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  1. trinhphuctuan

    trinhphuctuan Dragon Quest

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    Anh em theo dõi có gì điều chỉnh nhé:

    A. NHÀ LÝ:

    1. Lý Thánh Tông: (Thần Vũ):
    Lucid, decisive king of Ly Dynasty. He opened National Cutural Temple, opened territory, attack Xong Dynasty in the north and ChamPa in the south. Nam Viet under his right had a strong, well-organized army made other countries terrified. In his time, many officers got the high honoured as Ly Thuong Kiet, Ly Dao Thanh.

    2. Lý Nhân Tông: (Anh Vũ):
    Succeed his father position, being the King at the age 7. Nevertheless, with the help of his mother Quen Y Lan, Great Tutor Ly Dao Thanh, Great Commander Ly Thuong Kiet, he became a smart king of Ly Dynasty. Nam Viet under his rule grown up in strength, became a large force in the south.

    3. Lý Cao Tông: (Long Cán):
    As his elder brother Long Xưởng being demoted, he came to throne at age 2. After the death of Great Tutor To Hien Thanh, he was not be well trained enough. Under his rule, crime and revolts happened everywhere. This gave Tran (Chen) family opportunity to gradually take power, establishe a new dynasty.

    4. Ly Long Xưởng:
    Being demote title Crown Prince due to his rudeness. Together with his mother Queen Chieu Linh, he derised to revolt against his younger brother, Ly Cao Tong. However, his attension was wipe out by the intervention of Great Tutor To Hien Thanh.

    5. Ly Hue Tong (Hue Quang Monk)
    The last king of Ly Dynasty. His life was a continuous chain of unhappiness. Nam Viet in his time is in chaos and he was wavered among many landlords. His both doughters became queens of the first new Tran (Chen) king. His wife Quen Linh Tu also became wife of Royal commander Tran Thu Do. Although pretending to be mad, he was forced to commit suicide in Chan Giao Pagoda.

    6. Lý Kế Nguyên:
    A royal relative, high official general. Good at naval battle. He led an navy wing defend Van Don Port against Xong navy. This made enemy navy could not combine with land troops in Nhu Nguyet defensive line. Lý Thường Kiet and other general had a chance to defeat and counter-attack against Xong invasive army.

    7. Phạm Bỉnh Di:
    A good general of Ly Hue Tong. He led Royal army to oppress landlords revolts. Getting many victories and Nam Viet gets close to stability. However, Ly Hue Tong distrusted and put him and his son in prision. His staff, Quach Boc revolted, burnt down the Royal palace to rescue him, but he and his son died in chaos by Pham Du plot. After his death, Ly Dynasty collapsed.

    8. Quach Boc:
    A close staff of Pham Binh Di. Strong warrior, loyal to his master. Burnt down the Thang Long citadel to revenge for his boss. After the revolt, there is no news about him.

    9. Phạm Du:
    A close officer of Cao Tong. Mean, greedy, corruptive person. Having a love affair with Linh Tu Phi. Dividing Ly Cao Tong and Pham Binh Di, making Quach Boc revolt. Later, he was excuted by other landlord for his foolishness.

    10. Lê Phụng Hiểu:
    General under three reigns of Ly Dynasty. Royal court commander. Strong and well-known for bravery. Attack Champa, depress three kings revolt. An important general of Ly Court.

    11. Thiên Cực Phi:
    Wife of Inner Court oficial Vuong Thuong. Despite of his husband's high position in Court, she fell in love with both Pham Du, close staff of Ly Hue Tong and To Trung Tu, chief commander of Royal Guard. Her beauty made Ly Court wavered, both Pham Du and To Trung Tu died after having love-affair at her homestead. Vuong Thuong died in a coup and she also disappeared after that.

    12. Lý Đạo Thành:
    Intergrity, straightforward person. He held the position Great Tutor, managed the Court along with Y Lan Queen. As Ly Nhan Tong succeeded Ly Thanh Tong, he was demoted to a low rank position in Nghe An. Nevertheless, due to high honour and talentness, he was recalled to kingdom and held the Court administration again.

    13. Trần Trung Tá:
    A close staff of To Hien Thanh, famous with straightforward character. To Hien Thanh advised him succeeding the rank Great Tutor for Ly Cao Tong, despite of Mother Queen proposal to Vu Tan Duong. Both Tran and Vu were not accepted, but this story is the famous model for the promotion and demotion in history.

    14. Vu Tan Duong:
    Helping To Hien Thanh at his late time. Getting the proposal from Mother Queen for rank Great Tutor but not getting the approval from To Hien Thanh. A high officer in Ly Cao Tong Court but having little achievement.

    15. Đỗ Anh Vũ:
    Handsome, smart officer. Get the trust of king and was held the position Mandarin. Having the love affair Le Queen, Anh Tong's mother with made all other officers angry. To threaten, he killed and made many opponents to be exiled. By respond, his opponents made a coup and sentenced him to death.

