Tìm game cho laptop cùi

Thảo luận trong 'Hướng dẫn | Hỏi đáp game' bắt đầu bởi chanqua12369874, 8/7/11.

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  1. chanqua12369874

    chanqua12369874 Legend of Zelda

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    Hà Nội
    Lap của em là Asus Aspire 5745 .... k có VGA rời nên chơi game khó quá. Đành nhờ mấy bác kiếm giùm mấy game chơi tạm, bất kể thể loại gì, cứ miễn mượt là đc tất .... Thanks các bác :D
  2. Lê On

    Lê On Space Marine Doomguy CHAMPION ♞ Blade Knight ♞ Lão Làng GVN

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    Ma Giới
    Cậu thử Onimusha 3 ấy, game hay nhưng cấu hình nhẹ lắm...
  3. Nomurasan

    Nomurasan Zael ♥ Calista Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Onboard chưa chắc chơi được Onimusha3 đâu nhé :|
    Nếu máy yếu thì cứ tìm game 4,5 năm đổ lại mà chơi
  4. DarkSlayer

    DarkSlayer Yojimbo GVN LEGENDARY ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hidden Fortress
    nếu cho card on thì có cái list nè có 1 số game cần 3D Analyze để chơi
    [spoil]Africa Corps vs. Desert Rats
    Age of Empires II + The Conquerors Expansion
    Age of Empires III + The Warchiefs + The Asian Dynasties
    Age of Mythology + Titans Expansion
    Aggression: Reign Over Europe (Using 3DAnalyzer: all textures work but too slow. FPS is unplayable status. Try Swiftwshader)
    Aion Online
    AirStrike 3D II
    Alpha Prime
    America's Secret Operations
    Anno 1404 Dawn Of Discovery (3D Analyzer-Emulate Hardware Tnl)
    Area 51 (Version 1.2 patch)
    Armies of Exigo (Works with Medium Settings with Swiftshader)
    Bad Boys 2: The Video Game
    Battle Isle: The Andosia Conflict
    Battlefield 1942 + Expansions
    Battlefield 1942: Desert Combat Mod
    Battlefield 2 (SwiftShader 2.0 at lowest setting, very laggy)
    Battlefield 2142 (3DA emulate hardware Tnl, software TnL, a bit laggy at lowest setting)
    Battlefield Heroes
    Battlestataions Midway
    Battlefield Vietnam
    Beyond Good And Evil
    Big Mutha Truckers 2
    Black Mirror / Black Mirror Special Edition
    BlackShot (All Details High, tested with XP v1.2 Modded Driver)
    Blazing Angels Squadrons of WWII
    Blitzkrieg + All Expansions
    Blitzkrieg 2 Demo (But NOT the full version of game!Comment: Blitzkrieg 2: Liberation worked for me, Vista)
    Brian Lara International Cricket 2005
    Brian Lara International Cricket 2007 (3D Analyze)
    Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars (Works under XP and Vista)
    Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon (Works under XP and Vista)
    Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror (Works under XP and Vista)
    Brothers In Arms: Road To Hill 30 (3danalyze or addgame.reg)
    Brothers In Arms: Earned In Blood (Laggy)
    Caesar IV
    Call of Duty + United Offensive
    Call of Duty 2 (Windows Vista/Windows 7 With Modded Drivers and 'addgame.reg' Tweak)
    Call of Juarez (Bit Laggy)
    Championship Manager 2006
    Championship Manager 2007
    Championship Manager 2008
    Chaos Legion (Best Resolution, high details - very smooth FPS)
    Chrome: Specforce (Laggy - try low/middle settings)
    Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
    Chronicles of Riddick: Escape from Butcher Bay (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
    CivCity Rome
    Civilization IV
    Clive Barker's Undying
    Close Combat: First to Fight (Use 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
    Code of Honour 2: Conspiracy Island
    Codename Panzers: Phase One
    Codename Panzers: Phase Two (Note: for both versions, if you encountered any problems running the demos, change Shadow to 1 under Options.ini file. This only applies to the demos, the full versions can function perfectly.)
    Cold Blood (Only XP)
    Cold Fear (3d Analyzer 2.34 only, emulate hw tnl, other dx8.1 caps, force sw tnl)
    Colin McRae Rally 2.0
    Colin McRae Rally 2004 (Update to latest patch for removing graphical issues)
    Comanche 4
    Combat Arms (korean MMOFPS)
    Command & Conquer: Generals - Zero Hour
