Bí mật của Super robot war alpha gaiden ?

Thảo luận trong 'Mecha/Robots' bắt đầu bởi longmagic, 13/8/11.

  1. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    Dark Load
    Mình tìm được cái này trên game faqs nhưng chưa hiểu cho lắm,bạn nào có kinh nghiệm có thể dịch giúp mình không,thanks nhiều :P

    Super Robot Wars Alpha Gaiden (SRWAG)
    for Playstation
    Secrets Guide :

    Step 1: In scenario 9, have Judo and Puru convince Puru2. During that scenario, have Judo
    defeat Puru2, giving her the final blow.
    Step 2: In scenario 30, have Judo convince then afterwards defeat Puru2.

    Things you need to know:
    - You should be able to convince Puru2 only THRICE. Twice in scenario 9 and then one in
    scenario 30. If Puru has the convince command in Scenario 30, then consider yourself
    failed since you'll be getting Puru2's Red Quebeley instead of Haman's Quebeley.
    - Puru2 is a surefire joining character. If you didn't perform any of the convince
    processes, she'll join you without a unit. The only reason why you'll be convincing her
    is to determine what unit she'll be piloting when she joins you.

    Step 1: In scenario 16, have Garrod defeat Enile.
    Step 2: In scenario 22, have Garrod defeat Enile.
    Step 3: In scenario 32, have Garrod convince Enile.

    Things you need to know:
    - Enile is a surefire joining character. Performing the convince process only determines on
    whether you'll be able to tag her Jenice Kai along or not.
    - If you never got the Jenice Kai, you'll never be able to get the G-Bit attack later.
    - Enile won't automatically sortie in scenario 22. This is the trickiest part of all why
    bucketloads of players failed to convince her. In this scenario, you'll need to deploy
    Garrod personally. Enile won't come out in the map if Garrod doesn't.
    - Jenice Kai is upgraded. Equip it with a Minovski Craft and a High Performance Targeter.

    Step 1: In Turn-A route scenario 16's 1st half, Gavan will sortie in his Borjanon. All you
    need to do is to make sure that Rolan DOESN'T kill him in that scenario.

    Things you need to know:
    - To be able to pull the convince process off, decrease Gavan's life by half or so. Then,
    on your next turn, have Rolan cast "mercy" then attack Gavan using Turn-A's Gundam Hammer
    or perhaps the Beam Sabre. That way, you'll leave Gavan 10 HP, and you'll succeed.

    Step 1: In Turn-A route scenario 17, have Rolan and Sochie attack Coren.
    Step 2: In Turn-A route scenario 17, move IRON GEAR near Coren and convince him. Although
    you're using Iron Gear, Kiel Heim (actually Diana Sorelle) will do the talking.
    Step 3: In scenario 32, have Rolan attack Coren but make sure you DON'T KILL HIM. An event
    will take place and Coren will retreat.

    Things you need to know:
    - Coren is NOT a character who'll join your party automatically. You'll need to convince
    him. Without him, you won't get the Red Capule and vice versa.
    - Should you get the Red Capule, and you have enough Blue Stones, you can buy Coren's mech,
    the Eagel at the Bazar. If that's the case, you can give the Red Capule to Sochie or
    Meshie if you want.

    Step 1: In scenario 28, have Jiron defeat Tron USING ONLY PUNCHES within 2 turns.
    Step 1.2: Alternative convince process: In scenario 28, ignore Tron. When the enemy arrives, she'll
    switch into an NPC. Keep her alive until the end of the scenario and she'll join
    you later. Her Yellow Kaprico is already upgraded.

    Things you need to know:
    - To be able to defeat Tron using only punches, from the very start of the scenario where
    Jiron can be played for the 1st time in the game, have Jiron keep on attacking and killing
    enemies using punches, kicks and the Xabungle Full Power attack. That way, Jiron's melee
    power will be increased. Take the Turn-A route and obtain the Donkey Bun item in scenario
    16 and then before scenario 28 equip it to Jiron's Walker Galliar. When the scenario
    starts, cast all the necessary spells to raise Jiron's morale as high as you could, then
    cast "hot blood" and attack Tron. In the next turn, use the Donkey Bun item to replenish
    Jiron and Chill's SP atjem cast the spells again. This time kill Tron with a lethal punch.
    - Tron is NOT a character who'll join your party automatically. You'll need to convince her
    to get her and her Yellow Kaprico. It comes to your inventory upgraded, and you can sell
    it at the Bazar, but it's advisable not to do so.

    Step 1: In GX route scenario 15's 1st half, have Garrod defeat 6 Jenice units within 3 turns.
    Step 2: In GX route scenario 19, have Garrod defeat Karis in the Vertigo.
    Step 3: In GX route scenario 19, have Garrod defeat Karis in the Batouria at point blank
    range. A special event will take place.
    Step 4: In scenario 23, allow the G-Bit event to take place by not letting Jamil reach
    beside DX within 4 turns.
    Step 5: In scenario 32, have Garrod convince Enile.

    Things you need to know:
    - To defeat Karis in the Batouria at point blank range, decrease the Batouria's HP by 1/3
    or so. Put GX Divider beside Batouria, and Combattler-V beside GX Divider. In your next
    turn have Garrod attack Karis using the Divider Beam, assisted with Combattler-V's
    Chodenji Spin. If there are any more substitutes you can replace Combattler-V with any
    strong Super Robot.
    - If you can't convince Enile in scenario 32, then you can't obtain the G-Bit attack.
    - One reason why a lot of people missed this move is because they failed to let Garrod kill
    6 Jenice units within the time limit on scenario 15's 1st half. So even if you did get the
    Jenice Kai, you won't get the G-Bits if the 6 kills did not take place because there's a
    conversation between Garrod and Tifa every time Garrod kills 2 Jenice units.
    - For GX, you can only use the G-Bit attack if the Divider Shield/Harmonica is removed. If
    you install the Harmonica and turn GX into GX Divider, the G-Bit attack is disabled. You
    will need to remove it if you wish to use the G-Bit attack continuously.
    - Only 3 GX pilots can use the G-Bit attack: and they are Garrod, Jamil and Karis.

