Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016)

Thảo luận trong 'Phim ảnh' bắt đầu bởi pikeman2, 16/4/15.

  1. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Có ai tổng hợp lại chưa,để còn in sách.:1cool_dribble:
  2. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Từ lúc cu Dương đội mồ là có 2 hiện tượng lạ xảy ra
    1. Topic thần thánh tăng trang, các thành phần cay cú xuất hiện trở lại
    2. Điện thoại hỏng ít xuất hiện:1cool_look_down:
  3. Điện thoại hỏng

    Điện thoại hỏng Dragon Quest

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    Làm một bài dài, comment thường xuyên.

    Chú muốn gì nữa ? Selfie với cả đoàn làm phim à ? Hả ?:7cool_feel_good:
  4. daggeroftime

    daggeroftime Mega Man Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    Duong cũng giỏi thật, comment bằng cả 2 nick liên tục :2cool_sexy_girl:
  5. alucard92

    alucard92 Chrono Trigger/Cross Lão Làng GVN

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    đâu kệ tui
    điều ta lo ngại nhất
  6. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

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    LD new 500 cũng đầu tư lắm, dùng cả proxy phú công nhân nghành cho nick clone:1cool_byebye:
    namkhapro, Nekromantik and hungma147 like this.
  7. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Sếp điều tra kinh thế=))
  8. Điện thoại hỏng

    Điện thoại hỏng Dragon Quest

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    Vãi cả l` còn tra IP của mình à ? :6cool_beat_shot::6cool_beat_shot::6cool_beat_shot:
  9. hungma147

    hungma147 Sora, Wielder of Keyblades Lão Làng GVN

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    Đồng chí thông cảm trùm team là mod nên ko tránh khỏi bệnh nghề nghiệp=))
  10. Điện thoại hỏng

    Điện thoại hỏng Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Chí chí cc, vãi cả l` :6cool_beat_shot::6cool_beat_shot::6cool_beat_shot:
  11. lBatMan

    lBatMan Fire in the hole!

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    ngoại trư K Dash là fan trung lập chân chính ra còn ai nữa đâu cay cú :@)
  12. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Đây chính là sự thật nhé:2cool_confident:. Điện thoại hỏng chỉ là đánh lạc hướng. Ai đời đi lập clone mà lại theo dõi chính mình, khác gì lạy ông tôi ở bụi này. Mình dùng nick clone khác sau vài trang cài lại máy chủ để reset lại vũ trụ.:cuteonion38:
    Đây gọi là twist trong twist đúng bài đắc đíp đó:7cool_spiderman:
  13. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

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    Hội Dzườn Đào
    Chú mì là dân Do Thái phản Chúa =))
  14. lBatMan

    lBatMan Fire in the hole!

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    I'm batman , even god cant stop me :@)
  15. Zainor Dean

    Zainor Dean Thợ cào phân

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    Hội Dzườn Đào
  16. Datnguyen2310

    Datnguyen2310 Mayor of SimCity

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  17. bhsver2

    bhsver2 Dragon Quest

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    Hà Nội
    Xem Basic Instinct để biết thêm thông tin chi tiết nhé !!!
  18. mrjaychou

    mrjaychou Sith Lord Revan Lão Làng GVN

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  19. Bruce Wayne.

    Bruce Wayne. Mega Man

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    troll nhau =))

