[BOI] Battle Of The Immortals Evolution - Shijie Games

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi Shirazuma, 16/7/12.

  1. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Chán Quá Đi :6cool_beat_brick:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 19/8/12
  2. rose0110

    rose0110 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    update cái gì thế anh Ven?? mà trang chủ nó vô đc chưa nhỉ???
  3. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Post Cái Link Bài Post Để Còn Edit #1 :9cool_canny:
  4. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    thông tin lấy ở đâu thế Ven ml` :8cool_amazed:
  5. Jay_Chow

    Jay_Chow Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    - Natasha will now exchange Stone of SJ4 for higher lvl SJ depending on amount you have (>> COIN FEE <<)
    quá đẹp. đỡ phải ấn ép odin mỏi cả tay
  6. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    zậy Shiji het cho free zen rùi sao. châm chú cho bọn donator :5onion22::5onion22:
  7. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Edit Lại #1 :cuteonion7:
    Nhìn Lại Những Thứ Nó Đã Thay Đổi Sv :4onion40:
  8. rose0110

    rose0110 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mà sao em vô diễn đàn đc trang chủ thì không. có ai dung fake IP vô đc trang chủ ko???
  9. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Quận 4
    Fixed LevelingBoxes
    - Fixed Fashion from LevelBoxes
    - Marketplace Changes
    - Expiration Dates on Fashions & Backgear removed
    - Fashions & Backgear can now be traded
    - Coin Limit for Noble Rank now working properly
    - Plenty new Mounts & Fashion & Backgear
    - BOI Quiz Rewards changed (The boxes are same but rewards different) | Now worthwhile spending time on it!
    - Custom Made ShijieBox with INSANE Rewards (Very rare items) Name: Chest of Wonder
    - Normal Coin Limit (>>WITHOUT NOBLE RANK<<) increased to 2,000,000,000 at higher level. (Don't worry - still 400M Cap at LV50 lol)
    - Maximum COIN/EXP/DEITY Daily Limit increased TEN-FOLD
    - Soulbeads Capacity increased TEN-FOLD (Note: May not display in-game, but works)
    - Required Deity Per Level Decreased based on Percentage
    - Now only Require x30 (5/person) Smelt Essence for Pit of Reckoning Weapon Run
    - Zod Pets now only require LV1 to summon
    - Pet EXP Rate Reduced from x10 -> x5
    - Max Level Increased
    - New Backgear in Marketplace >> THEY HAVE STATS WHEN YOU EQUIP THEM <<
    - Server upgrades to stablize lag (Especially realmswap)
    - Latamantis in LOD Now sells Summoner SG100
    - All Quest Requirements to enter LOD has been removed - Can now do Pit / Buy SG etc whenever you want
    - GM Pet Mascot has been made (Don't mess with us now!!)
    - Medea now has an option to trade with you. x1 Pyramid Passport = X5 Oracle Charm Shard (This is the compensation for having the server down during Pyramid Event)
    - Bollinna has been added in Atlantis (Near Muto - Sadly only Angel of Str/Int pet for now, I was unaware PWE had changed it - Next patch, promise!)
    - Guild Quest Fund/Dev Rates have been increased by x2
    - Wolfking Karth Soul has been added to marketplace
    - God's Fruit LV4 Pet EXP item has been added to Salary shop
    - Adv.Tears of Valkyrie added to Salary Shop
    - Adv. Tears of Artemis added to Salary Shop
    - Zodiac Pet Chest reduced to 9k Salary
    - Medal of Victory is now 50zen
    - Phasing Compass added to Salary for free
    - Gem Coins have been added to bosses throughout various Events/Instances
    - Pet Fusion removed from the game - Hate me or not!
    - Removed Option from Medea to get LV55 Box / Beta-Pack
    - Daily Salary put back in
    - Some marketplace changes
    - Added Facestyle/Hairstyle/Portait samples to Shop
    - Champions have received some buffs (Oracle Set 4/4 now gives 10% phys att)
    - Changed Drop on Obsidian Turtle (I think he's called lulz) & White Tiger -> Now instead of LV2 gem chest it's LV3, with a rare chance of LV4.
    - Angkor Temple LV1 Lord Boss "Ashura Vanguard" has been buffed (As strong as Ashura almost|3M-HP) And now low chance to drop Oracle Charm Fragment & Ultra-Rare Shadow Keystone | CUSTOM BOSS
    - Changes to Class skills ( >>Read Below<< )
    - Skills no longer cost EXP (>>You still need the Required EXP to level the skills up, but you will only lose 1 exp per Skill level<<)
    - Coin bags now 10,000 instead of 5,000
    - LV115 Deity Skills are now Free in the Shop in Atrium
    - Deity Skills Required Deity Per Level reduced by 20% (>> You still need the required Deity to level the skill up, but only 80% of the stated deity will be taken <<)
    - Increase Anniversary Card Rate by small amount
    - Gem LV5&6 are now as strong as LV4 for at least one week time (All on equal feet)
    - Rate of receiving WKK Soul from Hades Blessing (M/F) increased by x2
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give Pegasus ( Very Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give LV3 Gem ( Semi-Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now gives LV4 Gem ( Already existent, Semi-Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Can now give LV5 Gem ( Very Rare )
    - WKK Soul Music Box Salary given is now between 500-5000 instead of 1-5000
    - WKK Soul Bug Fixed (Could only use it 20 times per day = now 100, as intended)
    - Super Tears of Valkyre/Artemis now cost 999k ZEN and heal 0 HP/MP. They RUIN PvP (You're allowed to hate)
    - ZEN Pack (Currency to Purchase Salary from General Merchant) Added to more mobs (Mainly the ones dropping anniversary cards already)
    - BetaPack and NEW LV55 Levelbox for those who missed either is now available at Medea (Should be working properly now...)
    - Daily Salary at Medea (Should be working properly now....)
    - ZEN Pack now has a chance of being droped by Olympus mobs (Stats Idea - Props to you, sir!)
    - Buffed more Pets as Requested. (Snowbear/Quetz/Night Witch/WKK/zippO/some others)
    - ShijieBox removed from Salary
    - Double EXP stone now in Salary shop for free
    - Alraune Card in General Merchant
    - Decrease amount of Deity Debris per Upgrade (And Coins) by 50%
    - Minor Marketplace Changes
    - Exilic Demigod & Slaughter Deity Increase by x2
    - Glittering Deity Medal Deity increased by x2 (Free in Shop)
    - No longer required to have Blood of Nemo / Hypnos' Will to increase Deity Rank
    - Changes to Armor/Jewlery Set Stats Oracles & SG90-115
    - Wolfking Karth Soul now gives a random value between 1-5000 Salary after opening the Music Box
    - Wolfking Karth Soul can now be used 100 times per day
    - Tech Stone of Power Tech Points increased from 2,000 to 5,000 & useable 4 times/day
    - Tech Stone of Stamina Exhaustion reduction increased from 100 to 200 & useable 5 times/day
    - Salary F-Protect Prices reduced by a large amount
    - Salary Gem Coins price reduced to 10k/2K/0,4k according to LV4/LV3/LV2
    - Starwish Charm Price increased from 25 to 50 zen | Simply saw too many valueable items
    - All pet skills are now Free
    - Aries Nebula & Pisces Rotation are now Free | Mainly for leveling purposes | Consider it a late-4th of July gift haha.
    - Attempt to remove the restriction of EXP/Loot after 20k Killstreak
    - NPC Natasha will now trade SME Golden Treasure Key for a reward identical to the chests (Temporary fix)
    - Fixed the issue with White Tiger being stronger than intended
    - Lucky Sticker Re-worked (Works like a box, no cooldown or anything, new rewards)
    - Advanced Rebirth stone back in Marketplace (Sorry for missing it for so long)
    - Fruit of Life fixed in Markteplace
    - [BONUS] Marketplace Gem LV3/LV4 changed to Gem Coin instead of Gem Chest
    - Added a Mage Starword (Starword-Justice) <<>> 92 Magical Attack + 3% (184M.Att + 6% charged) to match with Physical damage dealer's Starword-Chillnes.
    ^This item will be dropped from all bosses that already drop chillness
    - Glory's Light item can now be used 20 Times per day instead of 5 times per day
    - Glory's Light Honor Rate increased by x2
    - Pet Fusion's back with a slight nerf to match up with our custom pets (Not too weak, not too strong)
    - New Pets added (Osiris + Efreet + Giza Bosses)
    - Buffed the new pets
    - Perfect Revive Removed
    - Other ZEN-Priced items had their upgrade price reduced to 0 (Like stash/material bag etc)
    - Some security messures added to levelboxes for obvious reasons
    - Medea is back with her original script (Working one)
    - TOB Has been fixed (Need 3man for now, its bugging out otherwise)
    Update này chắc Shiji làm trong vòng 2 tuần vừa rùi quá :3cool_adore:
  10. tryagain01

