Hỏi đáp các vấn đề chung của Game Diablo

Thảo luận trong 'Diablo' bắt đầu bởi Catman_vn, 19/10/09.

  1. vn01034914

    vn01034914 Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có bác nào giúp mình với bt mọi hôm chơi ko sao nhưng hôm nay vào game nó cứ bị lock ở 5 fps ko chơi đc j cả >.< dù đã chỉnh lại mọi cấu hình có thể.
  2. quocthoi

    quocthoi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Em mới ghost lại máy, khi vào game nó báo như thế này mặc dù ở ngoài đã update đầy đủ(game is up to date).:8cool_cry:
    Mấy bác chỉ cho em cách sửa với, thanks mấy bác:9cool_haha:
  3. Rif

    Rif C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
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    .CĐ Tơ Lụa.
    - Bộ từ điển Diablo 3 toàn tập dành cho các bạn mới chơi - trích nguồn http://www.diablofans.com/topic/77606-diablo-iii-urbandictionary/ :">

    Affix: a term that refers to properties that are assigned to a given object, which can include magical properties on items or abilities on in-game monsters. It is usually associated with the latter. Monster affixes include: Avenger, Desecrator, Electrified, Extra Health, Fast, Fire Chains, Horde, Missile Dampening, Molten, Mortar, Plagued, Reflect Damage, Shielding, Teleporter, Vampiric, Vortex, Waller.

    Alt: short for "alternate" character or any character a player uses second to his/her main character. See: 'Main.' Usually receives less love or hand-me-down gear. See: 'Twink.'

    Ammy: short for "amulet," a type of gear that falls in the neck category.

    AOE: short for "area of effect." Refers to spells that influence targets over an area rather than a single target.

    AP: short for "Arcane Power," the primary resource used by the wizard class. See: 'Resource.'

    Apoc: short for "Arcane Power on Critical Hits" or "AP on crit," a stat that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'AP' and 'crit.'

    AR: short for "resistance to all elements" or most commonly "all resistance" or just "resist." It's a highly desired stat that boosts a character's survivability. See: 'EHP.'

    Aren't You Thankful?!: a sarcastic remark made by players when responding to comments that center around complaints and gripes. It is a nod to a forum post made by Blizzard Community Manager Bashiok. See: 'QQ.'

    Ball of Death: a nickname used for the wizard's Archon form, based on the character's transformation into a ball that can usually promptly melt most or all enemy mobs with a single click.

    Barb: short for "Barbarian," a melee strength-based class in D3. Will sometimes also be referred to as "bar," "barbar," or "baba."

    BIN: short for "Buy it Now," a phrase specifically used for auction items that have the option to be sold immediately (without going through the bidding process). See: 'BO.'

    BIS: short for "Best in Slot," a term that is used to define certain items that cannot be beat in terms of stats. Examples are properly rolled Immortal King's set items for barbarians (see: 'IK'), Mempo of Twilight for virtually all classes (see: 'Mempo'), and many others. See: 'Affix' and 'Roll.'

    BK's: short for the "Bul-Kathos" set items, which include the might weapons Bul-Kathos's Solemn Vow and Bul-Kathos's Warrior Blood, items exlusive to the barbarian class.

    BO: or "b/o," short for "buyout." Refers to items being sold or up for auction with an X amount of gold or currency as its immediate purchase price. See: 'BIN.'

    Build: often refers to the skill set that a particular player assigns to his/her character at a given time. May sometimes refer to the "gear build" that a player equips for his/her character.

    CC: short for either "critical hit chance" or "crowd control." The former is a stat found on various pieces of gear that is usually combined with cirtical hit damage, and is a very important stat for improving character damage (see: 'CHC'). The latter refers to abilities that disable or debuff enemies either by single target or area (see: 'AOE').

    CD: short for either "critical hit damage" or "cooldown." The former is a stat found on various peices of gear and is usually paired hand-in-hand with critical hit chance (see: 'CHD'). The latter refers to a period of time when spells or abilities are inactive after use and "cooling down."

    Chant's: short for the "Chantodo" set of items that involve the Chantodo's Will wand and Chantodo's Force source, items exclusive to the wizard class.

    CHC: short for "critical hit chance," though not as often used as "CC." See: 'CC.'

    CHD: short for "critical hit damage," though not as often used as "CD." See: 'CD.'

