
Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi Gà Con 1, 25/11/09.

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  1. KungFuDragon

    KungFuDragon Dragon Quest

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    nhìn giáp và ngựa, cùng cả đám quân thấy là nặng vãi rồi:(
  2. hugoking1

    hugoking1 Commander-in-Chief

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    nhiều chi tiết wá, chắc ko dám zoom lại gần luôn
  3. offlinegame

    offlinegame Mario & Luigi

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    bác nào bán đĩa có đĩa rồi Pm em nhé. YH kissofangel2510 :-*:-*:-* . E qua lấy luôn tối nay:D
  4. ThieuLamDatMa

    ThieuLamDatMa The Warrior of Light

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    Manhattan, New Y
    kết hợp giữa RPG và Strategy ,giống kingdom underfire kô nhỉ ?:-/
  5. kid2110

    kid2110 Moderator Moderator

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    link mega1280
    link file
  6. Nickky9x

    Nickky9x Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

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    Đào viên
    Kingdom under fire là 2 gameplay khác nhau mà, tùy map mà real time hay A-RPG ;))
    Tối nay mới dám leech, chứ giờ mà leech mấy thằng đang CF nó đập banh hàng mất.
    Bro nào test rồi cho vài dòng review nào :x
  7. coldsigma

    coldsigma Legend of Zelda

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    không hiểu sao down bản của reloaded về rồi setup đc khoảng 15 giây thì nó báo file bị corrupted, phải dừng :-<, chạy bằng file steambackup ngoài ra thì chẳng thấy file nào để chạy setup nữa :-<
  8. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Wibu Kingdom
    kinh nghiêm cho thấy khả năng giống 2 em
    kessen III
    Rise & Fall Civilizations at War
    Total war là dạng chuẩn của kết hợp TBS/RTS nên chả dính gì thằng này
  9. aramir

    aramir The Chosen Undead Lão Làng GVN

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    Hà Nội
    như thế là cậu chưa xem gameplay trailer rồi, nó cũn có 1 bản đồ chiến thuật lớn, có thành trì, các đạo quân, quản lí tài nguyên và phép thuật, có đồng hồ cát để kết thúc lượt đi. khi đánh nhau thì chuyển sang bản đồ thời gian thực.
  10. ILSATS

    ILSATS Space Marine Doomguy

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    đã xem qua trailer chưa mà phán vậy ? :) xem rồi sẽ biết =) . Gameplay cũng build nhà , nhân vật ngoài world map turn base rồi vào battle thì real time =) nhưng có kết hợp thêm rất nhiều yếu tố RPG chứ ko như Total War , nói cho dễ hình dung thì King Arthur như King's Bounty , Heroes of might and magic , nhưng với battle system của Total War .
  11. offlinegame

    offlinegame Mario & Luigi

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    vẫn chưa có link torrent hả mấy pro %%!
  12. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Wibu Kingdom
    vầy mà nó ghi RPG/Stra:|
    nhưng thế thì lại phiền hà vì mình ghét thể loại binh đao có phép dính vào lắm
    LOTR còn ko buồn sờ vào:|
    p/s: ai vào last đc ko nhẩy mình ko vào đc

    p/s2:vào đc last rồi
    đã có link torrent
    ngoài ra còn 1 trò mới nữa nhưng ko có hình
  13. ILSATS

    ILSATS Space Marine Doomguy

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    mới kiếm được mấy cái 1st impression ở mấy forums nước ngoài , ai quan tâm thì đọc =)
    [spoil]I've been playing a Beta version of this for review (well, it says Beta but I got the download details late on Saturday evening so I'm assuming it's pretty close to the final code if they really are releasing on Tuesday.) Thanks to rvdleun for starting this thread, because without it I would have no idea this game existed.

    Anyway, I've played about 2-3 hours so far and it's pretty cool stuff. You start off down in Cornwall and firstly have to spread your influence over the South of England (it's sorta historical-fantasy so you have ye olde counties in England like Dumnonia sat alongside Dorset and stuff.)

    Objectives so far have been popping up in the form of 'this King is defending his land against an Invader, go side with one of them' - which ultimately results in you taking the province (because everybody is so impressed with your intervention I guess) and an effect on the overall morality of your rule. It seems quite story-lead in that way. Events pop up and you have to deal with them.

