[PC] Stronghold 3

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi Mr.Dee, 25/10/11.

  1. maximusel

    maximusel Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Mở lại cái update 3 and 4, tìm file SupahFly.dll (bin/win32_release/SupahFly.dll), rồi copy vào nơi cài đặt gae có file này (sau khi đã update lên 5 and 6).
  2. kissmevnn

    kissmevnn T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    Nope, tìm theo keyworld : "Stronghold 3 Reloaded Update 5 6 fix" sẽ thấy một file khoảng hơn 1 MB chứa file config.xml. Bỏ vô là chạy đc. Dùng lại file của bản 3/4 bị thiếu fix.

    Update: Đưa link luôn cho nhanh :D

    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/12/11
    mrxuannhat thích bài này.
  3. trungdv007

    trungdv007 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thanks bạn nhiều lắm...thử game thôi :)
  4. mrbin6488

    mrbin6488 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Anh em ai có link các bản update không,vứt mình với?với lại hình như game ko có chế độ Skirmish thì phải,toàn campaign không à?
  5. justbenice1

    justbenice1 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chơi đến mà mười mấy bực quá ko chơi nữa. Đã yêu cầu kiếm, áo giáp, nỏ v.v. , vàng loạn xà ngầu rồi lại còn yêu cầu honor nữa. Game khỉ jì mà quá khó để chơi. Hornor thì phải cho đủ ăn 3 loại thức ăn mới nhảm.
  6. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Stronghold 3 Update 7 - RELOADED :>

    Release name: Stronghold.3.Update.7-RELOADED
    Size: 286MB
    [spoil]Version - 1.7.25308

    New maps
    - Two Historical Siege maps - Dunnottar Castle, Castillo de Coca.
    - Two Deathmatch Multiplayer maps - Deadwood (4 Player), The Dead Shore (2 Player).

    - If selected together, mixed troop types move at the same speed when commands are issued.
    - Worker peasants now fight back against enemy soldiers and animals.
    - Can now double-click to load games.

    Bug fixes
    - Knights correctly appear on horses when invasions attack in freebuild.
    - Spanish speech matches the text.
    - German text fixes.
    - Lady Catherine team colour fixed.
    - Military Mission 10 estate capture has been fixed.

    - Wolf attack strength and hit points have been lowered.

    - Fixes for various out-of-sync issues.
    - Various stability/speed improvements.

    Multiplayer lobby
    - New Lords to choose - Lady Catherine, The Jackal, Bishop Redham, Earl Swinefoot, The Rat, The Wolf
    - Difficulty levels (Affects the ration levels)
    - Extra levels of starting gold.
    - All players can view advanced settings.

    Audio Changes
    - Fire sounds added for flaming buildings as well as other burning entities.
    - Sounds added/tuned to harpoon launcher.
    - Sounds added/tuned for burning logs, including when troops are struck.
    - Body fall and thud sounds added for when troops fall to ground or bounce off towers (distinct effects depending on if troop type – i.e. armored vs. unarmored).
    - Troops on fire now scream properly (and horrifically).
    - Many additional group troop responses added for when larger groups are ordered about (similar to when large groups are selected currently). These also include negative responses when an impossible command is issued.
    - Army attack screams added/tuned for when medium or very large groups are ordered to attack a target (distinct variations based on selected group size).[/spoil]
    mrxuannhat thích bài này.
  7. congaimoilon

    congaimoilon Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có cần up patch theo thứ tự ko bác ? hay là up thẳng cái update 7 luôn cũng đc ?
  8. vinhphi

    vinhphi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Kiếm game xếp gạch với ăn nấm mà chơi đi bạn haizzzz
  9. Thím Bin

    Thím Bin Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    update 7 ở trên có cần up từng bản không , hay update trực tiếp luôn vậy :D ?
  10. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ko cần, update trực tiếp luôn :>
  11. nviet89

    nviet89 Youtube Master Race GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game hay ,chuẩn, chơi quá đã////////////////////////
  12. mrxuannhat

    mrxuannhat Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    BMT 1 thương hiệu !!!
    Chắc mới chơi dòng này lần đầu à...
    Sao bản crack này có vấn đề j nhỉ...hay bị crash game quá...có bác nào bị giống e k.
  13. haichuachoigame

    haichuachoigame Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trc chơi strong hold 1 cảm thấy chán chán @@, chưa biết bản 3 này thế nào, bạn nào test kỹ cho cảm nhận sâu sắc phát
  14. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Stronghold 3 Update 8 - RELOADED :">

