GMS - [Broa] - Its time to ...

Thảo luận trong 'Maple Story' bắt đầu bởi never_die312, 1/4/10.

  1. [mapler]Raven

    [mapler]Raven Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Lá Mới
    Yeah \m/, trong người mang tiếng có illbis nhưng có mỗi 4 set, pq tí lại recharge plox, recharge plz, thôi cậu chơi clas adam rồi thì để tớ thừa kế số star cho, à còn cả kandayo nữa, chả hiểu đâu hết claw, còn mỗi cái bracer nhưg tay bé chưa đeo đc : ((
  2. clone0001

    clone0001 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    92 còn xài kandayo hả trời 8-}. Có skanda 48 atk thôi :)). Có điều đưa cho anh Phúc đem bán rồi. :)). Đống star thì tớ bán cho :-". Có set ilbi là không bán được vì là quà của anh Bốp :)). Vào được ms chưa nhỉ? :-?
  3. [mapler]Raven

    [mapler]Raven Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Lá Mới
    Hư [ kiểu hứ của mấy đứa con gái í ], quen nhau bao lâu rồi mà còn dùng từ bán, cậu làm mất hìng ảnh trong mắt tớ quá, thằng daven còn cái gì đâu mà dám mua bán, hứ [ same trên ]
  4. clone0001

    clone0001 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Giờ mới biết bạn Raven là con gái o.o. Thôi thì con gái mình bán giá gấp đôi cho. Rẻ mà có gì đâu :-j
  5. son_of_marble

    son_of_marble Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Em thấy cái hat + stats > Scar với cả ZH mà anh
  6. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    The Permanent Item Option is Here!

    Gachapon Exploration[​IMG]
  7. [mapler]Raven

    [mapler]Raven Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Lá Mới
    Gái *** j, hứ ở trên chỉ là mag tính chất thôi, đàn ôg, đàn ông 100%, ra MI mà xem ảnh thằng này nhé, thôi star coi như để tớ cầm hộ, k dùng nó gỉ hết ra đấy, lại phí ra
  8. clone0001

    clone0001 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Khỏi lo đi. Star tớ làm bằng thép không gỉ :->. Nói thế thôi chứ cũng cho mượn vài set mà back. Chứ con đó lâu lâu tớ vào hunt snowman nữa mà :)).
  9. xxBlue_Starxx

    xxBlue_Starxx C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Game mở cửa lúc 8h40', nhưng vẫn chưa cho down patch về...đành ngồi chạy auto update vậy :(
  10. [mapler]Raven

    [mapler]Raven Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TP Lá Mới
    Back thì nhanh nhất là mai, kia thôi bạn hiền, mà hunt con đấy đc cái gì không?
    Btw: qua MI thử xem ảnh tớ xem đc k=))
  11. numt001

    numt001 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Misty Lake
    hỏng rồi

    nhà vửa điện lên

    thôi là cả tháng về "cấm cung" rồi
    vừa định back GMS

    cuối tháng 7 lại lên
  12. DNAngel1991

    DNAngel1991 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    :(( bây h ứ fake ip = hótpot nữa rồi bạn nào tìm được fake ip tốt chỉ tớ nhé :((
  13. mathansala

    mathansala T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    buồn nhất là cái vụ làm free cash, trung bình mình làm grandchase 1 ngày từ 5 -> 10 đôla, nhưng GMS làm cả ngày được có 1.9 đôla chán quá :((
  14. clone0001

    clone0001 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Huhu. Máy này sao không vào maple được :((. Down lại rồi mà vẫn bị lỗi "error code: -2147467259 (Unspecifield error)" là sao? :((. Ai biết cách bày với :((
  15. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ^ :-?

    Goal-den Items!

    v.86 Update’s Known Issues.
  16. gemboy

    gemboy Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Blank City
    cái hat đó có 7slots à em, Zh voi Scar tới 10slots lận :">
  17. clone0001

    clone0001 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Làm vậy rồi mà vẫn không được mèo ới :((. THiếu cái 3d accelera driver. Mà không biết down ở đâu cả. Đang google :((
  18. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    V.86 .