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 + Yuri's Revenge Expansion Pack
    Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars + Kane's Wrath (shader detail must be set to medium to avoid crashes)
    Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 + Expansion (Too slow with normal driver,but much better with modded drivers)
    Commandos (All Versions)
    Company of Heroes (xp--> Laggy even at very low settings vista+mod drivers+addgame.reg---> smooth and playable)
    Condemned: Criminal Origins
    Conflict: Desert Storm 2
    Conflict: Vietnam
    Contract Jack
    Counter Strike 1.6
    Counter Strike: Condition Zero
    Counter Strike: Source
    Crashday (Not playable with Swiftshader. FPS too slow)
    Crayon Physics Deluxe
    Cricket 2005
    Cricket 2007
    Crime Life: Gang Wars (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL - solves random restart problem)
    Crysis Demo (3D Analyzer v2.34 - emulate HW TnL)
    Crysis Warhead (945 - Modded driver with addgame.reg Tweak. Also works on 3D Analyze)
    Crysis Wars Trial (945 - Modded driver 1554 with registry of "1" on crysis.exe)
    Crysis v1.0 (Can run on Vista without 3D Analyze)
    CSI: 3 Dimensions of Murder
    Darkest Island
    Dead to Rights
    Delta Force: Black Hawk Down
    Delta Force: Team Sabre
    Deus Ex
    Deus Ex 2: Invisible War
    Devastation (All settings on High + highest resolution)
    Devil May Cry 3 ('addgame.reg' Tweak[Vista/Win7] 3DA Force SW TnL Emulate HW TnL caps Emulate pixel shader caps Check skip pixel shader version 1.1 Check skip pixel shader version 1.4 Check skip pixel shader version 2.0 Check force 100 hz Check disable lighting Note* :This only works on Devil may cry 3 version 1.0)
    Diablo II + Lord of Destruction Expansion (DirectDraw Mode Gives Best Performance)
    Dino Crisis (only under XP)
    Dino Crisis 2
    Dirt Track Racing
    Dirty Split
    Disciples II
    Divine Divinity
    Doom 3 (Better with Doom 3 Tweaker Screen RES: 512x384 Minimum Quality Preset 15-60 FPS)
    Dungeon Lords (With 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
    Dungeon Runners (Don't put bloom too high)
    Dungeon Siege I
    Dungeon Siege II
    Dynasty Warrior 6: Hyper (Slow but not laggy, haven't used Swiftshader or 3D Analyzer)
    Earth 2160 (Use 3D Analyzer, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps)
    Empire Earth I
    Empire Earth II
    Empire Earth III Demo (Shaders set to Medium)
    Empire Total War: Special Forces Edition (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers + 3D Analyzer - emulate HW TnL caps)
    Enter The Matrix
    Europa Universalis 3 (Using Swiftshader 2.01, needs further experiment in config)
    Evil Dead: Regeneration
    Fable: The Lost Chapters
    Fahrenheit / Indigo Prophecy
    Falcon 4.0: Allied Force
    Far Cry (Try patching first. Use 3D Analyzer, VendorID= 4098, DeviceID= 20040)
    F.E.A.R. (Patch v1.01 to v1.08 required) + Extraction Point
    F.E.A.R. Perseus Mandate
    FIFA 2003
    FIFA 2005
    FIFA 2006 + Road To World Cup
    FIFA 2007
    FIFA 2008
    FIFA 2009
    FIFA Manager 2006
    FIFA Manager 2007
    FIFA Manager 2008
    Final Fantasy VII
    Final Fantasy VIII (If it seems bad, dont think it's the card, this game only runs at 640x 480 with bad quality textures)
    FlatOut 2 (With low resolution, it runs without lag)
    Football Manager 2007
    Football Manager 2008
    Football Manager 2009
    Freedom Fighters
    Garry's Mod
    Gothic 2
    Grandia 2 (only under XP)
    Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice city
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Grim Fandango (Requires newest patch, or it will run in hyperspeed)
    Gran Turismo Racing 2
    Gran Turismo Racing: Revolution
    Guild Wars
    Guitar Hero 3: Legends of Rock (v1.3 patch and 3D Analyzer - force SW TnL, disable lighting, force low precision pixel shader, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other DX8.1 caps, performance mode and Vendor ID: 4318 Device ID: 816)
    Half-Life 2
    Half-Life 2: Episode One
    Half-Life 2: Episode Two (Windows Vista/7)
    Half-Life 2: Lost Coast
