Bạn là fan ruột của Dungeon Siege II ư --> hay vào đây

Thảo luận trong 'RPG Vault' bắt đầu bởi TonyHawn, 6/12/05.

Trạng thái chủ đề:
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  1. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    lỗi này là lỗi gì nhỉ,có lẽ bản bạn cài bị lỗi,hay là update lên patch 2.2 như trên xem có chuyển biến gì ko

    Hỏi luôn tratphuong:"nhập mã số của trang web là gì,em ko hiểu lắm"
  2. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hà Nội
    Pro tratphuong ơi,chỉ giùm cái,mất cả buổi sáng ko mò ra dc,chán quá hà,toàn gặp mấy cái chữ này,chả thấy cái chứ"start download "đâu cả
  3. tratphuong

    tratphuong Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Trùi ui người ta ghi rõ như thế mà còn hỏi. Cái này đại loại là : Chúng tôi đang trong thời gian đại tu lại cái mái chủ đề mở rộng băng thông download.....và cho đến ngày 1/01/2006 nhớ quai lại down nhé ;-)
  4. lexusis

    lexusis Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    To Lâm-9p:

    Hôm qua tui down bình thường mà, chỉ tội cái là hôm qua về mải chơi mà quên chưa update thử bản crack này.

    Password của tui khi down là số 303, số này hiền lên ngay trên nút "start down" bằng màu sắc và có kích thước lớn hơn,

    nhìn kỹ chút thấy liền hà....
  5. lexusis

    lexusis Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    To Lâm-9p again,

    Tui cũng đang bị cái vụ con rồng không hiện ra giống ông. Vậy trường hợp của ông đã giải quyết được chưa hay vẫn phải chờ bản crack noCD này...

    NB: Tui down bằng nút FREE y theo bro tratphuong nói đó...
  6. nicknguyen85

    nicknguyen85 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    minh la linh moi, choi War human 2 lan, sap wa verteran ma may ban cu pót ban up hoai minh cung thu xem sao. Minh dơ day du roi but chua chay thu. Neu co j may bo chi jup nha.
  7. nicknguyen85

    nicknguyen85 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    minh choi khong bao nhiu but khi len Forum nay thi thay topic nay hay hon ben kia nhiu mac du ben nay it nguoi vay but toan la thu co ich ko ha, ben kia tao lao pa co. minh nghe noi danh con (???) de lay do xin. minh noi that, dung do no ca chuc lan ma co thay do j rot dau? Toan la dap thung lay duoc bo Legencery ma no dom pa co!!! I e lun do!!! ai biet cach lay do xin thi pót di nha. minh xin lay bai ben kia cho ba con tham khao???
  8. nicknguyen85

    nicknguyen85 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lấy Mys stone ko hoàn toàn phụ thuọoc vào độ rùa như bác Keitaro nói trong bản hướng dẫn đâu bà con (có chăng là gặp thằng "???" hay ko ma` thôi)
    tôi xin post cách lấy Mys stone mà theo tôi là ổn nhất:
    -Thứ nhất thời điểm "???" xuất hiện:nó chỉ có khả năng xuất hiện cùng lúc với Boss hoặc những con mini boss dọc đường đi(những con có vầng sáng xung quanh người ý)Còn có quái vật đông mấy mà ko có mấy con ý thì ko cần phải chú y' làm j` cho no' nhọc Mấy con Boss và mini boss này cũng ko nhiều lắm các bạn chú y' điểm này để ko phải ân hận khi nhìn thấy mà ko kịp moi được của nó cái khỉ j`heehe.
    -Thứ 2 la thời điểm thích hợp dể lấy Mys Stone (khoảng>=36 là ổn)Yếu tố quyết định là phải có chiêu Power tụ sét vào cung cua archer(hình như là chirce shot thì phải ko nhớ lắm )va` chiêu Elemental rage của Fighter,tiếp đó là phép bắn xa của Mage(Băng lửa sét j` cũng được miễn là đánh mất máu) như thế có lẽ là đủ(Nhũng lv thấp hơn thì đừng nghĩ đến Mys stone làm j` cho nó đau dầu có mơ cũng ko có đâu)
    -Bước 3 là cầu mong môt ngày đẹp trời bạn gặp được nó với "power full" chứ ko có thì cũng chịu ,nhanh tay chuyển party sang chế độ Minor(nếu bạn đang ở chế độ Rampe,kích hoạt các power đã nói ở trên(và tất cả những j` đang có) phang nó cật lực có thể(chỉ phang chứ ko nhặt đồ nha)
    -vấn đề thứ 4 là thời gian tồn tại của"???"~20s máu tu`7~10k
    Nếu bạn làm đúng những j` tôi nói thì nó se die trong khoảng 10s và bo? xac bằng viên Mys stone còn ko die thì tại người chơi tay chân luống cuống chứ ko tại thằng viết bài này)
  9. nicknguyen85

    nicknguyen85 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    ai choi wa verteran rui thi lam on cho tui file save voi, lam quest phu hoai met wa di hu.uhuhu.h.u...


    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Tôi cũng đi dến chỗ co' con rồng ma chả thấy con rồng nao` cả , đợi đến nửa tiếng vẫn như rứa ,vừa bực vừa chán ai qua rồi làm ơn giúp tôi được ko (đang dùng bản patch mới nhất tải ở microsoft). nghe mọi người ảo ban nay` bi lỗi vậy thi` ban ko lỗi ở đâu để tải .THANKS
  11. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội

    Chung ta giong nhau quá bạn ơi,tôi cũng đang chết trận chỗ con rồng đây,chả làm sao qua dc,tức vãi tất cả mọi thứ,đang chờ crack về xem có gì đổi thay ko đây,à àm tôi đã down dc cái crack về đâu,ai down về rồi upload lên đây giùm
  12. soidayem1

    soidayem1 Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho hỏi bộ đồ vàng manh nhất cho mele,elf,combat,natural la` zi za,giai dap du`m cam on
  13. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    Đấy nè bạn,đây là list sắp xếp từ thấp đến cao bạn đọc nhé

