of Integral
    2006 Fifa World Cup
    300: March to Glory
    3rd Birthday, The
    50 Cent: Bulletproof G Unit Edition
    7 Wonders of the Ancient World
    [Hg] Hydrium


    Ace Combat X: Skies Of Deception
    Aces of War
    Action Pack: Prince of Persia Rival Swords, Driver 76, Rainbow Six Vegas
    Activision Hits Remixed
    Advent Shadow
    Adventure Player
    Aedeus Memories Shinten Makai Generation of Chaos
    Aedis Eclipse: Generation of Chaos
    After Burner: Black Falcon
    AI Igo
    AI Mahjong
    AI Shogi
    Air Conflicts: Aces of World War II
    Akudaikan Manyuuki: Seigi no Yaiba
    Akudaikan Manyuuki
    Akumajou Dracula X Chronicle
    Alien Syndrome
    Aliens vs. Predator: Requiem
    Anata o Yurusanai
    Angel Collection
    Ape Academy
    Ape Academy 2
    Ape Escape Academy
    Ape Escape Academy 2
    Ape Escape P
    Ape Escape: On the Loose
    Ape Quest
    Apprentice, The
    Archer Maclean's Mercury
    Armored Core: Formula Front
    Armored Core: Formula Front International
    Army of Two: The 40th Day
    Arthur and the Invisibles
    Asphalt: Urban GT 2
    Assassin's Creed
    Asterix & Obelix XXL 2: Mission Wifix
    Astonishia Story
    Astonishia Story 2
    Astro Boy
    Atari Classics Evolved
    ATV Offroad Fury Pro
    ATV Offroad Fury: Blazin' Trails
    Audition Portable [KOR]
    Avatar: The Last Airbender
    Avatar: The Legend of Aang
    Axel Impact International
    Ayaka Shibito Portable


    Baito Hell 2000
    Bamboo Blade: Sorekara no Chousen
    Barnyard Blast
    Batman Begins
    Battle Chess
    Battlefield 2: Modern Combat
    BBG (working title)
    Ben 10: Alien Force
    Ben 10: Alien Force The Game
    Ben 10: Protector of Earth
    Beowulf: The Game
    Beta BLOC
    Bigs 2, The
    Bigs, The
    Biker Mice from Mars
    Biz Taiken Series: Kigyoudou
    Black & White Creatures
    Blade Dancer: Lineage of Light
    Blade Dancer: Sennen no Yakusoku
    Bleach: Heat the Soul [J]
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 2 [J]
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 3 [J]
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 4 [J]
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 5 [J]
    Bleach: Heat the Soul 6
    Bleach: Soul Carnival
    Bliss Island
    Blitz: Overtime
    Block Kuzushi Quest, The
    Blokus Club Portable with Bumpy Trot
    Blokus Portable: Steambot Championship
    Blood Bowl
    Blood+ Final Piece
    Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable
    Boku no Natsuyasumi Portable: Mushi Mushi Hakase to Teppen-yama no Himitsu!!
    Boku no Watashi no Katamari Damacy
    Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan: Airport Hero Naha
    Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan: Airport Hero Narita
    Boku wa Koukuu Kanseikan: Airport Hero Shinchitose
    Bokujou Monogatari: Harvest Moon Boy and Girl
    Bokujou Monogatari: Sugar Mura to Minna no Negai
    Bomberman Land
    Bomberman Land Portable
    Bomberman Portable
    Bomberman: Bakufuu Sentai Bombermen
    Bomberman: Panic Bomber
    Boulder Dash ROCKS!
    Boulder Dash: ROCKS!
    Bounty Hounds
    Boxer's Road 2: The Real
    Brain Challenge
    Brandish: Dark Revenant
    Brave Story: Aratanaru Tabibito
    Brave Story: New Traveler
    Brave: A Warrior's Tale
    Breath of Fire III
    Brian Lara 2007 Pressure Play
    Brooktown High: Senior Year
    Brothers in Arms: D-Day
    Brunswick Pro Bowling
    Bubble Bobble Evolution
    Bubble Bobble: Magical Tower Daisakusen!!
    Burnout Dominator
    Burnout Legends
    Bust-A-Move Deluxe
    Bust-A-Move Ghost
    Buzz! Brain Bender
    Buzz! Brain of OZ
    Buzz! Brain Of The UK
    Buzz! Master Quiz
    Buzz! Quiz Master


    C.I.D 925: An Ordinary Life
    Cabela's African Safari
    Cabela's Dangerous Hunts 06: Kill or Be Killed
    Cabela's Dangerous Hunts Ultimate Challenge
    Cabela's Legendary Adventures
    Cake Mania: Baker's Challenge
    California Games
    Call of Duty: Roads to Victory
    Cannon Fodder
    Capcom Classics Collection
    Capcom Classics Collection Reloaded
    Capcom Classics Collection Remixed
    Capcom Puzzle World
    Cardinal Arc Portable
    Carnage Heart Portable
    Carol Vorderman's Sudoku
    Cash Guns Chaos
    Cash Money Chaos
    Castlevania: The Dracula X Chronicles
    Championship Manager
    Championship Manager 2006
    Championship Manager 2006/07
    Championship Manager 2007
    Charlie Brown's All-Stars
    Cherry Blossom Portable
    Chessmaster: The Art of Learning
    Chili Con Carnage
    Chotto Shot
    Chronicle of Dungeon Maker
    Chronicle of Dungeon Maker 2
    Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe, The
    Chuugen no Hasha: Sangoku Shouseiden
    Chuukana Janshi Tenhoo Painyan Remix
    Chuumon Shiyouze! Oretachi no Sekai
    CID The Dummy
    Clank & Ratchet: Maru Hi Mission * Ignition
    Class of Heroes
    Classic Board Games Collection
    Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs
    Code Geass: Hangyaku no Lelouch - Lost Colors
    Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion: Lost Colors
    Code Lyoko: Quest for Infinity
    Code Lyoko: Virtualize
    Coded Arms
    Coded Arms: Contagion
    Coded Gun
    Coded Soul: Uke Keigareshi Idea
    Colin McRae Rally
    Colin McRae Rally 2005
    Colin McRae Rally 2005 Plus
    Comic Party Portable
    Con - Gamble Fight, The
    Con, The
    Crash Bandicoot: Gacchanko World
    Crash of the Titans
    Crash Tag Team Racing
    Crash: Mind Over Mutant
    Crazy Taxi: Double Punch
    Crazy Taxi: Fare Wars
    Cream Stew mo Minagara Iroiro Gochagocha Ittemasu Kedomo... Warai no Tamago L Size
    Cream Stew mo Minagara Iroiro Gochagocha Ittemasu Kedomo... Warai no Tamago L Size: Ohitori sama Nankai demo
    Crimson Gem Saga
    Crimson Room Reverse
    Crimsongem Saga
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
    Cube - 3D Puzzle Mayhem