    tryagain01 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có chơi đc hok zay cho mình tham gia với,mình click dow nhưng ko dc @@
  11. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Sợ Tên TaiSao Thật #1 Ghi Tiếng Việt Rõ Thế Kia Rồi Mà :2cool_after_boom:
  12. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    bựa ai bít đâu :8onion38::8onion38::8onion38::8onion38::8onion38::8onion38::8onion38:
  13. tryagain01

    tryagain01 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    shirazuma ơi chỉ mình đc ko,chưa chơi sv Pri lần nào cả
  14. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Dow 1 Trong Những Link Game Mình Post Ở #1
    Dow Xong Về Cài Đặt Rồi Update Lên Phiên Bản Mới Nhất
    Rồi Copy ServerList Vào Xong Chạy Game.exe Để Chơi Thôi
  15. ngoctien92

    ngoctien92 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Yêu em Natasha vãi :)) mặc dù ko chơi :(
  16. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Đang Đú Cái Gì Àh :2onion58:..........
  17. tryagain01

    tryagain01 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    click link dow client no lai dow ve cái eType la sao zj
  18. Shirazuma

    Shirazuma Fire in the hole! Slayer Tàu ngầm GVN

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    Chụp Rồi Post Lên Xem
  19. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Quận 4
    sv cho lai free Zen là lên thẳng ngọc 7 đi pk mới đã .. mà nguy cơ bị Ban rất cao :cuteonion22:
  20. Aspire.Taisao

    Aspire.Taisao Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    1 ngày clone đc nhiu Ven. ta cố lắm đc 100 acc 1 ngày. :6cool_smile:

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