tình hình là thế này: chiều qua tầm 3h em đang chơi thì bị đẩy ra ngoài và nó hiện lên cái bảng save crash.... bình thường em vẫn bị như vậy sau lúc đó vào lại thì vẫn được. Nhưng hôm qua sau lúc bị như vậy em login vào lại thị không được nữa! nó báo lỗi login filed: conmecting filed. bây giờ em vẫn chưa vào được! trong khi đó nhà thằng em em lại vào được! vậy có ai biết nó là cái lỗi j` chỉ cho em với. Em xin cám ơn nhiều lắm! :-*
rồi ạ! cại lại win nữa. vẫn thế chẳng có j thay dổi em thấy mấy người mang viettel cũng bị như em! còn mang khác không bị làm sao. Bó tay
+1 tầm chiều qua vừa chiến xong 1 game, bật ra load mãi ko được cái Match Stats thế là quit thẳng, ra ngoài Y!M chat chit vài câu, lúc connect lại thì tạch :( tình hình chung của Viettel rồi >.<!
masterserver.hon.s2games.com Vào thử link này xem có gì ko Nếu ko được thì thử vào Run -> CMD Ko được nữa thì thử Post mấy cái nhìn thấy được ra đây
Vào được cái masterserver: Hello, World! 2 - OK Ping tới cái kia ngon lành, but lúc vào client HoN thì toàn báo lỗi Login Failed. ... đến chịu?
Em ping ngon lành mà : Hello, World! 2 - OK Byte=32 time=190 TTL=4 Vào game toàn bị login failed : connection failed
Đây bác xem hộ em cái PHP: ************************************************************ K2 Engine start up... [2010/07/02] [13:51:22] [] [0] libxml2 version: 20702 Command line: Executing "~/startup.cfg" Executing "~/login.cfg" Executing "/init.cfg" Loading StringTable '/stringtables/interface.str' Loading ^mUnknown Interface Set^* Loading ^mUnknown Interface Set^* Network Initialization Host is: solyan-PC Local IP # 1: Loading StringTable '/stringtables/chat_sounds.str' CFileManager::GetFile() [~/recentlyplayed.xml] - Invalid file type CFileManager::GetFile() [~/notes.txt] - Invalid file type Using Windows Audio Session API for sound output. FMOD found 2 sound drivers: 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) 1: Realtek Digital Output (Realtek High Definition Audio) Using driver 0: Speakers (Realtek High Definition Audio) FMOD found 1 sound recording drivers: 0: Realtek Digital Input (Realtek High Definition Audio) Using recording driver 0: Realtek Digital Input (Realtek High Definition Audio) Speaker mode set to Stereo Loaded FMOD version: 4.22.03 Created CSocket "VoiceManager" [VoiceManager] Initializing... [VoiceManager] Attempting to open port: 0 [VoiceManager] Successfully opened port: 51005 Using png library version 10235 --------------------------------------------------------- CVid::StartDriver(): Found 1 video adapters [0] - Radeon X1300 / X1550 Series (Microsoft Corporation - WDDM) Name: \\.\DISPLAY1 Driver: atiumdag.dll Version: Vendor ID: 0x00001002 Device ID: 0x00007142 SubSys ID: 0x21481458 Revision: 0x00000000 D3D mode 1: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 56 D3D mode 2: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 3: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 4: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 5: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 6: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 56 D3D mode 7: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 8: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 9: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 10: Width: 800, Height: 600, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 11: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 12: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 13: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 14: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 15: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 16: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 17: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 18: Width: 1024, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 19: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 20: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 21: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 22: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 23: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 24: Width: 1152, Height: 864, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 25: Width: 1280, Height: 720, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 26: Width: 1280, Height: 720, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 27: Width: 1280, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 28: Width: 1280, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 29: Width: 1280, Height: 800, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 30: Width: 1280, Height: 800, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 31: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 32: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 33: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 34: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 35: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 36: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 37: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 72 D3D mode 38: Width: 1280, Height: 960, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 39: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 40: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 41: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 42: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 43: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 70 D3D mode 44: Width: 1280, Height: 1024, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 45: Width: 1360, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 46: Width: 1360, Height: 768, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 47: Width: 1360, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 48: Width: 1360, Height: 768, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 49: Width: 1360, Height: 1024, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 50: Width: 1360, Height: 1024, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 51: Width: 1440, Height: 900, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 52: Width: 1440, Height: 900, Bpp: 16, Refresh rate: 75 D3D mode 53: Width: 1440, Height: 900, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 60 D3D mode 54: Width: 1440, Height: 900, Bpp: 32, Refresh rate: 75 Starting Direct3D Using Direct3D exclusive mode Creating pure hardware transform and lighting device DXT1 supported DXT2 supported DXT3 supported DXT4 supported DXT5 supported R32F supported A8 supported A8L8 supported A8R8G8B8 render targets supported R32F render targets supported Vertex shader version: vs_3_0 Pixel shader version: ps_3_0 Loading ResourceReference '!skin' Loading ResourceReference '!sky' Loading ^gTexture^* '/world/sky/cloud_shadows/cloud_shadows1.tga' Loading VertexShader 'simple' Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'simple' Loading cached pixel shader: simple.psh (ps_3_0) Loading VertexShader 'mesh_depth' Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'mesh_depth' Loading cached pixel shader: mesh_depth.psh (ps_3_0) Loading VertexShader 'simple_color_flat' Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'simple_color_flat' Loading cached pixel shader: simple_color_flat.psh (ps_3_0) Loading VertexShader 'line' Loading cached vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'line' Skipping duplicate pixel shader: line.psh (ps_3_0) Loading VertexShader 'gui' Loading cached vertex shader: gui.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'gui' Loading cached pixel shader: gui.psh (ps_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'gui_grayscale' Loading cached pixel shader: gui_grayscale.psh (ps_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'gui_blur' Loading cached pixel shader: gui_blur.psh (ps_3_0) Reloading shaders... Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_depth.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: simple_color_flat.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: line.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: gui.