Topic chia sẻ và tổng hợp ,trao đổi objects cho The sims 3(update hàng ngày)

Thảo luận trong 'The Sims' bắt đầu bởi Tehmango, 5/6/09.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. Tehmango

    Tehmango .:♫♥

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xa lắm........
    cái này người tạo ra nói dùng cho skill này ,mình chưa thử nên ko rõ nữa :|
    Từ 1.8/2.3 trở về sau ko dùng được đồ của TS3 store dưới dạng sims3pack :)
  2. freeman2008

    freeman2008 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Từ 1.8/2.3 trở về sau ko dùng được đồ của TS3 store dưới dạng sims3pack :)

    Cảm ơn bạn rất nhiều nhé ! cho mình hỏi thêm, vậy mình có thể dùng được file .package được không ? mình làm đủ chiêu trên này hết roài mà hem dc, mình cũng có xem qua hướng dẫn của bạn ở trang đầu và download file nén của bạn nhưng extract file thì chỉ có 2 file .dbc file kia bị error roài :-< thiệt tình không biết làm cách nào để install objects với version 3.1 nữa :(( Rất mong nhận dc sự giúp đỡ của bạn !thấy obj mấy bạn up lên đây đẹp wa' ko cầm lòng dc .... :((
  3. Tehmango

    Tehmango .:♫♥

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xa lắm........
    bạn có để nó đúng chỗ cài đặt game ko ,nhớ là không phải trong my docs đâu nhé
    Tên folder bạn tạo có đúng ko
    Bạn đã bỏ file resource vào chưa :)

    The StoryProgression - Phase Four (Updated 18-MAR-2010)

    Nguồn tscexchange

    Nếu dùng awesome mod thì nên disable AM trước

    Click lên nhà của sim
    Allow Aging
    Hệ thống sẽ tính tuổi sim bạn
    Mặc định : True
    Allow Breakup
    Cho phép sim trong nhà chia tay hay li dị
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Careers
    Cho phép sim tìm việc hay nghỉ hưu khi sim già đi
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Friendship
    Giúp sim làm bạn với sim khác hay thành kẻ thù của sim khác
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Inventory Management
    Sim có thể bán đồ trong ba lô hay ko
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Money
    Nhà đó có thể bị mắc nợ hay khônh
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Move
    Thành viên trong nhà có thể dọn ra hay nhập nhà.
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Personality
    cho phép thành viên trong gia đình tham gia vào cốt truyện hay không
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Pregnancy
    Cho phép sim có quyền mang thai hay ko
    Mặc định: True
    Allow Romance
    Cho phép sim có thể tán tỉnh sim khác hay kết hôn hay không
    Mặc định: True
    Khi chọn active household thì nhà đó sẽ ảnh hưởng tới các nhà khác trong thị trấn
    Mặc định: False
    Hiển thị số tiền nợ của nhà đó
    Default: 0
    Force Stories
    Hiển thị bất cứ câu chuyện nào liên quan tới căn nhà đó
    Mặc định: False
    Household Name Change
    Cho phép nhà có thể đổi tên hay không
    Mặc định: True
    Legacy Marriage Name
    Khii được bật thì họ của sim trong nhà sẽ được chọn làm họ của sim kia khi kết hôn
    Mặc định: False
    Retain Dreams And Opportunities
    Cho phép save các wants , opp của sim trong nhà
    Mặc định: False
    Dừng tất cả những quá trình của sim trong thị trấn tác động lên các sim trong nhà.
    Mặc định: False

    Options của game
    Adjust Speed
    Điều chỉnh tốc độ chu kì cho game
    Mặc định: Default
    Enable EA Testing Cheats
    Bật cài này thì cheat "enabletestingcheats" sẽ được bật
    Mặc định: True
    Enable Progression
    Bật quá trình phát triển tuổi của thị trấn trong game
    Mặc định: False
    Export Settings
    Cho phép người chơi có thể save option hiện tại và áp dụng cho thị trấn khác
    Import Settings
    Nhập option đã export
    Total Reset
    Reset trở lại mặc định cho mod
    Mặc định: False
    Show Debugging
    Bật debug
    Mặc định: False
    Dùng cái này để thay đổi các lựa chọn khác
    Mặc định: All

    Lựa chọn trong việc làm

    Active Assign School
    Khi bật,các sim trong nhà sẽ đi học
    Mặc định: False

    Assign School Minimum Net Worth
    Xác định số tiền ít nhất cần cho sim đi học ở tr` đặc biệt
    Mặc định: 100000