    Night's Shadow----------------------------------Dual Wield Set 1
    5 pieces                                        Requires Melee 13-29
    Smoke's Cowl
    (Hood from Night's Shadow Set)
    Armor: 15
    Requires Melee 13
      +16 Health
      +5% Health Regeneration
      +12% Death Resistance
      +4% Power Recharge Rate
    (Boots from Night's Shadow Set)
    Armor: 20
    Requires Melee 16
      +7 Armor
      +8% Melee Resistance
      +12% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
      +15% Chance to Find Magic Items
    (Gloves from Night's Shadow Set)
    Armor: 28
    Requires Melee 22
      +9 Strength
      +12 Armor
      +16% Fire Resistance
      +75% Gold Dropped
    Phantom Razor
    (Falchion from Night's Shadow Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 26 to 44
    Requires Melee 29
      +14 Strength
      Adds 7 to 12 Ice Damage
      +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
      8% Health Steal
    (Dirk from Night's Shadow Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 21 to 48
    Requires Melee 19
      +12 Max Damage
      +25% Damage
      Adds 4 to 7 Death Damage
      +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
    Set Bonuses
    2/5 Items Equipped:
      3% Health Steal
      +4% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +20% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +3 Melee Damage
    3/5 Items Equipped:
      4% Health Steal
      +6% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +1 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
      +25% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +5 Melee Damage
      +2 Armor
    4/5 Items Equipped:
      4% Health Steal
      +10% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +1 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
      +30% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +8 Melee Damage
      +4 Armor
    5/5 Items Equipped:
      7% Health Steal
      +12% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
      +40% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +14 Melee Damage
      +6 Armor
    The Furious Tempest-----------------------------Dual Wield Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Melee 44-56
    (Boots from The Furious Tempest Set)
    Armor: 62
    Requires Melee 48
      +30 Armor
      +25% Lightning Resistance
      +25% Chance to Dodge Ranged Attacks
      +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    (Sword from The Furious Tempest Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 31 to 53
    Requires Melee 51
      +125 Health
      Restores 12 Health Per Hit
      +20% Health Regeneration
      +3 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
    (Heavy Edged Axe from The Furious Tempest Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 37 to 72
    Requires Melee 44
      +28 Strength
      Adds 9 to 26 Lightning Damage
      +20% Lightning Resistance
      +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    Eye of the Tempest
    (Amulet from The Furious Tempest Set)
    Requires Melee 56
      +43 Strength
      +150 Health
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance
      +8% Melee Resistance
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +20 Strength
      +5% Health Regeneration
      +4% Melee Resistance
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +3 Melee Damage
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +35 Strength
      +10% Health Regeneration
      +6% Melee Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +6 Melee Damage
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +50 Strength
      +15% Health Regeneration
      +10% Melee Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +10 Melee Damage
    Luun's Deathblades------------------------------Dual Wield Set 3
    2 pieces                                        Requires Melee 34
    This set is dropped when you complete the "Mask of the Assassin" secondary 
    quest (Act II). You can start this quest by picking up the stone on a table in 
    Aman'lu, but you wont be able to complete it until later when you do the Upper 
    part of "Mines of Kaderak" area. The guy you need to find is in the Kilrathia 
    Inn in Act III.
    (Long Sword from Luun's Deathblades Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 40 to 68
    Requires Melee 34
      +28 Dexterity
      +42% Damage
      Adds 9 to 15 Death Damage
      +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
    (Short Sword from Luun's Deathblades Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 31 to 52
    Requires Melee 34
      +18 Strength
      +67 Health
      Adds 9 to 15 Death Damage
    Set Bonuses
    2/2 Items Equipped:
      Adds 10 to 16 Death Damage
      8% Health Steal
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
      +2 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
    Lorethal's Legacy-------------------------------1h Weapon / Shield Set 1
    8 pieces                                        Requires Melee 6-28
                                                    Shield requires Barricade 1
    Lorethal's Courage
    (Full Plate from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Armor: 136
    Requires Melee 28
      +14 Strength
      +100% Armor
      +6% Melee Resistance
      +1 to Melee Skills
    Lorethal's Nobility
    (Bascinet from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Armor: 15
    Requires Melee 9
      5% Health Steal
      +33% Armor
      +12% Death Resistance
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    Lorethal's Determination
    (Greaves from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Armor: 17
    Requires Melee 12
      +22 Health
      +7 Armor
      +12% Ice Resistance
      +12% Fire Resistance
    Lorethal's Grace
    (Gauntlets from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Armor: 12
    Requires Melee 6
      +3 Strength
      +5 Armor
      +3% Power Recharge Rate
    Lorethal's Command
    (Shield from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Armor: 43
    Requires Melee 24
    Requires Barricade 1
      +10% Health Regeneration
      +80% Armor
      +26% Chance to Block Melee Attacks
    Lorethal's Sacrifice
    (Flanged Mace from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Fast Attack Speed
    Damage: 18 to 37
    Requires Melee 15
      +6 Strength
      +8 Max Damage
      +25% Damage
      Adds 4 to 5 Fire Damage
    Lorethal's Honor
    (Amulet from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Requires Melee 3
      +7 Health
      Adds 1 to 2 Weapon Damage
      +3 Armor
      +8% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Lorethal's Eminence
    (Ring from Lorethal's Legacy Set)
    Requires Melee 18
      6% Health Steal
      +12% Health Regeneration
      +8% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    Set Bonuses
    2/8 Items Equipped:
      +3 Strength
      +5 Armor
      +2% Magic Damage Resistance
    3/8 Items Equipped:
      +5 Strength
      +12 Armor
      +4% Magic Damage Resistance  
    4/8 Items Equipped:
      +6 Strength
      +18 Armor
      +6% Magic Damage Resistance 
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    5/8 Items Equipped:
      +8 Strength
      +25 Armor
      +8% Magic Damage Resistance 
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +5 Melee Damage
    6/8 Items Equipped:
      +10 Strength
      +35 Armor
      +10% Magic Damage Resistance 
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +10 Melee Damage
    7/8 Items Equipped:
      +14 Strength
      +50 Armor
      +12% Magic Damage Resistance 
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +20 Melee Damage
    8/8 Items Equipped:
      +18 Strength
      +65 Armor
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance 
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +27 Melee Damage