    16. Đỗ Kính Tu:
    Great Tutor of Ly Hue Tong. He struggled to narrow the influence of Royal Guard Commander To Trung Tu. A general of To Trung Tu arrested him and dispatched to To Trung Tu. He cursed To Trung Tu and was drowned at Dai Thong Port.

    17. Đàm Dĩ Mông:
    Brother in law of Ly Cao Tong, ill-literature. Under his lead, court management was badly treated, making other landlords uprise. He also had the unfirm standpoint in the chaos, wavered among many forces. Making the condition worse and being opposed by many generals and officers.

    18. Tô Trung Từ:
    Greedy, cruel and ambitious officer. Supporting Ly Hue Tong and lead Royal Guard troop. Brother in law of Linh Tu Phi Tran Thi Dung and Tran Tu Khanh. At the highest power, he felt in love with Thien Cuc Phi. One night at this beauty homestead, he was assassinated. His ambition was succedded by Tran Tu Khanh

    20. Trần Tự Khánh:
    Brother of Linh Tu Phi and brother in law of Tran Thu Do. Succeeded the position Royal Guard Commander of To Trung Tu. Defeated nearly all opposite forces under Ly Hue Tong reign. His influence was a crucial step on the way to change power from Ly Dynasty to Tran Dynasty. Brave, strong and elite general.

    B. NHÀ TRẦN:

    Linh Từ Phi (Trần Thị Dung)
    Queen of Ly Hue Tong, younger sister of Tran Tu Khanh and sister in law of Tran Thu Do. As Ly Dynasty was overthrowned, she and Tran Thu Do got married despite of their blood-line. Beauty, intelligent woman.

    Trần Quốc Nghiễn (Hung Vu Vuong):
    The eldest son of Tran Quoc Tuan. Strong, using a hard steel bow. Leading a infantry wing, with support of other tribe chieftains cut off the Mongol retreat. Shoten Ly Quan, a close general of Thoat Hoan prince

    Trần Quốc Uất (Minh Hien Vuong):
    The second son of Tran Quoc Tuan. Organized an army, supporting his father and his brothers in the long live campaign against Mongol feast.

    Trần Quốc Tảng (Hung Nhuong Vuong):
    The third son of Tran Quoc Tuan. Well done at agricultural woks, war tactics. He led an navy wing supporting Tran Khanh Du guarded Van Kiet and Van Don port. As Hung Dao Vuong asked his son about their each ambition, he answered may become a king if capable without hesitation, made his father angried. Later, guarding Van Don port to defense Mongol naval invasion

    Trần Quốc Hiện (Hung Tri Vuong):
    The youngest son of Tran Quoc Tuan. Good hearted, humble officer. Established many farmsteads to gather scattered farmers and soldiers. Giving prosperousness to his farm lands.

    Trần Khắc Chung (Dai Hanh Khien):
    Handsome, well debated officer. Making an envoy sending An Quoc Princess to Thoat Hoan as tribute to make a cease for Chen King escape. Later, he made an envoy to send his lover, Huyen Tran Princess to Cham Pa King-Che Man. As Che Man died, he used a vessel to rescue Huyen Tran, they spent two months together floating on East sea.

    Trần Khát Chân (Long Tiep General):
    Descendant of Bao Nghia Jing Tran Binh Trong. He struggled to revised the Chen Dynasty. Using arrow rain to shot dead Cham Pa Jing Che Bong Nga. As Ho Quy Ly tried to overthrown Chen reign, he prepared a coup. Being discovered and excuted at Jun Mount (Don Son). Crying three times shaking the mount, never changed countenance as being excuted.

    Trần Nguyên Đán:
    As Ho Quy Ly tried to overthrown Chen Dynasty, he gave his daughter married with Ho Quy Ly' son to self-defense. Grand father of both Tran Nguyen Han and Nguyen Trai. Smart, literature. Ranked Chuong Tuc Hau (Lord Chuong Tuc)

    Đặng Tất:
    Ingenious general. Tried to restore Chen Dynasty and expel Ming invasion. Being distructed by his lord Gian Dinh King and hanged on. This event led to failure of Gian Dinh and all his force. Ranked name Dai Quoc Cong (National Lord).

    Đặng Dung:
    Brave, strong general. Tried to assinated Truong Phu, great commander of Ming army. Famous with his patriot poem Thuat Hoai. Commited suicide as being taken as prisoner on the way dispatch to Yan Jing.

    C. NHÀ LÊ:

    1. Lê Lợi (Lê Thái Tổ):
    The founder of Le Dynasty in Viet Nam in XV. Organized and led the Lam Son rise up in arms against oppressive ruling of Chinese Ming Dynasty. After ten year struggle, Lam Son finally got the glamour victory at Dong Quan (old citadel of Dai Viet). One hundred thousand Ming soldiers under the right of Vuong Thong (Ming Chief commander) had commited surrender to Dai Viet. Le Dynasty, the longest Dai Viet empire was estabilshed. Le Loi, being compared as Liu Bang, the founder of Han Dynasty in China.