    Warm Winter Box
    A box full of surprises that will help you get through the cold winter. Double-click to find out what's inside.
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Red Potion (15) - 8.33%
    Orange Potion (15) - 8.33%
    White Potion (10) - 8.33%
    Blue Potion (10) - 8.33%
    Elixir (2) - 8.33%
    Mana Elixir (2) - 8.33%
    Dexterity Potion (5) - 8.33%
    Speed Potion (5) - 8.33%
    Magic Potion (5) - 8.33%
    Wizard Potion (5) - 8.33%
    Warrior Potion (5) - 8.33%
    Sniper Potion (5) - 8.33%


    Return of the Explorers
    WEAPON ATT +10 and MAGIC ATT +15 for 10 minutes.
    Weapon Attack: +10
    Magic Attack: +15
    Time: 600000


    Inkwell's Pick Box
    Inkwell's pick box that sometimes contains random items such as chairs, waist wraps, and necklaces.\n#cDouble-click to open.#
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited
    Pendant of the Spirit - 1.00%
    NULL - 2.00%
    NULL - 2.00%
    Furnace Chair - 3.00%
    Polar Bear Chair - 3.00%
    Gold Pick (6) - 40.00%
    Gold Pick (5) - 49.00%


    Premium PC Cafe Privilege
    Drop rate increases by 2x for 1 hour.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time: 3600000
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited


    Lucky Gift: Legendary Buff
    ATT +15, M. ATT +15, Movement Speed +15, Jump +15 for 1 hour.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time: 1800000
    Speed: +15
    Weapon Attack: +15
    Magic Attack: +20
    Jump: +15
    Cannot resell to merchants


    Lucky Gift: Drop Rate Increase Coupon
    Lucky Gift given by the Administrator. Increases Drop Rate 2X for 1 hour.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time: 1800000
    Cannot resell to merchants


    Scroll for Blade for ATT 100%
    Improves Attack on Blade.\nSuccess Rate: 100%, WEAPON ATT +1
    Weapon Attack: +1
    Success rate: 100%


    Scroll for Blade for ATT 60%
    Improves Attack on Blade.\nSuccess Rate: 60%, WEAPON ATT +2, LUK +1
    Weapon Attack: +2
    LUK: +1
    Success rate: 60%


    Scroll for Blade for ATT 10%
    Improves Attack on Blade.\nSuccess Rate: 10%, WEAPON ATT +5, LUK +3, WEAPON DEF +1
    Weapon Attack: +5
    LUK: +3
    WDEF: +1
    Success rate: 10%


    Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 100%/MAGIC ATT 100%
    Improves Attack on one-handed weapon.\nSuccess Rate: 100%, WEAPON ATT +2/MAGIC ATT +2
    Weapon Attack: +2
    Success rate: 100%


    Scroll for One-Handed Weapon for ATT 50%/MAGIC ATT 50%
    Improves Attack on one-handed weapon.\nSuccess Rate: 50%, WEAPON ATT +5/MAGIC ATT +5
    Weapon Attack: +5
    Success rate: 50%


    Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 100%/MAGIC ATT 100%
    Improves Attack on two-handed weapon.\nSuccess Rate: 100%, WEAPON ATT +2/MAGIC ATT +2
    Weapon Attack: +2
    Success rate: 100%


    Scroll for Two-Handed Weapon for ATT 50%/MAGIC ATT 50%
    Improves Attack on two-handed weapon.\nSuccess Rate: 50%, WEAPON ATT +5/MAGIC ATT +5
    Weapon Attack: +5
    Success rate: 50%


    Scroll for Armor for STR/INT/DEX/LUK 100%
    Improves STR on armor.\nSuccess Rate: 100%, STR +2/INT +2/DEX +2/LUK +2
    STR: +2
    Success rate: 100%


    Scroll for Armor for STR/INT/DEX/LUK 50%
    Improves STR on armor.\nSuccess Rate: 50%, STR +3/INT +3/DEX +3/LUK +3
    STR: +3
    Success rate: 50%


    Scroll for Accessory for STR/INT/DEX/LUK 100%
    Improves STR on accessory.\nSuccess Rate: 100%, STR +2/INT +2/DEX +2/LUK +2
    STR: +2
    Success rate: 100%


    Scroll for Accessory for STR/INT/DEX/LUK 50%
    Improves STR on accessory.\nSuccess Rate: 50%, STR +3/INT +3/DEX +3/LUK +3
    STR: +3
    Success rate: 50%