    Vistira's Undoing-------------------------------1h Weapon / Shield Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Melee 36-48
                                                    Shield requires Barricade 1
    Serpent of Vistira
    (Helm from Vistira's Undoing Set)
    Armor: 73
    Requires Melee 48
      +120 Health
      40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +30 Armor
      +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    Skin of Vistira
    (Greaves from Vistira's Undoing Set)
    Armor: 45
    Requires Melee 36
      +16% Health Regeneration
      +20 Armor
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Melee Skills
    Fangs of Vistira
    (Gauntlets from Vistira's Undoing Set)
    Armor: 29
    Requires Melee 43
      +28 Strength
      +33 Max Damage
      11% Health Steal
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
    Mirror of Vistira
    (Shield from Vistira's Undoing Set)
    Armor: 140
    Requires Melee 40
    Requires Barricade 1
      30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +90% Armor
      +24% Death Resistance
      +15% Chance to Block Melee Attacks
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +50 Health
      20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +4% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +4 Armor
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +100 Health
      30% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +8% Magic Damage Resistance
      +2 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +8 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +150 Health
      45% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +12% Magic Damage Resistance
      +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +18 Armor
    Frostheim's Trappings---------------------------2h Weapon Set 1
    4 pieces                                        Requires Melee 21-30
                                                    2h Weapon requires Overbear 1
    Frostheim's Grip
    (Gauntlets from Frostheim's Trappings Set)
    Armor: 36
    Requires Melee 30
      +55 Health
      +15 Armor
      +20% Ice Resistance
      +2 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    (Flamberge from Frostheim's Trappings Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 46 to 78
    Requires Melee 27
    Requires Overbear 1
      +16 Strength
      +35% Damage
      Adds 6 to 11 Ice Damage
      +18% Fire Resistance
    Frostheim's Claw
    (Ring from Frostheim's Trappings Set)
    Requires Melee 21
      +8 Strength
      Adds 5 to 8 Weapon Damage
      20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      7% Health Steal
    Frostheim's Binding
    (Ring from Frostheim's Trappings Set)
    Requires Melee 33
      +36 Max Damage
      +12% Health Regeneration
      +20% Ice Resistance
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +12 Strength
      Adds 5 to 9 Ice Damage
      +15% Ice Resistance
      +4 Armor
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +18 Strength
      Adds 7 to 12 Ice Damage
      +20% Ice Resistance
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +8 Melee Damage
      +5 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +25 Strength
      Adds 9 to 15 Ice Damage
      +25% Ice Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +15 Melee Damage **
      +8 Armor
    ** Note!!! There appears to be a mistake in the set_definitions.gas file for 
    this part of the bonus to this set. The most likely outcome from this is that 
    it will raise the minimum damage in the bonus but not the maximum for the 4/4 
    bonus. If it is possible to test this by equipping this set and tell by 
    looking at your damage stats, please let me know.  
    Legend of the Fire King-------------------------2h Weapon Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Melee 45-60
                                                    2h Weapon requires Overbear 1
    Fire King's Crown
    (Helm from Legend of the Fire King Set)
    Armor: 77
    Requires Melee 51
      40% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +32 Armor
      +25% Fire Resistance
      +10% Melee Resistance
    Fire King's Trappings                           Unverified
    (Body Armor from Legend of the Fire King Set)
    Armor: 240
    Requires Melee 54
      +40 Strength
      +140 Health
      +100% Armor
      +14% Ranged Resistance
    Fire King's Foecrusher
    (Maul from Legend of the Fire King Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 122 to 193
    Requires Melee 60
    Requires Overbear 1
      +45 Strength
      +65% Damage
      Adds 24 to 29 Fire Damage
      +3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    Fire King's Will
    (Ring from Legend of the Fire King Set)
    Requires Melee 45
      +20% Health Regeneration
      +25% Fire Resistance
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Melee Skills
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +20 Strength
      +35 Max Melee Damage
      +10 Min Melee Damage
      Adds 10 to 15 Fire Damage
      +20% Fire Resistance
      +1 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +40 Strength
      +50 Max Melee Damage
      +15 Min Melee Damage
      Adds 20 to 25 Fire Damage
      +25% Fire Resistance
      +3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +56 Strength **
      +65 Max Melee Damage
      +25 Min Melee Damage
      Adds 29 to 36 Fire Damage
      +30% Fire Resistance
      +4 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    ** Note! I think the 56 might be a typo. Since 2 and 3 bonuses differ by 20, 
    then for 4 of the set strength should be increased by at least 20 again, which 
    means this probably should be +65 strength. However since it is a typo in the 
    game file, it will only add +56 as it says.
    Olimarch's Bane---------------------------------Bow Set 1
    4 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 4-16
    Savior's Trail
    (Boots from Olimarch's Bane Set)
    Armor: 4
    Requires Ranged 4
      +8 Health
      +10% Fire Resistance
      +5% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +8% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Savior's Signal
    (Gloves from Olimarch's Bane Set)
    Armor: 7
    Requires Ranged 10
      +6 Dexterity
      +12% Ice Resistance
      +3% Power Recharge Rate
      +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    Skewer of Olimarch
    (Long Bow from Olimarch's Bane Set)
    Faster Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 15 to 29
    Range 10 meters
    Requires Ranged 16
      +9 Dexterity
      +22% Damage
      Adds 2 to 7 Lightning Damage
      +1 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
    Savior's Halo
    (Ring from Olimarch's Bane Set)
    Requires Ranged 7
      +25 Health
      5% Health Steal
      +5% Health Regeneration
      +12% Lightning Resistance
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +5 Dexterity
      +3% Magic Damage Resistance
      +4 Max Ranged Damage
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +8 Dexterity
      +6% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +1 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +4 Max Ranged Damage
      +2 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +12 Dexterity
      +10% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +9 Max Ranged Damage
      +6 Armor
    Bloody Vengeance--------------------------------Bow Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 42-55
    (Helm from Bloody Vengeance Set)
    Armor: 74
    Requires Ranged 55
      +100 Health
      +36 Max Damage
      35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +35 Armor
    (Gloves from Bloody Vengeance Set)
    Armor: 29
    Requires Ranged 55
      +57 Dexterity
      Restores 14 Health Per Hit
      +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    (Composite Bow from Bloody Vengeance Set)
