Monster Hunter - Infinity and Beyond [New Links + Patch v3.8 + New DLC!!!]

Thảo luận trong 'Sony' bắt đầu bởi latinoheat48, 8/4/12.

  1. latinoheat48

    latinoheat48 Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sì Gồn
    (Đang Edit thì lỡ xóa & lưu lại =_=. Sẽ làm lại sau. Mong các anh em thông cảm)​

    HR1 Guild Quests (3 Stars):
    7/19 Hunt Barroth / Sandy Plains

    11/19 Hunt Royal Ludroth/ Flooded Forest

    16/19 Hunt Qurupeco / Deserted Island

    17/19 Hunt Aoashira / Deserted Island

    Urgent! Hunt Gigginox / Tundra

    HR2 Guild Quests (4 Stars)
    5/24 Hunt Nargacuga / Mountain Stream

    9/24 Hunt Hapurubokka / Sandy Plains

    12/24 Hunt Rathian / Deserted Island

    16/24 Hunt Barioth / Tundra

    22/24 Hunt Uragaan / Volcano

    Urgent! Hunt Jinouga / Deserted Island

    HR3 Guild Quests (5 Stars)
    3/22 Hunt Diablos / Sandy Plains

    7/22 Hunt Doboruberuku / Flooded Forest

    10/22 Hunt Rathalos / Deserted Island

    12/22 Hunt Tigrex / Tundra

    14/22 Hunt Agnaktor / Volcano

    Urgent! Repel Jhen Mohran / Great Desert

    Chúc mừng các hunter, các bạn không còn là thợ săn tập sự nữa mà đã trở thành một hunter thực thụ với những bề dày chiến tích được trưởng làng ghi nah65n trong...guild card.
    Như thường lệ, mình sẽ giới thiệu một cô nữ. Cô này tên Sasayu, là cô chị của Konaha ở trên. Tin buồn cho các hunter là cô ta có boy friend rồi, và người ấy là ta :"> (hunter nào đẹp trai có ý định thì bỏ đi, không thì ta giận, ta ko viết hướng dẫn hướng hiếc gì hết á.)


    Một chú ý nữa là các bạn gặp một số con có tên dạng [A+chữ Subspecies], và các bạn sẽ ko thấy nó trong bảng Quest đâu. Vì sao? xin thưa là các bạn phải giết con thường thì con đấy mới hiện ra. vd các hunter muốn bảng Q hiện ra con Uragaan Subspecies thì các bạn phải nhận và hoàn thành Q giết con Uragaan trước đã nhé.
    HR4 Guild Quests (6 Stars) :
    5/23 Hunt 2 Aoashira / Mountain Stream

    9/23 Hunt 2 Great Jaggi / Sandy Plains

    10/23 Hunt Barroth / Sandy Plains

    20/23 Hunt Royal Ludroth Subspecies / Deserted Island * Chú ý những con có chữ Subspecies thì bạn phải giết con thường rồi nó mới hiện ra nhé.

    22/23 Hunt Qurupeco / Deserted Island

    Urgent! Hunt Nargacuga / Mountain Stream

    HR5 Guild Quests (7 Stars)
    7/35 Hunt 2 Hapurubokka / Sandy Plains

    8/35 Hunt Barioth Subspecies / Sandy Plains

    10/35 Hunt Nargacuga Subspecies / Flooded Forest

    18/35 Hunt Gigginox Subspecies / Tundra

    21/35 Hunt Barroth Subspecies / Tundra

    26/35 Hunt Rathalos / Volcano

    27/35 Hunt Uragaan Subspecies / Volcano *phải giết Uragaan trước

    Urgent! Hunt 2 Jinouga Mountain Stream *hơi phê nhé.

    HR6 Guild Quests (8 Stars)
    2/38 Hunt Doboruberuku / Mountain Stream

    8/38 Hunt Black Diablos / Sandy Plains

    15/38 Hunt Rathalos and Rathian / Island

    19/38 Hunt Deviljho / Tundra

    20/38 Hunt Agnaktor Subspecies / Tundra

    24/38 Hunt Black Tigrex / Volcano

    Urgent!Hunt Jhen Mohran / Great Desert

    Urgent! Hunt Amatsumagatsuchi

    Map and Gathering Points
    [Hình bị xóa cả rồi, mình sẽ update sau]

