Mình đang cần codebreaker 6.0 của game này, code Lv up nhanh nhanh đó. Hình như lúc trước Loki có đăng code nhưng ko xài được.
thì dùng trainer đi có phải nhanh hơn không mà trò nocture này bác chơi ở pc hay là hệ máy nào vậy (trò này hình ảnh xấu mù cách chơi cũng không hấp dẫn lắm bác chơi làm gì cho tốn thời gian còn nhiều trò hay hơn chờ bác kìa)
Nói thẳng ra bạn vô duyên quá xá. Ngay cả cái trò thuộc hệ máy nào mà cũng ko biết còn bày đặt chê này chê nọ. Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne là game nhập vai PS2, PS2 đó thì làm sao dùng trainer.
Cái trò này nếu bạn mua o mimi thì hình như la` tụi TQ hay thái lan nó hack cái đĩa bị sao á. Tui chỉnh thử 10 cái matercode mà chả đúng cái nào cả==>ko chơi luôn. Mặc dù game rất hay. Huynh đài nào biết code post lên giùm đi
Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne này là tiếng Nhật hay tiếng anh vậy ?? Cái này có tới hai phiên bản lận dù cũng là tiếng Nhật nói chung giống như bản thường và bản Inter. vậy .
Ở đây tôi post AR2 cậu nhờ ai chuyển hộ sang CBv6 nghen ..... ID Game : SLPM-65242 Master cord/code EC879F84 142CC50C エンカウント control 0CC163F0 1456E6A1 1CB23A24 0456E78F 0CC163F0 1456E69D 1CB23A24 0696E78F SE+L1 button ランダムエンカウント it does not do SE+R1 button normality Debugging mode 0CC163F0 1456E6A8 1C87ACE0 105A0509 0CC163F0 1456DFA8 1C87ACE0 1496AF9E After pushing SELECT+L2+R2 in the picture of PRESS ANY BUTTON When コンフィグ is chosen with MAIN MENU, the debugging menu is indicated. When the debugging menu is indicated, please push the START+L2+R2 button The movement of cursor being strange is repaired when SHOP TEST or RAG TEST is chosen. When each item is indicated, it is inscription of the key which comes out. L.R = <- button -> Button RR = 0 buttons RU = △ button RL = □button RD = × button GAME START: To title NEW BATTLE TEST:ENCOUNT TEST BATTLE FIELD TEST: Obscurity MODEL CLLISION EDITOR: Use failure KERNEL TEST: Use failure EVENT TEST:Event Debug EVENT VIEWER:EVENT VIEWER FIELD: Use failure MESSAGE SCRIPT TEST: Script test CAMP TEST: Command menu - COMBINE TEST: Mansion of wicked teaching SHOP TEST: Junk shop RAG TEST: じ ゅ collar - RAG RECOVER TEST: Spring of recovery TERMINAL TEST: Terminal RESULT2 TEST:RESULT picture NAME ENTRY TEST: Name input picture MODEL VIEWER:MODEL VIEWER SOUND TEST: Use failure FONT TEST: Use failure PARTICLE EDITOR: Use failure SPRITE VIEWER: Use failure MAGATUHI EDITOR: Use failure RESTORE PLAYDATA: Use failure NEGO PLAYDATA SET: Use failure PUZZLE BOY GAME: Puzzle PUZZLE BOY MAP EDITOR: Use failure MOVIE VIEWER: Movie test STAFF TEST: Staff roll ENDSAVE TEST: Saving after the game clearing [ ENCOUNT TEST ] --- the controller of 1P --- SELECT button: Item change 0 buttons: Start of battle L2+R2 button: Yellow letter appears, setting reflects on battle --- the controller of 2P --- SELECT button: You reset to initializing [ Event Debug ] In the midst of event playback □, △ button: Setting change SELECT button: Letter elimination/indication [ EVENT VIEWER ] △ button: Menu indication L2 button: Moving the menu to the left R2 button: Moving the menu to the right × Button: Menu elimination [ Script test ] □button: Picture change [ MODEL VIEWER ] △ button: Menu indication [ Movie test ] 0 buttons: Movie playback SELECT button: Halt ・/span>}ッカ MAX 1DB227EC 14BE598C Experience value mass procurement 1CB41770 0456E7A1 1CB4178C 2054E79C 1CB41794 289425CC Acquisition experience value x time 1CB41770 0456E7A3 1CB4178C 145A0xxx Xxx= 765:2 times 725:4 times 7E5:8 time 6A5:16 time 665:32 times 625:64 times 6E5:128 time 5A5:256 time 565:512 times 525:1024 times Status Protagonist 4DB227FC 1456xxxx race =Racelist c.f.xxxx. 4DB227FA 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DB22700 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DB227FE 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DB22704 