    Auto Assign School
    Khi bật,các teen sẽ được học ở tr` đặc biệt ( cần Careers Mod)
    Mặc định: True
    Auto Find Job
    Khi được bật,sim sẽ được cho trait nào đó hay có lìetime want liên quan tới 1 nghề nào đó
    Mặc định: True
    Auto Tones For Active
    Khi được bật,sim bạn đang điều khiển sẽ được chọn cách làm việc phù hợp với trait đã cho
    Mặc định: True
    Auto Tones For Inactive
    Khi được bật,sim bạn ko điều khiển sẽ được chọn cách làm việc phù hợp với trait đã cho
    Mặc định: True
    Campaign Mooch Maximum
    Specifies the maximum amount of simoleons a politician can mooch from a sim in a single scenario
    Default: 10000
    Chance of Retirement
    Determines the random chance that a sim will retire when they age into an elder
    Default: 50
    Hidden by: Retire Elders At Maximum Level = True
    Change Work Clothes
    Changes the work clothes of inactive sims using trait scoring
    Default: True
    Force Change Work Clothes
    When enabled, all sims are switched out of work clothes, regardless of trait-wise scoring
    Default: False
    Homework Completion
    Determines the amount of homework to complete for inactive sims
    Default: 50
    Immigration Pressure
    Specifies the amount of pressure to apply for each job missing a boss
    Job Difficulty Scale
    When increased, inactive sims will ascend slower in their careers
    Default: 1
    Manage Bosses
    When enabled, the system will reassign bosses based on job level, rather than the random EA approaches
    Default: True
    Manage Coworker
    When enabled, the system will assign coworkers to inactive sims who normally don't receive them
    Default: True
    Meet Coworkers Immediately
    When enabled, coworkers at work at met immediately, bypassing the "Meet Coworkers" tone entirely
    Default: True
    Only Chat Tones for Active
    When enabled, only the "Meet" and "Chat" tones will be used for active sims while at work/school
    Default: True
    Private School Fee
    Applies a fee for all sims attending a non-EA school, paid on each cycle of this manager
    Default: 0
    Prompt For Inactive Branching
    When enabled, the user is prompted whenever a story-level sim reaches a branch in their career
    Default: False
    Push Teenage Jobs
    When disabled, the progression will no longer auto-assign teenagers to part-time jobs
    Default: True
    Retire Elders At Maximum Level
    When enabled, elders are retired once they reach maximum career level
    Default: False
    Show Carpool Messages
    When enabled, the system will display carpool notifications for the active sims
    Default: True
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 500
    Determines for which sims you will receive career stories, such as new jobs, promotions, demotions, firings
    Default: All
    Stop Raises at Top Career Level
    When enabled, job performance is stopped for sims once they reach their maximum career level
    Default: False
    Update Inactive Performance
    Whether to calculate job performance for inactive sims

    Options: Deaths
    Cleanup Service NPCs
    When enabled, the system will clear out old and improperly aged who have no relationship with any resident
    Default: True
    When enabled, the last sim on a lot will transfer their final net worth to their children
    Default: True
    Mark as EA Protected
    When enabled, all sims that die will leave a gravestone
    Default: False
    Propagate Mourn Moodlet on Death
    When enabled, the mourn moodlet is propagated to all closely related relatives
    Default: True
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Determines for which sims you will receive death notification

    Options: Flirt
    Allow Adult with Elder
    When disabled, the progression will no longer match Adult and Elders together
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Allow Flirts = False
    Allow Existing Flirts
    Whether to perform flirts between sims who already know each other
    Default: True
    Allow Flirts
    Whether to allow flirting scenarios between strangers
    Default: True
    Allow Service NPCs
    Whether to allow flirting with the service NPC population and residents
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Allow Flirts = False
    Allow Tourist
    Whether to allow flirting with the tourist population
    Default: False
    Hidden By: Allow Flirts = False
    Allow YA with Elder
    When disabled, the progression will no longer match Young Adult and Elders together
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Allow Flirts = False
    Chance of Gay Sim
    The random chance that a newly aged teenage will choose to be gay
    Default: 1
    Cooldown Between Partners
    Specifies the number of days to wait between breaking up and initiating a new flirt
    Default: 3
    Immigration Pressure
    Determines the amount of pressure incurred for each unsuccessful flirt attempt
    Default: 10
    Maximum Allowed Per Sim
    Determines the maximum number of romantic interests a single sim can have at any one time
    Default: 0
    Hidden By: Allow Flirts = False
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 300
    Determines which sims you will receive notice regarding flirting
    Default: All

    Options: Friendships
    Allow Enemy Making
    When enabled, the manager is allowed to negatively impact relationships
    Default: True
    Allow Friend Making
    When enabled, the manager is allowed to positively impact relationships
    Default: True
    Allow Service NPCs
    Whether to include the Service sim in the friend/enemy pool
    Default: True
    Allow Tourist
    Whether to allow friendship scenarios with the tourist population
    Default: False
    Allow Unpopularity
    When enabled, the manager is allowed to reduce distant friends relationships
    Default: True
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 300
    Determines which sims you will receive notifications on new friends or enemies
    Default: All

