[PC] Fallout 4

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi death_evil_91, 7/11/15.

  1. Chimcò_vn

    Chimcò_vn Chim Non Moderator Lão Làng GVN

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    Ý tôi là cân bằng các đường build ấy ... sniper quá bá ... shotgun tàm tạm, smg toàn đồ cùi, lazer thì mạnh mà late game quá cũng ko dùng đến
  2. ZhaoHuo

    ZhaoHuo One-winged Angel Lão Làng GVN

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    mod :4cool_beauty:

    zeldaclamp thích bài này.
  3. RyuK

    RyuK Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

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    Nice ass ;;)
  4. ChaosStubbs

    ChaosStubbs Mega Man GameOver

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    Sneak hình như lúc nào cũng bá trong Fallout, tại từ trước đến h thích chơi kiểu đi càn quét, ít kiên nhẫn nên ít khi build sneak, để bữa nào test thử.

    Mà cái ecco mod nó rebalance lại ngon lắm, giờ xài FN Fal chiến từ đầu đến cuối game cũng được. Barter được chỉnh lại làm bây h cũng khá khó kiếm tiền, ko nâng barter thì bán chả được bao nhiêu mà mua cũng chẳng đủ tiền.
  5. kingblackcat

    kingblackcat Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    mình thề là rất ít khi dùng tiền trong FO, cứ nhặt súng đem đi đổi item luôn, tiền thừa cứ chất đống đó chả làm gì. Mà laze làm gì mạnh, plasma mới mạnh
  6. ChaosStubbs

    ChaosStubbs Mega Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trong ecco mod không có chuyện tiền thừa chất đống đâu nhé , 1 thanh niên đã nâng barter lên 100 cho biết.
  7. kingblackcat

    kingblackcat Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chưa chơi mod đó :-?, mà ngoài cái balance lại game có thêm thắt gì không?
  8. ChaosStubbs

    ChaosStubbs Mega Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đồ chơi mới khá nhiều, muốn biết thêm chi tiết thì xem cái summary của mod ấy.

    - Mr.Fixit v1.1 was taken and slightly expanded with better hi-res support and some new features
    - All crafting rules was rewritten with new "better" balance and variaty, including new game items
    - All "schematics" are divided into several categories, you need to find teacher for each category (there is no spoiler here, so try to
    find them on your own. I will only say that they all around northern half of the world...)
    - Knowing schematics not enough, to start crafting you need tools, skills and components
    - Some craftable food
    - Crafting menu is accessible by doing description of player or with a hotkey: Ctrl+C.

    > TRAPS:
    - to use traps you need to craft a Trap Kit first (need explosive schematics for mines and electronics for sensor mine)
    - then, put trap in your active hand slot and use it ON your character (or just press Ctrl+1 hotkey) - it will place trap on the ground below (not yet armed)
    - use Traps skill on trap to arm it.
    - for mines: you can use any explosive from inventory on the floor trap tile; if you just use "Traps" skill on them, the game will first try to arm it with last used explosive type, and then with any explosive found in your inventory.
    - you need to pass traps skill check to successfully arm the trap, if you are bad enough, you may end up blowing yourself.
    - you can dismantle any trap (both armament and trap kit will return to your inventory) just Using them or using Traps Skill on them.
    - number of traps is not limited
    - spike traps can be used a couple of times (it loses one "charge" when someone steps on it)
    - there are INI-configurable friend-or-foe system (by default dude and party members are ignored by your traps)
    - when using spike traps, damage formula is: 7-14 (when traps skill is 0~40), max damage is increased up to 40, by 1 for each 3 skill points (7-40 at 120% skill).
    - when using explosives, explosion damage is approximately equal to damage when using those items normally; damage type is also derived from item (EMP for Pulse grenade, Fire for Molotov, etc.)
    - sensor mines detect movement on 1 tile radius. If critter passes just near the trap and don't step on it, there is a very small chance trap won't go off.

    > PRICES:
    - Selling prices are affected by skill. (at lower levels prices may drop as low as 10% from their normal margin). This way, if you wanna get rich by selling weapons, upgrade your Barter or you'll need to sell many times more than before.
    - Buying prices use vanilla formula as a base (with all kind of things effecting it, like perks or bad merchant reaction) and multiplies it slightly with arctangent kind of function (example graph in sources folder, for more info study barter.ini)
    - Some misc. items prices was adjusted for early game so you can make some money in hardest parts (high prices for gecko pelts and scorpion tails in Klamath, etc.)
    - There are several alternative formulas to choose from and many coefficients to tweak (read and modifybarter.ini)

    - there is chance a weapon will get destroyed when critter dies (except unique and rare weapons; optional)
    - corpses are stripped from some percent of ammo and stimpaks (optional)
    - Loot slightly reduced in S.A.D, Hubologist Stash, Toxic Caves
    - EPA: loot rearranged/reduced somewhat; room with most powerful stuff at security level will be harder to get in
    - it is harder to steal from Redding doctor now
    - slosed rooms in Bishop club are harder to get in

