chài , post lộn òi , cho phép tui post lại nha , ko sửa được , đây cũng ko phải cau bài gì đâu : The following fleets are facing each other at 06-22 06:30:37, as it came to a battle: Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% L.Cargo 2 L.Fighter 6 H.Fighter 26 Cruiser 12 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12) Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Hull Plating: 40% S.Cargo 5 L.Fighter 7 H.Fighter 5 Cruiser 2 Recy. 1 Esp. Probe 4 Sol. Sat 20 Miss. 27 S.Laser 20 Ion.C 1 S.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) L.Cargo 1 L.Fighter 3 H.Fighter 24 Cruiser 12 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 7.669 Metal, 8.465 Crystal and 9.507 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 44.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 334.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 41.400 Metal and 35.400 Crystal. -----Converted with DutchDemon's CR converter.----- lost hơi nhiều nhưng có thể coi đây là crash
tui lost mới nhiều nè cái speedsim chết tiệt bị virus phá rồi mà ko bít nó tính sao mà mất có 4 em heavy thoai Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Weapons: 80% Shields: 90% Hull Plating: 70% Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Number 23 386 Weaponry: 9 270 Shields 47.5 47.5 Hull 2040 1700 Defender regis leto (4:399:11) Weapons: 80% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 70% Type L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 66 32 12 2 10 10 6 10 10 1 1 Weaponry: 90 270 720 1.8 1.8 144 180 450 270 1.8 1.8 Shields 16 40 80 16 1.6 32 40 160 800 3200 16000 Hull 680 1700 4590 2720 340 340 340 1360 1360 3400 17000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 433 times with the power of 110907 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 10900 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 160 times with the power of 32954 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 6010 damage points Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Number 23 380 Weaponry: 9 270 Shields 47.5 47.5 Hull 2040 1700 Defender regis leto (4:399:11) Type L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 18 17 12 1 1 1 8 9 1 1 Weaponry: 90 270 720 1.8 144 180 450 270 1.8 1.8 Shields 16 40 80 16 32 40 160 800 3200 16000 Hull 680 1700 4590 2720 340 340 1360 1360 3400 17000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 403 times with the power of 102807 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 12735 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 69 times with the power of 21207 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 2833 damage points Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Number 22 374 Weaponry: 9 270 Shields 47.5 47.5 Hull 2040 1700 Defender regis leto (4:399:11) Type Cruiser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 8 2 3 1 1 Weaponry: 720 450 270 1.8 1.8 Shields 80 160 800 3200 16000 Hull 4590 1360 1360 3400 17000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 396 times with the power of 101178 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 12719 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 15 times with the power of 7472 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 626 damage points Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Number 21 370 Weaponry: 9 270 Shields 47.5 47.5 Hull 2040 1700 Defender regis leto (4:399:11) Type LS.Dome Number 1 Weaponry: 1.8 Shields 16000 Hull 17000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 391 times with the power of 100089 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 27079 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 1 times with the power of 1 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1 damage points Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Number 21 370 Weaponry: 9 270 Shields 47.5 47.5 Hull 2040 1700 Defender regis leto (4:399:11) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 88411 Metal, 40721 Crystal and 125096 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 184000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 1272000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 227400 Metal and 115800 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 3 % Your 20 recyclers have a total load capacity of 400000. On the target field 227400 metal and 117300 crystal are drifting in space. You have collected 227400 metal and 117300 crystal.
