Request Cheat Code + Hint + Secret + Trainer (version 2)

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi yphanh2002, 30/6/10.

  1. yphanh2002

    yphanh2002 I ♥︎ You Hannah Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Prototype Cheats


    Cheat Codes:
    Submitted by: RM

    Unlock Body Surfing:
    Select "Extras" from the Main Menu and go to "Cheats"

    Right, Right, Left, Down, Up, Up, Up, Down - Unlock Body Surf Ability.
    (D, D, A, S, W, W, W, S on the keyboard).

    New Game+ Mode:
    New Game+ Mode - finish the non-plus mode of a game such a Normal to enable
    Normal+ mode and the like. In Game+ mode, Alex's skills are unlocked at the

    Thermobaric Tank:
    First you must unlock the Kill Event called "Rolling Thunder," which appears between
    the East Village and the Lower East Side (one block from the East coast). Right next
    to the Event is a Thermobaric Tank. Jumping into it will activate the Event, but you
    can back out of it before the Event begins. Do this correctly and you'll have a free
    Note: If you exit the tank it or use it to destroy a Hive or Base it will vanish. You
    can grab it again at the Event point.

    Platinum/Radical Events:
    To unlock the extremely difficult Platinum events, earn Gold in every event. There
    are also Radical events to unlock which are almost impossible.

    Mind the Crows:

    Infected water towers are always circled by squawking crows. This makes it easier to
    track them down

    Unlimited EP Exploit:
    On mission 22/31, where you get the first cell phone cut scene, you'll be asked to jack
    a Black ops helicopter. Once you have the helicopter, you are prompted to pick up a few
    Black Ops guys and then destroy a Hive. Do not destroy the Hive! You now have a helicopter
    with unlimited missiles, no time limit, and as long as you don't destroy the Hive, you
    can blow up anything else without it kicking off the alert meter. This also allows you to
    get out of the helicopter without it ending the mission (useful for collect Memory Strands).
    The easiest way to get EP in this is to switch to your Infected Vision and fly around
    blowing up infected water towers. You can save your game in the middle of this mission if
    you need a break and do the same thing. You can max out your skills and then some using
    this exploit.

    Smooth Landing Speed Boost:
    After jumping, avoid using both of your dashes while airborne and save one to
    use just before landing. If timed correctly, you should hit the ground at near
    full speed, which is very useful when attempting to evade the military or
    during a timed activity. Note: This doesn't work for the highest of drops.

    Helicopter jumping:
    To do this trick you will need the ability to Jump Kick so that you can fly towards
    the first helicopter of The Strike team. You can also use the Whipfist's Grab upgrade
    to latch onto an enemy helicopter. Double Jump can also be useful. To start, jump up
    and Jump Kick or use the Whipfist Grab to latch onto the first helicopter. Do the
    button event to kill the pilots. Fly up as high as possible and look for the next
    target. Make sure to use the Lock On ability. Jump out of the current helicopter and
    Jump Kick towards the next helicopter. You can keep doing this as long as there are
    helicopters. If you fall, quickly use the Whipfist Grab.
    Note: This can be very challenging but if done successfully you can attack numerous
    helicopters without ever touching the ground.

    Fly/Longer Gliding:
    You need air dash and glide to do this. Jump into the air and glide, then when
    you start descending, use air dash and press A twice to fly again. You can repeat
    this until you run out of air dash, which is 2 max (glide then air dash, glide
    again then air dash, glide again so... 3 glides and 2 dashes). You can glide for
    3 times as long allowing you to cover more ground

    Defeating the Time Square Boss:
    Contrary to popular belief this Boss battle is easy. Long before the battle, purchase
    all upgrades that allow you to do +3 Devastator attacks, upon max health. It is also
    a good idea to get all the upgrades you can via "Consume". The Boss is massive. Notice
    that under her life bar are other bars. These are some what the Boss' stabilizers,
    making her vulnerable only after you have severed them. At the beginning of the battle
    she will do a scream attack. Be careful. Scale up a building or whatever else you have
    to do. It is very easy to avoid. You will also have Hunters and Infected chasing you.
    Use the full body armor and claws/blade. Max out your health by running around and
    consuming. It is easy and the only issues you might have are Hunters, though with the
    upgrades one hunter can nearly boost your life to max, allowing for maximum Devastator
    attacks. This is one of your first Devastator attacks you will learn. Scale a building,
    boost over to her, fall, and initiate the attack. You will see quickly that the Boss'
    stabilizers are being damaged. Note: Every round the stabilizers' life will increase,
    meaning that you have to follow the tactics in the same way, and it will just take
    slightly longer. Strike her with the Devastator. You should have a chance for more,
    unless she does multiple attacks (green orbs that track you, spitting concrete and
    screaming). The armor reduces the amount of damage inflicted, allowing you enough
    time in between attacks to initiate the Devastator again. Once the stabilizers are
    done, she will fall and you can attack normally. She will then retreat (leaving you
    plenty of red life orbs to consume) before shooting out of the ground again, with
    more stabilizer life and "backup". Ignore the backup. This tactic works nicely, but
    if you get low on health, run away from her view and keep consuming. After she falls
    a total of three times you will have defeated her.