    Halo: Combat Evolved
    Halo: Custom Edition
    Harley-Davidson: Race To The Rally
    Harry Potter: The Goblet of fire
    Hellgate: London
    Heroes of Might and Magic III + Expansion
    Heroes of Might and Magic V (Patch up to 1.6 will solve all problems regarding crashing to desktop also officially remove the CD/DVD check. Note: There will be minor graphical glitches present if run normally. Use 3DAnalyze with Emulate HW TnL checked, for better view. Try check force shader 1.1 in 3da if it has graphical errors after enabled pixelshader)
    Heroes of Might and Magic V - Tribes of the East (v3.0 Stand alone, no patch needed - Worked with Vista and XP)
    Hitman 2: Silent Assassin
    Hitman 3: Contracts
    Hitman 4: Blood Money (3D Analyze emulating HW TnL - lags badly and textures corrupted)
    Homeworld 2
    Indigo Prophecy / Fahrenheit
    International Cricket Captain 2008
    Infernal (Works great out of the box - 640x480 with DOF and Reflection off [Windows 7 + Modded Drivers])
    Iron Man
    Jade Dynasty
    Just Cause (3D Analyze force HW TnL, antidetect shaders)
    Jurassic Park Operation Genesis(Swiftshader but low FPS)
    Kabus 22
    K-Hawk: Survival Instinct
    Killing Floor
    King Kong
    Kohan + Expansions
    Kohan 2
    Land Of The Dead: Road To Fiddlers Green
    Land Rover Off Road
    Left 4 Dead (Modded 1624 drivers,game accelerator,cpu right mark,disable postprocessing)
    Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
    Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
    Legacy of Kain: Defiance (Vista/7 with addgame.reg)
    Lego Batman
    Lego Indiana Jones
    Lego Star Wars (With 3D Analyzer, emulate HW TnL caps, Force SW TnL)
    Lego Star Wars 2
    Line Of Sight: Vietnam
    Making History + Gold Edition
    Marine Sharpshooter 2
    Matt Hoffman Pro BMX
    Max Payne (Patch 1.05, tested on XP SP2)
    Max Payne 2
    Medieval II: Total War
    Megaman X4
    Megaman X5
    Megaman X6
    Megaman X7
    Megaman X8
    Metal Gear Solid
    Microsoft Flight Simulator 2004
    Microsoft Flight Simulator X + Deluxe Version
    Midnight Nowhere
    Monster Truck Madness 2
    MotoGP 3
    Mount & Blade (DirectX 7)
    MX vs ATV
    Myst 4: Revelations
    Myst 5: End Of Ages
    Nancy Drew: The White Wolf Of Icicle Creek
    Nascar: SimRacing
    NBA Live 2006
    NBA Live 2008
    Need for Speed: Carbon (Vista. On XP with Swiftshader - but low FPS)
    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
    Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2
    Need for Speed: Most Wanted
    Need for Speed: Porsche
    Need for Speed: Pro Street (Swiftshader but it's laggy like Carbon on xp)
    Need for Speed: Underground
    Need for Speed: Underground 2
    Need for Speed: Undercover (Must have 1.5gb ram, Windows Vista and run the game in Windows 98 compatibility mode)
    Neverwinter Nights: Diamond Editon
    Neverwinter Nights 2 (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
    NHL 2000
    NHL 2001
    NHL 2002
    NHL 2003
    NHL 2004
    NHL 2005
    NHL 2007
    NiBiRu: Age of Secrets
    Night Watch
    No One Lives Forever
    No One Lives Forever 2: A Spy In Harm's Way
    O2 Mania
    Obscure (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
    Obscure 2
    Onimusha 3: Demon Siege
    Outrun 2006: Coast 2 Coast
    Overlord (Use 3D Analyzer and emulate HW TnL)
    Overspeed: High Performance Street Racing
    Painkiller (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
    Pathologic (Use 3D Analyzer v2.36 and emulate HW TnL)
    Peggle Deluxe
    Peggle Nights Deluxe
    Peggle Extreme
    Perfect World (Works on lowest quality for Windows Vista)
    Peter Jackson's King Kong
    Phantasy Star Online Ver 2
    Phantasy Star Online: Blue Burst
    Phantasy Star Universe
    Phantasy Star Universe: Ambition of illuminus (Both original and expansion will have post effect glowing problem most likely on XP. Use Swiftshader with d3d9 to solve the post effect problem. Should work without any problems for Windows Vista)
    Plants vs. Zombies
    Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor
    Port Royale 2
    Portal (Modded driver on Windows Vista)
    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Use 3D Analyzer v2.34 and emulate HW TnL)
    Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones
    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
    Prison Tycoon 4
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2008
    Pro Evolution Soccer 2009
    Project IGI
    Project IGI 2: Covert Strike
    PSI-OPS: The Mindgate Conspiracy
    Psychonauts (Runs in 800x600 with Medium Details)
    PyroBlazer (Emulate HW TnL caps and force 100 Hz)
    Quake 3
    Quake 4 (Better performance with modded drivers)
    Rally Trophy
    Rayman 2
    Red Faction 2
    Red Orchestra: Ostfront 41-45
    Rent a Hero
    Reservoir Dogs
    Resident Evil 1 (Only on Windows XP with Windows 98/2000 compatibility)
    Resident Evil 2 (Only on Windows XP with Windows 98/2000 compatibility)
    Resident Evil 3
    Resident Evil 4 (Modded drivers on Windows Vista/7 works. Windows XP only on low 640x480, 15-25 FPS)
    Rise of Nations + Thrones and Patriots
    Rise of Nations 2: Rise of Legends
    Rogue Trooper
    Roller Coaster Tycoon 3 + Expansions
    Rome: Total War
    Rune Demo
    Runescape + HD (All settings lowered for best performance)
    Sam & Max Season 1 + 2
    Samurai Warriors 2 / SENGOKU MUSOU 2
    SAS: Secure Tomorrow
    Scarface: The World Is Yours (Windows Vista/7 with 1545 modded driver and 'addgame.reg' Tweak)
    Secret Files: Tunguska
    Secret Files 2: Puritas Cordis
    Serious Sam
    Serious Sam II
    Shade - Wrath of Angels
    Shadow Ops: Red Mercury
    Ship Simulator 2006 + Add On
    Shogun: Total War
    Sid Meier's Railroad
    Silent Hunter 3 (Lags when looking out onto the horizon)
    Silent Hill 4: The Room (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
    Silent Storm
    SimCity 4: Deluxe Edition
    SimTower: The Vertical Empire
    Singles 2: Triple Trouble (A copy of The Sims 2, runs perfect with modded driver)
    Sins Of Solar Empire
    Sniper Elite
    Soldier Front
    Sonic Heroes
    Sonic Worlds
    Space Ranger
    Space Ranger 2: Reboot (The Original Dominator is Playable)
    Specnaz 2 (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL. Windows Vista/7 - a bit laggy)
    SpellForce 2: Shadow Wars (Windows XP + modded drivers, 1024x768 4x antisotropic Filtering Texture:High ~20fps)
    Spider Man 2
    Splinter Cell 1 (When thermal vision is used game crashes)
    Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory
    Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow (Windows Vista with Modded Drivers and the 'addgame.reg' Tweak for splintercell2.exe not pandora.exe )
    SPORE™ + expansions
    S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadows of Chernobyl (Tweaking Guide - http://www.tweakguides.com/STALKER_1.html)
    Star Wars: Battlefront 1
    Star Wars: Battlefront 2
    Star Wars: Empire At War
    Star Wars: Galactic Battles
    Star Wars: Jedi Knight 2 - Jedi Outcast
    Star Wars: Jedi Knight 3 - Jedi Academy
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (Some graphic glitches, but otherwise runs fine)
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - The Sith Lords
    Star Wars: Republic Commando
    Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D
    Street Fighter Alpha 2
    Street Racing Syndicate
    Strong Bad's Cool Game For Attractive People Episode 1 - 5
    Supreme Ruler
    Supreme Ruler : Global Crisis
    SWAT (Windows XP - compatibility mode for Windows 95)
    SWAT 2 (Windows XP - compatibility mode for Windows 95)
    SWAT 3 (Windows XP - compatibility mode for Windows 95)
    SWAT 4 + Expansion
    Swing Plus
    Team Fortress 2 (Windows Vista and Modded Drivers. 'vertices 1024' command in console to obtain playable FPS)
    Terrorist Takedown 2
    The Club
    The Club Demo
    The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind + Expansions
    The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion + Expansions (OLDBLIVION required)
    The Fall - Last Days of Gaia
    The Godfather
    The Guild + Expansions
    The Guild 2