    - craft learning (see "crafting" section)
    - one of the trappers in Klamath can now teach you gecko skinning (not free)
    - kill groups of robbers near Redding
    - hunt down several rogues throughout the wastelend, one-by-one (NCR)
    - bring a number of hides to Modoc tannery
    - bring a number of tentacles to NCR doctor

    > AMMO:
    - AP and FMJ do less base damage then JHP (unarmored critters), but is very effective against armored targets (thanks to YAAM)
    - Penetrating power of AP ammo in ASCENDING order:
    10mm AP / .223 FMJ
    Small energy cell (energy pistols)
    5mm AP / .44 FMJ
    7.62x51 / Micro-fusion cell (energy rifles and minigun)
    4.7mm caseless
    14mm AP : ignores any armor up to Combat Armor
    .50 BMG
    2mm GAUSS / AP Rocket : make Power Armor user defenceless

    - Changed pack size of following ammo types (to balance the total amount of that ammo in game, creating the need of purchase)
    [caliber] - [pack size] ([vanilla pack size])
    10mm - 20 (24)
    12ga - 12 (20)
    .44 - 12 (20)
    14mm - 12 (20)
    5mm - 40 (50)
    7.62 - 20 (20) - unchanged
    .45 - 50 (50) - unchanged
    .223 - 30 (50)
    SEC - 20 (40)
    MFC - 20 (50)
    4.7mm- 40 (50)
    2mm - 10 (20)

    - weight and cost was rebalanced as well
    - to further reduce "ammo swimming", all dying critters are stripped from some amount of ammo (optional), see MISC section
    - ammo now occupies space, so you cannot store unlimited ammo in car trunk (increased trunk capacity by 20% to balance that)
    - HE Rocket is extremely powerfull, but AP Rocket penetrates like gauss
    - .50 ammo caliber and ammo type added (used only in new Bozar)
    - new ammo types: 12ga Slugs, .223AP, 14mm JHP (crafting)

    - All shotguns: the max damage is much higher (min dmg is almost the same), wich makes them very deadly against unarmored critters, but cannot penetrate heavy armor and limited in range.
    - 2 barrel shotguns have a duplet (burst) firing mode with single shot animation.
    - All pistols (including energy pistols): cost 4 AP to shoot (That's what pistols are for in real life - shoot faster), but have smaller firing range and not near as powerfull as rifles.
    - Bozar is what it should be - single-shot anti-materiel rifle, uses new .50 BMG ammo (penetrate most armor), need 7 STR and has very high damage. For machinegunning use LSW or M60 instead.
    - Sniper Rifle is much more powerful, rechambered "back" to 7.62
    - M60 is a true machinegun: more powerful with 100 rounds ammo capacity (like in RL).
    - Almost every weapon was subjectively improved (main concerns were: more realism, more interesting balance between weapons, taking new ammo behaviour into account, BUT not going too far from vanilla stats, except those weapons mentioned specifically).

    - taser
    - 40mm grenade launchers (two types) with two types of grenades
    - 9mm SMG in some random encounters

    - all energy weapons has higher penetration (rifles better than pistols), so now only the best armor can provide strong protection against Laser or Plasma rifles
    - Laser weapons are more powerful and armor laser resistance was changed (see below).
    - "Real" Turbo Plasma rifle, costs 4 AP for shot (max damage reduced a bit).
    - strong single-shot energy weapons now spend more than 1 cell round for each shot

    > Some examples of ballance between some weapons of comparable class:
    - 10mm Pistol vs 10mm SMG (for single shots): Pistol is faster (4AP) but has reduced range and slightly less damage
    - .44 Magnum vs Desert Eagle: first has more power, second is more accurate and long-ranged
    - 14mm Pistol does less damage than legendary .223 Pistol, but has more penetration
    - Laser pistol and 14mm Pistol are comparable but Laser will better penetrate most armour types except metal armor. 14mm ammo is superb against any armor.
    - Assault rifle vs FN FAL: high rate of fire (deadly at close range) vs heavy and piercing 7.62x51 ammo (much more damage than vanilla)
    - HK CAWS vs Pancor Jackhammer: first has more range, fires 3-shot burst (like RL); second is low-range, uneconomical due to larger burst, but extremely deadly
    - Light Support Weapon (.223) is less deadly than M60 (7.62mm), but has better accuracy and single-shot mode

    - all grenades was made more powerfull:
    plasma: 60 - 100
    frag: 35 - 60
    molotov: 15 - 35
    - EMP grenade now can do damage to a man in Power armor (enclave patrols included), due to electro-mechanical nature of this suit
    - Home-made grenade can be crafted, it is worse than regular frag, but still powerful

    - Throwing skill now affects damage for all throwing weapons (except grenades), precise formula:
    dmgMax := floor(dmgMax * (1 + skill / 100.0));
    So basically, you get 2x maximum damage with 100% skill, 3x damage with 200% and so on. It only affects maximum damage.
    - Stats for throwing weapons were improved to make them more useful.
    - Throwing Axe - new weapon was added. It's a more powerful replacement for throwing knife for mid-late game combat. Can be bought later in game.
    - Molotov Cocktail, while still making visual explosion like frag grenade, now actually inflicts fire damage and does not knockback targets (it's not explosion after all).