    Tablet for Explorer's One-Handed Weapon for ATT
    Improves Attack on one-handed weapon with durability. If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.\nWEAPON ATT +2, MAGIC ATT +2\n#cThe more tablets you use, the more your success rate will decrease.\nCan only be used on Explorer weapon#
    Weapon Attack: +2
    Magic Attack: +2
    Cursed rate: 50%


    Tablet for Explorer's Two-Handed Weapon for ATT
    Improves Attack on two-handed weapon with durability. If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.\nWEAPON ATT +2, MAGIC ATT +2\n#cThe more tablets you use, the more your success rate will decrease.\nCan only be used on Explorer weapon#
    Weapon Attack: +2
    Magic Attack: +2
    Cursed rate: 50%


    Tablet for Explorer's Armor for DEF
    Improves DEF on armor with durability. If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 50% rate.\nWEAPON DEF +3, MAGIC DEF +3\n#cThe more tablets you use, the more your success rate will decrease.\nCan only be used on Explorer weapon#
    WDEF: +3
    MDEF: +3
    Cursed rate: 50%


    Scroll for Ravana Helmet of Chaos 50%
    A scroll that can only be used on Ravana Helmet. It can improve or worsen a given stat of the equipment. \nSuccess rate: 50%. If failed, the item will be destroyed at a 20% rate.
    Success rate: 50%
    Cursed rate: 20%
    Random Stats


    Summon Ravana
    Summon Ravana
    Items per slot: 100


    Ravana Card
    A card that has a picture of Ravana, the monster in charge of the Golden Temple basement.
    Mob: Ravana
    Big size
    Consume on pickup


    Return of the Explorers Celebration Box
    A gift box celebrating the return of the Explorers. It contains various prizes and game items. You can use it until July 13, 2010.
    NPC: Cassandra


    Balrog Mount Coupon
    Use the coupon to learn how to mount on Balrog. The number of days effective will be determined by your luck.
    Items per slot: 1
    NPC: Maple Administrator
    Time Limited


    Sealed Box
    A suspicious black box sealed by a charm and a stamp. It might have something special inside. Care to open it?
    Items per slot: 1000
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Owl's Tail Feather
    A tail feather from Cassandra's owl. Instead of returning it to Cassandra, keep it and use it after June 30, 2010 to witness miraculous powers.
    Items per slot: 1000
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Croco 30 Day Use Coupon
    Double-click to use the Mount skill [Croco] for 30 days starting from today.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Black Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon
    Double-click to use the Mount skill [Black Scooter] for 30 days starting from today.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Pink Scooter 30 Day Use Coupon
    Double-click to use the Mount skill [Pink Scooter] for 30 days starting from today.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Mist Balrog 30 Day Use Coupon
    Double-click to use the Mount skill [Mist Balrog] for 30 days starting from today.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Race Kart 30 Day Use Coupon
    Double-click to use the Mount skill [Race Kart] for 30 days starting from today.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Lion (1-year)
    Double-click to use the [Lion] mount skill for a year.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Red Truck (1-year)
    Double-click to use the [Red Truck] mount skill for a year.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Gargoyle (1-year)
    Double-click to use the [Gargoyle] mount skill for a year.
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Unicorn (1-year)
    Double-click to use the [Unicorn] mount skill for a year starting today
    Items per slot: 100
    NPC: Maple Administrator


    Premium PC Cafe Privilege
    Receive 2x EXP for 30 minutes.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time: 1800000
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited


    Lucky Gift: EXP Increase Coupon
    Lucky Gift given by the Administrator. Increases EXP 2X for 1 hour.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time: 1800000
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited​
    Wooden Tub
    Enjoy a bath and relax in this spacious wooden tub to recover 40 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 40
    Recovery MP: 20
    Req Level: 0


    Stay in this igloo made out of ice and snow to recover 40 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 40
    Recovery MP: 30


    Mochi Ice Cream Chair
    Relax in this mochi ice cream chair to recover 30 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 30
    Recovery MP: 30
    Req Level: 0


    Stone Golem Hand Chair
    Take a break by leaning on the Stone Golem Hand to recover 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery MP: 50
    Recovery HP: 50


