Sever Hot EP5

Thảo luận trong 'Cabal' bắt đầu bởi Bless4You, 9/3/11.

  1. Bless4You

    Bless4You Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tôi cũng vừa mới đọc thông tin về sv này chứ chưa test thử vì ko có thời gian , tôi post lên đây để anh em trong đây có thể tập họp ở sv này.
    Thật sự mà nó thì thông tin về sv này hoàn toàn ko biết như thế nào:
    Exp : ???
    Drop rate: ???
    Carft item rate : ??
    Drop item: 1 or 2 3 ??
    Alz drop : ???
    Chỉ biết chắc 1 điều là sv này vẫn mới open và hình như Update lên EP5 ko biết phải ko

    (anh em nào rãnh thì vào test nhé) :D. Nếu mình có nói gì ko đúng thì chém nhẹ tay thôi >"<
  2. xuanha2122

    xuanha2122 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sigmetal Items Added by walkernight88

    Starting from now both server have SigMetal armours, weapons and fully working epaulets. Have fun at gathering items !

    ====> từ cái này ta có thể đoán đây là EP2 không phải EP5!
  3. o0Valentine0o

    o0Valentine0o Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    nó chỉ là EP2 thôi không có j đặc biệt cả. 1 sever EP2 độ lên chỉ có vậy.
  4. Bless4You

    Bless4You Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ông Val đang chơi sv nào thế để lại cái YH cho anh em liên lạc đi trời >"<
  5. o0Valentine0o

    o0Valentine0o Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Val vừa lấy vợ xong chưa chơi sever nào cả. đang dow lại cái OG cabal chơi lại đây. chơi lại từ lv1 vậy. giờ có vợ con rùi không chơi được như trước kia nữa. thỉnh thoảng chơi vui thôi.
    val chơi sever x 250 Jandine

    có j vào nói chuyên cho vui nhé :d
  6. paulthanhtam

    paulthanhtam Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    up hình khoe mặt mo khoe bx khỏe ngày hạnh phúc chứ hầy
  7. BuomXinh01

    BuomXinh01 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lấy vợ rùi mà ko cho ae xem mặt,nhỡ ra đường cò cưa thì chít :))

    HOTBOY_HN Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    - Hehe mỗi mình tui được xem; Val cao 1m85 còn vợ cao 1m7. Ghê chưa :D
  9. manhanpro

    manhanpro Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^^ Bác Val chịu quay trở lại rùi à! Vui quá ta!
  10. o0Valentine0o

    o0Valentine0o Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    uh đang chơi bên OG jandine x250. nói chung là khá vui :)
  11. vn_samurai

    vn_samurai Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :D ráng farm cho X cái blade of deathblow =))
  12. xuanhuyns

    xuanhuyns Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Down về rùi mà báo lỗi không kết nối được với sever. Bạn nào vô được chỉ minh` với.
  13. paulthanhtam

    paulthanhtam Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    sv ep5 à...T.T
  14. Cry'b

    Cry'b T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Lội
    Có 2 sv luôn 1 cái fun 1 cái normal

    ---------- Post added at 20:01 ---------- Previous post was at 18:15 ----------

    update đợi dài cổ luôn á >.<
    30 củ .....
  15. xuanhuyns

    xuanhuyns Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ep5. Anh em vào chơi đi, sever New Earth mới ra này.vo seal evil rớt ngọc quá trời lun.
  16. rinh123456

    rinh123456 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Từ Đâu ai biết
    có thật là ep 5 ko có bạn nói ep 2 kìa ai chơi để lại tên nhân vật kéo giúp với
  17. NXHien

