Warhammer 40.000: Combat Operation - Chapter 5: Salvation

Thảo luận trong 'Warhammer' bắt đầu bởi Kitekaze, 17/11/11.

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  1. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trận chiến diễn ra nảy lửa giữa thế lực của Imperium, các thế lực phản động và các phe ngoại bang trong việc tháo chạy khỏi Warp Storm.

    Thế nhưng... liệu đó chỉ có thế thôi ư?

    Tín hiệu từ khu vực 848.
    Brother Solodom: "Báo động, báo động!"
    Techmarine Katz: "Có báo động từ người anh em Solodom, thưa đội trưởng."
    Captain colithuyetz "Truyền tín hiệu vox cho tôi."
    Captain colithuyet: "Có chuyện gì vậy, người anh em Solodom?"
    Brother Solodom: "Hiện nay chúng tôi đang chiến đấu với lực lượng Eldar, thế nhưng..."

    Một tiếng nổ oàng nổ ra ở phía bên kia đội trưởng colithuyet.
    Captain colithuyet: "Người anh em Solodom! Người anh em Solodom! Có sao không?"
    Brother Solodom: "Chúng ta... zzz... rời khỏi... zzz... nơi đây... Bọn thần chết... zzz... đã... aaaargh!... sssssssshhhhh...."
    Captain colithuyet: "Người anh em Solodom!"

    Và rồi tín hiệu ở bên kia bị đứt quãng.
    Techmarine Katz: "Thưa đội trưởng, chúng tôi đã mất liên lạc từ nhóm quân của người anh em Solodom."
    Captain colithuyet: "Chuyện gì thế này..."

    Đội trưởng còn đang nói thì có một tín hiệu khác gửi đến.
    Techmarine Katz: "Đội trưởng, có tín hiệu của thiếu tướng Kite Kaze."
    Captain colithuyet: "Thông qua cho tôi!"
    Colonel Kite: "Đôi trưởng colithuyet, chúng ta không còn nhiều thời gian đâu..."
    Captain colithuyet: "Thiếu tướng Kite, đã có chuyện gì xảy ra thế!"
    Colonel Kite: "Bọn chúng xuất hiện quá bất ngờ, nhiều nơi đã bị tiêu diệt hoàn toàn không kịp trở tay"
    Captain colithuyet: "Bọn nào?"
    Colonel Kite: "Necron!"

    --PHASE 0: EVENT--
    Necron Computer Active x 6 xuất hiện.
    Mỗi computer:
    Necron Monolith x 1
    Necron Warrior x 3

    All player this turn temporary force to target Necron

    Player sayuri2705 deploys 1 x Sentinel squad(s).
    Requisition: 320 - 1 x 320 = 0

    Player Eucliwood deploys 2 x Howling Banshees squad(s).
    Requisition: 490 - 2 x 240 = 10

    Player AWM deploys 1 x Fire Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 300 - 1 x 200 = 100

    Player nhinhonhinho deploys 1 x Devilfish squad(s).
    Requisition: 700 - 1 x 220 = 480

    Player nhinhonhinho deploys 3 x Battle Drones squad(s).
    Requisition: 480 - 3 x 120 = 120

    Player nhinhonhinho deploys 3 x Builder Drone squad(s).
    Requisition: 120 - 3 x 40 = 0

    Player Imperium Civilian deploys 1 x Civilian squad(s).
    Requisition: 1300 - 1 x 100 = 1200

    Player Khorne Worshipers deploys 1 x Cultist squad(s).
    Requisition: 200 - 1 x 110 = 90

    --PHASE 3: COMBAT--
    **Soldiers of sayuri2705 attempts to overthrow Necron "E".
    sayuri2705 deploys Guardsmen against Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -5hp(Lasgun x 10) = -5hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -40hp (4 unit).

    sayuri2705 deploys Guardsmen against Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -8hp(Lasgun x 10) = -8hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -64hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -40hp (4 unit).

    sayuri2705 uses Guardsmen to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -8hp(Lasgun x 10) = -8hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -0hp (0 unit).

    sayuri2705 deploys Sentinel against Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Lascannon x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    No counter back.

    **Commander Eucliwood assaults on Necron "A".
    Eucliwood deploys Farseer to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Farseer: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (1 unit).
    Farseer squad is destroyed.

    Eucliwood uses Howling Banshees to engage with Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Howling Banshees: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -8hp(Howling Blade x 1) = -8hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood uses Howling Banshees to engage with Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Howling Banshees: -64hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -64hp (2 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -17hp(Howling Blade x 4) = -17hp (0 unit).

    Eucliwood deploys Howling Banshees against Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Howling Banshees: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -84hp (3 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -10hp(Howling Blade x 3) = -10hp (0 unit).

    **Commander AWM assaults on Necron "B".
    AWM uses Fire Warrior to strike at Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -22hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (2 unit).

    **Soldiers of Kite Kaze assaults on Necron "A".
    Kite Kaze orders Elysian Guardsmen to engage with Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Lascarbine x 10) = -0hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -5hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -44hp (3 unit).

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Guardsmen to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -4hp(Lascarbine x 10) = -4hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -9hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -44hp (3 unit).

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Valkyrie Dropship to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -5hp(Multi Lasgun x 1) -0hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -5hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -10hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -65hp (0 unit).

    Kite Kaze uses Elysian Mortar Team against Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -12hp(Mortar x 1) = -12hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -17hp (0 unit).
    No counter back.

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Marauder Bomber to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Twinlinked Lascannon x 1) -24hp(Twinlinked Heavy Bolter x 1) = -24hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -29hp (1 unit).
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber: -6hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -6hp (0 unit).

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Sentinel to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Multi Melta x 1) = -0hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -5hp (1 unit).
    No counter back.