    Faster Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 55 to 92
    Range 16 meters
    Requires Ranged 48
      +52% Damage
      Adds 15 to 25 Death Damage
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +3 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
    (Amulet from Bloody Vengeance Set)
    Requires Ranged 42
      +35 Dexterity
      35% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +20% Health Regeneration
      +7% Power Recharge Rate
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      Adds 10 to 20 Death Damage
      5% Health Steal
      +1 to Ranged Skills
      +2 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +2 Armor
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      Adds 15 to 25 Death Damage
      8% Health Steal
      +1 to Ranged Skills
      +3 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +4 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      Adds 21 to 36 Death Damage
      12% Health Steal
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +4 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +14 Ranged Damage
      +12 Armor
    Fallen Soldier's Gift---------------------------Crossbow Set 1
    3 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 28-37
                                                    Crossbow needs Biting Arrow 1
    Soldier's Reborn Shroud
    (Body Armor from Fallen Soldier's Gift Set)
    Armor: 120
    Requires Ranged 32
      +100% Armor
      +22% Death Resistance
      +8% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    Soldier's Vigilance
    (Gloves from Fallen Soldier's Gift Set)
    Armor: 31
    Requires Ranged 28
      +18 Dexterity
      +15 Armor
      +12% Magic Damage Resistance
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
    Soldier's Justice
    (Arbalest from Fallen Soldier's Gift Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 68 to 135
    Range 15 meters
    Requires Ranged 37
    Requires Biting Arrow 1
      +30 Dexterity
      +26 Max Damage
      +45% Damage
      Adds 12 to 15 Fire Damage
      +2 to Ranged Skills
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      +75 Health
      Adds 11 to 13 Fire Damage
      +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +25 Armor
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      +100 Health
      Adds 13 to 16 Fire Damage
      +3 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +40 Armor
    Winds of Kel'drassil----------------------------Thrown Weapon Set 1
    5 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 22-46
                                                    Thrown weap needs Quick Draw 1
    Gale Raiment
    (Hauberk from Winds of Kel'drassil Set)
    Armor: 105
    Requires Ranged 34
      +10 Dexterity
      +65% Armor
      +15% Health Regeneration
      +5% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Ranged Skills
    The Fourth Wind
    (Glaive from Winds of Kel'drassil Set)
    Normal Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 27 to 62
    Range 8 meters
    Requires Ranged 26
    Requires Quick Draw 1
      +16 Dexterity
      +16 Max Damage
      +33% Damage
      +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    Wind of Calamity
    (Ring from Winds of Kel'drassil Set)
    Requires Ranged 22
      +13 Max Ranged Damage
      +10 Min Ranged Damage
      20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    Wind of Recovery
    (Ring from Winds of Kel'drassil Set)
    Requires Ranged 29
      +55 Health
      Restores 6 Health Per Hit
      +15% Health Regeneration
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
    Wind of Omens
    (Ring from Winds of Kel'drassil Set)
    Requires Ranged 46 **
      +18 Armor
      +8% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +2 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +40% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Set Bonuses
    2/5 Items Equipped:
      +12 Dexterity
      Restores 4 Health Per Hit
      +1 to Ranged Skills
      +1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    3/5 Items Equipped:
      +18 Dexterity
      Restores 6 Health Per Hit
      +1 to Ranged Skills
      +1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    4/5 Items Equipped:
      +24 Dexterity
      Restores 8 Health Per Hit
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +2 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
      +4 Armor
    5/5 Items Equipped:
      +32 Dexterity
      Restores 10 Health Per Hit
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
      +14 Armor
    ** Note!! This requirement may be a typo from the game data files, it is a bit 
    steep of a requirement compared to the others. 
    Thena's Serenity--------------------------------Staff Set 1
    4 pieces                                        Requires Nature Magic 4-16
    Thena's Calming Gaze
    (Hood from Thena's Serenity Set)
    Armor: 18
    Requires Nature Magic 16
      +6 Intelligence
      6% Mana Steal
      +80% Armor
      +1 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
    Thena's Tranquil Path
    (Boots from Thena's Serenity Set)
    Armor: 8
    Requires Nature Magic 4
      +5% Mana Regeneration
      +5 Armor
      +10% Ice Resistance
      +10% Fire Resistance
    Thena's Soothing Touch
    (Gloves from Thena's Serenity Set)
    Armor: 6
    Requires Nature Magic 12
      +22 Mana
      Restores 2 Mana Per Hit
      +12% Death Resistance
      +1 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
    Thena's Companion
    (Shillelah from Thena's Serenity Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 9 to 15
    Requires Nature Magic 8
      +3 Intelligence
      +12 Health
      +10% Nature Magic Damage
      +10% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +3 Intelligence
      +20 Mana
      +3% Magic Damage Resistance
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +5 Intelligence
      +30 Mana
      +6% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +1 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
      +2 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +8 Intelligence
      +40 Mana
      +10% Magic Damage Resistance
      +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
      +5 Armor
    North Keeper's Vestments------------------------Staff Set 2
    3 pieces                                        Requires Nature Magic 45-56
    Mantle of the North
    (Body from North Keeper's Vestments Set)
    Armor: 148
    Requires Nature Magic 49
      +25 Intelligence
      +125% Armor
      +25% Ice Resistance
      +3 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
    Guardian of the North                           Unverified
    (Staff from North Keeper's Vestments Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 39 to 66
    Requires Nature Magic 56
      +150 Health
      +30% Nature Magic Damage
      +48 Armor
      +3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
    Soul of the North
    (Amulet from North Keeper's Vestments Set)
    Requires Nature Magic 45
      10% Mana Steal
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance
      +8% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Nature Magic Skills
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      +20% Nature Magic Damage
      +18% Ice Resistance
      +20% Ranged Resistance
      +2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
      +2 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      +30% Nature Magic Damage
      +25% Ice Resistance
      +25% Ranged Resistance
      +3 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
      +3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
    Chaos' Avatar-----------------------------------Cestus Set 1
    3 pieces                                        Requires Combat Magic 22-32
    Endbringer's Vestment
    (Vestment from Chaos' Avatar Set)
    Armor: 52
    Requires Combat Magic 22
      +48 Mana