    2. Lê Lai:
    A close staff of Le Loi. As being surrounded by Ming soldiers, Le Lai had disguised himseft as Le Loi to deceive enemy. Le Loi and other generals escaped, nevertheless Le Lai was captured and burnt down. After being Emperor, Le Loi required one day honoured Le Lai advance, before the himself honoured day of memory.

    3. Nguyễn Trãi: (Ức Trai):
    Very well-literatured, best advisor of Le Loi. His father and his elder brother was captured to China, and he spent three years in Dong Quan writting Binh Ngo Sach (???). He also wrote Binh Ngo Dai Cao (???) the legendary about Lam Son rise in arm. After campaign victory, he was distrusted by Le Loi. Short-time after the next king Le Thai Tong's death, he and all relatives was sentenced to death by a plot of Nguyen Thi Anh, queen of Le Thai Tong.

    3. Trần Nguyên Hãn:
    The six generation grandson of Chieu Minh Jing Tran Quang Khai. As his grand grand father, excellent at war tactics. He led an army group attacked Dong Quan, won major battles at Dong Bo Dau port, Xuong Giang castle. According with Pham Van Xao, he supported Le Tu Te, eldest son of Le Loi to succeed. Being distrusted by Le Loi, he commited suicide by jumping into river at Son Dong port.

    4. Phạm Văn Xảo:
    A great general of Le Loi. Well skilled in both rescure and attack campaign. Leading an army with Đỗ Bí, Trịnh Khả, Lê Triện to retake the north-west area. His inactive strategy made Ming general Moc Thanh doubted, not to take advance, resulted Moc Thanh defeated and withdrawal. Be also sentenced to death by Le Loi' distrustion after war.

    5. Lưu Nhân Chú:
    A great general of Le Loi, brother of Trinh Khac Phuc. Commander of ellite horse troop as Lê Sát. He and Lê Sát made an ambuss to kill Lieu Thang, commander of Ming reinforcement group. After war, he was assasinated by his colleague, Le Sat in a royal plot.

    6. Đinh Lễ:
    A great general, cousin of Le Loi. Commander of ellite horse and elephant troops. When Lam Son attaked Nghe An castle, he made an ambush, taken all the food vessels of Minh army. On the North advance to retake Dong Quan, he and Nguyen Xi made a plot, ambush Vuong Thong at Chuc Dong, killed 50 thousand, made surrender 10 thousand. Neverthless, he also was ambushed in My Dong, his elephant got stuck in a swamp. He was taken as prisoner and killed by revenged to Vuong Thong.

    7. Lý Triện:
    As Lam Son run out of food, he gave incentives to soldiers, highen their spirit. On the north advance, he and Do Bi lead an wing to north-east, depending attack from Dong Quan. Vuong Thong, Phuong Chinh, Ly An devided troops to three wings to attack. He continously defeated three wings. Vương Thong tried to make revenge, he burnt down all his camp to withdrawn. At Qua Dong, he was surrouded and killed in battle. Do Bi also was taken as prisoner.

    8. Lê Sát:
    Quick-temper, strong warrior. Often storm enemy, killed opponent general in battle. Attack Tay Do, Dong Quan and Xuong Giang, got numberous victories. He supported Le Thai Tong, opposed Tran Nguyen Han and Pham Van Xao as they supported Le Tu Te. Assasinated his superior Luu Nhan Chu to succeed Mandarin. As Le Thai Tong adminised the Court, he was sentenced to death due to sacrilege.

    9. Lê Thạch:
    Son of Le Loi's elder brother. Strong, hot-blooded warrior. He defeated Ai Lao many times. In an ambush, he was shot by many arows due to pentrate deep into battleground.

    10. Lê Ngân:
    Lead navy wing supporting Tran Nguyen Han attacked Tay Do. Suceeding Le Sat as Mandarin. His daughter was Le Thai Tong imperial concubines. As a plot, he was distructed by Thai Tong and commited suicide at home.

    11. Đinh Liệt:
    Younger brother of Dinh Liet. He and Le Sat ambushed and killed Lieu Thang at Chi Lang Gate. As Le Nghi Dan killed Le Nhan Tong, he and Nguyen Xi, Le Lang (son of Le Thach) make a coup, killed Le Nghi Dan and put Le Tu Thanh on the throne as Le Thanh Tong. His poem had contonation as Le Nhan Tong was not Thai Tong blood-line, revealed Nguyen Trai unjustice.