    Daikoukai Jidai IV: Rota Nova
    Daisenryaku Portable
    Daisenryaku Portable 2
    Daisenryaku VII Exceed
    Daisenryaku: Dai Toua Kouboushi - Tora Tora Tora Ware Kishuu Ni Seikou Seri
    Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator: Ossu! Banchou Portable
    Daito Giken Koushiki Pachi-Slot Simulator: Yoshimune Portable
    Danball Senki
    Darkstalkers Chronicle: The Chaos Tower [JP]
    Dave Mirra BMX Challenge
    Dead Head Fred
    Dead to Rights: Reckoning
    Death Jr.
    Death Jr. II: Root of Evil
    Def Jam: Fight for NY: The Takeover
    Densha de Go! Pocket Toukaidousen Hen
    Densha de Go! Pocket: Chuuousen Hen
    Densha de Go! Pocket: Osaka Kanjousen Hen
    Densha de Go! Pocket: Yamanotesen Hen
    Derby Stallion P
    Derby Time
    Derby Time 2006
    Destroy All Humans! Big Willy Unleashed
    Devil May Cry
    Diabolik: The Original Sin
    Digital Arenas
    Diner Dash
    Diner Dash: Sizzle & Serve
    Dirt 2
    Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness
    Disney's Meet the Robinsons
    Dissidia: Final Fantasy
    DJ Max Fever
    DJ Max Portable
    DJ Max Portable [International]
    DJ Max Portable - Black Square
    DJ Max Portable - Clazziquai Edition
    DJ Max Portable 2 [KOR]
    DJ Max Portable 2 Orpheus Package ~Metallic Silver~
    DJ Max Portable 2 Orpheus Package ~Night Black~
    DJ Max Portable [Prestige Box Set Collector's Edition]
    DJ Max Portable Emotional Sense - Black Square First Print Special Package
    DJ Max Portable Emotional Sense - Clazziquai Edition [Special Package]
    Dog: Happy Life, The
    Doko Demo Gal Mahjong, The
    Doko Demo Issho
    Doko Demo Issho: Let's Gakkou!
    Doko Demo Kanji Quiz - Challenge! Kanji Kentei 2006, The
    Doko Demo Suiri, The
    Dokodemo Rakushou! Pachislot Sengen
    Donkey Xote
    Dora-Slot: Bakuenchi! Kyoujin no Hoshi II
    Dora-Slot: Oki-Slot-Ou! Pioneer 12
    Dora-Slot: Shuyaku wa Zenigata
    DoraSlot: Hana Hana Matsuri Da!!
    Downstream Panic!
    Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai
    Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai - Another Road
    Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai 2
    Dragon Ball: Evolution
    Dragon Dance
    Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable
    Dragon's Lair
    Dragoneer's Aria
    Dragoneer's Aria: Ryuu ga Nemuru made
    Driver '76
    DT Carnage
    DT Racer
    DTM Race Driver 2
    DTM Race Driver 3: Challenge
    Duke Nukem Trilogy
    Duke Nukem Trilogy: Critical Mass
    Dungeon Explorer: Meiyaku no Tobira
    Dungeon Explorer: Warriors of Ancient Arts
    Dungeon Maker II: The Hidden War
    Dungeon Maker: Hunting Ground
    Dungeon Siege: Throne of Agony
    Dungeons & Dragons Tactics
    Dynasty Warriors
    Dynasty Warriors Strikeforce
    Dynasty Warriors Vol. 2
    Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce


    E'tude Prologue: Yureugoku Kokoro no Katachi Portable
    EA Replay
    EA Replay 2
    Earthworm Jim
    Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy IV: Akai Shizuku
    Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy V: Umi no Oriuta
    Eiyuu Densetsu Gagharv Trilogy: Shiroki Majo
    Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki FC
    Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki SC
    Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki Set
    Eiyuu Densetsu: Sora no Kiseki the 3rd
    Elder Scrolls Travels: Oblivion, The
    Ender's Game: Battle Room (title pending)
    Enkaku Sousa: Sana e no 23 Hiai
    Eureka 7 V.1: New Wave
    Evangelion: Jo
    Ever17: The Out of Infinity Premium Edition
    Every Extend Extra
    Everybody's Golf
    Everybody's Golf 2
    Everyday Shooter
    EX Jinsei Game
    Exciting Pro Wrestling 7: SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006
    Exit 2
    Eyeshield 21: Portable Edition


    F1 Grand Prix
    Fading Shadows
    Family Guy
    Fantasy Golf Pangya Portable
    Fast and the Furious, The
    Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift, The
    Fate/Tiger Colosseum
    Fate/Tiger Colosseum Upper
    Fate/Unlimited Codes Portable
    Ferrari Challenge
    Ferrari Challenge Trofeo Pirelli
    Field Commander
    FIFA 06
    FIFA 07
    FIFA 07 Soccer
    FIFA 08
    FIFA 09
    FIFA 09: World Class Soccer
    FIFA Soccer
    FIFA Soccer 06
    FIFA Soccer 08
    FIFA Soccer 09
    FIFA Street 2
    FIFA World Cup Germany 2006
    FIFA World Cup: Germany 2006
    Fight Night Round 3
    Final Approach 2: 1st Priority Portable
    Final Armada
    Final Fantasy
    Final Fantasy Agito XIII
    Final Fantasy Anniversary Edition
    Final Fantasy II
    Final Fantasy II 20th Anniversary Edition
    Final Fantasy II Anniversary Edition
    Final Fantasy Tactics: Shishi Sensou
    Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions
    Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children
    Finder Love: Hara Fumina - Fuari no Futaride...
    Finder Love: Hara Fumina - Futari no Futari de...
    Finder Love: Hoshino Aki - Nangoku Trouble Rendezvous
    Finder Love: Hoshino Aki - Nankoku Trouble Rendezvous
    Finder Love: Kudou Risa - First Shoot wa Kimi to
    Fired Up
    Fish Eyes Portable
    Flatout Head On
    FlatOut: Head On
    Football Manager 2007
    Football Manager Handheld
    Football Manager Handheld 2007
    Football Manager Handheld 2008
    Football Manager Handheld 2009
    For Symphony: With All One's Heart Portable
    Ford Bold Moves Street Racing
    Ford Racing: Off Road
    Ford Street Racing: LA Duel
    Formula One 06
    Formula One 2005 Portable
    Formula One 2006 Portable
    Frantix: Kirakira Nazotoki Daibouken
    Freak Out - Extreme Freeride
    Free Running
    Frogger Helmet Chaos
    From Russia With Love
    Fukufuku no Shima
    Full Auto 2: Battle lines
    Full Auto 2: Battlelines
    Fushigi Yuugi - Genbu Kaiten Gaiden: Kagami no Miko