dzậy đây là cái gì?? lost ác lun : The following fleets are facing each other at 06-22 06:30:37 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 26 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12) Weapons: 40% Shields: 50% Hull Plating: 40% Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 5 7 5 2 1 4 20 27 20 1 1 Weaponry: 7 70 210 560 1.4 0.014 1.4 112 140 210 1.4 Shields 15 15 37.5 75 15 0.015 1.5 30 37.5 750 3000 Hull 560 560 1400 3780 2240 140 280 280 280 1120 2800 The attacking fleet fires a total of 67 times with the power of 26451 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 1254 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 93 times with the power of 8751 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1738 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 5 25 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12)Type S.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 1 5 4 2 1 1 9 13 14 1 1 Weaponry: 7 70 210 560 1.4 0.014 1.4 112 140 210 1.4 Shields 15 15 37.5 75 15 0.015 1.5 30 37.5 750 3000 Hull 560 560 1400 3780 2240 140 280 280 280 1120 2800 The attacking fleet fires a total of 59 times with the power of 22626 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 2453 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 52 times with the power of 5954 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1282 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 1 3 25 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12)Type L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 3 2 2 1 3 5 6 1 1 Weaponry: 70 210 560 1.4 1.4 112 140 210 1.4 Shields 15 37.5 75 15 1.5 30 37.5 750 3000 Hull 560 1400 3780 2240 280 280 280 1120 2800 The attacking fleet fires a total of 49 times with the power of 18963 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 1921 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 24 times with the power of 3365 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 808 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 1 3 24 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12)Type L.Fighter Cruiser Recy. Miss. S.Laser S.Dome Number 2 1 1 1 3 1 Weaponry: 70 560 1.4 112 140 1.4 Shields 15 75 15 30 37.5 3000 Hull 560 3780 2240 280 280 2800 The attacking fleet fires a total of 42 times with the power of 15903 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 264 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 9 times with the power of 1234 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 402 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 1 3 24 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12)Type S.Dome Number 1 Weaponry: 1.4 Shields 3000 Hull 2800 The attacking fleet fires a total of 40 times with the power of 14543 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3248 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 1 times with the power of 1 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 1 3 24 12 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Hurakan (3:414:12) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 7669 Metal, 8465 Crystal and 9507 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 44000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 334000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 41400 Metal and 35400 Crystal.
The following fleets are facing each other at 06-23 05:25:58 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Weapons: 40% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo H.Fighter Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 17 9 3 10 7 11 Weaponry: 7 210 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 520 1300 130 260 260 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 59 times with the power of 22209 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 614 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 57 times with the power of 4343 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1270 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 5 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Type S.Cargo H.Fighter Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 7 7 2 3 4 4 Weaponry: 7 210 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 520 1300 130 260 260 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 67 times with the power of 26034 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 395 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 27 times with the power of 2530 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 696 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 4 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Type S.Cargo S.Laser Number 1 1 Weaponry: 7 140 Shields 10 25 Hull 520 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 48 times with the power of 18716 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 35 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 2 times with the power of 147 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 87 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 4 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 27229 Metal, 19057 Crystal and 12560 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 8000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 217000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 28200 Metal and 28500 Crystal. Visit our sponsors!
Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Weapons: 90% Shields: 90% Hull Plating: 70% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 21 302 370 Weaponry: 9.5 95 285 Shields 47.5 19 47.5 Hull 2040 680 1700 Defender lone-wolf (4:393:8) Weapons: 50% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 40% Type Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Gauss S.Dome LS.Dome Number 21 26 5 3 1 1 Weaponry: 120 150 375 1650 1.5 1.5 Shields 32 40 160 320 3200 16000 Hull 280 280 1120 4900 2800 14000 THẰNG NÀY LÚC MỚI VÔ ĐÁNH TUI NÈ LÂU NAY WÊN MẤT NÓ Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Number 21 297 368 Weaponry: 9.5 95 285 Shields 47.5 19 47.5 Hull 2040 680 1700 Defender lone-wolf (4:393:8) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 76457 Metal, 68175 Crystal and 10977 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 40000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 359000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 8100 Metal and 3900 Crystal.