    Felyne Skills
    Page 1/9
    鬼人笛の術 - Demon Flute - buff attack cho cả Hunter lẫn Felyne - 60pts - 2 slot (lv2)
    硬化笛の術 - Armor Flute - buff defense cho cả Hunter lẫn Felyne - 60pts - 2 slot (lv2)
    解毒・消臭笛の術 - Antidote Flute - giải trạng thái Poison cho Hunter với Felyne - 30pts - 1 slot (lv2)
    回復笛の術 - Heal Flute - buff 1 lượng HP - 70pts - 2 slot (lv5)
    真・回復笛の術 - Great Heal Flute - buff 1 lượng lớn HP - 120pts - 3 slot (cần 4 trái tim)
    属性攻撃強化の術 - Enhance Elemental Attack - buff attack nguyên tố cho Felyne - 50pts - 2 slot (lv10)
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    状態異常攻撃【毒】- Poison Status Attack - thêm Poison vào đòn đánh của Felyne - 80pts - 3 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Great Froggi hoặc Gigginox, lv13)
    状態異常攻撃【麻痺】 - Paralysis Status Attack - thêm Paralysis vào đòn đánh của Felyne -80pts - 4 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Rangutora, lv13)
    状態異常攻撃【睡眠】 - Sleep Status Attack - thêm Sleep vào đòn đánh của Felyne - 80pts - 3 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Great Baggi, lv13)
    状態異常攻撃強化の術 - Enhance Status Attack - buff attack hiệu ứng cho Felyne - 120pts - 2 slot (lv10)
    泥・雪だるま早割りの術 - ??? - khi bị Mud hoặc Frozen Felyne sẽ thoát sớm hơn - 30pts - 1slot (lv5)
    毒無効の術 - Poison Immunity - Felyne miễn nhiệm với Poison - 30pts - 1 slot (lv2)
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    風圧無効の術 - Windpress Immunity - Felyne miễn nhiệm với Windpress (ngoại trừ Dragon) - 100pts - 2slot (lv10)
    防音の術 - Earplug - Felyne miễn nhiệm với tiếng gào của quái - 120pts - 2slot (lv10)
    防音・風圧無効の術 - Windpress/Earplug Immunity - tổng hợp của 2 cái trên - 140pts - 3 slot
    攻撃力強化術【小】 - Attack Up (S) - buff 1 lượng Attack nhỏ cho Felyne - 30pts - 1 slot (lv2)
    攻撃力強化術【大】 - Attack Up (L) - buff 1 lượng Attack lớn cho Felyne - 90pts - 2 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Jinouga hoặc Tigrex)
    防御力強化術【小】 - Defense Up (S) - buff 1 lượng Defense nhỏ cho Felyne - 30pts - 1 slot (lv2)
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    防御力強化術【大】 - Defense Up (L) - buff 1 lượng Defense lớn cho Felyne - 90pts - 2 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Jinouga hoặc Tigrex)
    体力強化術【小】 - Max Health (S) - tăng max máu của Felyne lên 1 tý - 30pts - 1 slot (lv5)
    体力強化術【大】 - Max Health (L) - tăng max máu của Felyne lên đáng kể - 90pts - 2 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Jinouga hoặc Tigrex)
    ガード確率強化【小】- Guard (S) - tăng tỷ lệ guard của Felyne lên 1 tý - 30pts - 1 slot (lv5)
    ガード確率強化【大】 - Guard (L) - tăng tỷ lệ guard của Felyne lên đáng kể - 90pts - 2 slot (lv10)
    会心攻撃強化の術 - Affinity Up - tăng tỷ lệ Affinity của Felyne - 50pts - 1 slot (lv5)
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    ぶんどり強化の術 - Steal - tăng tỷ lệ cướp đc đồ của quái - 100pts - 2 slot
    シビレ罠の術 - Shock Trap - Felyne có thể đặt Shock Trap - 160pts - 3 slot (4 trái tim)
    マタタビ爆弾の術 - マタタビBomb - có % nhó dùng マタタビBomb - 30pts - 1 slot (lv2)
    大タル爆弾の術 - Large Barrel Bomb - Felyne có thể dùng Large Barrel Bomb - 140pts - 2 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Uragaan hoặc Rathalos)
    爆弾強化の術 - Bomb Up - tăng sát thương cho tất cả các loại Bomb - 150pts - 3 slot
    爆弾ダメージ軽減の術 - ??? - giảm sát thương của các loại Bomb (cho Hunter???) - 90pts - 1slot (lv5)
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    ビッグブーメランの術 - ??? - cho Felyne sử dụng Dart để tấn công mục tiêu, tăng sát thương lên 1 tý - 100pts - 2 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Barioth - lv13)
    貫通ブーメランの術 - Pierce Dart - thêm hiệu ứng Pierce vào cho Dart của Felyne - 80pts - 1 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Nargacuga - lv13)
    大砲・バリスタ強化術 - ??? - tăng sát thương cho Felyne khi dùng Cannon với Ballista - 60pts - 1 slot (cho Felyne tham gia đánh Uragaan)
    起き上がりこぼし術 - Recovery - khi Felyne bị đánh ngã sẽ đứng dậy nhanh hơn - 100pts - 2 slot (lv12)
    七転び八起きの術 - ??? - mỗi lần Felyne quay lại chiến trường sẽ đc buff Attack, max 8 lần - 120pts - 3 slot
    背水の陣の術 - Against The Wall - tăng Attack/Defense của Felyne lên rất nhiều, nhưng khi Felyne die sẽ ko sống dậy lại nữa - 150pts - 2 slot
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    耐性強化【火】- Fire Resistance - tăng kháng Fire cho Felyne - 15pts - 1 slot (lv3)
    耐性強化【水】- Water Resistance - tăng kháng Water cho Felyne - 15pts - 1 slot (lv3)
    耐性強化【雷】- Thunder Resistance - tăng kháng Thunder cho Felyne - 15pts - 1s lot(lv5)
    耐性強化【氷】- Ice Resistance - tăng kháng Ice cho Felyne - 15pts - 1 slot(lv5)
    耐性強化【龍】- Dragon Resistance - tăng kháng Dragon cho Felyne - 30pts - 1 slot(lv10)
    全耐性強化の術 - All Resistance - tăng 1 tý tất cả kháng cho Felyne - 30pts - 1 slot (lv10)
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    千里眼の術 - Thousand Miles' Eyes - cho phép nhìn vị trí của quái khí bắt đầu đi săn( Psychoserum) - 70pts - 2 slot
    高速採取の術 - Speed Gathering - tăng tốc độ thu hoạch cho Felyne - 50pts - 1 slot (lv5)
    高速回復の術 - Quick Recovery - tăng tộc đồ hồi HP cho Felyne - 130pts - 2 slot
    採取封印の術 - No Gathering - Felyne sẽ ko thu hoạch nữa - 30pts - 1 slot (lv10)
    サボりなしの術 - ??? - Felyne sẽ ko "lang thang"??? - 60pts - 1 slot
    サボり中・回復の術 - ??? - trong lúc "lang thang"??? Felyne sẽ tự động hồi HP - 60pts - 1 slot
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    オトモ同士の山彦笛術 - ??? - khi Felyne khác thổi Flute, Felyne có skill này cũng sẽ thổi theo - 100pts - 1 slot
    オトモ同士の罠連携術 - ??? - khi Felyne khác đặt Shock Trap, Felyne có skill này sẽ đặt Large Barrel Bomb - 60pts - 1 slot (4 trái tim)
    オトモ同士の注意術 - ??? - chưa rõ - 20pts - 1 slot (lv2)
    オトモ同士のきずな術 - One Fall, One Rise - khi 1 Felyne khác gục ngã, Felyne có skill này sẽ đc tăng Attack/Defense - 80pts - 2 slot (lv10)[/spoil]

