KMS - Thảo luận về các update sắp xuất hiện ở GMS

Thảo luận trong 'Maple Story' bắt đầu bởi Đại Đồng, 22/11/11.

  1. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hôm nay tớ mở topic này nhằm mục đích đưa ra 1 số thông tin về các update diễn ra bên KMS, chủ yếu là các update revamp nhân vật. Ai muốn làm về các update khác thì có thể làm topic mới. Do nguồn thông tin không đc liên tục, nên sẽ chỉ đưa thông tin các update về nhân vật sắp xuất hiện ở GMS gần nhất. Mọi người không spam nhảm trong này nhé:D.
    kMS ver. 1.2.139 – The ‘Legend’ Update Finale! (Aran & Evan reorganization)
    Sự ra đời của liên minh
    Birth of the Union là sự kiện tất cả các class và job hợp sức lại chiến đấu với Black Mage. Sau khi hoàn thành 1 số Q đơn giản, bạn sẽ đc đưa đến gặp Cygnus. Đây là nơi họp mặt của Union. Hầu hết mọi người đều có mặt ở đây.
    Sau khi gia nhập Union, bạn sẽ nhận đc medals Union Member, tăng 500 hp/mp và skill Union's Will trong tab Beginner, tăng 5 all stat và 5 atk/matk.
    Sức mạnh của Black Mage càng ngày càng đến gần. Mystic Gates xuất hiện khắp thế giới Maple. Hãy gia nhập tổ chức Cross Hunter để tìm hiểu về bản chất của những cánh của này!
    Sau khi cứu đc Cheryl ở Kerning Subway, bạn có thể bắt đầu chuỗi Q gia nhập Cross Hunter. Bất cứ ai lv 75+ đều có thể tham gia. Để trở thành 1 Cross Hunter, bạn phải vượt qua thử thách của Gerekter.
    Mỗi 1 Mystic Gates dẫn đến 1 Master Monster. Hãy tiêu diệt chúng để đem lại hòa bình cho thế giới Maple!
    Trong quá trình bạn làm Q, bạn sẽ nhận đc phần thưởng như medal, pot, ring.
    Bronze Cross Ring (1 to all stats, 15 def/mdef, Lv.75)
    Silver Cross Ring (1 to all stats, 25 HP/MP, 30 def/mdef, 10 acc/avoid, Lv.90)
    Gold Cross Ring (2 to all stats, 50 HP/MP, 45 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 15 acc/avoid, Lv.105)
    Platinum Cross Ring (3 to all stats, 75 HP/MP, 60 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 20 acc, 15 avoid, 5 speed, 2 slots, Lv.120) *cannot be potentialed*
    Apprentice Cross Hunter (2 to all stats, 80 HP/MP, 30 def/mdef, 20 acc/avoid, 3 speed, Lv.75)
    Official Cross Hunter (3 to all stats, 120 HP/MP, 60 def/mdef, 30 acc/avoid, 5 speed, Lv.90)
    Professional Cross Hunter (4 to all stats, 160 HP/MP, 90 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 40 acc/avoid, 7 speed, 1 PVP damage, Lv.105)
    Cross Hunter Master (5 to all stats, 200 HP/MP, 120 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 50 acc/avoid, 10 speed, 2 PVP damage, Lv.120)
    Bạn sẽ thu thập đc Cross Coin, có thể giao dịch với Lee trong Cross Hunter’s hideout in Edelstein để đổi lấy equipment và scroll:
    Veteran Cross Belt (3 to all stats, 80 HP/MP, 45 def/mdef, 30 avoid, 3 slots, Lv.95)
    Veteran Cross Shoulder (1 to all stats, 35 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 3 slots, Lv.85) *cannot be potentialed*
    Veteran Cross Pendant (5 to all stats, 70 HP/MP, 50 def/mdef, 1 attack/magic attack, 4 slots, Lv.105)
    Veteran Cross Belt Enchant Scroll 20% (5 to all stats, 3 attack/magic attack, 80 def/mdef, 80% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Veteran Cross Belt Enchant Scroll 60% (2 to all stats, 1 attack/magic attack, 30 def/mdef, 40% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Veteran Cross Shoulder Enchant Scroll 20% (5 to all stats, 3 attack/magic attack, 50 acc/avoid, 80% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Veteran Cross Shoulder Enchant Scroll 60% (2 to all stats, 1 attack/magic attack, 20 acc/avoid, 40% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Veteran Cross Pendant Enchant Scroll 20% (5 to all stats, 3 attack/magic attack, 50 HP/MP, 80% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Veteran Cross Pendant Enchant Scroll 60% (2 to all stats, 1 attack/magic attack, 20 HP/MP, 40% chance of destroying the equipment if the scroll fails)
    Bạn có thể chiến đấu với 1 tướng của Black Mage: Akyrum. Hắn đã mở 1 crack in time trong Temple of Time dẫn đến Past Leafre. Hắn muốn hồi sinh Black Mage tại đây. Thực hiện Q Cross Hunter sẽ đưa bạn đến gần việc đối đầu với hắn!
    Akyrum drop recipe Dominator PendantTwisted Piece of Time dùng để nâng cấp. Dominator Pendant tăng 20 stat, 10% hp/mp, 3 matk/atk, 100 def/mdef và có 5 slot và giao dịch đc bằng PSOK. Twisted Piece of Time có 70% cơ hội thành công, nếu xịt là nổ. Nó tăng 3 atk/matk, 3 all stats, 25def/mdef, 25 HP/MP, 30 accuracy/avoid, 3 speed và 2 jump.
    Akyrum cũng drop set Immortal HeroEternal Hero. Cả 4 cái ring đều có thể trade bằng PSOK. Guardian’s Immortal Ringtăng 5 stat, 150 def, 50 mdef, 75 avoid, có 1 slot. Berserker’s Immortal Ring tăng 5 stat, 2 attack, 30 def/mdef, 75 accuracy, và có 1 slot. Khi đeo vào sẽ kích hoạt dòng 15 stat và 10 atk.

