GVN Clan | Red Dead Redemption

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi [CBT]Brian, 26/5/10.

  1. Niarbrebyc

    Niarbrebyc Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Tôi chơi cái NV Light,Camera,Action thua 2 lần đầu,chả hiểu sao lần thứ 3 chơi thế nào ko thua 1 con dice nào mặc dù lúc đó chưa hiểu luật lắm.Thế là vừa xong NV vừa đc trophy =))
  2. WarMaster01

    WarMaster01 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Quái lạ, mình newbie PS3 nha.
    Mới tậu game này về, vào multiplayer thử tí thì chờ dài cổ, chẳng có ai vào cả, fix sao vậy mọi người :((
  3. Niko_Bellic145

    Niko_Bellic145 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    ^ Vào đi vào lại nhiều lần khi nào có người thì thôi :))

    Hôm nay chơi phần single vui vãi, đang đi trên đường thấy có thằng bị mấy con báo đuổi, nhìn tội quá nhảy xuống cứu nó ai ngờ chết cả 2 =))
  4. Lộc Lộc

    Lộc Lộc C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hoa Hỏa Sơn
    Bấm Select, Find new freeroam... cho tới khi nào thấy người thôi :))
  5. hotgames

    hotgames Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
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    còn mỗi 3 đĩa cho bác nào muốn đổi chơi game này tại hotgame
  6. dinhhatuananh

    dinhhatuananh Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cho hỏi có phải mình đăng nhập tài khoản mình vào máy nào thì nó vẫn giữ trophy mình vào máy đó lun phải không...đang định chuyển sang con slim...-_-.
  7. nqc1999

    nqc1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bạn nhớ sử dụng chức năng synthesize (đồng bộ hóa dữ liệu) để PSN update dữ liệu của bạn, chuyển wa máy khác thì acc cũ vẫn giữ trophy
  8. Niarbrebyc

    Niarbrebyc Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Tốt nhất là dùng chức năng Transfer,nó chuyển toàn bộ dữ liệu của bạn ở con Fat > Slim.Sang con Slim chả phải làm j,chỉ việc chơi tiếp,lại giữ đc hoàn toàn các file save.
  9. quang81411

    quang81411 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    anh em cho hỏi tai nghe bluetooth xài cho ps3 như nào` vậy....để đi mua 1 cái vè dùng
  10. Niko_Bellic145

    Niko_Bellic145 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Bác nào biết cách ăn gian khi chia bài đánh poker ko ? e làm mọi cách không đc toàn bị nó phát hiện rồi rủ ra ngoài solo súng mới vãi chứ :-ss
  11. Niarbrebyc

    Niarbrebyc Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Lúc cheat thì cái mũi tên sẽ nằm bên trái hoặc phải,bạn đẩy thật nhẹ cái analog cho nó di chuyển về hướng ngược lại cho đến khi nằm ở giữa thì giữ nguyên khoảng 3 giây là lấy đc 1 quân.
    Nhớ là đẩy nhẹ thôi thì cái mũi tên nó sẽ ko vọt sang bên kia nhanh quá khiến ta ko kiểm soát đc.
  12. Yukon

    Yukon Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cái này là do vuking1991 nhờ mình tìm dùm , ai có chém thì chém vuking1991 nhé :D. Mình ko biết gì hết.

    Cowboy Outfit
    Obtained: Starting outfit

    Obtained: Gain the honor rank Peacemaker

    Elegant Suit
    Obtained: Purchase from the tailor in Thieves' Landing

    Bollard Twins Outfit
    Obtained: Defeat a Ballard Twin Gang Member and then fulfill the following
    criteria to get each piece.
    Scrap 1: Search Thieves' Landing for the hidden scrap.
    - This is located on the second floor of a warehouse you enter during a
    mission called "On Shakey's Ground". Just search around for the chest a bit.
    Scrap 2: Complete a Nightwatch job in MacFarlane's Ranch.
    - These missions are all really easy and accessible from the get go.
    Scrap 3: Win at Horsehoes in MacFarlane's Ranch.
    - These unlock after completing the mission "Women and Cattle".
    Scrap 4: Claim a Bollard Twins Gang Bounty alive.
    - When you go to accept a bounty it will tell you what gang the member is
    from. Once you see one of the Bollard Twins Gang come up be sure to bring
    him back alive to get this scrap.
    Scrap 5: Defend residents of Hennigan's Stead from the Bollard Twins Gang.
    - This is referring to the random events that pop up around towns and in the
    field. If you see some bandit looking fellows bothering someone in
    Henningan's Stead then help them out to get this.
    Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves' Landing.
    - This is self explanatory.