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Colonel to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -16hp(Exotus Pistol x 1) = -16hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -21hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Colonel: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -16hp (0 unit).

    **Player nhinhonhinho attempts to overthrow Necron "C".
    nhinhonhinho deploys XV22 Commander Stealthsuit to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -34hp(Burst Cannon x 1) -0hp(Fusion Blaster x 1) -12hp(Twinlinked Missile Pod x 1) = -46hp -1hp(Jet Pack) = -47hp (1 unit).
    + XV22 Commander Stealthsuit: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -32hp (0 unit).

    nhinhonhinho orders XV25 Stealthsuit against Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Burst Cannon x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + XV25 Stealthsuit: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -50hp (1 unit).
    XV25 Stealthsuit squad is destroyed.

    nhinhonhinho uses XV25 Stealthsuit to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Burst Cannon x 2) = -22hp -3hp(Jet Pack) = -25hp (1 unit).
    + XV25 Stealthsuit: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho orders Devilfish to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Burst Cannon x 1) -1hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 1) = -1hp (0 unit).
    + Devilfish: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -45hp (0 unit).

    nhinhonhinho deploys Battle Drones to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -40hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 8) = -40hp (1 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -27hp (3 unit).

    nhinhonhinho orders Battle Drones against Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 8) = -20hp (0 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -16hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho uses Battle Drones to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 8) = -22hp (1 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -27hp (3 unit).

    **Commander Bartel attempts to overthrow Necron "F".
    Bartel orders Grey Knight Terminator to strike at Necron "F"'s Necron Warrior
    + Grey Knight Terminator: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -39hp(Incinerator x 1) -26hp(Nemesis Force Weapon x 2) = -65hp (2 unit).

    **Player colithuyet attempts to overthrow Necron "C".
    colithuyet uses Force Commander to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Force Commander: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp x0.95(Valor) = -30hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -36hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -30hp (1 unit).

    colithuyet orders Tactical Marines against Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -18hp(Plasma Gun x 1) -6hp(Bolter x 3) = -24hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is out of action.

    colithuyet uses Terminator to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -35hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -16hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -51hp (2 unit).
    + Terminator: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp x0.95(Valor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    colithuyet orders Terminator against Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -1hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -2hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -3hp (0 unit).
    + Terminator: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -110hp x0.95(Valor) = -104hp (2 unit).

    colithuyet deploys Dreadnought to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Dreadnought: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -16hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -32hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -50hp (2 unit).

    colithuyet orders Dreadnought against Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Dreadnought: -8hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -8hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -45hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -20hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -65hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is out of action.

    **Commander datdien1998 assaults on Necron "C".
    datdien1998 uses Assault Marines to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -14hp(Chainsword x 4) = -14hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -19hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -64hp x0.95(Valor) = -60hp (2 unit).

    datdien1998 uses Assault Marines to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Chainsword x 2) = -20hp -4hp(Jet Pack) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp x0.95(Valor) = -0hp (-1 unit).

    datdien1998 orders Terminator to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -52hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -0hp(Storm Bolter x 1) = -52hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.
    + Terminator: -7hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -7hp x0.95(Valor) = -6hp (0 unit).

    datdien1998 deploys Force Commander to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Force Commander: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -32hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -77hp x0.95(Valor) = -73hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -8hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -8hp (0 unit).

    datdien1998 orders Dreadnought against Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Dreadnought: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -65hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -20hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -85hp (2 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.

    **Soldiers of Doraemon 1234 approaches Necron "F".
    Doraemon 1234 deploys Raptors to strike at Necron "F"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Chainsword x 1) = -0hp x1.05(Blood Lust) -4hp(Jet Pack) = -4hp (0 unit).
    + Raptors: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (1 unit).
    Raptors squad is perished.

    **Soldiers of huybeo911193 assaults on Necron "B".
    huybeo911193 orders Apothecary against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Apothecary: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -16hp x0.95(Valor) = -15hp (1 unit).
    Apothecary squad is out of action.

    huybeo911193 orders Force Commander to engage with Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Force Commander: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp x0.95(Valor) = -45hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -36hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -30hp (1 unit).

    huybeo911193 deploys Terminator against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -76hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -6hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -82hp (2 unit).
    + Terminator: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp x0.95(Valor) = -30hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Scout to engage with Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -18hp(Plasma Gun x 1) -9hp(Bolter x 3) = -27hp (1 unit).
    + Scout: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -16hp x0.95(Valor) = -15hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 orders Predator against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -60hp(Autocannon x 1) -25hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -85hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is out of action.

    **Computer Khorne Worshipers attempts to overthrow Necron "B".
    Khorne Worshipers deploys Chaos Havocs against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -28hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -28hp x1.05(Blood Lust) = -29hp (1 unit).
    + Chaos Havocs: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -32hp (1 unit).
    Chaos Havocs squad is perished.

    Khorne Worshipers deploys Cultist against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -6hp(Lasgun x 12) = -6hp x1.05(Blood Lust) = -6hp (0 unit).
    + Cultist: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -30hp (3 unit).

    **Computer Necron "A" attempts to overthrow AWM.
    Necron "A" orders Necron Monolith to strike at AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Monolith: -24hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -50hp (3 unit).

    Necron "A" deploys Necron Warrior against AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Pulse Rifle x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -16hp (1 unit).
    Fire Warrior squad is perished.

    Player AWM lose 1 turn.

    **Computer Necron "B" assaults on Kite Kaze.
    Necron "B" orders Necron Monolith against Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -48hp (4 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -4hp(Lascarbine x 3) = -4hp (0 unit).