    Easy experience:
    Note: You can most likely do this trick with any helicopter. Do the mission where you
    have to steal a helicopter to find the right hunter. You are told to go fly over the
    Infected area and scan the Infected water towers for a suitable enemy type. Instead of
    doing that, fly to the Infected area and start shooting the Infected water towers that
    are around all infected the areas. You get about 8,000 experience points for each. Shoot
    25 of them and you will get the achievement or trophy Xbox 360 PlayStation3 for killing
    the Infected water towers without them hatching. As long as you properly hijack the
    helicopter and no one suspects you as an enemy, no one will attack you while this is
    going on. One water tower requires one missile. Make sure to steady it so you do not
    waste missiles. One flythrough with this helicopter can net you 1,192,000 experience
    points, assuming you can find one water tower per missile. You can get even more than
    that if you use your machine gun. After getting about 500,000 experience points, crash
    the helicopter and repeat the process again from the checkpoint.

    Note: This trick only works once you acquire the ability to hijack helicopters and
    have Infected Vision, received later in the game. Hijack a helicopter. Once you do so,
    activate Infected Vision. Look for the bright orange water towers scattered throughout
    the level, primarily in the Infected areas. Shoot them with the helicopter's weapons.
    For each water tower you destroy, you will receive 10,000 experience points, which are
    important this far in the game. Note: Water towers respawn continuously for unlimited
    experience points.

    An easy way to get experience points is to get a helicopter, preferably without alarm.
    Go to any Infected area and search for water towers containing Hunters. These are easily
    found by going to the area where the crows are circling. This indicates where an Infected
    water tower is located. Lock on to it and blow it up with a rocket. It should only take
    one with a direct hit. You will receive 8,000 experience points per water tower. With
    200 rockets in an attack helicopter you can get 1,600,000 total experience points. Then
    using the machine gun, destroy forty more towers. You can then use the remaining homing
    missiles to blow up a hive for more points. Get another helicopter and repeat the process.
    The water towers will respawn after a short amount of time.

    Attack animations:
    When consuming enemies, use different attack powers such as the Whipfist or the Blade
    to see different animations. Each attack power has a few animations to show off.

    Defeating the final Boss:
    Quickly switch to Armor and Blade after the cinematic ends. Having Infected Vision will
    help. Stay away from the Boss until he starts to jump. After he lands, attack him with
    an Air Blade Slash. He will become stunned after a few good hits. Grab him and repeatedly
    punch. If you are taken down to critical level, use a Devastator move to stun him.

    EXP Exploit:
    If you are just short of an upgrade (e.g. you have 90k EXP and you need 100k), you can earn
    the amount you need, purchase an upgrade with EXP, and kill yourself and return to a check
    point and you'll have both the upgrade and the 90k you had at that checkpoint.

    Experience points for Orbs:
    The experience points awarded for each Orb that you pick up is based on how many Orbs you
    have already collected.

    -=Landmark Orbs=-
    1: 2,600 each
    10: 5,000 each (and 10,000 bonus)
    25: 9,750 each (and 25,000 bonus)
    100: 15,000 each (and 50,000 bonus)
    125: 17, 250 each (and 60,000 bonus)
    150: 20,000 each (and 70,000 bonus)

    -=Hint Orbs=-
    1: 5,000 each
    10: 7,500 each (and 10,000 bonus)
    15: 12,500 each (and 25,000 bonus)
    35: 15,000 each (and 50,000 bonus)

    Finding Infected water towers:
    * Squawking crows usually circle the Infected water towers, making them easier to find.
    * As soon as you unlock the Infected Vision you can see the water towers that are infected.
    They will glow the orange color like any other infected.

    More EP:
    Submitted by: TjAZ / [email protected]

    If you want to gain more EP while running, carry an army truck or some big object and run
    through the infected people or collect the genetic materials that comes out of hive.