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: simple.psh (ps_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: mesh_depth.psh (ps_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: simple_color_flat.psh (ps_3_0) Skipping duplicate pixel shader: line.psh (ps_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: gui.psh (ps_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: gui_grayscale.psh (ps_3_0) Loading cached pixel shader: gui_blur.psh (ps_3_0) Using R32F Shadow Map 2048 x 2048 Using A8R8G8B8 Scene Buffer 1440 x 900 Loading ^gTexture^* '$scene' Using A8R8G8B8 Post Buffer 1440 x 900 Loading ^gTexture^* '$postbuffer0' Loading ^gTexture^* '$postbuffer1' Loading Material '/core/null/post.material' Loading ResourceReference '!post_color' Loading ^970Post effect^*: /core/post/bloom.posteffect Loading Material '/core/post/bright.material' Loading VertexShader 'post' Loading cached vertex shader: post.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'post_bright' Loading cached pixel shader: post_bright.psh (ps_3_0) Loading Material '/core/post/down4.material' Loading VertexShader 'post_down4' Loading cached vertex shader: post_down4.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_down4.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_down4.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'post_down4' Loading cached pixel shader: post_down4.psh (ps_3_0) Loading Material '/core/post/bloom_h.material' Loading VertexShader 'post_blur_h' Loading cached vertex shader: post_blur_h.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_blur_h.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_blur_h.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'post_bloom' Loading cached pixel shader: post_bloom.psh (ps_3_0) Loading Material '/core/post/bloom_v.material' Loading VertexShader 'post_blur_v' Loading cached vertex shader: post_blur_v.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_blur_v.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_blur_v.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading Material '/core/post/up4_combine_add.material' Loading VertexShader 'post_up4' Loading cached vertex shader: post_up4.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_up4.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: post_up4.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'post' Loading cached pixel shader: post.psh (ps_3_0) Initializing SpeedTree rendering Direct3D initialization successful Using mode 0: 1440x900x32 Loading VertexShader 'mesh_shadow' Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_shadow.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_shadow.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_shadow.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'mesh_shadow' Loading cached pixel shader: mesh_shadow.psh (ps_3_0) Loading VertexShader 'mesh_color' Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_color.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_color.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_color.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'mesh_color' Loading cached pixel shader: mesh_color.psh (ps_3_0) Loading ^gTexture^* '$yellow_checker' Loading ^gTexture^* '$flat' Loading ^gTexture^* '$white' Loading ^gTexture^* '$black' Loading ^gTexture^* '$checker' Loading ^gTexture^* '$invis' Loading Model '/core/null/null.mdf' Finished loading model '/core/null/null.mdf' Loading FontFace '/core/fonts/game.ttf' family: FrizQuaReg, style: Regular, glyphs: 249 Loading FontMap 'dyn_6' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 7 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_6 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 7 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_7' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 8 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_7 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 8 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_8' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 9 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_8 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 9 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_9' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 10 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_9 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 10 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_10' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 11 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_10 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 11 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_11' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 12 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_11 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 12 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_12' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 14 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_12 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 14 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_14' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 16 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_14 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 16 pixels. Loading FontMap 'dyn_16' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/game.ttf 18 0x0' Created FontMap: dyn_16 from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 18 pixels. Loading FontFace '/core/fonts/system.ttf' family: Bitstream Vera Sans Mono, style: Roman, glyphs: 269 Loading FontMap 'system_small' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/system.ttf 10 0x0' Created FontMap: system_small from /core/fonts/system.ttf at 10 pixels. Loading FontMap 'system_medium' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/system.ttf 12 0x0' Created FontMap: system_medium from /core/fonts/system.ttf at 12 pixels. Loading FontMap 'system_large' Loading ^gTexture^* '*/core/fonts/system.ttf 22 0x0' Created FontMap: system_large from /core/fonts/system.ttf at 22 pixels. Loading FontMap 'littletextpopup' Created FontMap: littletextpopup from /core/fonts/game.ttf at 18 pixels. Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/arrow.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/arrow.tga' /core/cursors/arrow.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^gTexture^* '$alphagrad' Loading ^gTexture^* '/textures/logo.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/core/textures/console_blank.tga' Loading StringTable '/stringtables/client_messages.str' Created CSocket "Server list" [Server list] Initializing... [Server list] Attempting to open port: 0 [Server list] Successfully opened port: 51006 Loading StringTable '/world/terrain/TerrainTypes.str' Started client "Heroes of Newerth - Game Client" version 1.0 Loading ResourceReference '!minimap_texture' Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/arrow_ally.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/arrow_ally.tga' /core/cursors/arrow_ally.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/arrow_enemy.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/arrow_enemy.tga' /core/cursors/arrow_enemy.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_valid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_valid.tga' /core/cursors/action_valid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_invalid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_invalid.tga' /core/cursors/action_invalid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_ally_valid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_ally_valid.tga' /core/cursors/action_ally_valid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_ally_invalid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_ally_invalid.tga' /core/cursors/action_ally_invalid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_enemy_valid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_enemy_valid.tga' /core/cursors/action_enemy_valid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/action_enemy_invalid.