    The Lord Of The Rings: Battle For Middle Earth + Expansions
    The Lord Of The Rings: Fellowship Of The Ring
    The Lord Of The Rings: Return Of The King (Help provided on Intel site and also works with 3D Analyzer)
    The Lord Of The Rings: War Of The Ring
    The Sims + Expansions
    The Sims 2 + Expansions
    The Sims 3 (All low quality)
    The Suffering
    The Suffering: Ties That Bind
    The Thing
    The Westerner
    The Witcher (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers)
    Thief 3: Deadly Shadows
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2004
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2005
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2006
    Tiger Woods PGA Tour 2007
    Toca Race Driver 2
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Lockdown (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL, force SW TnL)
    Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six: Raven Shield
    Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon
    Tom Clancy's HAWX (3D Analyze with HW TnL, force sw tnl or modded driver with a registry value of 1 on HAWX.exe, playable with textures on low and highest resolution)
    Tomb Raider: Anniversary
    Tomb Raider: Legend
    Tony Hawk's American Wasteland
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3
    Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 4
    Tony Hawk's Underground
    Tony Hawk's Underground 2
    Total Overdose
    Trackmania Nations Forever (Higher FPS with modded driver or 3D Analyze)
    Trackmania Sunrise / Trackmania Sunrise Extreme
    Transformers: The Game
    Trials 2 SE
    Turok: Evolution (3d Analyze - HW TnL caps, force SW TnL, force 100hz)
    Two Worlds (Use 3D Analyze and check force SW TnL)
    Universe At War: Earth Assault
    Unreal Tournament 2003
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Unreal Tournament GOTY (OpenGL works best in some cases)
    Urban Freestyle Soccer
    Urban Terror
    Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines (Systems with 2GB ram or more must use 3D Analyzer v2.26 or game will crash)
    Vampire The Masquerade: Redemption
    Virtua Tennis 3 (Update to latest patch. Works smoothly on 1024x768 with all low)
    Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
    Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
    Warhammer 40k: Dark Crusade
    Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War
    Warhammer 40k: Dawn of War - Winter Assault
    Warriors Orochi
    Warlords Battlecry II
    Warlords Battlecry III
    War Rock
    (The) Witcher (Windows Vista/7 + Modded Drivers)
    World in Conflict (Version 1.0 with Pixel Shaders set to high)
    World of Goo
    World of Warcraft
    World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
    World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
    Worms: Forts Under Siege
    Worms 3D
    Worms 4: Mayhem
    X3: Reunion (Update to the latest patch and use the 'addgame.reg' Tweak)
    X-Men: The Official Game (Use 3D Analyze and emulate HW TnL)
    Xpand Rally Xtreme
    Yager (Use 3D Analyzer and emulate HW TnL)
    Ys Ark of Napishtim (Patch to 1109, apply english translation)
    Black & White 2
    Call of Cthulhu: Dark Corners of the Earth (Works fine until the ending where it freezes)
    Call of Duty
    Chaos Legion
    Cold Fear (3d Analyze 2.34, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other dx8.1 caps, emulate cube maps, emulate dxt textures, it works smooth but still haven't finished it to see if it crashes)
    Commandos - Strike Force
    Condemned: Criminal Origins (Needs nothing to run good, although near the ending you’ll get a nasty crash on a bridge, whenever this happens use SwiftShader 2.01 and run like hell until you reach a fence, there you can save, then close, erase SwiftShader files and launch the game again to keep playing nicely)
    Crayon Physics Deluxe
    Day of the Zombie
    Deer Avenger 4
    Demon Stone (Laggy)
    Diablo II
    Diablo II: Lord of Destruction
    Divine Divinity
    DOOM 3 (laggy while facing to glass and in open areas)
    DOOM 3: Resurrection of Evil (laggy in open areas)