    G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra
    Gallery Fake
    Gamble Con Fight
    Gangs of London
    Gangsters Ride
    Garnet Chronicle
    Geki Sengoku Musou
    Gekido: The Dark Angel
    Generation of Chaos
    Generation of Chaos IV: Another Side
    Gensou Suikoden I + II
    Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
    Ghost Rider
    Ginga Ojousama Densetsu Collection
    Gitaroo Man Lives!
    Gitaroo-Man Live!
    Gitaroo-Man Lives!
    Glorace: Phantastic Carnival
    GO! Edit
    Go! Puzzle
    Go! Sudoku
    God of War: Chains of Olympus
    God of War: Rakujitsu no Hisoukyoku
    Godfather: Mob Wars, The
    Godzilla Unleashed
    Godzilla: Unleashed
    Goku Makai-Mura Kai
    Goku Makaimura
    Golden Compass, The
    Good, the Bad and the Ugly, The
    Gottlieb Pinball Classics
    Gradius Collection
    Gradius Portable
    Gran Turismo 4 Mobile
    Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories
    Greg Hastings' Tournament Paintball Max'd
    Gretzky NHL
    Gretzky NHL '06
    Guilty Gear Judgment
    Guilty Gear XX #Reload
    Guilty Gear XX Accent Core Plus
    Guitar Hits
    Gun Showdown
    Gundam Battle Chronicle
    Gundam Battle Royale
    Gundam Battle Tactics
    Gundam Battle Universe
    Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
    Gurumin: A Monstrous Adventure


    Hajime no Ippo Portable: Victorious Spirits
    Hakuouki Portable
    Hammerin' Hero
    Hand Dic
    Hannspree Ten Kate Honda: SBK-07 Superbike World Championship
    Hard Corps
    Hard Rock Casino
    Harlem Globetrotters: World Tour
    Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
    Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
    Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

    Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 2
    Harukanaru Toki no Naka de 3: Izayoiki Aizouban
    Harukanaru Toki no Naka de: Iroetebako

    Harukanaru Toki no Nakade 2
    Harvest Moon: Boy & Girl
    Harvest Moon: Innocent Life
    Harvey Birdman: Attorney at Law
    Hatsune Miku: Project Diva
    Hayarigami 2 Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File
    Hayarigami Portable: Keishichou Kaijiken File
    Hayate no Gotoku! Nightmare Paradise
    Heaven's Will
    Hell's Kitchen
    Hellboy: The Science of Evil
    Hello Kitty no Happy Accessory
    Heroes of the Pacific
    Higurashi Daybreak Portable
    Hiiro no Kakera Portable
    HimeHibi: Princess Days Portable
    History Channel: Great Battles of Rome, The
    Hitsuji Kunnara Kiss Shite Ageru *
    Hokuto no Ken: Raoh Gaiden - Ten no Haoh
    Honkaku Yonin-uchi Pro Mahjong: Mahjong-Ou Portable
    Hoshigari Empusa Portable
    Hoshiiro no Okurimono Portable
    Hot Brain
    Hot Pixel
    Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee
    Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee 2
    Hot Wheels Ultimate Racing
    Hustle: Detroit Streets, The


    I.Q. Mania
    Idol Janshi Suchi-Pai 3
    Idolmaster SP: Missing Moon
    Idolmaster SP: Perfect Sun
    Idolmaster SP: Wandering Star
    Ikki Tousen: Eloquent Fist
    Ikuze! Gen-San: Yuuyake Daiku Monogatari
    IL-2 Sturmovik: Birds of Prey
    Impossible Mission
    Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer, The
    Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings
    Infinite Loop: Kojjou ga Miseta Yume
    Initial D: Street Stage
    Innocent Life: A Futuristic Harvest Moon
    Innocent Life: Shin Bokujou Monogatari
    Intelligent License
    Intelligent License 2
    International Athletics
    International Cricket Captain III
    Iron Man
    Iron Man 2
    Irregular Hunter X
    Isshou Asoberu Todai Shougi: Sakidzume Shogi Dojo


    Jackass the Game
    Jak and Daxter: The Lost Frontier
    Jan Sangoku Musou
    Jeanne d'Arc
    Jet do Go! Pocket
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 2
    Jikkyou Powerful Pro Yakyuu Portable 3
    Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken SE Portable
    Jissen Pachi-Slot Hisshouhou! Portable: Aladdin 2 Evolution
    Jissen Pachislot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken
    Jissen Pachislot Hisshouhou! Hokuto no Ken Portable
    Jitsuroku Oniyome Nikki
    Jitsuroku Oniyome Nikki: Shiuchi ni Taeru Otto no Rifujin Taiken Adventure
    Jitsuwa Kaidan: Shinmimi Bukuro - Ichi no Shou
    Jui: Dr. Touma Joutarou
    Juiced 2: Hot Import Nights
    Juiced: Eliminator
    Just English
    Justice League Heroes
    Juusei to Diamond


    Kahashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu Nou Chikara Trainer Portable
    Kaitou Apricot Portable
    Kamaitachi no Yoru 2
    Kamaitachi no Yoru 2 Tokubetsu Hen
    Kamen no Maid Guy: Boyoyon Battle Royale
    Kanagaeru Exit
    Kangaeru Exit
    Kanji Trainer Portable
    Kao Challengers
    Katekyoo Hitman Reborn! Battle Arena
    Kawa no Nushi Tsuri
    Kawashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu Nouryoku Trainer Portable 2
    Keibatsuu Portable
    Keibatsuu Portable 2: JRA Koushiki Data 23 Nenbun Shuuroku
    Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono 2
    Ken to Mahou to Gakuen Mono.
    Kenka Banchou 3: Zenkoku Seiha
    Key of Heaven
    Kidou Keisatsu Patlabor: Comeback Mini Pato
    Kidou Senshi Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
    Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui
    Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou - Axis no Kyoui V
    Kidou Senshi Gundam: Giren no Yabou- Zeon no Keifu
    Kidou Senshi Gundam: Gundam vs. Gundam
    Kidou Senshi Gundam: Senjou no Kizuna Portable
    Kids Pack: Open Season and Surfs Up
    Kikuite Oboeru Eitango: Arc no Kikutan Advanced
    Kikuite Oboeru Eitango: Arc no Kikutan Basic
    Kikuite Oboeru Eitango: Arc no Kikutan Entry
    Killzone: Liberation
    King of Clubs
    King of Fighters Collection: The Orochi Saga, The
    King of Fighters: Maximum Impact
    Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep
    Kingdom of Paradise
    Kings Field Additional 2
    Kings Field: Additional 1
    Kiniro no Corda 2 f
    Kinnikuman: Muscle Generations
    Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World
    Kizuato Portable
    KOF (working title)
    Konami Chess Battle
    Kono Aozora ni Yakusoku o - Tenohira no Rakuen
    Korokoro Kollon
    Kotoba no Puzzle Mojipittan Daijiten
    Koukaku Kidoutai: Stand Alone Complex -Karyuudo no Ryouiki-
    Koukyou Shihen Eureka Seven
    KuruKuru Chameleon
    Kyoto Daigaku Atsuji Tetsuji Kyouju Kanshuu: Zaidan Houjin Nihon Kanji Nouryoku Kentei Kyoukai Kyouryoku: Kanji Trainer Portable


