Giúp với!!!!!!!!!!!

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi gamevagirl, 1/1/09.

  1. gamevagirl

    gamevagirl Youtube Master Race

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    Trong phần tôi chơi có con nhện Astrogha ở làng I đánh hoài không chết, cho hỏi cách giết nó.
  2. BúnKuteVẫnLàAnh

    BúnKuteVẫnLàAnh T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    1 .bạn quá yếu
    mà chơi bản nào thế mới biết chứ ::(::(
  3. ngocvuhp

    ngocvuhp Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

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    bạn nên đánh nó roài chạy xung quay cái hồ máu nên mặc đò kháng độc cao vào, con này độc của nó rút máu nhanh lắm
  4. [S]uper[D]ragonX

    [S]uper[D]ragonX Vạn Tuế

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    Đông chí cứ mua một nửa cái chỗ để máu ấy là cái chai giải độc ! rồi chén skill mạnh nhất vào nó ! nên nhớ giải quyết hết bọn đàn em rồi hẵng chén nó ! ;;)
  5. gamevagirl

    gamevagirl Youtube Master Race

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    Median 2008 mod 1.80
    Bị trúng 1 chiêu của nó là chết rồi, đến gần thì nó dùng chiêu bắn băng tứ phía, damage mạnh gớm. Còn xa hơn chút thì nó summon mấy cái spider status, những cái này nguy hiểm vô cùng, cũng chết luôn. Tóm lại là không biết cách nào diệt nó.
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Phần tớ chơi không có chai giải độc
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Vị trí là nằm ở Mauselum, cái hang thứ hai cạnh hang King Dom of Shadow... (chỗ giết Bruan ấy). Ở đấy không có hồ máu. Không chết bởi Astrogha thì chết bởi bọn Darkling.::(
  6. BúnKuteVẫnLàAnh

    BúnKuteVẫnLàAnh T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    chài !!!! lấy art money đóng băng máu lại ;;) ;;) ;;)
  7. Leah Dizon

    Leah Dizon Youtube Master Race

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    Ai cũng làm như cậu thì chơi làm gì :|
    Nhưng mà cậu chơi bản đó thì cũng hơi bị hiếm đó nha. Hầu hết toàn chơi LOD.
  8. gamevagirl

    gamevagirl Youtube Master Race

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    Đánh boss mạnh mới vui, chết phê luôn
    ___________Auto Merge________________

    Còn có cách nào khác không? Tui xem trên trang web thì nó bảo thế này:
    Có ai chỉ dùm với

    The most powerful of Hell's armies reside in the three heroic areas. Similar to ordinary demons but much stronger and more intelligent, heroic monsters are more than a match for the toughest heroes.

    Median XL features four heroic areas:
    Act 1 Mausoleum (Burial Grounds)
    Act 2 Stony Tomb Level 1 (Rocky Waste)
    Act 5 Icy Cellar (Ancients' Way)

    Each of the three areas contains the same 15 heroic monster types. You may want to choose the area that most suits your character build.
    Act 1 The Cow Level (Rogue Encampment)
    If you are prepared to meet invisible cow ninjas, bovine summoners and other figments of your fever dreams after a bad case of food poisoning, check out the Cow Level!


    Heroic boss: Quov Tsin

    'I'll swallow your soul!'
    Location: Act 2 Stony Tomb Level 1
    Hungry for power and misled by Diablo, the Vizjerei mage Quov Tsin almost succeeded in sacrificing the city of Ureh to the forces of Hell. He was defeated at the last moment, but his spirit still roams the burial tombs looking for a mortal vessel to come back to life...
    Tactics: Quov Tsin may randomly appear in the Stony Tomb Level 1.
    As a former Vizjerei in life, Quov Tsin wields the elements. His most devastating attack is a streaming blast of fire, cold and lightning bolts powerful enough to annihilate any hero in a moment. In melee combat, he may use a fire, cold and lightning nova combo that causes massive destruction at close range.
    Quov Tsin is unvulnerable most of the time, but occasionally his warding spell may partially fail, so seize the opportunity when you see it!
    His contingency spells protect him by teleporting him to safety when struck by any attack. Stay near cover in case he appears too close for comfort.
    Quov Tsin also has the ability to negate some of your resistances, so 75% may not be enough!
    Loot: Quov Tsin drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Quov Tsin on Destruction difficulty to get the Silver Seal of Ureh.

    Silver Seal of Ureh
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +(21 to 30) Energy Factor to Spell Damage
    +1 to All Skills
    +(41 to 50) to Strength
    +(41 to 50) to Dexterity
    +(41 to 50) to Vitality
    +(41 to 50) to Energy
    (21 to 25)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Damage
    (11 to 15)% Bonus to Summoned Minion Resistances
    1% Reanimate as: Quov Tsin


    Heroic boss: Astrogha

    Location: Act 1 Mausoleum
    One of Hell's greatest, the scheming spider demoness Astrogha has surfaced after the fall of Andariel to continue her reign of terror. She is not the most powerful demon in close combat, but the arachnid queen is never alone.
    Tactics: Astrogha may randomly appear in the Mausoleum.
    After centuries of fighting side by side at the head of their respective legions, Astrogha employs many of the same tactics as Quov Tsin, notably the warding spell that renders Astrogha immune to all attacks. This is cutting edge magic and therefore still fails from time to time, allowing you to get some hits in. Also, courtesy of Quov Tsin's mages, she can teleport to safety when threatened.
    Astrogha does not usually fight her foes directly, but she does not need to. Her summoned Spider Statues serve as gateways for her personal swarm, belching waves of crawling Darklings from the depths of the void. Deal with them quickly, but do not touch the statues! They are protected by one of Astrogha's devious tricks: when destroyed, they will both rejuvenate Astrogha and cripple the assailant causing a swift death. If left alone, they will eventually collapse on their own.
    Loot: Astrogha drops good items on all difficulty levels. Defeat Astrogha on Destruction difficulty to get Astrogha's Venom Stinger.

    Astrogha's Venom Stinger
    Keep in Inventory to gain Bonus
    Required Level: 120
    +1 to All Skills
    Slows Target by 10%
    Slows Attacker by 10%
    Poison Length Reduced by 50%


    A bigger evil...

    As of now, Quov Tsin and Astrogha are the only heroic bosses, but you never know what evils may emerge in the other heroic areas in future releases of Median XL. It is said that after the death of the cow king, Bull Prince Rodeo has seized the crown...

  9. gamevagirl

    gamevagirl Youtube Master Race

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    Đóng băng máu cũng vô ích thôi, chết vẫn là chết
  10. tarrega

    tarrega C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    cậu đang chơi char nào? đưa luôn cái screenshot chụp lại stat với skill lên luôn cho anh em tham khảo để suy nghĩ chiến thuật :|
  11. land_kute

    land_kute Donkey Kong

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  12. gamevagirl

    gamevagirl Youtube Master Race

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    Tớ kill nó được rồi, thanks các bác

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