Silent tears of the poet

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi logean, 8/12/07.

  1. hanhito

    hanhito The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    *skips any retard* [​IMG]
  2. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sealeap Zack
    pls, in your mindless rambling, stop and think for a while wiwi, there are times and there places for your puerile chatters and this isn't one of them
    there are still more to this box than topics filled with 3-word posts and i thank whoever it is that i should be thanking for that
  3. hanhito

    hanhito The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    *skips any nonsense rambling* [​IMG]
  4. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Field of Blades
    Untitled again...
    As when I'm walking, on my sane road
    Sunlight falls to the wings of crows
    Dark is the morning and the day is cold
    Traces of warmth,bright heart with a sorrow.​
  5. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Field of Blades
    This morning was faking boring,and this poems come from nowhere in my head.%^&%&^
    Beautiful,the heaven blooms
    It's as charming as its mom
    It knows nothing but its gay-form
    That's why it'll meet its doom​
  6. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Field of Blades
    Yet another new poem.Lol lol lol.I don't think it's good.Rotf rotf rotf.But well,I've spent a morning to make this shat.

    On a dark sunshine
    We ride towards the fight
    We bring the pains of our side
    Who's fallen for thousand night

    They've gone forevermore
    We shall fight for the horde
    Camaraderies,be with our sword
    Together,we protect this land...
    ...And our highlord!

    Darkness sprouts more and more
    O mighty god,heed my call
    Please bless this land...And our highlord!

    Let's smile!
    The faith is on our side
    Through fire and blood
    Shall honour arise

    Let's pray!
    We're blessed in our days
    We laugh and fight in bright
    For the light!​
  7. Hurt,Die or ...?

    Hurt,Die or ...? Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    The Breeze of November
    *Boredom is a solitary joy...working out for a proper title*

    You feel a breeze ruffling your hair
    Drawing soft wings behind your back
    Wings that can never fly

    Snuggling in your shell and your eyes close in total dark blue
    Gazing out the window, the city sinks in a grey-white shadow
    The streets become so narrow as you know where they shall end
    Like the lonely coarse wall behind the pane of troubled glasss
    People crossing past, greetings each other with chatters and laughters
    Sounds mix together and have turned to be meaningless
    Dance and blend the colours of life
    Limpid and vivid, darkening your grief.

    You feel a breeze caressing over your skin
    The veil of your hair is winged behind your back
    So heavy, as you want to forsake this body
    or your wings can never fly

    do you want to go ?
    ...simply to escape ?
    An outsider, a loner
    You know you are misplaced in your very own world...
    Even so...

    Have you ever tried spending a while
    Raising upward the soaring, soaring sky
    Have you ever walked to the end of the streets
    where you may find your path leading to another
    Your world is small, but you can never capture this whole world so broad
    Everywhere you can greet strangers with a tender smile
    Amongst the noises, find a voice you know well
    or an old song that was once forgotten, once loved

    Someday, the heaven that you cannot reach
    will breath into you with the fragrance of edenic flowers
    The last remains of the Sun can still golden the scene
    of a bridge over the ocean, bathing in crepuscule wind
    The chimes of clock's bell will brake through the silence
    Sweetening the black Ceylon, having a bitter of chocolate cake
    Forbidden fruits, for your own's sake
    Try a bite

    Someday, gentle arms shall be offered
    Embracing you through the cold moonless night
    Though you can never fly
    As long as someone desires to keep you beside
    For once and ever
    For once and ever
    Though you can never fly

    Sometimes, may you hide from the light
    Lulled in the darkness, your grief, your burden...
    Forgotten in dusk

    Still, when you feel a cool breeze
    You long to be so carefree
    Minding no sorrow, knowing no death
    Exists and vanishes into the depths of hollow
    Also, you realise the truth about living creatures
    those can hardly suffer loneliness
    You know, and you accept
    to fall asleep in eternal harmony

    ~Dedicated to my greatest teachers:
    Mr.Greg Friend, Mrs. Leonie Brewer
    and the British man I may never meet again
    Mr.Christopher Smith
    One more, to the dearest friend that I've never seen in life
    Moley-kun, also in this site​
  8. kurono kei

    kurono kei Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    *skips anything longer than 3 lines* [​IMG]
  9. *Inferno_Kami*

    *Inferno_Kami* Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Field of Blades
    For my future daughter...Well,as a wish...
    For my dear daughter

    Dear little,are you my cotter
    The light of my night,the sun of winter?
    Now I daringly ask,are you a
    Masterpiece of clumsy writer

    You'll appear with a fragile window
    Black stream,and drowning rose
    Blazing heart,when the will is cold
    Cherry smile,with no sorrow

    I won't let you touch the sky
    Nor let you freely fly
    But let you into its minds
    Teach you how to live,not the life

    Have you prepared,my little moonshine?
    I'm ready to be on your tide
    To light the torch and lead you through long night
    Until you find your delight

    ...My little daughter.In the day you're born,I'll pray for your future. Even if I have to spend all my will,my mind,my treasure or my mortal body fon it,I'll be happy to do so...
  10. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Re-re-reopened a poetry thread for anyone who's into this marvelous art

    "A poet looks at the world somewhat as a man looks at a woman" Wallace Stevens Opus Posthumous (1955) "Adagia"

    Pen-name: Lucius
    Favourite material: melancholy, pessimism, betrayals, sins and dying unrequited love.
    Inspiration: melodramatic mangas, Nightwish, ballads and booze. Of course, not to mention my Long Lost Love.

