"You people may have noticed that we had come across an issue with the Enhance System. Few players are abusing the system and making unusual benefits with their items. Now we found the way how those players were able to do that and it is fixed now. We are currently on the process on releasing innocent player’s accounts which were banned to just confirm the accounts are clean. We are also in the process of finding those items which were enhanced unusually and removing those from the game. So players, please be aware of this and kindly do not lend any items or accept any free gifts from any players for a certain period of time till we done with it. There are chances you may be trapped and encouraged to buy an highly enhanced items which might result in losing your items and what you spent on that items. Please stop purchasing "Highly enhanced Items"' "High level Accessories", "Items which are not on sale currently" and the items "you never heard or used in game". We will try our best to complete this issue as quickly as possible for you people to continue the normal game play. We are extremely sorry for what was happened and what is happening now in the process to fix this issue. Kindly give us your support and cooperation to handle the situation." Đại khái GM nó nói là nó sẽ tha cho những ai trong sạch, nhưng phải chứng mình dc điều đó! và khuyên mọi gamer ko giao dịch những món item có độ cường hóa cao hoặc giá rẻ, hoặc là cho không. Vậy tức là time qua chỉ band vì 2 lý do: 1 là cường hóa bằng BOT, 2 là trade item đó dù khách quan hay chủ quan! Kì này GM làm mạnh tay thiệt rồi!
hehe! Xung lắm mà giờ xìu rồi hả? đang chơi lvl cao mà giờ xuống chơi lvl thấp nản lắm! ko chơi dc đâu!
qua char (bow, healer, spear, ninja) nào cũng đc hết miễn là F promo 1 xong thì stc con kiếm qua là thành char kiếm F.
thì ý e nói là nếu STC con sword thì dù có qua char bow hay gì nó cũng ra Sword! Cũng 2 lần stc rồi nên cũng có chút exp!
Mấy lão làng cho hoi, đang train bi dis mà thang cầm key pt no afk thi có cách nào mình quay lai pt dc o?