    Step 1: In scenario 29, have Jiron conivnce Eruchi TWICE.
    Step 2: In scenario 30, have Jiron convince Eruchi again.
    Step 3: In earth route scenario 33, have Jiron convince Eruchi.

    Things you need to know:
    - If you obtain the Brackary, Eruchi will be a main Walker Machine pilot, that means she'll
    give up being the Iron Gear's co-pilot, leaving Gotset alone as pilot for Iron Gear.
    - One reason many players failed to obtain the Bracaky is because of the 1st step. Make
    sure you don't overlook it and have Jiron convince Eruchi TWICE in scenario 29.

    Step 1: During scenario 39, simply deploy Kamiyu in the Z Gundam and halve Rosamia's Psycho
    Gundam mk II's HP. An event will take place and you'll get it on the spot.

    Things you need to know:
    - When attacking Rosamia, make sure Z Gundam is in MS form (robot form). If the event takes
    place and Z Gundam is in Waverider (plane) mode, the game will hang.

    Step 1: In scenario 40, defeat Zengar using any character.
    Step 2: In scenario 41, defeat Zengar using any character.

    Things you need to know:
    - You must be in the hard level by scenario 40 if you wish to recruit Zengar.
    - Once you recruit him, Zengar will lose his flair in his abilities so that means he'll be
    downgraded as well as his Sledgelmil.

    Step 1: In space route scenario 36, have Ryouma defeat Bat Shogun in the Shin Getta-1.

    Things you need to know:
    - Getta Dragon will get an upgrade in stats, and Shine Spark requires less morale to
    - If you get the Power-Up Getta Dragon, you'll no longer obtain the Shin Getta. Weigh
    out this choice carefully and decide which unit you want to keep.

    Step 1: In earth route scenario 36, have Tetsuya in the Great Mazinger go beside Koji in the
    Mazinger-Z. An event will take place.
    Step 2: In earth route scenario 36, have Koji in Mazinger-Z decrease Mazinkaiser's HP by 30%.

    Things you need to know:
    - Simply pick the Earth route and do the winning conditions in scenario 36. Picking the
    earth route is probably the only thing you need to do to obtian Power-Up Mazinger-Z.
    - You can obtain both Mazinkaiser and Power-Up Mazinger-Z in your party. You won't lose any
    of them no matter what.
    - By picking the Earth route, this is the only chance where you get to see Mazinkaiser's
    original SRWAlpha Fire Blaster animation attack sequence. When you obtain the Mazinkaiser
    later, it will be switched to the new-improved SRWAG attack animation sequence.

    Step 1: In scenario 9's 1st half, all you need to do is to make sure that Isamu doesn't
    counter-attack when Guld attacks him for 3 turns. He'll join you on teh spot.

    Things you need to know:
    - Guld is a surefire joining character. You convince him just for fun and so you could get
    to use him earlier than expected. It makes scenario 9's 1st half a lot easier.

    Step 1: In Lean Horse Jr. route scenario 4, have Heero attack Wu Fei TWICE.
    Step 2: In Lean Horse Jr. route scenario 5, have Heero attack Wu Fei.
    Step 3: In Lean Horse Jr. route scenario 7, have Heero attack then convince Wu Fei TWICE.
    He'll join you on the spot.

    Things you need to know:
    a) Wu Fei is a surefire joining character. You convince him just so you could use him a lot
    earlier and making scenario 7 a whole lot easier.

    Step 1: In Turn-A route scenario 19, bring Iron Gear beside Will Game and convince him.
    Although you're using Iron Gear, it's Kiel Heim (actually Diana Sorelle) talking.

    Things you need to know:
    - Will Game is NOT a convincible character. Convincing him is just for fun and it adds a
    little dramatic touch to scenario 19. No more, no less. May be a waste of time.

    Right now, that's the drill for this guide. I will see if I could add some more of those
    skill point-related mechs. Currently I'm anxious on how to get R-1 Kai because I've been
    receiving loads of theories about it. Therefore, it's still under research to see which
    method is truly accurate. Until then, wait for the next update for this guide.


    1) The MB Boys (http://accessboards.com/messageboard/robotwar.html)- My primary source of
    info. All of you there no by now how deeply I owe this guide to you. Thanx for all of
    your help!
    2) GameFAQs (http://www.gamefaqs.com)- For hosting my guide, of course. That also includes
    the people in the message board whom have been nice and supportive in my return after a
    full absence of one year. A million thanx to you guys for your kind attention and
    3) Lee Jin Lai (aka JL Lee)- His guide was the my 1st source of information, and so credit
    goes to him for all the 1st-hand information presented in this guide. THANX A LOT PAL!
    4) http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown/7800/g_guide/gameguide.html- I dunno how to translate
    the site's name officially, but I can assure you that when I made mistakes, this site
    helped me shed some light. Arigatou Gosaimasu!
    5) Banpresto (http://www.banpresto.co.jp)- Without them, SRW would never have been created.
    Demo, arigatou!
    6) Banpresto's Hotline Web (http://www.hotline-web.com)- For every new source, there's
    always a new update. Arigaou!
    7) Shinigami- He taught me Tron's other convince process. Thanx man!
    8) DJin- Thanx a lot for giving me "the thing". I owe you one!
    9) Dragoon T- Thanx for re-confirming my theories on obtaining the G-Bits. LOTSA THANX!
    10) Yurika Misumaru ([email protected])- Thanx for filling in for me chick!
    11) YOU (yes, you, the one reading right now)- This guide is for you to use. Thanx for
    taking the time to read it!

    Of course, to my beloved parents who understood me and gave me the time to write this guide
    even in the wee hours in the morning and to may siblings who sacrificed playing Yuri's
    Revenge and CS on the PC just so I could write this guide. Finally, my greatest thanx to
    God Almighty for giving me the strength to write this guide, and for giving me inspiration
    to go on and write more guides to serve me fellowmen.

    This game is special, and this guide is written for a very special person in my life, my
    very own real life Tifa Adil. This guide is dedicated to you...