    A dream of tomorrow

    Lay down to sleep, no one beside
    An emptiness refills tonight
    Will tomorrow be, like my dream?
    Of a dark field can turn ever green
    As sorrow shall fade away in the light
    Or will I die, still alone in this fight?
    An hour was short, yet extended
    The sadness I tried to hold, so condensed
    A dirge I heard, composed by my heart
    About my dream of tomorrow, the end of sorrow
    The children will be fed, I pray
    And the strays have found their place to stay
    Love will be resurrected, from the grave
    To give this world hope, one more day​
  11. cruelshade

    cruelshade Garena VN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ngày hôm qua
  12. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    should you merge it for me or just leave this thread be ... temporary ?
  13. Isara

    Isara T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Can't you just simplify it into a less-than-6-lines-one :-?
  14. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    the exit is over there, thanks for coming :)
  15. CRIME

    CRIME Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lefthander Co.
    Really like the idea, keep it up, kay? ::)
    You know, we could do that. But there's something here that no one could simplify anymore anyhow, your brain ::)
  16. cruelshade

    cruelshade Garena VN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ngày hôm qua
    Damn... i've merged at least 3 of your topics
  17. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    thanks cruel

    and the rule for this thread has been posted on the 1st page, anyone who's interested in putting down some words from your soul pls at least take a look at it.

    One of my latest work, as you have known my poem is usually an embodiment of melancholy, as it fuels my inspiration.

    Somebody, somebody

    I’m praying for the unlock
    Of the door that no one knock
    I’m praying for someone to come
    Because my heart is so lonesome

    Thus it’s uncertain

    To my room it’s so small
    That nobody is proud to show
    Please open that dusted door
    Take me out from this dark place to the shore

    I’m unsure

    For many times I tried
    But no one was with me to fight
    Now I’m waiting for somebody
    That may also feel lonely

    Oh Lord
    I’m living on the prayer
    I’m desperate to be saved
    By a gentle kiss on my teary cheeks
    To bring the light I always seek
    Someone to share with me the song
    Before my weary breath will soon be gone​
  18. Black_Sabbath

    Black_Sabbath Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hinagiku FC
    Yay! Finally we have a place exclusively for literature!:D
    Let's see...Melancholy, eh? Here's one! It's actually a song which I wrote long ago. I was and am still not very good at playing with words and uncertain about their rules, but anyway...From one of my moments of despair...


    Whirling now in my head
    My distant memories
    Of a time we once had
    Of the days we used to spend.

    Feeling cold within my heart
    Darkness grows within my soul
    In this game we call life
    It's filled with pain and with lies
    Everything began to change
    When I stepped into this mess.

    The present's by my side
    The past is all behind
    Is my future still alive?
    Or it's faded into the night?

    Born in hate and agony
    Growing in sins and in fear
    What I've seen all this time
    What I've felt are all the same
    A huge wall 'round my heart
    When will it return to dust?

    Now the world I know about
    Feels like spinning all around
    Hear this great melancholy
    Hear this song of agony.

  19. logean

    logean C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    One can't ask to forever rest
    Without giving what of the dearest
    And will it be peace in the end ?
    Or just the lament of agony and pain ?

    But rest assure, you're not alone
    Your tears of silence are verse for my song
    This life and this strife, we all share
    Even the world have nothing to spare

    Now when your soul come so close to mine
    Should you be afraid, this passion is divine
    Through the flame of this dying world, here we are
    In grief we unite, this is our garden of the stars
    But will you ever find someone to believe ?
    Or afraid of living, your faith bereave ? ​
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 26/3/10
  20. Black_Sabbath

    Black_Sabbath Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hinagiku FC

    Coming from below,
    Rising high above,
    Darkness overflows.

    It enters our hearts
    To approach our souls.
    Then it firmly grows
    And begins to hurt.

    It starts with a search
    For the first bright light.
    The light cannot hide
    That's why it is caught.

    Darkness's like a god
    With a lot of pain.
    It wants to make rains
    To carry the hurt.

    Dashing from the first,
    Rushing to others,
    Over and over,
    It's covered with hate.

    Never being late,
    Never being liked,
    Never having fear,
    Darkness never leaves.

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