    Commodity: items that usually come in bulk (especially when sold on the auction houses), such as tomes and gems.

    Cookie Cutter: a term used for character skill builds that are overused and proven to be generally very reliable for most game situations.

    Crit: short for "critical hit chance" or "critical hit damage." See: 'CC' and 'CD.'

    CM: short for "Critical Mass," a passive ability that is specific for the wizard class. It is primarily used to significantly reduce spell cooldowns via critical hits. See: 'CC' and 'CD.'

    C/O: short for "current offer," a term used when dealing with auctions and item selling. Refers to the offer currently made by a player to the seller. See: 'OBO.'

    Danetta's: short for the "Danetta" set items, which include the one-handed crossbows Danetta's Spite and Danetta's Revenge, items exclusive to the demon hunter class.

    DH: short for "Demon Hunter," a dexterity-based ranged class in D3.

    DM: short for "Dead Man's Legacy," a high-tier legendary quiver item specifically for the demon hunter class.

    DOT: short for "damage over time," referring to skills or abilities that deal X damage over Y period of time.

    DPS: short for "damage per second." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall offensive capabilities.

    DS: short for "Diamond Skin" or "Dashing Strike," the former a wizard spell and the latter a monk spell.

    DW: short for "dual-wield," meaning characters that base their weaponry around equipping two one-handed weapons.

    e: short for "elite." Players within co-op games will usually type "e" to notify their party members of elite packs. Also applies for champions and rares. See: '1.'

    EA: short for "Energy Armor," an ability specific to the wizard class. See: 'FA' and 'PA.' Not to be confused with Electronic Arts.

    EHP: short for "effective hit points" or "effective health pool." This usually is tied hand-in-hand with topics regarding a character's overall defensive capabilities.

    Epeen: stands for "electronic penis." This term is usually paired with verbs like "flaunting," "bragging" or "showing off" when referring to players that boast about their prowess or competency over the internet, usually in a condescending way.

    Epic fail: when a player or party experiences disaster because of lack of game-sense or miscellaneous in-game factors; oftentimes results in death, occasionally results in side-splitting laughter (except in cases of Hardcore deaths). See: 'Fail.'

    FA: short for "Force Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability that is specific to the wizard class. See: 'EA' and 'PA.'

    Fail: when a player or party experiences lapses in game-sense and does not succeed in their endeavors; usually results in death. See: 'Epic fail.'

    Farm: the act of actively killing enemies in order to obtain items and loot. See: 'Gear,' 'Loot' and 'Run.'

    FOT: short for "Fist of Thunder," a signature ability specific for the monk class.

    g: short for "goblin," sometimes extended to "gob," as well. Players in co-op games will use this short-hand to alert party members of a Treasure Goblin, Pygmy or Bandit within their vicinity.

    GAH: short for "gold auction house." This is the default auction house available in the game that serves as a trading junction for players. All sorts of items can be bought here for in-game gold. See: 'RMAH.'

    Gear: items used to equip Diablo characters; the backbone of the game.

    GG: short for "good game." Primarily used as a courteous way to end competitions or collaborations, sometimes horribly incorrectly used to describe high-tier items, such as "GG monk boots for sale!" See: 'Godly.'

    Glass Cannon: a term used to describe characters that forego survivability stats in favor of maximizing their offensive capabilities. Also the name of a passive ability specific to wizards.

    Glorious!: a phrase that players often use when expressing genuine surprise, admiration, or in most cases, total sarcastic remarks, that is a nod toward the Templar follower's lines upon defeating elite enemies.

    Godly: describes players, characters, items, or anything that's strong enough to be considered out of this world or simply divine.

    GW: short for "Galvanizing Ward," a passive ability specific to wizards.

    HC: short for "hardcore." Characters running in Hardcore mode will always have the Grim Reaper lurking behind their backs, given that death is permanent. See: 'SC.'

    HOA: short for "Hammer of the Ancients," a skill specific to barbarians. Can also refer to the "Halls of Agony," a series of dungeons in Act I.

    HP: short for "hit points" or "health pool" and refers to the total amount of damage a character can sustain before facing death. Not to be confused with Hewlett-Packard or horsepower.

    IAS: short for "increase attack speed," sometimes abbreviated to just "AS." It is a stat found on many types of gear and is responsible for contributing to a character's overall damage output. See: 'DPS.'

    IGG: short for "in-game gold." When players say IGG, they are usually looking for gold that can be used within the game.