    Necron "B" orders Necron Warrior to engage with Kite Kaze's Elysian Valkyrie Dropship
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship: -30hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -30hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -7hp(Multi Lasgun x 1) -44hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -51hp (1 unit).

    Necron "B" orders Necron Warrior against Kite Kaze's Elysian Sentinel
    + Elysian Sentinel: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -48hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Multi Melta x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Computer Necron "C" approaches Bartel.
    Necron "C" deploys Necron Monolith against Bartel's Grey Knight Terminator
    + Grey Knight Terminator: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -65hp (2 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Incinerator x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "C" orders Necron Warrior to engage with Bartel's Grey Knight Terminator
    + Grey Knight Terminator: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp (1 unit).
    Grey Knight Terminator squad is reported KIA.

    **Computer Necron "D" attempts to overthrow Kite Kaze.
    Necron "D" orders Necron Monolith against Kite Kaze's Elysian Marauder Bomber
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber: -0hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -22hp(Twinlinked Lascannon x 1) -0hp(Twinlinked Heavy Bolter x 1) = -22hp (0 unit).

    Necron "D" deploys Necron Warrior to strike at Kite Kaze's Elysian Marauder Bomber
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber: -28hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -28hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Twinlinked Lascannon x 1) -44hp(Twinlinked Heavy Bolter x 1) = -44hp (1 unit).

    Necron "D" uses Necron Warrior against Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (4 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -3hp(Lascarbine x 3) = -3hp (0 unit).

    Necron "D" orders Necron Warrior to engage with Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (3 unit).
    Elysian Guardsmen squad is reported KIA.

    **Computer Necron "E" attempts to overthrow Kite Kaze.
    Necron "E" orders Necron Monolith to engage with Kite Kaze's Elysian Colonel
    + Elysian Colonel: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -65hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -20hp(Exotus Pistol x 1) = -20hp (0 unit).

    Necron "E" orders Necron Warrior to engage with Kite Kaze's Elysian Valkyrie Dropship
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship: -23hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -23hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -9hp(Multi Lasgun x 1) -12hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -21hp (0 unit).

    Necron "E" orders Necron Warrior to engage with Kite Kaze's Elysian Marauder Bomber
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber: -28hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -28hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Twinlinked Lascannon x 1) -18hp(Twinlinked Heavy Bolter x 1) = -18hp (0 unit).

    Necron "E" deploys Necron Warrior to strike at Kite Kaze's Elysian Sentinel
    + Elysian Sentinel: -28hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -28hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Multi Melta x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Computer Necron "F" approaches Eucliwood.
    Necron "F" orders Necron Monolith to strike at Eucliwood's Howling Banshees
    + Howling Banshees: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -64hp (1 unit).
    Howling Banshees squad is destroyed.

    Necron "F" uses Necron Monolith to strike at Eucliwood's Howling Banshees
    + Howling Banshees: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -44hp (2 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -1hp(Howling Blade x 1) = -1hp (0 unit).

    Necron "F" uses Necron Warrior to engage with Eucliwood's Howling Banshees
    + Howling Banshees: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (1 unit).
    Howling Banshees squad is out of action.

    Necron "F" uses Necron Warrior against Eucliwood's Howling Banshees
    + Howling Banshees: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp (2 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -6hp(Howling Blade x 2) = -6hp (0 unit).

    Necron "F" deploys Necron Warrior to strike at Eucliwood's Howling Banshees
    + Howling Banshees: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (2 unit).
    Howling Banshees squad is destroyed.

    --PHASE 4: END DAY--
    Player Kite Kaze gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player Imperium Civilian gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Khorne Worshipers gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player AWM gains 0.0 requisitions.
    Player datdien1998 gains 400.0 requisitions.
    Player Eucliwood gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player colithuyet gains 360.0 requisitions.
    Player Doraemon 1234 gains 300.0 requisitions.
    Player First Sunlight gains 0.0 requisitions.
    Player huybeo911193 gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player Bartel gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player nhinhonhinho gains 400.0 requisitions.
    Player sayuri2705 gains 280.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "A" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "B" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "C" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "D" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "E" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "F" gains 200.0 requisitions.

    Squad Elysian Valkyrie Dropship of Kite Kaze is Transporting Reinforcement.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines gains 1 unit.
    + Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines gains 1 unit.
    + colithuyet's Terminator gains 1 unit.
    + datdien1998's Terminator gains 1 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    Squad Devilfish of nhinhonhinho is Transporting Reinforcement.
    + nhinhonhinho's XV25 Stealthsuit gains 1 unit.

    Chaos Control: 1%
    Dark Eldar Control: 0%
    Eldar Control: 2%
    Imperium Control: 32%
    Necron Control: 59%
    Ork Control: 0%
    Tau Empire Control: 4%
    Tyranid Control: 0%

    Base Area: 3868
    Conflict Area: 79
    Total Area: 3947

    --PHASE 5: STATUS--
    Player: Kite Kaze
    Faction: Elysian Drop Trooper
    Requisition: 1580.0
    Current Squad:
    + Elysian Scanner Team x 6.
    + Elysian Guardsmen x 1.
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship x 1.
    + Elysian Mortar Team x 1.
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber x 1.
    + Elysian Sentinel x 1.
    + Elysian Colonel x 1.
    Expected Power: 3951.

    Player: Imperium Civilian
    Faction: Siphoon II
    Requisition: 1400.0
    Current Squad:
    + Civilian x 11.
    Expected Power: 2480.

    Player: Khorne Worshipers
    Faction: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 290.0
    Current Squad:
    + Cultist x 1.
    Expected Power: 373.

    Player: AWM
    Faction: T'au
    Requisition: 300.0
    Current Squad:
    Expected Power: 300.

