(>* 0*)>TREE OF SAVIOR<(*^ *<) - Mở rộng Thị trấn Klaipeda

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi nhockpro269, 15/11/13.

  1. Foglia

    Foglia Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    L2 kiểu game cũ trong thời đại hoàng kim ngày xưa , người cũ vẫn vẫn mặn mà. Giờ game dạng y vậy ra ngay lúc này toàn nát không phải vì dỡ.
  2. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    giờ ko có game hardcore mà chơi mới đúng, có khi lại nhiều người thèm
    thời casual đã quá lâu đến nhàm chán rồi
    còn cái ToS này thì hardcore cái gì ? easy từ pve đến raid boss :@)
  3. Nihil

    Nihil Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tính ra thì những cái game ngày xưa cũng chẳng có hardcore . Ngược lại cá nhân thấy ngày xưa game casual vãi ra ~:> ,

    xưa ít chịu cày cuốc , toàn đi bà tám với mấy thím trong guild , không thì treo máy mở shop bán hàng . Đến lúc lên level thì đám trong guild nó quăng cho mấy cái hàng đã qua sử dụng của bọn nó =))
    Level thấp xỉn nhưng miệng lưỡi một chút thì cũng không thiếu party level cao thiếu người nó kéo cho :)) .
    Ếu có instance nên mỗi lần đi KS hay PK thì max drama :@) đánh thì ít , chửi thì nhiều
    Boss thì một lần kéo vài chục mạng trong guild cộng thêm vài cái guild liên minh đập boss nhàn vãi ra , vừa đánh boss vừa chat 8-}

    Thật chứ ngày xưa chơi game nhàn nhã quá nên thành ra chơi những cái game nghiêm túc bây giờ nuốt không nổi .

    Bây giờ còn có những game như vậy được sản xuất sao ? MMORPG bây giờ toàn lấy cái WOW làm chuẩn chứ đâu có cái game nào "như ngày xưa" ? mà có những game "như ngày xưa" thì cũng chỉ là indie , không bug thì cũng fail gameplay , graphic tệ hại .
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 14/10/16
  4. SertaKudo's

    SertaKudo's Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bình Thạnh
    Vừa đc key test mu2 xem sao , hi vọng ko ban ip [-O<
  5. nhockpro269

    nhockpro269 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Q1. It is difficult to see how lenses and hair dyes will look on characters before purchasing them. Will there be a way to see what it will look like on the character before the purchase to prevent bad decisions?

    • We have developed a way for you to preview what the items will look like on your characters. We hope that you will be able to make more satisfactory purchases with this preview function which will be implemented in the not too distant future. Please keep a close eye on future patch notes to see it.

    Q2. kTOS recently had a major revision of the Enchant Scroll and Gems that changed a lot of the currently established norms. We are wondering if there will be a similar revision to the current Monster Card system.

    • While we may decide to add new cards to allow more diverse usage, we currently do not have any plans on revising the Monster Card system. If we do decide to make any major changes, we will be sure to announce them beforehand, so make sure to read any announcements on the Official Website.
    Q3. It is nice to finally be able to trade more items via the Market system. We are now finally able to trade Gems and Monster Cards which is great for enhancing character abilities. However, it is difficult to find them unless we know exactly what to search for since they do not have a separate category in the Market.

    • We are planning on creating separate categories in the Market to allow easier perusal of Monster Cards and Gems. We hope that this will aid you in your search for those elusive cards that are preventing you from creating your preferred build.
    Q4. A large part of playing an MMORPG is having fun with friends. As such, it would be nice if the option of using the automatic party matching system in a pre-made party.

    • As avid gamers ourselves, we understand that being unable to find a party with friends made things difficult. Therefore, we are pleased to announce that the ability to use the automatic party matching system from a pre-made party has been developed. Please read future patch notes carefully for when it will be implemented.

    - Preview and Purchase UI


    - Instanced Dungeon and Mission Entry UI


    p.s The feature of UI can be changed for the future patch.


    [Skill Related Fixes]

    - Cyclone: Movement
    - The cooldown not applying correctly with this attribute has been fixed.
    - Double Pay Earn
    - Fixed issue where this buff wasn't applying when party members attacked.

    - Mortal Slash
    - Fixed issue that occured when casting this skill and moving forward at the same time.

    - Subzero Shield: Duration
    - The cooldown not applying correctly with this attribute has been fixed.

    - Reversi
    - Fixed issue where Reversi was enabling Spell Shield Skills (Subzero) to be sustained.

    - Reincarnate
    - Fixed issue with multiple boss reincarnation issues.
    (Note:) Boss Monsters can only be re-incarnated once, and this skill has a chance to fail.