    NXHien Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Private sv kiếm đâu ra EP5 @@, thấy 4 slot ring thì cùng lắm là EP3 reloaded, còn thấy 2 slot ring thì EP2, cùng lắm EP3 phiên bản siena
  18. xuanha2122

    xuanha2122 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Private không có EP5 đâu
    Max hiện giờ chắc EP3 bản reload
    Hiện nay các sever offical đang Test và sắp update có thể sẽ là Êp6

    mấy update mới ( dungeo lv145 item mới )hiện đang thử nghiệm ở korea

    các bạn có thể vào đây dùng google tranlate để đọc

    [CENTER][SIZE=5]Next Korean Cabal Update
    [I]-- Newest first --[/I][/SIZE]
    [SIZE=2]Please notice that
    Below is Korean Cabal Patch Notes on Test Server
    [B]Last Update @  Apr 19th 2011[/B]
    [LEFT] [B]Update @ 19/04/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Modifications[/B] 
    [*]  Cannot do "Battle Style Level-Up" if not completed "Colony trainee" quest chain
    [*] Some skill can not be learned
    [*]  Fixed some bugged quests
    [*]Fixed AoS2 Quest
    [B]  [SIZE=2]■[/SIZE] Changes [/B]
    [*] Change attack style of monsters, which Level are lower than 34:
    [*] Adjusted some Scenario Quests
    [B]  [SIZE=2]■[/SIZE] Additions[/B] 
    [*]  Add Skill EXP reward when completed quests 
    [SIZE=5] ==========[/SIZE]
    [LEFT] [B]Update @ 18/04/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Modifications[/B] 
    [*]Fixed bugged quests
    [*]Fixed "Alt + Enter" pressing during client loading caused error
    [*]Error caused using of switch card for Force Blader and Force Archer
    [*]"All Skill Amp." & "Add all Attack" option caused error in AH fixed
    [B][SIZE=2]■[/SIZE] Changes[/B] 
    [*]  Scenario Quest difficulty and compensation adjusted
    [LEFT] [B]Update @ 15/04/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Fixes[/B]
    [*]Fixed bugged quests
    [B]■ Additions[/B]
    [*]Added Bluestin / Titanium / Osmium armor switch card:
    [*]Allow to switch old armors into class binding armor
    [*]NPC : Hamperic
    [*]Price :
    [*]Bluestin switch card: 100,000 Alz
    [*]Titanium switch card: 500,000 Alz
    [*]Osmium switch card: 1,000,000 Alz
    [*]Each grade consists 6 separated classes : WA / FB / BL / FS / FA / WI
    [*]After using switch card, all stats won't change included:
    [*]Enchant Level
    [*]Item Properties
    [*]Epic Options
    [*]Switch card is not allowed registering in AH
    [LEFT] [B]Update @ 14/04/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Fixes[/B]
    [*]Fixed bugged quests
    [*]Alt + Tab caused client DC
    [*]Window Mode setting in Launcher caused in-game bug
    [B]■ Changes[/B]
    [*]Adjust difficulty of dungeon "Marquis Salinas Outposts"
     [LEFT] [B]Update @ 13/04/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Fixes[/B]
    [*]Fixed Forgotten Temple B2F quest error
    [*]Fixed Weakened Frozen Tower of Undead B1F quest error (no quest item drops)
    [*]Fixed some errors caused by item-crafting
    [*]Fixed can not use Slot Extender error
    [*]Fixed Forgotten Temple B1F  quest error (no quest item drops)
    [*]Fixed Aura stats were not displayed correctly
    [*]Fixed HP amount displayed incorrectly in character badge (top-left of screen)
    [B]■ Changes[/B]
    [*]Change Quest
    [*]All scenario quests and regular quests have been changed.
    [*]All scenarios, dungeon quests have been changed.
    [*]All general quests from Level 1-20 are irremovable.
    [*]Quest rewards will be adjusted during the test period.
    [*]  Mercenaries party active social skills are enabled
    [*]  Save Board / Bike summoned state
    [*]When change Channel or reconnect with server summoned state of Bike/Board will be saved.
    [*]  Item in AH can not be registered if:
    [*]Items are cheaper than normal NPC Shop.
    [*]Allow price check of above items.
      - Item Properties tab to register the mouse over items you can check the store price.