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/action_enemy_invalid.tga' /core/cursors/action_enemy_invalid.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_down.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_down.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_down.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_left.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_left.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_left.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_left_down.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_left_down.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_left_down.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_left_up.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_left_up.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_left_up.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_right.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_right.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_right.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_right_down.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_right_down.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_right_down.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_right_up.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_right_up.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_right_up.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/scroll_up.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/scroll_up.tga' /core/cursors/scroll_up.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^079Cursor^*: /core/cursors/shop.cursor Loading ^mBitmap^* '/core/cursors/shop.tga' /core/cursors/shop.tga - 4096 bytes (RGBA - translucent) Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/cc_panel.interface' Grid snapping is turned on without a grid defined. Skipping Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/backdrop_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_dropdown_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/header_bar_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/header_bar_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/header_bar_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/header_bar_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/header_bar_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_bg_white_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/roundframe_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/closex.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_config_gear.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_over_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_config_gear_glow.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/button_down_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/tooltip_bg_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmin_up.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmin_up.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmin_up.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmin_down.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmin_down.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmin_down.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmin_over.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmin_over.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmin_over.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hslider_slot.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hslider_slot.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hslider_slot.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hslider_handle.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hslider_handle.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hslider_handle.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmax_up.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmax_up.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmax_up.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmax_down.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmax_down.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmax_down.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_hmax_over.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/combobox_hmax_over.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/combobox_hmax_over.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmin_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmin_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmin_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vslider_slot.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vslider_vhandle.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmax_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmax_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_vmax_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_button_bg_white_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/arrow.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/thumbs_up_disabled.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/thumbs_down_disabled.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/tmp_avatar.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/tmp_avatar.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/tmp_avatar.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/check.tga' Could not find a value for symbol: cc_message_RememberPosition A cvar named "cc_message_Maximised" already exists, but is not of type INT Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_header_bg_white_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/glass_header_big_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/xbutton_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/xbutton_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/xbutton_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/xbutton_disabled.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/xbutton_disabled.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/xbutton_disabled.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/sort_up.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/sort_up.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/sort_up.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/sort_down.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/sort_down.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/sort_down.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/rounded_footer_bg_white_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/common/ability_coverup.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/legion/behind_bar.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/bar_highlight.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/thumbs_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/close_button_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/close_button_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/close_button_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/close_button_disabled.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/close_button_disabled.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/close_button_disabled.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_scroll_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_scroll_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/hero_picker_icon.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/crest_legion.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/crest_hellbourne.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/invis.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_left_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_left_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_left_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_left_disabled.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/singlebutton_left_disabled.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/singlebutton_left_disabled.