nó bị cráh sạch ship ko in mới lạ đó bữa đó mình cũng có gom được 1 ít debris có công xí pai nó đưa cho thằng yariv nó cráh giùm chia cho mình 1/5 tầm cũng 200k
The following fleets are facing each other at 06-23 05:25:58 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Weapons: 40% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 30% Type S.Cargo H.Fighter Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 17 9 3 10 7 11 Weaponry: 7 210 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 520 1300 130 260 260 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 59 times with the power of 22209 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 614 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 57 times with the power of 4343 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1270 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 5 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Type S.Cargo H.Fighter Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 7 7 2 3 4 4 Weaponry: 7 210 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 520 1300 130 260 260 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 67 times with the power of 26034 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 395 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 27 times with the power of 2530 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 696 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 4 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Type S.Cargo S.Laser Number 1 1 Weaponry: 7 140 Shields 10 25 Hull 520 260 The attacking fleet fires a total of 48 times with the power of 18716 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 35 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 2 times with the power of 147 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 87 damage points Attacker Error147 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 4 24 18 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 40 16 40 80 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender knightcop (3:380:10) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 27229 Metal, 19057 Crystal and 12560 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 8000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 217000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 28200 Metal and 28500 Crystal. Visit our sponsors!
hàng mới nè các bác The following fleets are facing each other at 06-25 04:45:38 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 8 8 26 28 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Fatality (3:414:11) Weapons: 40% Shields: 0% Hull Plating: 50% Type S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 4 3 1 8 1 2 3 14 28 Weaponry: 7 7 70 210 560 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 10 25 50 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 600 1800 600 1500 4050 150 300 300 300 The attacking fleet fires a total of 85 times with the power of 33570 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 1002 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 65 times with the power of 8410 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 2059 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 8 7 26 28 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Fatality (3:414:11) Type S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Number 1 3 1 5 1 1 1 5 10 Weaponry: 7 7 70 210 560 0.014 1.4 112 140 Shields 10 25 10 25 50 0.01 1 20 25 Hull 600 1800 600 1500 4050 150 300 300 300 The attacking fleet fires a total of 83 times with the power of 33902 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 545 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 28 times with the power of 3669 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1070 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 8 5 25 28 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Fatality (3:414:11) Type S.Cargo H.Fighter Cruiser Number 1 2 1 Weaponry: 7 210 560 Shields 10 25 50 Hull 600 1500 4050 The attacking fleet fires a total of 66 times with the power of 25904 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 110 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 4 times with the power of 987 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 222 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 7 5 25 28 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender Fatality (3:414:11) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 52769 Metal, 32873 Crystal and 13184 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 34000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 255000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 35400 Metal and 26100 Crystal. Visit our sponsors! bác nào gần khu này thì cứ farm nó nha U5
Có mồi ngon cho anh em thưởng thức này...CR này được xem là bự nhất trước nay (server Germany) đây là trận đánh theo kiểu ACS: l. jäger = L.Fighter s.jäger = H.Fighter kreuzer = Cruiser schlachts. = Battle Ship zert. = Destroyer rip = Death Star sorry, cái CR này lớn quá và theo kiều ACS nên ko dùng CR Converter được...trận này hình như là 6 đánh 3
The following fleets are facing each other at 06-26 05:42:56 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker MaChao (1:14:6) Weapons: 80% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 5 75 Weaponry: 9 1800 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender fastpaul (1:26:10) Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 70% Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 3 4 34 15 19 2 9 24 1 Weaponry: 8 240 640 0.016 128 160 400 240 1.6 Shields 40 40 80 0.016 32 40 160 800 3200 Hull 2040 1700 4590 170 340 340 1360 1360 3400 Attacker MaChao (1:14:6)Type L.Cargo B.Ship Number 5 74 Weaponry: 9 1800 Shields 45 360 Hull 2160 10800 Defender fastpaul (1:26:10) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 54900 Metal, 37518 Crystal and 13752 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 60000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 1335000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 228600 Metal and 92100 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 3 %
The following fleets are facing each other at 06-28 11:59:28 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 8 18 30 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% Type Miss. S.Laser H.Laser S.Dome Number 28 4 19 1 Weaponry: 128 160 400 1.6 Shields 32 40 160 3200 Hull 320 320 1280 3200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 91 times with the power of 48126 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3829 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 52 times with the power of 11825 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 2115 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 18 30 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Type Miss. S.Laser H.Laser S.Dome Number 3 1 9 1 Weaponry: 128 160 400 1.6 Shields 32 40 160 3200 Hull 320 320 1280 3200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 61 times with the power of 28916 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 2989 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 14 times with the power of 4145 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 603 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 17 30 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Type Miss. H.Laser S.Dome Number 1 1 1 Weaponry: 128 400 1.6 Shields 32 160 3200 Hull 320 1280 3200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 63 times with the power of 30701 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3760 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 3 times with the power of 529 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 173 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 6 17 30 Weaponry: 8.5 85 255 680 Shields 42.5 17 42.5 85 Hull 1920 640 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 14577 Metal, 9000 Crystal and 10588 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 18000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 236000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 3600 Metal and 1800 Crystal. Visit our sponsors!
