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  1. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

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    Ngày này, hầu như mọi game thủ đều biết game nhập vai (Role-playing game/RPG) bắt nguồn từ một loại game để bàn có nguồn gốc từ một loại game chơi trên giấy cực kì phổ biến vào thời kì những năm 1970: Dungeons and Dragons (D&D).

    Trên thực tế, tất cả những ai đã từng thử chơi D&D đều hiểu RPG và những tổ tiên "trên bàn" của mình cũng khác nhau như đá bóng cho đội của trường với chơi “Be a Star” trên PES 10 vậy. Một tựa game nhập vai thông qua các phương tiện điện tử (Computer Role-playing game/CRPG) không còn là một “Role-playing game” thông thường. Có lẽ đây cũng là một thể loại game có tên chung dễ gây nhầm lẫn nhất.

    Dungeons & Dragons Online sở hữu hệ thống nhân vật cà class vô cùng đa dạng . Bạn có thể kết hợp nhiều class khác nhau để build 1 nhân vật theo phong cách của riêng mình

    Game có 12 races . Mỗi races có điểm và khả năng khác nhau tuỳ chọn
    Có 14 Classes
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    Build Rogue Cho newber

    The Dark Blade (L20 Rogue)
    Stats and Race (28/32 pt):
    [LEFT]Ability increase every 4 levels: All in Dex (note that on a Halfling, you will need a +1 Str tome by L18 to qualify for Power Attack - easily bought on the Auction House at this level).
    Skills (except Human and Drow): At all levels, keep maxed out Search, Disable Device, UMD, Open Locks, Spot, Balance, Diplomacy, Hide and Move Silently. Split your remaining points equally between Jump and Tumble.
    Skills (Human and Drow): Same, but you should be able to max out both Jump and Tumble instead of splitting points between them.
    Feats (by level), except Human: Two-Weapon Fighting (1), Weapon Finesse (3), Toughness (6), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (9), Opportunist (10), Improved Critical: Pierce (12), Improved Evasion (13), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (15), Crippling Strike (16), Power Attack (18), Skill Mastery (19)
    Feats (by level), Human: Two-Weapon Fighting (1), Toughness (1), Weapon Finesse (3), Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting (6), Improved Two-Weapon Fighting (9), Opportunist (10), Improved Critical: Pierce (12), Improved Evasion (13), Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (15), Crippling Strike (16), Power Attack (18), Skill Mastery (19)
    Special note: The feat progresion for all races was modified on 2010/10/28 when the build was converted to a pure Rogue build for the capstone enhancement. If you started this build prior to this date, you can find the old feat progression to follow in this post.
    For more information about picking enhancements please read this post.Enhancements (Rogue): Assassin III, Damage Boost II, Deadly Shadow (capstone), Dexterity II, Haste Boost III, Hide II, Move Silently II, Search I, Skill Boost III (except Human), Sneak Attack Accuracy IV, Sneak Attack Training IV, Subtle Backstabbing II
    Enhancements (Drow): Dexterity I, Enchantment Resistance I, Melee Attack I, Melee Damage I, Perception I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Dwarf): Constitution I, Kundarak Search I, Racial Toughness II, Spell Defense II
    Enhancements (Elf): Aerenal Melee Attack I, Aerenal Melee Damage I, Dexterity I, Enchantment Resistance I, Perception I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Halfling): Cunning III, Dexterity I, Guile III, Luck (Reflex) I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Human): Adaptability Dexterity I, Improved Recovery I, Racial Toughness II, Versatility III
    Enhancements (Warforged): Constitution I, Construct Thinking I, Hardiness I, Healer's Friend II, Racial Toughness II
    Tips:- Early on, dual-wield a rapier in your main hand with a shortsword in your off-hand. Around mid levels you should be able to switch to dual rapiers without missing too much (the Human build may start dual wielding rapiers at L6).
    - Use Diplomacy to politely ask your opponents to attack someone else. This will let you land sneak attacks more reliably.
    - You do not have to sneak to land sneak attacks. Read this page for more information on sneak attacks.
    - If you ever get to the point (around L16) where you start running the Shroud raid regularly, consider crafting a Radiance rapier. It is an awesome weapon for such a build.
    - Ultimately you would want to reach 39 UMD to be able to reliably use Heal scrolls. This can be achieved from 23 (base skill at L20) + 1 (Skill Mastery) + 3 (16 Cha with +6 item and +2 Cha tome) + 4 (Greater Heroism) + 2 (Head of Good Fortune) + 6 (exceptional bonus from Shroud raid item), which are reasonable items to obtain if you get all the way to level 20. In the meantime, accept you may fail some checks and rely on your skill boost to make it less likely.
    - Your Spot skill wwill be a bit low in the early levels. If you want to spot traps, try to get your hands on an item boosting this skill, and possibly invest a few action points in enhancements increasing it (probably getting rid of them later when you can spot traps reliably enough).
    - From L6 to L11, if you find yourself struggling with traps due to lack of good gear, consider picking the Mechanic I enhancement rather than Assassin I. You may then respec your enhancements upon reaching L12, to grab Assassin II.
    Variants:- If you are more concerned about low level content / ease of leveling rathen than optimality at L20, consider splashing one level of Fighter at L2. This gives you proficiencies with all martial weapons (so you can in particular use picks in addition to rapiers / shortswords), +16 HPs (counting the Fighter Toughness enhancement), an extra feat (so that you can pick Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting on a non Human for +2 to-hit, and on a Human Weapon Focus: Pierce, Skill Focus: UMD or Combat Expertise), and +2 Fort saves. The cost at L20 is -1 Reflex saves, loss of a few skill points (to be lost in Jump / Tumble / Balance) and losing the capstone (so -2 Int and -4d6 sneak attack damage).
    - Another very good option is to go Strength-based instead of finesse. In which case you would swap Weapon Finesse for Khopesh proficiency and Improved Critical: Pierce for the Slash version (Elves/Drow may also decide to use rapiers, taking Oversized Two-Weapon Fighting instead of Khopesh). Your main stat would be Str, while Dex should be just enough so you can pick the Two-Weapon, Improved Two-Weapon and Greater Two-Weapon Fighting feats (with base score, level-up stat increases and tomes, it must be 15 for TWF, and 17 for ITWF and GTWF). Being strength-based means higher damage output, at the cost of reduced to-hit (on Elf/Drow/Halfling), reflex saves and AC (note that the latter is mostly relevant at lower levels).
    - Although overall the Bluff skill is currently not worth investing into, it may be improved some day. And if you are planning to solo a lot, it can be somewhat useful to land more sneak attacks. To get Bluff, split some points between Balance, Jump and Tumble (instead of just Jump and Tumble) so that you can max out Bluff. Among Balance, Jump and Tumble, Balance is the most important, while you can stop investing in Jump and Tumble once you are comfortable with respectively how high you can jump, and from how high you can fall without taking too much damage. Note that a 40 Jump skill (with buffs) is the maximum you need, and at L18 you can obtain a Jump clicky that gives you +30 to it.[/LEFT]