    Oracle’s Eternal Ringtăng 5 stat, 50 def, 150 mdef, 75 avoid, có 1 slot. Archlord’s Eternal Ring tăng 5 stat, 2 matk, 30 def/mdef, 75 accuracy, và có 1 slot. Khi đeo vào sẽ kích hoạt dòng 15 stat và 10 matk.
    Skill Aran đc thay đổi lại
    NEW SKILL: Regained Memory: A skill obtainable through the Cross Hunter quests. Permanently increase attack by 10, defense by 300, speed by 10, critical chance by 5%, and damage on boss monsters by 5%.
    Combo Ability: Speed increase per 10 combo count was increased from 2 to 3.
    Combat Step: Speed increase of 15 and a maximum speed increase of 20 was added. Delay after use was greatly reduced. Distance moved was increased.
    Final Charge: Master level was decreased from 20 to 10. Distance moved was increased.
    Combo Drain: Buff duration was doubled from 120 seconds to 240 seconds.
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: Permanently increase dex and strength by 30 (master level of 10).
    Rolling Spin: Damage was increased from 95% to 110%.
    REMOVED SKILL: Smart Knockback
    NEW SKILL: Might: A personal buff skill that has the effect of Smart Knockback (only need 10% of the damage required to knockback a monster) and also increases attack by 25, defense and magic defense by 215 (master level of 20).
    Combo Critical: Now increases maximum critical damage by 20%.
    Cleaving Attack: Monster defense ignored was increased from 20% to 25%. Damage distribution reduction was increased from 50% to 75%.
    Combo Judgement: Instead of 1500% damage, now hits 500% damage 3 times.
    Final Blow: Instead of 830% damage, now hits 282% damage 3 times. Now ignores 20% of a monster’s defense. Range was increased.
    Combo Barrier: Buff duration was doubled from 240 seconds to 480 seconds.
    High Defense: Damage reduction was increased from 15% to 20%.
    Combo Tempest: Now passively increases Combo Judgement’s damage by 40%.
    Swift Move: Damage increase of Final Toss and Final Charge was increased from 30% to 50%.