    L.A. Rush
    La Corda d'Oro
    Land Stalker
    Lanfeust of Troy
    Last Ninja, The
    Legend of Heroes II: Prophecy of the Moonlight Witch, The
    Legend of Heroes III: Song of the Ocean, The
    Legend of Heroes: A Tear of Vermillion, The
    Legend of the Dragon
    Lego Batman
    Lego Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures
    Lego Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy
    Like Life Every Hour
    Lisa to Issho ni Tairiku Oudan: A Ressha de Ikou
    Little Aid Portable
    Little Britain The Video Game
    Little Busters! Converted Edition
    LocoRoco 2
    Lord of the Rings: Tactics, The
    Lost Regnum 2: Ankoku Jashin to Taka no Senshi
    Lost Regnum: Makutsu no Koutei
    Lumines II
    Lumines: Oto to Hikari no Denshoku Puzzle
    Luxor: Pharaoh's Challenge
    Luxor: Wrath of Set
    Lyra no Bouken: Ougon no Rashinban


    M.A.C.H. Modified Air Combat Heroes
    Machi: Unmei no Kousaten
    Macross Ace Frontier
    Madagascar: Escape 2 Africa
    Madden NFL 06
    Madden NFL 07
    Madden NFL 08
    Madden NFL 09
    Madden NFL 10
    Magna Carta Portable
    Mahjong Fight Club
    Mahjong Fight Club: Zenkoku Taisen Ban
    Mahjong Haoh Portable: Dankyuu Battle
    Mahjong Haoh Portable: Jansou Battle
    Mahjong Kakutou Club
    Mahjong Taikai
    Mai-Hime Bakuretsu! Fuuka Gakuen Gekitoushi?!
    Mai-Hime Senretsu! Shin Fuuka Gakuen Gekitoushi!!
    Major League Baseball 2K6
    Major League Baseball 2K7
    Major League Baseball 2K8
    Major League Baseball 2K9
    Makai Senki Disgaea 2 Portable
    Makai Senki Disgaea Portable
    Makai Senki Disgaea Portable: Tsuushin Taisen Hajime Mashita
    Makai Wars
    Mana Khemia: Student Alliance
    Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsu Shitachi Portable Plus
    Mana-Khemia: Gakuen no Renkinjutsushi-tachi Portable Plus
    Manhunt 2
    Maplus: Guide Map
    Maplus: Portable Navi
    Maplus: Portable Navi 2
    Maplus: Portable Navi 3
    Martial Arts: Capoeira
    Martial Arts: Capoeira Fighters
    Marvel Nemesis: Rise of the Imperfects
    Marvel Super Hero Squad
    Marvel Trading Card Game
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance 2
    Master Mind
    Mawaskes: Based on Carton-kun
    Me & My Katamari
    Me de Unou wo Kitaeru: Sokudoku Jutsu Portable
    Medal of Honor Heroes
    Medal of Honor Heroes 2
    Medical 91 Portable
    MediEvil Resurrection
    MediEvil: Resurrection
    Mega Man Legends
    Mega Man Maverick Hunter X
    Mega Man Powered Up
    Megami no Etsubo
    Memories Off
    Memories Off #5: Togireta Film
    Memories Off 2nd
    Memories Off 6: T-Wave
    Memories Off Sorekara
    Memories Off: AfterRain
    Mercury Meltdown
    Meta Juice
    Metal Gear Acid
    Metal Gear Acid 2
    Metal Gear Solid 2: Digital Graphic Novel
    Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops/Coded Arms Double Pack
    Metal Gear Solid Portable Ops/Silent Hill Origins Double Pack
    Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee
    Metal Gear Solid: Bande Dessinee 2: Sons of Liberty
    Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel
    Metal Gear Solid: Digital Graphic Novel 2: Sons of Liberty
    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops
    Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus
    Metal Shell
    Metal Slug Anthology
    Metal Slug Complete
    Miami Vice
    Miami Vice: The Game
    Micro Machines V4
    Midnight Casino
    Midnight Club 3: DUB Edition
    Midnight Club: LA Remix
    Midway Arcade Treasures: Extended Play
    Military History: Commander: Europe at War
    Mimana Iyar Chronicle
    Mind Quiz
    Minna de Dokusho: Keatai Shousetsu Desu
    Minna de Dokusho: Meisaku & Suiri & Kaidan & Bungaku
    Minna no Chizu
    Minna no Chizu 2
    Minna no Chizu 2 Chiiki-Han: Chuunichimoto-Han
    Minna no Chizu 2 Chiiki-Han: Higashinichimoto-Han
    Minna no Chizu 2 Chiiki-Han: Nishinippon-Hen
    Minna no Golf Jou Vol. 1
    Minna no Golf Jou Vol. 2
    Minna no Golf Jou Vol. 3
    Minna no Golf Jou Vol. 4
    Minna no Golf Portable
    Minna no Golf Portable 2
    Minna to Chizu 3
    Mite Kiite Nou de Kanjite Crossword Tengoku
    MLB 06: The Show
    MLB 07: The Show
    MLB 08: The Show
    MLB 09: The Show
    Mobile Suit Gundam Seed: Rengou vs. Z.A.F.T. Portable
    Mobile Suit Gundam: Gihren's Ambition, Blood of Zeon
    Mobile Train Simulator + Densha de GO! Tokyo Kyuukou Hen
    Mobile Train Simulator: Keisei - Toei Asakusa - Keikyuusen
    Moe Moe 2-ji Taisen [Ryoku] Deluxe
    Moegaku @ Portable
    Moeru Mahjong: Moejong!
    Monster Hunter Freedom
    Monster Hunter Freedom 2
    Monster Hunter Freedom Unite
    Monster Hunter Portable
    Monster Hunter Portable 2nd
    Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G
    Monster Jam: Urban Assault
    Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
    Mortal Kombat: Unchained
    MotorStorm Arctic Edge
    MTX Mototrax
    Mugen Kairou
    Musou Orochi
    Musou Orochi: Maou Sairin
    Musou Tourou
    MVP Baseball
    MX vs. ATV Unleashed: On the Edge
    MX vs. ATV Untamed
    My Generation
    My Spanish Coach
    My Taxi!, The
    Mystereet Portable
    Mytran Wars