    This is one humble section dedicated to those whom I have missed or not mentioned in the
    credits. Therefore, sorry for those whom I forgot... please e-mail me so I'll add you ASAP!
    Also, I admit that I have made millions of mistakes in the past (and stupid, selfish ones
    too). So I deeply apologize to all those people online whom I may have offended, whether
    it's by e-mail, by the message board or by any means necessary. I hope to reconcile with
    you guys. I know I may have made mistakes in the past, and I hope you people will find the
    time to forgive me. Of course, I won't expect you guys to do so if you think I'm not worth
    forgiving at all. At least I get to apologize and that works good for me.


    ---------- Post added at 06:11 ---------- Previous post was at 06:06 ----------

    Cái này nữa :(

    This is all question that perhaps will asked by everyone who play SRW for the first time.
    1) How to choose the level (Hard, Normal, Easy)?
    There is no option for it, the level depend on the score that you earned during the game.
    For example, in scenario 8 if you have 8 points it means Hard, 5 points means Normal and 2
    points means Easy. Okay?
    2) What are those points for?
    I can say it's like your score. The higher your point (lets call it AP, ne?) will give
    you a more difficult enemy, worse mecha (like GM Quell). And if you can manage the
    hard route, you'll end this game at scenario 45. In Normal and Easy route, the game ends
    at scenario 43. They all have the same ending movie. Just a little different storyline.
    3) What's SP for?
    Let's say that SP is like MP in Final Fantasy Series. It's magic in RPG Games. But SP cannot
    recover until you end a scenario, unless you use items. So use it wisely.
    4) How to recover HP and EN?
    Recover HP and EN can be with this way:
    a. Use a mecha that has an ability to recover HP / EN (Recover your EN also means refill your
    ammo). Like White Ark (HP & EN), Venus A (HP), Norus Rei (HP) etc. Please remember that
    with this way your moral will decrease by 10 (for recovery EN only).
    b. Use SP. There is no penalty with this way. See the "SP Explanation" page.
    c. Return to mother ship. It will recover both your HP, EN and refill amunition. In 1 turn
    your ammo will fully recharge. But HP and EN recovery depend on how bad your mecha
    condition is. This way also decrease your moral by 10.
    5) How to earn money?
    By destroying enemies. An enemy with more HP means more money. You can double your money
    with SP "Luck" or "Bless". Use "Luck" wisely, cause if you fail to destroy the enemy
    the effect also lost.
    6) How to get items and what it's for?
    You can get items with:
    a. Destroy certain enemies (usually boss).
    b. Buy from bazzar (Bazzar available at scenario 10, and it's not always open). You must
    exchange with your BS (Blue Stone, available at scenario 10) at bazzar, not money.
    c. Take white boxes in some scenario.
    d. Checking every certain place at Map. Like cave, mountain hole, stell bars etc.
    Item just like cloth, shoes in RPG games. It will add more stat at your mecha.
    7) What are the best mecha?
    This is my personal opinion okay? I loved all "Lord of Elemental" mecha. Because they
    have a great animation when attacking, average speed, and average attack. Shin Getter and
    Mazinkaizer also great, but you'll obtained it on scenario 36.
    8) What is the best attack combination?
    Daitarn 3 with "Sun Attack" (Banjo should level 48, so he can use SP "Spirit"), with
    Raideen as the assister with "God Voice". I can say that Raidenn is the best assister in
    this game, attack power 6000 (fully upgraded) and 8 range, it's a disaster for every enemies.

    ---------- Post added at 06:23 ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 ----------