    12. Bùi Quốc Hưng:

    13. Trịnh Khả:
    As his father was killed by Ming soldier, he joined Lam Son. Together with Bui Bi, they attacked Thanh Hoa, Nghe An, Dien Chau. Lead an wing to north-west. Defeating Ming troops at Chuong Duc, established Ninh Giang fortification. Supporting Pham Van Xao defeat Vuong An Lao and Moc Thanh, forced Vuong Thong accepted ceasefire. Rescued Ngo Ngoc Dao as she was pregnant.

    14. Lê Văn Linh:

    15. Doãn Nỗ:
    General of Lam Son, He and Tran Nguyen Han liberated Thanh Hoa, widened Lam Son territory and force. Good at war trick and castle assault.

    16: Nguyễn Chích:
    Good adviser, only after Nguyen Trai. Cool head , kindness and honesty. Built a well-defended base in his homeland. Suggested Le Loi left home-base in Thanh Hoa to attack Nghe An. As a result, after a short time, Lam Son had controlled a vast land, created a huge army, made a turning point in wartime. He and Bui Quoc Hung assaulted Tieu Dieu and Thi Cau in North advance.

    17. Nguyễn Xí:
    Brave, clever and a war trick general. Command the first ellite horse troop. He and Dinh Le led one of three wing in the North advane, attacked Dong Quan. Using plot ambush, he and Dinh Le killed 50 thousand, more than half of Vuong Thong army in Tot Dong, Chuc Dong. At My Dong battle, Dinh Le was killed and he was taken to Dong Quan. With the support of a courtesan, his ex-lover, he escaped from jail. Continued campaign, attacked Xuong Giang. At late time, he and Dinh Liet, led a coup to support Le Thanh Tong to throne, ending the chaos in court.

    18. Bùi Bị:
    Attend many battle. In the South campaign, he led a wind to stop Ly An, Phương Chinh reinforce for Ming troop surrounded in Nghe An castle. After that, supporting other generals to surrrounded Dong Quan.

    19. Đổ Bí:

    20. Lê Khôi:
    Cousin of Le Loi. Brave, courageous. Attcked Kha Luu port to open way to Nghe An. Supporting Pham Van to open assault to Xương Giang castle in the Chi Lang - Xuong Giang campaign.

    21. Phạm Vấn:
    Clever man, ingenious general. Having numerous victories in Nghe An and Thanh Hoa. He and Le Khoi led an army reinforce for Le sat to assault Xuong Giang. In le Thai Tong reign, he and Le Sat adminised the Court.

    22. Trịnh Khắc Phục:
    He and Luu Nhan Chu were mother blood-line brothers. Particpating in many campaigns. Later was killed at the same time with Trinh Kha by Le Sat's order

    23. Lê Tư Tề:
    The eldest son of Le Loi. Courageous, long-suffering general. Tran Nguyen Han and Pham Van Xao supported him to suceed the throne. However they were opposed by Le Loi and Le Sat. Later he had pretended to be mad, nevertheless was poisoned to death by his younger brother, Le Nguyen Long (Thai Tông).

    24. Lê Nguyên Long (Thái Tông):
    Drunken, philogynist king. One of Le Loi' son, younger brother of Le Tu Te. Having the support of Le Sat and other Le-family royal generals to succeed the throne. Poisoned his brother Le Tu Te, having love affair with Nguyen Thi Lo, mistress of his princes. Nevertheless, Le Nhan Tong, son of Nguyen Thi Anh was not his blood-line.

    25. Phạm Ngọc Tần:
    One of Le Loi's wives , sacrifice herself for God of Sea (following Le Loi‘s dream ) to have a blessing from the God for his army during the war . Omen in a Le Loi’s dream for her devoting , as a result her son becomes the second King of Le Dynasty. This was the reason make loyal important officials Pham Van Xao excuted, Tran Nguyen Han suicided.

    26. Nguyễn Thị Anh
    Beauty rose with many poison thorn, cruel, beloved wife of Le Thai Tong among his wives. Mother of Le Nhan Tong (the third King of Le Dynasty) . According to historians , she planned Le Chi Vien event, kill all Nguyen Trai ‘s family for covering her secret about her stepson. Finally being killed with her son by Le Nghi Dan, the eldest son of Le Thai Tong in a royal coup.

    27. Ngô Ngọc Dao:
    Le Thai Tong ‘s third wife . As being pregnant , plotted by Nguyen Thi Ngoc Anh , and survived with Nguyen Thi Lo and Nguyen Trai ‘s rescue. Her son, later known as– Le Thanh Tong – the Great King of Dai Viet , cleared the unfairly for many Le Loi ‘s loyal followers

    28. Nguyễn Thị Lộ:
    Wisdom and intelligent , she had the high respect from her husband Nguyen Trai. Teacher of many princes and princess. Due to helping Ngo Ngoc Dao escape, all her family was killed in Le Chi Vien event, a plot of Nguyen Thi Anh. Le Thanh Tong, the Great King of Dai Viet cleared the unfairly for many Le Loi ‘s loyal followers , including her and Nguyen Trai‘s family.