    Namco Museum
    Namco Museum Battle Collection
    Namco Museum Vol.2
    Nana: Subete wa Daimaou no Omichibiki!?
    Nantama: Chronicle of Dungeon Maker
    Napoleon Dynamite
    Narisokonai Eiyuutan: Taiyou to Tsuki no Monogatari
    Naruto: Narutimate Portable Mugenjou no Maki
    Naruto: Narutimett Portable
    Naruto: Rise of a Ninja
    Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes
    Naruto: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 2: The Phantom Fortress
    NBA 06
    NBA 07
    NBA 08
    NBA 09 The Inside
    NBA Ballers: Rebound
    NBA Live 06
    NBA Live 07
    NBA Live 08
    NBA Live 09
    NBA Street Showdown
    NCAA Football 07
    NCAA Football 09
    NCAA Football 10
    Need for Speed Carbon: Own the City
    Need for Speed Most Wanted 5-1-0
    Need for Speed ProStreet
    Need for Speed Shift
    Need for Speed Undercover
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals
    Need for Speed: Shift
    Neo Angelique Special
    Neon Genesis Evangelion: Tsukurareshi Sekai - Another Cases
    Neopets Petpet Adventures: The Wand of Wishing
    Never7: The End of Infinity
    Neverland Card Battles
    New Rainbow Island: Hurdy Gurdy Daibouken!!
    NFL Street 2 Unleashed
    NFL Street 3
    NHL 07
    NHRA: Countdown to the Championship 2007
    Nippon no Asoko de
    Nishimura Kyoutarou Travel Mystery: Akugyaku no Kisetsu - Tokyo - Nanki Shirahama Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
    Nishimura Kyoutarou Travel Mystery: Akugyaku no Kisetsu Tokyo Nanki Shirahama Renzoku Satsujin Jiken
    No Gravity: The Plague Of Mind
    Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden
    Nobunaga no Yabou: Reppuuden with Power Up Kit
    Nobunaga no Yabou: Shouseiroku
    Nobunaga no Yabou: Tenshouki
    Nou ni Kaikan: Aha Taiken
    Nou ni Kaikan: Minna de Aha Taiken!
    Numpla & Oekaki Puzzle
    Numpla 10000-Mon


    Off Road
    Office, The
    Omoide ni Kawaru-Kun: Memories Off
    One Piece (working title)
    Online Chess Kingdoms
    Ooedo Senryoubako
    Open Season
    Ore no Dungeon
    Oretachi no Survival Game Portable
    Otsugea Uranai na Desu.
    OutRun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
    Over the Hedge: Hammy Goes Nuts


    Pac-Man World 3
    Pac-Man World Rally
    Painkiller: Hell Wars
    PANGYA: Fantasy Golf
    Panic Palette Portable
    PaRappa the Rapper
    Parodius Portable
    Passport to Amsterdam
    Passport to Barcelona
    Passport to London
    Passport to Paris
    Passport to Prague
    Passport to Rome
    Patapon 2
    Patapon 2: Don-Chaka
    Patlabor: Come Back Mini-Pato
    Payout Poker & Casino
    PDC World Championship Darts 2008
    Peter Jackson's King Kong: The Official Game of the Movie
    Petz: Saddle Club
    Phantasy Star Portable
    Pia Carrot e Youkoso!! G.P. Gakuen Princess Portable
    Pilot Academy
    Pilot ni Narou! Flying All-Stars
    Pimp My Ride
    Pinball Hall of Fame - The Gottlieb Collection
    Pinball Hall of Fame - The Williams Collection
    Pipe Mania
    Pipo Saru Academia 2: Aiai Sarugee Janken Battle!
    Piposaru Academia: Dossari! Sarugee Daizenshuu
    Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End
    Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest
    PixelJunk Monsters
    Planetarian: Chiisana Hoshi no Yume
    Planetarium Creator Ohira Takayuki Kanshuu: Home Star Portable
    PlayStation Network Collection Power Pack
    PlayStation Network Collection Puzzle Pack
    Playwize Poker and Casino
    Plus Plum 2 Again Portable
    Pocket Pool
    Pocket Racers
    Poker Face
    Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot: Vehicle Battle Tournament
    PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken
    Portable Island: Tenohira Resort
    Power Smash: New Generation
    Power Stone Collection
    Power Stone Portable
    PQ2: Practical Intelligence Quotient
    PQ: Practical Intelligence Quotient
    Practical IQ
    Prince of Persia Revelations
    Prince of Persia Rival Swords
    Princess Crown
    Princess Maker 4 Portable
    Princess Maker 5 Portable
    Princess Maker Portable Pack
    Prinny: Can I Really Be the Hero?
    Prinny: Ore ga Shujinkou de Iinsuka?
    Pro Atlas Travel Guide
    Pro Bull Riders: Out of the Chute
    Pro Cycling 2007: Le Tour de France
    Pro Cycling Season 2008: Le Tour de France
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
    Pro Evolution Soccer 5
    Pro Evolution Soccer 6
    Project Interceptor (working title)
    Project S (working title)
    ProStroke Golf - World Tour 2007
    PSP Web Browser
    Pump It Up EXCEED Portable
    Pump It Up EXCEED Portable + Pump It Up Zero Portable Bundle
    Pump It Up Zero Portable
    Pump It Up: Exceed Portable
    Pursuit Force
    Pursuit Force: Daitsuiseki
    Pursuit Force: Extreme Justice
    Puyo Pop Fever
    Puyo Puyo 7
    Puyo Puyo Fever
    Puyo Puyo Fever 2
    Puyo Puyo Fever 2 [Chuu!]
    Puyo Puyo! 15th Anniversary
    Puzzle Bobble Pocket
    Puzzle Challenge: Crosswords & More!
    Puzzle Guzzle
    Puzzle Quest: Challenge of the Warlords
    Puzzle Scape
    Puzzler Collection
    PW: Project Witch


    Queen's Blade: Spiral Chaos
    Quiz Kidou Senshi Gundam: Toi Senshi DX


    R-Type Command
    R-Type Tactics
    Race Driver 2006
    Rain Wonder Trip
    Rainbow Island Evolution
    Rainbow Islands Evolution
    Rainbow Islands Revolution
    Ranshima Monogatari Rare Land Story: Shoujo no Yakujou
    Rapala Trophies
    Ratchet & Clank 5: Gekitotsu! Dodeka Ginga no MiriMiri Gundan
    Ratchet & Clank: Size Matters
    Real Madrid: The Game
    Red Line (working title)
    Red Star, The
    Reel Fishing: The Great Outdoors
    Remember 11: The Age of Infinity
    Rengoku 2: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N.
    Rengoku II: The Stairway to H.E.A.V.E.N.
    Rengoku: The Tower of Purgatory
    Resistance: Houfuku no Koku
    Resistance: Retribution
    Rezel Cross
    Ricky Ponting 2007 Pressure Play
    Ridge Racer
    Ridge Racer 2
    Ridge Racers
    Ridge Racers 2
    Riff: Everyday Shooter
    Riviera: The Promised Land
    Riviera: Yakusoku no Chi
    Rock Band Unplugged
    RockMan DASH
    RockMan Dash 2
    RockMan DASH 2: Episode 2 Ooinaru Isan
    RockMan DASH: Hagane no Boukenshin
    RockMan RockMan
    Rocky Balboa
    Romance of the Three Kingdoms V
    Routes Portable
    RS Revolution