    hoán đổi sức mạnh

    goku vs dc
  20. Le Duong

    Le Duong Dragon Quest

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    Các đoạn bị cắt và các thông tin bên lề của man of steel. '+_+
    Nam-Ek is product of genetic engineering, possibly using Rondor genes.
    H'raka is a native specie, enhanced with genetic engineering and cybernetic implants.
    Jor-El is chased and attacked by the robotic gardeners/harvesters in the chamber after he stoles the Codex.
    Jor-El uses a special suit with a “surgery visor” when copying the Codex onto baby Kal-El.
    Kelex has an humanoid suit/armor that he uses to defend the Citadel from Zod forces. He sacrifices himself trying to protect their masters.
    Lara was an scholar and historian.
    Zod shoots at Kal-El vessel but misses. He feels remorse after killing Jor-El.
    Flashback to 1981: Martha and Jonathan take baby Clark to the local pediatrician but because his hypersensibility on the test, starts crying and shouting, destroying all the windows and glass on the building.
    On the oil rig, Clark saves two different groups of guys. When he falls in the ocean the whales “analyze him” and push him out to the surface… (So, Aquaman…?)
    Clark is fired by the bar owner. The truck driver pushes Clark, and there is a little “solar fire” burning back in his eyes...
    The sentinel robot actually cuts Kal-El in the arm.
    The kryptonian corpses were not in pods but sitting in commanding chairs. Clark finds a room with several suits, including one blue with a big symbol and a red cape… then the ship’s alarm is triggered when Lois arrives.
    On the Krypton history sequence the device shows a “green” magma…
    In the first flight sequence, Superman catches a huge rock falling on the canyon.
    After he comes back he offers Martha to fix/paint the farm in a day. She told him that they never take him to the same doctor twice, to avoid any suspicions.
    The Black Zero causes a massive blackout in all the continent. A satellite crashes against the ship and causes no damage.
    Zod messages appears on Twitter, Facebook and Youtube… and there are more reaction scenes on places like Tokyo and Russia.
    Swanwick suggest to the president to go the shelter. Lois tries to contact Martha without success.
    The priest is called Daniel Leone. The church is a “little lutheran” chapel in Metropolis.
    Lois actually finished the “How about Superman” line, but Kal answers that he thinks is “a little showy”. Swanwick and Hamilton discuss about the scanning readings; Kal-El body is way more dense and his flying ability could be product of “bioelectrical” manipulation of the environment.
    Superman doesn’t want Lois on the ship, but Faora threaten him directly. She is described to have brown eyes. (Maybe when Gal Gadot was considered for the role?)
    In the Krypton destruction sequence, when Zod and his team awake from the induced dream, there are chunks of green material flying through the space...
    The terraforming nightmare ends when Kal-El rips off his black cape… the “drowning” didn’t happen, but the sea of skulls was there.
    After Kal wakes up, Zod tells him that “Your parents are gone. Mine as well, along with my children. everyone I ever loved…”. He also talks about a kryptonian tradition: if a foe died a honorable death, the victor must raise his enemy’s child as his own. That's what he wants to do now. This is when Kal figures out who killed Jor-El...
    On the Black Zero escape, Kal uses his cape to protect himself for incoming fire when the soldiers storm the medical room.
    Zod pushes Martha and throws to the air, not a truck, but a green tractor.
    When Faora and Namek arrive to Smalville, Superman scans with his x-ray vision the surrounding buildings…
    There is a whole paragraph dedicated to Kal-El worrying about the collateral damage, because he knows several of the owners, because his father used to shop around there.
    The iHop was a “pancake house”... :v
    The army evacuates civilians on helicopters...
    Faora hear Hardy telling the soldiers to don’t shoot the guy with the red cape, so she order Namek to attack, throwing the van to Hardy’s helicopter.
    Hardy doesn’t have a knife... Faora grabs him from the neck, and right before she tries to “eviscerate” him with her knife, Superman tackles her and ripping her helmet out.
    There is no “Nice suit son" line...
    The scene between Zod and holo-Jor-el is much shorter.
    On the plane, Hardy asks Lois that when the singularity/black hole is created, and given that Kal-El was exposed to the same “Phantom Zone energy” in his trip to earth, could he be dragged too along the other kryptonians?
    Lombard (the other guy from The Daily Planet) is described as a jock, who played football sometime ago… he actually tries to left Perry and Jenny on the streets, but has a change of heart on the last second...
    Lois had a helmet but she takes it off when the kryptonian key is not working.
    When Superman flies through the kryptonian ship, a tackles Zod and grabs him from the throat... There is no "Krypton had its chance..." line.
    Even Lois wonders if there is going to be something left of Metropolis after all this madness.
    Hamilton is injured when Faora crashes onto the plane but he tries to set the capsule free… he manages to do it not aligning the thing but repairing some cables...
    Right before the reaction, Faora sees how her body dematerialize...
    Before the infamous kiss... Lois is horrified thinking about how many people died... there are bodies on the streets. Superman stills suffers some distortions on his skin minutes after the singularity.
    After the kiss, several survivors gather around the couple (some meters away) and take pictures with their phones. Superman scans Jenny and the others to check if they are badly injured. He smiles to the crowd (:v), but they are interrupted by Zod. Superman orders people to retire and take care of the injured.
    Here is when Superman says the “Krypton has it’s chance” line and pointing out to the survivors, he tells Zod that is not fair to take what they have.
    At the start of the fight, before the Zod’s eyebeam, he attacks Kal with a burst of metal rods used as projectiles.
    The building destroyed by Zod with his heat vision traps Superman for a moment. Later Zod attacks Superman with a limousine (!) and kicks the gas truck. Zod is buried by the parking building but when Superman get close Zod uppercuts the poor guy into the sky.
    After Zod takes his armor off, he starts flying and destroying buildings and structures...
    When Zod throws Superman to the buildings Kal-El can’t stand more destruction, and thinks to take the battle to another place punching Zod and throwing him into the river. There Zod rises again and punches Superman into the space.
    Zod and Superman fall into the train station separately. There is way more people inside. Zod charges against Superman two times and the fight is longer. The suits begin to torn apart, and there is blood on their mouths; Superman grabs Zod right when he starts using his heat vision trying to kill more people.
    Zod falls with a peaceful expression. Superman wonders if this was Zod purpose, to give him his mentioned “honorable death”. He is right now The Last Son of krypton.
    “For an alien I’m about as american as you can get. But Superman has to be more than that.”
    The scene with Clark and Martha is longer, Smallville is being rebuilded and there are newspapers with Superman on the cover.
    On The Planet scene Clark acts clumsy, slouching… to Lois amusement.]

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