    Wiz cho newber
    The Ingenious Sage (L20 Wizard)
    Concept: Generalist wizard.
    Original path's flaws: Poor feat selection (e.g. too many Spell Focus feats, no Empower, no Toughness, Quicken taken too late especially on Warforged).
    Main fixes: Switched some feats to be more useful overall and qualify for Archmage enhancements, also increased Con a bit.
    Alignment: Chaotic Neutral, Chaotic Good, Neutral, Neutral Good, Lawful Neutral, Lawful Good
    Stats and Race (28/32 pt):
    Ability increase every 4 levels: All in Int.
    Skills: At all levels keep maxed out Concentration, UMD, Balance, Diplomacy and Move Silently. Put 1 rank (two skill points) into Tumble at character creation only. Spend points into Jump until you can reach +10 before casting the Jump spell. Put rest into Hide, and when you get extra points, invest in Spot.
    Feats (by level), except Human: Mental Toughness (1), Toughness (1), Maximize (3), Extend (5), Spell Focus: Enchantment (6), Empower (9), Heighten (10), Spell Focus: Evocation (12), Spell Penetration (15), Quicken (15), Greater Spell Penetration (18), Spell Focus: Necromancy (20)
    Feats (by level), Human: Mental Toughness (1), Toughness (1), Extend (1), Maximize (3), Empower (5), Spell Focus: Enchantment (6), Spell Focus: Evocation (9), Heighten (10), Spell Penetration (12), Quicken (15), Greater Spell Penetration (15), Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment (18), Spell Focus: Necromancy (20)
    Special note: The feat progresion for all races was modified on 2010/10/27 to be able to pick the Archmage enhancement line. If you started this build prior to this date, you can find the old feat progression to follow in this post.
    For more information about picking enhancements please read this post.Enhancements (Wizard): Arcane Bolt, Archmage Enchantment I (Hypnotism), Archmage Evocation I (Magic Missile), Archmage II, Archmage Secondary Spell Mastery I: Evocation, Archmage Spell Mastery I: Enchantment, Concentration II, Elemental Manipulation III, Energy of the Scholar II, Force Manipulation II, Improved Empowering I, Improved Heightening II, Improved Maximizing I, Improved Spell Penetration II, Intelligence II, Lineage of Deadly Elements II, Lineage of Elements II, Master of Magic (capstone)
    Enhancements (Drow): Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Dwarf): Constitution I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Elf): Arcanum I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Halfling): Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Human): Adaptability Intelligence I, Racial Toughness II
    Enhancements (Warforged): Constitution I, Inscribed Armor I (must take early), Racial Toughness II, Wand and Scroll Mastery I
    Spells taken when leveling up.Be careful that the main goal of this list is not to give you the best spells, but to ensure you get most spells whose scrolls cannot be bought from vendors. Other important spells should be manually inscribed in your spell book, buying scrolls as needed. If you cannot afford them all, try to get at least those listed in the Dynamic Hand Sorcerer build (also use this list to pick alternate spells when leveling up if you happen to already have some of the spells below in your spell book). NOTE: this list is not quite up-to-date and will be updated in the future.
    [*]L1: Acid Spray / Detect Secret Doors / Expeditious Retreat / Hypnotism / Mage Armor / Niac's Cold Ray / Shield
    [*]L2: Burning Hands / Charm Person
    [*]L3: Electric Loop / Snowball Storm
    [*]L4: Fog Cloud / Resist Energy
    [*]L5: Acid Blast / Haste
    [*]L6: Chain Missiles / Frost Lance
    [*]L7: Dimension Door / Wall of Fire
    [*]L8: Solid Fog / Symbol of Flame
    [*]L9: Cloudkill / Cone of Cold
    [*]L10: Repair Light, Mass / Symbol of Pain
    [*]L11: Acid Fog / Symbol of Persuasion
    [*]L12: Create Undead / Symbol of Fear
    [*]L13: Delayed Blast Firewall / Otto's Sphere of Dancing
    [*]L14: Prismatic Spray / Symbol of Weakness
    [*]L15: Otto's Irresistible Dance / Polar Ray
    [*]L16: Mass Charm Monster / Trap the Soul
    [*]L17: Energy Drain / Wail of the Banshee
    [*]L18: Hold Monster, Mass / Horrid Wilting
    [*]L19: Dominate Monster / Summon Monster IX
    [*]L20: Greater Shout / Symbol of Death
