How to prepare IELTS exam in 1 years

Thảo luận trong 'Giao lưu Ngoại Ngữ' bắt đầu bởi matran241091, 14/5/12.

  1. matran241091

    matran241091 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    i'm prepared for IELTS exam before i left university.My advantage in listening and reading.In a sample TOEIC test I pass with 20/30 listening 4 and 34/48 reading 7.
    I am find a series of book to prepare with self-study.Please adv me how and what book need:9cool_sweet_kiss::9cool_sweet_kiss:
  2. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

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    What is your target score ?
  3. minhftuer

    minhftuer Youtube Master Race

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    May He want to score 7,5 ;))....
  4. lollilolli

    lollilolli Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    you don't have to prepare, just show up and take the test and wish for the best :))

    On a serious note, watch a lot of movies (excluding porn cuz there's not a whole lot of plot in it) :D should help =))

    Recommend series: Sherlock (BBC One)
  5. matran241091

    matran241091 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    I would like to apply for a foreign company in next yearr,so i think i should pass with score about 5.5-6
  6. Zell Dinch

    Zell Dinch Gloria in excelsis Deo Lão Làng GVN

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    Then I don't think you even need to revise. But if you really want something then buy some Cambridge's Examination papers and do all of them.
  7. ngockhanh120892

    ngockhanh120892 Mario & Luigi

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    1 year is more than enough for you, especially when you have skill in reading and listening. I found out listening and speaking are the most time-consuming if you want to perfect them. With your current English skill (base on your TOEIC point), you can get 5.5 - 6.0 with no big trouble. All you have to do is just take some good materials and study about the IELTS. Have fun studying and good luck with your exam :2cool_sexy_girl::2cool_sexy_girl::2cool_sexy_girl:
  8. duongtri

    duongtri Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    Hi all, I would need some advice here. Last year, I achieved 870 TOEIC score, now I'm planning to get IELTS certificate. Is it possible for me to get 6.5 or 7.0 with such background?
  9. taengrocker

    taengrocker Youtube Master Race

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    Depends on how intensive you try. The gist is familiarising yourself with the test format. It would probably take you longer to polish your writing skills. Then push yourself to use as much English as possible, by doing a lot of reading, keeping a writing journal, watching movies etc. These help heaps but also require your commitment. Good luck :D

    - - - Updated - - -


    The moment when you realize you still make that same mistake whenever you skip proofreading. Haizz
  10. Samanosuke Akechi

    Samanosuke Akechi Donkey Kong

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    TOEIC is not the same as IELTS, or should I say the former is far easier than the latter. Because IELTS is more academic, so you must practice to get used to it. You should read the book called IELTS target band 7, in which there are a lot of tips and methods for you to do IELTS test, this book is quite useful and it could help you save time. Anyway, practice makes perfect, only tips and methods are not enough, you have to master your skills if you want to get your goal. A book for IELTS is also a good book to get used to IELTS format, you should buy it
  11. CyberTuxedo

    CyberTuxedo Mega Man

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    well in a nutshell: read, write, listen, speak a lot. read news article, write essays on certain topics and ask for comments (here maybe), listen to TV (with sub but don't just read sub, TRY to listen), speak to foreign people or to your mirrored self about a topic

    btw I thought GLNN was dead until I came here

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