    Dragon Skull Chair
    Take a break by leaning on the Dragon Skull Chair to recover 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery MP: 50
    Recovery HP: 50


    Furnace Chair
    Sit on this chair to feel the warmth from the furnace. You can recover 40 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 40
    Recovery MP: 20
    Req Level: 0
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited


    Polar Bear Chair
    Snuggle up in this cozy polar bear chair to recover 40 HP and 20 MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 40
    Recovery MP: 20
    Req Level: 0
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited


    Soul Teddy Chair
    Sit on this Soul Teddy chair to recover 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 50


    Lord Pirate Chair
    Sit on this Lord Pirate chair to recover 50 HP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 50


    Teddy Bear Bed
    Relax in this cozy teddy bear bed to recover 50 HP and MP every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 50
    Recovery MP: 50
    Req Level: 0


    Magic Book Chair
    Take a break by sitting on this floating chair to recover 50 HP and 30 MP every 10 seconds.\n#cCannot be traded or dropped.#
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 50
    Recovery MP: 30


    Horntail Chair
    A chair that resembles Horntail, an evil three-headed dragon that lives in Leafre's Dragon Forest. When you sit on a Horntail Chair, your injuries will heal quicker. 100 HP and 40 MP will be restored every 10 seconds.
    Items per slot: 1
    Recovery HP: 80
    Recovery MP: 50​
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 17/6/10
  19. miuw

    miuw T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    V.86 .

    It is a watermelon that only #cWhite Monkey# can eat.
    Items per slot: 200
    Cash item


    Goal! Messenger
    Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a burning background for your avatar.
    Cash item


    Soccer! Messenger
    Shout to everyone in the world your character is on with this. Now available with your avatar on the top of everyone's screen! Comes with a burning background for your avatar.
    Cash item


    Friend Finder Megaphone
    Used to tell the entire Maple World that you're searching for friends.
    Cash item


    Golden Temple Invitation
    Double-click to receive a Premium Golden Ticket that grants you access to the Golden Temple Mini Dungeon.\r\nNotice: The Premium Golden Ticket can be used for an hour from the time it is removed from the invitation.
    Cash item
    Premium Golden Ticket - 100.00%​
    White Baby Monkey Tail
    Tail of a White Baby Monkey.
    Items per slot: 200


    White Mama Monkey Fur
    Fur of a White Mama Monkey.
    Items per slot: 200
    Level: 34


    Banana Peel
    A slippery banana peel.
    Items per slot: 200


    Baby Monkey's Bottle
    Bottle that a Mama Monkey always carries around for her Baby Monkey.
    Items per slot: 200


    Red Goblin Axe
    Axe that the Red Goblin used to carry around.
    Items per slot: 200
    Level: 54


    Blue Goblin Crown
    Crown that the Blue Goblin used to wear.
    Items per slot: 200
    Level: 43


    Stone Goblin's Red Underwear
    A pair of red underwear that the Stone Goblin was wearing.
    Items per slot: 200
    Level: 66


    Iruvata Booster
    Material required to produce android gear. It's been said that Iruvata in Neo City is called the supersonic monster because of her unrivaled speed.
    Items per slot: 100


    Gachapon Stamp 2
    Can be traded for an awesome gift based on the number of stamps collected.
    Items per slot: 1000


    Golden Ticket
    A one-time entry ticket to the Golden Temple Mini Dungeon.\nYou can use it to enter the Monkey Temple or the Goblin Dungeon in the Golden Temple. The Golden Ticket will disappear upon entry.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time Limited


    Premium Golden Ticket
    An entry ticket to the Golden Temple Mini Dungeon.\nYou can use it to enter the Monkey Temple and the Goblin Dungeon as frequently as desired for 1 hour.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time Limited


    Flames from the sun that have divine powers to brighten darkness.
    Items per slot: 1
    Time Limited


    Red Thermals
    A red undergarment that Mrs. Ming Ming made for the townspeople. Wearing the thermals will bring much warmth.
    Quest Item


    Air-Light Fluff
    Fluff that might be even lighter than air. It's mostly used to craft winter clothes for fairies. It's so light that it floats around and is often caught high on tree branches.
    Quest Item


    Burning Firewood
    Firewood that is still burning. It can often be found inside Dark Axe Stumps that have been hit by lightning.
    Quest Item