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_background_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_background_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_background_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_button_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/combobox_button_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_right_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_right_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_right_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/singlebutton_right_disabled.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/info/singlebutton_right_disabled.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/info/singlebutton_right_disabled.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/alert_mark.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_close.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/private.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_up.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_up.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_up.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_down.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_down.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_down.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_over.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_over.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmin_over.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_slot.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_slot.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_slot.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_handle.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_handle.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hslider_handle.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_up.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_up.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_up.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_down.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_down.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_down.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_over.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_over.tga] - Invalid file type IResourceLibrary::Register(/ui/elements/standardscroll_hmax_over.tga) - CTexture::Load() - not found or bad texture Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmin_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmin_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmin_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vslider_slot.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vslider_vhandle.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmax_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmax_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/standardscroll_vmax_over.tga' A cvar named "cc_message_Maximised" already exists, but is not of type INT Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/game_loading.interface' Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/loading.interface' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/loadingscreens/loading_bar_bg.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/loadingscreens/loading_bar_fg.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/loadingscreens/loading_bar_fg_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/loadingscreens/loading_bar_fg_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/loadingscreens/loading_bar_frame.tga' Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/main.interface' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/beginner.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/general.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/veteran.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/allheroes.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/deathmatch.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/easymode.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/forcerandom.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/more.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/noleaver.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/official.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/official_2.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/shuffleteams.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/autobalance.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/thumbs_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/gm.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/ingame.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/ingame_2.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/op.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/s2.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/admin.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/preorder/preorder.effect' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/preorder/sweep_1.wav' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/dust.material' Loading VertexShader 'effect' Loading cached vertex shader: effect.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: effect.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: effect.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'effect' Loading cached pixel shader: effect.psh (ps_3_0) Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/dust.tga' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/whitedot.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/whitedot.tga' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/preorder/sweep_2.wav' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/blink.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/blink.tga' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/light_rays.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/light_rays.tga' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/fairy_glow_21.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/fairy_glow_21.tga' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/neb_add.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/neb.tga' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/preorder/sweep_3.wav' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/neb_orange_add.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/neb_orange.tga' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/flare_07.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/flare_07.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/battle.tga' Loading Model '/ui/effects/mainmenu/right.mdf' Finished loading model '/ui/effects/mainmenu/right.mdf' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/legion.effect' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/snowflake.material' Loading VertexShader 'effect_lit' Loading cached vertex shader: effect_lit.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: effect_lit.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate vertex shader: effect_lit.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/snowflake_11.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/hell.effect' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/blackout.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/button_bg_thing.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/button_bg_bottom.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/legion_button.effect' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/button_frame.tga' Loading Model '/ui/common/models/main/button.mdf' Loading Clip '/ui/common/models/main/button.clip' Finished loading model '/ui/common/models/main/button.mdf' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/main_left_frame.