    If you help the tyrannical guy, you slide towards tyranny and if you help the rightful ruler you edge closer to being Mr Wonderful King. There's also another axis; Old Faith vs Christianity. As you move in whatever direction it unlocks various skills/spells and troop types. You've probably seen this stuff on the developer videos.

    I've also done one QUEST, which involved healing a dude called Sir Gareth :haw: and getting him to tell me where the Lady of the Lake hangs out these days. These bits operate kind of like a choose-your-own-adventure thing, where you select text options and try to get the result you need (I toddled off into some swamps to find a Druid to cure Gareth and it gave me an OLD FAITH bonus at the end.)

    Uh, what else. There is a lot in this game. As you fight and do stuff, your Knights and their armies get XP - which you can funnel into new spells, or stat bonuses or passive skills like +5% to income from a province or whatever.

    Each turn changes the season and these seem pretty important. In Winter nobody moves, the armies just camp in their tents. This is also when you allocate any XP you have. Summer is the best for military campaigns. Spring is best for quests (for some reason, I dunno why yet really) and in Autumn you do something too (maybe recruit people, I forget sorry.)

    When you move your little hero-and-army dude into an enemy, it's time for some real-time battles hooray. These are a lot like the Total War games. I mean really, a LOT like them. Right down to those little icons popping up on the left-hand side of the screen for 'enemy general captured' and whatnot. The camera controls are also pretty much identical. You can do stuff like hide your guys in woods for an ambush bonus (they get a little icon to show they have this.) Attacking/defending is on a similar rock-paper-scissors thing too (ie; Cavalry beat the crap out of archers), but with the added complication of your Knights being able to kick ass and cast spells. So far I've been able to use Fog of Avalon to, uh, make it really foggy and screw up the range of archers, Cleave which allows my guy to attack four guys at once (hell yeah!) and a few other defensive type things.
    [spoil]One major difference from Total War ... nobody ever runs away. This kinda threw me at first and to be honest it does have the potential to turn things into a bit of a slog-fest. I guess everybody (even footmen) are too noble to run away in Arthurian Britain. Morale still exists, but it seems to affect overall army stamina (which is obviously important during the battle) and maybe a couple of other things. Another downer is that you only really hear BATTLE NOISE when you zoom really close in on a fight - and most of the time you won't be doing that because you'll be wanting a much broader overview. This means that even when all your dudes are fighting, if you're too high up you only have the music and other effects going on which is a bit of a shame.

    You've also got some strategic points of interest dotted around the map like Stone Circles, Cathedrals, Villages and whatnot which give your guys bonuses for that battle (or result in more food being captured if you win etc.) I'm not sure what happens if one side captures ALL of these ... it may be an auto-win, but I've not seen it happen yet. I've always won by killing everybody on the opposing side so far.

    Another slightly weird thing is that on the main overview map, I have two heroes in the same army and can't figure out how to separate them yet. That said, I'm still in a semi-tutorial phase I think ... recruitment and research haven't opened up for me yet, so it's possible I'll be able to split armies once it tells me how to do it.

    Whew, that's kind of a mega-post. In summary I'm having a lot of fun so far! It seems to be delivering on what it promised, with the caveat that the real-time battles are possibly not quite as 'sophisticated' as Total Wars. I think I need more time with those to make a better judgement.

    Edit: oh yeah and the main narrator guy sounds weirdly like British physicist and sometime BBC4 presenter Jim Al-Khalili[/spoil]
    [spoil]Britain is divided up into counties/realms and from the map each minor King seems to own a couple of areas of land. So far I've only gone up against regular troops in various forms (footmen, axemen, spearmen, bowmen and so on - oh, a note on bowmen, they seem very powerful at present.) Looking at the morality chart thing, it's clear that later I'll be able to hire these guys named Seelie (or UnSeelie if you're evil.) Those guys are in the Old Faith column, so I think they're sorta wood spirits/elvish kinda folks? The UnSeelie are those blue-hued thin, spectral figures who've popped up in some of the videos.

