Before we can communicate with each other, we must know our friends right? Well, this is the purpose of this topic. Please introduce yourself and everything about you such as your hobbies, favorites, where you live, ect.
ara! The Name is Duơng! hobbies:err.. letme see... :ROCK(SAVATAGE band is my favorite!),Games,fighting(for real-don't laugh),watch TOM&Jerry... and ..Hmm(how can I remember that much!) 21/11/1987 was the day I cried for the first time(I borned) As you can see ,I live in Ha Lội. Thanks for seeing! Bye!
Hello everybody! Fullname: Nguyen Ngoc Tram Anh Birthday: 13/10/90 Height: 1m56 Weght: 43 kg Hobbies: watch TV, check mail, read book and listen to music, play game Add: Ho Chi Minh city email: [email protected] Nice to meet you here!
Greetings to you, I am Anaconde, first of the Eredar Warlocks. I have participated in numerous glorious battles throughout the universe with vast demonic minions under my command. That's for fun. Now is what needed: Name: Anonymous, Hanoian Other nicks: Dr.Tactic, Arcanister.. Age: Unknown Height: 1m75 Special abilities: too smart, as to be called cunning. best in math, physics and strategy games, got 1 national prize. defect: sleep too much, hate to write or read and never learn definitions. Love watching movies, especially US, thrillenium, action, horror and romance ^_^. In terrible rage, >#@< if a DVD has a wrong subtitle or no voice. Always in the middle of nowhere, think of nothing, but never have an idea of nohow.
Hi everybody! I'm not good at E but I think that I should say something 'bout myself. My friends call me SYB (have U ever played the game named SYBERIA?) but it's not my real name cuz my name is (read carefully plz)...Nguyễn Quang Hà Phương I know you are thinking that I'm a boy. Is that right? But I'm a girl, I promise it's the truth. DOB: 1989/12/28 I was born in Hanoi and my add is...uh...I dun tell it ^^ height: 1.55 m (too short) weight: just 44 kilos Hobbies: many things... Mail: [email protected] (yes, I like syberia so much) Wait for your mail! Bye, C'ya l8ter!
Hi all of you ^_^ I 'm very happy to ỉmpove my English in this box. I'm bad at English,so if possible,please show me how to ỉmpove my English. I have lived in HCM city 4 months ago. Now.i am learning English at VietMy. I like listening to music,esp VietNamese music,playing game and reading. When i 'm free,i often go shopping with my brother. I'm 19,male. That 's all! It 's nice to introduce myself with you!
The Name:It's really important on Net? Address:you can click on my nick to know it,I won't talk. Hobies:Rock-Death ,Diablo ,self-training to become a martial artist(just for Fun in Free-time),play guitar when I sad........ Height:about 1m75 Age:17 Born:Yen Bai->so I'm a Mountainer ,right? but truely I have lived at HN since I was 6. I don't fell like I'm handsome ,just a normal guy Send me mail If you like to make friend,OK?
Ahem, it 's me. Dwarf, hi everybody who I know and also I don't know. My nick: Dwarf My real name: Do you want to know ? You 're so curious that I can't say, he he I think I very handsome,however everybody say to me: "You 're just a normal guy, boy." You think who 's right !!! I 'm in Hanoi, I 'm studying in HUT, do u know HUT ? if u don't know , You don't know as much as u think b/c it 's very famous.hehehe I say hi to all !
"HOW DO YOU DO" I"m a new guy, so i want say hi to all! My nick is : mage My Y!M:mage282 ( add it, and we chat) My name: i see here, no one want tell real name, but it a nice sound, so my name is Liêm Hehhe, my friend tell me that " u are a handsome man",but my lover say that:" u don't thing that u handsome", hehe i don't know how can anything about it! ^_^ I'm life in Dong Nai, near HCM city I'm 18 year old! And i'm very bad in E ^_^ Nice to meet u!
Hi guys, glad i join this topic at last. cuz' i just getting sick of all the incidents that currently happen in da RE forum. My name: Tien LE------ I used to be call de Te - en, ke ke.. Nick : Bahamut-Zero < ey, guess wat? B from Bahamut and 0 from Zero... ===> BO, i just loved that name, it sounds lovely 2 me! Hobbies : I like all kind of sports, but never table tennis. It's just dat whenver i hit da ball, I cant c it anymore ...grrr..and peopel laugh like crazy....#_# I just 17 yr olds. I lived in Melbourne, Victoria and current prepare for my VCE exam next years Ey, i heard dat there r people in here lived in OZ, can u contact me? PS: I look forward getting friends with u guys!