    1. Trưng Trắc

    2. Trưng Nhị

    3. Triệu Thị Trinh

    4. Thi Sách

    5. Phùng Hưng
    Born at Duong Lam village, well-known for his great strength and intelligent as killing a tiger by bare hand. Leading the uprise against the Tang Dynasty, freed all Phong Chau region. With support people and other generals, he assaulted Tong Binh castle, gained independence and became the king of Nam Viet. Being called informally the Great Father King (Bo Cai Dai Vuong)

    6. Mai Thúc Loan
    Born at Chau Hoan (now is Nghe An) in a poor farmer family. Orphan at ten year old and adopted by his father’s friend, afterward his father in law. Famous by his streng and black skin. Built up a great army from the farmers and fought again Tang Dynasty to free the nation. In April 713, he became King of NamViet (called by the historian The Black Mai King – Mai Hac De), and was on the throne for 10 years before being stroke down by a huge army of Tang Dynasty.

    7. Chu Văn An
    Nation Teacher, opening the school to teach the Confucianism than taking position in government. Invited by Chen King to become the headmaster of the first university of Nam Viet, taught many officials including Hien Tong King of the Chen Dynasty.
    Seeing chaos and corruption in court, he submitted Seven-Excuted-Petition to King but was rejected. Very disappointed, he abandoned position, came back to hometown for teaching and writing.

    8. Mạc Đĩnh Chi
    A poor man with ugly face but very intelligent from Nam Sach, Hai Duong. Passed the National Talent Contest at the first place, convinced Chen King by great mind despite of his ugly appearance to get the Champion title of contest. Two times appointed as the Nam Viet Emissary to China, success missions and tighten the relationship. The China King was very appreciated his talent and entitled him dual champion of countries

    9. Trương Hán Siêu
    The most intelligent student in the house school founded by Tran Ich Tac. Later he became an staff, shadow advisor of Tran Hung Dao and only revealed himself after Tran Ich Tac fleeing to China. Very good at music, martial art and war tactics, he is the one who made the empty land tactic perfection. Author of famous Bach Dang River Victory poem.

    10. A Nùng
    Mother of Nung Tri Cao. Very smart and decisive lady who strongly influenced her son on two revolutions to form a new country of Nung Trible. Entiled as Ninh Duc Queen by Nung Ton Phuc

    11. Nguyễn Cảnh Dị
    Son of Army Consellor Nguyen Canh Chan from Nghe An. After his father death due to stupid decision of Gian Dinh De, he and Dang Dung (son of Dang Tat) turned to support King Trung Quang, the last of Later Chen Dynasty against Ming invasion. Despire of small army, they still made many difficulties to invaders. Later being captured and called for surrender, shouted at Truong Phu, Ming general and being excuted.

    12. Nguyễn Cảnh Chân
    An cautious, wary official in Ho Dynasty. After Ho Dynasty being defeated by Ming army, supported King Gian Dinh (Later Chen Dynasty and being Army Consellor for recovery. Together with Dang Tat, a welknown and brave general, they nearly freed half of Nam Viet. However, due to the incompetence of Gian Dinh De, he was suspicious and then killed later.

    13. Hồ Quý Ly
    Mandarin of Tran Dynasty, father in law of the Phe De, the last king of Chen Dynasty. Extremely ambitious, deceitful, craffty person. Using all methods to overthrown Chen Dynasty to made himself King of Nam Viet, founder Ho Dynasty. Struggle to made many reforms in both economy and administration but failure. As Ming Dynasty tried to invade NamViet, he was defeated, not commited suicide and was taken to Nan Jing as prisoner. His miror is the example of personal ambition leads to disaster for country.

    14. Nùng Trí Cao
    Chieftain of Nung Trible, fierceful and ambitious person. Intend to establish a independent kingdom between Ly Dynasty in Nam Viet and Xong Dynasty in China. After failure of his father's uprise, he organised an another rebel but caught by Ly Dynasty army. With the mercy of Ly Thai Tong, he was released and entiled as Quang Nguyen perfect. Not please with the ranked position, he asked for support from China but was rejected making him raising an revolt again. Taken eight districts of Quang Chau and Quang Dong region. Only defeated by Dich Thanh, a famous great general of China.

    15. Hoàng Sư Mật
    A close staff of Nung Tri Cao, strong and brave warrior. Descended as a gold trader, his understanding of southern China region gave Nung Tri Cao a great advantage in fighting again Xong army. At the battle Kunlun Gate, he was shoten by Dich Thanh. Later being slained together with his 57 close warriors.