    IK: short for the "Immortal King" set, which is a set of items designed specifically for the barbarian class.

    ilvl: stands for "item level," a property that is associated with all items levels 60 to 63.

    Imba: short for "imbalanced." Players tend to refer to something as "imba" when they think something is overpowered or clearly not in proper use. See: 'OP' and 'UP.'

    ISO: short for "in search of." Oftentimes paired with items, such as "ISO ____ with [stats]" or "ISO group for Act 3." See: 'LFG,' 'WTB' and 'WTT.'

    JW: short for "Jay Wilson," the game director of Diablo III. Opinions are widely divided about the man's gaming industry accomplishments.

    Kulle Story, Bro: a reference to the oft-used line, "Cool story, bro." This variation is a tribute to the Diablo character Zoltun Kulle.

    Lag: a term that is sometimes used to describe a connection problem between a player's network and Diablo III's servers. However the more common use is as an excuse to explain a player's sub-par in-game performances, e.g. dying (and potentially sabotaging the party's farming efforts). Can occasionally be a legitimate reason.

    LAK: short for "life after kill," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per enemy killed. Often incorrectly abbreviated as "LOK" (life on kill).

    LFG: short for "looking for group," a phrase that represents a player who is in search of a party. See: 'ISO.'

    LOH: short for "life on hit," a stat that returns X amount of life to a character per instance of a hit, depending on a spell's hidden coefficient.

    Look! More Hidden Footprints!: generally used as a snide remark by players whenever they uncover hidden details or mechanics about the game that tend to be in their disfavor or disadvantage. It is a nod to the Enchantress follower's lines...

    Loot: any item (gear, gold, potions, tomes, gems, etc.) that drops within the game and can be picked up by the player.

    LS: short for "life steal," a stat that returns X% of total damage dealt to a character per instance of damage.

    Machine: refers to the Infernal Machine, a craftable device used to allow players to confront uber variations of D3 bosses. See: 'Uber.'

    Main: the player's primary character. Most of the hours spent, blood, sweat, tears, and sometimes money will be poured into the main character. See: 'Alt.'

    Mempo: short for "Mempo of Twilight," a high-end helm item that is arguably the best helm for boosting both DPS and EHP for all classes. See: 'BIS,' 'DPS' and 'EHP.'

    MJ's: short for the "Manajuma" set items—though a seldom used term—which include ceremonial knife Manajuma's Carving Knife and the Manajuma's Gory Fetch mojo, items exclusive to the witch doctor class.

    Monk: a melee dexterity-based class in D3.

    MP: short for "monster power," an in-game option that allows players to adjust game difficulty by raising or lowering monster health and damage. Ranges from 0 to 10, with 10 being the most difficult.

    MS: short for "movement speed," a stat that is used by characters to gain faster mobility across the game world. Not to be confused with Microsoft.

    MW: short for "Magic Weapon," an ability specific to wizards.

    Nat: short for the "Natalya" set items, which mostly benefit dexterity-based classes.

    OBO: short for "or best offer," a term paired with selling items or auctioning items. Usually included by the seller in order to negotiate buyout prices with potential buyers. See: 'BO' and 'C/O.'

    OP: short for "overpowered" or "original post/poster." The former refers to anything that players believe are too strong to be fair (see: 'Imba' and 'UP'). The latter refers to forums and people who start topics or threads.

    OWE: short for "One With Everything," a passive ability specific to the monk class.

    PA: short for "Prismatic Armor," a rune for the Energy Armor ability specific to wizards. Not to be confused with the Pinpoint Armor rune that is less often used. See: 'EA' and 'FA.'

    Permafreeze: refers to a build that wizards use that combines the Critical Mass passive and the Frost Nova spell. Can also be referred to as "CM-Stunlock." See: 'Build' and 'CM.'

    Pets: refers to summonable entities that serve the player's character. Most often affiliated with witch doctors, but can also be found with other classes like demon hunters and wizards.

    PK: short for "player kill" or "player killer," which refers to the act of a player-controlled character killing or directly causing the death of another player-controlled character. Currently most often carried out in Hardcore mode since PVP is not yet available. See: 'PVP.'

    PM: short for "private message," a messaging system often used within games or in online forums.

    Primary Stat: umbrella term for dexterity (demon hunters and monks), intelligence (witch doctors and wizards), and strength (barbarians).