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DB22702 1456E7A5 state abnormal 3DB2270C 1456E788 LV99 3DB2270A 1456E7BD power 3DB22710 1456E7BD demon 3DB22711 1456E7BD body 3DB2270E 1456E7BD speed 3DB2270F 1456E7BD luck 4DB22630 1456E79D skill enabled 4DB2262E 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DB22634 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DB22632 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DB22638 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DB22636 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DB2263C 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DB2263A 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DB22640 1456xxxx skill 8th =Specialtylist c.f.xxxx. Demoniac 1 body eye 4DB22BAC 1456xxxx race =Racelist c.f.xxxx. 4DB22BAA 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DB22BB0 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DB22BAE 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DB22BB4 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DB22BB2 1456E7A5 state abnormal 3DB22BBC 1456E788 LV99 3DB22BBA 1456E7BD power 3DB22BC0 1456E7BD demon 3DB22BC1 1456E7BD body 3DB22BBE 1456E7BD speed 3DB22BBF 1456E7BD luck 4DB22BE0 1456E79D skill enabled 4DB22BDE 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DB22BE4 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DB22BE2 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DB22BE8 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DB22BE6 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DB22BEC 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DB22BEA 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DB22BF0 1456xxxx skill 8th Demoniac 2 body eye 4DB22A98 1456xxxx race 4DB22A96 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DB22A9C 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DB22A9A 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DB22AA0 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DB22A9E 1456E7A5 state abnormal 3DB22AA8 1456E788 LV99 3DB22AA6 1456E7BD power 3DB22AAC 1456E7BD demon 3DB22AAD 1456E7BD body 3DB22AAA 1456E7BD speed 3DB22AAB 1456E7BD luck 4DB22ACC 1456E79D skill enabled 4DB22ACA 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DB22AD0 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DB22ACE 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DB22AD4 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DB22AD2 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DB22AD8 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DB22AD6 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DB22ADC 1456xxxx skill 8th After the demoniac 3 body eye in decoding state address+EChat a time. Item all possession 1CBD643C 0C53A7A1 1C9A8338 204EE6C4 1C9A833C 274E7442 1C9A8340 384DE787 1C9A8344 374CE76B 1C9A8348 B34DE7A5 1C9A834C 1456E7A5 1C9A835C 074CB00F 1C9A8360 374EE7A6 1C9A8364 15F6E79D * When we would not like to produce the 勾 ball, Please modify 5th line in 1C9A8344 374CE7CB. 98 jewels 3DB2372C 1456E787 diamond 3DB2372D 1456E787 pearl 3DB2372A 1456E787 sapphire 3DB2372B 1456E787 emerald 3DB23730 1456E787 ruby 3DB23731 1456E787 jade 3DB2372E 1456E787 opal 3DB2372F 1456E787 アメジスト 3DB23734 1456E787 agate 3DB23735 1456E787 turquoise 3DB23732 1456E787 garnet 3DB23738 1456E787 オニキス 3DB23736 1456E787 coral 3DB23737 1456E787 aquamarine ・/span>}ガタマ all possession 3DB2389B 1456E7A6 1DB238A0 175AE4A7 1DB238A4 0B4EE8A3 1DB238A8 0F52DC9F 1DB238AC 0346E09B 1DB238B0 074AD4B7 1DB238B4 FB3ED8B3 3DB2381B 1456E7AE Reservation deletion of item 3DB234ED 1456E7A5 3DB234EF 1456E7A5 3DB234F7 1456E7A5 1DB234FC 1456E7A5 3DB23405 1456E7A5 3DB23403 1456E7A5 3DB23408 1456E7A5 4DB23406 1456E7A5 Treasure 1127A338 0000yyyy 1127A336 0000xxxx Yyyyxxxx= +00000001: ID card for staff +00000002: Gate pass for hospital branch +00000004: キーラ of white +00000008: キーラ of yellow +00000010: キーラ of green +00000020: キーラ of red +00000040: Thousand Yen bill +00000080: Manet Kata letter +00000100: Ball of ウムギ +00000200: Neck temporary spoon +00000400: ヤヒロノヒモロギ +00000800: Ball of ogre gate +00001000: Public sword +00002000: Key of ヨヨギ park +00004000: アメノタカラ +00008000: ツチノタカラ +00010000: ヨミノタカラ Only this cord/code, is stated in decoding state. The case where it inputs into PAR it is necessary to encode. All the item 98 place holding* 03/03/26 corrections 1CB8632C 3853E787 1CB86330 B493CEC1 At the time of battle end relations demon with random change* 03/03/26 additions 1C9A8A28 39A1B015 1C9A8A2C E19FE7A5 1C9A8A30 204CE6C4 1C9A8A34 278C7F21 1C9A8A38 378BDDC1 1C9A8A3C 8794E7A5 1C9A8A40 0496E7A4 1C9A8A44 145607BA 1C9A8A48 104C55CD 1C9A8A4C 3859E757 1C9A8A50 3894E7A6 1C9A8A54 B794E7A5 1C9A8A58 078BB00D 1C9A8A5C 378CE7F9 1C9A8A60 DD9FE7A5 1C9A8A64 15F6E79D 1C9A8A68 39A1E7B5 1CB6CFCC 0C53A565 When it fled, there is no effect * The case where the cord/code below is used, combined use with the "necessary cord/code" is necessary. In addition, in case of X-PLODER 9C - with the cord/code which starts everything 1C - replacing, please use. Because the number of lines considerably is long, when it does not operate normally, first Please try doubting the input mistake of the cord/code. Necessary cord/code 1CBD643C 0C53A7A5 9C9A8328 39A1B055 9C9A832C E1AEE7A5 9C9A8330 E1ADE7B5 9C9A8334 E1ACE7C5 9C9A8338 E1ABE7D5 9C9A833C E1B2E765 9C9A8378 DDB2E765 9C9A837C DDABE7D5 9C9A8380 DDACE7C5 9C9A8384 DDADE7B5 9C9A8388 DDAEE7A5 9C9A838C 15F6E79D 9C9A8390 39A1E775 Demoniac complete book 100% 3DBF17D8 1456E73D 9C9A834C 0C53A7D1 9C9A83F8 204EE6BD 9C9A83FC 274E5BE5 9C9A8300 384DE7A6 9C9A8304 204CE404 9C9A8308 278CE404 9C9A830C 2052FFBD 9C9A8310 27D2FFBD 9C9A8314 B74DE7A5 9C9A8318 AF4CE7A1 9C9A831C 384BE788 9C9A8320 B74BE799 9C9A8324 B352E79B 9C9A8228 AF52E7B5 9C9A822C 372DE7A6 9C9A8230 384BE729 9C9A8234 032BE7A4 9C9A8238 384BE747 9C9A823C 032BE7A4 9C9A8240 384BE758 9C9A8244 032BB0E8 9C9A824C 0C53A7D0 9C9A8250 374EE755 9C9A8254 0C53A75E 9C9A8258 384DE746 9C9A825C 0C53A75E 9C9A8260 384DE744 Master cord/code EC879F84 142CC50C Experience value automatic increase of relations demon 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 1 body eye 2C878356 13377F35 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 2 body eye 2C878356 13377E89 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 3 body eye 2C878356 13377D7D 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 4 body eye 2C878356 13377C71 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 5 body eye 2C878356 13378365 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 6 body eye 2C878356 133782B9 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 7 body eye 2C878356 133781AD 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 8 body eye 2C878356 133780A1 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 9 body eye 2C878356 13378015 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 10 body eye 2C878356 133777E9 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 11 body eye 2C878356 133776DD 0CC163F0 1456E7A5 12 body eye 2C878356 13377551 It keeps being done +50 each at several second intervals. Appearing in battle, the way coming out, because Imai, experience value keeps being added mandatorily, It levels up also the relations demon which does not participate in battle, after the battle ending. ID Game : SLPM-65462 Master cord/code EC8782E0 143252CC File compatible mode 0CCF5370 1456DFA2 4C849B84 1456B1EF 0CCF5370 1456DF9F 4C849B84 1456B053 * With START+L1+L2, file reading mode of nocturne With START+R1+R2, file reading mode of ・/span>}ニアクス However, when with this cord/code the file of the nocturne is read even at one time, the idea contest is broken. Because after, it is not advancing the game