    No Detection:
    Submitted by: TjAZ / [email protected]

    If you want to remain anonymous and destroy the detectors Hijack a chopper and let your
    disguise meter cool down. keep distance and make sure that disguise meter is low, target
    the detectors and fire turrets. This will allow you get to base without any detection.

    Two kick Ass at a Same time:
    Submitted by: TjAZ / [email protected]

    Inside the base you can kill an extra soldier. First accuse an soldier that he is the one
    infected and make sure the extra one to be killed is in between the accused one and before
    any other soldier shoots the acused one charge up kick or punch and kick booth the ass.
    Same will happen with when you are carrying a gun but only if you fired two-to-three rounds.

    Experience points and upgrade:
    When just short of an upgrade at a checkpoint (for example, at 90,000 experience points for
    the 100,000 experience point upgrade), earn the experience points needed. Purchase the desired
    upgrade with the experience points, then kill yourself to return to a checkpoint. You will
    have both the upgrade and the 90,000 experience points previously earned at that checkpoint.

    Remaining undetected:
    To remain anonymous and destroy the detectors, hijack a chopper and let your disguise meter
    cool down. Keep at a distance and make sure that the disguise meter is low. Target the
    detectors and fire the turrets. This will allow you get to the base without detection.

    Destroying the Bloodtox Filters:

    This battle cannot be won on the ground; you will need a helicopter. Make sure your health
    is completely full. Note: At this point there are somewhat infected areas and fully infected
    areas. You will not find any military in the fully infected areas, so have at it there. Also,
    have the Whip upgrade. Take your time on this one; the longer you spread the mission out, the
    easier it will be. If at any time your health gets low, bail from the chopper and replenish
    it. Once on the roof when you start at the facility, turn to the right to see two guards on
    top of a building across the street shooting rockets down at the crowd. Use your whip and
    kill both of them. This will save a lot of frustration later, because those missiles were
    heat seeking you will be in a chopper. You will need a helicopter for the next step. If there
    are no helicopters nearby, make enough commotion for a strike team to be called in. Once the
    chopper is in distance, use your whip and take it over. Every time you take over a heli, you
    will have about a 30 second grace period before the other choppers start firing at you; use
    it. Select the heat seekers and blow the other helicopters away; wait for your threat to go
    down before you go into the Facility airspace. Once your threat is down, fly over to the
    Bloodtox Facility. The first things you need to take out are the guard towers. There are about
    eight to ten of them. They are on all sides and corners. They also have heat seeking missiles.
    Once the towers are down, the facility is completely open. Beware of strike teams, etc. Save
    your heat seekers for them and get an aim on them before they do whenever they appear. When
    all the towers are down, the primary objectives are to shoot those small boxes near each of
    the tanks. They have red blinking lights on them, and there are exactly eight of them.
    [Note:] There are other threats in this mission. One of them is the tank that will constantly
    shoot at you, but not with heat seekers. However, some of the missiles people fire from the
    ground are. Listen to your helicopter warnings and keep an eye out for other choppers that
    are getting close to you. The more you take out first, the better.

    If you have Double Airdash and Glide, by using the Glide, Dash, Glide Dash trick you will
    be able to reach much farther distances.

    Armored Glide:
    Once you obtain the Armor Defense power, you will be able to use this trick. It can be used
    to catch up and attack enemies with force. When you get close to an enemy that you can glide
    over him, revert to normal Alex then initiate a glide. While gliding, activate your Armor
    Defense power. This will allow you to maintain your glide as long as you do not release it
    or dash. This will allow you to glide over stationary enemies and attack with more force.
    This is especially useful when fighting Elizabeth Greene (the Times Square Boss).

    Submitted by: Aleksandar Mrka Markovic

    1. People,cheats maybe don't exist, but you must think good....Find on internet prototype saved
    game and place it to my documents/prototype folder.You will have finished game.
    2. You can type in your browser prototype trainer.That is like cheats,just connected together.
    Many of them has a viruses,but i'am find one who don't got it.First you must to run game.
    Then open trainer which you are downloaded and type numbers next to NumLock for that cheat
    about what is it...I don't speak english very good,so you maybe not understood me.

    Low health escape:
    Submitted by: montey

    If your health is low dont fight with hunter. Climb up to higher building so that hunters cannot
    come to you.or stand and watch mitary will kill all hunter.