    16. Nông Đức Mạnh:
    General Secretary of Viet Nam Communist Party. A Nung tribe person. Despite of Chinese estabilshed Tam Sa district, fired and taken many Vietnamese fishermen, forbid to catch fish on East Sea, he and other members in Political Bureau agreed for Chinese to exploit bauxit in the Central Highland, committed to tighten the friendship relation with CCP?! Will he become a Cau Tien - Viet King in Hu Ji for revenge or corward traitor as Chieu Thong King?!

    17. Hồ Cẩm Đào:
    General Secretary of Chinese Communist Party. Decisve, ambitious leader. Commited to streghten friendship relation between two parties, two countries but also force Viet Nam on many fields, especially on East Sea and North land frontier. Extremely tricky as granting his counterpart with Party Flag with 16 yellow letters.

    MỸ NỮ HOA HẠ: 6

    1. Luu Diec Phi:
    Heaven Mistress, Idol for many young people. Extremely beauty, holy face. Her act on role as Heaven Mistress made many people shed tears.

    2. Luu Hieu Khanh:
    Queen of actress. Beauty, intelligent, wealthy women. Her perform as Vo tac Thien, the sole female Queen in Chinese history made all people admired.

    3. Ong Hong:
    Beauty actress with many performs as strong, determined, amorous female general.

    4. Canh Diem:
    Beauty actress with many performs as amorous female woman in chaos time

    5. Trieu Vy:
    Little swallow. Naughty, lovely actress. Perform as Sun Shang Xiang in Red Cliff

    6. Pham Bang Bang:
    Famous as called Fan Bin Bin. Beautiful, sexy actress. Who has the favor to have her heart?

    1. Thanh Lam:
    Famous singer with beautiful face. Also famous with her lasciviousness. An old airplane for Nam Viet heros to ride if you can.

    2. Mai Phuong Thuy:
    Nam Viet Queen, beauty with two fake huge boobs. Her boobs growing speed made all Nam Viet heros, heroics surprised and admired.

    3. Tang Thanh Ha:
    Single beauty actress. Maybe a long leg, short brain or not?

    4. Hoang Thuy Linh (Vang Anh):
    Victim or culprit? The Queen of Linh Vuong Webgame's world . The famous idiom: Linh Vuong raped is about her well know 16' clip. Although the video was low quality , its educated spirit will never be forget. The first VAV idol.

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  2. trinhphuctuan

    trinhphuctuan Dragon Quest

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  3. vnlionheart

    vnlionheart Youtube Master Race

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  4. vnlionheart

    vnlionheart Youtube Master Race

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    post tạm 2 người trước vậy, đang làm thì bị vợ kêu, phục vụ xong mới được làm tiếp b-(b-(
    6. Mai Thúc Loan
    Born at Chau Hoan (currently is Nam Dan Dist. Nghe an) in a farmer family, be orphan at ten year old and adopted by his father’s friend, afterward his father in law. Together with his very good wife, he built up a great army from the farmers and fought again Tang Dynasty to free the nation. In April 713, he became King of Vietnam (called by the historian The Black Mai King – Mai Hac De), and was on the throne for 10 years before being stroke down by a huge army of Tang Dynasty

    7. Chu Văn An

    Known as the Nation Teacher, success the National Talent Contest but he rather open a school to teach the Confucianism than take the position in government. Invited by King to become the headmaster of the first university of Vietnam, he taught many officials as well the Hien Tong King of the Tran Dynasty.
    Seeing many officials abusing their position, he submitted Seven – to – be – chopped Petition to the King but was rejected. Very upset, he abandon the title and came back to the hometown teaching and writing until his last day.
  5. trinhphuctuan

    trinhphuctuan Dragon Quest

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    Nơi ở:

    1. Viagra:
    Special weapon of Nam Viet heroes used once duelling in battle. Increasing the ability and endurance to fight with opponents. However, may cause negative effects if overdosed.

    2. Thập lục kỳ
    A tricky flag, symbol for the friendship between two parties. 鄰居有誼-全面合作-長期穩定-进而未來.

    1. Hịch Tướng Sĩ: Do Hưng Đạo Vương Trần Quốc Tuấn viết vào thế kỷ 13 nhằm khích lệ tướng sĩ chống xâm lược Nguyên - Mông. Một áng hùng văn bất hủ, thể hiện khí phách dân tộc thời đại Đông

    Soldier proclamation: Written by Tran Quoc Tuan in the 13th century to encourage his soldiers to combat the Mongal army. An everlasting powerful proclamation, showed the national sense of purpose and uprightness of the Chen dynasty.

    Trích dẫn:
    2. Nam Quốc Sơn Hà: Áng thơ hùng tráng, thể hiện hùng khí nước Việt. Do Lý Thường Kiệt viết bên chiến tuyến Như Nguyệt, đẩy lùi quân xâm lược Nam Tống.

    Affirmation of a southern country: A powerful poem represented a strong impetus of Vietnam. Composed by Ly Thuong Kiet during a battle against Xong invasion, it encouraged Vietnamese soldier to drive back the enemy.