      20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +60% Armor
      +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
    Unraveler's Boots
    (Boots from Chaos' Avatar Set)
    Armor: 33
    Requires Combat Magic 26
      +12 Intelligence
      +12% Mana Regeneration
      +22 Armor
      +2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
    Chaos Grips
    (Cestus from Chaos' Avatar Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 9 to 15
    Requires Combat Magic 32
      +14 Intelligence
      +20% Combat Magic Damage
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
      +2 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      +80 Mana
      +12% Combat Magic Damage
      +3% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Combat Magic Skills
      +4 Armor
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      +110 Mana
      +20% Combat Magic Damage
      +6% Power Recharge Rate
      +2 to Combat Magic Skills
      +13 Armor
    The Lich's Carcass------------------------------Cestus Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Combat Magic 50-61
    The Lich's Eye
    (Ornate Crown from The Lich's Carcass Set)
    Armor: 76
    Requires Combat Magic 54
      +30 Intelligence
      +48 Armor
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance
      +3 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
    The Lich's Hands
    (Cestus from The Lich's Carcass Set)
    Slow Attack Speed
    Two Handed Weapon
    Damage: 15 to 26
    Requires Combat Magic 61
      +35% Combat Magic Damage
      12% Health Steal
      12% Mana Steal
      +3 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
    The Lich's Heart
    (Amulet from The Lich's Carcass Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 58
      +160 Health
      +25% Death Resistance
      +12% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +3 to Combat Magic Skills
    The Lich's Tooth
    (Ring from The Lich's Carcass Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 50
      +10% Combat Magic Damage
      Restores 14 Mana Per Hit
      +8% Power Recharge Rate
      +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +20 Intelligence
      10% Mana Steal
      +20% Death Resistance
      +2 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
      +1 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +35 Intelligence
      13% Mana Steal
      +25% Death Resistance
      +3 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
      +1 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
      +2 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +50 Intelligence
      16% Mana Steal
      +30% Death Resistance
      +4 to Debilitation, Grim Necromancy, and Vampirism
      +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
      +3 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Eternal Grace-----------------------------------Armor Set 1
    4 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 12-25
    Eternal Dignity
    (Jerkin from Eternal Grace Set)
    Armor: 42
    Requires Ranged 12
      +15 Health
      +50% Armor
      +1 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
      +1 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    Eternal Beauty
    (Hood from Eternal Grace Set)
    Armor: 27
    Requires Ranged 20
      5% Health Steal
      +12% Health Regeneration
      +70% Armor
      +1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    Eternal Elegance                                Unverified
    (Boots from Eternal Grace Set)
    Armor: 23
    Requires Ranged 25
      +9 Dexterity
      +9 Armor
      +15% Fire Resistance
      +12% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
    Eternal Finesse
    (Gloves from Eternal Grace Set)
    Armor: 17
    Requires Ranged 14
      +13 Dexterity
      +8 Max Damage
      7% Health Steal
      +8 Armor
      +8% Power Recharge Rate
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +8 Dexterity
      +12 Armor
      +6% Melee Resistance
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +14 Dexterity
      +20 Armor
      +8% Melee Resistance  
      +1 to Ranged Skills
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +22 Dexterity
      +35 Armor
      +10% Melee Resistance  
      +1 to Ranged Skills
    The Circle of Four------------------------------Armor Set 2
    4 pieces                                        Requires Combat Magic 33-46
                                                          or Nature Magic 33-46
    Azuka of Four's Robe
    (Robe from The Circle of Four Set)
    Armor: 136
    Requires Combat Magic 46 or Nature Magic 46
      +150 Mana
      +120% Armor
      +3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +3 to Nurturing Gift, Enveloping Embrace, and Feral Wrath
    Corum of Four's Helm
    (Helm from The Circle of Four Set)
    Armor: 38
    Requires Combat Magic 33 or Nature Magic 33
      +14 Intelligence
      +22% Combat Magic Damage
      +20 Armor
      +2 to Brilliance, Amplified Lightning, and Arcing
    Treil of Four's Boots
    (Boots from The Circle of Four Set)
    Armor: 40
    Requires Combat Magic 37 or Nature Magic 37
      10% Mana Steal
      +25 Armor
      +1 to Combat Magic Skills
      +2 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Kreya of Four's Pendant
    (Amulet from The Circle of Four Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 35 or Nature Magic 35
      +18 Intelligence
      +25% Nature Magic Damage
      +1 to Nature Magic Skills
      +2 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
    Set Bonuses
    For 2/4 Items Equipped:
      +100 Mana
      8% Health Steal
      +15% Ranged Resistance
      +2 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +2 Armor
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +150 Mana
      10% Health Steal
      +20% Ranged Resistance
      +3 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +4 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +200 Mana
      12% Health Steal
      +25% Ranged Resistance
      +5 to Summon Fortitude, Summon Might, and Summon Bond
      +15 Armor
    Silks of the Master-----------------------------Armor Set 3
    4 pieces                                        Requires Combat Magic 6-20
                                                          or Nature Magic 6-20
    Magesilk Boots
    (Boots from Silks of the Master Set)
    Armor: 9
    Requires Combat Magic 6 or Nature Magic 6
      +3 Intelligence
      +5% Health Regeneration
      +5 Armor
      +10% Lightning Resistance
    Magesilk Gloves
    (Gloves from Silks of the Master Set)
    Armor: 11
    Requires Combat Magic 9 or Nature Magic 9
      +15 Mana
      +5% Mana Regeneration
      +6 Armor
      +12% Fire Resistance
    Master's Focusing Charm
    (Amulet from Silks of the Master Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 20 or Nature Magic 20
      +10% Nature Magic Damage
      +10% Combat Magic Damage
      6% Mana Steal
      +1 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
    Master's Insight
    (Ring from Silks of the Master Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 13 or Nature Magic 13
      +5 Intelligence
      +6% Magic Damage Resistance
      +4% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Set Bonuses
    For 2/4 Items Equipped:
      +3 Intelligence
      +10% Nature Magic Damage
      +10% Combat Magic Damage
      4% Mana Steal
      +2 Armor
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +5 Intelligence
      +15% Nature Magic Damage
      +15% Combat Magic Damage
      6% Mana Steal
      +4 Armor
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +8 Intelligence
      +20% Nature Magic Damage
      +20% Combat Magic Damage
      8% Mana Steal
      +8 Armor
    Treasures of the Dwarven Lords------------------Armor Set 4
    3 pieces                                        Requires Melee 36-49
    (Layered Plate from Treasures of the Dwarven Lords Set)