    Special note (Warforged) Same spell selection, except that at L1 Hypnotism should be replaced with Repair Light Damage, then you should make sure you always buy and inscribe the appropriate Repair spell when you gain access to a new level of spells (note: Repair Mass scrolls cannot be bought, but unless you are playing with a static group or guild of Warforged players, there is no hurry to get them... the most important Repair spells to inscribe will be Repair Moderate, Repair Serious and Reconstruct).
    Tips:- At low level, the Shield and Mage Armor spells can be useful to boost your AC. However, later on this will not be enough, and your best options to avoid punishment will be fast movement (Haste), Blur/Displacement, Jump, Diplomacy, and crowd control spells.
    - To solo in the earliest levels, it can be easier to buff yourself and swing a staff (with the highest + you can find) than to try and get everything done with spells.
    - With items boosting your Hide/Move Silently and the Invisibility spell, you will have enough sneaking ability to be able to avoid some encounters or approach monsters with stealth to get in spell-casting range. It can also be useful to make sure monsters target your pet, hireling or teammates when an encounter starts.
    - Carry large stacks of spell components. Running out of them in the middle of a quest can be embarrassing.
    - There is a lot to learn from MrCow's videos, especially about soloing with a Warforged caster.
    - Once you get cheap (1 spell point) Hypnotism (at L6) and Magic Missile (at L12) spell-like abilities from the Archmage enhancements, remember to put them on some hotbar and take advantage of them (their cost will not be increased by metamagic feats like heighten, extend, maximize...).
    Variants:- You may pick different schools for your Archmage specialties (keep in mind they are tied to your Spell Focus feats). The choice of Enchantment and Evocation here is because both are useful through most content.
    - The proposed build stops at Archmage II because higher tiers start being significantly expensive in terms of Action Points, without gaining that much. You may decide you want higher tiers of Archmage though, in which case you should make sure you get your Greater Spell Focus feat. Human get it here at L18, but other races do not: it is a bit tricky to change the feat order due to the restrictions on Wizard bonus feats (which as far as I know do not include Greater Spell Focus). One way to do it would be to replace Empower at L9 by Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment, taking Empower at L15, thus delaying Quicken at L20 (and dropping the Necromancy Focus).
    - On a non Warforged, UMD may be very useful to heal yourself at higher levels. However, this is not the purpose of this build (where UMD is taken mostly because of the lack of truly useful skills, and it can prove handy sometimes). UMD for self-heal requires some investment in gear (e.g. Golden Cartouche from Delera, Head of Good Fortune from Reaver raid, crafted item from Shroud raid, +Cha tome, ...), and a few tweaks in the build: first, Cha should be raised to 12-14 (at the expense of lower stats like Str/Dex/Wis preferably); then the feat Skill Focus: UMD should be taken (e.g. instead of Spell Focus: Enchantment). Human is recommended for the extra feat and the Human Versatility enhancement (because of the skill boost). If you are looking for a non-Warforged self-healing wizard, a Necromancer build may be more appropriate though.
    - Enhancements in this build are focused towards elemental (fire/cold) spells. This is the most common and overall the most useful specialization, but choosing to focus on lightning/acid is also viable. The few points invested in the force/repair line are here to boost your (amost) free Magic Missiles.
    - This build is similar in spirit to the Dynamic Hand Sorcerer path. Refer to this page for an overview of the differences between Sorcerer and Wizard, to see which one you would enjoy most.
    - This build, the Necromancer and Elementalist Wizard paths are all pure caster builds, able to perform all typical caster tasks. More original builds could for instance splash rogue (to handle traps and locks and more survivability through Evasion / UMD) or some melee class (for a mixed caster/melee build). But such advanced options are not considered by the original paths provided in DDO, and thus are out of the scope of this guide (note they are also more difficult to build right, and often require more gear to be effective).
    Gingerspyce's caster/healer/quasi-tank build