    Scenario 1: Kill all enemies gives you 1AP.
    Note: If you don't want the AP you must choose number 1 choise in turn 2. Then Ryouma
    and Benkei must run to the left of the Map.
    Event: All characters - Jerid & Kakurikon.
    Scenario 2: Kill all Titans enemies within 2 turns after they appeared.
    Event: Kamiyu-Quattro, Kamiyu-Ema, Puru-Quattro, Usso-Quattro, Usso-Ema, Judo-Quattro,
    Banjo-Quattro, Ryouma-Ema.
    Scenario 3: Destroy Rozamia "Phsyco Gundam MkII".
    Event: Kamiyu-Jerid, Kamiyu-Kakurikon, Kamiyu-Bran, Kamiyu-Rosamia, Hyouma-Jerid,
    Hyouma-Kakurikon, Hyouma-Laila, Judo-Jerid, Judo-Rosamia, Puru-Rosamia.
    Scenario 4 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
    Decrease enemies mother ship HP's till it ran. Don't let it escape. You can
    destroy it if you can (20000 HP). Your team arrives at turn 6.
    Event: Heero-Wufei(2x), Heero-Trowa, Heero-Dekim, Duo-Wu Fei, Duo-Trowa, Duo-Dekim,
    Zechs-Wu Fei, Zechs-Dekim, Kamiyu-Dekim, Usso-Dekim, Gomez-Dekim, Judo-Dekim,
    Quatre-Dekim, Noin-Dekim.
    Scenario 4 (Ahgama Route)
    Destroy "Zudori" before he escaped.
    Event: Shinobu-Quattro, Shinobu-Ema, Tetsuya-Quattro, Tetsuya-"Zudori"
    Scenario 5 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
    Destroy enemies mother ship. It ran if its HP 5000 left.
    Event: Heero-Wu Fei, Heero-Dekim, Duo-Wu Fei, Duo-Dekim, Trowa-Wu Fei, Quatre-Wu Fei,
    Wireta-Wu Fei, Wireta-Dekim, Kamiyu-Wu Fei, Kamiyu-Dekim, Usso-Wu Fei, Judo-
    Wu Fei, Noin-Wu Fei, Zechs-Wu Fei, Zechs-Dekim. Dekim was inside the mothership.
    Note: You must protect your base from the enemies. Careful with the flying unit (MD
    Taurus), they have a high speed.
    Scenario 5 (Ahgama Route):
    Destroy "Zudori" (left of the Map).
    Note: Do not destroy Ryusei and his friends. In the next turn they'll be your ally.
    Event: Fuoka-Ryusei, Fuoka-Kou, Fuoka-Basku, Hikaru-Ryusei, Hikaru-Kou, Hikaru-Keith,
    Miria-Rai, Max-Ryusei, Max-Rai, Kakizaki-Monsha, Masaki-Safine, Yan Rong-Safine,
    Ryune-Safine, Irmgald-Basku, Kyouji-Basku, Keith-Basku, Monsha-Basku, Kou-Basku.
    Scenario 6 (Rin Horse Jr. Route):
    Reach designated point within 4 turns without battle.
    Note: Use Wave Rider (Z Gundam), and add "Booster" item. Methuss also
    ok for this job. Now you must count the enemy shooting range. Careful with
    "Zamer" on the left of the Map. Their attack range is 8.
    Scenario 6 (Ahgama Route):
    Draw all enemies below disignated line in four turns. This line will shown every
    time at beginning of a turn. DO NOT destroy any enemies or GAME OVER waits you.
    Note: Use a strong mecha in front as a lure. Like Dancougar. Once the enemy attack you,
    it will follow or chase you.
    Event: Banjo-Quattro, Akira-Ema, Fuoka-Quattro, Henken-Ema,Tetsuya-Bran,Tetsuya-Quattro,
    Shinobu-Quattro, Ryouma-Bran, Ryouma-Quattro, Kid-Jerid,Amuro-Bran, Amuro-Jerid,
    Quattro-Jerid, Quattro-Laila
    Scenario 7: Destroy all enemies within 4 turns
    Convince: Heero-Wu Fei (2x)
    Note: You don't need to convince Wu Fei, he still join you even you destroy him.
    Scenario 8: Destroy Gogon. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy 2000 HP)
    Note: In Hard Mode, you can fight Kamen Kamen. In Normal and Easy Mode, Kamen Kamen
    just shown up and say hi than run. Destroy him will gives you "Phsyco Frame"
    Mecha: Depend on the Mode that you're in (Hard, Normal or Easy), in turn 4 Ryusei will
    be available in your team with his mecha (Hard:MP Gurungast, Normal:MP Hyukbine
    MkII, Easy:MP Gesphento MkII).
    Scenario 9: *1st half-Destroy all enemies will give you 1 AP.
    Note: The objectives of this scenario is just let Isamu reach Macross(after Gald
    become friend).
    Note2: Fight with Gald 3 times and he'll be your friend. DO NOT destroy him.
    Event: Isamu-Gald (3x)
    *2nd half-No AP.
    Note: In Easy Mode you have a higher chance to destroy Shou "Neo Granzone".
    Convince: Judo - Puru Two, Elpi Puru - Puru Two (NO MATTER you do at this stage, you
    still might get Puru Two join you. This only decides what mecha you'll get
    at scenario 36). Puru Two joins you at scenario 36 later (read below).
    Event1: Judo-Puru Two, Judo-Jerid, Judo-Yazen, Judo-Basku, Judo-Katejina,Elpi Puru-Puru
    Two, Masaki-Sho, Ryouma-Sho, Hyouma-Sho, Kenichi-Sho, Kamiyu-Kakurikon, Kamiyu
    -Yazen, Kamiyu-Maua, Kamiyu-Jerid, Kamiyu-Basku, Kamiyu-Katejina, Kamiyu-
    Puru Two, Kamiyu-Sho, Quattro-Yazen, Quattro-Jerid, Quattro-Basku, Quattro-Puru
    Two, Quattro-Sho, Usso-Basku, Usso-Katejina, Usso-Puru Two, Usso-Sho, Four-Basku,
    Four-Puru Two, Amuro-Bran, Amuro-Jerid, Amuro-Basku, Amuro-PuruTwo, Amuro-
    Katejina, Amuro-Sho, Kou-Basku, Kou-Sho.
    Event2: Destroy Maua with Kamiyu.
    Scenario 10: Destroy Hora within 4 turns
    Event: Jiron-Hora, Eruchi-Hora, Rag-Hora, Burme-Hora, Tetsuya-Hora, Jun-Hora
    Scenario 11: Destroy all enemies within 3 turns
    Event: Tetsuya-Tinpe
    Scenario 12: Destroy Bigman. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 9000, Easy 4000).
    Event: Tetsuya-Bigman, Kenichi-Tinpe, Gotseto & Eruchi-Bigman.
    Scenario 13: Destroy Tinpe within 2 turns.
    Event: Tetsuya-Bigman, Jiron-Bigman, Kenichi-Bigman.
    Scenario 14 (Gundam X Route):
    Garrod reach destination within 4 turns. Just walk as far as you can.
    Event: Garrod "Gundam X"-Shagia, Jamill-Shagia, Four-Shagia, Kamiyu-Shagia, Hyouma
    -Shagia, perhaps Quatre-Shagia (but Quatre was too slow here so I never can
    make him close to Shagia)
    Scenario 14 (Turn A Gundam Route):
    Destroy Poo (the red one from Teletubbies? Where is Lala and the others?)
    Scenario 15 (Gundam X Route):
    *1st half-Destroy all enemies within 3 turns
    *2nd half-No AP
    Scenario 15 (Turn A Gundam Route):
    Destroy all enemies within 5 turns
    Scenario 16 (Gundam X Route):
    Destroy Hora. He'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy 6000 HP)
    Scenario 16 (Turn A Gundam Route):
    Destroy all enemies within 5 turns
    Scenario 17 (Gundam X Route):
    Destroy all enemies within 4 turns
    Scenario 17 (Turn A Gundam Route)
    *1st half-Sochie reach the white box first, before Rolan.
    *2nd half-No AP
    Scenario 18 (Freedan Route):
    Destroy all enemies within 7 turns
    Scenario 18 (Iron Gear Route):
    Reach designated point within 4 turns
    Scenario 19 (Freedan Route):
    Destroy Karis in "Mobile Armor".
    Note: At the beginning of the scenario, Heero AND Duo should reach designated point
    within 5 turns (Upper Left of the Map). Both of them!
    Convince: Garrod - Karis.
    Scenario 19 (Iron Gear Route):
    Destroy Poo. He'll run if his HP below 50%.
    Scenario 20 (Freedan Route) :
    Make GP-02 HP's below 900. Use SP "Mercy" if necessary.
    Mecha: Look for them at the hole on the left and right (Hard:GM Quell and GunEZ,
    Normal:V Gundam Hexa and Gunblaster, Easy:Gundam ZII and Sazabi).
    Scenario 20 (Iron Gear Route) :
    Same above
    Mecha: Same Above
    Scenario 21: Destroy Batsu. He'll run if his HP already red.
    Scenario 22: Defeat Tinpe's after he start to run when you reduce it's HP by 50%