Hello to you all. My true name is Huy. I was born in Vietnam, and now I'm still in Vietnam. I'm 15 years old. Height: 1m75 Weight:78kgs (I'm trying to become lighter, or taller) My nick: I've been called by many names, but the most popular are: the phantom, the emotionless boy, the young lady (that's the one I hate the most, cause I'm a boy, unfortunately it is the most well-known). My hobbies: playing games, reading books , playing Basket Ball and Judo, drawing, sleeping, watching movies, using English any time possible... My weakness: I find it very hard to express my emotions other than happiness. That's part of the reason why I'm called "Emotionless Boy". The other reason is that... I have no interest in girls (but actually, I think that would be better for a boy of my age, nowadays the boys grow up so fast). I often learn things very slowly, which makes it very dificult for me in the first half of schoolyear. Well, many people said that I looked much younger than I truly am, including my sister, who said that I don't look like a 15 years old boy, but a big 6 years old boy instead. And there are also those who said I looked like a girl (especially those who talk to me through the phone), I wonder which one of them is true? But anyway, I'm going to change that in one or two year. That's why now I'm working very hard in the Basket Ball club. Anyway, glad to meet you all.
The name is Duy The nick is D The age is 16 The gender is boy The height is 1m62 The weight is 50 Kg The nationality is Vietnamese The occupation is (u must know this) : student The school is Việt Đức-Hà Nội The D.O.B is 11-9-1988 The hobbies are : PC games, internet, music Nice to see u all !
bah.. i'm sure new in this forum and also this box.... i'm living in American rite now and i'm a student this afternoon, i spent 1 and 1/2 hours to read almost of the recent topics in this box. Seems like its a very peaceful place to play and rest. so that , to be nice i would say nice to meet u all !
Without introducing yourself??? Sorry for the multiple question marks, I'm just curious, because after all, this box is about introductions! Oops, I digressed, sorry! About meself: Name: Should I tell you? Hmmm... Oh yeah, it's Clyde_Strife! Nickname: What? You mean the above was for my name? Oops... Age: Let's see... this year I would be...(starts counting) ahah! 20 years old! No, wait... maybe... Hobbies: Games, Fanfics, Music (listening to it), blabber (I'm doing that now!) and so on... Nice to meet you all! Just kidding, now on the the real introduction: Name: Quốc Anh Nickname: Sharpshooter, Zero... D.O.B: I can't remember, I'm not honest! Gender: I'm a wee little boy Strong points: English, Games, Mathematics Weaknesses: Hey, I think Bluelion and I have some common points! I'm also not interested in girls (just games), plus, I have a height problem (I'm agruably the shortest person in class, and I mean PERSON). Well, that's all about me I guess, I hope to know more about you all too! Have a good day!
Nice!!!!!!!! My name's Justin( it's my English name, my Vietnamese name??????????). I'm a student. I was born in Bạc Liêu province, Việt Nam 21 years ago. Now, I'm living in Mel. Vic. AUS. I like soccer, game, computer, film ( action ). When I have freetime I usually play game, learn IT or listen to music. I watch soccer event on SBS chanel at weekend too. I love AC Milan so much and my idol is P. Maldini ( that's why my nick is justinmaldini). I just went to AUS 4 months ago. Therefor, I miss my family, my buddies very very much. I feel so sad and alone. I'm looking for a freetime job. Hope, I will! My English is very bad. I'm not sure I'm correct. If I do some mistake, please told to me! Thanks! Nice to see ya!
Hi, I'm nobita, I just a member in GVN for 2 years, but this is the first time I come here, I don't think I will the best but I must learning more, and nice to meet the first time people and nice to see my friend in here again!
I always have mistake in English,so don't try to find and fix it..sorry. The name is Ngoc,the same with alone wolf..and 3 years older. I was born in Hanoi,but my family moved to Dalat when I was 4,so I didn't know anything about the place where I was born.. I have to move to Saigon to complete the University,and this is my last year in university. The yahoo ID is ndkmasterden,if you have times,please come talk with me. Hobbies:Talk about history of Chinese,play Guitar,listen to Rock.
Hey, give me a minute. Don't stop me Alone Wolf. Hi ev'rybody. I'm Eisenhow, from Hanoi. Damn it! Alone Wolf wouldn't let me write anymore. So Byeeeeeeeeeeee!
Hi every one,my name is Sungai,i'm living in HN at Lang Ha.Now i'm studying at HTM school,my father tell me go here to study our culture.The ancient culture,and make friend eith every one
Hi all, I'm a new member of this forum. My English name is Tony, and don't mind about my Vietnamese name because we are in English-box, right? I was born in HCM city and I'm living in the US, I'm an exchange student. I was born in 1986, in a winter night. I use to listen to music or read comic book when I had free time. My favour sport is swim. I like to watch soccocer, especially the Premier Leauge from England but I don't play well.