    druid caster .
    Đây là build druid chuyên xài phép :)) "rất imba theo cảm nhận của bản thân"
    Starting: STR 8, DEX 8, CON 18, INT 10, WIS 18, CHA 10. + wisdom mỗi khi lên lvl
    For a 32pt build: str 8, dex 8, con 18, int 8, wis 18,cha 8
    For a 28pt build: str 8, dex 8,con 16,int 10,wis 18, cha 8
    1st: Augment summoning ( lên lvl 14 sẽ đổi feats này sang Heavy Armor Proficiency)
    Human bonus feat: Maximize " HBF chỉ có chi chơi rarce Human"
    2nd (druid): Wild Shape: Wolf
    3rd: Extend Spell (Tất nhiên khi kick hoạt khả năng này buf sẽ được gấp đôi thời gian . Quan trọng cho skill Body of the Sun, lên lvl 20 đổi sang  SF: Evocation)
    5th (druid): Wild Shape: Bear
    6th: Empower Spell
    8th (druid): Wild Shape: Winter Wolf
    9th: Quicken Spell
    11th (druid): Wild Shape: Dire Bear
    12th: Shield Mastery
    13th (druid): Wild Shape: Fire Elemental
    14th: Feat swap Augment Summoning for Heavy Armor Proficiency (use Blue Dragon Plate)
    15th: Improved Shield Mastery
    17th (druid): Wild Shape: Water Elemental
    18th: Completionist (or Heighten Spell)
    20th: Feat Swap Extend for Spell Focus: Evocation any time between L18-20
    21st: Toughness
    24th: Epic Toughness
    26th: (Epic Destiny Feat): cold spell power
    27th: Empower Healing
    28th: (Epic Destiny Feat): Elusive Target
    Max Spellcraft, Intimidate, Concentration, Balance. UMD "+ thêm 1 vài điểm cho UMD đủ đề xài 1 vài cuộn phép thuật mà không bị xịt . Raise Dead and Resurrection scrolls, Teleport and Greater Teleport Scrolls and wands of Protection from Evil, Shield, Knock, etc. "
    An overview of some druid spells: "cái này mình copy nguyên văn thôi không dịch được vì dịch sợ sai :))"
    Druids get 6 offensive spells as spell-like abilities, which is a major sp saver. They have a SLA for each element (fire, cold, electric and acid) as well as a SLA that does light damage and another that does damage based on alignment (Word of Balance). In addition, this build uses Rejuvenation Cocoon and Renewal, which saves even more sp on healing, and Consecration and Energy Burst are inexpensive AOE dps.
    Produce Flame slow to reach its target and not efficient to maximize and empower, but for 6 sp, an unmaximized, unempowered Produce Flame does decent damage when you want to spam a ranged attack. Produce Flame is also an SLA so max and empower the SLA version for free! Regular spell has cooldown time of 1 second so blast away! Not good to use on mobile targets, but good for stationary and slower mobs and great to include the SLA as part of your regular attack pattern. Also great for charging up Empyrean Magic. There is no save against Produce Flame.
    Creeping Cold and Greater Creeping Cold are the best damage-over-time spells in the game, imo, because they are a lot faster than arcane and divine DOTS. With only a 3 second cool down time you can rapid fire them on multiple mobs. While leveling, keep your cold spell power maxed and cast on a mob then keep moving, knowing it will be dead in about 8 seconds. Druid DOTS don’t triple stack as traditional DDO DOTS, but both Creeping Cold and GCC stack with each other. Sadly they do not stack with other druid DOTS (don’t know if this is working as intended). Use water elemental form (take at L17), with Mantle of the Icy Soul (a 9th level buff that slows and debuffs mobs that are hit by your cold spells). There is no save against Creeping Cold and Greater Creeping Cold. BUG: Creeping Cold and Greater Creeping cold overwrite other casters' Niac's Biting Cold.
    Call Lightning (evocation) at low to upper teen levels you can one-shot mobs. You get Call Lightning as a 6sp spell-like ability (all SLAs Maximize and Empower for free). The regular spell has a 2 second cool down time so can rapid fire and can one-shot many heroic mobs faster than other casters can instakill them! Faster casting than wiz/sorc Lightning Bolt and strikes from the sky so never misses due to a mob moving out of the way. Keep your electric spell power maxed, easy with Bracers of Wind.
    Body of the Sun (evocation) WOWOW! This spell is like a dream come true and at L13-19ish is fun and extremely powerful, as it basically turns you into a walking firewall! Doesn’t maximize or empower and does about as much dps as a firewall for less SP and moves with you. To add gravy on top of that, it’s a buff so can be extended! Make sure to take fire elemental form first at L13 and take water elemental at L17. As with firewall, BotS loses effectiveness at higher levels. For sick dps cast firewall and BotS!
    Wall of Fire and Ice Storm (evocation) a druid can do nearly as much dps as a cold or fire sorc! In water elemental form, Ice Storm will have an added debuff and slowing effect on mobs when using Mantle of the Icy Soul buff. There is no save against Ice Storm.
    Freezing Spray cast on mobs so they take 25% more damage from cold spells- great for named and raid bosses!
    Sleet Storm not a uniquely druid spell but deserves a special mention. This is an excellent crowd control spell but is exceptionally annoying to your party if they don't have Freedom of Movement. Druids are the only class that has both Sleet Storm and FOM on their spell list so just give your party FOM and learn to love Sleet Storm! There is no save against Sleet Storm.