    Release name: Stronghold.3.Update.8-RELOADED
    Size: 310.19 MB
    [spoil]Stronghold 3 v1.7.25411:

    - Fixed the issue with the campaign not continuing after loading in a save game from the main menu.
    - Fixed an issue with sections of wall disappearing when loading in a save game.
    - Fixed crash if closing a gatehouse when troops are moving through it.
    - Several building footprints have been reduced.
    - Buildings can be rotated by using the keyboard. Pressing SHIFT or CONTROL will allow the Q/E keys to rotate the building.
    - Troops will no longer fall through the floor when crossing Stone Bridges.(User maps with this issue will need to be re-saved)
    - Fixed the Fletcher occasionally making the bows in the stockpile.
    - A few other potential crashes have been fixed.[/spoil]
  15. mrxuannhat

    mrxuannhat Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    BMT 1 thương hiệu !!!
    bácnafy cập nhật nhanh thế....hum bữa mới d0wn con e ver 07 xog...h lại con này tiếp à...mình bác kéo cái topic này lên ;))
  16. ongtrumpc

    ongtrumpc Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game quá hay! ai có chơi online thì add nick steam chiến nha! :D
  17. leonevil1810

    leonevil1810 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HCM City
    Chơi được 10ph âm thầm ra ngoài uninstall . Lạy các cụ Firefly ,thời này là thời nào rồi mà còn để lính tráng dùng giáo với chùy đục tường như chuột thế kia. Tan hoang một huyền thoại nữa rồi =.=
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/1/12
  18. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Stronghold 3 Update 9 - RELOADED

    Release name: Stronghold.3.Update.9-RELOADED
    Size: 308.21 MB
    [spoil]Stronghold 3 v.1.8.28566:

    Patrol added – Troops can now be set to patrol between 2 patrol points (see below for more information).

    Barracks Assembly Points added – Individual troop types can now form up at designated assembly points (see below for more information).

    Reworked wall system to prevent small sections of wall remaining after deleting walls (This is fixed for newly placed walls, some pre-placed walls will still have occasional issues).

    Fixed an issue with the walls occasionally causing hoarding/rolling/stairs to change/disappear.

    Fixed an issue involving Woodcutters occasionally getting stuck in the stockpile.

    Fixed the issue with troop’s stance automatically changing to aggressive.

    Fixed a crash related to rain and video memory on the ATI 1950 video card (might have affected other videocards too) in military mission 6, 11 and economic mission 2.

    Fixed an issue with the Lord returning from the dead when loading a save game in Military Mission 15.

    Fixed an issue that made troops invincible in Freelook mode.

    Fixed an issue where projectiles remained in Freelook mode.

    Objects embedded in the wall which was of varying height is no longer too high/low for the wall.

    Several issues resolved with Military Campaign Mission 14 with troops stuck on and in walls.

    Fixed issue when entrances to certain tunnel entrances on towers wouldn't work.

    When moving troops in formation use single right click to move troops at the same speed (all move at speed of the slowest troop) and double right click to move troops at their default speeds.

    Boiling oil no longer kills your own troops when dropped from the gatehouse.

    Stopped the music from changing when animal invasions or troop reinforcements are triggered. (Affects Military mission 2 in particular.)

    Fixed issue with audio from troops attacking walls (as well as some other sounds) cutting each other off causing audio distortion.

    Fixed an issue with not being able to place walls in multiplayer custom maps & The Deadshore.

    Fixed an out of sync in Multiplayer related to walls.

    Fixed an out of sync related to Knights on Horses attacking.

    Fixed an out of sync in 4 player Multiplayer related to the type of Lord chosen by players 3 and 4.

    Mangonels and other tower siege equipment can no longer attack during peacetime in Multiplayer.

    After loading a save game all the previous missions will now be unlocked in the campaign menu.

    Scores have been fixed for user-created Military based maps.

    Fixed a crash when loading a savegame with fire (thanks to Bob, MK & Kostas for sending us their savegames).

    Various crashes have been fixed.

    - Select troops and left-click on the Patrol button in the slide-out command drawer.
    - Right-click on terrain or walls to set the patrol destination.
    - The troops will march back and forth between their starting position and the patrol destination.

