Còn 10 ngày nữa là PS Vita sẽ có mặt, mình xin được điểm một số nét chính: Specs: dual quad-core processors, an 5" OLED touchscreen display front and rear facing cameras optional 3G connectivity, a rear touch panel a built-in accelerometer, a gyroscope, and a digital compass, GPS front and rear touch PlayStation Vita Games (17/12): Army Corps of Hell Disgaea 3 Returns Escape Plan Everybody's Golf (working title) / Hot Shots Golf World Invitational ?? F1 2011 Gravity Rush Hot Shots Golf Next Hustle Kings Vita LittleBigPlanet Vita Little Deviants Lord of Apocalypse ModNation Racers: Road Trip MotorStorm RC Putty Squad Reality Fighters Ruin Sound Shapes Super Stardust Delta Top Darts Uncharted: Golden Abyss WipEout 2048 Released Date: December 17 in Japan, February 22 in North America, Europe, Australia and Latin America January 2012 in the Philipines Preorder: Singapore: (17/12/11) Mã: http://qisahn.com/preorder_info/id/204 Vietnam: (31/12/11) Mã: http://www.haloshop.vn/ps-vita.html Reference: IGN, PS Vita Wiki, http://www.ign.com/wikis/ps-vita
http://forum.gamevn.com/showthread....-V3-Binh-chon-cho-the-loai-game-ban-yeu-thich What wrong with you ?
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