    Easily destroy the bloodtox filters:
    Submitted by: Farhan

    Go to the bloodtox facility with in a helicopter.A helicopter from the strike team would be best.
    Don't forget to evade their attacks while destroying the filters. Destroy at least 3-5 filters.
    That should be enough with the helicopter. Now, steal a tank while youre in a military discuise.
    I like the black coloured tanks. Enter the facility without kicking off the disguise meter.
    when you are inside the facility start destroying the filters.The tank is better because it's
    hard to destroy but the helicopter is easy to destroy. you should destroy the targets very quickly
    because it won't be long before the tank is destroyed. If the tank is destroyed escape and recover
    your health and go back with another tank.It is very difficult to destroy the filters with a
    helicopter.Use this method and you will be able to finish the mission very quickly.
    You can finish this mission without using any helicopters.[/spoil]

    Đó bạn, nếu bạn cần dịch thì nói mình mình sẽ dịch cho bạn
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 28/9/10
  2. Frederic Chopin

    Frederic Chopin Final Fantasy Moderator ⚜ Duel Master ⚜

    Tham gia ngày:
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    DArklighter cho mình xin lại cái code all item (FF X Inter) lúc trước bạn post cho mình đó, cái code mà hoạt động ấy :D,quên lưu,xin giùm cho 1 mem.
  3. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

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    Nudity Colony
    Của sui đây .... : )
    Check lại topic CB là ra mà
  4. mankind

    mankind Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Bạn có trainer hay cheat của Sango Heroes 7 ko bạn :D
  5. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

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    Nudity Colony
    Chài, thể loại game này ít có trainer và cheat lắm bạn à, mình cũng ko rõ nhưng bạn có thể thử xuống box Á châu xem nó có tool dành chỉnh sửa riêng cho game ko nha ..
  6. medicopter_117

    medicopter_117 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cho mình xin cheat của FF 8 với,mới cài lại máy mất hết dữ liệu rồi :(
  7. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nudity Colony
    FF8 PC chỉ có trainer, còn FF8 PSX thì sử dụng PEC đi bạn ...
  8. Kami1304

    Kami1304 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình mới lấy đc cái file save data full của game Guity Gear XX trên mạng, nhưng ko biết để vào đâu, tạo thử 1 folder savedata trong thư mục game rồi nhét nó vào nhưng cũng ko thấy gì. Ai chỉ mình cho cái file save này vào đâu đc ko?

    ---------- Post added at 21:14 ---------- Previous post was at 21:13 ----------

    sr vì post nhầm topic, lỡ rồi, ai giúp giùm nhé ^^
  9. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nudity Colony
    Về mục save của game này thì nếu mình nhớ ko nhầm nó nằm ở đây, có gì bạn qua bên box Đối kháng hỏi nha :D

    C:\Documents and Settings\(tên máy của bạn)\Application Data
  10. Kami1304

    Kami1304 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình tìm thấy rồi, thanks bạn nha :D
  11. skykid20

    skykid20 Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có ai biết cheat hoặc trainer nào xài được cho civilization V ko? Mình tìm trên goole nhưng mà sao rối rắm mà ko xài được. Ai thử thành công rồi thì cho mình xin. Cám ơn trước.
  12. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nudity Colony
  13. N034FHS

    N034FHS Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mọi người cho em xin link down trainer của NBA 2k10 với !
  14. linh19931

    linh19931 Fire in the hole!

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  15. fatalframe

    fatalframe Guest

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    the lost village
    cho mình xin cái trainer của D5M SE với. Cái của bác mod nào đó post lên mình ko xài đc cái nào cả?
  16. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nudity Colony
    D5M SE là game gì vậy bác ff ~.~ ??
  17. fatalframe

    fatalframe Guest

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    the lost village
    ặc nó là devil may cry 3 special edition đó bác search trên google cả đống mà chẳng có cái nào xài đc cả :((
  18. linh19931

    linh19931 Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.3.0 +11 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.3.0 +10 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.2.0 +10 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.1.0 +8 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.1.0 +10 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +9 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +7 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +6 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +2 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +4 TRAINER
    Devil May Cry 3 - Special Edition v1.0 +3 TRAINER
    download link
  19. resident_evil_5

    resident_evil_5 T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    cho mình xin trainer game spiderman web of shadow nghen, bãn mình là 1.1
  20. Darklighter

    Darklighter Chrono Trigger/Cross

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nudity Colony
    OK, của bạn đây ;)

    Spiderman-Web of shadow trainer v1.1

Chia sẻ trang này