    Skill Evan đc thay đổi. Evan có thể cast attack ngay sau khi Teleport và Dragon Blink.
    NEW SKILL: Inherited Will: A skill obtainable throug the Cross Hunter quests. Permanently increase magic by 10, magic defense by 300, maximum HP by 15%, all stats by 10, and damage on boss monsters by 5%.
    Dragon Soul: Now increases attacking speed by 1 stage, and defense/magic defense by 145.
    Magic Guard: Buff duration was doubled from 300 seconds to 600 seconds. Damage absorbed by MP was increased from 70% to 85%.
    Ice Breath: Damage was increased from 355% to 410%.
    NEW SKILL: High Wisdom: Permanently increase int by 40 (master level of 10).
    MOVED SKILL: Elemental Reset (moved to 5th Growth)
    Magic Flare: Damage was increased from 400% to 430%.
    Dragon Thrust: Damage was increased from 115% to 140%.
    Magic Booster: Speed increase was decreased from 3 stages to 2 stages.
    Fire Breath: Damage was increased from 500% to 610%, mob count was increased from 6 to 8.
    Killing Wing: Damage was increased from 420% to 450%.
    Dragon Fury: Damage increase was increased from 25% to 35%.
    Earthquake: Damage was increased from 550% to 640%.
    Onyx’s Protection: Master level was decreased from 20 to 15.
    Recovery Aura: Master level was decreased from 10 to 5.
    NEW SKILL: Teleport Mastery: Increase the distance of your teleport and also inflict 300% damage on up to 6 monster while teleporting, with a 20% chance to stun enemies for 4 seconds (master level of 10).
    Illusion: Damage was increased from 175% to 190%, monsters’ defense ignored was increased from 15% to 20%.
    Flame Wheel: Instead of 670% damage, now hits 265% damage 3 times. Mob count was increased from 6 to 8.
    Onyx’s Blessing: magic attack increase was increased from 30 to 35.
    Blaze: Damage was increased from 260% to 285%, monsters’ defense ignored was increased from 20% to 35%.
    Soul Stone: Buff applies to 6 party members now.
    Onyx’s Will: Instead of damaging monsters, now decreases damage taken by 15%.
    Mercedes Skill Tables (kMS ver. 1.2.137)
    Beginner Job
    [​IMG] Elf’s Recovery: Using the power of nature and its purified energy, recover your HP and MP continually.
    Every 4 seconds, recover 5% of your HP and MP.
    [​IMG]Stylish Move: Quickly move up a ladder or rope.
    Key combination: ↑ + jump
    [​IMG] King’s Qualifications: The King of Elves is born with heightened agility and attacking speed.
    Increases attacking speed by 1, speed by 10, and jump by 20. Also gives you level 30 Charm.
    [​IMG] Elf’s Blessing: With the blessing of the ancient elves, you can return to Eurel and also permanently gain 10% experience. (Link Skill)
    Return to Eurel (cooldown is 1800 seconds on teleport), gain 10% extra experience from monsters permanently.
    First Job
    [​IMG] Speed Dualshot: Shoot two arrows that hit many enemies.
    At max level (20), hits 3 enemies twice for 115% damage.
    [​IMG] Potential Power: Permanently activates your inner force. Increases speed, max speed, and give a chance to dodge enemy attacks.
    At max level (15), increases speed by 30, increases max speed to 165%, and gives you a 20% chance of dodging enemy attacks.
    [​IMG] Acrobatic Jump: Once in the air, you can jump again. As the skill level increases, the distance jumped increases as well (10). (same as Double Jump)
    [​IMG] Sharp Aiming: Permanently increases critical chance.
    At max level (20), increases critical chance by 40%.
    Second Job
    [​IMG] Cross Piercing: The force of nature is infused into a sharp arrow. Can go through many enemies.
    At max level (20), hits 6 enemies for 83% damage 4 times.
    [​IMG] Charge Drive: Rush then hit many enemies into the air. Extra damage is applied to monsters that are in the air.
    At max level (15), hits 8 enemies for 130% damage and 210% damage in the air, 30% extra damage is applied to monsters that are in the air.
    [​IMG] Dual Bowgun Booster: Consumes MP to raise the attacking speed for a short time. (Prerequisite – 5 Dual Bowgun Mastery)
    At max level (20), lasts 200 seconds and raises attacking speed by 2.
    [​IMG] Spirit Infusion: For a certain period of time, increase your damage and critical chance.
    At max level (15), lasts 180 seconds and increases damage and critical chance by 15%.
    [​IMG] Final Shot: Can only be used after Charge Drive. Shoot many arrows that hit enemies in the air. (Prerequisite – 1 Charge Drive)
    At max level (5), hits 8 enemies for 90% damage 4 times.
    [​IMG]Dual Bowgun Mastery: Increases the mastery of the dual bowgun and accuracy.
    At max level (20), gives 50% mastery over dual bowguns and 120 accuracy.
    [​IMG]Final Attack: Dual Bowgun: After attacking, there is a chance of doing an extra hit. (Prerequisite – 3 Dual Bowgun Mastery)
    At max level (20), 40% chance to do 2 hits of 75% damage on one monster.
    [​IMG]Physical Training: Permanently increases dex and str.
    At max level (10), increases dex and str by 30.
    Third Job
    [​IMG]Strike Dualshot: Shoots many fast arrows at enemies in front of you. Has a chance to stun enemies.
    At max level (20), hits 4 enemies with 4 arrows, doing 126% damage each, and an 80% chance of stunning for 6 seconds.
    [​IMG]Leap Tornado: While in the air, start spinning and shoot many arrows at the ground. You must have 120% or more jump and be in the air to use this skill.
    At max level (20), hits 8 enemies for 135% damage 4 times.
    [​IMG]Unicorn Spike: Summon the sacred unicorns to attack enemies in front of you. There is a chance to debuff your opponent and weaken them, to allow you and your party to deal extra damage. This skill has a 100% chance of hitting critical damage.
    At max level (20), 8 enemies will be hit 150% damage 5 times, and there is a 95% chance of dealing 15% extra for 15 seconds, but the extra damage is only applied to a maximum of 5 hits. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Gust Dive: Use the power of the wind to dive through the air into enemies to damage.
    At max level (20), hits 6 enemies 3 times for 195% damage.
    [​IMG] Ignis Lore: Using the power of the spirit of fire, increase your damage and chance to avoid enemy attacks for a certain period of time.
    At max level (20), lasts 180 seconds and gives 40 attack. Passively adds an extra 20% chance to avoid enemy attacks.
    [​IMG] Water Shield: Use the strength of the spirit of water to create a shield that absorbs some damage and gives you resistance to states and elements for a certain period of time.
    At max level (20), lasts 180 seconds, absorbs 30% damage, and gives you 25% resistance to states and elements.
    [​IMG]Highkick Demolition: Can only be used after Charge Drive. Fly towards your enemies in the air and hit them extremely fast. (Prerequisite – 5 Final Shot)
    At max level (15), hit 8 enemies for 120% damage 6 times. Passively increases Charge Drive’s damage by 30%.
    [​IMG]Elemental Knight: Summons spirit knights to aid you in battle. They will fight monsters that you are attacking.
    At max level (20), summons 1 knight for 60 seconds. The ice knight has a 90% chance to freeze enemies for 5 seconds and hits 550% damage, the fire knight inflicts DoT damage of 110% damage every second for 5 seconds and hits 550% damage, and the dark knight hits 625% damage. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds.
    Fourth Job
    [​IMG]Ishtar’s Ring: Borrow the power of the legendary weapon Ishtar to continuously fire rapid arrows at a target. Hold down the skill button to keep attacking. Passively increases the damage of Strike Dualshot. (Prerequisite – 20 Strike Dualshot)
    At max level (30), hits 110% damage two times. Strike Dualshot’s damage is increased by 25%.
    [​IMG]Legendary Spear: Leap forward while raining down arrows on enemies. Enemies hit by the attack will have their defense lowered. This attack has a 100% critical chance. Passively increases the damage of Leap Tornado. (Prerequisite – 10 Leap Tornado)
    At max level (20), hit 12 enemies for 572% damage 2 times, their defense will be reduced by 20% for 15 seconds. Cooldown is 5 seconds. Leap Tornado’s damage in increased by 30%.
    [​IMG] Lightning Edge: Move forward instantaneously and attack many enemies in your path.
    At max level (30), hits 8 enemies for 435% damage 3 times. There is a cooldown of 5 seconds.
    [​IMG]Rolling Moonsault: Must be used after Charge Drive. Rapidly spin in the air, hitting floating enemies for continuous damage. You can use Acrobatic Jump, Leap Tornado, or Gust Dive after this skill.
    At max level (20), hits 8 enemies for 190% damage 6 times.
    [​IMG] Ancient Spirit: For a certain period of time, receive the blessings of an ancient spirit and increase your damage and HP. Permanently increases the chance to avoid attacks of Ignis Lore. (Prerequisite – 5 Ignis Lore)
    At max level (30), for 210 seconds, damage is increased by 30% and HP is increased by 1500. Passively increases Ignis Lore’s effect to avoid enemy attacks by 20%.
    [​IMG] Maple Warrior: Increase the stats of all party members by a certain percentage.
    At max level (30), increases all stats by 15% for 900 seconds.
    [​IMG]Hero’s Will: Focuses to break free from a state.
    At max level (5), cooldown of 360 seconds.
    [​IMG] Dual Bowgun Expert: Increases mastery of a dual bowgun, attack, and minimum critical damage. (Prerequisite – 20 Dual Bowgun Mastery)
    At max level (30), increases mastery to 70%, gives 30 attack, and increases minimum critical damage by 15%.
    [​IMG]Defense Break: Attacks on an enemy have a chance to ignore 100% of their defense. This works on bosses as well.
    At max level (20), there is a 40% chance to ignore 100% of the target’s defense.
    [​IMG]Advanced Final Attack: Increases damage and accuracy, and also the chance of activation and damage of Final Attack. (Prerequisite – 20 Final Attack: Dual Bowgun)
    At max level (30), adds 20 attack, 10% accuracy. Final Attack: Dual Bowgun’s chance of activation increases to 70% and its damage increases to 105% per hit.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/11/11