    Player: datdien1998
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 1460.0
    Current Squad:
    + Assault Marines x 2.
    + Servitor x 5.
    + Terminator x 1.
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Dreadnought x 1.
    Expected Power: 3628.

    Player: Eucliwood
    Faction: Alaitoc
    Requisition: 450.0
    Current Squad:
    + Bonesinger x 6.
    Expected Power: 1068.

    Player: colithuyet
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 720.0
    Current Squad:
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Servitor x 4.
    + Tactical Marines x 1.
    + Terminator x 2.
    + Dreadnought x 2.
    Expected Power: 3623.

    Player: Doraemon 1234
    Faction: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 2220.0
    Current Squad:
    + Heretic x 5.
    Expected Power: 2541.

    Player: First Sunlight
    Faction: Alaitoc
    Requisition: 300.0
    Current Squad:
    Expected Power: 300.

    Player: huybeo911193
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 970.0
    Current Squad:
    + Servitor x 6.
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Terminator x 1.
    + Scout x 1.
    + Predator x 1.
    Expected Power: 3111.

    Player: Bartel
    Faction: Justicar Bartel
    Requisition: 940.0
    Current Squad:
    + Grey Knight Techmarine x 3.
    Expected Power: 2500.

    Player: nhinhonhinho
    Faction: T'au
    Requisition: 400.0
    Current Squad:
    + Builder Drone x 10.
    + XV22 Commander Stealthsuit x 1.
    + XV25 Stealthsuit x 1.
    + Devilfish x 1.
    + Battle Drones x 3.
    Expected Power: 2415.

    Player: sayuri2705
    Faction: Cadian Regiment
    Requisition: 280.0
    Current Squad:
    + Guardsmen x 3.
    + Techpriest x 1.
    + Sentinel x 1.
    Expected Power: 1440.

    Player: Necron "A"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 3.
    Expected Power: 4400.

    Player: Necron "B"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 2.
    Expected Power: 4251.

    Player: Necron "C"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 1.
    Expected Power: 4025.

    Player: Necron "D"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 3.
    Expected Power: 4721.

    Player: Necron "E"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 3.
    Expected Power: 4684.

    Player: Necron "F"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1200.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 2.
    + Necron Warrior x 3.
    Expected Power: 7555.

    Day 11

    Only 5 days to go, hold the line soldiers, don't let the dead come for our life.

    Deploy none.
    Target: Necron.
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/11/11
  2. huybeo911193

    huybeo911193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Apothecary x 2
    Devastator x 2
    Without the Dark, there can be no Light,
    We have purpose
    Without the Lie, there can be no Truth,
    We have purpose
    Without the War, there can be no Victory,
    We have purpose
    Without the Death, there can be no sacrifice,
    We have purpose
    Without the Hope there can be no Future,
    We have purpose
    Without the Loyalty there can be no one chapter,
    We have purpose
    Without the Emperor, there is nothing,...
    And we would have no purpose
  3. NguoiMytramlang

    NguoiMytramlang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fortress of solitude
    The Necron poses a serious threat, but first we must eliminate Eldar's presence so our forces can deal with Necron and Chaos later.
    Deploy Grey Knight Purgation Squad x 1
    Inquisitorial Chimeria x 1
    Attack the Eldar, banish their presence in this planet!
  4. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    All player this turn temporary force to target Necron.

    Deploy : Guardian x 1
    Target : Necron
    Ability : None

    To the fight.
  5. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nhinhonhinho: Attack the Necron. For the Greater Good!

    Commander Nhinhonhinho of the Tau Empire contact with Imperium force: "The Necron awakened and trying to destroy us all! I request the immediately ceasefire and cooperate between our forces. For exchange the Imperium of Man will

    1. Give us some details about Warp storm and technology
    2. Allow Tau's force to evacuate before Exterminatus


    Fire warrior x 2
    Send us toward the enemy
    Target: Necron
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 29/11/11
  6. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Mọi người cẩn thận từ giờ phút này, win condition đã thay đổi:
    - Necron sẽ liên tục target và mọi người phải cầm cự.
    - Player nào còn lính sau 5 ngày cuối sẽ sống.
    - Player nào mất sạch lính coi như thua và loại.
    - Player đang sạch lính sẽ được cấp 2 basic units.
  7. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ủa, Wood không hiểu lắm, thế tức là ai thỏa mãn condition cũng win hết à :-??
  8. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ai win được 200xp add vô player :).
  9. sayuri2705

    sayuri2705 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Empire of JAV
    General sayuri2705 of Imperium contact with T'au and Eldar: In the name of the Holy Emperor of mankind, I urge both of you to unite with me against Necron, to destroy them once and for all.

    To commander of T'au: I agree with your requirements. However, after destroy Necron, you must help me to fight against Chaos.
    To Eldar's farseer: My men will help you to collect soul stones and provide a safe route for you to withdraw. For exchange, you and your forces must help me to protect my civilian until we evacuate safely.

    "Locking on… fire!"

    "Thank you, Machine Spirit, for our safe arrival."