    - Raise Dead
    - Fixed issue where the Raise Skull Archer: Enhance Attribute was not applying.

    Quarrell Shooter
    - Running Shot
    - Fixed issue when weapon swapping with a Canon weapon would allow you to run around freely shooting stuff with the Bazooka Skill.

    - Barrage
    - Fixed animation issues that applied when using this skill with a crossbow.
    - Steady Aim
    - Fixed issue where the skill effect was actually different than what was specified in the tool-tip.

    - Camouflage
    - Fixed issue where the Barrell would sometimes appear and float around the characters head when using this skill.

    Schwarzer Reiter
    - Limacon
    - Fixed issue with skill duration description at Lv.14 and some other issues regarding the skill.

    - Out of Body
    - Fixed issue where damage wasn't being counted to Boss Rank Contribution when dealing any damage in the Out of Body state.

    - Conversion
    - Fixed issue where the 'Might Enhance' attribute was not being applied to converted monsters.

    [Quest Related Fixes]

    A Deeper Place (1) - Fixed issue where quest NPCS were incorrectly marked on the map.
    Endless Gluttony (1) - Fixed issue where the target monsters did not appear in the location of the quest.
    And, Eternal Repose (1, 2) - Fixed issue where the players quest items were not properly collected.
    Material for Compiling A Scripture (2) - Fixed issue where the players quest items were not properly collected.
    Little by Little, a History Book - Fixed issue with this quest where it would not be repeatable after completion.
    De-Contruction [Cannoneer Advancement] - Fixed issue where it was not required to destroy named objects.
    Make It Doubly Sure [Lancer Advancement] - Fixed isue where the monster spawned was a different level to the actual quest level.

    [Item Related Fixes]

    Goddesses' Blessed Cube - Fixed issue where this item could be used during crafting processes.
    Thumbs up Armband - Fixed item clipping issues with Cleric's Servant (F) Costume.
    Armbands - Fixed issue when some players wearing armbands would have their client abnormally shut-down when attempting to connecting
    Golden Anvil - Fixed issue with confirmation of use window
    Monster Cards - Fixed issues with Golem, Glass Mole, Chapparition, Progola, Manticen Cards overlapping card effects.
    Electus - Fixed issue where the item was not granting the bonus lightning property damage.
    Hair Accessories - Fixed issue with some hair accessories staying invisible even when toggled on with the 'Toggle On/Off' option.

    [Graphic & UI Related Fixes]

    Improved background elements in Fedimian
    Fixed the issue where if 10 buffs were currently active, only 8 of them would be displayed.
    Fixed the issue with the Quest Share Button & Its respective UI not updating correctly when this option has been selected.
    Fixed issue where the back of [Natural Wave] hairstyle would break when performing certain gestures.
    Fixed issue with visual clipping on the [Storage Keeper Costume]'s scarf and pants.
    Fixed issue when using a 2-Handed Spear/Rapier on a Velheider/Hoglan would cause the mounted companion to not animate correctly.
    Fixed visual errors with the [Wilhelmina Costume] that occured when the user casted Bash/Concentrate.
    Fixed visual animation issues that occured when the user was affected by the [Finestra] buff and then casted [Skyliner].
    Fixed issue with knock-backs on companions sometimes causing the face to become broken.
    Fixed issue with Dual Color Boater not displaying properly at certain angles.
    Fixed issue when Female characters wearing [Ribbon-ornamented Double Buns] would get hit, their hair would fall off.
    Fixed issue with Magnum Opus' UI chat bubbles often covering the markets of other UI elements.
    Fixed issue when changing hair color facing the 10 o' clock direction with the Natural Wave Perm, the hair would break.
    Fixed issue where checking the 'display shouts' option would reset if there were no recent shouts.
    Fixed the 'Help - Remove' information for Necronomicon & Poison Pot UI.
    Fixed issue when hit by Golem attack sometimes caused a characters face to become broken.
    Fixed issue when attempting to re-roll a cube and the item would sometimes not pay a reward again.
    Fixed Graphical Issues affecting Monks using [Double Punch]

    [General Fixes]

    Fixed issue where you could cure the 'bleeding' debuff by simply right-clicking it.
    Fixed issue with the scrolling bar and some overlapping buttons in the character lodge.
    Fixed issue when selecting a character in the lodge, they continue to mindlessly walk forwards.
    Fixed issue where certain item names were affecting the ability to retrieve said items from the marketplace.
    Fixed issue where players could walk through various terrtain of stone obstacles in Fasika Plateau.
    When being transported whilst on a companion, sometimes the companion would make un-natural movements.
    Fixed issues with players freezing when riding a companion in [Zeraha].
    Fixed the issue where everyones eyes were demonically flashing simultaneously whilst in lodge.
    Fixed issue with BGM when playing in a Party.
    Fixed issue where players could become stuck between a statue and building in Sventmas Exile.
    Existing Block Rate Calculations have been corrected.