    Options: Households
    Allow CAS Seed Money
    When disabled, new CAS created household will start with no family funds
    Default: True
    Allow Homeless Move In
    When enabled, sims that end up in the homeless bin will move into town, otherwise they will be run out of town permanently
    Default: False
    Hidden By: Manage Homeless = False
    Allow Teen-Teen Move
    When enabled, teens can move into the same house.
    This option makes teenagers equivalent with adults in the eyes of Story Progression for various non-romance related scenarios
    Default: False
    Broken Home Move
    When enabled, sims who live with people they dislike will attempt to find a new home to live
    Default: True
    Cooldown Between Moves
    Specifies the number of days to wait after moving to a new household before considering another move
    Default: 5
    Homeless Require Inspection
    When enabled, homeless sims are required to pass home inspection prior to moving into a home
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Allow Homeless Move In = False
    Hidden By: Manage Homeless = False
    Maximum Size
    Allows you to specify the maximum number of sims allowed in a household. When Awesome is installed and "AllowOverstuffedHouses" is enabled, you can specify greater than 8.
    Default: 8
    Out Of Nest Gate:
    Specifies the minimum number of sims required in a family to initiate a "Out of Nest" scenario
    Default: 7
    Reaper Move In
    Allows the Reaper to move into the neighborhood
    Default: False
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 1000
    Determines which households you will hear have merged or split
    Stories: All

    Options: Lots
    Add Interactions
    When disabled, the "Story Progression" menu on each lot is hidden
    Default: True
    Automatic Clean
    Performs an automatic cleanup every 15 sim-minutes on the active household
    Default: False
    Chance of Bin Offspring
    Determines the random chance the genetic parent of a new immigrant will be a sim from the Export Bin
    Default: 50
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Chance of Random Offspring
    Determines the random chance the genetic parent of a new immigrant will be a sim created via EA random generation
    Default: 10
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Cleanup Duplicate Library Books
    When enabled, the system removes redundant book copies from all commercial lots
    Default: False
    Emigration Ratio
    Specifies the necessary Debt to Asset ratio to attempt an "Emigration" scenario. "0" can be set to disable the scenario entirely
    Default: 0
    Equal Chance to All Bin Sims
    When disabled, the system randomly chooses a bin household, and then random chooses a sim from that household as a immigrant genetic donor
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Home Inspection Crib Count
    When enabled, "Rigorous Home Inspection" checks whether there are sufficient cribs to hold all babies/toddlers in the family
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Rigorous Home Inspection = False
    Homeless Require Inspection
    When enabled, "Rigorous Home Inspection" is applied to all potential homes for homeless sims
    Immigration Gauge
    The amount of pressure that must be reached to force a new immigrant to appear in town
    Default: 0
    Immigrant Name
    Determines how the last name of new immigrants will be assigned
    Default: Female-Male
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Move in Starting Fund Percent
    The percent of the remaining cash from the source households that is gifted to the new household
    Default: 10
    Random Immigration Pressure
    Specifies a random value added to the immigration pressure once each cycle
    Default: 0
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Random Sim Fitness Range
    The range a "EA Random Sim" is allowed to have for fitness
    Default: "0 : 1"
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Random Sim Weight Range
    The range a "EA Random Sim" is allowed to have for weight
    Default: "-1 : 1"
    Hidden By: Immigration Gauge <= 0
    Remove Zero Value Books
    When enabled, books of zero value are deleted from the shelves of all residential lots
    Default: False
    Repopulate Empty Library Shelves
    When enabled, empty library shelves are restocked with their appropriate book type
    Default: True
    Rigorous Home Inspection
    When enabled, the progression will not move a family into a house with not enough beds
    Default: True
    Show Map Tags
    Specifies which households to display the lot tag while in the Map View
    Default: None
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 1000
    Determines for which sims you will hear about new home purchases
    Stories: All