    Saikyou Shogi Bonanza
    Saikyou Toudai Shogi Portable
    Sakura Taisen 1 + 2
    Salamander Portable
    Samurai Dou Portable
    Samurai Shodown Anthology
    Samurai Spirits: Rokuban Shoubu
    Samurai Warriors: State of War
    San Goku Shi V
    San Goku Shi VI
    San Goku Shi VII
    San Goku Shi VIII
    Saru Get You P!
    Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Racer
    Saru Get You: Pipo Saru Senki
    Saru Get You: SaruSaru Daisakusen
    Sarugetchu P!
    SBK Superbike World Championship
    SBK-07 Superbike World Championship
    SBK-08 Superbike World Championship
    SBK: Superbike World Championship 2007
    Scarface: Money. Power. Respect.
    School Rumble: Anesan Jiken Desu!
    Scooby Doo! Who's Watching Who?
    Scooby Doo! Who's Watching Who?
    SD Gundam G Generation Portable
    Secret Agent Clank
    Secret of Evangelion Portable
    Sega Fun Pack: Sonic Rivals 2 / Genesis Collection
    Sega Genesis Collection
    Sega Mega Drive Collection
    Sega Rally
    Sega Rally Revo
    Sekai wa Atashi de Mawatteru: Hikari to Yami no Princess
    Sengoku Basara: Battle Heroes - JPN
    Sengoku Cannon: Sengoku Ace Episode III
    Sengoku Efuda Yuugi: Hototogisu Ran
    Sengoku Tenka Touitsu
    Sensha, The
    Shaun White Snowboarding
    Shichida Shiki Training: Unou Tanren Portable
    Shin Megami Tensei: Devil Summoner
    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona
    Shin Sangoku Musou
    Shin Sangoku Musou 2nd Evolution
    Shin Sangoku Musou: 2nd Evolution
    Shin Sangoku Musou: Multi Raid
    Shinki Gensou: SSII Unlimited Side
    Shinkyouku Soukai Polyphonica 0-4 Hanashi Full Pack
    Shinobido Homura
    Shinobido Homura: Soul of the Ninja
    Shinobido: Tales of the Ninja
    Shinseiki Evangelion - Decade
    Shinseiki Evangelion 2: Tsukurareshi Sekai - Another Cases
    Shinseiki Evangelion: Battle Orchestra Portable
    Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend 2nd Portable
    Shinseiki Evangelion: Koutetsu no Girlfriend Tokubetsu-Hen Portable
    Shinseiki GPX Cyber Formula VS
    Shinten Makai: GOCIV Another Side
    Shogi ga Tsuyokunaru: Gekishi - Jouseki Dojo
    Shoten Beat
    Shrek Smash n' Crash Racing
    Shrek the Third
    Shutokou Battle
    Sid Meier's Pirates!
    Silent Hill Experience, The
    Silent Hill Zero
    Silent Hill: Origins
    Silent Hill: Shattered Memories
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 10: The IQ Cube: Moyatto Atama o Puzzle de Sukkiri!
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 1: The Table Game
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 2: The Tennis
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 3: The Dokodemo Suiri - IT Tantei: Zen 68 no Jikenbo -
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 4: Kodama Mitsuo Sensei Kanshuu The Unou Drill
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 5: The Block Kuzushi Quest - Dragon Kingdom
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 6: The Sensha
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 7: The Doko Demo Kanji Quiz - Challenge! Kanji Kentei 2006
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 8: The Doko Demo Gal Mahjong
    Simple 2500 Series Portable Vol. 9: The My Taxi!
    Simple 2500 Series Vol. 11: The Puzzle Quest: Agaria no Kishi
    Simpsons Game, The
    Sims 2, The
    Sims 2: Castaway, The
    Sims 2: Dr. Dominic no Inbou, The
    Sims 2: Pet Wan Nyan Life, The
    Sims 2: Pets, The
    Skate Park City
    Smach Down vs Raw 2006
    Smart Bomb
    Smash Court Tennis 3
    SNK Arcade Classics Vol. 1
    Snoopy vs. the Red Baron
    Snow Portable
    SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo
    SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Fireteam Bravo 2
    SOCOM: U.S. Navy SEALs Tactical Strike
    Soldier Collection
    Solfege: Sweet Harmony
    Sonic Rivals
    Sonic Rivals 2
    Sony Computer Science Kenkyuujo Mogi Kenichirou Hakase Kanshuu: Nou ni Kaikan Aha Taiken!
    Sony Computer Science Kenkyuujo Mogi Kenichirou Hakase Kanshuu: Nou ni Kaikan Minna de Aha Taiken!
    Sora no Kiseki FC&SC Kanzenban
    Sora no Kiseki Material Collection Portable
    Soukyuu no Fafner
    Soul Eater: Battle Resonance
    Space Invaders Evolution
    Space Invaders Extreme
    Space Invaders Galaxy Beat
    Space Invaders Pocket
    Space Invaders: Galaxy Beat
    Space Station Tycoon
    Spectral Souls
    Spectral Souls - Resurrection of the Ethereal Empires
    Spectral vs Generation
    Spectral vs. Generation
    Spelling Challenges and More!
    Spider-Man 2
    Spider-Man 3
    Spider-Man: Friend or Foe
    Spider-Man: Web of Shadows
    Spider-Man: Web of Shadows - Amazing Allies Edition
    SpongeBob SquarePants (working title)
    SpongeBob Squarepants: The Yellow Avenger
    SSX On Tour
    SSX on Tour Portable
    Stacked with Daniel Negreanu
    Star Ocean: First Departure
    Star Ocean: Second Evolution
    Star Ocean: The First Departure
    Star Soldier
    Star Trek: Tactical Assault
    Star Wars Battlefront: Renegade Squadron
    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith
    Star Wars: Battlefront II
    Star Wars: Lethal Alliance
    Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
    State of Emergency 2
    Steambot Chronicles: Vehicle Battle Tournament
    Steel Horizon
    Sticky Balls
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 MAX
    Street Fighter Zero 3 Double Upper
    Street Riders
    Street Supremacy
    Suigetsu Portable
    Suikoden I + II
    Sunday VS Magazine Shuuketsu! Choujou Daikessen
    Super Collapse 3
    Super Fruit Fall
    Super Hind
    Super Monkey Ball Adventure
    Super Pocket Tennis
    Super Robot Taisen A Portable
    Super Robot Taisen MX Portable
    Super Robot Wars MX Portable
    Super Stardust Portable
    Superman Returns: The Videogame
    Surf's Up
    Suzumiya Haruhi no Yakusoku
    SWAT: Target Liberty
    Syphon Filter: Combat Ops
    Syphon Filter: Dark Mirror
    Syphon Filter: Logan's Shadow