    Armor: 203
    Requires Melee 42
      +95 Health
      +20 Armor
      +75% Armor
      +3 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    The Iron Crown
    (Helm from Treasures of the Dwarven Lords Set)
    Armor: 53
    Requires Melee 36
      +20 Strength
      +25 Max Damage
      +20 Armor
      +8% Melee Resistance
    Forge Gauntlets                                 Unverified
    (Gauntlets from Treasures of the Dwarven Lords Set)
    Armor: 61
    Requires Melee 49
      +32 Strength
      +30 Armor
      +15% Ranged Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      +20 Strength
      +50 Health
      +6% Melee Resistance
      +8% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +4 Armor
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      +40 Strength
      +100 Health
      +10% Melee Resistance
      +15% Chance to Find Magic Items
      +12 Armor
    Keh's Regalia-----------------------------------Armor Set 5
    4 pieces                                        Requires Combat Magic 52-66
                                                          or Nature Magic 52-66
    Keh's Majesty                                   Unverified
    (Robe from Keh's Regalia Set)
    Armor: 198
    Requires Combat Magic 60 or Nature Magic 60
      +35 Intelligence
      +160 Health
      +150% Armor
      +25% Fire Resistance
    Keh's Liberators
    (Gloves from Keh's Regalia Set)
    Armor: 66
    Requires Combat Magic 52 or Nature Magic 52
      +46 Armor
      +25% Death Resistance
      +8% Power Recharge Rate
    Keh's Rulership                                 Unverified
    (Ring from Keh's Regalia Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 66 or Nature Magic 66
      +45 Intelligence
      +275 Mana
      +16% Magic Damage Resistance
      +2 to Nature Magic Skills
      +2 to Combat Magic Skills
    Keh's Might
    (Ring from Keh's Regalia Set)
    Requires Combat Magic 55 or Nature Magic 55
      +15% Nature Magic Damage
      +10% Combat Magic Damage
      12% Mana Steal
      +20% Health Regeneration
      +15% Melee Resistance
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +20 Intelligence
      +10% Mana Regeneration
      +8% Power Recharge Rate
      +1 to Nature Magic Skills
      +1 to Combat Magic Skills
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +40 Intelligence
      +15% Mana Regeneration
      +12% Power Recharge Rate
      +2 to Nature Magic Skills
      +2 to Combat Magic Skills
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +52 Intelligence
      +20% Mana Regeneration
      +15% Power Recharge Rate
      +3 to Nature Magic Skills
      +3 to Combat Magic Skills
    The Undying Warlord-----------------------------Armor Set 6
    5 pieces                                        Requires Melee 52-72
    The Warlord's Cage                              Unverified
    (Scaled Plate from The Undying Warlord Set)
    Armor: 343
    Requires Melee 72
      +62 Strength
      Adds 29 to 48 Weapon Damage
      +120% Armor
      +4 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
    The Warlord's Horns
    (Helm from The Undying Warlord Set)
    Armor: 98
    Requires Melee 61
      Adds 15 to 44 Weapon Damage
      12% Health Steal
      +45 Armor
      +3 to Fortitude, Overbear, and Smite
    The Warlord's Tread
    (Greaves from The Undying Warlord Set)
    Armor: 78
    Requires Melee 58
      +160 Health
      45% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
      +40 Armor
      +3 to Critical Strike, Dual Wield, and Alacrity
    The Warlord's Crest                             Unverified
    (Amulet from The Undying Warlord Set)
    Requires Melee 66
      +54 Strength
      +67 Max Damage
      +10% Melee Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
    The Warlord's Sign
    (Ring from The Undying Warlord Set)
    Requires Melee 52
      +125 Health
      Adds 20 to 25 Weapon Damage
      +15% Magic Damage Resistance
      +10% Power Recharge Rate
    Set Bonuses
    2/5 Items Equipped:
      +20 Strength
      +30 Max Melee Damage
      +4% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +30 Armor
    3/5 Items Equipped:
      +40 Strength
      +50 Max Melee Damage
      +7% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +50 Armor
    4/5 Items Equipped:
      +60 Strength
      +70 Max Melee Damage
      +10% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +3 to Melee Skills
      +70 Armor
    5/5 Items Equipped:
      +76 Strength
      +90 Max Melee Damage
      +12% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +4 to Melee Skills
      +100 Armor
    Plainswalker's Journey--------------------------Armor Set 7
    5 pieces                                        Requires Ranged 42-70
                                           Amulet requires only Character Level 51
    Plainswalker's Passing                          Unverified
    (Suit from Plainswalker's Journey Set)
    Armor: 304
    Requires Ranged 70
      +150% Armor
      +16% Magic Damage Resistance
      +12% Melee and Ranged Resistance
      +4 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
    Plainswalker's Heroism
    (Spiked Helmet from Plainswalker's Journey Set)
    Armor: 92
    Requires Ranged 58
      +54 Max Damage
      +52 Armor
      +25% Magic Damage Resistance
      +4 to Biting Arrow, Far Shot, and Shockwave
    Plainswalker's Travelers
    (Boots from Plainswalker's Journey Set)
    Armor: 23
    Requires Ranged 42
      +38 Dexterity
      +25% Ice Resistance
      +12% Chance to Dodge Melee Attacks
      +3 to Quick Draw, Bleed, and Penetrate
    Plainswalker's Legend                           Unverified
    (Amulet from Plainswalker's Journey Set)
    Requires Character Level 51
      +45 Dexterity
      +130 Health
      +25% Lightning Resistance
      +2 to Ranged Skills
    Plainswalker's Relic
    (Ring from Plainswalker's Journey Set)
    Requires Ranged 46
      Adds 9 to 28 Weapon Damage
      11% Health Steal
      +25% Death Resistance
      +10% Power Recharge Rate
    Set Bonuses
    2/5 Items Equipped:
      +30 Dexterity
      +30 Max Ranged Damage
      +5% Magic Damage Resistance
      +8% Chance to Dodge Attacks
      +1 to Ranged Skills
    3/5 Items Equipped:
      +52 Dexterity
      +50 Max Ranged Damage
      +8% Magic Damage Resistance
      +10% Chance to Dodge Attacks
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +8 Armor
    4/5 Items Equipped:
      +76 Dexterity
      +70 Max Ranged Damage
      +10% Magic Damage Resistance
      +12% Chance to Dodge Attacks
      +3 to Ranged Skills
      +20 Armor
    5/5 Items Equipped:
      +100 Dexterity
      +90 Max Ranged Damage
      +12% Magic Damage Resistance
      +16% Chance to Dodge Attacks
      +4 to Ranged Skills
      +45 Armor
    Jewels of the Nexus-----------------------------Armor Set 8
    5 pieces                                        Requires Character Level 4-34
    Nexus Prism
    (Amulet from Jewels of the Nexus Set)
    Requires Character Level 34
      +68 Health
      +12% Magic Damage Resistance
      +1 to Barricade, Toughness, and Reinforced Armor
      +1 to Critical Shot, Dodge, and Survival
      +1 to Aquatic Affinity, Arctic Mastery, and Freezing
      +1 to Devastation, Searing Flames, and Ignite
    Jewel of Fire
    (Ring from Jewels of the Nexus Set)
    Requires Character Level 4
      +4 Strength
      Adds 1 to 2 Weapon Damage
      +10% Fire Resistance
      +8% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Jewel of Lightning
    (Ring from Jewels of the Nexus Set)
    Requires Character Level 12
      +6 Dexterity
      Adds 2 to 5 Weapon Damage
      +12% Lightning Resistance
      +60% Gold Dropped
    Jewel of Ice
    (Ring from Jewels of the Nexus Set)
    Requires Character Level 19
      Adds 4 to 7 Weapon Damage
      +8 Armor
      +16% Ice Resistance
      +14% Ranged Resistance
    Jewel of Death