    [LS] thích bài này.
  2. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Demon Slayer Skill tables (KMS ver 1.2.138)
    Beginner Job
    [​IMG] Devil Wings: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill)
    150% speed and 120% jump.
    [​IMG] Devil Wings: You can move quickly using the Devil Wings. (Riding Skill)
    190% speed and 120% jump.
    [​IMG] Demon Jump: The Devil Wings can be used in a variety of jump skills (high jump, double jump, glide).
    High jump: jump + ↑↑, double jump: jump + →→ or ←←, glide: jump while in the air
    [​IMG] Demon’s Fury: When attacking bosses, your inner rage increases your damage and additional Force is absorbed. (Link Skill)
    10% boss damage and an additional 5 Force is replenished.
    [​IMG] Demonic Blood: Demons are born with a strong will and overwhelming charisma.
    Gives you level 20 Will and Charisma. You have a 100% stance effect.
    [​IMG] Death Cut: There is a chance of instant death when attacking an enemy. When the target is instantly killed, you replenish HP and Force.
    5% chance of instant death when attacking. If the effect activates, replenish 5% HP and 5 Force.
    First Job
    [​IMG] Devil Sider: Summon the demon’s scythe to attack a number of enemies in front of you at the same time continuously. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
    At max level (15), consumes 3 Force and 15 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 85% damage 3 times as long as the skill key is held down.
    [​IMG] Demon Booster: Consume HP to increase the attacking speed of your one handed axe or one handed blunt weapon. (Prerequisite – 5 Demon Slash)
    At max level (20), consumes 80 HP to increase attacking speed for 180 seconds.
    [​IMG] Dark Agility: Permanently increase accuracy, speed, and jump. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
    At max level (10), gives 200 accuracy, 25 speed, and 20 jump.
    [​IMG] HP Increase: Permanently increase maximum HP. (Prerequisite – 1 Demon Slash)
    At max level (10), increases HP by 20%.
    [​IMG] Demon Slash: Attack enemies in front of you by hitting them with 4 consecutive attacks. Force is absorbed when using this skill.
    At max level (10), the first and second attacks hit 6 enemies for 100% each. The third attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each two times. The fourth attack hits 6 enemies for 90% each three times. (Note: you must keep pressing the skill key for the next attack to be performed, similar to Aran)
    Second Job
    [​IMG] Soul Eater: Drag many enemies in front of you towards yourself.
    At max level (20), consumes 6 Force and 45 HP, hits up to 8 enemies for 150% damage 4 times and also drags them towards you as long as the skill key is held down.
    [​IMG] Dark Thrust: Dash forward pushing a large number of enemies.
    At max level (20), consumes 10 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 105% damage 3 times.
    [​IMG] Demon Trace: Attack enemies near you by tracing their position. There is a chance to stun your targets, and you can teleport your character in one direction by using the arrow keys.
    At max level (15), consumes 18 Force, hits up to 6 enemies for 305% damage, 90% chance to stun for 3 seconds.
    [​IMG] Dark Revenge: Reflect damage given to you by the enemy, with a chance of stunning them. However, you cannot inflict more than half their HP at one time.
    At max level (20), consumes 150 HP, for 180 seconds, reflect up to 400% of the damage you receive. There is a 90% chance of stunning the target for 5 seconds.
    [​IMG] Weapon Mastery: Increase your mastery of one handed axes and one handed blunt weapons, as well as your accuracy.
    At max level (20), increases mastery by 50% and increases accuracy by 120.
    [​IMG] Physical Training: Increase your strength and dexterity permanently.
    At max level (10), increase STR and DEX by 30.
    [​IMG] Outrage: Permanently increase attack and critical chance.
    At max level (20), increase attack by 25 and critical chance by 20%.
    [​IMG] Demon Slash 1st Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash.
    At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 40%.
    Third Job
    [​IMG] Dark Judgement: Attack a large number of enemies in all directions inflicting fatal damage.
    At max level (20), consumes 40 Force and 300 HP, hits up to 10 enemies for 300% damage 4 times with a 40% critical chance.
    [​IMG] Death Draw: Drag many enemies towards you while inflicting damage. There is a chance to stun your targets.
    At max level (20), consumes 18 Force, attack up to 10 enemies for 190% damage 3 times. 90% chance to stun the targets for 5 seconds.
    [​IMG] Bloody Raven: Summon bloodthirsty ravens to attack a large number of enemies in front of you, damage inflicted will be used to heal HP.
    At max level (20), consumes 25 Force, hits up to 8 enemies for 170% damage 4 times, up to 40% of your HP will be healed. There is a cooldown of 10 seconds.
    [​IMG] Dark Endure: Increase defense, resistance to states, and resistance to elements.
    At max level (20), consumes 200 HP, for 180 seconds, increase defense by 100% and resistance to states and elements by 80%.
    [​IMG] Demonic Breath: The Poison Demon’s strong poison is spewed around you hitting a large number of enemies. Targets will take damage over time.
    At max level (20), consumes 12 Force and 80 HP per attack, hits up to 10 enemies for 169% damage 4 times as long as the skill key is held down. Targets will take 135% damage every second for 8 seconds.
    [​IMG] Evil Torture: When the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, further increase your damage and critical chance.
    At max level (15), when the enemy is inflicted with a status effect, increase damage and critical chance by 15%.
    [​IMG] Concentration: Through concentrating your mind, permanently increase damage and attack speed by 1 stage.
    At max level (20), increase damage by 25% and attack speed by 1 stage.
    [​IMG] Force Guard: Guard against an enemy’s attack using the Force Shield. If the guard is successful, the Force Gauge and HP will be replenished slightly.
    At max level (15), there is a 30% chance of guarding against an attack, if the guard is successful, 3% of your HP and 5 Force will be replenished.
    [​IMG] Max Force: When using Demon Slash, there is a chance to acquire extra Force, and you automatically recover Force every 4 seconds.
    At max level (5), when using Demon Slash, there is a 70% chance of acquiring extra Force, automatically recover 10 Force every 4 seconds.
    [​IMG] Demon Slash 2nd Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash.
    At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 80% (cumulative damage increase of 120%).
    Fourth Job
    [​IMG] Demon Explosion: Enemies all around you are shot into the air then inflicted with fatal damage.
    At max level (30), consumes 80 Force and 600 HP, attacks up to 10 enemies for 400% damage and sends them into the air, then attacks them with 335% damage 4 times with a 100% critical chance.
    [​IMG] Demon Impact: Thrust forward instantaneously and inflict fatal damage to a large number of enemies. When attacking a boss monster, Demon Impact has additional critical chance and inflicts extra damage.
    At max level (30), consumes 30 Force, attacks up to 3 enemies for 400% damage 5 times. If the monster is a boss, there will be a 100% critical chance, 50% defense will be ignored, and 30% extra damage.
    [​IMG] Vampiric Touch: For a certain period of time, damage inflicted by party members will be used to heal their HP. However, more than 3% of their HP cannot be healed at one time.
    At max level (10), consumes 50 Force, for 180 seconds, 3% of your party members’ damage will be used to heal HP.
    [​IMG] Devil Cry: An instant burst of power is released to attack enemies all around you. Targets’ defense and accuracy will be decreased and experience and item drop rate will be increased.
    At max level (20), consumes 500 HP and 60 Force, hits up to 15 enemies for 210% damage 5 times. For 15 seconds, the targets’ defense will be decreased by 15% and their accuracy will be decreased by 20% while their experience and item drop rate will be increased by 20%.
    [​IMG] Maple Warrior: Increase the stats of all party members by a certain percentage.
    At max level (30), consumes 500 HP and increases all stats by 15% for 900 seconds.
    [​IMG] Metamorphosis: For a certain period of time, increase damage and HP. Two dark orbs will rotate around the caster and attack enemies that are close-by multiple times.
    At max level (30), consumes 75 Force and 300 HP, for 180 seconds, increase damage by 35% and HP by 20%, the orbs will hit 150% damage.
    [​IMG] Dark Bind: Attacks a large number of enemies and inflicts damage over time. In addition, passively allows you to ignore monsters’ defense, including bosses.
    At max level (20), consumes 120 Force, attacks up to 15 enemies for 900% damage, the target is inflicted with 200% damage every second for 15 seconds. There is a cooldown of 120 seconds. Permanently ignore 20% of monsters’ defense.
    [​IMG] Infinity Force: Instead of spending Force for attacks, there is no restriction on Force skills. However, this skill’s cooldown cannot be ignored (Time Leap).
    At max level (15), consumes 120 Force, for 30 seconds, use Force skills with no restriction. There is a cooldown of 300 seconds.
    [​IMG] Advanced Weapon Mastery: Mastery of the one handed axe and one handed blunt weapon, minimum critical damage, and attack is increased. (Prerequisite – 20 Weapon Mastery)
    At max level (30), mastery is increased to 70%, increase attack by 30 and minimum critical damage by 15%.
    [​IMG] Hard Skin: Permanently strengthen the body to decrease damage taken from enemies.
    At max level (30), permanently reduce damage taken by 20%.
    [​IMG] Demon Slash Final Upgrade: Permanently increases the damage of Demon Slash.
    At max level (1), increases Demon Slash’s damage by 160% (cumulative damage increase of 280%).