at all, whether or not trouble comes out, you do not understand completely. Badness it does, not driving. Master cord/code EC8782E0 143252CC With ・/span>}ッカ procurement MAX 1CB3B5E0 B019DD61 98 procurement being completed items 1CB3B728 2859E787 Experience value acquisition magnification ratio modification 1CB118C4 145ADxxx Xxx= 7652 7254 7E58 6A516 66532 62564 6E5128 5A5256 エンカウント control 1CBF3FAC 2055E76E 1CBF3FB0 8435975D 1CBF3FC4 1C34E7A7 * Same エンカウント it does with R2 + movement, (usually there is no エンカウント is). Master cord/code EC8782E0 143252CC Status Protagonist 4DBDBA7C 1456xxxx race =Racelist c.f.xxxx 4DBDBA7A 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DBDBA80 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DBDBA7E 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DBDBA84 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DBDBA82 1456E7A5 state abnormal 1DBDBA88 xxxxxxxx experience value Xxxxxxxx= inputting the value which encodes the experience value which we would like to insert. 3DBDBA8C 1456E788 LV99 3DBDBA8A 1456E7D7 power 50 (as for indication 40) 3DBDBA90 1456E7D7 demon 50 3DBDBA91 1456E7D7 body 50 3DBDBA8E 1456E7D7 speed 50 3DBDBA8F 1456E7BD luck 40 4DBDBAB0 1456E7AD skill enabled several 24 4DBDBAAE 1456xxxx skill 1st =Specialtylist c.f.xxxx 4DBDBAB4 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DBDBAB2 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DBDBAB8 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DBDBAB6 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DBDBABC 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DBDBABA 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DBDBAC0 1456xxxx skill 8th 4DBDBABE 1456xxxx skill 9th 4DBDBAC4 1456xxxx skill 10th 4DBDBAC2 1456xxxx skill 11th 4DBDBAC8 1456xxxx skill 12th 4DBDBAC6 1456xxxx skill 13th 4DBDBACC 1456xxxx skill 14th 4DBDBACA 1456xxxx skill 15th 4DBDBAD0 1456xxxx skill 16th 4DBDBACE 1456xxxx skill 17th 4DBDBAD4 1456xxxx skill 18th 4DBDBAD2 1456xxxx skill 19th 4DBDBAD8 1456xxxx skill 20th 4DBDBAD6 1456xxxx skill 21st 4DBDBADC 1456xxxx skill 22nd 4DBDBADA 1456xxxx skill 23rd 4DBDBAE0 1456xxxx skill 24th 3DBDBA8C 1456E7A6 LV1 1DBDBA88 1456E7A5 experience value 0 When it reaches level 255, level above that does not rise, It meaning that ・/span>}ガタマ stops being brought up, please use 2 cords/codes above. Demoniac 1 body eye 4DBDBE2C 1456xxxx race 4DBDBE2A 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DBDBE30 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DBDBE2E 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DBDBE34 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DBDBE32 1456E7A5 state abnormal 1DBDBE38 xxxxxxxx experience value 3DBDBE3C 1456E788 LV99 3DBDBE3A 1456E7BD power 40 3DBDBE40 1456E7BD demon 40 3DBDBE41 1456E7BD body 40 3DBDBE3E 1456E7BD speed 40 3DBDBE3F 1456E7BD luck 40 4DBDBE60 1456E7AD skill enabled several 24 4DBDBE5E 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DBDBE64 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DBDBE62 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DBDBE68 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DBDBE66 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DBDBE6C 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DBDBE6A 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DBDBE70 1456xxxx skill 8th 4DBDBE6E 1456xxxx skill 9th 4DBDBE74 1456xxxx skill 10th 4DBDBE72 1456xxxx skill 11th 4DBDBE78 1456xxxx skill 12th 4DBDBE76 1456xxxx skill 13th 4DBDBE7C 1456xxxx skill 14th 4DBDBE7A 1456xxxx skill 15th 4DBDBE80 1456xxxx skill 16th 4DBDBE7E 1456xxxx skill 17th 4DBDBE84 1456xxxx skill 18th 4DBDBE82 1456xxxx skill 19th 4DBDBE88 1456xxxx skill 20th 4DBDBE86 1456xxxx skill 21st 4DBDBE8C 1456xxxx skill 22nd 4DBDBE8A 1456xxxx skill 23rd 4DBDBE90 1456xxxx skill 24th Demoniac 2 body eye 4DBDBE18 1456xxxx