    Options: Money
    Active Debt Paydown
    The amount of money added to each bill, if the active household has a town debt
    Default: 1000
    Automatic Active Billing
    When enabled, the active household works the same as the inactive and have their bills paid automatically
    Default: False
    Child Support for Teenagers
    When enabled, the manager pays out child support for teenage children
    Default: True
    Hidden By: Child Support Payment <= 0
    Child Support Payment
    Specifies the daily amount paid to children not living with a sim
    Default: 100
    Child Support Rich Multiple
    Specifies the multiple to increase child support when the sim is considered to be "Rich"
    Default: 5
    Hidden By: Child Support Payment <= 0
    Debt Mooch Ratio
    Specifies the minimum Debt to Asset ratio required to initiate a "Debt Mooch" scenario
    Default: 25
    Debt Move Ratio
    Specifies the minimum Debt to Asset ratio required to initiate a "Debt Move" scenario
    Default: 50
    Debt Split Ratio
    Specifies the minimum Debt to Asset ratio required to initiate a "Debt Split" scenario
    Default: 100
    Handle Inactive Deeds
    When enabled, the manager will collect money on deeds left in an inactive sim's inventory
    Default: True
    Harvest Crops
    When enabled, properly scoring sims are pushed to harvest any crops on their home-lot
    Default: True
    Sell Duplicate Residential Books
    When enabled, duplicate books on residential which have value are automatically sold
    Default: False
    Sell Fishing Junk
    When enabled, the system will sell junk normally collected during fish, found in the sim's personal inventory
    Default: True
    Sell Inventory Fish
    When enabled, the system will sell fish found in the sim's personal inventory
    Default: False
    Sell Inventory Fruits and Vegetables
    When enabled, the system will sell fruits and vegetables found in the sim's personal inventory
    Default: False
    Show All Child Support Stories
    When enabled, the manager fires a story for each sim paying child support
    Default: True
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 1000
    Determines for which sims you will hear about new home purchases
    Default: All
    Unified Billing
    When enabled, the manager will bill all inactive households, incurring debt if they are unable to pay
    Default: True
    Vacation Fee
    Specifies an amount withdrawn from the active households funds whilst on vacation
    Default: 0
    Wealth Move Ratio
    Specifies the Cash to Net Worth ratio required to initiate a "Wealth Move" scenario
    Default: 50
    Options: Personalities
    Allow Service NPCs
    Whether to allow service sims to participate during personality scenarios. This does not allow them to be town personalities themselves
    Default: True
    Determines for which sims you will hear about the antics of the local town personalities
    Default: All

    Options: Town Bike
    Allow All Genders
    when enabled, males are eligible for the position
    Default: False
    Allow Teen
    when enabled, teenagers are eligible for the position
    Default: False
    Enable Progression
    When enabled, this personality is progressed each cycle
    Default: True
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Canoodle
    The relative chance that the bike will initiate a mass flirt spree
    Default: 50
    Weight: Cohesion
    The relative chance that the bike haters will improve relationship with each other
    Default: 30
    Weight: Dislike
    The relative chance that a new bike hater will spontaneously arise
    Default: 30
    Weight: Victimize
    The relative chance that the bike will attempt to break up a partnership
    Default: 10

    Options: Town Brat
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    Mooch Maximum
    Specifies the maximum amount of simoleons a brat can take during a Mooch scenario
    Default: 20
    Steal Maximum
    Specifies the maximum value of the object stolen during a Steal scenario
    Default: 100
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Cohesion
    The relative chance of parents affected by the brat improving relationship
    Default: 30
    Weight: Derision
    The relative chance of a parent taking offense to the parenting skills behind the brat
    Default: 20
    Weight: Mooch
    The relative chance of a brat taking another child's money
    Default: 10
    Weight: Steal
    The relative chance of a brat swiping something from someone's home (the item is returned automatically)
    Default: 10
    Weight: Tease
    The relative chance of a brat teasing another child
    Default: 10

    Options: Town Casanova
    Allow All Genders
    when enabled, females are eligible for the position
    Default: False
    Allow Teen
    when enabled, teenagers are eligible for the position
    Default: False
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Canoodle
    The relative chance that the casanova will engage in a flirt spree within his harem
    Default: 10
    Weight: Derision
    The relative chance that the followers of the casanova will engage in jealous rage
    Default: 30
    Weight: Woo
    The relative chance that the casanova will add a new sim to his harem
    Default: 30
    Weight: Worship
    The relative chance that a new sim will spontaneously add themselves to the casanova's harem
    Default: 30

    Options: Town Loon
    Allow Teen
    When enabled, teenagers are eligible for the position
    Default: True
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    Give Away Maximum
    The maximum amount of cash on hand that the loon can allowed to spend during a "Give Away" scenario
    Default: 100
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Antagonize
    The relative chance that a follower of the loon will do something stupid
    Default: 10
    Weight: Cohesion
    The relative chance that followers of the loon will improve relationship with each other
    Default: 20
    Weight: Give Away
    The relative chance that a loon will simply hand out free money to someone
    Default: 10
    Weight: Recruit
    The relative chance that a new follower of the loon will spontaneously arise
    Default: 30

    Options: Town Mooch
    Allow Teen
    When enabled, teenagers are eligible for the position
    Default: True
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    Large Mooch Maximum
    The maximum amount of simoleons a sim can mooch during a "Large Mooch" scenario
    Default: 10000
    Large Mooch Minimum
    The minimum amount of simoleons a sim can mooch during a "Large Mooch" scenario
    Default: 1000
    Small Mooch Maximum
    The maximum amount of simoleons a sim can mooch during a "Small Mooch" scenario
    Default: 200
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Big Mooch
    The relative chance that a mooch will perform a large scale mooch
    Default: 10
    Weight: Cohesion
    The relative chance that two mooch followers will improve in relationship
    Default: 20
    Weight: Derision
    The relative chance that someone will take offense to mooch life-style
    Default: 30
    Weight: Mooch
    The relative chance that a mooch will perform a drive-by mooch
    Default: 30
    Weight: Recruit
    The relative chance that a new follower will start following in the ways of the Mooch
    Default: 30