    Deploy: Heavy weapon team x1
    Techpriest x1
    Target: Necron
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/12/11
  10. Kitekaze

    Kitekaze Iron Cross Holder Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Player sayuri2705 deploys 1 x Techpriest squad(s).
    Requisition: 280 - 1 x 160 = 120

    Player sayuri2705 deploys 1 x Guardsmen squad(s).
    Requisition: 120 - 1 x 100 = 20

    Player huybeo911193 deploys 2 x Devastator Marines squad(s).
    Requisition: 970 - 2 x 220 = 530

    Player huybeo911193 deploys 2 x Apothecary squad(s).
    Requisition: 530 - 2 x 230 = 70

    Player Bartel deploys 1 x Purgation squad(s).
    Requisition: 940 - 1 x 380 = 560

    Player Bartel deploys 1 x Inquisitorial Chimera squad(s).
    Requisition: 560 - 1 x 290 = 270

    Player Eucliwood deploys 1 x Guardians squad(s).
    Requisition: 450 - 1 x 130 = 320

    Player nhinhonhinho deploys 2 x Fire Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 400 - 2 x 200 = 0

    Player AWM deploys 1 x Fire Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 300 - 1 x 200 = 100

    Player Imperium Civilian deploys 1 x Civilian squad(s).
    Requisition: 1400 - 1 x 100 = 1300

    Player Necron "A" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    Player Necron "B" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    Player Necron "C" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    Player Necron "D" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    Player Necron "E" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    Player Necron "F" deploys 1 x Necron Warrior squad(s).
    Requisition: 1200 - 1 x 320 = 880

    --PHASE 2: BEGIN DAY--
    No special attack is ordered.

    --PHASE 3: COMBAT--
    **Player sayuri2705 attempts to overthrow Necron "A".
    sayuri2705 deploys Guardsmen against Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -5hp(Lasgun x 9) = -5hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -40hp (4 unit).

    sayuri2705 orders Guardsmen against Necron "A"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Lasgun x 9) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -20hp (2 unit).

    sayuri2705 deploys Guardsmen against Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -24hp(Lasgun x 10) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -16hp (1 unit).

    sayuri2705 deploys Sentinel to strike at Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -35hp(Lascannon x 1) = -30hp (1 unit).
    No counter back.

    sayuri2705 orders Guardsmen against Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -9hp(Lasgun x 10) = -9hp (1 unit).
    + Guardsmen: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -30hp (3 unit).

    **Player Kite Kaze approaches Necron "D".
    Kite Kaze uses Elysian Guardsmen against Necron "D"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Lascarbine x 6) = -0hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -5hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Guardsmen: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -48hp (4 unit).

    Kite Kaze uses Elysian Valkyrie Dropship against Necron "D"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -5hp(Multi Lasgun x 1) -0hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -5hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -10hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship: -0hp(Particle Whip x 1) -11hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -11hp (0 unit).

    Kite Kaze orders Elysian Mortar Team to strike at Necron "D"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -12hp(Mortar x 1) = -12hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -17hp (0 unit).
    No counter back.

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Marauder Bomber to strike at Necron "D"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -70hp(Twinlinked Lascannon x 1) -24hp(Twinlinked Heavy Bolter x 1) = -54hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -59hp (1 unit).
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Kite Kaze uses Elysian Sentinel against Necron "D"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -16hp(Multi Melta x 1) = -16hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -21hp (0 unit).
    No counter back.

    Kite Kaze deploys Elysian Colonel to strike at Necron "D"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -8hp(Exotus Pistol x 1) = -8hp +5hp(Artillery Support) = -13hp (0 unit).
    + Elysian Colonel: -0hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Soldiers of huybeo911193 approaches Necron "E".
    huybeo911193 orders Force Commander to engage with Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Force Commander: -26hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -26hp x0.95(Valor) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -28hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -28hp (1 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Terminator to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -69hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -0hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -69hp (3 unit).
    + Terminator: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp x0.95(Valor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Scout to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -12hp(Plasma Gun x 1) -19hp(Bolter x 3) = -31hp (1 unit).
    + Scout: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -0hp x0.95(Valor) = -0hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Predator to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Autocannon x 1) -0hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Predator: -0hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 deploys Devastator Marines to engage with Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) -0hp(Bolter x 2) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Devastator Marines: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -50hp x0.95(Valor) = -47hp (1 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Devastator Marines to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -15hp(Heavy Bolter x 1) -14hp(Bolter x 2) = -29hp (0 unit).
    + Devastator Marines: -44hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -44hp x0.95(Valor) = -41hp (1 unit).

    huybeo911193 uses Apothecary to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Apothecary: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -16hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -61hp x0.95(Valor) = -57hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -14hp(Lightning Axe x 1) = -14hp (0 unit).

    huybeo911193 orders Apothecary against Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Apothecary: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp x0.95(Valor) = -30hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -14hp(Lightning Axe x 1) = -14hp (1 unit).

    **Player Bartel approaches Necron "C".
    Bartel deploys Purgation to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -2hp(Psycannon x 1) -4hp(Storm Bolter x 5) = -6hp (0 unit).
    + Purgation: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -60hp (3 unit).

    Bartel uses Inquisitorial Chimera to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -60hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) = -60hp (2 unit).
    + Inquisitorial Chimera: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (0 unit).

    **Commander Eucliwood assaults on Necron "A".
    Eucliwood uses Guardians to engage with Necron "A"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -11hp(Shuriken Catapult x 8) = -11hp (0 unit).
    + Guardians: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -16hp (1 unit).

    **Soldiers of nhinhonhinho approaches Necron "E".
    nhinhonhinho uses XV22 Commander Stealthsuit against Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -24hp(Burst Cannon x 1) -44hp(Fusion Blaster x 1) -36hp(Twinlinked Missile Pod x 1) = -104hp -1hp(Jet Pack) = -105hp (3 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.
    + XV22 Commander Stealthsuit: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (0 unit).

    nhinhonhinho uses XV25 Stealthsuit against Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Burst Cannon x 2) = -20hp -3hp(Jet Pack) = -23hp (0 unit).
    + XV25 Stealthsuit: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho uses Devilfish to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Burst Cannon x 1) -4hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 1) = -26hp (0 unit).
    + Devilfish: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    nhinhonhinho orders Battle Drones to engage with Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 5) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho deploys Battle Drones to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -32hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 7) = -32hp (1 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -9hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho uses Battle Drones to engage with Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -14hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 5) = -14hp (1 unit).
    + Battle Drones: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    nhinhonhinho orders Fire Warrior to strike at Necron "E"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -15hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -15hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -16hp (1 unit).

    nhinhonhinho deploys Fire Warrior against Necron "E"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -3hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -3hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -30hp (2 unit).