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/custom_post.tga' Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_private Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_private Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_private Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_shuffleteams Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_shuffleteams Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_shuffleteams Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norepick Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norepick Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norepick Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noswap Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noswap Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noswap Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noagility Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noagility Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noagility Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nointelligence Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nointelligence Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nointelligence Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostrength Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostrength Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostrength Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_dropitems Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_dropitems Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_dropitems Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nopowerups Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nopowerups Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nopowerups Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norespawntimer Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norespawntimer Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_norespawntimer Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_alternatepicks Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_alternatepicks Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_alternatepicks Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowduplicate Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowduplicate Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowduplicate Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_reverseselect Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_reverseselect Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_reverseselect Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowveto Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowveto Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allowveto Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_devheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_devheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_devheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noleaver Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noleaver Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_noleaver Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_autobalance Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_autobalance Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_autobalance Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_easymode Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_easymode Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_easymode Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_allheroes Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_forcerandom Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_forcerandom Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_forcerandom Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostats Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostats Could not find a value for symbol: _game_option_nostats Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/tip_mark_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/tip_mark_over.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/normal.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/randomdraft.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/singledraft.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/banningdraft.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/local.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/automatic.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_l_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_r_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_t_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_b_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_tl_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_tr_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_bl_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_br_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_ornamental_top_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/stone_ornamental_bottom_brown.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/throbber_main.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/throbber_rim.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cvv.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/thawte.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/main_right_frame.tga' Widget "button_graphics_inactive" not found Widget "button_graphics_active" not found Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/tab_bar_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/tab_bar_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/tab_bar_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/tab_bar_tr.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/tab_bar_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_graphics.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_sound.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_controls.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_interface.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_voice.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/options_icon_stats.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/slider_backdrop_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/slider_backdrop_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/slider_backdrop_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/slider_slot.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/info/slider_handle.tga' CFileManager::GetFile() [:/tos.txt] - Invalid file type Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/logo.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/heroselection/team_legion.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_top_left.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/heroes/chronos/icon.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/cc_header.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/heroselection/team_hellbourne.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_top_right.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/prepurchase_background.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/legion2.effect' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/hell2.effect' Loading Model '/ui/preorder/bones.mdf' Loading Clip '/ui/preorder/bones.clip' Finished loading model '/ui/preorder/bones.mdf' Loading Material '/ui/preorder/material.material' Loading VertexShader 'mesh_unlit' Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_unlit.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_unlit.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading cached vertex shader: mesh_unlit.vsh (vs_3_0) Loading PixelShader 'mesh_unlit' Skipping duplicate pixel shader: mesh_unlit.psh (ps_3_0) Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_matchmaking.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_stattracking.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_heroes.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_ladder.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_editor.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_reconnection.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_noleaver.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_netcode.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_hotkeys.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/gamefeature_voip.