    Options: Town Thug
    Allow Teen
    When enabled, teenagers are eligible for the position
    Default: False
    Increased Chance Per Cycle
    The added chance, each cycle, that an event will occur
    Default: 10
    Mooch Maximum
    The maximum amount a thug is allowed to pocket from another sim during a Mooch scenario
    Default: 1000
    The speed at which this personality cycles, in sim-minutes
    Default: 250
    Weight: Antagonize
    The relative chance that a follower of the thug will antagonize someone
    Default: 20
    Weight: Attraction
    The relative chance that a swooner will flirt with the thug
    Default: 30
    Weight: Cohesion
    The relative chance that followers of the thug will improve relationship with each other
    Default: 20
    Weight: Impress
    The relative chance that the thug will change the traits on one of his followers
    Default: 10
    Weight: Mooch
    The relative chance that the thug will shake down another sim for cash
    Default: 30
    Weight: Recruit
    The relative chance that a new follower will be spontaneously added to the gang
    Default: 60
    Weight: Victimize
    The relative chance that the thug will engage in thuggery
    Default: 30

    Options: Pregnancy
    Allow Male Pregnancy
    When enabled, males are included in the pregnancy pool
    Default: False
    Allow Same Sex
    When enabled, same sex sims are allowed to impregnate each other
    Default: True
    Allow Steady
    When enabled, pregnancies among non-married, but partnered sims can occur
    Default: True
    Allow Teen
    Enables unexpected teen pregnancy.
    Default: False
    Allow Teen to Adult
    Enables teen pregnancy between a teen and adult couple.
    Default: False
    Hidden By: Allow Teen = False
    Base Number of Children
    Specifies the standard number of children that parents should strive for. Various sim traits will adjust this value up or down.
    Default: 2
    Chance of Attempt
    Determines the random chance each cycle of a married couple trying for a baby.
    This value automatically increases if the town is in danger of ghosting
    Default: 30
    Chance of Unexpected
    Determines the random chance that a flirt update will spawn a pregnancy
    Default: 5
    Cooldown: Between Pregnancies
    The number of days to wait before a sim is eligible for another expected pregnancy
    Default: 3
    Cooldown: Marriage to Pregnancy
    The number of days to wait after marriage before a sim is eligible for an expected pregnancy
    Default: 3
    Genetic Skin Blending
    As seen in Awesome, this will enable an improved approach to inherited skin tones, over the EAxian approach
    Default: True
    Immigration Pressure
    The amount of pressure incurred when the manager is unable to find a pregnancy choice
    Default: 10
    Maximum Number of Children
    Determines the maximum number of planned children a sim can have. This does not stop unexpected pregnancies from occurring.
    Default: 0
    Maximum Residents
    Specifies a cap on the number of residents in town. Once reached, progression will no long push new pregnancies
    Default: 150
    Meet All Family At Birth
    When enabled, each newborn immediately opens a relationship with all closely-related relatives in town
    Default: False
    Newborn Gender
    Specifies what gender the first child of a pregnancy will be. The second or third gender will be random.
    Default: Either
    Newborn Last Name
    Specifies which name to give a newborn
    Default: Mother
    Hidden By: Rename Newborns = False
    Normal Baby Aging
    When enabled, the manager sets all newborn ages to 0, and bypasses the EA method of setting inactive babies to grow up in a single day
    Default: True
    One Of Each Gender
    When enabled, the system selects the gender of the next pregnancy based to give each couple at least one of each gender
    Default: False
    Random Genders for Twins/Triplets
    When enabled, the system will automatically lock in the gender of the first twin or triplet, allowing the user to govern the others via Apples or Watermelons.
    Default: True
    Rename Newborns
    When enabled, any newborn matching the pregnancy story level will prompt the user for a new name
    Default: False
    Same Sex Same Gender
    When enabled, newborns born to same sex couples will have the same sex as the parents (not applicable to twin/triplets)
    Default: False
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 500
    Determines which sims you receive notification of new births
    Default: All

    Options: Romance
    Affair Chance
    Determines the random chance that a sim will hook up with a partnered sim. This value is adjusted by trait-scoring.
    Default: 10
    Allow Steady Adults
    When disabled, adults will not go steady
    Default: True
    Allow Steady Teens
    When disabled, teenagers will not go steady
    Default: True
    Allow Teen Marriage
    When enabled, the progression can push a Marriage scenario on steady teenagers
    Default: False
    Cheat Discovery Chance
    Determines the random chance that an affair will be discovered. This value is adjusted by trait-scoring on all involved parties
    Default: 10
    Cooldown: Partner to Breakup
    The number of days to wait before a steady couple have the risk of breaking up
    Default: 2
    Cooldown: Partner to Marriage
    The number of days to wait after becomes steady to propose marriage
    Default: 4
    Partnership Liking Gate
    Determines the minimum required relationship level to initiate a partnership
    Default: 40
    Marriage Name
    Determines the method that newlyweds are named. Both will create a hyphenated name.
    Default: Female-Male
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 300
    Determines which sims you will receive notice regarding marriage
    Default: All

