Option File Names Fix for PES 2008 by Leo Names fix for PES 2008, it's not a rosters update, it fixes the names of: * Germany, Wales and Saudi Arabia players * Premier League teams * Stadiums * Lavezzi (Napoli player) You can download it @ ProEvoluti website :) Download from "file gửi kèm"
Bác nào có cách trị việc Load option file, mỗi lần vào chơi lại phải Load nếu ko thì lại thành File option của bản gốc. Chán!!!
Anh Hiệp à !! Cho eM hỏi cái !! Muốn cóa nhiều boot trong PES 2008 é thì làm kiểu gì ?? import toàn boot chồng lên nhau !! khó chịu vs cả ít boot !! cóa mỗi 9 cái ... Phải đợi kitsever hả anh ??
[PS3] Optionfile V0.1 by DeeJay Hi dudes here is a small optionfile. there are no new players on it and no kits or faces. Only right names for the Epl Teams Changed League/Cup Names Changed Stadiumnames(4 still missing) Changed names of the fake national players Here the link: http://rapidshare.com/files/65086306/PS3_PES2008_OF_0.1_Djpelle.rar.html http://www.speedyshare.com/541409837.html THX to foxtrot(for his list with player names) Rammstone(for testing the optionfile) Feel free to use that Optionfile as basic
Option file chỉ load được data thôi hay có cả emblem? Mấy cái OF trên vẫn chưa cập nhật chuyển nhượng và sửa emblem :(
Option File by alter Alter made a Option File only with all corrects names of players and EPL clubs. Thanks to foxtrot for his great thread. To download, click on:
Here is mccroix's first uploaded Option File for the PS3 Updated Premierleague Kits (only using the editor, not badges etc) All Premierleauge Transfers Corrected Player Names (PL & German National Team) COULD SOMEONE UPDATE THE NAMES AUF NATIONALTEAMS PLAYERS PLEASE AND UPLOAD AFTER, mccroix'LL GIVE YOU CREDIT(mccroix ran out of time, and thought you guys would like the OF today Updated Player Abilities/Appearances Updated Starting XI for every Premierleauge Team Assigned stadiums to each club 8 Premierleauge Kit Templates, which are: [*]Arsenal Home [*] Arsenal Away [*] Manu Home [*] Manu Away [*] Chelsea Home [*] Chelsea Away [*] Liverpool Home [*] Liverpool Away DOWNLOAD: http://rapidshare.com/files/65371123/mccroix_s_OF_1.0.rar.html OR http://www.megaupload.com/de/?d=FHCZ57OW to install: download files create folder PS3 on a usb stick create folder SAVEDATA inside extract "mccroix's optionfile 1.0.zip" open folder "mccroix's optionfile 1.0" copy all included folders (BLES00110EEDIT01;BLES00110EEDIT01-09)in to SAVEDATA on your USB stick it should look like this : PS3/SAVEDATA/9 folders start PS3 go to save data utility copy all data from usb stick to PS3 hdd ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mccroix (aka cooper III, makaveli)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~mccroix (aka cooper III, makaveli)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~