    [*]  Change the style of attack UMD-03 Lantus Plumma to Non-Aggressive
    [*]  Improve the loading speed of Windows 7 OS
       [B]■ Additions[/B]
    [*]New MD Dungeon "Marquis Salinas Outposts"
    [*]Lv 145
    [*]BSLV 11+
    [*] Entry Location:
    [*]Pontus Ferrum
    [*]X: 94
    [*]Y: 128
    [*]Entry Item:
    [*]Hacked code disk
    [*]DP acquired when clear : 10DP
    [*]Time Limit : 7 mins, time gained when completed Dungeon Quest
    [CENTER] [IMG][/IMG]
    Dungeon Entrance
    Dungeon Entrance Position on GPS
    Start Point of Dungeon
    Dungeon 1st Boss
    Dungeon 2nd Boss
    Dungeon 3rd Boss
    Dungeon 4th Boss
    Dungeon Final Boss
    [*]Introduction Quest:
    [*]New MD Dungeon Quest Outposts Marquis Nas
    [*]Level: 145
    [*]Start NPC: Sally in Fort Ruina
    [*] New Armor grade added "Dry Plastic Mechanism"
    [*]Only drops in "Marquis Salinas Outposts".
    [*]Will drop with one slot, slot extension is unavailable.
    [*]Use "Highest" core level.
    [*]Limit : 145+
    New Armor Preview
    New Armor Stats (WI) & New Epaulet, Resist Critical Rate added for new Epaulet of Guard [/CENTER]
    [*]Similar to Lycanus Weapon, item will be dropped with 3 random options.
    [*]Bonus effect gained based on number of wearing-parts.
    Bonus stats
    [*]New Epaulet grade added "Dry Plastic Mechanism Epaulet"
    [*]Only drops in "Marquis Salinas Outposts".
    [*]Resist Critical added in stats for Epaulet of Guard [COLOR=dimgray](17/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]Details of New Epaulet stats  [COLOR=dimgray](17/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]Epaulet of Fighter:
    [*]70 Attack
    [*]140 Attack Rate
    [*]5% Sword Skill Amp.
    [*]350 HP
    [*]Epaulet of Sage:
    [*]70 Magic Attack
    [*]140 Attack Rate
    [*]5% Magic Skill Amp.
    [*]350 HP
    [*]Epaulet of Guard:
    [*]70 Defense
    [*]7% Resist Skill Amp.[COLOR=dimgray] (18/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]7% Resist Critical Rate
    [*]450 HP[COLOR=dimgray]
    [*] Added new NPC for DP system
    [*]  Add DP exchange items
    [*]Cube of Training
    [*]Cube of Soul
    [*]Cube of Strengthen
     [SIZE=5] ==========[/SIZE]
    [LEFT] [B]Update @ 30/03/2011 [/B]
    [B]  Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [B]  Google Translated Version : [/B][URL=""][B][/B][/URL]
    [B] ■ Fixes[/B]
    [*]Fixed reenter dungeon bug caused DC
    [*]Fixed problem related to item obtaining right
    [B]Update @ 23/03/2011 
     Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL]
     Google Translated Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    ■ Changes[/B]
    [*]Quest UI changed
    [*]Added Quest Task list (Summary Information window) with Progress of each quest displayed
    [*]Allow up to 5 quests selected to be displayed in task list
    [*]Allow pinning Quest Task list on the screen
    [*]Allow moving Quest Task list (like Jukebox)
    [*]Dungeon Quest are automatically registered in Quest Task list
    Quest Task List & Bike Upgrade Kit[/CENTER]
    [*]Dungeon Drop changed
    [*]Remove drop of Blessing Beads from Weakened Dungeons
    [*]Remove drop of Remove Extract Potion from Lake in Dusk, Tower of the Dead B1F, Tower of the Dead B1F
    [*]Raise drop rate of epic items (included Sword/Magic Skill Amp)
    [*]Added drop of Earrings / Bracelets with Sub-Epic
    [*]For example : Earrings / Bracelets of Amp. (with 1/2/3% Amp)
    [*]Weakened Lake in Dusk
    [*]Critine / Shadow Steel Weapons & Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Weakened Ruina Station
    [*]Bluestin Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Bluestin Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Shadow Steel Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*] Weakened Tower of the Dead B1F