    Finger of Death don’t do it, it’s a trap!! As casters we see FOD and go “OOOOH I NEEDS THAT!!” But on a druid it doesn’t make sense to spend resources to try to make FOD effective. Stick with Call Lightning at low to upper teen levels and Creeping Cold and GCC at higher levels. Don’t spend resources on necro or spell penetration on ANY druid build. Druids only have 2 spells with spell penetration checks: FOD and Word of Balance. Neither are important enough to invest in spell penetration.
    Fires of Purity druids get a weapon buff! Great for party members if no arti is present. Don’t cast on yourself unless fighting mobs that are vulnerable to fire because it overrides Crown of Summer weapon buff (from enhancement line). Must be in fire ele form to cast, so cast on party first, then switch to water ele and buff self.
    Mass Regenerate best mass healing spell in the game!! Use it and love it!! Heals stat damage and neg levels too! Endgame ticks for 400+ on a non-crit (on self with 90 healing amp). Fast casting so already ticks twice by the time a Mass Heal would finish casting. If your entire party needs a bigger burst than that, throw Mass Regenerate and Mass Greater Vigor back to back.
    Snowslide sprint attack spell that freezes your enemies. Use in winter wolf form when you need to get somewhere fast! Does a burst of movement 2x as far as a favored soul’s wings plus 8 seconds of super fast movement. Great for leaping over long distances. Also lets you pass through mobs so great for getting out of crowds when trapped.
    Storm of Vengeance (conjuration) 9th level AOE spell that does electric and acid damage. Long cooldown of 1 minute, but you get an SLA version too at L18 so helps to make cooldown less of an issue. Excellent to chew down large groups of mobs. There is no save against the acid damage, which is the primary damage of SoV.
    Creeping Doom (conjuration) A very nice spell that I overlooked for a long time. Acts as an AOE DOT. Slow to reach its target but great for including in your close range large group AOE attack routine (Ice Storm, SOV, etc.) and will tick for 200ish poison damage every 2 seconds for 15 seconds.
    Fire Trap (abjuration) and Fire Seeds Trap (conjuration) If you feel like you need extra bang beyond the regular AOE attack routine (Ice Storm, SOV, etc.) then these are nice to drop at your feet for added AOE dps when fighting large groups of mobs.
    Earthquake (evocation) provides some of the best EE crowd control in the game. It is a L8 spell, so you get at L15, just in time for Gianthold elites. Great for kiting or intimidating large groups into and coupling with Ice Storm. For very large or tough groups of mobs, throw Earthquake, Ice Storm and Sleet Storm (give your party FOM or they hate you) and watch your enemies trip, stumble, fall, or slow to a crawl (from Mantle and Beguile) as you and your party obliterate them. Throw Storm of Vengeance on top of that to provide more AOE dps. Use Sunburst SLA to blind them too! Sunburst is also evocation, so the blinding effect hits a lot on druids with good evocation DCs. Turn off Maximize and Empower for Earthquake. The extra damage isn’t worth the extra sp cost, it’s the knock down ability that you care about most. An Earthquake DC of 50+ at endgame is good enough to be effective. I run at 58 and can bring down most mobs almost no-fail except EE Shadar-kai Assassins, evasion archers and winter wolves.
    Traditional healers may find an awkward adjustment when healing on a druid. Other healers wait for the damage to occur and then heal their party. Druids are a little different with their heal-over-time spells (vigor and regeneration). In a sense, you are healing in front of the damage instead of after the damage. You don’t wait for your party to be half down like you might with Mass Heal. Instead, you wait for a smaller amount of damage, then throw Mass Regenerate, which will tick for 400+ on a non-crit with this build (on self with 90 healing amp). At first I was upset that druids didn’t get mass cure spells like cleric and favored soul (they have in pen and paper D&D), but I have come to love healing on a druid so much better than cleric or favored soul, as the HOT spells are amazing for filling in the gaps that are between a traditional healer’s spells. Druids do however get all the single target healing spells Cure Light Wounds through Heal, as well as all single and mass target HOT spells. Unmaximized and unempowered vigor can be very efficient low-cost healing during heroic levels, just have to be proactive and stay ahead of the damage. Use cure spells and Heal for bigger burst of healing as needed. Spring’s Resurgence is also huge at lower levels, as it gives an immediate burst of healing as soon as a player falls below 50% health. It’s cheap to cast and can be a lifesaver in traps or against hard hitting mobs. Get used to regularly casting this on yourself and party members. When tanking groups of mobs or torc’ing up you can effectively use Spring’s Resurgence to keep yourself healed. Useful in epic levels as well. With cocoon twisted in and Renewal from US destiny, you can do a lot of your healing with these SLA's and save most of your mana for offensive casting. Renewal ticks for 300+ on self on a non-crit (with 90 healing amp).