    The game has been updated with the following changes.

    [New Additions]

    Instanced Dungeons / Missions:
    - A new section of [Earth Tower - Solmiki] has been added. It is available to users who are Lv. 310 and above.
    - The [Earth Tower - Lolopanther] Section wil be improved.
    - Through the use of Symbol items (Symbol of Pyroego, Gosarius, Turtai), players can start at floors 6/11/16 instead.
    - These Symbol items drop from the respective bosses on each of the floors you fight them on.
    - Loading Images for Earth Tower will be added.
    - Multi-Mode functionality has been added to instance dungeons.
    - Instance Dungeon EXP Scaling & the ability to increase Item Droprate. (Through using Multi-Mode a Multi-Mode Token will be deducted in accordance with your amount of entries)
    - An [Instance Dungeon Multi-Token] Item to use this feature.

    [[Instance Dungeon Multi-Token] drops from these areas]
    - Kalejimas Visiting Room
    - Storage
    - Solitary Cells
    - Workshop
    - Investigation Room
    - Emmet Forest
    - Pystis Forest
    - Syla Forest
    - Alembique Cave
    - Arcus Forest
    - Phamer Forest
    - Ghibulinas Forest
    - Mollogheo Forest

    - Locations where the [Instance Dungeon Multi-Token] can be utilized.
    - Fallen Legwyn Family Dungeon
    - Archmage Tower Dungeon
    - Underground Chapel Dungeon
    - Catacombs Underground Dungeon
    - Siaulai Mission
    - Historic Site Ruins
    - Hollow Thorn Forest
    - Crystal Mine Mission
    - Seven Valley Mission
    - Catacombs Mission
    - Collapsed Residential Quarters
    - Deep Underground Prison Dungeon
    - Monument of Desire Dungeon
    - Thorn Forest Mission
    - Blue Fortress Dungeon
    - Castle Dungeon

    - With Premade Party Members you can sign up and join auto-matched Dungeons/Missions together.

    - Dungeon Information Board's UI have been improved.
    - Now displays the featured Bosses and Obtainable Items from each designated dungeon.
    - Instance Dungeon/Mission Specific Background Images have been added.
    - Automatic Party Matching UI has been simplified.

    - Players can now continue to search for parties whilst playing the game, however changing map will cancel your search for a party.

    New Shops
    - A Recycling Shop has been added, this shop allows users to exchange hair accessories obtained from the [Goddesses' Blessed Cube] and gives [Recycling Medals] in return. Further information regarding this can be found on the latest GOS Magazine
    - Guild masters can now grant permissions to other guild members, granting them the power to invite/expel members.
    - New Quests have been added to the maps [Norbeer Forest] and [Yudejan Forest].

    - The guild level & max member cap have been increased.
    - Guild Level Cap: Lv.15 → Lv.20
    - Max players Cap: Lv.10 → Lv.15

    - In Saalus Convent, A new mission has been added & The Area of Ruins Mission has been removed.
    - "Block Rate" on items has been changed to be called "Final Block Rate"
    - The drop rate for quest items in [Lunatic Wizard (4)] has been increased.
    - The chance for magic circles to explode in [Cleaning the Strange Aura (1)] has been reduced.

    In Earth Tower, Instanced Dungeon and General Rank 8 Maps, Some monster properties have been weakened.
    Some monsters have also been given special abilities in maps around Rank 8.

    Some optional effects obtained from Enchant Scrolls have been improved.
    Red, Blue & Yellow Gems have been improved.
    Armor efficiency has been improved, The higher the rank - the higher the efficiency of the armor.

    [New TP Items]
    Swordsman's Snow-White Costume (M/F) - 129 TP
    Wizards' Gothic Lolita Costume (M/F) - 129 TP
    Archer's Liutenant General Costume (M) - 129 TP
    Archer's Sailor Costume (F) - 129 TP
    Monk Circle 3 Costume (M/F) - 129 TP
    Brown Lens - 49 TP
    Orange Hair Dye - 49 TP
    Goddesses' Blessed Cube (11x) - 300 TP

    Skill balance has been improved with the following changes.