    Dracula: The Days of Gore (3d Analyze Force SW TnL)
    Duke Nukem 3D: High Resolution Pack
    ETROM - The Astral Essence (Use 3dA Emulate HW TnL caps, Force SW TnL, a bit unstable)
    Evil Dead Regeneration
    F.E.A.R (Patch 1.8)
    F.E.A.R. - Extraction Point
    F.E.A.R. - Perseus Mandate (First use SwiftShader 2.1 to get past the cinematics, then close it, erase the SwiftShader files afterwards use 3d Analyze to force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL, counters and you’re on for the rest of the game with good FPS)
    Fallen Lords Condemnation (SwiftShader 2.1 Laggy)
    FarCry (Update it and set to low to get playable fps)
    Grand Theft Auto III
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    GTA Vice City
    Half Life 2 (With the usual shortcut fixes for the savegame crash, laggy while using flashlight)
    Half Life 2: Episode One (Has to be updated due to unsupported directx 9 textures)
    Halo: Combat Evolved
    Hellgate: London (Lags a bit, set to lowest for optimal performance)
    Killing Floor
    Land of Dead: Road to Fiddlers Green
    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2 (Starts fine, then during waterfall cinematic crashes)
    LOKI: Heroes of Mythology (Laggy and ugly graphics)
    Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II
    Marvel Ultimate Alliance (3d Analyze, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other dx8.1 caps, emulate pixel shader caps, emulate bump map caps)
    Max Payne
    Max Payne: The Fall of Max Payne
    Medal of Honor Allied Assault
    Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Breakthrough
    Medal of Honor Allied Assault: Spearhead
    Medal of Honor Pacific Assault
    Need for Speed Underground
    Obscure (3d Analyze, 3d Analyze, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other dx8.1 caps, emulate pixel shader caps)
    Oniblade (the original Russian version, not X-Blades, runs smooth)
    Overlord: Raising Hell (Use 3dA Emulate HW TnL caps, Force SW TnL, laggy even on lowest)
    Painkiller (3d Analyze, Force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other DX 8.1, emulate pixel shader caps)
    Painkiller: Battle out of Hell (3d Analyze, Force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other DX 8.1, emulate pixel shader caps)
    Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time (Requires 3dA Emulate HW TnL caps, Force SW TnL)
    Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
    Prince of Persia: Warrior Within
    Quake III Arena
    Quake IV (laggy until it crashed in a certain tunnel)
    Rise of Nations
    Rise of Nations 2: Rise of Legends
    Sacred: Underworld
    Silent Hill 2 (with flashlight tweak instructions here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXoeUQGczg8)
    Spider-Man – Friend or Foe (First replace the original exe with the latest crack available from Reloaded or the game will crash randomly, then 3d Analyze, force SW TnL, emulate HW TnL caps, emulate other dx8.1 caps, emulate pixel shader caps, emulate bump map caps)
    Star Wars: Battlefront
    Star Wars: Battlefront II
    Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
    Star Was Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy
    Star Wars: Republic Commando (Minor graphic glitches, setting off bump mapping is required, otherwise the game will restart your pc, all else can be on high)
    SWAT 4
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Without the Cell Shading effects)
    Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell (Crash if thermal vision is activated)
    Tomb Raider Legend
    The Godfather
    The Suffering - Ties That Bind (with a weird flashlight glitch)
    Unreal Tournament 2004
    Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines (3d Analyze 2.26, configuration
    here: http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/f...analyze226.jpg)
    Vampire the Masquerade: Redemption
    Warcraft III
    Warcraft III: Frozen Throne
    World of Goo
    World of Warcraft (stutters)
    X-Men Legends 2: Rise of Apocalypse[/spoil]
  5. k3nl0ve