    I've not met any Giants or anything like that yet, however the mythology seems to be pointing towards there being more fantastical stuff up in the North (which is obscured for me at the moment) so I think that'll crop up later. I'm still in Chapter 1 (of 4, I believe) - there's an objectives panel where you can check on progress. Most events have two paths which then branch into further objectives and events. I mean, it's a fairly simplistic dichotomy so far (help the good dude or the evil dude) but it may well get more complex. Even if it doesn't, it's still pretty neat.

    As far as PLAYING as different factions goes, I haven't seen that. You can launch a 'scenario' from the main menu, which is basically a Total War quick battle - and there you can choose whatever troops you want. Not sure about doing that on the campaign map though, it always sticks you in Cornwall. Possibly something you can unlock? (I know that you unlock 'very hard' difficulty when you've completed the campaign once.)

    I think I probably need to play more battles to properly answer this. I'm playing on Normal and I've only just reached the point where I think I'll reload and have another shot at the battle (I got pretty wrecked by some powerful Brigand bowmen ) - so I'll try some different tactics and see how it reacts. I've seen it try to sneak some cavalry behind my lines through some trees - and it's happy enough sending units off to try to capture special objective points. When I was shooting arrows into one of its units, they started moving pretty sharpish. So I guess I can say I haven't seen anything utterly boneheaded yet - but nor have I seen anything amazing or really pushed the AI too hard.

    Something I didn't really mention earlier ... performance seems pretty good. I'm playing on an E4500 dual core, 2gig of RAM with an x1950 pro card - on high it stuttered a little, but on medium it was totally fine. I could probably raise a few more details if I wanted to. Loading times between battles take a little while (feels about a minute), but nothing horrific.

    Some other nifty things to do are give captured areas to your Knights (each of whom has different positive and negative traits about how they'll run things) which increases their loyalty. And you can also supposedly marry them off, but I've not had the chance to do that yet.[/spoil]
    [spoil]If you imagine the morality chart like one of these political spectrums: and instead of people's names on there you've got units, spells and general skills - that's what it's like. So, for example, I'm close to unlocking 'Yoemen' at the moment (who are up and to the left a bit) because I've done deeds that have nudged me towards 'Rightful' (upwards) and 'Old Faith' (to the left.)

    The XP you get in battle goes on skills and spells for the specific units and Knights (Heroes) who've fought in the battle. You never actually see 'King Arthur' because he's us, I guess, and does all the guiding of units on the map and whatnot. But you DO see his Knights of the Round Table (of which you can have up to 12 at once.) They lead the armies, show up on the battlefield, govern provinces and all that jazz. You can spend XP on spells or abilities - but yeah, you can buy a spell first and then next level-up buy an ability, it's up to you. Heroes very much show up on the battlefield! They have a little beam of light over them (as seen in the dev videos) so you can keep track of them. They also kick all kinds of ass.

    There's a 'withdraw' button you can use to try to get your guys out of there or disengage from one unit and attack another. It seems sort of hard to tell what units are 'wavering', although if you mouse over it gives stamina/health info and all that. You can also switch to a more detailed breakdown which may well show morale and stuff .. I'll look into that.

    I actually HAVE now seen a few guys run away, but it's sorta weird. Units don't seem to individually go 'uh oh the battles going badly' and bugger off for a bit and then potentially come back. The only time I've seen units flee is when I've basically won, just killed off their Knightly leader and the remaining 6 guys or whatever run off while the victory screen shows up and my dudes start cheering. So it seems like any remnants of units breaking and running is very much an 'end game' for the battles.[/spoil]
    A couple of other things - now I've met the Lady of the Lake, more control options are unlocking. I can split armies up on the map and stuff now, so that's in there. My next task is to 'establish a stronghold' .. so maybe once that's done I'll be into research and recruiting and stuff. It's quite cool how it gradually introduces all this info.

    Haven't played a siege battle yet, sorry. In-battle the units don't have any little voice notifications which is a bit sad On the main campaign map they do, and "yes my lord/my king" is exactly what they say.

