Lập shop bán kiếm tiền build deck Phương châm của tui là: "Thuận thì mua, vừa thì bán" nên khỏi trả giá chi cho mất công... Địa điểm giao dịch: Kaffe, 463B/63 CMT8, P13, Q10 Bản đồ: [img width=320 height=120]http://www.kaffe.vn/images/contact/map-large.jpg[/img] Phone: 0166.555.6925 - Quân Sau đây là list: Hàng hot: 2x Mobius the Frost Monarch - 80k/each 1x Caius the Shadow Monarch - 100k 2x Summoner Monk - 80k/each 4x Trap Stun - 20k/each 1x Scapegoat (rare) - 100k 1x Foolisht Burial - 200k 1x Il Blud (Super Rare) - 70k 1x Marshmallon (Secret Rare) - 120k 1x Horus the Black Flame Dragon Lv4 (rare) - 70k 1x Karma Cut - 20k 1x Overdrive Teleporter (Secret Rare) - 150k 1x Pot of Avarice - 80k 3x Compulsory Evacuation Device - 20k/each 1x Elemental Hero - Stratos (rare) - 160k (mint hết hàng) 2x Icarus Attack - 70k/each 1x Goblin Zombie (super rare) - 50k Hàng SD17: Warrior's Strike * SDWS-EN001 Phoenix Gearfried (Ultra Rare) - 50k * SDWS-EN003 Featherizer (Super Rare) -40k * SDWS-EN004 Gemini Soldier (Common) - 30k * SDWS-EN005 Spell Striker (Common) - 30k * SDWS-EN006 Freed the Matchless General (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN007 Marauding Captain (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN008 Exiled Force (Common) x 2 - 10k/each * SDWS-EN009 D.D. Warrior Lady (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN011 Gemini Summoner (Common) - 20k * SDWS-EN012 Blazewing Butterfly (Common) x2 - 10k/each * SDWS-EN013 D.D. Warrior (Common) x2 - 5k/each * SDWS-EN014 Future Samurai (Common) x2 - 10k/each * SDWS-EN015 Field-Commander Rahz (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN016 Dark Valkyria (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN020 Silent Doom (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN021 Hidden Armory (Common) - 50k * SDWS-EN022 Nightmare's Steelcage (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN024 Ekibyo Drakmord (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN025 Reinforcement of the Army (Common) - 20k * SDWS-EN026 Big Bang Shot (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN027 Divine Sword - Phoenix Blade (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN028 Double Summon (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN029 Symbols of Duty (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN030 Swing of Memories (Common) - 20k * SDWS-EN031 Unleash Your Power! (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN033 Kunai with Chain (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN034 Sakuretsu Armor (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN035 Soul Resurrection (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN036 Justi-Break (Common) - 5k * SDWS-EN037 Birthright (Common) - 10k * SDWS-EN038 Gemini Trap Hole (Common) - 5k Hàng 20k: 1x Expressroid (super rare) 1x Saber Beetle (rare) 2x E-Hero Wildheart 1x Old Vindictive Magician 3x D.D Survivor 1x UFO Turtle (rare) 3x The Tricky (rare) 3x Creature Swap 1x Megamorph 3x Hammer Shot 1x Shrink 1x Ojama Trio 1x Smashing Ground 1x Zombie Master 1x Snipe Hunter 3x Scrap-Iron Scarecrow 3x BW - Kalut the Moon Shadow 2x BW - Shura the Blue Flame 3x BW - Sirocco the Dawn 1x The Six Samurai - Zanji 1x The Six Samurai - Yaichi 1x Black Whirlwind 1x Magical Stone Excavation 3x Fissure 1x Macro Cosmos 1x Dimensional Fissure 1x Ultimate Offering 1x Return from D.D 2x Terrafoming 1x Sillva, Warlord of Dark World 1x Spiritual Art - Aoi 1x Spiritual Art - Kurenai Hàng 10k 1x D-Hero Dasher 1x Masked Dragon 1x Dark Verger (rare) 1x Volcanic Queen 1x Koa'ki Meiru Guardian 1x Ko'ki Meiru Doom 1x Supermarineroid 1x The Six Samurai - Nisashin 1x The Six Samurai - yariya 1x Harpie Lady Sisters 1x Harpie 1 1x Harpie 2 1x Harpie 3 1x Superralloy Beast Raptinus 1x Howling Insect 2x Banisher of Radiance 1x Hydrogeddon 2x Book of Life 3x Mystical Space Typhoon 3x Twister 1x Mask of Darkness 1x Gigantes 1x Ceasefire 2x Backup Soldier 2x Just Desserts 3x Quillbolt Hedgehog 1x Alien Dog 2x Twin-headed Behemoth 3x Rush Recklessly 1x Nobleman of crossout 2x Limiter Removal 2x Oveload Fusion 1x Pyramid Turtle 1x Dimensional Alchemist 1x Chain Strike 1x Marauding captain 1x Gravity bind 2x Big Bang Shot 1x Cyber Phoenix 2x Wicked Rebirth Hàng 5k: 1x D - Spirit 1x Rising Energy 1x D - Fortune 1x Destiny Mirage 1x Destiny Signal 1x Trap Jammer 1x Dharc the Dark Charber 1x Fire Trooper 1x Mystic Swordman LV2 1x D-Hero Departed 1x Oxygeddon 1x Emergency Provisions * Ghi chú: Màu đỏ là hàng ngon, xúc ngay kẻo hết
teo up phụ cho , sẵn tiện sửa Marshmallon (Super Rare) , là secrect ko pải super , chơi bao lâu rồi mậy
đối vơí dân chơi real card thì giá đó là bình thường , thậm chí có lá lên tới 1 tr mấy nữa kìa . Card đối với 1 duelist chân chính thì là vô giá , còn với những ai ko bik chơi thì nó chỉ là 1 tờ giấy ko hơn ko kém