    [*]Bluestin Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Bluestin Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Bluestin Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Bluestin Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Lake in Dusk
    [*]Aqua / Shadow Titanium Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Aqua / Shadow Titanium Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Titanium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Titanium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Ruina Station
    [*]Aqua / Shadow Titanium Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Aqua / Shadow Titanium Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Titanium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Titanium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Tower of the Dead B1F
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Shadow Titanium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Vocalnic Citadel
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons / Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons / Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +2 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3
    [*]Tower of the Dead B2F
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons / Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Lapis / Osmium Weapons / Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +2 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3
    [*]Forgotten Temple B1F
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Osmium Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Osmium Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +4
    [*]Illusion Castle : Underworld
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons / Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons / Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +4
    [*]Altar of Siena B1F
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons / Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Topaz / Redosmium Weapons / Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +5
    [*]Forbidden Island
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons / Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons / Armors drop with Top-Epic 1-2
    [*]Redosmium Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Redosmium Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +3 Sub-Epic 3
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +5
    [*]Altar of Siena B2F
    [*]Mithril Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Mithril Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Mithril Armors drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +4 Sub-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +6
    [*]Illusion Castle : Radiant Hall
    [*]Mithril Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Mithril Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Mithril Armors drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]SIG Metal Weapons drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +6
    [*]Forgotten Temple B2F
    [*]Mithril Weapons / Armors  drop with Sub-Epic 1-3
    [*]Mithril Weapons / Armors  drop with Top-Epic 1
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +4 Sub-Epic 2
    [*]Earrings / Bracelets +7
    [B]■ Additions[/B]
    [*]Added DP system (DP : Dungeon Point)
    [*]When cleared Dungeons (Mission Dungeon, Chaos Arena, DX Dungeon) DP would be earned
    DP List of all Dungeons[/CENTER]
    [*]DP will be reset to 0 after 3 hours
    [*]Allow check current DP in Dungeon Window
    [*]NPC Hampton in Port Lux sells items related to DP system (use DP to buy)
     DP Shop - NPC Hampton
    Update @ 16/03/2011 
    Original Korean Version : [URL][/URL]
    Google Translated Version : [URL][/URL][/B]
    [LEFT][B]■ Fixes[/B]
    [*] Error when resurrection from death
    [*][LEFT]Can't enter Mission War[/LEFT]
    [*][LEFT]Can't register favorite item in AH[/LEFT]
     [LEFT][B]■ Changes[/B][/LEFT]