    Mecha: Look for them at the hole (Hard:VF-11B Fighter, Normal:VF-1J Armored Valkyrie,
    Easy:FA part for Gundam ZZ). VF-1J AV cannot change like others Valkyrie but it
    has a high armor. For use FA part, go to Intermission Menu-Change (see above)
    Scenario 23: Destroy all enemies within 2 turns, after Jamill reach Gundam DX.
    Note: At the beginning scenario, let Jamill reach Gundam DX.
    Scenario 24: Destroy Dante
    Scenario 25: Destroy all enemies before Olva and Shagia appear at turn 11.
    Scenario 26 (Hard):
    *1st half-No AP
    *2nd half-Destroy Dante ASAP
    Scenario 26 (Normal, Easy):
    Take ALL white boxes. Don't let the enemies take it.
    Convince: Jiron-Rag
    Scenario 27 (Hard):
    Trap Hora's Iron Gear with Daitarn 3 and 3 other units within 3 turns
    Note: Use "Mega Booster" and "Booster" on all Trapers (choose a flying units).
    Scenario 27 (Normal, Easy):
    Destroy all enemies other than Greta Gari within 2 turns.
    Scenario 28 (Hard):
    Destroy Karas "Greta Gari" in 7 turns
    Scenario 28 (Normal, Easy):
    *1st half-No AP
    *2nd half-Destroy Dark General
    Scenario 29 (Hard):
    Convince Eruchi with Jiron twice OR Attack Eruchi until her HP below 50%.
    Convince: Jiron-Eruchi (2x)
    Scenario 29 (Normal, Easy):
    Destroy Emperor
    Scenario 30 (Sneak Attack):
    *1st half-Your mothership reach designation point in 6 turns.
    Mecha: Depend on what you've made in scenario 9, you'll get Quebeley MkII (White) or
    Quebeley MkII (red). If you convince Puru Two on scenario 9 with Judo and Elpi
    Puru, just convince her again with Judo in this scenario and you'll get Quebeley
    MkII (White). But if you didn't convince her at scenario 9, you must convince her
    with Judo and Elpi Puru on this scenario and you'll get Quebeley MkII (Red).
    Quebeley MkII (white) has a Map Weapon, the red one doesn't have Map Weapon.
    *2nd half-No AP
    Mecha: Look for it at the yellow stell bars (Hard:Hi-Nu Gundam, Normal-Easy:FA part for
    Nu Gundam)
    Scenario 30 (Direct Attack):
    *1st half-At this scenario, Freedan coming at turn 3. You must let Freedan reach
    designated point below turn 7.
    Mecha: Same Above
    *2nd half-No AP
    Mecha: Same Above
    Scenario 31: Reduce Gundam Ashtalon HP's till below 10%.
    Note: This is very difficult, since Ashtalon have a very big defense. Don't believe
    what the stat. says (it says 1800). But I think it's more than that.
    If you don't want AP, just destroy all enemies without do anything to Ashtalon.
    Scenario 32 (Space):
    Destroy all enemies other than "Ra Kairam" and "Soreiyu" within 7 turns.
    Note: Don't destroy Milan "Sereiyu" or Game Over Man...
    Scenario 32 (Earth):
    Defeat the last Zen II after all enemies destroyed. There are 4 Zen II on
    each corner of the Map.
    Scenario 33 (Space):
    Reduce "Turn X" HP till 70 %
    Event: Zechs-"Turn X", Kid-"Turn X", Gald-"Turn X", Isamu-"Turn X", Garrod-"Turn X",
    Heero-Suesson, Heero-"Turn X"
    Scenario 33 (Earth):
    Convince Eruchi with Jiron, kill all enemies except her, place Jiron beside her.
    Convince: Jiron-Eruchi
    Scenario 34 (Space):
    Destroy Kamen Kamen, he'll run if his HP below ***(Hard 8000 HP, Easy-red
    coloured). U can use Gundam DX "Twin Satelite Cannon".
    Note: Turn X, Meribell and Katejina will run at turns 6. Kill Maribell for "Halo".
    After this stage the bazzar sells "VAL VARO" (1500 BS), it's a great mecha. I
    sugest you to buy it (I play on Easy Mode).
    Event: Rolan-Suesson, Rolan-Meribell, Rolan-"Turn X", Hari-Suesson, Kid-"Kamen Kamen",
    Scenario 34 (Earth):
    Reduce "Turn X" HP below 50%
    Event1: Banjo - "Turn X", Hyouma - "Turn X", Kenichi - "Turn X"
    Event2: If you have Raideen in your team, you'll see Turn X "Shinning Finger" attack
    Raideen. If you able reduce his HP of course.
    Scenario 35 (Space):
    Ra Kairam reach designation point in 5 turns
    Note: You can destroy Gesphento MK II and Gurungast, but not G-Bit. Every time one
    G-Bit destroyed, the other will come at RANDOM place. DO NOT KILL TO MANY G-BITS
    OR THE GAME MIGHT HANG (don't know if you play it on PSX).
    Scenario 35 (Earth):
    Destroy Kamen Kamen.
    Note: Do not destroy all enemies or Kamen Kamen will run.
    Scenario 36 (Space):
    *1st half-No AP
    Note: At this stage, you must run to the corners of the map (every corner will do). And
    Mazinga Z should be the last one. You can destroy all enemies (they'll keep
    appeared until the last is a Yellow creature, sorry I forget it names, but it has
    a very long range weapon, 8 or 9 I think)
    *2nd half-Reduce Shin Getta HP *** (Hard-10%, Easy-until it run)
    Note1: Just let Mazinga Z destroyed. Kyouji will replace on Mazinkaizer, then your teams
    will arrived.
    Note2: This wasn't as easy as it looks. Because everytime you attack Shin Getta-1, it
    always defend (not counter or evade). So it makes the damage you'll made look
    very weak. Use your BEST attack combination. Good Luck....
    Oh, and if you manage to defend Mazinga Z till the end of scenario, you won't
    get Shin Getta. Also, if you destroy Shin Getta, you won't get Shin Getta.
    Event: Kyouji-Gogon, Kyouji-Bato, Tetsuya-Gogon, Tetsuya-Bato, Ryouma-Gogon, Ryouma-
    Bato, Hayato-Bato, Akira-Bato.
    Mecha: Look at the cave (Hard:Destroid Monster and The O, Normal:Neu Ziel, Easy:GP02A).
    Scenario 36 (Earth):
    *1st half-Destroy Gogon (before he rides Mazinkaizer)
    Note: Destroying Mazinkaizer means GEMU OBA...just try it:-)
    Event: Tetsuya-Gogon, Kyouji-Gogon, Ryouma-Gogon.
    *2nd half-NO AP.Reducing Shin Getter HP until 10% in this stage won't give you
    Note: Use all of your Super Robot at this scenario.
    Event: Tetsuya-Bato, Kyouji-Bato, Akira-Bato, Ryouma-Bato, Hayato-Bato
    Mecha: Same above
    Scenario 37: Defeat Shagia and Olva at the same time. Use MAP WEAPON.
    Note: Shagia and Olva are VERY VERY FAST this time. You'll need SP "100% hit" I think.
    The best Map Weapon to destroy them are Gundam DX and ZZ Gundam. Please remember
    that the pilot must have SP "100%hit". Like Garrod, Usso. Usso have SP
    "Spirit", it'll make you easier. You can use GW Zero Custom, but it should
    piloted by Chang Wu Fei. You can try your luck with other pilots.
    Event: Jiron - Hora, Garrod - Shagia, Garrod - Olva.
    Scenario 38: *1st half-Destroy all enemies other than Katejina (-san?) in 9 turns.
    Event1: Usso-Katejina (2x)
    Event2: Use Usso to attack Katejina until her HP very low. Use SP "Mercy" will help (Usso
    must at least at lv.45, because his technique won't enough before this lv.)
    Note: In Easy mode, Katejina only assisted by 1 "Bandit". In hard she had 4 "Bandits".
    *2nd half-No AP.
    Note: Take the item at the Cave on the bottom left of the Map. I forget what it's, but
    it's a good item. In this scenario you must destroy Turn X in ...turns (Easy 17
    turns, I forget the Hard and Normal Mode. Just see the Scenario Objectives)
    Event: Rolan-"Turn X"(3x), Hari-"Turn X", Poo-"Turn X", Diana-"Turn X", Kyouji-"Turn X",
    Heero-"Turn X", Usso-"Turn X", Kou-"Turn X", Kou-"GP02A", Kamiyu-"Turn X"