    Barracks Assembly Points:
    - Select the Barracks, and right-click on a troop build button.
    - A rally point banner will appear on the cursor. Place it by right-clicking, or left-click to cancel.
    - Troops of that type will now march to the rally point automatically when they are recruited.[/spoil]
  19. Mufasa

    Mufasa Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    vô định
    ế sao mình down cái bản UNLOCKED từ mediafire về, extract ra lại ko có file nào để setup vậy?
  20. athanh8807 .

    athanh8807 . Già Làng GVN Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Stronghold 3 Update 10 - RELOADED :">

    Release name: Stronghold.3.Update.10-RELOADED
    Size: 314 MB

    [spoil]Stronghold 3
    Version - 1.9.26498
    Patch Notes

    - Multiplayer games will automatically resync if an error occurs.
    - Laddermen and Siege Towers can now be built from siege camps (multiplayer games only). See notes at the bottom of the page.
    - You can no longer walk on your enemies’ estates in multiplayer during peace-time.
    - Multiplayer maps have been edited and tweaked, making it easier for the player to build.
    - Multiplayer starting goods for High, Med and Low have been increased.
    - The default building limit in multiplayer has been changed to 100.
    - Scoring in multiplayer games has been rebalanced. On the score screen: goods are reported by category, and building reports have been simplified.
    - Steam avatars now appear in the multiplayer lobby.
    - Multiplayer lobby now auto-refreshes every 10 seconds.
    - Auto-save has been disabled in multiplayer games.

    - The keep panel now has buttons to turn all work buildings on or off at once. This is very useful in an emergency when you need to raise an army quickly.
    - You can now buy/sell in greater quantities by holding down SHIFT in the market.
    - Burning carts can now not attack or destroy stone buildings.
    - Attack Move has been added. When sending your troops to a destination you can use Attack Move to command them to retaliate if attacked en route. See notes below.
    - The skybox is fixed in free-look mode (Press Alt + F to unlock the camera).
    - Added “Texture Quality” setting to graphics options. Anisotropic filtering will be used when this is set to Medium or High.
    - Knight movement speed now returns to normal after the horse is killed.
    - User Maps: Map descriptions and Objectives are now shown when selecting a map.
    - F1 key opens the Freebuild Panel in Freebuild mode.
    - Fixed industry on/off buttons to be much more responsive.
    - Food popularity report panel: The number of days supply of food is now shown in place of daily production.
    - Ale and Church reports now indicate if an inn or church has not been built.
    - Ale and Church rates sliders start set to 1x now, enabling their popularity bonuses by default once the relevant buildings and supplies are available.
    - UI tab buttons to select storage building panels are now disabled if the relevant building has not been built. Hotkeys to select storage buildings (G,H,J,K) will display a hint if the building is not available.
    - Fixed the UI incorrectly displaying a fractional sale of goods when clicking “sell” for goods values smaller than 1.
    - The amount of gold traded when buying and selling goods is now shown above the buy/sell buttons.
    - Subtle sound effects now play when issuing orders to Lord units to indicate if the command will be carried out or not.

    Notes on using Laddermen and Siege Towers
    (Only available in multiplayer modes)

    - Laddermen are created at the siege camp.
    - Laddermen have 1 ladder which they can place against stone walls by targeting the walls and right-clicking.
    - Ladders are placed on the wall depending on where you have the camera focused, the same way stairs are placed.
    - All troops can move up and down ladders to gain access to walls.
    - Laddermen will return to the siege camp for another ladder after placing theirs against a wall.
    - Laddermen can also slide ladders down the far side of walls from on top of them using the same method as placing them against the walls.
    - All troops can push ladders off walls.
    - Ladders are automatically destroyed after 2-3 days

    Siege Towers:
    - Siege towers are created at the siege camp.
    - Siege towers can be docked against stone walls by targeting the wall and right-clicking.
    - Units can be placed on siege towers and will fire missiles as the siege towers moves to its location.
    - Once the siege tower is docked against a wall, units can climb up and down it to gain access to the walls.

    Notes on using Attack Move
    - Normally when sending troops to a destination they will ignore enemies they encounter and always attempt to reach their destination despite sustaining damage.
    - If you hold CTRL when selecting a destination your troops will retaliate if they encounter troops along the way.
    - After killing the enemies your troops will then continue to their destination as originally commanded.

    If you experience odd problems after updating please verify your Steam cache files.
    Problems such as: Odd characters in the menu, buildings cannot be placed in-game, language or speech missing or anything you had in the game before but don’t after updating the game.

    To verify your Steam cache files:
    - Open Steam > Library
    - Right click on Stronghold 3 and select Properties
    - Select the Local Files tab and then click Verify Integrity of Game Cache[/spoil]

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