race 4DBDBE16 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DBDBE1C 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DBDBE1A 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DBDBE20 1456E404 presently HP 999 It does not become 4DBDBE1E 1456E7A5 state abnormal 1DBDBE24 xxxxxxxx experience value 3DBDC128 1456E788 LV99 3DBDC126 1456E7BD power 40 3DBDC12C 1456E7BD demon 40 3DBDC12A 1456E7BD body 40 3DBDC130 1456E7BD speed 40 3DBDC12E 1456E7BD luck 40 4DBDC14C 1456E7AD skill enabled several 24 4DBDC14A 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DBDC150 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DBDC14E 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DBDC154 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DBDC152 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DBDC158 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DBDC156 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DBDC15C 1456xxxx skill 8th 4DBDC15A 1456xxxx skill 9th 4DBDC160 1456xxxx skill 10th 4DBDC15E 1456xxxx skill 11th 4DBDC164 1456xxxx skill 12th 4DBDC162 1456xxxx skill 13th 4DBDC168 1456xxxx skill 14th 4DBDC166 1456xxxx skill 15th 4DBDC16C 1456xxxx skill 16th 4DBDC16A 1456xxxx skill 17th 4DBDC170 1456xxxx skill 18th 4DBDC16E 1456xxxx skill 19th 4DBDC174 1456xxxx skill 20th 4DBDC172 1456xxxx skill 21st 4DBDC178 1456xxxx skill 22nd 4DBDC176 1456xxxx skill 23rd 4DBDC17C 1456xxxx skill 24th Demoniac 3 body eye 4DBDC104 1456xxxx race 4DBDC102 1456E404 presently HP 999 4DBDC108 1456E404 maximum HP 999 4DBDC106 1456E404 presently MP 999 4DBDC10C 1456E404 maximum MP 999 It does not become 4DBDC10A 1456E7A5 state abnormal 1DBDC110 xxxxxxxx experience value 3DBDC114 1456E788 LV99 3DBDC112 1456E7BD power 40 3DBDC118 1456E7BD demon 40 3DBDC116 1456E7BD body 40 3DBDC11C 1456E7BD speed 40 3DBDC11A 1456E7BD luck 40 4DBDC038 1456E7AD skill enabled several 24 4DBDC036 1456xxxx skill 1st 4DBDC03C 1456xxxx skill 2nd 4DBDC03A 1456xxxx skill 3rd 4DBDC040 1456xxxx skill 4th 4DBDC03E 1456xxxx skill 5th 4DBDC044 1456xxxx skill 6th 4DBDC042 1456xxxx skill 7th 4DBDC048 1456xxxx skill 8th 4DBDC046 1456xxxx skill 9th 4DBDC04C 1456xxxx skill 10th 4DBDC04A 1456xxxx skill 11th 4DBDC050 1456xxxx skill 12th 4DBDC04E 1456xxxx skill 13th 4DBDC054 1456xxxx skill 14th 4DBDC052 1456xxxx skill 15th 4DBDC058 1456xxxx skill 16th 4DBDC056 1456xxxx skill 17th 4DBDC05C 1456xxxx skill 18th 4DBDC05A 1456xxxx skill 19th 4DBDC060 1456xxxx skill 20th 4DBDC05E 1456xxxx skill 21st 4DBDC064 1456xxxx skill 22nd 4DBDC062 1456xxxx skill 23rd 4DBDC068 1456xxxx skill 24th After 4 body eyes in compounding state address+EChat a time 98 jewels 3DBDCBAC 1456E787 diamond 3DBDCBAD 1456E787 pearl 3DBDCBAA 1456E787 sapphire 3DBDCBAB 1456E787 emerald 3DBDCBB0 1456E787 ruby 3DBDCBB1 1456E787 jade 3DBDCBAE 1456E787 opal 3DBDCBAF 1456E787 アメジスト 3DBDCBB4 1456E787 agate 3DBDCBB5 1456E787 turquoise 3DBDCBB2 1456E787 garnet 3DBDCBB8 1456E787 オニキス 3DBDCBB6 1456E787 coral 3DBDCBB7 1456E787 aquamarine ・/span>}ガタマ ALL possession 3DBDCC1B 1456E7A6 1DBDCC20 175AE4A7 1DBDCC24 0B4EE8A3 1DBDCF28 0F52DC9F 1DBDCF2C 0346E09B 1DBDCF30 074AD4B7 1DBDCF34 FB3ED8B3 3DBDCF9B 1456E7AE Item ALL99 1DBDCB4C F57344A5 1DBDCB50 F5734488 1DBDCB54 F5734488 1DBDCB58 F5734488 1DBDCB5C F5734488 1DBDCB60 F5734488 1DBDCB64 F5734488 1DBDCB68 F5734488 1DBDCB6C F573E788 1DBDCB70 14734488 1DBDCB74 F5734488 1DBDCB78 14734488 1DBDCB80 F5734488 1DBDCB84 1473E788 1DBDCB88 145644A5 カグズチ state modification 0CCF5370 1456DFA2 3DBDBA65 1456E7A5 0CCF5370 1456DF9F 3DBDBA65 1456E79D Start with +L1+L2 SILENT With start +R1+R2 it becomes FULL. Đó là hai bản ID khác nhau đấy tôi post lên chứ chưa chuyển sang tiếng việt được vì nhiều lý do (không biết tiếng Anh ) mong cậu thông cảm ... Cậu đem so ID game đọc trên đĩa ấy có kí hiệu hay đọc tên file có tập tin chạy PS2 ấy như các file SLES SLPM ...........