    PVE: short for "players vs. environment," also commonly abbreviated as PVM or "players vs. monsters," which refers to the player combating articifial intelligence as the primary gameplay. See: 'PVP.'

    PVP: short for "players vs. players," which refers to a combat system that revolves around players fighting other players as the primary gameplay. See: 'PK' and 'PVE.'

    QQ: originated from the emoticon "Q_Q," which appears much like two eyes with tears streaming down the sides. Represents crying or the act of complaining that seems like crying. Not to be confused with the Chinese instant messaging system.

    Quadfecta: a term used to describe items that have primary stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quintfecta.'

    Quintfecta: a term used to describe items that have average damage, primary stats, attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Trifecta' and 'Quadfecta.'

    Rage: a phenomenon that occurs when a player generates enough anger or sadness to enter a temporary period of severe anxiety, despair and minor to intense insanity. Usually results in deflammatory comments online or, in worst cases, physical violence. See: 'Rage quit.'

    Rage quit: an event that generally occurs after a player is overwhelmed with "rage" (see: 'Rage'). This usually involves yanking their phone line out of their wall or computer, or simply hitting the alt+F4 combination to leave a game. Sometimes, but not always, players will then isolate themselves in their real-life surroundings to either mope or, in the most severe cases, inflict mental or physical harm on themselves or others. See: 'QQ.'

    RD: short for "Reflect Damage," an ability that is sometimes assigned to elite and champion mobs that redirect a percentage of the damage dealt by the character back to the character. See: 'Affix.'

    Resource: term for the expendable "energy" required by D3 classes to cast spells or activate abilities. They are: Fury for barbarians, Hatred and Discipline for demon hunters, Spirit for monks, Mana for witch doctors, and Arcane Power for wizards.

    RMAH: short for "real money auction house." Serves as a junction where players trade items and commodities (including gold) with real currency as the bartering chip.

    RNG: short for "Random Number Generator" or generation, a system that many aspects of Diablo III follow, such as item affixes and quality, elite monster affixes, and dungeon map and pathing. See: 'Affix' and 'Roll.'

    Roll: describes the process of generating random stats on a particular item. When an item is dropped upon defeating an enemy, the stats on the item are randomly "rolled" in order to determine the number of affixes on the item and the numerical quality of the affixes (i.e. 50 dexterity opposed to 200). See: 'Affix' and 'RNG.'

    ROT: short for "Rain of Toads," a primary ability specific to witch doctors.

    Run: the representation of a session of killing enemies to obtain rewards, be it items, experience, or just pleasure. See: 'Farm.'

    SC: short for "softcore." Characters running in Softcore mode generally play for leisure given that they have no true restrictions to their playstyle. See: 'HC.' Can also refer to "Stormchaser," a rune for the Energy Twister ability specific to wizards.

    SH: short for "Soul Harvest," an ability specific to the witch doctor class.

    Sheablo: a portmanteau of "she" and "Diablo," referring to the possibility of Diablo being a female.

    Shenlong's: short for the "Shenlong" set of items, which involve the fist weapons Shenlong's Fist of Legend and Shenlong's Relentless Assault, items exlusive to the monk class.

    SS: short for "Smokescreen" or "Sharpshooter," both abilities that are specific to the demon hunter class. The former is a debuff-removing, temporary invulnerability-granting active spell while the latter is a passive that constantly gradually boosts the class's critical hit chance to the cap, albeit only temporarily.

    SSS: short for "Seven-Sided Strike," an ability specific to monks.

    STI: short for "Seize the Initiative," a passive ability belonging to monks. Not to be confused with sexually-transmitted infections.

    SV: short for "Spirit Vessel," a passive ability for witch doctors.

    SW: short for "Spirit Walk" or "Sweeping Wind," the former a witch doctor spell and the latter an ability for monks.

    Tal: short for the "Tal Rasha" set items, a set of gear that mainly benefits intelligence-based classes.

    TOC: short for "Trail of Cinders," a rune found on the Vault ability, which is specific to the demon hunter.

    TP: short for "town portal," an ability all classes can use to warp back to the safety of their town. Sometimes incorrectly used to refer to general teleport-based abilities. Not to be confused with toilet paper.

    TR: short for "Tempest Rush," an ability specific to the monk class. It's often a skill that is paired with the Tailwind rune in order to provide temporary bursts of high movement speed.