    kMS ver. 1.2.144 – Advance of the Union! (Resistant n aran, evan revamp info only)
    Thông tin về skill của các job resistance, aran và evan (thay đổi tập 2)
    Những dòng màu đỏ là thay đổi từ kmst đến thực tế.

    Battle Mage
    • Aura skill effects have been renewed
    • Aura skills can now be overlapped
    • The range of the Blow skills has been increased
    Upon advancing to second job, you will receive 7 extra SP (10 in total)
    First Job
    Triple Blow: damage has been increased from 105% to 130%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Finish Attack: damage has been increased from 340% to 380% (510% at second job, 660% at third job, 840% at fourth job), 20% defense is ignored when attacking (25% at second job, 30% at third job, 35% at fourth job), number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Second Job
    NEW SKILL: High Wisdom: increases intelligence by 40 (max level: 10)
    Quad Blow: damage has been increased from 110% to 135%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Dark Chain: damage has been increased from 310% to 410%, stun time has been increased from 4 seconds to 6 seconds, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, name was changed to Hyper Dark Chain
    MOVED SKILL: Blue Aura
    Third Job
    NEW SKILL: Blue Aura: increases defense and magic defense by 300, HP by 250, 30% damage is distributed among the party, 20% of the distributed damage is absorbed (max level: 20)
    NEW SKILL: Stance: 90% chance of not being knocked back by an enemy’s attack, lasts 300 seconds (max level: 10)
    Advanced Blue Aura: increases Blue Aura’s damage absorption by 10%, increases party’s defense by 60%, passively increases status and elemental resistance by 20% (max level: 10, pre-requisite: 20 Blue Aura)
    Death Blow: damage has been increased from 115% to 140%, now ignores 20% of a monster’s defense, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Dark Lightning: damage has been increased from 1000% to 1040%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Conversion: skill duration has been increased from 120 seconds to 180 seconds
    DELETED SKILL: Advanced Dark Chain
    Fourth Job
    Energize: increases HP and MP by 20%, and defense and magic defense by 150%, max level has been increased from 10 to 30
    Finish Blow: damage has been increased from 145% to 180%, now ignores 30% of a monster’s defense, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Cyclone: speed and attacking speed have been increased, damage has been decreased from 1000% to 500%, now attacks twice
    Dark Genesis: damage has been increased from 1800% to 2000%
    Shelter: buff duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 40 seconds, max level has been increased from 20 to 30
    Advanced Dark Aura: increases the damage boost of Dark Aura by 20%, continuously deals 100% damage per second to monsters nearby when using Dark Aura, increases magic attack by 30 (max level: 30, pre-requisite: 20 Dark Aura)
    MOVED SKILL: Stance

    Wild Hunter

    • The jaguar’s range of picking up items has been increased
    • A new jaguar species has been added, it is obtainable if you complete the new ‘Advance of the Union’ quests and use the item you get to change your current jaguar, it has 120% speed and jump with a 50% chance of not being knocked back
    First Job
    Triple Shot: damage has been increased from 93% to 120%, attacking speed has been increased
    Jaguar Riding: now increases critical damage by 8%
    Double Jump: distance moved has been increased
    Second Job
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: increases strength and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10)
    Bomb Shot: damage has been increased from 310% to 360%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Jaguar Roar: damage has been increased from 230% to 280%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Swallow: max level decreased from 20 to 10 (800% damage to 6 monsters, 90 second buff duration when swallowed)
    Third Job
    NEW SKILL: Beast Form: increases HP by 80%, attack by 20%, and speed by 15 for 120 seconds, cooldown has been decreased from 240 seconds to 150 seconds (max level: 30)
    Wild Shot: damage increased from 144% to 184%
    Blind: now decreases enemy’s defense by 50, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10 (for 160 seconds, 30% chance to reduce an enemy’s accuracy by 20% for 10 seconds, decreases enemy’s defense by 50)
    Claw Cut: damage has been increased from 190% to 300%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Fourth Job
    NEW SKILL: Advanced Final Attack: increases attack by 20 and accuracy by 10%, there is a 70% chance of activating Final Attack for 210% damage (max level: 30, pre-requisite: 20 Final Attack)
    Flash Rain: damage has been increased from 100% to 180%, now has a 100% chance to stun for 10 seconds
    Sonic Boom: damage has been increased from 850% to 1010%
    Chemical Shell: no longer increases a monster’s defense, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10 (increase the exp a monster gives by 40%)
    Wild Vulcan: damage has been increased from 220% to 270%
    MOVED SKILL: Beast Form
    First Job
    Flame Launcher: max usage time has been increased from 8 seconds to 12 seconds, damage has been increased from 70% to 80%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Metal Armor: Prototype: now increases speed by 20
    Drill Rush: damage has been increased from 150% to 180%
    Gatling Shot: damage has been increased from 70% to 80%
    Second Job
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: increases strength and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10)
    Mechanic Mastery: now increases critical chance by 10%
    Atomic Hammer: damage has been increased from 430% to 460%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Rocket Booster: damage has been increased from 160% to 200%, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Third Job
    Satellite: damage has been increased from 210% to 240%
    Metal Armor: Heavy Machine Gun: skill can now be toggled On or Off, cooldown has been removed
    Rocket Punch: damage has been increased from 570% to 640%, number of monsters hit is now 6 at all levels
    Fourth Job
    War Machine: Titan: damage has been increased from 1250% to 1440%
    Metal Armor: Missile Tank: damage has been increased from 100% to 120%
    Laser Blast: damage has been increased from 360% to 500%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Metal Armor: Heavy Machine Gun: damage has been increased from 95% to 115%
    • The range of the Swing skills has been increased
    • The amount of time before a Combo disappears has been increased
    First Job
    Combo Ability: attack boost of 2 per 10 combo has been increased to 3
    Double Swing: damage has been increased from 220% to 250%
    Combo Smash: damage has been increased from 450% to 480%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Second Job
    NEW SKILL: Final Attack: there is an 40% chance to activate a 150% damage Final Attack (max level: 20, pre-requisite: 3 Polearm Mastery)
    Polearm Mastery: now increases attacking speed by 1
    Triple Swing: damage has been increased from 370% to 500%
    Final Charge: damage has been increased from 200% to 230%, now has a 30% chance to inflict 10 second stun, number of monsters hit has been increased from 7 to 10
    Combo Drain: skill duration time is 240 seconds, HP recovery per hit has been increased from 5% to 10%, maximum HP able to be recovered has been increased from 10% to 20%, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10 (for 150 seconds, 10% of your damage will be used to recover HP)
    Combo Fenrir: damage has been increased from 430% to 480%
    Body Pressure: damage has been increased from 300% to 400%
    Snow Charge: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10 (35% damage increase, gives the ice element for 200 seconds, decreases an enemy’s attacking speed by 40 for 20 seconds)
    Third Job
    NEW SKILL: Blessing Maha: increase the party’s attack and magic attack by 30 for 100 seconds (max level: 10)
    Full Swing: damage boost of Triple Swing has been increased from 540% to 570%
    Final Toss: damage has been increased from 350% to 400%
    Rolling Spin: damage has been increased from 110% to 160%
    Cleaving Attack: shared damage reduction has been removed, defense ignored has been increased from 25% to 40%, now increases damage by 20% when fighting a boss, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10 (ignore 40% of a monster’s defense, increase damage by 20% when fighting a boss)
    Combo Judgement: damage has been increased from 500% to 550%
    Fourth Job
    NEW SKILL: Advanced Final Attack: increases attack by 30 and accuracy by 10%, there is a 60% chance of activating Final Attack for 250% damage (max level: 30, pre-requisite: 20 Final Attack)
    High Mastery: minimum critical damage boost has been increased to 15%, max level has been decreased from 30 to 20 (70% mastery over the polearm, increases attack by 30, increases minimum critical damage by 15%)
    Over Swing: Double Swing’s attack boost has been increased from 360% to 400%, Triple Swing’s attack boost has been increased from 450% to 490%
    High Defense: now increases HP by 20%, max level has been decreased from 30 to 20 (decreases damage by 20%, increases HP by 20%)
    Final Blow: damage has been increased from 282% to 355%
    Combo Tempest: damage has been increased from 720% to 790%
    Combo Barrier: now increases party’s defense and magic defense by 60
    Swift Move: Final Charge and Final Toss’ damage boosts have been increased from 50% to 60%
    Freeze Standing: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20 (decreases chance of getting knocked back by 90% for 300 seconds)
    Dragon Flight skill has been added
    • All attacking skills’ attacking speed have been increased
    First Growth
    Dragon Soul: attacking speed boost has been increased from 1 to 2, now increases speed by 10
    Magic Missile: damage has been increased from 145% to 190%
    Second Growth
    Fire Circle: damage has been increased from 220% to 280%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 4 to 6
    Third Growth
    Lightning Bolt: damage has been increased from 280% to 340%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 3 to 8
    Magic Guard: now decreases damage taken by 10%
    Fourth Growth
    Spell Mastery: now increases critical chance by 10%
    Ice Breath: damage has been increased from 410% to 470%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, charge time removed
    Fifth Growth
    Magic Flare: damage has been increased from 430% to 510%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 1 to 8
    Magic Shield: damage reduction has been decreased from 30% to 10%, now increases defense and magic defense by 300 and HP by 10%
    Sixth Growth
    Critical Magic: now increases minimum critical damage by 15%
    Dragon Thrust: damage has been increased from 140% to 200%, chance to knock a monster back has been increased from 95% to 100%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Seventh Growth
    Magic Amplification: MP usage and magic attacking skills’ boosts have been increased from 135% to 150%
    Breath: damage has been increased from 610% to 700%, charge time removed
    Killing Wing: damage has been increased from 450% t0 500%
    Magic Resistance: now increases magic defense by 100
    Eighth Growth
    Dragon Fury: now activated whenever MP is above 30%
    Earthquake: damage has been increased from 640% to 720%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 8 to 10
    Ghost Lettering: damage has been increased from 400% to 440%
    Recovery Aura: now regenerates HP as well
    Ninth Growth
    Illusion: damage has been increased from 190% to 380%, now has a 40% chance to stun for 10 seconds
    Flame Wheel: damage has been increased from 265% to 390%, now inflicts DoT for 25 seconds every second, number of monsters hit has been increased from 8 to 10
    Tenth Growth
    Blaze: damage has been increased from 285% to 420%, chance to stun has been increased from 90% to 100%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 1 to 8
    Dark Fog: damage has been increased from 1950% to 2100%