    I really wonder what Turn-X says at turn 2 "Amuro Ray, Char Azanable....". But
    when Amuro or Quattro (Char) attack him, there are no conversation.
    Scenario 39: There are two choises before this scenario, but the scenario just the same.
    After all enemies destroyed, a bunch of enemies appear with 8 missiles. You must
    reduce all those missiles HP to 10%. SP "Mercy" will help. If you can reduce all
    of those missiles HP to 10% only in 2 turns after they appear, it worth 1 AP.
    Event: Jiron-Hora, Jiron-Tinpe, Eruchi-???, Eruchi-Hora, Eruchi-???
    Note: USE KAMIYU in Z GUNDAM at this scenario. Cammile will learn a new attack (70
    EN). If you manage to kill Rozamia, Cammile won't learn this attack. I wonder if
    she can joins you, tell me if you know.
    Add: At the beginning of this scenario Eruchi already become my friend. If you do
    everything right I think she'll joins you, I play this games 3 times in different
    modes and Eruchi always joins me. So I don't know if those convinces have any
    impact or no.
    Scenario 40: Destroy 2 Kamen Kamen at the same turn in 4 turns. You can do it without Map
    weapon, just destroy them at the same turn.
    Note: You can't use Gundam DX Map Weapon here,the moon ain't shine. So the best choise
    are GW Zero Custom and ZZ Gundam.
    Bring a lot of pilot who can use SP "Rally" and "Motivate", because there are
    only about 10 enemies here (if you're on Hard Mode). You'll need a high morale
    to kill Zenga after 2 Kamen Kamen destroyed. It will give you 50000 and
    "Gravity Wall".
    Scenario 41 (Hard, Normal):
    Destroy Shagia and Olva at the same time (again?). My advice, use Turn A Gundam.
    It already has Map weapon isn't it?.
    Scenario 41 (Easy):
    *1st half-Destroy all enemies within 2 turns. Just use Mega Booster in your team
    (Hikaru, Fooker and Isamu). Better you upgrade Fooker's weapon because the enemy
    only attack the weaker pilot (in my case is Fooker). And ALWAYS Counter.
    The enemies here just piece of cake (their HP are only 2500). Careful...
    The last three enemies (HP 5000) has a nice item part for you, "Mega Drive",
    "Halo" and "???"(sorry, forget the last one). And the next scenario waits you...
    Note: You'll start this skenario with Hikaru, Fooker and Isamu, all of them from
    Macross series. Just be prepare if you want the AP. BUT WAIT you're in Easy
    right? So what's AP for anyway? Actually you no need to read this anymore :)
    Just KILL...KILL...and KILL...Remember!this is easy!
    *2nd half-No AP. Goru just recover once, well that's why its easy mode....
    Scenario 42 (Hard):
    Destroy Dai. He ride a mecha with 2 cute dino (63000 HP), and surrounded by 4
    assister. Actually this scenario also the same with scenario 41 (Easy)-2nd half.
    Note: Dai will recover his HP when his HP already low, 'bout 3 or 4 times (sorry,
    forget) which will make you crazy. And all enemies here have an average HP 30000.
    Scenario 42 (Normal):
    Destroy Zenga.
    Note: The objectives of this scenario is to launch your mothership to the designated
    point. After that a bunch of enemies with crazy HP will appear.
    Scenario 42 (Easy):
    Again, this is the same with scenario 42 (Normal) and 43 (Hard)-1st half.
    It just Zenga appear after you destroy one enemies.
    In hard and normal mode, Zenga appeared since the beginning.
    And to get the AP, you must reach designated point within 10 turns. There is
    no turns limit to reach the designation point, you can go there anytime you want.
    Note: It's easy to destroy Zenga, he just recover once.
    Scenario 43 (Hard):
    *1st half-Destroy Zenga (55000 HP).
    Note: Your mothership should reach designated point in 8 turns. After that, you'll
    continue to the next part of the scenario.
    *2nd half-No AP. This scenario was the same with scenario 43 (Normal)1st half.
    But Zenga joins you. I think you should manage to destroy him on the previous
    scenario before he joins you. Destroying Meigas won't add your AP, but she has a
    good item "Iron Soul" and much money.
    Note: Yeah..huraay, Zenga joins me! But his HP only 12000, his EN 200 (it's 290 when he
    is your enemy) and he lost his "Commander" abilty. What a weird. He wasn't as
    strong when he is your enemy. The Objectives of this stage are simple, just kill
    those twin boy (left:54000 HP, right: 56000 HP). And Meigas (65000 HP) will
    appear with another boy. Killing the last "boy" will gives you "Iron Soul".
    Scenario 43 (NORMAL):
    *1st half-Destroy Meigas/65000 HP (She'll recover 3 or 4 times). She appear after
    those twin boys destroyed.
    Note: You can complete this scenario by just killing those twins.
    *2nd half-No AP.
    Event: Almost every main character (Amuro, Ryouma, Shinobu, Jiron, Kid etc.) have a
    conversation with Meigas. I can't type them all.
    Scenario 43 (EASY):
    Note: Meigas will recover three times (65000 HP), I think it isn't that hard.
    You'll start this scenario with 120 morale (yeah! way to go). And to tell you
    the truth that destroy Ansaz, Surisaz, and Uruz I think is harder than Meigas,
    they have "After Image" Ability.
    Scenario 44 (Hard):
    Kill Meigas (65000 HP), it isn't that hard.
    Note: Now you can choose Aya "R-3" and Rebi Tora "Hyukbine MkII". But I can't
    use Rai, is there anyway to make him available?. Anyway, no need to worry about
    it, they're weak! (their mecha I mean). Instead Rebi Tora is wonderfully
    perfect pilot.
    Why? She is strong (she was the boss from SRW Alfa) and having level 7 Pyshic
    Energy...tsk...tsk...why should she use Hyukbine Mk II?.
    Well nobody is perfect :)
    Event: Same here, all main character will have a conversation with Meigas.
    I can't type them all man (is there any girl play this game?).
    Scenario 45 (HARD):
    ???. What's AP for at the Last Stage anyway?. You can try to destroy Granzone
    in 2 turns, but still there is no AP for it I think. :). And Monika and Safine
    will run in turn 2.
    Note: You have new mothership now (Alexandria), it has high HP but low armor (900).
    After Granzone (50000 HP) destroyed, Neo Granzone will replace it (65000 HP).
    In Neo Granzone, Sho makes 4 times recovery, before you can truly finish him.
    Use Masaki in this scenario. I spent almost 1 hour and almost all of my "Super
    Repair Kit" and "Donkey Bun" (use them or you'll be sorry, this is the LAST)
    just for defeating Sho.
    NOW sit back and enjoy the ending movie (which I think is bad, SD Gundam has a better movie>_<).
    Why? The characters wasn't speak there. Also no action there, just stand, and holding hands???
    After this you can save this file for:
    1. Movies collection.
    2. Character and mecha data.
    3. Replay. A note will written on the data that you saved. It says in which mode you finished the
    game. In Normal Mode, you can replay with 1,500,000 money at the beginning, Hard 2,000,000,
    Easy 1,000,000. Just choose "Load" to replay.
  2. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    thà thấy đi đến đâu hỏi đến đó còn đẹp trời hơn là quẳng cho cả trang ngồi dịch hộ 8-}
  3. Soulmaster0812