    Trifecta: a term used to describe items that have attack speed, critical hit chance, and critical hit damage. See: 'Quadfecta' and 'Quintfecta.'

    Twink: the act of equipping a lower level character with items that it will not normally be able to find until in higher difficulties with the intent of making the character perform at a higher level than intended. Rewards for "twinking" include faster clear time for quests, faster net experience gains, and faster rate of defeating monsters. See: 'Alt.'

    Uber: an optional boss that can be challenged via the Infernal Machine in Act I: Return to New Tristram. Ubers come in pairs as, Leoric & Maghda, Ghom & Rakkanoth, and Zoltun Kulle & Siegebreaker. Ubers will drop valuable rewards when defeated at higher Monster Power levels. See: 'MP' and 'Machine.'

    UP: short for "underpowered." This refers to anything players believe are underused or too weak by standards. See: 'Imba' and 'OP.'

    VQ: short for "Vision Quest," a passive ability belonging to witch doctors.

    WC: short for "War Cry," an ability specific to the barbarian class.

    WD: short for "Witch Doctor," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in summoning spells.

    WH: short for "The Witching Hour," a high-tier belt that is notorious for dramatically boosting a character's damage potential because of attack speed and critical hit damage bonuses.

    Wiz: short for "Wizard," a ranged intelligence-based class in D3 that specializes in elemental spells.

    WM: short for "Weapons Master," a passive ability specific to barbarians.

    WOTB: short for "Wrath of the Berserker," a skill specific to the barbarian that transforms the character into a virtually unstoppable killing machine. Usually only held back by walls or iron doors.

    WP: short for "waypoint," a device that allows players to instantly be transferred to another location. Not to be confused with the phrase "well-played."

    WTB: short for "willing to buy," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are searching for a particular item and will pay X amount of gold or real currency to obtain it. See: 'ISO,' 'WTS' and 'WTT.'

    WTS: short for "willing to sell," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are selling a particular item for X amount of gold or real currency. See: 'WTB' and 'WTT.'

    WTT: short for "willing to trade," a phrase used by players when they publicly declare that they are trading a particular item for another item or group of items. See: 'ISO,' 'WTB' and 'WTS.'

    WW: short for "Whirlwind" or "Wicked Wind," the former a barbarian spell and the latter a rune for the wizard's Energy Twister spell.

    WW Barb: short for "Whirlwind barbarian," a type of build that features the abilities Whirlwind-Run Like the Wind and Sprint-Dust Devils. Incorrectly named because the build relies more on the Sprint ability rather than the Whirlwind ability. Also oftentimes claimed to be OP, but that's a matter of opinion. See: 'OP.'

    Xbow: short for two-handed crossbow weapons.

    ZB: short for "Zombie Bears," a rune that is under the "Zombie Charger" ability for witch doctors.

    ZD: short for Zombie Dogs, summonable creatures that come from "Summon Zombie Dogs," an ability specific to the witch doctor class. Sometimes just referred to as "dogs." See: 'Pet.'

    Zuni: short for the "Zunimassa" set, a set of gear that mainly benefits intelligence-based classes.
  4. WanBoo237

    WanBoo237 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ủa mấy bạn ơi cho hỏi tải Game Diablo 3 về rồi mà cài đặt nó đòi ACTIVATE, tìm mãi ko có Crack gì hết?

    Game này phải mua bản quyền mới chơi được hả mấy bạn???
  5. BuildPC

    BuildPC Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Giờ không còn ai cập nhật thông tin cho các Patch nữa nhỉ.
  6. iceteazz

    iceteazz Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm

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    Sài Thành
    _ Chơi giống Gameonline nhưng phải mua key active, ko có ( hoặc chưa có ) crack :)

    _ Có vài cái patch nhỏ thôi, ít patch lớn thì cập nhật gì hả bạn :)
  7. setyeu1992

    setyeu1992 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ai có bản diablo 3 link 4share ko cho em với ban cài đặt bằng english thì càng tốt mới cài lại win tự nhiên vào diablo lai ko dc xóa đi cài lai vẫn không được
  8. diabloforever