    This build provides good self-healing tanking ability. Use cold DOTS to generate hate. Use intimidate to pull back mobs and bosses if they are pulled away from you. I have used this build to successfully tank all bosses on EE, although I would not advise you tank high-end EE bosses with a first life version of the build. Can tank heroic elite at-level demon queen, Stormreaver, VOD and all TOD bosses.
    Temple of the Deathwyrm: can tank dragon and kuldjarghs simultaneously on EE. Kuldjarghs will keep you torc'ed up enough to spam your spells on the dragon. Tank TOTD in fire ele form with Body of the Sun. If someone pulls the dragon too far away from you, quickly change to winter wolf form and use Snow Slide to burst through the kuldjarghs and chase the dragon down and pull back. To hold aggro, use Body of the Sun, Wall of Fire, Storm of Vengeance, Sunburst, Sunbeam, Word of Balance and Produce Flame. During final beatdown, stay in winter wolf form so that you can quickly move around with Snow Slide as needed to keep the dragon centered.
    Have fun building your caster/healer druid, I hope you enjoy this build and feel free to send me a tell if you’re on Sarlona!
    Demonstration of build solo EE Don't Drink the Water with narration
    Link bài gốc https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/427398-Gingerspyce-s-caster-healer-quasi-tank-build
    Pure Casting Warlock DC Eld Blast Build
    st: 8
    dx: 10
    wi: 8
    int: 16 (give up points here if on first or 2nd life)
    con: 14
    cha: 20 (Cha Maint p cho warlock . + toàn bộ điểm khi lên lvl)
    Past Life Wizard
    Spell Focus Enchantment
    Greater Spell Focus Enchantment (or completionist if you have it - I don't on Randarkk)
    Epic Eldritch Blast
    Force of Personality
    Epic Arcane Eldritch Blast (level 26 ED Feat)
    Ruin (use with Littany turn the page when possible)
    Epic Spellpower Light (level 28 ED Feat) or Hellball but with limited sp I am going with Epic Spellpower Light
    NOTE: " Spell power chính của Warlock là light nhé. Các bạn build đồ và vũ khí nhớ xài light "
    I am undecided on whether Hellball is a better choice than Epic Spellpower Light. Warlocks don't have enough spell points to use Hellball and Ruin regularly.
    Perform (important for Shiradi procs and pact damage)
    Diplomacy (important for Shiradi audience with the queen)
    Heal (if int 14 or higher or int tome)
    UMD (if int 16 or higher or int tome)
    Jump (if you have int +2 or better tome and 16 int)
    "Tome + Điểm các bạn có thể mua trên shop hoặc mở hòm epic cũng có nhưng tỉ lệ thấp"
    1: Obscuring Mist (Fey), Jump, Nightshield, Feather Fall (Tainted Scholar)
    2: Blindness (Fey), Blur, Invisibility (command undead if planning to run with CC in MOD) Web (Tainted Scholar)
    3: Slow (Fey), Displacement, Dimension Door, Crushing Despair (Tainted Scholar)
    4: Greater Dispel Magic (Fey), Evard's Black Tentacles (Flesh to Stone if planning to run with CC in MOD),Hold Monster, Deathward (Tainted Scholar)
    5: Otto's Sphere of Dancing (Fey), Mass Hold Person, Mind Fog, Greater Heroism (Tainted Scholar)
    6: Otto's Irresistable Dance (Fey), Power Word Stun, Mass Hold Monster, Energy Drain (Tainted Scholar)
    Tentative Enhancement Spend
    Tainted Scholar (46)
    Core (6)
    - Tainted Spellcasting
    - Tainted Lore
    - Stanch
    - Tainted Lore
    - Blood Component
    - Heretical Lore
    Tier 1 (6)
    - Planar Power x2
    - Strong Pact
    Tier 2 (9)
    - Utterdark Blast
    - Eldritch Blast Shape Change Chain
    - Stunning Blast x3
    - Strong Pact
    Tier 3 (7)
    - Confusion x3
    - Strong Pact
    - Charisma
    Tier 4 (7)
    - Bewitching Blast
    - Strong Pact
    - Charisma
    Tier 5 (8)
    - Eldtrich Power
    - Eldritch Ball
    - Mass Confusion x3
    - Spell Focus Enchantment
    - Planar Focus
    Enlightened Spirit (25)
    Core (4)
    - Eldritch Aura
    - Aura of Courage
    - Shape Vestments
    - Aura of Menace
    Tier 1 (6)
    - Resilience of Body x3
    - Resilience of Soul x3
    Tier 2 (3)
    - Power of Enlightenment: Light
    Tier 3 (7)
    - Eldritch Burst
    - Power of Enlightenment: Light
    - CHA
    Tier 4 (9)
    - Medium Armor Proficiency
    - CHA
    Drow Enhancements (9)
    Core (6)
    - Spell Resistance
    - Cha
    - Spell Resistance
    - Cha
    Tier 2 (3)
    - Enchantment Lore x3
    Self Healing
    - Cocoon (great for topping off in battle since it has the "over time" effect)
    - Maximized/Empowered Mass Cure Moderate Wounds spell from Exalted Angel (big emergency heal ability for 35 sp)
    - Divine Wrath (getting some extra heals while in combat)
    Spellpower Light (Used for Unholy Damage + Light Damage)
    See this post for current spellpower calculations: https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthrea...=1#post5688554
    Link gốc https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/460700-Pure-Casting-Warlock-DC-Eld-Blast-Build