COde ở trên là của tiếng Nhật còn dưới đây là code của tiếng Anh Xlpoder /Cb6 nhưng chưa test . Mastercode 1 F02CA6B4 002CA6B7 Mastercode 2 F02CA6B4 0000000E Player 1 Codes Max Money 21248F48 05F5E0FF Max HP 11248F5C 000003E7 Infinite HP 11248F5A 000003E7 Max MP 11248F60 000003E7 Infinite MP 11248F5E 000003E7 Max Level 01248F68 00000063 Max St 01248F6A 00000028 Max Ma 01248F6C 00000028 Max Vi 01248F6D 00000028 Max Ag 01248F6E 00000028 Max Lu 01248F6F 00000028 Max All Stats 01248F6A 00000028 21248F6C 28282828 Infinite Items Codes Muscle Drink 01249E29 00000063 Medicine 01249E2A 00000063 Life Stone 01249E2B 00000063 01249E2C 00000063 Bead Chain 01249E2D 00000063 Chakra Drop 01249E2E 00000063 Chakra Pot 01249E2F 00000063 Great Chakra 01249E30 00000063 Soma Droplet 01249E31 00000063 Soma 01249E32 00000063 Bead of Life 01249E33 00000063 Chakra Elixir 01249E34 00000063 Revival Bead 01249E35 00000063 Balm of Rising 01249E36 00000063 Sacred Water 01249E37 00000063 Dis-Poison 01249E38 00000063 Dis-Stun 01249E39 00000063 Dis-Charm 01249E3A 00000063 Dis-Mute 01249E3B 00000063 Dis-Stone 01249E3C 00000063 Maragi Rock 01249E3D 00000063 Mabufu Rock 01249E3E 00000063 Mazio Rock 01249E3F 00000063 Mazan Rock 01249E40 00000063 Mahama Rock 01249E41 00000063 Mamudo Rock 01249E42 00000063 Megido Rock 01249E43 00000063 Megidola Rock 01249E44 00000063 Poison Arrow 01249E45 00000063 Wagtail Plume 01249E46 00000063 Makajam Rock 01249E47 00000063 Pot of Death 01249E48 00000063 Reserve 01249E49 00000063 Magic Mirror 01249E4A 00000063 Attack Mirror 01249E4B 00000063 Dekaja Rock 01249E4C 00000063 Tetraja Rock 01249E4D 00000063 St Incense 01249E4E 00000063 Reserve 01249E4F 00000063 Ma Incense 01249E50 00000063 Vi Incense 01249E51 00000063 Ag Incense 01249E52 00000063 Lu Incense 01249E53 00000063 Blessed Fan 01249E54 00000063 Soul-Return 01249E55 00000063 Spyglass 01249E56 00000063 Reserve 01249E57 00000063 Reserve 01249E58 00000063 Reserve 01249E59 00000063 Reserve 01249E5A 00000063 Reserve 01249E5B 00000063 Repulse Bell 01249E5C 00000063 Attract Pipe 01249E5D 00000063 Float Ball 01249E5E 00000063 Light Ball 01249E5F 00000063 Smoke Ball 01249E60 00000063 Reserve 01249E61 00000063 Divining Water 01249E62 00000063 Reserve 01249E63 00000063 Reserve 01249E64 00000063 Lucky Ticket 01249E65 00000063 Reserve 01249E66 00000063 Reserve 01249E67 00000063 Marogareh 01249E68 00000063 Wadatsumi 01249E69 00000063 Ankh 01249E6A 00000063 Iyomante 01249E6B 00000063 Shiranui 01249E6C 00000063 Hifumi 01249E6D 00000063 Kamudo 01249E6E 00000063 Narukami 01249E6F 00000063 Anathema 01249E70 00000063 Miasma 01249E71 00000063 Nirvana 01249E72 00000063 Murakumo 01249E73 00000063 Geis 01249E74 00000063 Djed 01249E75 00000063 Muspell 01249E76 00000063 