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/11/11
  3. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    kMS ver. 1.2.145 – Advance of the Union (part 2)! (charaters info only: Adventurers, KoC and Ultimate Adventurers reorganization)
    Thông tin về sự thay đổi skill của Adventurer, KoC, Ultimate Adventurer.
    Dòng màu đỏ là thay đổi từ kmst đến thực tế ở kms.
    Warriors (second job)
    • All spears have had their speed increased to Normal (6)
    Ground Smash: damage has been increased from 320% to 380%, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    NEW SKILL: Rush: Use strength to quickly move forward. (max level: 10) (this is the same as the Soul Rush skill for Soul Masters)
    Rage: attack bonus has been increased from 20 to 30
    Self Recovery: amount of HP recovered has been increased from 80 to 100
    Panic: damage has been increased from 1000% to 1040%, now decreases enemy’s attack by 30%, Darkness’ duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 80 seconds
    Coma: damage has been increased from 620% to 680%
    Shout: damage has been increased from 220% to 280%
    Brandish: damage has been increased from 240% to 280%, now ignores enemy’s defense by 20%
    Enrage: now increases minimum critical damage by 15%, now increases critical chance by 20%
    Monster Magnet: damage has been increased from 300% to 350%
    Brave Slash: damage has been increased from 225% to 300%
    Rush: damage has been increased from 250% to 300%
    Stance: stance effect’s activation rate has been increased from 90% to 95%
    Advanced Final Attack: number of hits has been increased from 1 to 2
    Shield Mastery: now gives a 10% chance to Guard
    Fire Charge: skill name has been changed to Flame Charge, damage has been increased from 130% to 140%
    Ice Charge: skill name has been changed to Blizzard Charge, damage has been increased from 120% to 140%
    Lightning Charge: damage has been increased from 125% to 140%
    Charge Blow: now has different effects based on the charges used (Flame Charge has a 90% chance of inflicting DoT of 100% damage every 1 second for 6 seconds, Blizzard Charge gives a 90% chance to freeze, Lightning Charge has a 90% chance to stun for 2 seconds, and Divine Charge has a 90% chance to seal for 6 seconds), damage has been increased from 500% to 550%
    Divine Charge: damage has been increased from 135% to 150%
    Blast: damage has been increased from 290% to 340%, amount of monster’s defense ignored was increased from 20% to 30%
    Sanctuary: damage has been increased from 1400% to 1700%
    Blessing Armor: duration has been increased from 60 seconds to 90 seconds, amount of hits absorbed has been increased from 5 to 10, chance to activate has been increased from 20% to 30%
    Rush: damage has been increased from 250% to 300%
    Stance: stance effect’s activation rate has been increased from 90% to 95%
    Dark Knights
    Dragon Buster: damage has been increased from 185% to 200%
    Dragon Thrasher: damage has been increased from 410% to 450%, number of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8
    Sacrifice: damage has been decreased from 690% to 400%, now hits twice instead of once (total of 800% damage)
    Dragon Roar: damage has been increased from 580% to 640%, now has a 90% chance of stunning for 9 seconds
    Dragon Judgement: chance to change damage into HP has been increased from 5% to 20%, amount of HP recovered has been increased from 5% to 10%
    Dark Force: now increases critical chance by 10% and minimum critical damage by 15%
    Beholder’s Revenge: damage has been increased from 700% to 750%, now has a 10% chance of instantly killing the enemy
    Dark Impale: damage has been increased from 135% to 180%, now has a 10% chance of instantly killing the enemy
    Monster Magnet: damage has been increased from 300% to 350%
    Rush: damage has been increased from 250% to 300%
    Stance: stance effect’s activation rate has been increased from 90% to 95%
    Magicians (third job)
    Magic Guard: amount of damage dealt to MP has been increased from 80% to 85% (first job)
    Teleport Mastery: damage has been increased from 300% to 340%
    NEW SKILL: Magic Critical: increases critical chance by 30%, increases minimum critical damage by 25% (max level: 20)
    Fire/Poison Archmages
    Meditation: magic attack boost has been increased from 20 to 30
    Flame Arrow : name has been changed, damage has been increased from 360% to 420%
    Poison Breath: damage has been increased from 280% to 340%
    Extreme Magic: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Element Amplification: MP cost boost has been increased from 140% to 150%, magic attack boost has been increased from 145% to 150%
    Fire Demon: damage has been increased from 540% to 580%, max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Explosion: damage has been increased from 580% to 620%
    Poison Mist: damage has been increased from 230% to 270%
    Meteor: damage has been decreased from 1700% to 900%, now attacks twice
    Infinity: stance effect activation has been increased from 50% to 70%
    Mist Eruption: damage has been increased from 500% to 600%
    Ifrit: damage has been increased from 400% to 450%
    Paralyze: damage has been increased from 257% to 300%
    Big Bang: damage has been increased from 290% to 330%
    Ice/Lightning Archmages
    Meditation: magic attack boost has been increased from 20 to 30
    Cold Beam: damage has been increased from 140% to 170%
    Thunderbolt: damage has been increased from 105% to 130%
    Extreme Magic: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Element Amplification: MP cost boost has been increased from 140% to 150%, magic attack boost has been increased from 145% to 150%
    Ice Demon: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10, damage has been increased from 520% to 560%
    Ice Strike: damage has been increased from 145% to 160%
    Thunder Spear: damage has been increased from 155% to 165%
    Glacial Chain: damage has been decreased from 450% to 340%, number of times hit has been increased from 4 to 6
    Elquines: damage has been increased from 330% to 380%
    Chain Lightning: damage has been decreased from 214% to 200%, number of times hit has been increased from 4 to 6
    Blizzard: damage has been decreased from 1600% to 850%, now attacks twice
    Big Bang: damage has been increased from 290% to 330%
    Heal: damage has been increased from 350% to 410%
    Holy Arrow: damage has been increased from 390% to 450%
    Holy Symbol: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20
    Shining Ray: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20, damage has been increased from 200% to 220%
    Bahamut: damage has been increased from 600% to 650%
    Angel Ray: damage has been decreased from 450% to 420%, number of hits has been increased from 2 to 3, number of monsters hit has been increased from 5 to 6
    Genesis: damage has been decreased from 1900% to 1000%, now attacks twice
    Big Bang: damage has been increased from 290% to 330%