    Nói cả ngày cũng không hết về game vì game này quá Epic ....
    Mình đang chơi ở server argonnessen bạn nào chơi có thể pm mình party chạy Elite :)
    ID : Olodyo
    Class : Pru rogue 23
    ID : ERAZO
    Class : Pru Warlock 18
    ID : Lody
    Class : Rogue 2/ Wizard 17

    Build cho newber https://www.ddo.com/forums/showthread.php/232660-Revisiting-paths-Builds-for-new-players?p=2782313

    Link Q http://ddowiki.com/page/Quests_by_level
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 30/9/15
  2. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ABM Telecom
    Hiện giờ Max lvl là 28 . 20 lvl thường và 8 epic lvl . khi bạn nhận được exp sẽ lên rank , 5 rank thì up được 1 lvl . khi lên rank se đươc pnt để + vào bảng enchan :)) lên lvl thì được điểm + skill , chọn flet cho class các kiểu
    bn vài anh :) lvl 16 prue rg :D
  3. ZzRaizZ

    ZzRaizZ Persian Prince Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game này thu phí hả bác?
    down rồi nó kêu chưa sub
  4. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ABM Telecom
    Game nay không thu phí bạn ạ . chỉ có điều f2p thì chỉ tạo max được 2 nhân vật thôi và 1 số dungeon hay pack xịn đồi hỏi phải là vip hoặc premium play "người đã lên lvl 28 hoặc mua pack" mới vào được . Nếu bạn có acc của game lord of the ring thì chỉ cần gửi ticket đến supot bọn nó sẽ gửi cho bạn 1 key để vầo game . nếu là new thì đăng ký như bình thường thôi
  5. TKH

