Hunter X Hunter

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi March Four, 21/4/16.


Lần comeback này sẽ kéo dài bao nhiêu chap?

Poll closed 30/6/22.
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  1. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Chia cặp đấu phù hợp với khả năng, thằng mạnh nhất là Genthru thì phải vào tay Gon (với skill búa 1 hit chết luôn thì cái bẫy có tác dụng lớn nhất + bông hoa nhỏ thì chai dầu cũng phù hợp).

    2 thằng còn lại thì thằng yếu hơn để cho killua, Biske chọn thằng mạnh hơn.

    Trường hợp để Genthru đánh với Biske thì không ổn, vì Biske đánh với Genthru thì Gon phải đánh với thằng tóc đen, chắc chắn là thua.

    Chia cặp cực kỳ hợp lý:

    + Genthru mạnh nhất đánh với Gon + bẫy.
    + gã thứ 2 mạnh nhì, để Biske xử lý.
    + Thằng yếu nhất Killua xử lý.
  2. Xhunter123

    Xhunter123 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    thực ra thì lý do chính để Gon đánh với Genthru là do nó phải là như vậy, Gon cứng đầu lắm, không chọn thằng khác đâu.
  3. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Cứng thì cứng, biske cũng ko phải con ngốc. Cái này giống như vụ cho ngựa chạy đua vậy. Lấy con ngựa mạnh nhất (Biske) đánh với con ngựa mạnh nhì, lấy con ngựa mạnh nhì (Killua) đánh với con ngựa yếu nhất, còn con yếu nhất (Gon) thì đánh với con mạnh nhất nhưng có lợi thế biết skill và dùng bẫy. Đây là cách đánh chắc ăn nhất. Chính ra nhường Genthru cho Gon là dễ nhất rồi, vì skill của hắn đã bị lộ hết, Gon dễ bắt bài và gài bẫy dễ. còn 2 tên còn lại chưa rõ năng lực ra sao cả, để 1 thằng non nớt như Gon đánh có khi sml.
  4. Sói Bạc

    Sói Bạc Mega Man Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    From a hole...
    Thế hệ tiền bối mà ông trên đánh giá thấp nhỉ ;)) ? Biske muốn train 2 thằng nên mới sắp xếp như vậy, chứ ma lựu đạn bả chấp cả 3 thằng luôn. Chỉ sợ tụi nó thấy bả lộ form thì dùng thần chú bỏ chạy, khó bắt thôi ==". Ở ngoài là chết trong vòng 1 nốt nhạc. Nghĩ sao mà bảo tụi ma lựu đạn mạnh trong khi thằng Gensuru xài thuốc pháo hoa còn bị Gon bắt bài, khí thì cũng ko đủ mạnh, đủ nhanh để áp đảo hoàn toàn phòng ngự của Gon. Đã vậy đầu óc còn ngu si, chủ quan.
    Nekromantik thích bài này.
  5. Robo_Ky

    Robo_Ky シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    My papa is demon
    2 thằng kia 1 thằng là chủ quan khinh killua bị đánh chưa kịp xuất skill
    1 thằng là gặp đứa ngang lão hội trưởng thì ăn thế éo nào đc , bọn ryodan cũng chỉ ngang 12 con giáp của hội trưởng,
  6. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lão hội trưởng phải chấp 100 thằng như MLĐ
    Ryodan thì làm gì mà ngang 12 con giáp đc :v may ra có vài thằng top so đc thôi. Hai ông Ging với Pariston thì khỏi so, éo có cửa đc :D
  7. Robo_Ky

    Robo_Ky シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    My papa is demon

    đang so về sức mạnh teamwork @@ còn về solo thì MLĐ hơn khối đứa bên ryodan :v
  8. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Đúng là form loli của Biske chỉ có nhanh hơn Bara chứ ko giải quyết được nó do damage quá bé. Điều này có thể hiểu rằng thằng Bara này không phải mạnh mà là siêu mạnh.