    Cheat xem máu monster:

    _S ULJM-05800
    _G Monster Hunter Portable 3rd

    _C0 HP_Display 0/10
    _L 0xD1457C90 0x00005FA0
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    _L 0xD033885C 0x00000380
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    _L 0x200010A0 0x00000000
    _L 0xD033885C 0x00000011
    _L 0x00000FFA 0x00000000
    _L 0xD033885C 0x00000041
    _L 0x00000FFA 0x00000002
    _L 0xD033885C 0x00000081
    _L 0x00000FFA 0x00000005
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    _L 0x00000FFA 0x0000000E
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    _L 0x20001010 0xAC521FF0
    _L 0x20001014 0xAC511FEC
    _L 0x20001018 0xAC501FE8
    _L 0x20001020 0x34100000
    _L 0x20001024 0x34110000
    _L 0x20001028 0x90540FFA
    _L 0x2000102C 0x3C150880
    _L 0x20001030 0x3C0208A6
    _L 0x20001034 0x8FC49F18
    _L 0x20001038 0x3405000E
    _L 0x2000103C 0x0E239BFC
    _L 0x20001040 0x3406000E
    _L 0x20001044 0x3C0209DA
    _L 0x20001048 0x34429860
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    _L 0x20001050 0x00431021
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    _L 0x20001054 0x8C520000
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    _L 0x20001070 0x864A0246
    _L 0x20001074 0x864B0288
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    _L 0x20001084 0x00142821
    _L 0x2000108C 0x0E200680
    _L 0x20001090 0x36A82000
    _L 0x20001094 0x2631000E
    _L 0x2000109C 0x92A20FFC
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    _L 0x200010B4 0x26100001
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    _L 0x200010E4 0x864A0246
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    _L 0x200010EC 0x864C0BC2
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    _L 0x200010F4 0x864E00D4
    _L 0x20001100 0x0E200680
    _L 0x20001110 0x00142821
    _L 0x20001114 0x34060006
    _L 0x20001118 0x340700DA
    _L 0x2000111C 0x36A8202A
    _L 0x20001120 0x8649023C
    _L 0x20001124 0x864A0252
    _L 0x20001128 0x864B025A
    _L 0x2000112C 0x864C0258
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    _C0 HP_Display 4/10
    _L 0x2000113C 0x34060006
    _L 0x20001140 0x340700F6
    _L 0x20001144 0x36A82044
    _L 0x20001148 0x8649024E
    _L 0x2000114C 0x864A024C
    _L 0x20001150 0x864B0C5C
    _L 0x20001154 0x864C0C5E
    _L 0x20001158 0x0E200680
    _L 0x20001170 0x00142821
    _L 0x20001174 0x34060050
    _L 0x20001178 0x340700F6
    _L 0x2000117C 0x36A8205E
    _L 0x20001180 0x86490B32
    _L 0x20001184 0x864A0B34
    _L 0x2000118C 0x864B0B3A
    _L 0x20001190 0x864C0B3C
    _L 0x20001198 0x0E200680
    _L 0x200011A0 0x00142821
    _L 0x200011A4 0x34060088
    _L 0x200011A8 0x340700F6
    _C0 HP_Display 5/10
    _L 0x200011AC 0x36A8205E
    _L 0x200011B0 0x86490B42
    _L 0x200011B4 0x864A0B44
    _L 0x200011BC 0x864B0B4A
    _L 0x200011C0 0x864C0B4C
    _L 0x200011C8 0x0E200680
    _L 0x200011D0 0x00142821
    _L 0x200011D4 0x340600C0
    _L 0x200011D8 0x340700F6
    _L 0x200011DC 0x36A8205E
    _L 0x200011E0 0x86490B52
    _L 0x200011E4 0x864A0B54
    _L 0x200011EC 0x864B0B5A
    _L 0x200011F0 0x864C0B5C
    _L 0x200011F8 0x0E200680
    _L 0x20001200 0x00142821
    _L 0x20001204 0x340600F8
    _L 0x20001208 0x340700F6
    _L 0x2000120C 0x36A8205E
    _L 0x20001210 0x86490B62
    _C0 HP_Display 6/10
    _L 0x20001214 0x864A0B64
    _L 0x2000121C 0x864B0B6A
    _L 0x20001220 0x864C0B6C
    _L 0x20001228 0x0E200680
    _L 0x20001948 0x0A20042B
    _L 0x20001950 0x3C0208B4
    _L 0x20001954 0x9444885C
    _L 0x20001958 0x3C020880
    _L 0x2000195C 0x34450FF0
    _L 0x20001960 0x38810110
    _L 0x20001964 0x2407FFFF
    _L 0x20001968 0x10200003
    _L 0x2000196C 0x38810140
    _L 0x20001970 0x14200012
    _L 0x20001974 0x24070001
    _L 0x20001978 0x90A6000E
    _L 0x2000197C 0x20C60001
    _L 0x20001980 0x28C10006
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    _L 0x2000198C 0x80A6000C
    _C0 HP_Display 7/10
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    _L 0x200019A4 0x14200002
    _L 0x200019AC 0x24060005
    _L 0x200019B0 0xA0A6000C
    _L 0x200019B4 0x24060000
    _L 0x200019B8 0xA0A6000E
    _L 0x200019BC 0x3C020880
    _L 0x200019C0 0x8C551FFC
    _L 0x200019C4 0x8C541FF8
    _L 0x200019C8 0x8C531FF4
    _L 0x200019CC 0x8C521FF0
    _L 0x200019D0 0x8C511FEC
    _L 0x200019D4 0x8C501FE8
    _L 0x200019D8 0x0A758E99
    _L 0x20001A00 0x8FC49F18
    _L 0x20001A08 0xA085012E
    _L 0x20001A0C 0xA4860120
    _C0 HP_Display 8/10
    _L 0x20001A10 0xA4870122
    _L 0x20001A14 0x01002821
    _L 0x20001A18 0x01203021
    _L 0x20001A1C 0x01403821
    _L 0x20001A20 0x01604021
    _L 0x20001A24 0x01804821
    _L 0x20001A28 0x01A05021
    _L 0x20001A2C 0x01C05821
    _L 0x20001A30 0x0A23AA99
    _L 0x20001A58 0x3C0108A3
    _L 0x20001A5C 0x34219F4C
    _L 0x20001A60 0x2522017E
    _L 0x20001A64 0x00021080
    _L 0x20001A68 0x00221021
    _L 0x20001A6C 0x8C420000
    _L 0x20001A70 0x00414821
    _L 0x20001A74 0x03E00008
    _L 0x20002000 0x253A7325
    _L 0x20002004 0x64252F64
    _L 0x20002008 0x20732500
    _C0 HP_Display 9/10
    _L 0x2000200C 0x3A504820
    _L 0x20002010 0x252F6425
    _L 0x20002014 0x54532064
    _L 0x20002018 0x64253A41
    _L 0x2000201C 0x2064252F
    _L 0x20002020 0x3A7A6953
    _L 0x20002024 0x25256425
    _L 0x20002028 0xAFE60000
    _L 0x2000202C 0x33253A92
    _L 0x20002030 0x33252F64
    _L 0x20002034 0xE70A0D64
    _L 0x20002038 0x253ABA97
    _L 0x2000203C 0x252F6433
    _L 0x20002040 0x00006433
    _L 0x20002044 0x3AA09CE7
    _L 0x20002048 0x2F643325
    _L 0x2000204C 0x0D643325
    _L 0x20002050 0xB6B5E70A
    _L 0x20002054 0x6433253A
    _L 0x20002058 0x6433252F
    _C0 HP_Display 10/10
    _L 0x2000205C 0x34250000
    _L 0x20002060 0x64252F64
    _L 0x20002064 0x34250A0D
    _L 0x20002068 0x64252F64
    Cách dùng:
    Note: Activate
    UP + L + R +: HP Display ON
    L + R + down: HP Display OFF
    L + R + Left: Detail ON
    L + R + Right: Detail OFF
    Select + Up: white font color
    Select + Down:red font color
    Select + Left: yellowfont color
    Select + Right: blue font color
    L + on Target: -1 Detail
    L + Down: +1 Target Detail
    ***Lưu ý:mang mèo theo cheat mới hiện nhá

    Armor Skill:
    Health : +15 : Health +50 : Increases maximum Health by 50.
    +10 : Health +20 : Increases maximum Health by 20.
    -10 : Health -10 : Decreases maximum Health by 10.
    -15 : Health -30 : Decreases maximum Health by 30.

    Rec Speed : +15 : Recovery Spd +2 : Greatly speeds recovery from temporary damage. (x4)
    +10 : Recovery Spd +1 : Speeds recovery from temporary damage. (x2)
    -10 : Recovery Spd -1 : Slows recovery from temporary damage. (x1/2)
    -15 : Recovery Spd -2 : Greatly slows recovery from temporary damage. (x1/4)

    StaminaRec : +10 : Stamina Rec Up : Doubles recovery speed of stamina.
    -10 : Stamina Rec Down : Slows down recovery speed of stamina.

    Attack : +20 : Attack Up (L) : Attack+20
    +15 : Attack Up (M) : Attack+15
    +10 : Attack Up (S) : Attack+10
    -10 : Attack Down (S) : Attack-5
    -15 : Attack Down (M) : Attack-10
    -20 : Attack Down (L) : Attack-15

    Defense : +20 : Defense Up (L) : Defense+20
    +15 : Defense Up (M) : Defense+15
    +10 : Defense Up (S) : Defense+10
    -10 : Defense Down (S) : Defense-10
    -15 : Defense Down (M) : Defense-15
    -20 : Defense Down (L) : Defense-20

    Expert : +20 : Critical Eye +3 : Increases Affinity by 30%.
    +15 : Critical Eye +2 : Increases Affinity by 20%.
    +10 : Critical Eye +1 : Increases Affinity by 10%.
    -10 : Critical Eye -1 : Decreases Affinity by 5%.
    -15 : Critical Eye -2 : Decreases Affinity by 10%.
    -20: Critical Eye -3 : Decreases Affinity by 15%.

    Potential : +15: Adrenaline +2 : When HP<40%, Defense bonus increased from 30 to 45, Attack multiplied by 1.3
    +10: Adrenaline +1 : When HP<40%, Defense bonus increased from 30 to 45.
    -10: Worrywart : When HP<40%, Defense bonus decreased from 30 to 21, Attack multiplied by 0.7

    Status :+15: Status Atk +2 : Abnormal status attacks multiplied by 1.25.
    +10: Status Atk +1 : Abnormal status attacks multiplied by 1.125.
    -10 : Status Atk Down : Abnormal status attacks multiplied by 0.9.

    Elemental : +10: Element Atk Up: Elemental attacks multiplied by 1.1
    -10: Element Atk Down: Decreases the power of Elemental attacks.

    Fire Atk : +15: Fire Atk +2 : Fire element attack multiplied by 1.2.
    +10: Fire Atk +1 : Fire element attack multiplied by 1.1.
    -10:Fire Atk Down : Fire element attack multiplied by 0.75.

    Water Atk :+15 : Water Atk +2: Water element attack multiplied by 1.2.
    +10 : Water Atk +1: Water element attack multiplied by 1.1.
    -10: Water Atk Down : Water element attack multiplied by 0.75.

