Có ai bít cheat cảu trò Singles 2 không??

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi [Kiss]Soul, 23/8/06.

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  1. [Kiss]Soul

    [Kiss]Soul Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Các bác làm ơn cho tui xin cheat của trò Singles 2 ! Cảm tạ nhìu
  2. yphanh2002

    yphanh2002 I ♥︎ You Hannah Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Không tìm thấy cheats mà bạn yêu cầu chỉ có 1 ít hints bạn đọc tạm.
  3. quybien1990

    quybien1990 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hỏi thằng hâm bạn
    Bắt đầu trò chơi với rất nhiều tiền! :-D
    Trước khi bắt đầu 1 game mới, mở thư mục singles/config và mở file game.cfg bằng 1 chương trình chỉnh sửa văn bản như Notepad.Tìm giá trị "money" và sửa càng cao càng tốt (như 999999!) như giá trị có khi start game.

    moneyEmptyScene = 100000
    moneyStartStory = 496
    moneyStartBackyard = 2500
    moneyStartApartment = 5000
    moneyStartPenthouse = 10000

    Tất cả các Modes
    Disable thuộc tính Read-Only của "game.cfg" file trong "\Singles2\config\" folder. Rồi dùng Notepad sửa file. Tìm các dòng "BackyardEnabled =", "ApartmentEnabled =", và "PenthouseEnabled =" . Chuyển "false" values của các dòng này thành "true". Save file, và chuyển thành read-only.

    Skill points
    Save game, rồi quit. Dùng Notepad sửa "savegame_apartment.dat" file (nếu nhân vật sống ở apartment) hoặc "savegame_penthouse" file (Nếu nhân vật sống ở penthouse) vân vân. trong "\Singles2\savegame" folder. Tìm các chỉ số entry của skillpoints và chuyển giá trị thành "30". TÌm tiếp và chuyển giá trị lại thành 30 lần nữa"30".

    Xóa cảnh trần truồng
    Vào /Program Files/Singles2/Config/ and tìm Game.* file. Dùng Notepad. Đánh mã sau và chuyển file:

    # min window size
    minWindowSize = 320 200
    # min/max window aspect ratio
    minWindowAspectRatio = 0.56
    maxWindowAspectRatio = 3.59
    # pixelate (instead of black bars)
    pixelate = true
    # shall breasts and genitals be pixelated in
    # uncesnsored versions? (for exhibitions)
    fullPixelation = false
    defaultDictionary = langIntEnglish.cfg
    defaultDictMissing = langIntEnglishMissingWords.cfg

    Dùng thế này sẽ tránh đc mấy cảnh nóng bỏng bị bố mẹ cấm!
  4. quybien1990

    quybien1990 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hỏi thằng hâm bạn
    Có gì không dùng đc thì cứ post nhé, không cần gửi thư đâu! Thx!
  5. quanggvn

    quanggvn Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai làm ơn cho tôi xin cd key của singles 2 để chơi bản mở rộng.
    Vì khi cài bản patch nó hỏi cd key
  6. kebaothuk

    kebaothuk Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ông có thể chỉ giùm cách làm cho những cảnh đó nóng bỏng hơn được hông.
  7. DragonKiddy

    DragonKiddy Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    woooow, bạn quybien1990 gioi wa', tự tìm ra hay sưu tầm ở đâu dzậy, lúc đầu play cực wa', nghèo, nhà trống trơn, bây dzờ sướng rùi, thank very much
  8. ukii

    ukii Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Singles 2 - Triple Trouble

    Cheat Codes:
    Submitted by: Shafeeyur Rahman

    open the file named 'savegame#_xxxx.dat' with notepad from singles2/savegame
    directory...(here # is the save game number and xxxx will be replaced by where
    u last saved the game...for example if u last saved in ypur apartment in slot
    5 then open savegame5_apartment.dat file)...
    search for the string 'relationships' until u find one like the following:

    -> 5 = 83
    -> 13 = 84
    -> 15 = 85

    u will not find exactly like it. the structure would be
    -> # = **
    -> # = **
    -> # = **
    -> # = **
    here # represents any number from 0 to 16 and ** would be any number.
    note down the values on the place of **. then search again until u find similar
    phrases. note down the values again. u will usually find 3 such phrases(sometimes
    more or less). in exmple i used 83,84,85...then go to the top of the file and
    again search for 'Relationship 83'..instead of 83 u will use your number.
    you will find a phrase like this under the line:


    gameTime = 9740.31


    longTermRelationship = 0.9832521
    shortTermRelationship = 0.9846231

    longTermRelationship = 0.9645887
    shortTermRelationship = 0.9346391

    longTermRelationship = 0.9568754
    shortTermRelationship = 0.9567841

    here change the value beside all the short time and long time relationship. the value
    must be greater than -0.9999999 and smaller than 0.9999999....(0.9999999 represent
    maximum relationship).. then again search for relationship **...do the same thing for
    all the relationship and load the game viola..................u reached the maximum
    relationship with everyone....

    Extra Money:
    Submitted by: Haspa

    Firstly goto the properties of the following file C:Program FilesSingles2
    configgame.cfg and take out the read-only attribute. Then edit the file in notepad.

    Search for the following field "moneystart" remove the amount for the backyard,
    apartment or the penthouse to read 999999999 save the file then edit the
    properties and make the file read-only again.

    Unlock all modes:
    Search moneystart then, scroll down and look for BackyardEnabled = false,
    ApartmentEnabled = true, PenthouseEnabled = false change the false for true
    and you are set

    Uncensored version:
    Search for pixelation then, make sure that pixelate = true and that
    fullPixelation = false this works for the international game,
    I don't know for the others

    There is still a lot of modifications possible in game.cfg such as
    changing time for different things

    First of all, play a game and save it, then quit the game.
    Open the "savegameX_Apartment.dat" file in notepad if the character
    you want to edit lives in an apartment or savegameX_Penthouse if he
    lives in a penthouse and so long (X is the saved game you want to edit e.g.
    savegame3_Apartment.dat check the screenshot to be sure) You can find the
    file in the "\savegame" folder where the singles game is located.
    Now search for skillpoints, when you find it change its value to 30
    search again and change it to 30. Do that until there is no more skillpoints
    entries. This is to be improved but for now, it does the job.
    Now run the game open your saved game and spend your new skillpoints!

    Common interests for roommates:
    Pick your roommates by what they like to watch on television. can tell if someone
    really likes a show when they jump out of their seat. This is a group activity. If
    everyone likes the same thing, it saves a lot of time restoring their fun because
    everyone can watch the same channel.

    Hot tub:
    Get a hot tub as soon as possible. Two roommates can wash in it at the same time.
    It increases Hygiene to 70 or 80% rather quickly. Roommates put on swim suits so
    there is no embarrassment. Place the hot tub in a room just slightly larger for
    privacy and high Cozy. If two roommates are already in the tub, no one will
    disturb you if the hot tub and lighting are the only fixtures in the room.

    Buy four cheap dressers. Put one in each bedroom and one in the shower/bathtub
    room. You do not need a dresser for the pool or hot tub room. Roommates will
    switch to their swimsuits automatically.

    Two roommates work:
    Note: This trick works best when all are the same gender. One strategy is for two
    roommates to earn money while one plays and cleans. This works extremely well.
    Have two roommates work on their careers to make money. The second one cleans
    house. Finish cleaning the house by noon. Then, go to bar or invite someone over
    for some fun. Make sure you leave the bar by 15:00 so you get back before your
    roommates get home. Cook them a meal. When they get home they can get their hunger
    out of the way. Have your two working roommates talk to each other a great deal.
    The player/cleaner should just socialize with them a little. On weekends, everyone
    should go to the bar but try not to spend more than five or six hours there unless
    you have a lot of money. If you get tired with who works and who plays, switch them.
    :P:P( chỉ tìm thấy bằng tiếng anh thôi.Nhưng khá là đầy đủ)
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