    Trích dẫn:
    3. Lá cờ sau chữ: Ngọn cờ của anh hùng Đông A giữ nước.

    A flag of 6 golden letters: A flag contained 6 golden letter words given by Chen-King to Tran Quoc Toan, it represented determined spirit of the Chen dynasty to win the war against the Mongol.

    Trích dẫn:
    4. Nam Việt Long Ấn: Do Ngô vương Ngô Quyền khắc sau đại thắng Bạch Đằng thế kỷ thứ ?. Báu vật trời Nam.

    Southern dragon seal: Issued by King Ngo Quyen after the victory against the South Han in 10th century.
    A national treasure.

    Trích dẫn:
    5. Long Tuyền Kiếm: Bảo kiếm do Trần Thánh Tông ban tặng cho Trần Quang Khải. Chôn ở núi Lục Đầu. Tương truyền có chứa bên trong Vạn Tông truyền thư và Bí kíp võ học Đông A. Sau này Đặng Dung sử dụng và chôn dưới đáy sông, Hậu duệ Trần Nguyên Hãn và Nguyễn Trãi tìm lại.

    (Long Tuyen) Dragon Spiritual Sword: A precious sword given to Tran Quang Khai by Father King. Told to contain Descent secret of all sects and Chen’s secret of martial arts inside.

    Trích dẫn:
    6. Thuận Thiên Kiếm: Kiếm báu trời ban để phục quốc. Sau khi tan giặc, trả lại rùa vàng mong thái bình thịnh trị ở hồ Hoàn Kiếm.

    (Thuan Thien) Providence Sword: a precious sword told to be given by a golden turtle to recover the independence of the country. After the war, it was given back to the Golden turtle in the Sword Lake

    Trích dẫn:
    7. Vạn Tông bí kíp truyền thư: do Trần Quốc Tuấn viết, Trần Khánh Dư đề tựa. Cuốn binh pháp đúc kết sách lược cầm binh, sánh với Tôn Tử binh pháp ở Trung Hoa.

    (Van Tong) Descent secret of all sects: written by Tran Quoc Tuan, Tran Khanh Du titled. A military tactic summarized leadership strategy of all over 100 families , similar to Sun Tzu art of war in China.
  6. robinhood1985

    robinhood1985 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    10 triệu quân Minh dưới quyền Vương Thông cơ à bác :-?. Cái này chắc là 1 hundred thousand thôi.
    Cái Bình Ngô đại cáo nếu để tiếng Anh thì hình như là Proclamation of Victory over Ngo (Nghe dài dòng cứ để tiếng Việt ấy bác ;)))
  7. robinhood1985

    robinhood1985 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mấy chỗ million các bác xem xét lại giùm. Ziết nhiều vậy thì quân Đại Việt ngang quân Hittler :D. Lê Nguyên Long có scandal với Nguyễn Thị Lộ :|.
  8. trinhphuctuan

    trinhphuctuan Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ok, it 's right! =))
    cái danh Lú Bú có bao giờ sai đâu! =))

    Các file đính kèm:

  9. _TVL_

    _TVL_ Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Dân ta càng ngày càng hở hang
    Sắp thành Adam và Eva rồi
  10. zeromarktnbh223

    zeromarktnbh223 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ủa sao ta đã muốn "lăng xê" cho 3 nước của VN lên rồi mà còn ko dùng tiếng việt trong Bio mà lại dùng tiếng anh vậy toàn người viết chứ có ma nào khac chơi đâu.Mà tụi nó muốn chơi thì cho tụi nó tự dịch.
    Còn máy cái "millions" giết gì mà kinh khủng vậy trận xích bích có mỗi 800k còn trận gì trong lịch sử trung quốc mà có đề cập trong bình ngô đại cáo cũng mõi 1M.
    Em có ý kiến ý cò gì sai xin bỏ qua vì em là gà công nghiệp.:-*
  11. robinhood1985

    robinhood1985 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Để bio tiếng Anh cho các mem luyện ít tiếng Anh là chủ ý của bác Lú Bú. Với lại nếu để Bio Việt thì bắt buộc phải làm có dấu, cũng khá mất thì giờ.
  12. vnlionheart

    vnlionheart Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Iem up tiếp hai người nữa:
    8. Mac Dinh Chi
    A poor man, ugly face but very intelligent from Nam Sach Hai Duong.
    Passed the National Talent Contest at the first place, he also convinced Tran King of his great mind behind the ugly appearance to get the Champion title of the contest.
    Two times appointed as the Nam Viet Emissary to China, he success the missions and tighten the relationship. The China King was very appreciated his talent and entitled him Dual Champion of both countries.

    Skill proposed: … chance of debate when doing ruler mission.