    Thunder Atk : +15: Thunder Atk +2: Thunder element attack multiplied by 1.2.
    +10: Thunder Atk +1 : Thunder element attack multiplied by 1.1.
    -10: Thunder Atk Down: Thunder element attack multiplied by 0.75.

    氷属性攻撃 +15 氷属性攻撃強化+2 Ice Atk +2 Ice element attack multiplied by 1.2.
    +10 氷属性攻撃強化+1 Ice Atk +1 Ice element attack multiplied by 1.1.
    氷属性攻撃弱化 Ice Atk Down
    Ice element attack multiplied by 0.75.

    Dragon Atk
    龍属性攻撃 +15 龍属性攻撃強化+2 Dragon Atk +2 Dragon element attack multiplied by 1.2.
    +10 龍属性攻撃強化+1 Dragon Atk +1 Dragon element attack multiplied by 1.1.
    龍属性攻撃弱化 Dragon Atk Down
    Dragon element attack multiplied by 0.75.

    逆境 +10 不屈 Fortify Near death defence increase by 30;
    -After first faint attack multiplied by 1.1.
    -After second faint attack multiplied by 1.2.

    +10 弱点特効 Stinger Increases affinity when attacking a monster's weakspot.

    +10 破壊王 Destruction King Easier to break a monster's body parts cutting its tail off.

    +15 力の解放+2 Force Out +2 After roughly 5 minutes fighting a large monster, your weapon power & affinity will increase for 90 seconds. Stamina is also 1/5 during that time.
    +10 力の解放+1 Force Out +1 After roughly 5 minutes fighting a large monster, your weapon power & affinity will increase for 90 seconds. Stamina is also 1/2 during that time.

    KO +10 KO術 KO Increases KO damage by 10%

    減気攻撃 +10 スタミナ奪取 Stamina Taker Increases stamina damage for stamina attacks

    Back to the top

    Skills that affect elemental and status effect resistances
    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    Heat Res
    耐暑 +10 暑さ無効 Heat Cancel Negates all heat, as well as damage received from lava.
    -10 暑さ倍加 Heat Surge Greatly increases damage incurred from heat.

    Cold Res
    耐寒 +10 寒さ無効 Cold Cancel Negates all cold.
    -10 寒さ倍加 Cold Surge Greatly increases the speed at which your maximum Stamina depletes from cold.

    毒 +10 毒無効 Negate Poison Prevents poison.
    -10 毒倍加 Double Poison Doubles the duration of poison.

    麻痺 +10 麻痺無効 Negate Paralysis Prevents paralysis.
    -10 麻痺倍加 Double Paralysis Doubles the duration of paralysis.

    睡眠 +10 睡眠無効 Negate Sleep Prevents sleep.
    -10 睡眠倍加 Double Sleep Doubles the duration of sleep; forces to sleep immediately.

    気絶 +15 気絶無効 Negate Stun Prevents stun.
    +10 気絶確率半減 Halve Stun Reduces the likelihood of being stunned by 50%.
    -10 気絶倍加 Double Stun Doubles the likelihood of being stunned.

    Fire Res
    火耐性 +15 火耐性 【大】 Fire Res Up (L) Fire resistance +10; negates Fire Blight.
    +10 火耐性 【小】 Fire Res Up (S) Fire resistance + 5; negates Fire Blight (S).
    -10 火耐性弱化 Fire Res Down Fire resistance - 10; turns Fire Blight from (S) to (L).

    Water Res
    +15 水耐性 【大】 Water Res Up (L) Water resistance +10; negates Water Blight.
    +10 水耐性 【小】 Water Res Up (S) Water resistance + 5; negates Water Blight (S).
    -10 水耐性弱化 Water Res Down Water resistance - 10; turns Water Blight from (S) to (L).

    雷耐性 +15 雷耐性 【大】 Thunder Res Up (L) Thunder resistance +10; negates Thunder Blight.
    +10 雷耐性 【小】 Thunder Res Up (S) Thunder resistance + 5; negates Thunder Blight (S).
    -10 雷耐性弱化 Thunder Res Down Thunder resistance - 10; turns Thunder Blight from (S) to (L).

    Ice Res
    氷耐性 +15 氷耐性 【大】 Ice Res Up (L) Ice resistance +10; negates Ice Blight.
    +10 氷耐性 【小】 Ice Res Up (S) Ice resistance + 5; negates Ice Blight (S).
    -10 氷耐性弱化 Ice Res Down Ice resistance - 10; turns Ice Blight from (S) to (L).

    Dragon Res
    龍耐性 +15 龍耐性 【大】 Dragon Res Up (L) Dragon resistance +10; negates Dragon Blight.
    +10 龍耐性 【小】 Dragon Res Up (S) Dragon resistance + 5; negates Dragon Blight (S).
    -10 龍耐性弱化 Dragon Res Down Dragon resistance - 10; turns Dragon Blight from (S) to (L).

    Wind Res
    風圧 +15 風圧完全無効 High Windproof Negates all Wind Pressure.
    +10 風圧無効 Windproof Negates almost all of Wind Pressure.

    聴覚保護 +15 高級耳栓 HG Earplugs Unaffected by all monster roars.
    +10 耳栓 Earplugs Unaffected by some monster roars.

    Tremor Res
    耐震 +10 耐震 Tremor-Proof Prevents staggering from tremors created by large monsters.

    耐泥耐雪 +10 泥&雪無効 Mud/Snow Prevents Muddy and Snowman conditions.

    Blight Res
    属性耐性 +10 属性やられ無効 Blightproof Negates all elemental Blights.

    抗菌 +10 抗菌 Antiseptic Prevents foul smell; some unusable items back to usable.