The following fleets are facing each other at 06-28 16:03:52 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Weapons: 70% Shields: 70% Hull Plating: 60% Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 22 30 Weaponry: 8.5 255 680 Shields 42.5 42.5 85 Hull 1920 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Weapons: 60% Shields: 60% Hull Plating: 60% Type Miss. S.Laser H.Laser S.Dome Number 20 4 13 1 Weaponry: 128 160 400 1.6 Shields 32 40 160 3200 Hull 320 320 1280 3200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 77 times with the power of 41666 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3960 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 38 times with the power of 8401 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 1806 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 21 30 Weaponry: 8.5 255 680 Shields 42.5 42.5 85 Hull 1920 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Type Miss. H.Laser S.Dome Number 4 2 1 Weaponry: 128 400 1.6 Shields 32 160 3200 Hull 320 1280 3200 The attacking fleet fires a total of 79 times with the power of 43451 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3796 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 7 times with the power of 1313 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 345 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo H.Fighter Cruiser Number 2 21 30 Weaponry: 8.5 255 680 Shields 42.5 42.5 85 Hull 1920 1600 4320 Defender twistedmonkey (3:380:11) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 11821 Metal, 7515 Crystal and 5937 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 10000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 172000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 1800 Metal and 1200 Crystal. Visit our sponsors!
Hê hê vừa chuyển tài nguyên ra Moon định lên Sensor Lv5 có thằng tưởng bở mang quân đến định cướp dù có soi lại nhưng vẫn die vì chuyển quân từ main planet ra Moon có 2'45 The following fleets were facing each other on 06-30 06:40:29, as it came to a battle: Attacker yomama who [xxxx] L.Cargo 10 Bomber 18 Defender ChicoboVN [xxxx] L.Fighter 3.200 Cruiser 100 B.Ship 974 Esp. Probe 59 Witty Comment Attacker yomama who [xxxx] Destroyed Defender ChicoboVN [xxxx] L.Fighter 3.186 Cruiser 100 B.Ship 974 Esp. Probe 58 The defender has won the battle! The attacker has lost a total of 1470000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 57.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 300600 Metal and 157.500 Crystal.
Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12) Weapons: 90% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 90% Type L.Cargo H.Fighter B.Ship Number 17 409 93 Weaponry: 9.5 285 1900 Shields 50 50 400 Hull 2280 1900 11400 Defender kev (4:385:7) Weapons: 110% Shields: 110% Hull Plating: 110% Type L.Cargo Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser Gauss Number 10 25 208 154 1 Weaponry: 10.5 2.1 168 210 2310 Shields 52.5 2.1 42 52.5 420 Hull 2520 420 420 420 7350 ---------------------------- Attacker lovebt4ever (4:393:12)Type L.Cargo H.Fighter B.Ship Number 17 400 93 Weaponry: 9.5 285 1900 Shields 50 50 400 Hull 2280 1900 11400 Defender kev (4:385:7) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 117805 Metal, 59006 Crystal and 24448 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 90000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 929000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 34200 Metal and 43800 Crystal.