    - The cost of the unarmed special attacks has been lowered to 4 for punches and 5 for kicks (taken from Weapons Redone mod).
    - Super sledge takes 4,5 AP instead of 3,4 (same as regular sledge; no logical explaination of "faster swing").
    - Wakizashi blade is much more powerful.
    - new weapons: piston spear and spiked sledge

    > ARMOR:
    - Armor class was lowered considerably for power armours. AC affects hit chance, the more the AC, the more probable is to miss. It was not looking right when soldiers in big and heavy power armor appeared like they are extremely agile, because power armor is big, it should be easier to hit such target (but actual damage resistance remains the same).
    - Laser resistance changed: leather - zero protection, combat - mediocre, metal - good, power armor & tesla - great protection
    - Power Armor user can now take damage from EMP grenades
    - all changes to armor affect appropriate critters as well

    - some "lesser" critters made tougher: Tough Giant Ant, Large radscorpion, Deathclaws, Mole Rat. (they are rare on early maps and were way too weak)
    - new monster parts dropped from critters: Death Claw, Mole Rat Hide, Wanamingo Hand, Mutant Tentacle

    > QUESTS and NPCs:
    - Lidya in VC rewards 500 for shipment of alcohol (was 300)
    - better reward for VC plow quest
    - Algernon need rest after work and don't spawn ammo in guns
    - Trappers in random encounters now sell pelts through standard barter dialog only, but with high discount
    - see Lujo Gameflow fixes mod for more information on additional changes

    - added new items to several shopkeepers
    - added some crafting components (mainly junk) to general stores
    - Cash tender in Redding now offers cash from 1000 to 7000 depending on player's current level (that should be someone to sell all your stuff to)
    - changed some merchants stock to offer some new items and more ammo for purchase

    - weapon loadouts were adjusted in respect to new weapon balance
    - most new weapons are used by people in the wasteland
    - throwing weapons will be used against you more often

    > MISC:
    - some mine traps in the game became more dangerous
    - nerfed slot jinxer perk: slots break for month instead of 1 day, high rollers give 2/5 of initial money and there is a luck-based chance to fail. You can still become insanely rich by gambling.
    - nerfed gambling dice: you can win maximum about 1000-5000 caps per table, per week (that's still a LOT of money)
    - people drop their weapon to the ground in front of them when they die (optional)
    - stimpaks radiate upon use (optional)
    - drugs cost action points to use, even from inventory (first couple of uses are free though) - optional
    - Bonus Rate of Fire perk was removed (all pistols were completely OP if you take it, especially with the appropriate Trait)
    - Hakunin dreams can be delayed, so they happen at more appropriate pace (RP has more content...) - optional
    - added Traps and Barter skill books to the game

    P.S: Cài mod cũng có nhiều option, ko thích cái nào thì uncheck cũng đc
  9. meteora1194

    meteora1194 Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

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    Nơi ở:
    The Grid
    Từ hồi chơi FO1 tới giờ, không tính mod thì caps trong game gần như chỉ là để bù/ trừ vào việc giao dịch.
    Còn đâu toàn là đổi đồ cho nhau =]]
  10. kirakira9.3

    kirakira9.3 Donkey Kong Lão Làng GVN

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    cái phần craft đồ làm sao sử dụng được vậy bác ??
  11. kingblackcat

    kingblackcat Sonic the Hedgehog Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    nhắc mới nhớ hồi chơi FO2 ếu biết đổi loại đạn như nào luôn
  12. ChaosStubbs

    ChaosStubbs Mega Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Phần craft nhớ có lần mò mẫm ra là cứ giữ chuột trái rồi rê xuống là nó hiện ra 1 list, craft có trên list đó thì phải. Hiện đang bận chui vào 1 cái hang solo cỡ 20 thằng robber bằng cả đống lựu đạn với 1 khẩu .44 revolver.

    P.S: Thay đạn thì trước h mình toàn vào Inventory unload rồi nhét đạn cần reload vào, thế nên cái quick pocket luôn là perk lvl 6 ngon nhất đối với mình.
  13. [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein

    [Rest In Peace] Panzerklein 16 July 2021

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    Unload đạn trong súng rồi kéo thả loại đạn mình muốn vào cây súng thôi ; )).
  14. deadshoot

    deadshoot Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  15. goodgood700

    goodgood700 Dragon Quest Lão Làng GVN

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    Fortune City
    Xin cai' link bac oj ^ ^
  16. Wakowski

    Wakowski Mario & Luigi

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  17. Arisato Minato

    Arisato Minato Sith Lord Revan

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    Nơi ở:
    Tawi Tawi Base
    Sao mình down cái bảng update 1.1.30 về cài rồi mà vẫn bị lỗi cái Dx3audio vậy các bạn ?
  18. a121220

    a121220 The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

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    Hải Phòng

    patch mới ngon phết các bác :v
  19. minhlong89

    minhlong89 Fire in the hole! Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    có thấy gì hot đâu :2cool_go:
  20. ChaosStubbs

    ChaosStubbs Mega Man GameOver

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Có mấy cục đá là chính thôi mà cũng đã được khen là hot =))

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