    (Ring from Jewels of the Nexus Set)
    Requires Character Level 27
      +10 Intelligence
      Adds 6 to 11 Weapon Damage
      Restores 5 Health Per Hit
      +18% Death Resistance
    Set Bonuses
    2/5 Items Equipped:
      Adds 2 to 4 Ice Damage
      Adds 3 to 4 Fire Damage
      Adds 2 to 5 Lightning Damage
      Adds 2 to 4 Death Damage
    3/5 Items Equipped:
      Adds 4 to 7 Ice Damage
      Adds 5 to 6 Fire Damage
      Adds 3 to 8 Lightning Damage
      Adds 4 to 7 Death Damage
    4/5 Items Equipped:
      Adds 7 to 12 Ice Damage
      Adds 8 to 10 Fire Damage
      Adds 5 to 14 Lightning Damage
      Adds 7 to 12 Death Damage
      +1 to Melee Skills
      +1 to Ranged Skills
      +1 to Nature Magic Skills
      +1 to Combat Magic Skills
    5/5 Items Equipped:
      Adds 10 to 16 Ice Damage
      Adds 12 to 14 Fire Damage
      Adds 6 to 19 Lightning Damage
      Adds 10 to 16 Death Damage
      +2 to Melee Skills
      +2 to Ranged Skills
      +2 to Nature Magic Skills
      +2 to Combat Magic Skills
    Secrets of the Forgotten------------------------Armor Set 9
    3 pieces                                        Requires Character Level 32
    This set is dropped as part of the "Lost Jewels of Soranith" secondary quest 
    (Act III). You can start this quest in the Kalrathia Inn by talking to 
    "Kevarre the Explorer". The two rings you receive by looting chests as part of 
    the quest (the silver ring you get solving the first puzzle, the gold ring you 
    acquire solving the second puzzle). The amulet you receive by returning to the 
    Inn and talking to the guy who gave you the quest. The set has odd mixed stat 
    bonuses and not much to speak of for set bonuses for the level required to 
    wear it, so you probably will want to just split the items up and put them on 
    appropriate characters.
    Soranith's Amulet
    (Amulet from Secrets of the Forgotten Set)
    Requires Character Level 32
      +15 Intelligence
      +15% Mana Regeneration
      +15% Death Resistance
    Soranith's Gold Ring
    (Ring from Secrets of the Forgotten Set)
    Requires Character Level 32
      +20 Strength
      Adds 4 to 6 Weapon Damage
      +20% Fire Resistance
    Soranith's Silver Ring
    (Ring from Secrets of the Forgotten Set)
    Requires Character Level 32
      +27 Dexterity
      Adds 4 to 6 Weapon Damage
      +20% Lightning Resistance
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      3% Health Steal
      +4% Magic Damage Resistance
      +20% Chance to Find Magic Items
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      5% Health Steal
      +6% Magic Damage Resistance
      +40% Chance to Find Magic Items
    Nature's Vigilance------------------------------Armor Set 10
    4 pieces                                        Requires Character Level 3-8
    I believe these set items may drop in specific locations in Act I, in 
    beginning of game, if it is actually random, let me know.
    timthemage sent me info on where the Hauberk, Gloves, boots, and helmet drop. 
    If anyone else can verify this let me know.
    Vigilant Hauberk
    (Dryad Armor from Nature's Vigilance Set)
    Armor: 20
    Requires Character Level 4
      +4 Strength
      +12 Health
    Drops in the Tranquil Cave (behind the waterfall after the 2nd Morden tower)
    Vigilant Crest
    (Dryad Helm from Nature's Vigilance Set)
    Armor: 11
    Requires Character Level 8
      +4 Intelligence
      +20 Mana
      +5% Death Resistance
    "It's in a chest in a small cave to the right of the main path (if your
    going forwards questwise) past razkas ruins." timthemage also sent me a map of 
    this location, if you are having trouble finding it email me and I'll send you 
    a copy.
    Vigilant Boots
    (Dryad Boots from Nature's Vigilance Set)
    Armor: 11
    Requires Character Level 6
      +4 Dexterity
      +5% Health Regeneration
      +4 Armor
    Drops near the "Western Greilyn Jungle" teleporter.
    "behind the area where you fight the haku usurper (the white star)"
    Vigilant Gloves
    (Dryad Gloves from Nature's Vigilance Set)
    Armor: 5
    Requires Character Level 3
      +4% Nature Magic Damage
      +5% Mana Regeneration
      +4% Lightning Resistance
    Drops after the outpost where you delivered the sharpening stones to. 
    "go north then west (the area where the haku are hunting a lvl 7 guy) and hit 
    the post thing a chest will rise from the ground the gloves should be in it."
    Set Bonuses
    2/4 Items Equipped:
      +5% Lightning Resistance
    3/4 Items Equipped:
      +6 Armor
      +8% Lightning Resistance
    4/4 Items Equipped:
      +20 Health
      +15 Armor
      +10% Lightning Resistance
    Ghostly Visions---------------------------------Armor Set 11
    3 pieces                                        Requires Character Level 26-38
    These set items are acquired from the Spirits of Aranna Secondary Quest (Act 
    II). Full details on ghosts and this quest, and which ghosts drop these items 
    and where they can be found, and how to talk to them, etc are located in my 
    "Ghosts of Aranna FAQ" on www.gamefaqs.com
    Spirit of Rest
    (Ring from Ghostly Visions Set)
    Requires Character Level 26
     +35 Health
     +35 Mana
     +12% Mana Regeneration
     +12% Health Regeneration
    Spirit of Unrest
    (Ring from Ghostly Visions Set)
    Requires Character Level 26
     Adds 4 to 6 Weapon Damage
     5% Health Steal
     20% of Physical Damage Reflected to Enemy
     +15% Death Resistance
    Spirit of Repose
    (Amulet from Ghostly Visions Set)
    Requires Character Level 38
     +80 Health
     +80 Mana
     +3% Power Damage
     +6% Power Recharge Rage
    Set Bonuses
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      +8% Health Regeneration
      +8% Mana Regeneration
      +8 Armor
      +4% Magic Damage Resistance
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      +15% Health Regeneration
      +15% Mana Regeneration
      +20 Armor
      +8% Magic Damage Resistance
    Mysterious--------------------------------------Mysterious Set
    3 pieces
    This set can give you access to a hidden level in the game. It is fairly 
    involved to acquire all the items in the set (and an additional one that is 
    not actually part of the set but is needed to get to the secret area) and none 
    drop randomly. For full details on where to get these items and what they do 
    and how to access the secrets, check Gulnaga's "Mysterious Mystery FAQ" on 
    The ds2_world_slcave.gas file has some details on the items in this set such 
    as what some of the magical stat bonuses on the bucket do, so I've filled some 
    of that in.
    Mysterious Book
    (Book from Mysterious Set)
    The Owner of this book has an extremely meticulous
    Mysterious Bucket
    (Bucket from Mysterious Set)
    The Owner of this bucket has an uncanny knack for
    finding that which is hidden
    Armor: 18
    Requires Character Level 30
      40% Belligerence **
      +10% Looking Like a Fool ***
      +20% Chance to find Magic Items
    Mysterious Token
    (Token from Mysterious Set)
    The Owner of this token chose not to pass up a
    rare and brief opportunity
    Set Bonuses
    1/3 Items Equipped:
      5 2 6 4 3 9 2 8
    2/3 Items Equipped:
      3 11 7
    3/3 Items Equipped:
      6 10 1 2 7
    Note: These "bonuses" are purely descriptive and have no effect on the 
    character equipping them. See Gulnaga's "Mysterious Mystery FAQ" on 
    www.gamefaqs.com for more information on what these numbers mean.
    ** Note: According to the game files this stat actually is 40% of Physical 
    Damage Reflected to Enemy
    *** Note: According to the game files this stat actually is "+10% Power 
    Recharge Rate"
  14. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    CHo hỏi cái mã số trang web mà trat phuong noi la gi vay,so proxy à,làm sao để nhập số để nó cho down đây???????????