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/prepurchase_star.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/prepurchase_price.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/top_bar_shadow.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/top_bar.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/rememberlogin_box.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/rememberlogin_box_on.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/autologin_box.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/autologin_box_on.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/top_cover.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/update_bar_bg.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/update_bar_fg.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/bot_bar.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/hon_logo.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/mainmenu/s2gamespresents.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_uk.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_france.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_spain.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_germany.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_russia.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_brazil.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_vietnam.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/flag_czechrep.tga' Could not find a value for symbol: cl_enableGarena Garena disabled Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/main_lobby.interface' Loading Effect '/ui/common/effects/lobby_wide.effect' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/smoke_particle.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/smoke.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/common/effects/lobby_thin.effect' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/background.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/heroselection/main_arch.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/statue_legion.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/statue_hellbourne.tga' Loading Effect '/ui/effects/mainmenu/fog.effect' Loading Material '/shared/effects/materials/bad_healing_smoke_12.material' Loading ^gTexture^* '/shared/effects/textures/bad_heal_smoke_12.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_top.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_mainmenuholder.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/users.tga' Loading Model '/ui/common/models/lobby/custom.mdf' Loading Clip '/ui/common/models/lobby/custom.clip' Finished loading model '/ui/common/models/lobby/custom.mdf' Loading Effect '/ui/common/models/lobby/custom.effect' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_chatheader.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/arrow_up.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/arrow_down.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_create_footer.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/playersonline.tga' Widget 'filter_controller' not found Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/question_mark.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/check_mark.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/kick_up.tga' Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Widget 'filter_controller' not found Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Loading ^gTexture^* '/maps/caldavar/icon.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/maps/watchtower/icon.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/maps/darkwoodvale/icon.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/lobby/mainlobby_custom_footer.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/empty_pack.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/elements/award_knives.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/icons/alternatepicks.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_bl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_b.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_br.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_l.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_c.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_r.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_tl.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_t.tga' Loading ^gTexture^* '/ui/frames/black_corners_tr.tga' Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Assigned value to a string literal Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: _filter_options Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/button_slide_01.wav' Could not find a value for symbol: filtername_textbox Loading ^mInterface^* '/ui/main_popup.interface' Created new client instance #0 Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/menu/slide_top.wav' Skipping duplicate vertex shader: effect_lit.vsh (vs_3_0) Skipping duplicate pixel shader: effect.psh (ps_3_0) Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/menu/slide_bottom.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/ccpanel/button_over_02.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/ccpanel/button_over_01.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/button_over_01.wav' Connecting to authentication server... CURL: About to connect() to masterserver.hon.s2games.com port 80 (#0) CURL: Trying CURL: Connected to masterserver.hon.s2games.com ( port 80 (#0) CURL (header out): POST /client_requester.php HTTP/1.1 Host: masterserver.hon.s2games.com Accept: */* Content-Length: 67 Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded CURL (data out): f=auth&login=Chocolate_9x&password=25ed1bcb423b0b7200f485fc5ff71c8eCURL: Closing connection #0 POST request returned: Failure when receiving data from the peer Error buffer: Disconnected from authentication server: Connection failed Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/login_fail.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/ccpanel/button_click_02.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/menu/button_over.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/menu/button_click.wav' Loading ^bSample^* '/shared/sounds/ui/quit.wav' Wrote: c:/Users/solyan/Documents/Heroes of Newerth/game/startup.cfg Direct3D shutting down... Clearing all state data... Shutting down client... GameClient released Removing heap: skeleton (0x2327fc94) Removing heap: AI (0x2327fe40) Removing heap: TypeVector (0x23280090) Removing heap: entity (0x2327fd94) Removing heap: _game_shared2 (0x2327fc3c) Removing heap: _game_shared (0x2327fb58) Removing heap: _game_client (0x0d10d928) [Server list] Closing... Removing heap: _shell (0x0040eed0) Removing heap: navigation (0x15556a68) Removing heap: World (0x155554f8) Removing heap: xml (0x155552f0) Removing heap: net (0x155513dc) Removing heap: widgets (0x15550678) Removing heap: buffers (0x15532100) Removing heap: Sound (0x1552f3d8) Removing heap: Effects (0x15520fc0) Removing heap: Models (0x15520fa0) Removing heap: ResourceManager (0x15520f80) Removing heap: voice (0x1551dfb0) Removing heap: pools (0x1551df90) Removing heap: console (0x1551df70) Removing heap: _strings (0x1551df50) Removing heap: _k2 (0x1551df30) Removing heap: FileManager (0x1551cd18) Removing heap: ICvar (0x1551ca08)
Cài mẹ nó 1 bản Linux mà chơi :X. Bạn nào cài Linux sang box tớ tớ hỗ trợ hết mình Lập riêng topic HoN nhá
mình vào trang chủ nó vẫn login được. còn vào game thi login filed, nản quá đến là vật. không biết khi nào nó mới bình thường lại đây! . ___________Auto Merge________________ . chắc không do win đâu bạn ạ! mình cài thử win xp cũng không được. trong khi đó thằng em mình dùng mạng bưu điện và cài win xp nó vẫn vào được. hay là mạng việttel dính quả gì rồi! bóa tay đấy.
Thấy bảo Viettel đang nâng cấp đường truyền... :( có khi nào vì thế mà chúng ta bị dính quả thọt này? ... Có mỗi cuối tuần ở nhà thư giãn mà lại ko chơi đc Hon mới đau cháu ...
cú vọ nhỉ, thôi kiếm cái j nghịch tạm, xem tình hình thế nào đã! có j pm cho mình với nhé. nhớ HoN quá :(