Valkyrian Ragnarok

Thảo luận trong 'MMO | Private Server' bắt đầu bởi Zonlàgì, 16/5/14.

  1. Zonlàgì

    Zonlàgì C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trang chủ :
    Forum : , có rất nhiều hd nhưng toàn tiếng anh ai hiểu thì dịch dùm nhé :D
    Sever mới mở 2 ngày trước thôi khá là đông , ai muốn 1 vé về tuổi thơ thì chơi nào :D
    Thông Tin Sever :
    [SPOIL]Server Type: International
    Episode: Brasilis
    Max Base/Job Level: 99/70
    Supported Class: Transcendent
    Base/Job Exp Rate: 7x
    Drop Rate: 5x
    Mini - Boss & Boss Card Rate: 0.01%
    Party Share Level: 30
    Instant Cast: 150 Dex
    Max Aspd: 190
    Multi Client: Disabled
    Backup Schedule: Weekly
    Server Protection: Harmony

    • Warper - Towns, Fields and Dungeons are available. But in fields you can only choose the levels where there's no MvP monster and for dungeons you are allowed only to choose level 1.

    • Priest - An NPC where you can buy heal and buffs for 500z and It has a 10 seconds delay to take another heal and buffs to avoid zeny lost.

    • Job Master - NPC that helps your change job much easier way.

    • Reset Manager - Every base or job level of a character cost 10,000z. Example: If you are going to reset your stats in a base level of 73 you will need an amount 730,000z for the reset.

    • Card Trader - You can convert the unnecessary cards to 20 Valkyrian Gold Coins.

    • VGC Exchanger - You can convert your Valkyrian Gold Coin to Exp, Zeny, or Cash Point depending to the coin rate everyday.

    • Automated Events - Disguise Event, Find the Mushroom, Poring Catcher, Devil Square and Dice where you can win Valkyrian Gold Coin.

    • Reward NPC - All freebies, Guild Package, or other event reward items can claim here.

    • Battleground 2.0 - Latest battlegrounds in the ragnarok industry where you can play this kind of modes "Capture the Flag,Team DeathMatch,Conquest,Domination and Rush".

    • Hypermart NPC's - Donation npc who sells equipment, headgear and usable items. Non-donator can also purchase on this NPC's.

    • PvP Warper - The map will be renewal Izlude where each enter cost 1,000z.

    Available Rooms:
    ~ No Limit
    ~ 41 ~ 50
    ~ 51 ~ 60
    ~ 61 ~ 70
    ~ 71 ~ 80
    ~ 81 ~ 90

    • Referral System - Refer a friend by typing @referral and you will receive Valkyrian Gold Coin x 50 and Premium Ticker(1 Day) x 1.

    • Quest Board - Over 100+ cool quest headgear's and some of them are donate items.

    • Guild Package - This is a guild freebies for those who has a large population. For the item list please check the Guild Section.

    • Refining Announcement - Same to the official refining system but all equips that will be refined to +7 or higher will be announced.

    • Lotti Girl - Where you can gamble your Valkyrian Gold Coin x 5 each try and have chance to win Premium Ticket(1 Day).

    • Map of the Week - There will be a random field map every week and all the monsters that you killed there has a chance to reward you Double EXP, Poison Bottles Ingredients, Acid Bottles Ingredients, Grenade Bottles Ingredients, Cash Point, Valor Badge, and Bravery Badge. You will need to apply a contract first that cost 1,000,000z for 1000 kills.

    • Monster of the Week - There will a random monster every week that will give you a higher exp rate. When you login your character you can see at your chat box the monster name for the monster of the week event.

    • Daily Reward - You must login everyday at least 1 hour and receive Bubblegum x 3.

    • Channel System - This is a system where can easily ask questions, sell your items, recruit for party member, or look for friend on the public. You will be automatically joins in the default channels when you enter the game but for nation channels check the channel guides below.

    Default Channels:
    • #Main
    • #Market
    • #Recruit

    Nation Channels:
    • #UnitedState
    • #Brazil
    • #Vietnam
    • #Malaysia
    • #Europe
    • #Mexico
    • #Philippines

    Channel Guides:

    How to join the channel?
    Example: @join #UnitedState

    How to leave the channel?
    Example: @exit #UnitedState[/SPOIL]

    hình ảnh :
  2. xathudbd

    xathudbd Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai hướng dẫn đi :v ko biết chơi game này :D
  3. BonLee

    BonLee Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Zon chơi nhìu game nhể =))) Ranarok tớ cũng thích mà ngại cái TA wa =.=
  4. [L]inh[N]hi

    [L]inh[N]hi T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    .. EXP :X7 ... cái này phải tâm huyết mới chịu nổi à ^^ . chơi x100 cày đã mún lòi họng ùi
    chúc đông mem :D
  5. BonLee

    BonLee Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    =))))))))) Exp chỉ x7 thôi mà =(((( là x7 đó vào mà nhin bọn nó tíu tíu sao á =))
  6. 1 mat nguoi bang

    1 mat nguoi bang Mario & Luigi Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Game này giờ còn x7 chắc chỉ có cực kì tâm huyết mới chơi nổi.

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