    9. Truong Han Sieu
    The most intelligent student in the school founded by Tran Ich Tac but due to the envy of his school mate, he was betrayed and trapped as alleged Tran Ich Tac assassin.
    Then he became shadow advisor of Tran Hung Dao and only revealed himself after Tran Ich Tac fleeing to China.
    Very good at music, martial art and war tactics, he í the one who made the empty land tactic perfection.
    skill: majestic (giam moral doi phuong)
  13. vnlionheart

    vnlionheart Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trả nốt bài

    10. A Nùng
    Wife of Nung Ton Phuc and mother of Nung Tri Cao, a very decisive woman who strongly influence both her husband and her son on two revolutions to form a new country of Nung Trible.
    Entiled as Ninh Duc Queen by Nung Ton Phuc.

    11. Nguyễn Cảnh Dị
    Son of Army Consellor Nguyen Canh Chan from Thanh Chuong, Nghe An.
    After his father death due to stupid decision of Gian Dinh De, he supported Tran Quy Khoang, a late Tran King to fight again Ming invasion. Despire of small army, he still made many difficulties to the invader.
    When being captured and called for surrender, he shouted at Ming general that he would rather be a farmer of Nam Viet than an emperor of China

    12. Nguyễn Cảnh Chân

    Father of Nguyen Canh Di and a official in Ho Dynasty. After Ho Dynasty being defeated by Ming army, he supported Gian Dinh De as Army Consellor.
    Together with Dang Dung, a welknown and brace general, they nearly free Nam Viet from the invasion. However, due to the incompetence of Gian Dinh De, he was defamed and then killed.

    13. Hồ Quý Ly

    Descended from officer of Tran Dynasty but due to Tran King is very incapable, he took the throne and become King of Nam Viet, founding Ho Dynasty.
    Welknown for his ecomomics administration by issueing many advance reformation such as note moneytory system, food reservation, land distribution, personal register and public health system.
    However, due to his forceful taken over from Tran Dynasty as well the very modern reformation that not many people could understand at that times, he do not have enough support and fail the resistance to the invasion.

    14. Nùng Trí Cao

    Chieftain of Nung Trible, a very ambitious man who want to make Nung a independence country.

    Fled after fail the first rebel started by his father, he soon came back with second rebel and caught by Ly army. With Mercy of Ly Thai Tong, he was released and entiled as Quang Nguyen perfect.
    Did not please with the current possition, he asked for support from China but was rejected then he raised an army and take eight districts of Quang Chau and Quang Dong region. Only stoped by Dich Thanh, a legend general of China

    15. Hoàng Sư Mật
    A consellor of Nung Tri Cao, descended as a gold trader, his understanding of Quang Dong and Quang Chau region gave Nung Tri Cao a great advantage in fighting again Tang army.
    Following his ruler death, he was slained by Dich Thanh army together with 57 servants.
  14. trinhphuctuan

    trinhphuctuan Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Anh đã check và edit lên trang đầu. Em xem còn thiếu ai thì viết tiếp nhé!
    Đã bổ sung bio 2 đại soái NDM và HCD.

    Nếu cần bổ sung them ai vào game thì post để hoàn thiện nhé!
  15. Jade

    Jade ► Già Dê GVN ◄ Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội City
    Mấy em này già rồi chọn em khác đi \m/
    giữ lại LDP :">
  16. emxincacanh

    emxincacanh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thiếu nữ Hoa Hạ mình thích: Lưu Diệc Phi, Phạm Băng Băng, Trần Hảo, Lâm tâm Như, Dương Mịch, Đổng Khiết hơn mấy cô ở bên trên :D
  17. lizliu

    lizliu Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cám ơn bác Tuấn và các bác đã nhiệt tình làm phần bio này. Cho phép em sửa lỗi chính tả và dùng từ một chút nhé. (Em ko sửa nội dung vì đó là copyright, công sức của các bác. Vả lại nội dung cũng rất ổn rồi.) :)

  18. vnlionheart

    vnlionheart Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Iem thấy ko quan trọng là đưa ai vào, quan trọng là hình đưa vào ntn thôi :-o:-o:-o
  19. sweetlove154

    sweetlove154 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ảo Nguyệt
    mỹ nhân TQ thì nhiều vô kể em đề nghị lập 1 topic bầu chọn 5 gương mặt sáng giá nhất;;)
    còn mỹ nhân VN thì em phản đối nhất là HTL con ... đó ko đáng vào làm bẩn game ra
    mà sao Tăng Thanh Hà dạo này hot thế đi đâu cũng có:( Ca sĩ nữ thì lấy mấy em trẻ trung mới nổi đi lấy bà già Thanh Lam vô làm j:-w
  20. Game là nhất

    Game là nhất Nam Việt Đại tướng quân

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Chỗ đó đó.....
    Ở đây chỉ có Miss Nam Việt chứ không còn miss nào khác hết=))

Chia sẻ trang này