    Dẫn chứng? Thằng hunter Binolt cầm kéo có khả năng ăn tóc phân tích năng lực bị Biske form loli hạ bằng duy nhất 1 hit duy nhất, trong khi nó đã là hunter và ở trạng thái trọng thương ấy Gon và Killua vẫn không thể đánh trực diện được, nghĩa là bản lĩnh nó rất cao cường, vậy mà 1 hit đã thua, thì thằng Bara còn mạnh cỡ nào?

    Mà từ bao giờ lại có cái khái niệm "không có skill là cùi bắp" thế nhỉ? Thế bọn cường hóa hết 99.99% là ko có skill thì ai bảo chúng nó cùi bắp đâu?

    Chuẩn bị dọn nhà mới nhé mọi người, bữa giờ về quê vợ chăm vợ đẻ không có tìm vào GVN :D
  9. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mấy thằng nhìn chán chán đâu có nghĩa là yếu :))
    Nhớ arc bầu cử Hisoka cũng chấm điểm mấy thằng trông rất tầm thường 40, 50 điểm lận
  10. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Đuỵt mọe cái bình chọn nó cho tối đa có 10, mà có 14 hoàng tử lận =))
  11. unnameda4

    unnameda4 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chap vừa rồi nó bắt đầu manh nha việc lập team rồi mà. Đợi chap sau nó ra team rõ rồi lập theo team.
  12. ren_moka

    ren_moka The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Vứt mấy đứa con gái với tụi loắt choắt đi là ổn =))
  13. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Tôi thấy nhiều khi thằng 14 lên làm vua chứ chả chơi đâu :(
  14. ren_moka

    ren_moka The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    mình nghi thằng Tứ hơn, bộ này thằng nào nhiều não nhất thường win chứ ko phải tạo bất ngờ như mấy bộ khác :))
  15. kuronkuronii

    kuronkuronii Space Marine Doomguy

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đứa nào còn sống thì lên thôi :)) lão vua đã chết đâu mà phải lên ngay
  16. March Four

    March Four シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Whale Island
    Tranh Vương Chiến lần này cũng là sự kiện thoái vị của vua Kakin Nasubi mà, ai thắng thì lên làm vua, đâu liên quan việc các hoàng tử khác phải chết hết hay vua Nasubi chết mới đc lên ngôi vua.
  17. ConChymBay

    ConChymBay Tears of the Kingdom

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    lão vua là thử thách cuối nhé,giết vua mới pass dc :6cool_sure:
  18. Onikage

    Onikage Mayor of SimCity ✟ Grim Reaper ✟ Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    text spoil :D
    Zhang Lei is walking across the floor with his guards. (His skin turned black)
    Zhang Lei: Woble’s royal guards are all dead?
    Guard: Yes, the information comes directly from the army, so it’s true. The only remaining 2 guards come from outside and are hunters.
    Zhang Lei: No idea who did it, but targeting a baby first…Hm…Wait a second…The guards that were with the youngest prince are all associated with the other princes.
    Guard: Yes.
    Zhang Lei: Then is it a bit strange that all were wiped out? Did they kill their ally too, so they wouldn’t look suspicious?
    Guard: There are a few problems I need to tell you…
    Zhang Lei: Nen Beasts?
    Guard: I asked all of our guards, but it seems they don’t know anything. It’s likely that this word is connected to the incident where all guards were killed.
    Zhang Lei is thinking about it.

    [Ceremony Hall]
    Camilla: Father, it’s Camilla. I want to clarify this with you. There are few interpretations one can make from the word “To survive” and I think the fate of the ones “dropping out” is too ambiguous. I want you to agree that the ones that are not dead have not officially dropped out, okay?
    Nasubi: Hohoho. Although the nuance is slightly different, Zhang Lei asked about the conditions of becoming the King too. I will give the exact same answer.
    “The only one surviving is the official successor to the throne.” The way you interpret this is also a part of the succession fight hoi.