    Table Game, The
    Taiheiyou no Arashi: Senkan Yamato, Akatsuki ni Shutsugekisu
    Taiko no Tatsujin Portable
    Taiko no Tatsujin Portable 2
    Taikou Risshiden IV
    Taito Legends Power-Up
    Taito Memories Pocket
    Tales of Destiny 2
    Tales of Eternia
    Tales of Phantasia: Full Voice Edition
    Tales of Rebirth
    Tales of The World: Radiant Mythology
    Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology 2
    Tales of VS.
    Talkman Euro
    Talkman Shiki Shabe Lingual Eikaiwa for Kids!
    Talkman Shiki: Shabe Lingual Eikaiwa
    Talkman Travel
    Tantei Jinguuji Saburo
    Technique Cute (working title)
    Tecmo My Generation
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection
    Telly Addicts
    Ten no Kagi, Chi no Mon
    Tenchi no Mon
    Tenchi no Mon 2: Busouden
    Tenchu 4
    Tenchu: Shadow Assassins
    Tenchu: Shinobi Taizen
    Tenchu: Time of the Assassins
    Tengai Makyou
    Tengai Makyou Collection
    Tengai Makyou: Dai Yon no Mokushiroku
    Tenken Chimon
    Tennis, The
    Terminator Salvation
    Test Drive Unlimited
    Thrillville: Off the Rails
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 06
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 07
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 08
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 09
    Tiger Woods PGA TOUR 10
    Tir Na Nog
    TMNT: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    To Heart 2 Portable
    To LoveRu Trouble: Doki Doki! Rinkaigakkou-Hen
    TOCA Race Driver 2: The Ultimate Racing Simulator
    TOCA Race Driver 2: Ultimate Racing Simulator
    TOCA Race Driver 3 Challenge
    Tokimeki Memorial: Forever With You
    Tom Clancy's EndWar
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter 2
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Essentials
    Tomb Raider Anniversary
    Tomb Raider Double Pack
    Tomb Raider: Anniversary
    Tomb Raider: Legend
    Tomoyo After: It's a Wonderful Life - CS Edition
    Tony Hawk's Project 8
    Tony Hawk's Underground 2 Remix
    Toon Racing
    ToraDora Portable!
    Touge MAX
    Touhoku Daigaku Mirai Kagaku Gijutsu Kyoudou Kenkyuu Center Kawashima Ryuuta Kyouju Kanshuu: Nou Ryoku Trainer Portable
    Toy Story 3
    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen
    Transformers: The Game
    Twelve: Sengoku Fengshenden
    Twinbee Portable
    Twisted Metal: Head-On


    UEFA Champions League 2006-2007
    UEFA EURO 2008
    UEFA EURO 2008: Austria-Switzerland
    Ultimate Block Party
    Ultimate Board Game Collection
    Ultimate Ghosts 'n Goblins
    Ultra Puzzle Bobble Pocket
    Ultraman Fighting Evolution 0
    Umewaza Ykari no Yasashi Igo
    Umihara Kawase Portable
    Unbound Saga
    Undead Knights
    Unou Drill, The
    Untitled PSP action game (working title)
    Untold Legends: Brotherhood of the Blade
    Untold Legends: The Warrior's Code
    Untold Legends: Unataka no Yuuken
    Unu no Shinzuru Michi o Yuku
    Utawarerumono Portable


    V8 Supercars 2
    V8 Supercars 3: Shootout
    Valhalla Knights
    Valhalla Knights 2
    Valhalla Knights 2: Battle Stance
    Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
    Vampire Chronicle: The Chaos Tower
    Vantage Master Portable
    Viewtiful Joe Battle Carnival
    Viewtiful Joe: Red Hot Rumble
    Virtua Tennis 3
    Virtua Tennis: World Tour
    Visual Novel Series


    Wangan Midnight Portable
    Warhammer 40,000: Squad Command
    Warhammer: Battle for Atluma
    Warriors of Enkor
    Warriors of the Lost Empire
    Warriors Orochi
    Warriors Orochi 2
    Warriors, The
    Who Wants to Be a Millionaire: Party Edition
    Wild ARMs XF
    Wild ARMs: Crossfire
    Will O' Wisp Portable
    Williams Pinball Classics
    Win-JPT Japanese Beginners
    Win-TOEIC Beginners' LC
    Win-TOEIC Beginners' RC
    Win-TOEIC Beginners\' LC
    Win-TOEIC Beginners\' RC
    Win-TOEIC LC
    Winning Eleven 10: Ubiquitous Evolution
    Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Evolution
    Winning Eleven: Pro Evolution Soccer 2007
    Winning Post 6 2006
    Winning Post 6 2008
    Winx Club: Join the Club
    Wipeout Pulse
    Wipeout Pure
    Wizardry Empire III
    Wizardry Empire III: Haoh no Keifu
    World Championship Cards
    World Championship Poker 2
    World Championship Poker 2: Featuring Howard Lederer
    World Championship Poker: Featuring Howard Lederer - All In
    World Neverland 2-in-1 Portable
    World of Pool
    World Poker Tour
    World Pool Challenge 2007
    World Series of Poker
    World Series of Poker 2008: Battle for the Bracelets
    World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions
    World Series of Poker: Tournament of Champions, The
    World Snooker Challenge 2005
    World Snooker Challenge 2007
    World Snooker Championship 2007
    World Soccer Winning Eleven 10: Ubiquitous Edition
    World Soccer Winning Eleven 2009
    World Soccer Winning Eleven 9
    World Soccer Winning Eleven 9: Ubiquitous Edition
    World Soccer Winning Eleven Ubiquitous Edition 2008
    World Tour Soccer
    World Tour Soccer 06
    World Tour Soccer 2
    World Tour Soccer: Challenge Edition
    Worldwide Soccer Manager 2007
    Worms: Open Warfare
    Worms: Open Warfare 2
    WRC: FIA World Rally Championship
    WRC: World Rally Championship
    WSC REAL 08: World Snooker Championship
    WSC Real 09: World Championship Snooker
    WTF: Work Time Fun
    WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2009
    WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2006
    WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2007
    WWE SmackDown! vs. RAW 2008
    WWII: Battle Over The Pacific


    X-Men Legends II: Rise of Apocalypse
    X-Men Origins: Wolverine
    XI Coliseum
    Xiaolin Showdown
    Xyanide Resurrection


    Yamasa Digi Portable
    Yamasa Digi Portable: Matsuri no Tatsujin - Win-Chan no Natsumatsuri
    Yarudora Portable: Blood The Last Vampire
    Yarudora Portable: Double Cast
    Yarudora Portable: Kisetsu o Dakishimete
    Yarudora Portable: Sampaguita
    Yarudora Portable: Yukiwari no Hana
    Yggdra Union
    Youkoso Hitsuji-Mura Portable
    Your Memories Off: Girl's Style
    Ys I & II Chronicles
    Ys Seven
    Ys: Napishtim no Hako
    Ys: The Ark of Napishtim
    Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX Tagforce
    Yu-Gi-Oh Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force 2
    Yu-Gi-Oh! Duel Monsters GX: Tag Force 3
    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force
    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX Tag Force 2
    Yu-Gi-Oh! GX: Tag Force 3
    Yumi's Odd Odyssey
    Yuusha 30
    Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida Or 2
    Yuusha no Kuse ni Namaikida.