    Solid Def
    +10 鉄面皮 Anti Defense Down Prevents "Defense Down" status

    Back to the top

    Stamina And Movement
    Skills that affect character movement and/or stamina consumption
    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    体術 +15 体術+2 Constitution +2 Reduces Stamina depletion while evading, blocking and SA swinging by 1/2.
    +10 体術+1 Constitution +1 Reduces Stamina depletion while evading, blocking and SA swinging by 1/3
    -10 体術 -1 Constitution -1 Speeds up Stamina depletion while evading, blocking and SA swinging
    -15 体術 -2 Constitution -2 Greatly speeds up Stamina depletion while evading, blocking and SA swinging

    腹減り +15 腹減り無効 Negate Hunger Negates maximum Stamina depletion.
    +10 腹減り半減 Halve Hunger Halves maximum Stamina depletion speed.
    -10 腹減り倍加【小】 Raise Hunger Increases maximum Stamina depletion speed.
    -15 腹減り倍加【大】 Double Hunger Greatly increases maximum Stamina depletion speed.

    スタミナ +10 ランナー Marathon Runner Slows down Stamina depletion for actions other than evasion and blocking.
    -10 鈍足 Short Sprinter Speeds up Stamina depletion for actions other than evasion and blocking.

    運搬 +10 運搬の達人 Pro Transporter Travels faster while carrying Eggs or Powderstones.


    +15 回避性能+2 Evasion +2 Greatly extends the invulnerability period from 6/30 second to 12/30 second when evading.
    +10 回避性能+1 Evasion +1 Extends the invulnerability period from 6/30 second to 10/30 second when evading.
    回避性能DOWN Evasion Down
    Shortens the invulnerability period when evading.

    Evade Dist
    回避距離 +15 回避距離UP Evasion Up Increases evasion distance.

    +10 オートガード Auto-Guard Enables ability to automatically block attacks (when blocking is possible).

    Guard Up
    +10 ガード強化 Guard Boost Causes previously unblockable attacks to become blockable.

    ガード性能 +15 ガード性能+2 Guard +2 Greatly decrease knockback when blocking attacks, and decreases stamina and health loss when blocking heavier attacks
    +10 ガード性能+1 Guard +1 Decrease knockback when blocking attacks, and decreases stamina and health loss when blocking heavier attacks
    -10 ガード性能-1 Guard -1 Increase knockback when blocking attacks, and increases stamina and health loss when blocking heavier attacks

    納刀 +10 納刀術 Speed Sheathe Increases weapon sheath speed

    溜め短縮 +10 集中 Focus Decreases the time it takes to charge a Great Sword, Hammer, & Bow. Increases the rate at which Long Sword, Dual Sword, & S/Axe gauge fills.

    -10 雑念 Distracted Increases the time it takes to charge a Great Sword, Hammer, & Bow. Decreases the rate at which Long Sword, Dual Sword, & S/Axe gauge fills.

    Back to the top

    Item Related
    Skills relating to item use or item combination
    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    Bomb Boost
    爆弾強化 +10 ボマー Bombardier Bomb damage is increased. Bomb Combinations are 100%

    高速設置 +10 罠師 Trap Master Speeds up trap and bomb setting time. 100% Trap combinations.

    こやし +10 こやし玉名人 Dung Bomb Expert Increases Dung Bomb efficiency. 100% combination.

    効果持続 +10 アイテム使用強化 Item Use Up Increases the effect duration of certain items by 1/2.
    -10 アイテム使用弱化 Item Use Down Decreases the effect duration of certain items by 1/3.

    Rec Level
    回復量 +10 体力回復量UP Recovery Up Increases the efficiency of Health recovery items by 25%.
    -10 体力回復量DOWN Recovery Down Decreases the efficiency of Health recovery items by 25%.

    広域 +20 広域化+2 Wide-Range +2 Health & status Items used also affect party members. Party members receive full effect.
    +10 広域化+1 Wide-Range +1 Health & status Items used also affect party members. Party members receive 50% of the effect.

    食いしん坊 +15 拾い食い Scavenger Increases efficiency of items that raise maximum Stamina. 1/3 chance to increase maximum stamina by 50 when using recovery items
    +10 まんぷく Gourmand Sometimes increases the efficiency of items that raise maximum stamina.

    食事 +15 早食い+2 Speed Eating +2 Increases all item consuming speed.
    +10 早食い+1 Speed Eating +1 Increases meat/fish consuming speed.
    -10 スローライフ Slow Eater Decreases all item consuming speed.

    Combo Rate
    調合成功率 +15 調合成功率+45% Combination +45% Increases your Combination success rate by 45%.
    +10 調合成功率+20% Combination +20% Increases your Combination success rate by 20%.
    -10 調合成功率-10% Combination -10% Decreases your Combination success rate by 10%.
    -15 調合成功率 -20% Combination -20% Decreases your Combination success rate by 20%.

    Combo Plus
    調合数 +10 最大数生産 Combination Pro Guarantees maximum possible Combination results.

    砲術 +15 砲術王 Gunnery King Increases damage of Ballista, Cannon, gunlance shots, Wvyern Fire and Crag S.
    +10 砲術師 Gunnery Master Slightly increases damage of Ballista, Cannon, gunlance shots, Wvyern Fire and Crag S.

    Blademaster Exclusive
    Skills that are only usable by a Blademaster
    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    研ぎ師 +10 砥石使用高速化 Speed Sharpening Weapons are sharpened much faster
    -10 砥石使用低速化 Slow Sharpening Weapons take longer to sharpen

    Crit Draw
    抜刀会心 +10 抜刀術【技】 Critical Draw Guarantees all draw attacks will be critical.

    抜刀減気 +10 抜刀術【力】 Punishing Draw Grants the ability to stun (KO) monsters with draw attacks.

    斬れ味 +10 業物 Razor Sharp Halves the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness
    -10 なまくら Blunt Edge Doubles the rate at which your weapon loses Sharpness

    匠 +15 斬れ味レベル+1 Sharpness+1 Increases your weapon's Sharpness by one level.