    P/s:sau 5 phuts mayf mò,tôi đã down dc rồi,cám ơn tratphuong,đừng để ý bài viết trên nhá
  15. litikali

    litikali T.E.T.Я.I.S Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Help me: Có ai biết cách chỉnh để đè yên chuột trái mà mấy nhân vật của mình tự đi không. nhấp hoài mỏi tay quá
  16. emtraisieunhan

    emtraisieunhan Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    trời, vậy là tui đã nhặt được tất cả các bộ vàng mạnh nhất của trò này rùi sao, chán chết ,vậy mà tui cứ hi vọng còn nhiều bộ nữa,phùuuuuuuuuuuuuu
  17. emtraisieunhan

    emtraisieunhan Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    các bác cho em hỏi đã có ai tìm đựoc 2 cái chant để vào được mys cave chưa, nếu tìm đựoc thì các bác chỉ cho em cái,,xin trả lời gấp!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. emtraisieunhan

    emtraisieunhan Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thêm nữa, ai biết cách sử dụng mod chỉ cho em với.
  19. Lâm-9p

    Lâm-9p Chình Tái Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hà Nội
    mod gì,mod down trên trang cheat happen á,cái đó dễ thôi,giải nén ra,copy vô mục Resource trong Program fille trong Dungeon Siege II,xong!
  20. **Wanderer**

    **Wanderer** Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    theo cac ban thi` xa`i melee 1+do` do~ tay hay la` 2 tay xap la' ca`,cai na`o hay hon,voi lai mấy cái chiu hỗ trợ của Natural ca'i na`o dùng dc nhất
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