    **Commander AWM approaches Necron "D".
    AWM uses Fire Warrior against Necron "D"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -22hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (2 unit).

    AWM deploys Fire Warrior to strike at Necron "D"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -29hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -29hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -0hp (0 unit).

    AWM orders Fire Warrior to strike at Necron "D"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -34hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -34hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -32hp (2 unit).

    **Commander datdien1998 approaches Necron "C".
    datdien1998 orders Assault Marines to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -6hp(Chainsword x 3) = -6hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -45hp x0.95(Valor) = -42hp (1 unit).

    datdien1998 uses Assault Marines to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -4hp(Chainsword x 4) = -4hp (0 unit).
    + Assault Marines: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -70hp x0.95(Valor) = -66hp (3 unit).

    datdien1998 orders Terminator to strike at Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -59hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -6hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -65hp (2 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.
    + Terminator: -23hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -23hp x0.95(Valor) = -21hp (0 unit).

    datdien1998 deploys Force Commander against Necron "C"'s Necron Warrior
    + Force Commander: -10hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -10hp x0.95(Valor) = -9hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -28hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -28hp (0 unit).

    datdien1998 deploys Dreadnought to engage with Necron "C"'s Necron Monolith
    + Dreadnought: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -0hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -45hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -1hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -5hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -6hp (0 unit).

    **Soldiers of colithuyet approaches Necron "B".
    colithuyet deploys Force Commander to engage with Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Force Commander: -26hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -26hp x0.95(Valor) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -36hp(Daemon Hammer x 1) = -30hp (1 unit).

    colithuyet uses Tactical Marines against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Plasma Gun x 1) -6hp(Bolter x 3) = -6hp (1 unit).
    + Tactical Marines: -12hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -12hp x0.95(Valor) = -11hp (0 unit).

    colithuyet orders Terminator against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -45hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -16hp(Storm Bolter x 2) = -61hp (2 unit).
    + Terminator: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp x0.95(Valor) = -15hp (0 unit).

    colithuyet orders Terminator to engage with Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -69hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -22hp(Storm Bolter x 1) = -91hp (2 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is perished.

    colithuyet orders Dreadnought against Necron "B"'s Necron Warrior
    + Dreadnought: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -32hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -50hp (2 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is destroyed.

    colithuyet deploys Dreadnought to strike at Necron "B"'s Necron Monolith
    + Dreadnought: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -13hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -58hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -1hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -5hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -6hp (0 unit).

    **Player First Sunlight approaches Necron "F".
    First Sunlight uses Guardians to strike at Necron "F"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -16hp(Shuriken Catapult x 8) = -16hp (0 unit).
    + Guardians: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (3 unit).

    First Sunlight orders Guardians to engage with Necron "F"'s Necron Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -8hp(Shuriken Catapult x 8) = -8hp (0 unit).
    + Guardians: -48hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -48hp (3 unit).

    **Computer Khorne Worshipers assaults on Necron "F".
    Khorne Worshipers deploys Cultist to engage with Necron "F"'s Necron Monolith
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Lasgun x 9) = -0hp x1.05(Blood Lust) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Cultist: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -40hp (4 unit).

    **Computer Necron "A" attempts to overthrow nhinhonhinho.
    Necron "A" deploys Necron Monolith against nhinhonhinho's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Monolith: -3hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -3hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -50hp (3 unit).

    Necron "A" uses Necron Warrior to engage with nhinhonhinho's Devilfish
    + Devilfish: -7hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -7hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Burst Cannon x 1) -4hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 1) = -24hp (0 unit).

    Necron "A" deploys Necron Warrior against nhinhonhinho's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Pulse Rifle x 5) = -22hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (1 unit).

    Necron "A" deploys Necron Warrior to engage with nhinhonhinho's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -29hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -29hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -16hp (1 unit).

    Necron "A" orders Necron Warrior to engage with nhinhonhinho's Battle Drones
    + Battle Drones: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -32hp(Twinlinked Pulse Carbine x 6) = -32hp (1 unit).

    **Computer Necron "B" assaults on Imperium Civilian.
    Necron "B" deploys Necron Monolith to strike at Imperium Civilian's Civilian
    + Civilian: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -32hp (4 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Empty Hand x 6) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "B" uses Necron Warrior against Imperium Civilian's Civilian
    + Civilian: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Empty Hand x 10) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Computer Necron "C" approaches colithuyet.
    Necron "C" uses Necron Monolith against colithuyet's Terminator
    + Terminator: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -11hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -56hp x0.95(Valor) = -53hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -2hp(Assault Cannon x 1) = -2hp (0 unit).

    Necron "C" orders Necron Warrior to strike at colithuyet's Terminator
    + Terminator: -23hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -23hp x0.95(Valor) = -21hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -76hp(Assault Cannon x 1) -16hp(Storm Bolter x 1) = -92hp (2 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.

    Necron "C" deploys Necron Warrior against colithuyet's Dreadnought
    + Dreadnought: -24hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -20hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) -20hp(Dreadnought Arm x 1) = -40hp (1 unit).

    **Computer Necron "D" assaults on Bartel.
    Necron "D" orders Necron Monolith against Bartel's Inquisitorial Chimera
    + Inquisitorial Chimera: -45hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -65hp (3 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -1hp(Heavy Flamer x 1) = -1hp (0 unit).