    Zero Choaniki
    Zero Hour
    Zero Pilot: Daisanji Sekai Taisen 1946
    Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki Ni
    Zero Shiki Kanjou Sentouki Seikuuou
    Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 3
    Zill O'll Infinite Plus


    Hiện giờ vẫn chờ bác Devil cập nhật lại list game, em cũng đang rảnh rỗi, nên mạn phép lập topic này để cập nhật lại list game đã có trong box, em xin đc phép trích dẫn từ nhiều bài viết khác của các bác trong box này. Mong các bác ủng hộ
    List game em lấy từ gamefaqs, sẽ cố gắng chỉnh sửa sớm
  2. hungnq_gz

    hungnq_gz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection

    Genre: Action > Fighting > 3D
    Developer: Namco Bandai Games
    ESRB Rating: T
    GameSpot Score: 9.2 (Editors' Choice)

    Release Data:
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  Namco Bandai Games          ULJS-00048  07/06/06  JP
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  Namco Bandai Games America  ULUS-10139  07/25/06  US
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  SCEE                        UCES-00356  09/15/06  EU
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  Namco Bandai Games                      09/21/06  AU
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  Namco Bandai Games America  ULUS-10139      2007  US
    (Greatest Hits)
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  SCEE                      UCES-00356/P  05/04/07  EU
    Tekken: Dark Resurrection  Namco Bandai Games          ULJS-19013  07/12/07  JP
    (PSP the Best)

  3. Nishino-Cute

    Nishino-Cute ●๋° Dâu Tây 100% °๋●

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    là sao bạn?
    list thì trên kia có 1 cái rồi, game thì của Karjin ^^
  4. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình cũng chỉ muốn tập hợp lại tất cả các link có trên box, những link trong topic request nữa, chắc hơi tham :((
  5. hoang3blc

    hoang3blc ♥ I'm Your SUPE

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hành tinh xxx
    bạn ơi cố gắng lên nha ^^ , mình mong chờ cái này , game trên Psp mình mới biết rất ít thôi
    àh tiện thể bạn cho thêm điểm của gamespot vào luôn nhé , vậy sẽ hay hơn nhiều
  6. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :D Thank bác đã cũng hộ, sẽ tiếp thu ý kiến :)
  7. canchigiaonhieu

    canchigiaonhieu One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Định làm cái này để thay cho cái PSP's games Colection của DevilX à ;;)
  8. Black Tiger 007

    Black Tiger 007 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    link thì khỏi lo , tớ tìm ok , tớ muốn giúp nhưng ko biết làm sao ! :| :P ( ko biết cách để làm sao mà khi bấm vào mấy cái chữ ở list trên kia thì nó ra link game ấy ! )
  9. OmonAyame

    OmonAyame Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Disgaea, HP
    Bạn tô đen cái chữ bạn muốn rồi nhấn biểu tượng[​IMG] paste cái link vào cái box của nó.
  10. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals

    Genre: GT / Street > Driving > Racing
    Developer: Team Fusion
    ESRB Rating: E
    GameSpot Score: 7.9 (Good)

    Release Data:
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  Electronic Arts  ULJM-05008  02/24/05  JP
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  EA Games         ULUS-10007  03/14/05  US
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  Electronic Arts              05/02/05  KO
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  EA Games         ULES-00025  09/01/05  EU
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  EA Games         ULJM-08003  12/01/05  JP
    (PSP The Best) 	
    Need for Speed Underground Rivals  EA Games       ULES-00025/P  06/30/06  EU

  11. myangel!!!

    myangel!!! Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Góp ý chút là ko cần phải post lại hết như vậy đâu bạn !
    Chỉ cần chèn link đến bài viết riêng lẻ đó là được mà ::) , nếu game nào ko ở một bài riêng lẻ thì mới nên post lại cả
    Còn nếu như đã post lại thành từng bài riêng thì nên có thêm nhiều link từ các sever khác nữa .
  12. ngockhanh0990

    ngockhanh0990 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bên topic của Karjn cũng có list mà.. Link từ từ up lên rồi cũng đủ. Bạn tổng hợp thêm 1 lần nữa thì topic có đến 4 chỗ down games lận? topic Request, collection của DevilX, karjin và 1 cái của bạn :-o Chắc hơi nhiều cho 1 box:>
    Mình thấy bạn nên liên lạc với Atachi để thay DevilX làm tiếp cái collection đang đình công vô thời hạn kia thì hay hơn;;)
  13. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :D em cũng mới làm nên chưa cập nhật thêm link server khác nữa, em sẽ cố gắng cập nhật thêm.
  14. rocktrung

    rocktrung Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng
    nhảm ;;)
    sssssssssssssssssss30 kí tự :P
  15. hunggz

    hunggz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Iron Man

    Genre: Action > General
    Developer: Artificial Mind and Movement
    ESRB Rating: E
    GameSpot Score: 4.5 (Poor)

    Release Data:
    Iron Man 	Sega 	ULUS-10347 	05/02/08 	US
    Iron Man 	Sega 	ULES-01071 	05/09/08 	EU
    Iron Man 	Sega 			05/15/08 	AU
  16. hungnq_gz

    hungnq_gz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII

    Genre: Role-Playing > Action RPG
    Developer: Square Enix
    ESRB Rating: T
    GameSpot Score: 9.0 (Editors' Choice)

    Release Data:
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  ULJM-05275  09/13/07  JP
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  ULJM-05254  09/13/07  JP
    (FFVII 10th Anniversary Edition)
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  SCE Korea                10/19/07  KO
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  ULUS-10336  03/24/08  US
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix              06/19/08  AU
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix              06/19/08  AU
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  ULES-01044  06/20/08  EU
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix              06/20/08  EU
    (Limited Edition PSP Pack)
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix  ULES-01044  06/20/08  EU
    (Special Edition)
    Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII  Square Enix              01/27/09  EU
  17. Black Tiger 007

    Black Tiger 007 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cảm ơn nha ! :):) :P :-*:-*
  18. anhduy140891

    anhduy140891 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    PoPoLoCrois Monogatari: Pietro Ouji no Bouken
    Cho em xin link down trò đó vớ nào cũng được miễn còn sống đừng là link rapid nha.Thanks anh.
  19. là lá la la

    là lá la la Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sao lắm topic tổng hợp game thế không biết 8-} tớ thấy topic của karjn ổn mà
  20. Nice_Adidas

    Nice_Adidas Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Trái đất tròn
    Bạn nên ghi thêm thêm thể loại của game đố nữa:):)
    Sao bạn ko có game great battle rome??
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