    剣術 +10 心眼 Mind's Eye Prevents your attacks from being deflected.

    Gunner Exclusive
    Skills that are only usable by a Gunner
    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    Reload Spd

    +20 装填速度+3 Reload Speed +3 Bowgun reloading speed increases 3 levels
    +15 装填速度+2 Reload Speed +2 Bowgun reloading speed increases 2 levels
    +10 装填速度+1 Reload Speed +1 Bowgun reloading speed increases 1 level
    -10 装填速度-1 Reload Speed -1 Bowgun reloading speed decreases 1 level
    -15 装填速度-2 Reload Speed -2 Bowgun reloading speed decreases 2 levels
    -20 装填速度-3 Reload Speed -3 Bowgun reloading speed decreases 3 levels

    +20 反動軽減+3 Recoil Down +3 Bowgun recoil is reduced even greater
    +15 反動軽減+2 Recoil Down +2 Bowgun recoil is reduced further
    +10 反動軽減+1 Recoil Down +1 Bowgun recoil is reduced
    -10 反動軽減-1 Recoil Down -1 Bowgun recoil is increased
    -15 反動軽減-2 Recoil Down -2 Bowgun recoil is increased further
    -20 反動軽減-3 Recoil Down -3 Bowgun recoil is increased even greater

    精密射撃 +15 ブレ抑制+2 Steadiness +2 Greatly decreases Deviation while aiming.
    +10 ブレ抑制+1 Steadiness +1 Decreases Deviation while aiming.
    -10 ブレ抑制-1 Steadiness -1 Increases Deviation while aiming.
    -15 ブレ抑制-2 Steadiness -2 Greatly increases Deviation while aiming.

    NormalS Up
    通常弾強化 +10 通常弾・連射矢UP NormalS/RapidBow Boost Increases the damage of Normal S/Rapid Bow

    PierceS Up
    貫通弾威力 +10 貫通弾・貫通矢UP PierceS/PrceBow Boost Increases the damage of Pierce S/Pierce Bow

    PelletS Up
    散弾威力 +10 散弾・拡散矢UP PelletS/ScattBow Boost Increases the damage of Pellet S/Scatter Bow

    Normal S+
    +10 通常弾全LV追加 Normal S All Up Allows a bowgun to fire all Normal S levels; adds ammo

    Pierce S+
    +15 貫通弾全LV追加 Pierce S All Up Allows a bowgun to fire all Pierce S levels; adds ammo
    +10 貫通弾LV1追加 Pierce S Lv1 Up Allows a bowgun to fire Pierce S Lv1; adds ammo

    Pellet S+
    +15 散弾全LV追加 Pellet S All Up Allows a bowgun to fire all Pellet S levels; adds ammo
    +10 散弾LV1追加 Pellet S Lv1 Up Allows a bowgun to fire Pellet S Lv1; adds ammo

    Crag S+
    +15 徹甲榴弾全LV追加 Crag S All Up Allows a bowgun to fire all Crag S levels; adds ammo
    +10 徹甲榴弾LV1追加 Crag S Lv1 Up Allows a bowgun to fire Crag S Lv1; adds ammo

    Clust S+
    +15 拡散弾全LV追加 Clust S All Up Allows a bowgun to fire all Clust S levels; adds ammo
    +10 拡散弾LV1追加 Clust S Lv1 Up Allows a bowgun to fire Clust S Lv1; adds ammo

    Slice S+
    斬裂弾追加 +10 斬裂弾追加 Slice S Up Allows a bowgun to fire Slice S; adds ammo

    Rapid Fire
    +10 連発数+1 Bonus Shot Allows one extra shot to be fired while rapid firing.

    Para C+
    麻痺瓶追加 +10 麻痺ビン追加 Para C Up Allows a bow to use paralysis coat.

    Sleep C+
    睡眠瓶追加 +10 睡眠ビン追加 Sleep C Up Allows a bow to use sleep coat.

    Poison C+
    +10 毒ビン追加 Poison C Up Allows a bow to use poison coat.

    Power C+
    強撃瓶追加 +10 強撃ビン追加 Power C Up Allows a bow to use power coat.

    CloseR C+
    接撃瓶追加 +10 接撃ビン追加 CloseR C Up Allows a bow to use close range coat.

    Exhaust C+
    +10 減気ビン追加 Exhaust C Up Allows a bow to use exhaust coat.

    Skill Tree Points Japanese Skill Name Description
    Torso Up n/a
    Torso Up x1 Double skill points on torso including all decoration jewels.
    Torso Up x2 Triples skill points on torso including all decoration jewels.
    Torso Up x3 Quadruple skill points on torso including all decoration jewels.

    盗み無効 +10 盗み無効 Anti-Theft Enemies cannot steal anything from the hunter.

    狩人 +10 ハンター生活 Hunter Life Fishing Expert, BBQ Expert, Farsight all in one.

    千里眼 +15 自動マーキング Autotracker Activates Detect without having to mark the monster.
    +10 探知 Detect Marked monsters display additional information on the map; show big monsters' position at the beginning and every five minutes afterward.

    観察眼 +10 捕獲の見極め Capture Guru Monster icon on the map blinks when monsters are ready to be captured (use start+□ to see it clearly)

    気配 +10 隠密 Sneak Monsters are less likely to target you in a group.
    -10 挑発 Taunt Monsters are more likely to target you in a group.