    Some attributes of some skills have been changed to Soul & Poison properties.
    The following skills properties have been changed as a result.
    (TN: The new property table can be found @ https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet...z0TESNBzu92-b4AdDGqNwtm8yg/edit#gid=322269149 )

    [Soul] == Psychokino - Psychic Pressure, Gravity Pole
    [Soul] == Alchemist - Alchemistic Missile
    [Soul] == Sadhu - Astral Body Explosion, Possession, Basic Attack from OOB.
    [Poison] == Featherfoot - BloodBath, Blood Sucking, Bone Pointing, Ngadhundi, Kundela Slash, Blood Curse

    [Class Specific Changes]
    ► Guardian Saint:
    ○ The chance for this ability to trigger has been changed from 50% to 100%.
    ○ A new attribute [Guardian Saint: Change Target] has been added.
    ○ The [Guardian Saint: Decreased Damage] attribute now has a level cap of 10. (Previously 5)

    ► Out of Body
    ○ Out of Body has been changed so that the spirit comes out infront of the caster.
    ► Posession
    ○ The positioning of this skill has been moved a little bit closer to the caster.
    ○ Possession's Target count will be changed from 5 to → (Skill Level + 4)
    ► Transmit Prana
    ○ New attributes have been added.
    ○ Transmit Prana: Strength, Transmit Prana: Health, Transmit Prana: Spirit, Transmit Prana: Dexterity.

    ► Smite
    ○ The wind-up animation delay for initiating this skill has been reduced.
    ► Barrier
    ○ [Barrier: Ranged Defense] attribute has been added.
  6. -Tề Thiên Đại Thánh-

    -Tề Thiên Đại Thánh- Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai chơi bên Hàn có thể up dùm cái folder nhạc đc ko ? kiếm trên mạng toàn cũ rích từ thời CBT
  7. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trước kr có 2 người chơi giờ quit hết làm gì còn ai mà xin file nhạc =))
  8. -Tề Thiên Đại Thánh-

    -Tề Thiên Đại Thánh- Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ko biết bên đó có nhiều nhạc hơn bên steam ko ? mạng mẽo kiểu này kéo 10GB về cũng ngại lắm
  9. SertaKudo's

    SertaKudo's Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bình Thạnh
  10. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mechanic game + balance kẹc nên mới ko chơi chứ ko phải do tụt frame :|
  11. Nihil

    Nihil Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đùa chứ game bây cũng vẫn còn khoảng 3800 đến 4000 người chơi đấy . Chỉ là không biết đến 1 năm tuổi thì sẽ còn bao nhiêu người chơi :))

    Mà nghe ngón bọn ITOS đang nhảy sang JTOS để chơi . Cho nên nếu có comeback thì nghiên cứu qua JTOS chơi .
  12. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thấy tháng nào cũng giảm chứ nói như tăng vậy chưa kể max bot :@)
    game jp nó hay làm chặt IP, ban thì vỡ mồm =))
  13. Nihil

    Nihil Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mới xem lại , tháng này tăng 12.3 người chơi , từ 3818 lên 3831 rồi , còn perk là 5920 .

    Nãy thấy topic up tưởng ông nhokpro update thông tin patch mới . Mà chính ra cái TOS cũng tính là bomb của 2016 đấy chứ , cơ mà bị xịt :( .
  14. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    3k8 thì chắc phải đến 2k bot là ít
    nói chung game này ko sửa mechanic thì chả bao h khá được
    ko chơi dòng magic thì cả đời đớp cục thôi

    đợi khi nào nó fix hoặc ra ToS2 rồi tính sau =))
  15. SertaKudo's

    SertaKudo's Mayor of SimCity

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Bình Thạnh
    gm đã thông báo về balance class và skill còn gì :| tôi cũng mong năm mới nó nên lắng nghe ý kiến gamer , mà vào game giờ thấy ít bot , chắc là bot lv cao hết rồi :-?
  16. Metatron092

    Metatron092 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sài Gòn
    Mấy con bot nhông nhông xưa h thì mất hết rồi , như dina bee thì đầy WL khó làm quest .
    H tiền ra vào chủ yếu rush 290 thôi .

    Cơ mà tăng người chơi chắc do tặng vé reset rank thôi .
    Chứ 2 tháng nay nó vẫn chỉ có nhiêu đó người .
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 2/1/17
  17. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vé reset rank là sao ?
    h log vào là được à ? nếu có thật thì vào nghịch thử phát :@)
  18. Metatron092

    Metatron092 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sài Gòn
    Thì rs hết chọn lại từng class từng rank , như attr đã học thì không trả lại tiền , attr đã học học lại ko mất tiền , log vào là có , ai cũng đc 1 cái .

    Chi tiết thì ở đây
  19. o0hoangsea0o

    o0hoangsea0o Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có móc đâu ra được cái reset stat nữa không ? =))
  20. Metatron092

    Metatron092 Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sài Gòn
    2 tháng trước hơn chút có tặng 1 bình , chắc để lâu quá nên thu hồi rồi .
    Thấng trước có bán DLC thì có bình rs stat trade đc , varena có người bán bình này 25m , tel chắc cũng có .

Chia sẻ trang này