    Benjamin: Kukuku you’re worrying about pointless things, Camilla. If your premise is to become King, then you shouldn’t rely on someone else’s perspective!
    Camilla: Cami doesn’t like that! Cami wants to control all people in the world the way Cami wants it! To begin with, all princes aside Cami need to die! The ideal scenario is, everybody should proceed and die by themselves! I want everybody to think that Cami will be King so I should die!
    Benjamin: What an arrogant woman…! Entrusting you the throne is like asking a mad dog to babysit!
    Camilla: How dumb can you be? Cami won’t babysit anybody! Move away!
    Nasubi: Camilla, respect your older brother.
    Camilla walks away.

    Camilla: I can’t forgive them…! This world is wrong! Cami has to change it herself! Only wishing it won’t change anything. How unfair can this world be!
    Camilla’s Nen beast is transforming.
    Benjamin: Father, this is the reality of someone who is not qualified! As her older brother, I’m deeply ashamed! I, Benjamin, will make sure to responsibly punish her for that! I promise to you here and now that I will protect the spirits of Kakin!
    Nasubi: I expect great things from you hoi.
    Benjamin leaves the room.
    Someone: Bejamin Sama leaves the room. Area one is now under the maximum alert level!
    Benjamin takes off his outwear.
    Benjamin: I will kill you now! I will kill everybody! I can’t wait for the disembarkation. Tell Balsamic to bring Tserriednich to me!

    Guard: Yes, sir!

    Benhamin: I don’t care about the methods! But don’t kill him! I will do it
    Guard: Yes, sir!
    [Benjamin’s Room:]
    Benjamin: Nen beasts that infect other people? Then why can’t a Nen user like me see it?

    Balsamic: It’s just an assumption but I believe the contract is that the direct participants of the ceremony can’t see Nen beasts. Or there are other conditions that you don’t satisfy. The fact that the Nen Beast didn’t protect Prince Woble could mean that there is information that we don’t know about. We need to grasp this whole situation before the other princes! This will be the key to overcome this challenge! And taking rush actions before that could be life threatening.
    Benhamin: You are telling me to way…?
    Balsamic: Yes, there are two main reasons. The fact that our enemies are Nen Beasts and the fact that you can’t see the enemy means that it’s extremely dangerous for you to act by yourself. Therefore, we need to re-evaluate our plans. The second point is about the announcement call that was just made. The fact that they talked about “Nen Beasts” and “Nen Ability” means that all the princes’ guards became aware of Nen. Which means that are advantages are basically gone.
    Benjamin: I see, hunters.

    Balsamic: All of them are nen users and their history and knowledge about nen is higher than us. But protecting the princes is a secondary mission for them and they do not know much about Kakin’s insider information. We were in clear advantage in terms of the information battle. But because of the announcement made by one hunter, everybody became aware of their enemy.
    And because of that, the ones capable of using Nen will be extremely cautious. Meaning our plan to use nen and do a raid strike is not possible anymore.
    Benjamin: That really did the unnecessary. But I can’t understand this…why did that person do an announcement to leak all information? Oito surely didn’t tell that person about the ceremony of the vase, right? So why did that person leak the information to the other princes that the true identify of it are Nen Beasts?

    Balsamic: I didn’t expect any less of your Benjamin Dono. We struggled to make sense of that part too. Deterrence is likely the reason. And in fact, because of that, we have to be patient now and reconsider our plans. The hunters’ primary mission is in the Dark Continent. That’s why they want to avoid any crushes on this ship and aim to maintain this situation. This also matches to the wishes of the younger princes. As their military power is limited, they are more passive in this battle. The other hunters reacted to the announcement by actively sharing information.