Gehenna 01249E77 00000063 Kamurogi 01249E78 00000063 Satan 01249E79 00000063 Adama 01249E7A 00000063 Vimana 01249E7B 00000063 Gundari 01249E7C 00000063 Sophia 01249E7D 00000063 Gaea 01249E7E 00000063 Kailash 01249E7F 00000063 Masakados 01249E80 00000063 All Items 00249E29 00000063 00249E2A 00000063 00249E2B 00000063 00249E2C 00000063 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00000063 00249E65 00000063 00249E66 00000063 00249E67 00000063 00249E68 00000063 00249E69 00000063 00249E6A 00000063 00249E6B 00000063 00249E6C 00000063 00249E6D 00000063 00249E6E 00000063 00249E6F 00000063 00249E70 00000063 00249E71 00000063 00249E72 00000063 00249E73 00000063 00249E74 00000063 00249E75 00000063 00249E76 00000063 00249E77 00000063 00249E78 00000063 00249E79 00000063 00249E7A 00000063 00249E7B 00000063 00249E7C 00000063 00249E7D 00000063 00249E7E 00000063 00249E7F 00000063 00249E80 00000063 Party Member Codes Member a Max HP 1124930C 000003E7 Infinite HP 1124930A 000003E7 Max MP 11249310 000003E7 Infinite MP 1124930E 000003E7 Max Level 11249318 00000063 Max St 1124931A 00000028 Max Ma 1124931C 00000028 Max Vi 1124931D 00000028 Max Ag 1124931E 00000028 Max Lu 1124931F 00000028 Max All Stats 1124931A 00000028 2124931C 28282828 Member b Max HP 112493F8 000003E7 Infinite HP 112493F6 000003E7 Max MP 112493FC 000003E7 Infinite MP 112493FA 000003E7 Max Level 11249404 00000063 Max St 11249406 00000028 Max Ma 11249408 00000028 Max Vi 11249409 00000028 Max Ag 1124940A 00000028 Max Lu 1124940B 00000028 Max All Stats 11249406 00000028 21249408 28282828 Member c Max HP 112494E4 000003E7 Infinite HP 112494E2 000003E7 Max MP 112494E8 000003E7 Infinite MP 112494E6 000003E7 Max Level 112494F0 00000063 Max St 112494F2 00000028 Max Ma 112494F4 00000028 Max Vi 112494F5 00000028 Max Ag 112494F6 00000028 Max Lu 112494F7 00000028 Max All Stats 112494F2 00000028 212494F4 28282828
tại vì mình cũng có trò này và chơi trên pc nên mình không đọc kỹ lắm nên đã mạo muội nhưng mình có một ý kiến là trò này chán phèo mình mới chơi một lúc đã chán rồi còn nhiều trò hay hơn nhiều
Game này bad hay good mình ko bàn trong box này. To Gamesoundtrack: cậu có code chỉnh max exp ko, mình cần code đó thôi vì sợ chỉnh amx Lv ko có hiệu quả.
nói ra sợ mấy bác buồn nhưng là fan của game này tôi muốn nói chơi game mà xài Cheat thì chả còn gì thú vị nữa nhưng đó là tuỳ bạn thôi dù gì tôi cũng khuyên bạn đừng bao giờ chơi Cheat đặc biệt là game này [-x bạn có biết đây là một trong những game RPG hay nhất không bạn đã chơi được hết trò chưa đã kiếm được 100% demon và Fusion chưa đã lấy hết được các Ending chưa đã kiếm được hết những bí mật mà trên FAQ chưa viết chưa nếu 1 trong những việt này mà còn chưa làm được [-x thì bạn chưa có tư cách chê trò này