cái tội probe anh MaChao # The following fleets are facing each other at 07-02 15:38:12, as it came to a battle: Attacker MaChao [xxxx] L.Cargo 22 B.Ship 220 Defender tohellwithliberals [xxxx] L.Cargo 21 L.Fighter 3 Cruiser 2 B.Ship 21 Recy. 7 Esp. Probe 14 Bomber 5 S.Laser 250 Gauss 4 Ion.C 20 S.Dome 1 LS.Dome 1 Witty Comment Attacker MaChao [xxxx] L.Cargo 10 B.Ship 218 Defender tohellwithliberals [xxxx] Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 243.439 Metal, 161.145 Crystal and 121.310 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 264.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 2.999.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 446.100 Metal and 256.800 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 7 %
oa oa oa thù nhà ko trả bất trượng phu . Tui vocation mode nick tui rồi giờ đem nick nguoimoi trả thù . Thằng này canh tui vừa off line là đập vậy mới đau The following fleets were facing each other on 07-05 09:41:05 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11) Weapons: 90% Shields: 100% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 221 2 293 100 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11) Weapons: 90% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Recy. Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Gauss Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 11 5 7 12 15 7 64 5 542 17 27 37 1 1 Weaponry: 9.5 95 760 1900 1.9 0.019 1.9 152 190 475 2090 285 1.9 1.9 Shields 45 18 90 360 18 0.018 1.8 36 45 180 360 900 3600 18000 Hull 2160 720 4860 10800 2880 180 360 360 360 1440 6300 1440 3600 18000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 665 times with the power of 632605 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 32001 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 758 times with the power of 210332 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 64091 damage points Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11)Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 170 2 293 32 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Recy. Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Gauss Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 8 4 5 12 11 3 39 2 342 10 22 31 1 1 Weaponry: 9.5 95 760 1900 1.9 0.019 1.9 152 190 475 2090 285 1.9 1.9 Shields 45 18 90 360 18 0.018 1.8 36 45 180 360 900 3600 18000 Hull 2160 720 4860 10800 2880 180 360 360 360 1440 6300 1440 3600 18000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 534 times with the power of 624815 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 37478 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 495 times with the power of 154993 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 51095 damage points Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11)Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 120 2 293 13 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Recy. Esp. Probe Sol. Sat S.Laser H.Laser Gauss Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 6 4 2 12 6 1 19 184 6 17 17 1 1 Weaponry: 9.5 95 760 1900 1.9 0.019 1.9 190 475 2090 285 1.9 1.9 Shields 45 18 90 360 18 0.018 1.8 45 180 360 900 3600 18000 Hull 2160 720 4860 10800 2880 180 360 360 1440 6300 1440 3600 18000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 456 times with the power of 611990 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 30715 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 276 times with the power of 102966 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 35782 damage points Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11)Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 86 1 292 9 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11)Type L.Cargo L.Fighter B.Ship Recy. Sol. Sat S.Laser Gauss Ion.C S.Dome LS.Dome Number 1 2 7 3 3 58 12 5 1 1 Weaponry: 9.5 95 1900 1.9 1.9 190 2090 285 1.9 1.9 Shields 45 18 360 18 1.8 45 360 900 3600 18000 Hull 2160 720 10800 2880 360 360 6300 1440 3600 18000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 398 times with the power of 577315 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 25144 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 95 times with the power of 54832 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 14876 damage points Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11)Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 77 1 290 7 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11)Type B.Ship Recy. LS.Dome Number 2 1 1 Weaponry: 1900 1.9 1.9 Shields 360 18 18000 Hull 10800 2880 18000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 375 times with the power of 559075 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 22156 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 4 times with the power of 3802 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 802 damage points Attacker BaBaYaSa (3:301:11)Type L.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Esp. Probe Number 76 1 290 7 Weaponry: 95 760 1900 0.019 Shields 20 100 400 0.02 Hull 720 4860 10800 180 Defender Elf (3:298:11) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 22818 Metal, 4574 Crystal and 168595 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 880000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 4027000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 427800 Metal and 267000 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 6 % 3 Missile Launcher, 428 Small Laser, 11 Heavy Laser, 21 Gauss Cannon, 24 Ion Cannon, 1 Small Shield Dome, 1 Large Shield Dome could be repaired. def trâu vậy mà cũng bị đánh :(