    TKH Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hồ Chí Minh
    ^Nhớ game của Turbine có vụ cày TP mua đồ trong store mà ta : d
  6. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    =)) trong quấ trinh chơi game khi lầm Q bạn sẽ nhận được farvo :)) hay còn gọi là danh vọng cứ 100 farvo thì được 25pp dùng đêr mua đồ trong shop hoặc mua pack :) có 400 farvo thì unlock được rarce drow elf hay là 1750 farvo thì được veteran class "cái này mua trong shop mât hơn 1k pp hay sao í " có cái veteran này khi tạo nhân vật mới thiif nhân vật sẽ là lvl 7 luôn thay vì lvl 1 :) nói chung với các bạn chịu khó cài kéo làm Q thì sẽ không tốn 1 $ cho gâme này còn như mình lười thì mua vip luôn cho nhanh=)) . Nếu bạn nào chơi pm mình sẽ giúp làm Q lúc đầu và mời vào guild :) guiild lvl 110 rôi nên có nhiều buff rất là mạnh và ngon :))
  7. Phong Hà Nhi

    Phong Hà Nhi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    game này có class nào summoner k moi người
  8. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    ABM Telecom
    Hinh nhu druid có thì phải . Hơn nữa có các sách phép khi sử dụng có thể summon quái vật theo cấp độ của sách nên ít người học skill summon :) . Ngoài ra còn có thể thuê lính đánh thuê đi theo mình khi làm Q :) .
  9. Phong Hà Nhi

    Phong Hà Nhi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hi cám ơn nha mình dã tải r
    giờ đang test nè mà VN mình tụ tập chơi sv gì vậy
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/9/15
  10. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ABM Telecom
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 11/9/15
  11. Phong Hà Nhi

    Phong Hà Nhi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đang chơi wiza nè thấy có summon undead nên chơi thử nè
  12. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

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    Wiz cũng hay phết :) bạn để lại nick của bạn nhé mình add
  13. Phong Hà Nhi

    Phong Hà Nhi Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    de minh vo mình pm cho
  14. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    :)) tối tầm 8h mình online có gì pm mình :))
  15. nhomhoanmy

    nhomhoanmy Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Game nhập vai xuất hiện trước cả video games cơ à? :-o
  16. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chuẩn rồi bạn ấy :)) hồi nhưng năm 70 chơi D&D giông như đánh cờ vậy :)) mỗi người 1 cái xúc sắc 20 số chơi theo côt truyện viết sẵm :)) toàn bộ mọi hành động của NV đều giao xúc sắc :))
  17. WarcTNT

    WarcTNT T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trong truyện Vua trò chơi cũng có giới thiệu wa thể loại game đó mà ai đọng truyện đó chắc cũng biệt sơ sơ. còn game chiến thuật thời đó thì 1 game cũng mất khoản 1 ngày mới xong =)).
    còn cái game D&D này ngày trước có dk 1 làn mà dk thì rườm ra đã thế còn fake ip nên giận thề éo thèm chơi nữa. :1onion71:
  18. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ủa đang ky có gì đâu mà rườm rà ? với cả sao lại phải fake ip ???
  19. WarcTNT

    WarcTNT T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    có mà cách đây 5 năm lúc đó ko co game j chơi thấy nó quản cảo trên mấy cái trang game nước ngoài vào dk thì nó nó bảo ko thuột khu vực Na với Eu nên ko dk dc xài fake ip thì gặp lổi này nọ gặp lúc age of conan free to play thôi dẹp nhảy wa age of conan =))
  20. eragonVI

    eragonVI Glory

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ABM Telecom
    hì :) . Bây giờ đăng ký không cần fake ip đâu =) .

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