    Heat Pack
    An item that warms up your cold hands and feet during winter. Rubbing the pack will trigger a heat reaction.
    Quest Item


    Flaming Lava
    Boiling lava that is extremely hot and dangerous. You can cool it down by taking it over to the Rock Covered in Snow.
    Quest Item


    Fire Flower
    A rare plant found in the Ant Tunnel. It exudes heat from its petals and does not freeze even during the harshest of winters.
    Quest Item


    Red Tea Bag
    A small tea bag full of red tea leaves. Steep it in hot water to enjoy the wonderful flavor of red tea.
    Quest Item


    Tepid Lava
    Lava that has been air-cooled to the perfect temperature. It has just the right amount of heat to warm up your room.
    Quest Item


    Felt Piece
    A thick piece of matted wool. It is widely used to make all sorts of items with its texture and various colors.
    Quest Item


    Jumper Inner Layer
    The base layer of a military jumper that provides an excellent thermal effect.
    Quest Item


    Quilting Cotton
    Cotton that is woven in squares in between two pieces of fabric.
    Quest Item


    Warm Bubble
    Bubble from the submarine volcano that contains warm air.
    Quest Item


    Hot Stone
    Mysterious stone found in Minar Forest that exudes heat.
    Quest Item


    Temperature Secret
    A scroll containing a secret method on how to exude body heat to survive the cold.
    Quest Item


    Yellow Bellflower Bud
    A rare bellflower bud that can be consumed after boiling or as a pill to enhance your health and resistance against the cold.
    Quest Item


    Fire Sand
    Red sand found in the desert of Ariant. It is the main ingredient of the Heat Pack, as it triggers a heat reaction when rubbed against a surface.
    Quest Item


    Cast Iron
    An extremely solid piece of iron that does not cool down quickly. It is used to build a heating apparatus.
    Quest Item


    1 Degree
    A degree of warm temperature.
    EXP: 1
    Quest Item


    Ritaya's Cell Phone
    Cell phone that belongs to a young lady who came to visit the Golden Temple.
    Quest Item


    Ritaya's Camera
    Camera that belongs to a young lady who came to visit the Golden Temple.
    Quest Item


    Fresh Lime
    Lime that belongs to Toniza who sells fruits in the Golden Temple.
    Quest Item


    Golden Ticket Piece
    A piece of the Golden Ticket that has been torn after use. Collect 10 pieces and take it over to Mr. Yoo, the PR manager, and he will give you a Golden Ticket.
    Quest Item


    Hodori's Photo
    A photo that has not yet been fully developed. Keep it safe until it reveals Hodori's face. (It disappears upon logging out.)
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited
    Expires on logout


    Hodori's Photo
    A photo of Hodori. Take it over to Cassandra.
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants


    Hogul's Photo
    A photo that has not yet been fully developed. Keep it safe until it reveals Hogul's face. (It disappears upon logging out.)
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited
    Expires on logout


    Hogul's Photo
    A photo of Hogul. Take it over to Cassandra.
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants


    Growlie's Photo
    A photo that has not yet been fully developed. Keep it safe until it reveals Growlie's face. (It disappears upon logging out.)
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited
    Expires on logout


    Growlie's Photo
    A photo of Growlie. Take it over to Cassandra.
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants


    Tiger Actually's Photo
    A photo that has not yet been fully developed. Keep it safe until it reveals Tiger Actually's face. (It disappears upon logging out.)
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants
    Time Limited
    Expires on logout


    Tiger Actually's Photo
    A photo of Tiger Actually. Take it over to Cassandra.
    Items per slot: 1
    Cannot resell to merchants


    2010 Fortune Paper
    An empty piece of fortune paper. Take it over to Cassandra and ask her to decipher the note.
    Quest Item


    Pet Command Guide : White Monkey
    A guide that has all the commands for the White Monkey.\n#cDouble-click on the item to open the guide.#
    Items per slot: 1
    Cash item


    Warm Thermometer
    A thermometer that displays a person's heart. \r\n#cDouble-click to check the temperature.#
    Items per slot: 1
    EXP: 1
    Quest Item
    Time Limited​
  20. BomDàn

    BomDàn The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Beverly Hills, C
    có ai onl không nhỉ :|
    cho vào G với X_X

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