    The animations I'd say are passable. When they're marching around all spearmen/whatever are doing an identical 'march' movement. In combat they'll do 'combat' animations, but it's a bit like Total War in the sense that when you get really close you can tell that some guys are just waggling their swords at nothing. The Knight animations are pretty cool - when Sir Balan does his 'cleave' thing it has a special animation.

    To be honest I haven't paid a huge amount of attention to the real close-up animations simply because there isn't a great deal of respite in-battle to start checking out up-close details of your guys (unless everybody is engaged in combat and you have nothing better to do.)

    I think I've finally figured out how Morale works too. There are two bars at the top of the battle screen, which originally I thought were like the Total War 'here's your total unit strength right now' indicators. In fact they represent Morale - and if one bar falls to zero, then everybody runs off and you win/lose. The special battlefield objectives (which are only on some battlefields, it turns out) - as well as giving bonuses - also affect the balance of those Morale bars. So yes, if you capture all of them on a given battlefield I think that'd be an auto-victory.

    I've also just learned how to recruit soldiers from villages and settlements at any time, which is pretty damn helpful.[/spoil]
    Q: "How available is magic during battles? Is there mana which depletes when spells are cast? Or do you get limited uses of each spell per battle? How many hero type characters can you have per army? Is it just the Knight you place in charge, or can you attach other characters too?"

    Yep, that's exactly how the magic works. Each Knight/Hero has an amount of mana (which can be increased or boosted as he earns XP) and each spell has a mana cost. There are a whole bunch of different spells to learn, but each Hero can only take four into battle with him at any one time. Any you take into battle can be cast multiple times if you have the mana for it. The spells tend to have a 'recharge' time though - so you can't just spam Firey Doom all over the place.

    Each army has 16 unit slots and a Knight + his attending unit take up two. So, technically you could have a badass army of 8 Knights and their units with one of them designated as leader. But I think in practical terms that would be unwise! Although you can recruit units at villages and settlements, they don't go anywhere unless they have a Knight to lead them. Given that you seem to need your Knights doing a bunch of different things (protecting your lands, going on quests, attacking other people) it's probably a bit of a waste to not have them leading their own army.

    I think I've kind of screwed myself in the campaign I'm playing. I'm trapped between two Kings who decided to declare war on me (one of them because I didn't send an envoy to bargain for his loyalty in time .. whoops.) Quests are popping up all over the shop that I can't deal with and I'm massively overpowered on two fronts. Time to back up a bit with a reloaded save I think[/spoil]

    GameStar (tạp chí game lớn nhất châu Âu) cũng đã chấm King Arthur 92/100
  14. offlinegame

    offlinegame Mario & Luigi

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    anh nào hảo tâm up cái link torrent đc ko :D . link ko acc càng yêu nhé :D.
  15. Hyunbo

    Hyunbo Red, Pokémon champion Lão Làng GVN

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    Ai chơi chưa nhỉ :@)
    Thix thix cái Total War chắc chiến cái ni dc đa :@)
    Nhìn lính nhoi nhóc cũng vui mắt :">
  16. vietanh797

    vietanh797 †A Faithful Knight† Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Wibu Kingdom
    thể loại no morale này mệt đa
    tưởng thanh bên trên là morale ai dè lại là stamina=((
  17. coldsigma

    coldsigma Legend of Zelda

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    có ai biết cách cài đặt game này không,download về rồi chạy file setup đc 1 lúc thì báo lỗi, lên mấy forum nước ngoài thì nó hướng dẫn dài dòng quá, không biết trong đây đã có ai cài game thành công chưa
  18. vodanh2025

    vodanh2025 Legend of Zelda

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    hun con meo`
    máy bạn có vấn đề chăng . nếu cài đặt khó khăn vậy thì reloaded đã ghi sẵn trong file info đi kèm rồi
  19. coldsigma

    coldsigma Legend of Zelda

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    cái này cài đặt liên quan đến steam, đọc trên mấy forum nước ngoài thì nó nói dùng phoenix để unpack, mình làm theo hướng dẫn rồi mà chẳng thấy nó unpack:-w
  20. vodanh2025

    vodanh2025 Legend of Zelda

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    hun con meo`
    trời . sao game nào giờ cũng steam hết vậy. :(:(:( unpack kiểu này mai mốt sao patch đây
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