    Necron "D" deploys Necron Warrior to engage with Bartel's Inquisitorial Chimera
    + Inquisitorial Chimera: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -32hp (1 unit).
    Inquisitorial Chimera squad is perished.

    Necron "D" deploys Necron Warrior against Bartel's Purgation
    + Purgation: -28hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -28hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -12hp(Psycannon x 1) -6hp(Storm Bolter x 1) = -18hp (1 unit).

    Necron "D" uses Necron Warrior to engage with Bartel's Purgation
    + Purgation: -40hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -40hp (2 unit).
    Purgation squad is out of action.

    Necron "D" deploys Necron Warrior to engage with Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 2) = -32hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -64hp (-1 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Plasma Gun x 2) = -0hp (0 unit).

    **Computer Necron "E" assaults on Bartel.
    Necron "E" orders Necron Monolith to engage with Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -0hp(Particle Whip x 1) -20hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -20hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -40hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Monolith: -0hp(Plasma Gun x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "E" deploys Necron Warrior to strike at Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -0hp (0 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -0hp(Plasma Gun x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "E" deploys Necron Warrior against Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -0hp (-3 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -42hp(Plasma Gun x 4) = -42hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is killed, but revived and now has 60hp.

    Necron "E" orders Necron Warrior against Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -16hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -32hp (1 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -36hp(Plasma Gun x 3) = -36hp (1 unit).
    Necron Warrior squad is perished.

    Necron "E" orders Necron Warrior to strike at Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine
    + Grey Knight Techmarine: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -0hp x2(Non-Combatant) = -0hp (-3 unit).
    + Necron Warrior: -48hp(Plasma Gun x 4) = -48hp (2 unit).

    **Computer Necron "F" attempts to overthrow AWM.
    Necron "F" uses Necron Monolith against AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Monolith: -2hp(Pulse Rifle x 6) = -2hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -90hp(Particle Whip x 1) -40hp(Gauss Flux Arc x 1) = -60hp (4 unit).

    Necron "F" orders Necron Warrior to engage with AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -15hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -15hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 3) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "F" orders Necron Warrior to strike at AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -22hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -22hp (1 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -0hp(Gauss Flayer x 1) = -0hp (0 unit).

    Necron "F" orders Necron Warrior against AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -17hp(Pulse Rifle x 2) = -17hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -32hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -32hp (2 unit).
    Fire Warrior squad is out of action.

    Necron "F" orders Necron Warrior to engage with AWM's Fire Warrior
    + Necron Warrior: -24hp(Pulse Rifle x 4) = -24hp (0 unit).
    + Fire Warrior: -16hp(Gauss Flayer x 4) = -16hp (1 unit).

    --PHASE 4: END DAY--
    Player Kite Kaze gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player Imperium Civilian gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Khorne Worshipers gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player AWM gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player datdien1998 gains 400.0 requisitions.
    Player Eucliwood gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player colithuyet gains 360.0 requisitions.
    Player Doraemon 1234 gains 300.0 requisitions.
    Player First Sunlight gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player huybeo911193 gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player Bartel gains 440.0 requisitions.
    Player nhinhonhinho gains 400.0 requisitions.
    Player sayuri2705 gains 360.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "A" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "B" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "C" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "D" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "E" gains 200.0 requisitions.
    Player Necron "F" gains 200.0 requisitions.

    Squad Elysian Valkyrie Dropship of Kite Kaze is Transporting Reinforcement.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines gains 1 unit.
    + Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines gains 1 unit.
    + colithuyet's Terminator gains 1 unit.
    + colithuyet's Terminator gains 1 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 1 unit.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen gains 3 unit.
    + huybeo911193's Devastator Marines gains 1 unit.
    + huybeo911193's Devastator Marines gains 1 unit.
    Squad Devilfish of nhinhonhinho is Transporting Reinforcement.
    + nhinhonhinho's XV25 Stealthsuit gains 1 unit.
    + AWM's Fire Warrior gains 2 unit.
    + nhinhonhinho's Fire Warrior gains 2 unit.
    + nhinhonhinho's Fire Warrior gains 2 unit.
    + AWM's Fire Warrior gains 2 unit.
    Squad Apothecary of huybeo911193 uses Medical Treatment.
    + colithuyet's Force Commander regains 10hp.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines regains 10hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Elysian Guardsmen regains 8hp.
    + colithuyet's Tactical Marines regains 10hp.
    + datdien1998's Assault Marines regains 6hp.
    + Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Force Commander regains 10hp.
    + colithuyet's Terminator regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Terminator regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Scout regains 10hp.
    + datdien1998's Terminator regains 10hp.
    + datdien1998's Force Commander regains 10hp.
    + sayuri2705's Guardsmen regains 6hp.
    + Kite Kaze's Elysian Colonel regains 10hp.
    + Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine regains 10hp.
    + Bartel's Grey Knight Techmarine regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Devastator Marines regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Devastator Marines regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Apothecary regains 10hp.
    + huybeo911193's Apothecary regains 10hp.
    Imperium healing can be used only once a day.
    Chaos Control: 0%
    Dark Eldar Control: 0%
    Eldar Control: 2%
    Imperium Control: 38%
    Necron Control: 51%
    Ork Control: 0%
    Tau Empire Control: 5%
    Tyranid Control: 0%

    Base Area: 3697
    Conflict Area: 154
    Total Area: 3851

    --PHASE 5: STATUS--
    Player: Kite Kaze
    Faction: Elysian Drop Trooper
    Requisition: 2020.0
    Current Squad:
    + Elysian Scanner Team x 6.
    + Elysian Guardsmen x 1.
    + Elysian Valkyrie Dropship x 1.
    + Elysian Mortar Team x 1.
    + Elysian Marauder Bomber x 1.
    + Elysian Sentinel x 1.
    + Elysian Colonel x 1.
    Expected Power: 4377.