    diabloforever Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Cho mình hỏi về mod của diablo mình từng chơi đã lâu rồi 10 năm rồi đấy.
    1 số về mod mình còn nhớ là: scrolls of tower và Scrolls of Identify thì không phải cuộn giấy mà là viên ngọc như là Anihilus Small Charm màu tương tự như 2 cuốn scrolls, còn toms scroll gì là viên ngọc chỉ 1 ô. Horadric cube chỉ có 1 ô, mở cube ra thì hình như là 6x10 hay 8x10 gì đấy, Inventory cũng vậy rộng như cube, cube không phải nhặt được ở act 2 mà là ở act 1 trong hang quest 3 cứu ông già đấy mở cái xác lên là nhặt được cube, mà trong hang này thì chỉ có bò thôi ( những con bò của cow quest ấy ). Skill và icon thì như bản LOD bình thường. Item thì như bản LOD không có item mới như các bản sau này và nhớ không nhầm thì lên 1 lv thì đc 5stats và 3skill point. hình như có cả quest uber nữa mà mình không đủ lv để làm, skill thì max là 30 point lận, skill cuối là lv 40 mới có
    hình ảnh này mình thấy giống với diablo mình chơi đây.Các bạn kiếm được hay biết thì pm yahoo mình nhá: yakuno_mohamet08
    mình kiếm bản này không biết bao nhiêu năm rồi, tiềm tất cả các shop CD, mua hàng chục đĩa mà vẫn không sao tìm lại được bản ấy, bản mới thì mình không thích lắm.
    hình ảnh này mình thấy giống với diablo mình chơi đây sr mình không biết post ảnh.
    Chân thành cảm ơn
  9. huycasmen

    huycasmen Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    từ ngày nó update lên 1.06a máy mình chơi lag vô cùng !lúc nào cung ping vàng có lúc đỏ , không bao giờ được xanh ! mạng FPT 250k 1 tháng nha các bạn ! mình ở Q6 TP.HCM không biết có bạn nào bị vậy không ?
  10. setyeu1992

    setyeu1992 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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  11. weslifeband222

    weslifeband222 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Vũng Tàu
    các bác cho mình hỏi phát,thằng bạn mình nó tính mua cho mình bản D3 bản rus,mà k biết có đổi dc sang eng k và mình chơi sever của rus hay sever của blizz đặt ở châu á
  12. muitit

    muitit Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    các bác có ai bít lỗi này không ạ thì giúp e với. đang chơi game ngon lành cành đào thì cứ bị văng ra ngoài hiện lên bảng thông báo " you have been remove the game " lúc đầu e cũng nghĩ do kết nối đường truyền nên để yên 2 3 ngày. h chuyển sang sài cap quang mà vẫn bị như vậy . ( góc bên phải màn hình diablo thì hiện lên cái thông báo là updatagre cái j đó đó )
  13. BuildPC

    BuildPC Donkey Kong

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    D3 sao dạo này hay bị dis thế nhỉ.
  14. vodanhta

    vodanhta Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Bác nào chỉ mình lộ trình farm act 1(leoric) act 2 act 3 cái, nghe mấy bác nói mà không biết nên đi như thế nào cho hợp lý. Thank các bác :D
  15. La La

    La La Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Mình bị gặp 1 vấn đề là mình bỏ chơi Game hơi lâu rồi, và cài lại máy vài lần nên bây h khi đăng nhập vào Game thì nó xác định là chơi Game trên 1 máy khác nên Lock tài khoản
    Mình vẫn còn Mail nhưng ko thể nhớ cái First Name và Last Name để Reset Password ... có cách nào tìm lại mật khẩu ko nhỉ ?
  16. Chuột Chũi

    Chuột Chũi Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ai có link download bản diablo 2 median 2012 bản mới nhất share mình với.
  17. gamethu@10

    gamethu@10 Mr & Ms Pac-Man GameOver

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  18. redfires

    redfires Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    khi cài đặt mình bị lỗi này,ai biết giúp mình với:

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    khi cài đặt mình bị lỗi này,ai biết giúp mình với:

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    khi cài đặt mình bị lỗi này,ai biết giúp mình với:
    An unexpected error occured while trying to install. Please contact...
  19. hellboy_109

    hellboy_109 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Các bác giúp e vs. Đang rảnh nên e kéo Diablo 2 về cày lại. Của e là Diablo 2 LoD v1.12a + D2MultiResGame + Glide3xe Chạy D2VidTst chọn Glide3x r sau đó vào chạy game.exe thì chơi bình thường mà chạy = D2MultiResGame.exe thì vào đến load game nó hiện ra lỗi này các bác ạ :((

  20. redfires

    redfires Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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