    Soulmaster0812 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    B.B studio
    thấy cái đoạn này
    "This is all question that perhaps will asked by everyone who play SRW for the first time.
    cậu lần đầu tiên chơi SRW à ?
    hay là ko biết 1 tí gì tiếng anh ? đến độ phải bê nguyên toàn bộ cái faqs lên đây

    dont know if troll or stupid............
  4. The_Magician

    The_Magician Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Golden Age
    #1 :-w
    Cái secret thì tui đã dịch hô nsonhai rồi, đây này:

    Mấy cái khác thì hỏi cái tên Google translate đi...
    Tiếng Anh của mấy bố thật là...
  5. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    hehe hiểu thì cũng hiểu được 50% rồi.mình nghĩ là mấy bạn chơi trò này rồi kiểu gì cũng có bản dịch lưu trong máy chứ,mình chơi tìm tòi hết rồi ko ra thêm được nữa nên mới xem hướng dẫn thôi,chẹp trò này chơi hay thật,nhưng sao chơi mãi ko kiếm được cái giáp của nu gundam nhỉ,mình chơi tới bài 37 rồi ko cần hinu gì hết chỉ cần nu gundam có cánh bay được là đã mạnh lắm rồi :x:x:x
  6. The_Magician

    The_Magician Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Golden Age
    Cái đó cần thiết đến thế cơ à? Có walkthrough tiếng Anh rồi mà vẫn còn đòi bản dịch tiếng Việt thì đến chịu.

    Giáp của Nu Gundam (HWS System) thì phải chơi Normal/Easy mode mới lấy được, muốn bay nữa thì thêm Minovsky Craft/Drive vào.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/8/11
  7. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    1 người rồi,mỗi người 1 tay nào,gom góp lại rồi post bài hướng dẫn post vào cho diễn đàn srw thêm sôi nổi,những bài về srw alpha gaiden bị xóa hết rồi lập topic này để mọi người bàn luận mấy cái bí mật,đang chuẩn bị phá đảo để chơi lại từ đầu đây,hình như sẽ có khoảng 1 triệu tiền để nâng cấp robo :x:x:x

    P/s : bạn nào cho mình hỏi cách kiếm giáp của nu gundam,map bao nhiêu vậy ?
  8. The_Magician

    The_Magician Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Golden Age
    ^ Map 30, 2nd half, Normal/Easy mode.
  9. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    tớ đi normal sao ko có nhỉ,lấy được mỗi cái giáp của v2 gundam,hay là do mình đi phần route moon nhỉ,mình ko chọn phần x-turn :(
  10. Tiểu Yến