    Treasure Hunter Outfit
    Obtained: Defeat a Treasure Hunter gang member and then fulfill the following
    criteria to get each piece.
    Scrap 1: Search Silent Stead for the hidden scrap.
    - You can find Silent Stead to the southeast of Rathskeller Fork. Search the
    abandoned house here to find the chest with your scrap in it.
    Scrap 2: Complete "California" Stranger's task.
    - This unlocks after completing the
    Scrap 3: Make a profit playing Blackjack at Rathskeller Fork.
    - Making a profit is pretty tricky. Unless you're really good at gambling
    expect to get your butt kicked for awhile. The only good tip that can be
    given is even when you think you're going to win a hand don't bet too much or
    you will bully the others into folding.
    Scrap 4: Claim a Treasure Hunter Bounty alive.
    - When you go to accept a bounty it will tell you what gang the member is
    from. Once you see one of the Bollard Twins Gang come up be sure to bring
    him back alive to get this scrap.
    Scrap 5: Complete Gaptooth Breach Hideout.
    - You will clear this as part of the main storyline. Once you've done so you
    will get this scrap. If it doesn't unlock for some reason simply wait until
    you can clear hideouts of your own accord and play through it once again.
    Scrap 6: Purchase at the tailor in Thieves' Landing.
    - This is self explanatory.

    Bandito Outfit
    Obtained: Defeat a Bandito gang member and then fulfill the following criteria
    to get each piece.
    Scrap 1: Search Sidewinder Gulch.
    - Go to Sidwinder Gulch and find the plateau there. Search around on top of
    it to find a tent. Look inside of the tent to find the chest.
    Scrap 2: Complete a Nightwatch job in Chuparosa.
    - This is unlocked after you arrive in the city itself once night comes.
    Scrap 3: Defeat all players in a round of Liar's Dice in Casa Madruga.
    - Kind of easy but you're going to have to work for this one. Try going
    when it's late at night and hope that there's only one guy there. When it's
    just you and him always try to tell the truth so that he calls your bluff. He
    will slowly eliminate himself from the game.
    Scrap 4: Claim a Bandito bounty alive.
    - When you go to accept a bounty it will tell you what gang the member is
    from. Once you see one of the Banditos come up be sure to bring him back
    alive to get this scrap.
    Scrap 5: Defend the residents of Mexico from Bandito attacks.
    - This is referring to the random events that pop up around towns and in the
    field. If you see some bandit looking fellows bothering someone in Mexico
    then help them out to get this.
    Scrap 6: Purchase at the general store in Chuparosa.
    - Another self explanatory scrap.

    Reye's Rebels Outfit
    Obtained: Complete the mission "An Appointed Time".
    Scrap 1: Search Sepulcro
    - Go to the graveyard and search along the walls. You will find this chest
    tucked away along the inside of the southern walls.
    Scrap 2: Complete the "Poppycock" Stranger's Task.
    - Unlocked after completing the "Civilization, At Any Price".
    Scrap 3: Complete a horsebreaking job in Chuparosa.
    - This is rather simple and much like the Nightwatch jobs. Just complete one
    of them once it opens up.
    Scrap 4: Complete the "Love is in the Opiate" Stranger's Task.
    - Unlocked by finishing "Empty Promises" and the Stranger's Task "Poppycock".
    Scrap 5: Win at Five Finger Filet at Torquemada.
    - This is tough and is going to rely entirely on your skills at the game.
    Scrap 6: Purchase at the general store in Escalera.
    - Self explanatory.

    Mexican Poncho Outfit
    Obtained: Given when you purchase any safehouse in Mexico. It costs you $150 to
    purchase the safehouse.

    U.S. Marshal Uniform
    Obtained: To get this one you will have to do a marathon run - you must take
    out all of the gang hideouts in the game within 24 hours game time.

    Bureau Uniform
    Obtained: Attain 100% completion in the game to unlock this.

    U.S. Army Outfit
    Obtained: Complete the mission "An Appointed Time".
    Scrap 1: Search the Aurora Basin for the hidden scrap.
    - Find the cabin all by itself near the lake in the Aurora Basin.
    Scrap 2: Win at Arm Wrestling in the Pacific Union Railroad Camp.
    - Complete the mission "We Shall Be Together in Paradise".
    Scrap 3: Eliminate all other players in a game of Poker in Blackwater.
    - This one is kind of a pain in the ass. The easiest way to do it is to stick
    to a simple rhythm. When you get your hand if you have a hand that seems
    like a total waste fold immediately and let the computer deal with itself.
    If your hand looks good then bet 150 immediately. Some of the guys will
    fold while others will stay in the game. After the "Flop" bet another 150.
    More often than not they will meet your first bet and then fold, giving you
    an easy win. It's tricky when they're about to run out of chips as they are
    almost always going to go all in so be careful at that point.
    Scrap 4: Complete the "Lights, Camera, Action" Stranger's Task.
    - Finish the mission "Sport of Kings, and Liars".
    Scrap 5: Complete Nightwatch in Blackwater.
    - This is unlocked after you arrive in the city itself once night comes.
    Scrap 6: Purchased at the tailor in Blackwater.
    - Still self explanatory.