    Options: Scenario
    (There are no end-user options for this manager)

    Options: Sims
    Add Interactions
    When enabled, the "Story Progression" menu is added to each Sim
    Default: True
    Add Missing Traits
    Whether to check all sims and ensure they have the proper number of traits for their age
    Default: False
    Immigration Pressure
    Specifies the amount of pressure to apply for when the generational demographics of the town are unbalanced
    Default: 10
    Inherit Voice
    Performs a genetic inheritance on the voice of a children
    Default: True
    Non-Cycle Sim Update
    When enabled, time sensitve data will be updated every ten sim-minutes
    Default: True
    Progress NPCs in Active Household
    When enabled, the system is allowed to progress active sims marked as "Unselectable"
    Default: True
    Put Away Inventory Books
    When enabled, sims put away books in their inventory
    Default: True
    Remove Starting Dreams
    Sets the number of dreams to automatically remove upon switching to a new household
    Default: 0
    Set Inactive LTW on Age Up
    When enabled, inactive sims will automatically be provided a lifetime want
    Default: True
    Show Map Tags
    When enabled, the town view will display map tags for all sims matching the specified criteria
    Default: None
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 500
    Determines which sims you will receive aging notifications
    Default: All
    TS2 Style Aging
    When enabled, only the sims in active household will age
    Default: False

    Options: Situations
    Allow Go To Jail
    When enabled, the system is allowed to send sims to jail
    Default: True
    Allow Push Service Sims
    When enabled, the system is allowed to push service sims during scenarios
    Default: False
    Campaign Gathering Chance
    Specifies the chance each cycle of a Campaign Gathering scenario firing
    Default: 10
    Family Gathering Chance
    Specifies the chance each cycle of a Family Gathering scenario firing
    Default: 10
    Family Visitor Chance
    Specifies the chance each cycle of a Family Visitor scenario firing
    Default: 20
    Friendly Outing Chance
    Specifies the chance each cycle of a Friendly Outing scenario firing
    Default: 20
    Friendly Visitor Chance
    Specifies the chance each cycle of a Friendly Visitor scenario firing
    Default: 20
    Funeral Gathering
    When enabled, the system allowed to call funeral gatherings when a sim passes on
    Default: True
    Marriage Gathering
    When enabled, the system allowed to call marriage gatherings when two sims are wed
    Default: True
    Maximum Gather Size
    Specifies the maximum number of sims to call for a gathering scenario
    Default: 10
    Push Play Concert
    When enabled, inactive sims which require to play concerts for work are pushed to do so
    Default: True
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 1000
    Determines which sims you will receive aging notifications
    Default: All
    Work Push
    When enabled, the progression checks every hour and pushes inactive sims to work if they are dilly dallying
    Default: True
    Work Push Active Sims
    When enabled, the progression pushes active sims to work if they are being tardy
    Default: False

    Options: Skills
    Allow Free
    When disabled, the EAxian system of granting skills with promotions and aging up will be turned off
    Default: False
    Allow Party Guitar
    When disabled, the system will stop sims from playing guitars at parties
    Default: False
    Randomize Guitar Songs
    When enabled, the system will randomly choose a song from the sims play list, rather than playing the top-level song every time.
    Default: True
    Determines which sims you will receive skill improvement notifications
    Default: All

    Options: Stories
    Allow Service NPCs
    Whether to display stories containing service NPCs
    Default: True
    Enable Notifications
    Enables or disables all story notification
    Default: True
    Show Active in Summary
    When enabled, stories on active sims are include in the story summary
    Default: True
    Show Story Summary
    Specifies the number of stories to summarize and display as a single notification
    Default: 20
    Show Whole Household
    When enabled, stories are displayed for all sims in a household if one sim matches the criteria
    Default: False
    Determines how often the manager performs a cycle in sim-minutes
    Default: 10

    Available Story-Level Options:
    All residents in the town
    Blood related family
    Blood and Related
    Both Blood related and significant friends
    Significant friends
    Turns off stories

    Rather than having to traverse the menu more than once, you may select multiple options at the same time. You will then be prompted to enter each individually.
    Meet The Managers, here is a list of the top-level scenarios run by each manager:

    Active Tones
    Changes the career tones for active sims based on trait-scoring
    Campaign Mooch
    Pushes politicians to hit up local residents for campaign contributions
    Fired Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is fired
    Find Job
    Pushes unemployed sims to get trait-scored jobs
    Demoted Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is demoted
    Hired Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is hired
    Inactive Tones
    Changes the career tones for inactive sims based on trait-scoring
    Init Career Sim Data
    Performs initialization of various career data on load-up
    Job Performance
    Updates the job/school performance for inactive sims
    New Boss
    Handles bosses for inactive sims, ensuring they are valid
    New Coworker
    Handles coworkers for inactive sims, ensuring they are valid
    Promoted Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is promoted
    Retired Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is retired
    This scenario also handles setting the "Retired" career
    Scheduled Assign School
    Assigns schools to the children
    School Fees
    Pushes sims to pay their school fees
    Work Outfits
    Pushes sims to change out of their work outfits

    Died Notification
    Posts a story when a sim has died
    This scenario also handles monetary inheritance
    Getting Old Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is getting old
    This scenario also handles:
    Ancestral Save
    Attempts to a sim into an ancestral home that is about to left empty
    Child To Safety
    Moves children to relatives before the social worker can attack
    Pregnancy Save
    Grants a sim more time if a child is on the way
    Stuff Inheritance
    Moves a dying sim's inventory to relatives
    Once A Day
    Override of an EA system that changes the chance the random chance assigned to each lot
    Service Cleanup
    Cleanup and disposal of improper service sims

    Scheduled Existing Flirt
    Handles flirting amongst sims who are already romantically involved
    Scheduled Flirt
    Handles flirting between sims who are currently platonic

    Cleanup Mini
    Cleans up corrupt relationships between residents and foreign sims
    Scheduled Enemy
    Handles negative relations between sims
    Scheduled Friend
    Handles positive relations between sims
    Scheduled Unpopular
    Handles stagnate relations between sims

    Broken Home
    Performs a split of a family if two sims don't like each other
    Out Of Nest
    Performs a split of a family if their are too many occupants
    Service Cleanup
    Cleans up service sim household which tends to accumulate garbage

    Cleanup Unique
    Cleans up corrupt unique objects
    Cleanup Vehicles
    Cleans up unused vehicles left on the street
    Handles emigration of residents
    Handles immigration of new sims
    Nightly Lot
    Performs a nightly cleanup of all commercial lots
    This is an override of an existing EA operation which does too much cleaning

    (One manager to rule them all, this manager does not directly run any scenarios)

    Child Support
    Pushes sims to pay their child support payments
    Debt Mooch
    Pushes indebted sims to mooch off richer sims to pay their debt
    Debt Move
    Pushes a household to move to a cheaper home to pay off their debt
    Debt Split
    Splits a household apart, moving sims in with relatives, and cancels their debt
    Harvest Household Crops
    Pushes sims to harvest crops on their home-lot
    House Transfer
    Handles automated household money transfers
    Inactive Deeds
    Pushes sims to collect money on the deeds in their inventories
    Init Net Worth Sim Data
    Initialization of monetary worth run at load-up, used by Inheritance
    No More Debt
    Fires a notification when a household
    Sell Fish
    Pushes sims to sell the fish in their inventory
    Sell Fishing Junk
    Pushes sims to sell the fishing junk in their inventory
    Sell Veggies
    Pushes sims to sell the fruits and vegetables in their inventory
    Unified Billing
    Handles billing for the town
    Wealth Move
    Pushes a rich household to move to a more expensive home

    Town Bike

    Town Brat

    Town Casanova

    Town Loon
    Give Away

    Town Mooch
    Big Mooch

    Town Thug

    Birth Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is born
    Also handles
    Genetic Skin Blending
    Blends the skin coloring, overriding the approach used by the Core
    Normal Baby Aging
    Resets a newborns age to the start of their age-stage
    Rename Newborns
    Prompts the user to enter names for the newborns
    Conception Notification
    Posts a story when a sim is conceived
    Also handles
    Baby Gender
    Selection of gender based on the various options specified
    Attempts to conceive a new child in the town
    Pregnancy Check
    Pushes moody pregnant inactive sims to go home, and restarts their pregnancy alarms if they happen to stop

    Scheduled Marriage
    Handles breaking up or marrying partnered couples
    Scheduled Romance
    Handles changing the relationship amongst partnered couples

    (This manager handles the scenarios provided by the other manager)

    Cleanup Aging
    Cleanup of corrupt aging data run on load-up
    Cleanup Genealogy
    Cleanup of corrupt genealogy data run on load-up
    Cleanup Mini Sims
    Cleanup of corrupt mini-sim data run on load-up
    Cleanup Sims
    Cleanup of corrupt sim data run on load-up
    Put Away Books
    Puts away books that sims collect in their inventory
    Recover Missing Sims
    Brings hibernating resident sims back into the world
    Stuck Check
    Pushes moody inactive sims to go home
    Update Aging
    Handles the various aging options
    Update Sim Data
    Performs vital time sensitive updates of the mod's internal data
    Handles the Wolfrun character