    Archers (third job)
    Dodge: avoid chance has been increased from 20% to 30%
    Strafe: damage has been increased from 180% to 200%
    Arrow Bomb: damage has been increased from 310% to 360%
    Silver Hawk: damage has been increased from 250% to 270%
    Flame Shot: name has been changed, damage has been increased from 460% to 520%
    Arrow Rain: now has a 60% chance to inflict Stun for 4 seconds, damage has been increased from 148% to 170%
    Phoenix: damage has been increased from 360% to 390%
    Drain Arrow: damage has been increased from 340% to 400%, amount of HP absorbed has been increased from 45% to 50%
    Ultimate Flame Shot: damage has been increased from 600% to 640%
    Hurricane: damage has been increased from 220% to 250%
    Iron Arrow: damage has been increased from 310% to 360%
    Gold Eagle: damage has been increased from 250% to 270%
    Blizzard Shot: name has been changed, damage has been increased from 480% to 540%
    Arrow Eruption: now has a 60% chance to inflict seal for 4 seconds, damage has been increased from 148% to 170%
    Freezer: damage has been increased from 330% to 390%
    Ultimate Strafe: damage has been increased from 230% to 270%
    Dragon Pulse: now has a piercing effect, damage has been increased from 295% to 350%
    Piercing: amount of monsters hit has been increased from 6 to 8, damage has been increased from 1500% to 1560%
    Sniping: amount of hits has been increased from 4 to 6, damage has been decreased from 900% to 720%
    Knights of Cygnus
    NEW SKILL: Noble Spirit: increases the strength of Empress’ Blessing. Each point in this skill increases the skill level of Empress’ Blessing by 1. Skill points are added into this skill by completing quests. (max level: 6)
    NEW SKILL: Enhanced Spirit’s Power: the power of the spirits is enhanced by Cygnus. At max level, the duration of your Spirit is increased by 100 seconds and their damage is increased by 50%. At level 30, 50, 70, 100, and 120, a skill point is added in this skill. (max level: 5)
    Soul, Flame, Storm, Darkness, and Lightning now attack monsters that are attacking you
    • Skill quests have been moved to level 90 and 100 respectively
    Soul Master
    Rage: attack bonus has been increased from 20 to 30
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: increases strength and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10) (2nd job skill)
    NEW SKILL: Power Reflection: absorbs 30% of the damage you take, reflects 500% of the absorbed damage (max level: 20) (2nd job skill)
    Final Attack: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20, damage has been decreased from 175% to 160%
    Soul Blade: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20
    Self Recovery: amount of HP regained has been increased from 80 to 100, amount of MP regained has been increased from 40 to 60
    Panic: damage has been increased from 1000% to 1040%, now decreases enemy’s attack by 30%, Darkness’ duration has been increased from 30 seconds to 80 seconds
    Brandish: damage has been increased from 240% to 280%, now ignores enemy’s defense by 20%
    Soul Charge: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Coma: damage has been increased from 620% to 680%
    NEW SKILL: Magic Crash: has a 100% chance to cancel all enemy buffs and prevent them for casting new buffs for 20 seconds (max level: 1) (pre-requisite: 3 Soul Charge) (third job skill)
    Flame Wizard
    Magic Guard: amount of damage dealt to MP has been increased from 80% to 85%
    Meditation: magic attack boost has been increased from 20 to 30
    Fire Arrow: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20
    NEW SKILL: High Wisdom: increases intelligence by 40 (max level: 10) (2nd job skill)
    Flame Gear: max level has been decreased from 30 to 20, duration has been decreased from 8 seconds to 7 seconds
    NEW SKILL: Teleport Mastery: inflicts 300% damage to 6 enemies with Teleport, with an 80% chance of stunning for 4 seconds, Teleport distance is increased by 20 (max level: 1) (3rd job skill)
    Wind Breaker
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: increases strength and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10) (2nd job skill)
    Arrow Rain: now has a 60% chance to inflict Stun for 4 seconds, damage has been increased from 148% to 170%
    Wind Shot: max level has been decreased from 20 to 15
    Wind Piercing: now absorbs 48% of your damage to heal HP
    Dodge: avoid chance has been increased from 20% to 30%
    NEW SKILL: Mortal Blow: 30% chance to instantly kill enemy below 15% HP. 5% HP & MP recovered upon instant kill effect (max level: 1) (3rd job skill)
    Night Walker
    NEW SKILL: Physical Training: increases luck and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10) (2nd job skill)
    Flash Jump: max level has been decreased from 20 to 10
    Vampire: damage has been increased from 60% to 90%
    NEW SKILL: Dark Flare: a star is placed that reflects 1300% damage nearby for 60 seconds, cooldown of 60 seconds (max level: 1) (3rd job skill)
    Thunder Breaker
    NEW SKILL: Pirate Training: increases strength and dexterity by 30 (max level: 10) (2nd job skill)
    NEW SKILL: Lucky Dice: roll the dice to test your luck, the number you roll will give you a buff for 180 seconds, cooldown of 200 seconds (max level: 1) (3rd job skill)
    Transform: max level has been decreased from 20 to 5
    Ultimate Adventurers
    • Every Ultimate Adventurer now receives a new skill when created (depending on the class): Mihail’s Soul, Oz’s Flame, Irena’s Storm, Ickhart’s Darkness, or Hawkeye’s Lightning (each summon lasts for 80 seconds and does 90% damage, there is a max level of 10, every 15 levels one skill point will be added in the skill)
    • The number of Peridots required to finish the quest before creating an Ultimate Adventurer has been decreased from 10 to 5
    • Ultimate Adventurers receive an HP and MP boost if they finish a quest and receive the skill Shinsoo’s Blessing. (Warriors receive 500 HP, Magicians receive 110 HP, Archers receive 500 HP and 200 MP, Thieves receive 500 HP and 300 MP, and Pirates receive 500 HP and 300 MP)
    Cygnus and Adventurer characters can speak to Empress Cygnus in the Union HQ to receive a free SP Reset! It expires in 7 days.
    Cygnus characters can complete quests at level 110 located in the Ludibrium Clocktower Dungeon and defeat Thanatos to receive a new skill with a max level of 1. (Soul Masters – Magic Crash, Flame Wizards – Teleport Mastery, Night Walkers – Dark Flare, Wind Breakers – Mortal Blow, Strikers – Lucky Dice)
    By completing quests in the Temple of Time, and fighting the Black Magician’s follower Akyrum, Knights of Cygnus can increase the level of their Noble Spirit skill!
    After the creation of an Ultimate Adventurer, they can do a quest from Empress Cygnus in which they fight Francis the Puppeteer. The reward for this quest is an extra 3 SP!
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 23/11/11
  4. numt001