    k3nl0ve Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Bình Dương
    mình cũng mún giống topid , được cái máy cùi card VGA : 128MB Ram : 2GB ko biết chơi được game nào nữa T_T

    ---------- Post added at 08:05 ---------- Previous post was at 07:50 ----------

    mình cũng mún giống topid , được cái máy cùi card VGA : 128MB Ram : 2GB ko biết chơi được game nào nữa T_T

    HOANGCHUONG_ESS Youtube Master Race

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    anh em biết game nào thủy chiến mà cấu hình hay ko?
  7. namthin

    namthin Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh
    Game co nhieu lam ban oi, co the search tren google la thay lien, choi met nghi
  8. ledan872

    ledan872 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Nếu ý bạn "Cấu hình hay" là đẹp , thì nên chơi BattleStation Pacific, vừa đẹp vừa hay :D
  9. Supreme Archangel

    Supreme Archangel You Must Construct Additional Pylons Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Portal Of Splendor
    làm quái gì có con lap nào của Asus mà là Aspire 5745 chứ, có mà Acer thì có =))
  10. 25251325zz

    25251325zz Mr & Ms Pac-Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    quan trọng là cậu thích game online hay game offline chứ, nếu chơi game online thì cấu hình tàn tàn ở nhà đánh bài, đánh bida cũng vui phết :D
  11. vsea

    vsea Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chọn những game cổ khoảng 3-4 năm về trước để chơi. Nhưng nếu yêu cầu đồ họa đẹp nữa thì khó :))
    Hay đơn giản hơn là chơi game mini, flash, giả lập DS, PS1
    .Diamond. thích bài này.
  12. axing01a

    axing01a Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    vậy thì thử đế chế đi bạn!

    Những game cũ cũ chút là oke rùi
  13. thursday92

    thursday92 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ôi nhiều quá chẳng biết đường nào mà lần :D
    máy em cũng tình trạng như vầy nên hóng
    .Diamond. thích bài này.
  14. tbgv

    tbgv Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chẳng biết bác chủ topic tìm loại game nào nhỉ T_T , game online , game offline , rpg , v.v....... bác cứ ra chổ nào bán CD game người ta chỉ cho , vô số game :D
  15. kimnamcong96

    kimnamcong96 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Kím dùm mình mấy game
    máy CPU 2.80Ghz .Ram 2Gb. Card VGA Nvidia GT6200 :D
    Bạn nào bít chỉ mình với, ko có game nên bùn wé :D
    Thanks trc lun
    .Diamond. thích bài này.
  16. bruceleeforever

    bruceleeforever Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Final fantasy 8 thử xem, không đòi hỏi máy quá xịn :P
    .Diamond. thích bài này.
  17. VolkswagenZ

    VolkswagenZ Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vậy mình hỏi luôn , con Laptop Toshiba Satellite L645 thì chơi đc những game gì :>
  18. Colonel_America

    Colonel_America Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    L4D 1 chắc chắn chơi được, với mức cấu hình thấp nhất, cam đoan với bác đấy
  19. Shaquile_O'neal

    Shaquile_O'neal Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    mấy bác cho hỏi cấu hình của laptop như thế nào để chơi đc NBA 2K11
    cấu hình của nba 2k11 yêu cầu : CPU: Pentium 4 2.4 Ghz Single Core processor or equivalent (2.8 Ghz for Vista)
    RAM: 512 MB or more (1 GB for Vista)
    Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive
    Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space
    Video: DirectX 9.0c compatible (see below)
    Sound: DirectX 9.0c compatible
    Input: Keyboard or dual-analog gamepad

    Video card with 128 MB or more memory and one of the following chipsets is required:

    ATI x1300 or greater;
    NVIDIA 6600 or greater;
    DirectX 9.0c compatible card with Shader Model 3.0 support.

    Important Note: Game requires Internet connection for activation

    Recommended System Requirements:

    CPU: 3 GHz Dual Core processor or equivalent
    RAM: 2 GB
    Disc Drive: 8x or faster DVD drive
    Hard Drive: 10.5 GB or more free space
    Video: Shader Model 3.0 support with 512 Ram (Nvidia(R) Geforce(R) 7900 GT or better)
    Sound: 100% DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
    Input: Dual-analog gamepad
    DirectX 9.0c or DirectX 10

    sẵn tiện nếu đc giới thiệu giúp mình laptop nào chơi đc game trên nhé
  20. KhánhDaniel

    KhánhDaniel Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chơi mấy cái game ở theard game nhẹ cho PC yếu ấy
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