    Tiểu Yến Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Diễn đàn gamevn mà bạn post hướng dẫn english thì ai đọc ?
  11. nướcđá7A3

    nướcđá7A3 ◥▶◀◤ Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ^ ổng post nhờ người dịch chứ hổng phải post để hướng dẫn :))
  12. The_Magician

    The_Magician Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Golden Age
    Map 30 đâu có Split Route đâu, muốn lấy HWS System thì khi đến part 2 của màn đó cho 1 unit di chuyển vô cái ô màu xanh lá đầu tiên ông nhìn thấy là lấy được.
  13. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    cám ơn nha mình lấy được rồi :x

    các bạn chơi thường sử dụng những robot nào làm chủ lực vậy,thử cho mình 10 cái tên tiêu biểu các bạn hay chọn khi ra quân xem nào,shin gette và mazinkaiser rất mạnh nhưng lại xuất hiện quá muộn thật sự khá đáng tiếc,mình thì thường chọn wing gundam system zero.v2 gundam của usso,daitarn 3 khổng lồ,phi thuyền trắng marbet,double X salite cannon,hiaku shinky best of evade,cybuster thần gió,nu gundam của amurro và cuối cùng là phi thuyền mẹ 14000HP :x
  14. haman

    haman Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nu gundam nên lắp cho nó cái môi trường A vì đánh trên không + dưới đất nó có B à. Dẫn đến damage của nó yếu đi.
    Cybuster cũng đánh dưới đất là B X_X trong khi có rất nhiều đám Walk Machine

    Ngoài ra nên sử dụng cặp Compact V + Voltes V + Raideen + Dancougar + J9 \m/
  15. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    công nhận mấy đứa này trâu bò đánh damage khỏe nhưng mà mỗi tội dùng mấy chiêu của tụi nó mất nhiều EN quá,nhất là con dacougar í kết nó lắm mà đánh được mấy chiêu thì hết lục :(

    Các bạn cho hỏi những part nào lắp là lợi hại nhất vậy,mình thấy bảng part của mình tới bài 37 vẫn còn thiếu nhiều lắm,thấy có cái generation và cái DGHPDP gì đó tăng 30% EN là lợi hại,Nano unit thì tăng 10% hình như còn 1 cái nữa chắc tăng 20,30% gì đó nhưng chưa kiếm được :-?
  16. Soulmaster0812

    Soulmaster0812 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    B.B studio
    muốn part xịn hả
    full up con walker machine ghẻ rồi quăng vào bazzar ấy...........

    dùng mấy con super trên là vì có nhiều pilot tương đương với nhiều sp để xài seishin
    cứ lo ngại tốn EN mà ko xài thì về sau đám boss nó bật seishin lên liên tục thì làm ăn thế nào
    mazinkaiser với shin getter xuất hiện ở nửa game thì sao ? sợ xuất hiện muộn nên mech ko tăng các chỉ số HP, streng, con, def, speed, luck như mình mong muốn à
    chưa nói đến việc lấy Zengar và chỉ xài được ở 3 bàn cuối.

    ờ mà nếu chỉ quanh quẩn easy với normal thì thôi.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/8/11
  17. backforquiet

    backforquiet C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vô gia cư
    EN thì có bơm EN mà
    bơm đầy EN , -10 morale , chịu đòn vài hit là lại lên
    HP thì bơm thoải mái .

    HPHGCP đc có 2 hay 3 cái thôi mà - Mazinkaiser đăng ký 1 , Shingetter đăng ký 1 . còn 1 cái cho V2 .
    Dancouga cũng ngon mỗi tội đi chậm như rùa (5)
    cái hồi 10% EN thì bazzar có bán .

    đám mech đểu do bọn lâu nhâu lái . khi gia nhập thì up max 1 vài chỉ số lên rồi bán , sẽ đc khuyến mại item

    max HP - khuyến mại part HP + 2000
    max EN - khuyến mại EN + 150
    max Def - khuyến mại Def + 300
    max Eva - khuyến mại Eva + 35
    max limit - khuyến mại limit + 50

    ngoài ra với mech up max >1 stats thì còn đc khuyến mại thêm

    max 2 - khuyến mại All terrain A
    max 3 - khuyến mại Mirror image
    max 4 - khuyến mại SYMBOL OF HERO : armor +250, eva +25, limit +35, hit rate +30% ( item kế cuối bảng 8 )
    max 5 - khuyến mại SOUL OF STEEL : armor +250, eva +30, limit +40, hit rate +35% ( item cuối bảng 8 )

    up max 5 cho 1 mech mất khoảng 570k , cứ thong thả mà farm =))
    lắp cái All terrain A cho Nu/Hi Nu/NuHWS thì trên trời , dưới đất , dưới biển anh bắn A tất , cầm cả kiếm nhảy lên chém bọn bay nữa =))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 13/8/11
  18. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    thanks bạn nhé :x,tiện cho mình hỏi là những mech lởm này cụ thể là những con nào vậy,mình biết có 3 con bán được hùi đầu chỗ trở về quá khứ là bán được thôi,sau có thêm 1,2 con hình như cũng bán được,vậy mỗi con robot này mình up max stt 1 chỉ số thì sẽ tương ứng banza sẽ ra 1 part hay tất cả 1 con thì được nó sẽ ra rao bán 1 loại part vậy bạn ?

    ---------- Post added at 22:45 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

    trong các chỉ số thì mình thắc mắc nhất là LIMIT,có tác dụng gì vậy bạn mình chưa hiểu cho lắm ?
  19. Soulmaster0812

    Soulmaster0812 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    B.B studio
    đọc story kiểu gì mà đoạn đầu bị đẩy đến tương lai lại thành trở về quá khứ thế này............
    face palm.jpg
  20. longmagic

    longmagic Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Dark Load
    choài,thấy mấy con robot nó thấy robot của mình trầm trồ lại còn thấy ngạc nhiên rằng robot của mình hiện đại còn biết bay cơ mà,mà robot tương lai gì nhìn lởm quá,cái vụ robot turn A và turn X ko hiểu cho lắm,thấy turn X khoe là sẽ có turn A xuất hiện nào ngờ con turn A mà xuất hiện đen xì bí ẩn (?) có khả năng thay đổi không giân thời gian lại ở bên mình ?

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