The following fleets are facing each other at 07-07 04:00:02 , as it came to a battle:: Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Weapons: 80% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 80% Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Number 10 20 24 30 30 Weaponry: 9 90 270 720 1800 Shields 45 18 45 90 360 Hull 2160 720 1800 4860 10800 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Hull Plating: 50% Type S.Cargo L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 3 8 21 15 7 7 2 37 47 4 9 1 Weaponry: 7.5 7.5 75 225 600 0.015 1.5 120 150 375 225 1.5 Shields 15 37.5 15 37.5 75 0.015 1.5 30 37.5 150 750 3000 Hull 600 1800 600 1500 4050 150 300 300 300 1200 1200 3000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 133 times with the power of 98019 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 6388 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 162 times with the power of 24845 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 7814 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Number 9 15 23 30 30 Weaponry: 9 90 270 720 1800 Shields 45 18 45 90 360 Hull 2160 720 1800 4860 10800 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Sol. Sat Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 7 10 11 7 6 1 15 29 4 8 1 Weaponry: 7.5 75 225 600 0.015 1.5 120 150 375 225 1.5 Shields 37.5 15 37.5 75 0.015 1.5 30 37.5 150 750 3000 Hull 1800 600 1500 4050 150 300 300 300 1200 1200 3000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 125 times with the power of 97200 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 6387 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 99 times with the power of 16926 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 5362 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Number 9 8 20 30 30 Weaponry: 9 90 270 720 1800 Shields 45 18 45 90 360 Hull 2160 720 1800 4860 10800 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser Esp. Probe Miss. S.Laser H.Laser Ion.C S.Dome Number 3 6 7 4 1 3 11 1 4 1 Weaponry: 7.5 75 225 600 0.015 120 150 375 225 1.5 Shields 37.5 15 37.5 75 0.015 30 37.5 150 750 3000 Hull 1800 600 1500 4050 150 300 300 1200 1200 3000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 105 times with the power of 86481 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 4919 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 43 times with the power of 8932 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 3180 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Number 9 5 20 30 30 Weaponry: 9 90 270 720 1800 Shields 45 18 45 90 360 Hull 2160 720 1800 4860 10800 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Type L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser S.Laser H.Laser S.Dome Number 1 1 2 1 1 1 Weaponry: 75 225 600 150 375 1.5 Shields 15 37.5 75 37.5 150 3000 Hull 600 1500 4050 300 1200 3000 The attacking fleet fires a total of 97 times with the power of 83691 upon the defender. The defender's shields absorb 3409 damage points The defending fleet fires a total of 7 times with the power of 2026 upon the attacker. The attacker's shields absorb 787 damage points Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Type L.Cargo L.Fighter H.Fighter Cruiser B.Ship Number 9 5 20 30 30 Weaponry: 9 90 270 720 1800 Shields 45 18 45 90 360 Hull 2160 720 1800 4860 10800 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 40225 Metal, 24050 Crystal and 36325 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 112000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 834000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 126600 Metal and 69600 Crystal. The chance for a moon to arise from the debris is 1 % Visit our sponsors!
The following fleets are facing each other at 07-07 04:00:02, as it came to a battle: Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) Weapons: 80% Shields: 80% Hull Plating: 80% L.Cargo 10 L.Fighter 20 H.Fighter 24 Cruiser 30 B.Ship 30 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Weapons: 50% Shields: 50% Hull Plating: 50% S.Cargo 3 L.Cargo 8 L.Fighter 21 H.Fighter 15 Cruiser 7 Esp. Probe 7 Sol. Sat 2 Miss. 37 S.Laser 47 H.Laser 4 Ion.C 9 S.Dome 1 anmaxim Attacker Nuub182 (3:393:9) L.Cargo 9 L.Fighter 5 H.Fighter 20 Cruiser 30 B.Ship 30 Defender Sjarel (3:403:9) Destroyed The attacker has won the battle! He captures 40225 Metal, 24.050 Crystal and 36.325 Deuterium The attacker has lost a total of 112.000 Units. The defender has lost a total of 834.000 Units. At these space coordinates now float 126.600 Metal and 69.600 Crystal.