    numt001 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Misty Lake
    bạn cu to cứ post nữa đi cho tụi nó thèm

    mình xem máy cái patch note mới kiểu này chỉ biết lắc đầu nản chứ chả thấy pump tí nào
  5. mawson

    mawson Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Hỏi ngoài lề tí, làm sao để biết DD là trial Mod, bác biết tiếng hàn ah, dạy em với, vô KMS chả hỉu gì. Có cách nào dịch KMS ko hay là phải biết tiếng hàn rồi dịch wa? Nhìn KMS mà thèm wa', chắc bỏ GMS wa đó chơi!
  6. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    cái này mình lấy từ blog của orangemushroom
    còn vì sao biết mình là trial mod thì đồng chí check thử topic bầu cử mod ấy
  7. mawson

    mawson Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Cái đó thì biết rồi tại vì có xem qua topic đó, còn có cách nào khác phân biệt ko vì nhìu khi xem qua mấy comment mà chẳng biết mem hay người có chức nào đó của forum hay GVN Gladiator là 1 dấu hiệu?

    Ah, bác biết có trang web nào có nhìu MS wallPaper ko, đang tính kiếm 1 số về làm bộ nền, nếu sai box bác cứ nói, em sẽ chỉ post vào Sleepy Wood thôi ^^! Chắc đây là comment cuối nằm ngoài topic này, thông cảm tí :D

    P.s Mấy bác bớt xài viết tắt dc ko, doc chả hỉu gì, sợ tốn tài nguyên GVN ah? (SW, pro5, MI)????
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 22/11/11
  8. Himarin ~♥

    Himarin ~♥ Nyan ~♥ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Amakawa family
    Chat chit riêng tư thì vứt vào pro5, inbox hoặc MI ấy, đừng có ném lên SW :-w

    @Kuto: topic update thì phải bắt đầu từ patch hiện tại của official server chứ [-( Vứt cái patch note mới nhất lên thì ai so sánh được mà ghen với chả tị [-(
  9. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hiện h cái này là revamp gần nhất với GMS mà ta tìm thấy:-<
    các patch tiếp theo là revamp resistance, rồi lại adventurer với KoC
  10. [LS]

    [LS] cô hồn GameVN Lady Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    có skill phải làm quest cross hunter mới đc, mà GMS chắc nó chưa cho ra cái đấy tiếp đâu nhỉ? :-?
    phải ra legend trước rồi mới tới legend update finale chứ. ?_?
  11. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    patch trước của cái legend finalle này là patch Merc và DS
    vụ DS và Merc có lẽ để sau
  12. Himarin ~♥

    Himarin ~♥ Nyan ~♥ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Amakawa family
    Thêm vào rồi lên mà mò :-" Trước cũng có cái blog chi tiết + nhanh ko kém Spadows mà h nhớ ko ra 8-}
  13. futadonazy

    futadonazy Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    đọc mà thấy thèm,GMS còn xa xăm,bao h Extalia mới có mấy update này đây:-<
  14. 90kg

    90kg Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    cứ đợi đi.khi nào có kiểu gì nó chả thông báo lên trang chủ.;))
  15. emsomeo44

    emsomeo44 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đây có lẽ là lần cuối kms update legend .......... còn sau này chắc có các job Titan
    Mercedes và Demon Slayer chắc lấy ý tưởng từ Van Helsing :P
  16. chikvn

    chikvn Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Sao chưa thấy patch legend mà đã legend finale rồi.
    Làm ăn thế này thì hỏng :-w
  17. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    bảo rồi
    topic này ưu tiên các update revamp, nên patch legend đc chuyển thành mercedes và DS skill table (update sau)
  18. [K]

    [K] Claude, S.A gang boss Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Vẫn chưa thấy hé lộ thông tin gì về Thief Legend nhỉ 8->
  19. chumchum

    chumchum Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ms ngày càng bá đạo nhớ ngày trước GMS hì hục jop3 mà sướng vô cùng h nhìn đống này vãi... X_X
  20. Đại Đồng

    Đại Đồng LMAO Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đã update thông tin về skill của DS và Mercedes

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