    Rancher Clothing
    Obtained: Complete the mission "The Outlaw's Return".

    Gentlemen's Attire
    Obtained: Link your Gamertag to the Rockstar Social Club.

    Legend of the West Outfit
    Obtained: Here you will obtain a rank 10 in all Ambient Challenges. Look in your journal to see what's necesary to get this.

    Deadly Assassin Outfit
    Obtained: You must have preordered the game and then fulfill the following
    criteria to get each piece.
    Scrap 1: Find in a chest in Coot's Chapel.
    - This is really easy since the chest is the only freaking thing in the
    actual church. It's just to the right of the altar area.
    Scrap 2: Complete the Twin Rocks Hideout.
    - You will clear this as part of the main storyline. Once you've done so you
    will get this scrap. If it doesn't unlock for some reason simply wait until
    you can clear hideouts of your own accord and play through it once again.
    Scrap 3: Capture or Kill Moe Van Barr.
    - Moe is one of the first New Austin bounty hunter targets. This unlocks
    Scrap 4: Win a duel in Armadillo.
    - After a few missions with Miss Bonnie you will find your way to Armadillo.
    Look around near the saloon or train station and you will find a guy
    looking to die pretty quickly.
    Scrap 5: Complete the "American Appetites" Stranger's Mission.
    - Finish the mission "Political Realities in Armadillo" to unlock this.

    Lợi ích của mỗi bộ cánh :
    Bollard + Treasure + Bandito = tụi nó sẽ xem bạn như chiến hữu , ko bắn bạn trừ phi bạn cầm súng quết nó :D ( Rất tiện khi bị lừa tình ngoài đường )
    Reye's Rebel = quân đội và chính quyền ở Mexico sẽ làm ngơ cho bạn quậy
    U.S Marshall = sheriff và cảnh sát sẽ làm ngơ cho bạn quậy
    Legend of the West + Deadly Assasin = nếu mình nhớ ko lầm là khi xài DeadEye,thời gian sẽ lâu hơn.

    P/s : có gì thiếu sót hay thắc mắc thì ae post lên hen.
  13. vuking1911

    vuking1911 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thanks SepMay nhá:-* , hiện giờ chỉ cần tìm bộ Bureau và Legend of the West là đủ rồi, còn bộ U.S Army thì bó tay vì tui dùng dĩa hệ AS nó bị bug cái nút X và O nên không chơi trò vật tay được.:((
  14. Niarbrebyc

    Niarbrebyc Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Rõ ràng máy mình US chơi đĩa AS đây có làm sao đâu,bộ US Army còn mỗi cái cuối cùng nó bảo mua trong shop,mình vào shop nó bảo Not Avaible :|
  15. Niko_Bellic145

    Niko_Bellic145 C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    E chơi đĩa AS công nhận bị lỗi nút X O, nhiều lúc chơi rất khó chịu :-w
  16. Niarbrebyc

    Niarbrebyc Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Bị lỗi như nào vậy :-?
    Tại mình chơi thì nhận luôn là X và hủy luôn là O mà.
  17. nqc1999

    nqc1999 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này làm hết stories game nó mới bán
  18. dinhhatuananh

    dinhhatuananh Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Máy tui chơi vật tay cũng không được,X O lẫn lộn làm lúc đầu chơi bài bực mình hết sức.
  19. [CBT]Brian

    [CBT]Brian Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    GVN Clan
    có 2 loại máy, US và as, đối với máy AS thì đc thiết kế theo phím bấm của ng á châu, thông thường nút O là ok, và nut X là back ra, còn châu âu thì theo dạng Xbox, nghĩa là ngược lại, A(X) là ok và B(O) là thoát ra, nên game có 1 chút đảo lộn hơn khó chịu, nhưng cũng ko ảnh hưởng j nhìu lắm!
  20. kenhatgan

    kenhatgan C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mấy bác có ai chơi co-0p OUTLAW ko? Rủ em nhỏ chơi với nào ^^

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