Enchant -Safe Enchant: 3. -Max Enchant: 22. -Normal Enchant Scroll Rates: The higher you enchant your item, the lower success rate you have. Failure penalty = Item Crystallize. -Crystal Enchant Scroll Rates: Same Success Rates on every enchant as Normal Scrolls. Failure Penalty = Item +3. -Blessed Enchant Scroll Rates: A little bit higher Success Rates than Crystal/Normal Scrolls. Same Method, the higher you enchant, the lower success rate you have. Failure Penalty = -1 Enchant on your item. (ex. If your item is +12 and you fail with Blessed scroll, your item goes back to +11). -Divine Enchant scroll Rates: 100% (However, they are rare, VERY rare). Custom Class Balance Sword muse: Sword muse is a class which can wear either light or heavy armor (some penalties applied for each type) and a Sword. Skills added are: -Sonic Blaster -Ultimate Evasion (Increases Accuracy instead of evasion when user is in heavy) -Dash Spectral Dancer: Spectral Dancer can wear either light or heavy armor (some penalties applied for each type) and Dual Swords. Skills added are: -Double Sonic Slash (doesn't need any forces). -Blade Rush -Rage -Warcry -Dash -Ultimate Evasion (increases Accuracy instead of evasion when in heavy) -Dodge. Hierophant: Hierophant is a weird class, Which can equipp Light or heavy armor (With some penalties on each type) and fists, and is mostly based on it's skills. His basic stats are kinda low, but his ultimate skills are many and useful. More detailed: -Blade Rush -Burning Fists -Dodge -Battle Roar -Protection Instict -Wolf Totem Spirit -Bear Totem Spirit -Zealot Doomcryer: Doomcryer is a high customized class which can really play in any setup you want. You can use all the armortypes, and you can player either as a Mage (Robe/staff) or as a Fighter (light/heavy), Axe. This class is really playable on BOTH setups and really enjoyable i can say. -Guts -Chant of evasion(Increases Speed and Evasion for 10 seconds) -Battle Roar Maestro/Fortune Seeker: This class plays on his classic setup, heavy+axe. However it is a Semi-titan/Semi-tank. -Dash -Battle Roar -Braveheart -Frenzy (level 1) -Ultimate Defense (Level 1, Decreases a lot of speed to the user). -Spoil(Lowers Atkspeed/speed/casting speed for some seconds). -Sweeper(Root).