    [*] [LEFT]Allow single player re-enter dungeon
    [*][LEFT]In dungeon running time, if there's an interrupt, players are able to re-enter dungeon.[/LEFT]
    [*]Reenter is not available when you gave up dungeon. [COLOR=dimgray](12/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*][LEFT]Allowed situations
    [*][LEFT]Character changing
    [*][LEFT]Server changing
    [*][LEFT]Disconnected Client
    [*][LEFT]Allowed time range : 10 mins from interrupted time.[/LEFT]
    Reenter Dungeon after interrupted
    [*] [LEFT]Upgrade by Force Core System Reforming
    [*]Added 5% to all upgrading cases.
    [*]Changes effect of Catalyst upon Upgrading Process
    New Items Catalyst
    New Force Core Upgrade UI
    [*] [LEFT]Changes the display of Epic items (items with Crafted options)[/LEFT]
    [*]Divided Epic items into 2 categories:
    [*]Sub Epic : Craft Level 1-3 : Color : [B][COLOR=seagreen]Green[/COLOR][/B]
    [*]Top Epic : Craft Level 5-7 : Color : [B][COLOR=purple]Purple[/COLOR][/B]
    [*]Change the display name & color of "Top Epic" items
    [*]Destruction -> Doom (Osmium Blade of Destruction -> Osmium Blade of Doom)
    [*]Luck -> Miracle (Osmium Armor Gloves of Luck -> Osmium Armor Gloves of Miracle)
    [*]For example: [COLOR=dimgray](11/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*][COLOR=seagreen][B]Mithril Great Sword of Amp.[/B][/COLOR] : Sword Skill Amp. 6%, 10%
    [*][B][COLOR=purple]Mithril Great Sword of Wide[/COLOR][/B] : Sword Skill Amp. 14%
    [*]Only "Top Epic" items would be "Character bind after equipped".
    [B][COLOR=purple]Top-Epic[/COLOR] [/B]and [B][COLOR=seagreen]Sub-Epic[/COLOR][/B] items
    [*]HP stats added many equip-able items [COLOR=dimgray](11/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]Amount of HP gained for each items
    Items gained HP
    [*][LEFT]Update Bike Upgrade System[/LEFT]
    [*]Bike could be up to +15
    [*]Added "Bike Upgrade Kit"
    [*]Bike Upgrade Kit (Low) : For "Astral Bike Blue" upgrading
    [*]Bike Upgrade Kit (Medium) : For  "Astral Bike RW3" upgrading
    Bike Upgrade Kit
    [*][LEFT]The upgrading progress will improve stats of Bikes. For example, RW3 +15 will have 95 Defense, 900 Defense Rate and Moving Speed is 950[/LEFT]
    [*][LEFT]Change the using purpose of Plasma Coating Kit.[/LEFT]
    [*][LEFT]Old : Bike Upgrading[/LEFT]
    [*][LEFT]Change : Bike Re-Coloring[/LEFT]
    [*]Available colors: [COLOR=dimgray](11/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]0 - Blue
    [*]1 - Dark Red
    [*]2 - Dark blue
    [*]3 - Burnt Yellow
    [*]4 - Dark Viridian
    [*]5 - Iron Yellow
    [*]6 - Permanent Red Dark
    [*]7 - Dark Ultramarine
    Plasma Coating Kit
    [*][LEFT]Reduce required level of Blue Bike to 60 (old : 80)[/LEFT]
    New display of Bikes info (included Speed)
    Stats of RW3 Bike +0 -> +9
    [*]Reduce item level of Shadow Titanium & Aqua :
    [*]Old : High
    [*]Change : Medium
    [*]Shadow Titanium & Aqua items now can be upgraded with UCM, Slot creating with SEM,...
    [*] [LEFT]Remove penalties of Mission Dungeon, Quest Dungeon and DX Dungeon[/LEFT]
    [*]Change the locations of brand-new creating character
    [*]Help system upgrade
     [LEFT][B]■ Additions[/B][/LEFT]
    [*]New item-locking mechanism: [COLOR=dimgray](12/04/2011)[/COLOR]
    [*]Allow to lock 3 rings so easier when swapping ring, check the below image
    New item-looking mechanism
    [*][LEFT]Recover SP when finished dungeon, based on rolling dice[/LEFT]
    [*]Based on BSLv of character
    [*]BS Lv6 - Bs18 : 0 - 5 SP bars could be recovered.
    [*]BS Lv19 : 1 - 6 SP bars could be recovered.
    Dungeon Reward
    SP Dice at end of Dungeon
    [*]Divided all armors from Bluestin -> Osmium bind on classes, that means:
    [*]Old : Osmium Armor Helm
    [*]Change : Osmium Armor Helm (WA) & Osmium Armor Helm (FS)
    [*]Update Aura System

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