    Player: Imperium Civilian
    Faction: Siphoon II
    Requisition: 1500.0
    Current Squad:
    + Civilian x 12.
    Expected Power: 2640.

    Player: Khorne Worshipers
    Faction: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 490.0
    Current Squad:
    + Cultist x 1.
    Expected Power: 536.

    Player: AWM
    Faction: T'au
    Requisition: 300.0
    Current Squad:
    + Fire Warrior x 2.
    Expected Power: 656.

    Player: datdien1998
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 1860.0
    Current Squad:
    + Assault Marines x 2.
    + Servitor x 5.
    + Terminator x 1.
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Dreadnought x 1.
    Expected Power: 3712.

    Player: Eucliwood
    Faction: Alaitoc
    Requisition: 760.0
    Current Squad:
    + Bonesinger x 6.
    + Guardians x 1.
    Expected Power: 1491.

    Player: colithuyet
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Servitor x 4.
    + Tactical Marines x 1.
    + Terminator x 2.
    + Dreadnought x 2.
    Expected Power: 3591.

    Player: Doraemon 1234
    Faction: Alpha Legion
    Requisition: 2520.0
    Current Squad:
    + Heretic x 5.
    Expected Power: 2841.

    Player: First Sunlight
    Faction: Alaitoc
    Requisition: 500.0
    Current Squad:
    + Guardians x 2.
    Expected Power: 656.

    Player: huybeo911193
    Faction: Ultramarine
    Requisition: 510.0
    Current Squad:
    + Servitor x 6.
    + Force Commander x 1.
    + Terminator x 1.
    + Scout x 1.
    + Predator x 1.
    + Devastator Marines x 2.
    + Apothecary x 2.
    Expected Power: 3397.

    Player: Bartel
    Faction: Justicar Bartel
    Requisition: 710.0
    Current Squad:
    + Grey Knight Techmarine x 3.
    Expected Power: 1846.

    Player: nhinhonhinho
    Faction: T'au
    Requisition: 400.0
    Current Squad:
    + Builder Drone x 10.
    + XV22 Commander Stealthsuit x 1.
    + XV25 Stealthsuit x 1.
    + Devilfish x 1.
    + Battle Drones x 3.
    + Fire Warrior x 2.
    Expected Power: 2538.

    Player: sayuri2705
    Faction: Cadian Regiment
    Requisition: 380.0
    Current Squad:
    + Guardsmen x 4.
    + Techpriest x 2.
    + Sentinel x 1.
    Expected Power: 1400.

    Player: Necron "A"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 4.
    Expected Power: 4077.

    Player: Necron "B"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 1.
    Expected Power: 3900.

    Player: Necron "C"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 2.
    Expected Power: 3834.

    Player: Necron "D"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 4.
    Expected Power: 4184.

    Player: Necron "E"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 3.
    Expected Power: 3908.

    Player: Necron "F"
    Faction: Kronus
    Requisition: 1080.0
    Current Squad:
    + Necron Monolith x 1.
    + Necron Warrior x 4.
    Expected Power: 4672.

    Status: Under Necron Attack.
    It is time that we Elysian must show Imperium might until escape possible.

    "If you will not serve in combat, then you will serve on the firing lines!"

    Commissar x 1
  11. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    To sayuri2705 : We come here to dance the dance of death. No withdraw, no retreat, no surrender.


    Squad : Wraithlord x 1, Howling Banshees x 1
    Target : Necron
    Ability : None

    Cut them down!
  12. NguoiMytramlang

    NguoiMytramlang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Fortress of solitude
    Hold the line, for the Emperor, for our fallen battle-brothers!
    I personally don't like the allliance with the Eldar and Tau, only fools who believe the enemy of my enemy is my friend, but the situation give me no choice, help them or else we will all perished!
    Deploy Grey Knight Dreadnought x 1
  13. nhinhonhinho

    nhinhonhinho Godslayer Κράτος Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    To Imperial commanders: We have a deal Human. The Tau Empire will honor our agreement with force. We'll deal with the Necron then Chaos
    To Eldar Ally: The Greater Good will protect us all. Let's wipe out the evil

    Commander Nhinhonhinho: Unleash our army.



    Fire warriors x 2
    Keep Firing keep firing
    Ability: First strike
    Target: Necron
  14. Doraemon 1234

    Doraemon 1234 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    New Vegas
    Chaos lord x1
    Chaos Raptor x2
    Target: Necron
    We Will fight till the end
  15. sayuri2705

    sayuri2705 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Empire of JAV
    Ủa, mình tưởng Grey Knight là dành riêng cho Bartel thôi sao ông bạn nguoimytramcam deploy hùng hổ thế
  16. huybeo911193

    huybeo911193 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ông ấy là bartel đấy XD ko thì kite cho bay rồi
  17. datdien1998

    datdien1998 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    tactical marines x 1
    dreadnought x 1
  18. FirstSunlight

    FirstSunlight Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Weapon Platform Team x2
    Target: Imperium

    Who care about necron, keep attacking the foolish Imperium :))
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/12/11
  19. sayuri2705

    sayuri2705 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Empire of JAV
    "I hear the Machine Spirit's voice."

    "Drive the enemy off!"

    Deploy: Techpriest x1
    Sentinel x1
    Target: Necron

    Attack Imperium's forces while Necron reawaken and ravage the Siphoon II? That's not an action of a brainy strategist, especially an elder race like Eldar, so reconsider your way of thinking, madam Farseer of Altaioc.
  20. Eucliwood

    Eucliwood Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 1/12/11
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