    Spd Gather
    高速収集 +10 高速収集 Speed Gatherer Gathering speed is increased

    採取 +15 採取+2 Gathering +2 Higher chance to gather more resources in a single spot
    +10 採取+1 Gathering +1 Chance to gather more resources in a single spot
    -10 採取-1 Gathering -1 Chance to gather less resources in a single spot

    気まぐれ +15 神の気まぐれ Divine Whim Chance of bugnets/pickaxes/horns breaking is greatly reduced
    +10 精霊の気まぐれ Spirit's Whim Chance of bugnets/pickaxes/horns breaking is reduced
    -10 悪霊の気まぐれ Spectre's Whim Chance of bugnets/pickaxes/horns breaking is increased
    -15 悪魔の気ま Devil's Whim Chance of bugnets/pickaxes/horns breaking is greatly increased

    運気 +15 激運 Great Luck Often increases the number of Reward Items received.
    +10 幸運 Good Luck Sometimes increases the number of Reward Items received.
    -10 不運 Bad Luck Sometimes decreases the number of Reward Items received.
    -15 災難 Horrible Luck Often decreases the number of Reward Items received.

    剥ぎ取り +15 剥ぎ取り鉄人 Carving Pro Boosts number of carving chances.

    捕獲 +15 捕獲名人 Capture Expert Greatly increases capture items in rewards
    +10 捕獲上手 Capture Pro Increases capture items in rewards

    加護 +10 精霊の加護 Divine Blessing 1/4 chance to take 70% damage
    -10 悪霊の加護 Demonic Blessing 1/4 chance to take 130% damage

    笛 +10 笛吹き名人 Flute Expert Reduces likelihood of flute breaks; increases duration of recital effects triggered by hunting horn.

    +15 装填数UP Load Up Increases Bowgun's and Gunlance's loadable amount of all usable ammo by one; adds an extra charge level to Bows.

    Tổng hợp về mèo chiến +_+_+_+_+_+ UPDATED!!! By hoavo291193

    Hướng dẫn MHFU

    Weapon FAQs

    Guide Switch Axe by ZeroO88:

    Guide GunLance by Ronghaygiun:

    Guide Long Sword by [L2]linhdt

    Guide Hunting Horn by Lyrics(Not Done)

    ---- Hunters Of GameVN ----
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 3/2/16
  2. C4u_b3_Tjn

    C4u_b3_Tjn Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mở Hàng nhà mới nào :)), Cho viên gạch
  3. hoavo291193

    hoavo291193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ặc :| mất tem T.T, mừng nhà mới nào :2cool_go::2cool_go:
    p/s: này thì 300000000000000
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/4/12
  4. vulcan300

    vulcan300 Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Beginning of the End
    ai fix lại cái hướng dẫn xlink đi, copy lại mà toàn "xem tại ĐÂY" thế này thì biết đây là đâu ~____~
  5. vietmail2012

    vietmail2012 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái này có patch 3.9.1 rồi mà bác :P
  6. tomca1105

    tomca1105 Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Thêm quest nào, cảm ơn chủ topic:D. Có gì hè rảnh sẽ chơi lại cái này:)
  7. haihieu003

    haihieu003 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mừng nhà mới :6cool_boss:, có gì hot trong DLC này vậy ? :6cool_smile:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 25/6/12
  8. latinoheat48

    latinoheat48 Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sì Gồn
    Pác nào rành mấy cái này xin viết hướng dẫn lại giúp....
    Cho link!!! Đây nhé. 1 đống đồ mới + blah blah...
  9. glouds

    glouds Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hình như là không có gì, được cái 2 dual + 1 jin là hot nhất.
  10. moster1995

    moster1995 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Item mới đỉnh wa ! chiến tiếp nào ae
  11. wormyhoang1

    wormyhoang1 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Worms World
    có ai còn chơi freedom unite ko? bỏ MH cả năm trời giờ quay lại cày tiếp Unite, thấy quái bên unite hay hơn
  12. hoavo291193

    hoavo291193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ủa ủa, cho mình hỏi phát....... cái dlc của bên mình với lại cái này khác nhau hay giống thau thế :-? mình đang xài của bên này :| nhập bộ DLC bên mình vào thì xóa lun bên kia :| k biết thiếu đủ gì k ta
  13. moster1995

    moster1995 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mày pro chỉ cách xài cheat coi máu quái cái nha ! tại quest Guild khó wa đàng ăn gian vậy !
  14. Robo_Ky

    Robo_Ky シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    My papa is demon
    chậc cái vụ xem tên item chả biết nó nằm ở đâu tìm ngại nhất -x-
  15. helltalein

    helltalein snake, snake, snaaaake

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vẫn giống nhau à. ko khác mấy đâu bạn à :)
  16. Lamkenvalentine

    Lamkenvalentine Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lâu lắm k vào. Mừng nhà mới phát :-"
  17. Jinouga

    Jinouga Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mừng nhà mới.
    các bác cho em hỏi bow 3rd thì cây nào dam to nhất và cây nào aff
  18. glouds

    glouds Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Black blos là đam to nhất, narga là aff tốt nhất.
  19. latinoheat48

    latinoheat48 Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Sì Gồn
    Cũng có nhiu đó ah pác hì hì.
    Pác đã xài cwcheat bao giờ chưa ??? [​IMG]
    Trang có hết đó pác. Vô đó nghiên cứu, thích coi cái gi thì tìm bên thanh bên trái màn hình.

    Ah... thấy MHFU tui thích nhất họ hàng Los & Ian hahaha. Xách set GS Raj là đếch sợ con nào.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 8/4/12
  20. DiaBlo$

    DiaBlo$ T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Mừng nhà mới \m/
    À nhân tiện Hoavo cho mình hỏi mấy cái. Mấy con mèo đi đánh cùng mình nếu mình cho học mấy skill như Health/Antidote Flute, Shock Trap với cả Large Bomb thì mấy món đó mình phải mang đi hay là mèo tự có? Và làm thế nào để kích hoạt mấy skill đó vậy? :-?
    À mà sao bạn k add nick Yahoo của mình vậy? Mà mình nghĩ cũng chả cần đâu, bạn viết luôn bài hướng dẫn MH tunnel trên này rùi nhờ chủ thớt đưa lên bài 1 cho anh em tham khảo ha ^^

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