    Campaign Gathering
    Pushes a politician to host a campaign fundraiser
    Family Gathering
    Pushes a sim to host a family reunion
    Family Visitor
    Pushes close relations to visit homes
    Friendly Outing
    Pushes friends to invite others out to community lots
    Friendly Visitor
    Pushes friends to visit homes
    Play Concert
    Pushes rocker sims to perform concerts
    Scheduled Work Push
    Pushes sims to go to work/school
    Service Push Home
    Pushes moody service sims to go home

    Leveled Notification
    Posts a story when a sim gains in skill

    (This manager handles story notification for all scenarios)

    Super computer (Updated 18-MAR-2010)

    xem thêm ở đây
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/3/10
  4. etam_lee

    etam_lee Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
  5. marisa220690

    marisa220690 Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tức là chỉ cài bản The sims 3 nguyên gốc 2 DVD thì vẫn chơi được sim3pack, còn cài thêm các bản mở rộng thì chỉ chơi dc file package và dbc. Ko biết tớ nghĩ vậy có đúng không?
  6. TyYanG

    TyYanG Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mấy a chị cho e hỏi... e mới chơi sims3 nên k biết T_T .. sao em down mấy object r`, install luôn r` mà vô game thì k thấy..
    với lại e down mấy object nhà, vô game muốn mua mà k đủ tiền thì sao ạ T_T
  7. Tehmango

    Tehmango .:♫♥

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xa lắm........
    hì,cái này mình chịu thôi ,bạn hỏi Rap thử:)
    Ts3 ng gốc thì làm gì có 2 DVD ,chỉ 1 DVD9 thôi bạn à
    Còn câu sau thì bạn nhận định sai rồi :) file .dbc cần chỉnh sửa resource,tất cả các loại file TS3 bản nào cũng dùng đc
    Để chắc ăn bạn nên cài TS3 HEL
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/3/10
  8. TyYanG

    TyYanG Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    themango: TS3 HEL là gì vậy ạ :((
  9. everet

    everet Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thì là the sims 3 high end loft - bản stuff mở rộng đó . đấy là viết tắt ;));))
  10. freeman2008

    freeman2008 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mình làm theo hướng dẫn của mango, thấy thành công nhưng chơi dc cỡ nửa tiếng hay lâu lâu thì nó tự động thoát ra ngoài không biết là bị lỗi gì nữa. nhìu khi chưa kịp save là phải chơi lại ... chán thật :(
  11. Jack Lê

    Jack Lê Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho minh hỏi sao mình install riverwier và các ob sao trong game ko thấy nhỉ !!! và mở cái Compressorizer Redux----> chọn Add Files To List----> cái này mở ở chỗ nào dậy !!!
  12. Tehmango

    Tehmango .:♫♥

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xa lắm........
    Hướng dẫn j hở bạn
    Nếu vậy có thể do máy bạn quá nóng,cấu hình ko đủ yêu cầu hay xung đột giữa các file package
    ko cần đâu bạn ,bạn chỉ cần click chuột 2 cái lên file đó là đc:>
  13. freeman2008

    freeman2008 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cho mình hỏi có cheat code nào chỉnh cho con sim trẻ lại hay không bị thành người già không ?
  14. gauconcon

    gauconcon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho mình hỏi cái file .dbc đó sao sau khi làm như chỉ dẫn vào trong không thấy gì khác vậy?
  15. Jack Lê

    Jack Lê Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    minh install file .sim3pack ma` vao trong game van ko thay nha` cua ban a` !!! nhung cai phai .dbc thi` minh lam duoc roi` !!! nhung con sim3pack down tren modsims nhung can nha thi` mih install ma vam game thi chang thay ji ca !!
  16. Jack Lê

    Jack Lê Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tks mod !! minh làm được rồi !! mod ơi cho mình hỏi làm sao minh tạo mấy đất trống để minh có thể add nhà vào thêm !!! vi trong mấy đất trống trong game cho sẵn mình bỏ nhà vào hết rồi !!! Ko biết phiên bản 3.5.8 làm cách nào mình add riverwier vao nhi
  17. Tehmango

    Tehmango .:♫♥

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    xa lắm........
    ko có bạn à ,chỉ có ăn ambrosia để giảm ngày tuổi thôi
    bạn đã edit file resource chưa
    bạn ko thể xây thêm đất đâu ,chỉ có cách xây thêm đất bằng cách tạo town mới bằng tool create a world ,còn cài riverview bạn xem đây
  18. vnbc27

    vnbc27 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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  19. marisa220690

    marisa220690 Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Za za, bấy lâu nay toàn đào bới trong trang này ko à, hôm nay up 1 cái tóc cho mọi người há, ai có rồi thì thôi, ai chưa có thì down về chơi nhé, tóc này mình tìm dc trong raonsims nhé. :x


    Link down:
  20. mammamxuc89

    mammamxuc89 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mình bỏ zô Mods/Packages rồi nhưng lúc vào launcher vẫn không thấy để mà install
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