    Benjamin: So the younger princes and their hunters want to work together to prolong their own lives...The way the hunters and the princes will use the Nen beasts will change the situation drastically.
    Balsamic: It’s exactly as you say! The Nen beasts and hunters’ ability are unknown and depending on their abilities, they could pose serious danger to us. Also, the older princes’ private soldiers could be Nen users too. And the princes that became conscious of Nen may try to acquire it.
    Benjamin: Call all the private soldiers to this place!
    Balsamic: Yes sir!
    He is directed by emotions and likes to take the most efficient ways to achieve his goals, and often misunderstood because of that but…Benjamin Dono has no fear and always takes the most logical ways and when we provide him with all the information then he always makes logical and exact decisions.
    All the private guards gather to Benjamin’s room.
    We are still a developing country and in order to make the leap to a bigger country, we need someone as flexible as him…!

    Benjamin: From now on, I want you people to work as the room guards for the other princes and interchange with this group. The mission will remain the same, continue to guard the other princes and continue to observe them. But, because of the unmeasurable danger that the nen beasts pose, the mission has changed become extremely dangerous! Pay the highest attention to the Nen beasts and the ability of the hungers! If the enemy attacks you or if there signs of potential attacks, then you have my permission to use your powers. In other words, I allow you to kill your enemy!
    Guards: Yes! Sir!

    Benjamin: Balsamic, and you guys, can you see my Nen beast?
    Balsamic: Yes! It’s a nen beast that is deserving for the next King!

    Benjamin’s nen beast is smiling.
    [Zhang Lei’s room]
    Zhang Lei: So Benjamin has used his most powerful private guards to spy on the other princes…
    Room guards need to be official soldiers King’s army to be accepted that role...
    Benjamin is the Military supreme counselor and the only person to have private guards that can be assigned that role. This is clearly caused by that announcement. I see this is the perfect opportunity to know more about the Nen Beasts.

    (Camilla's room)
    Camilla: Make sure that they don't appear in front of Cami's eyes!
    If they take even one step into the living room, kill them!
    Call Mom!"
    (Tserriednich's room)

    Guard: "Whatever shall we do? Given you are the 1st Queen's child, you have no obligation to respond to the request..."
    Tserriednich: "Tell them 'You're all fools'. I am in the middle of my Nen meditation."
    Tubeppa's room:
    Tubeppa: (The person with that emergency announcement... Stagnation is probably their aim.
    Tubepaa: "I want information on that Hunter. Bring it to me ASAP" Guard: "Yes sir"

    (Woble's Room)

    Kurapika: (The phones on this ship are managed by the King's guards. Contacting Melody's side via normal means will surely be dangerous.)
    (The wireless phones used by the guards to each prince has their wireless channels restricted. Meaning it is not possible for guards of different princes to contact each other.)
    (It would be nice if we were able to acquire a different set of wireless phones to exchange information...)
    (Whatever we do, we are overwhelmingly short on manpower.)

    Bill: "If we use Sayird's powers, aren't we able to investigate the other princes?"
    Kurapika: "It's possible but we can't snoop around blindly. If we don't narrow down on a target or some piece of critical information, we won't be able to properly guard the prince while also doing this high-risk scouting."

    Someone rang the doorbell.

    Kurapika: "It's probably guards from the 1st prince." (During this precarious situation, yet another surveillance guard enters the fray...?)
    The maid answers the door.
    Maid: "Coming."
    Guard: "We have made contact before. I am Vincent, a Royal Guard to the 1st prince."
    Woble starts crying.
    Oito: "What ever is the matter? And here I am breast-feeding... I may be getting sleepy. I'm going back to my bedroom to rest. The baby is feeling uneasy."
    Kurapika: We understand. Let's make sure to guard the door and shift our turns.
    Bill: "Understood."
    Bill notices something.
    Bill: "What the...!?"
    Kurapika traces Bill's line of sight and there he saw... Vincent and the now deceased maid, who has been stabbed dead in her heart.
    Vincent: She suddenly attacked me with her knife...I had no other option...Yes...She also carried a small poisonous bin with her...yes...She probably tried to use it on us...So I used my rights to defend myself...Yes...
    Kurapika: So it's not about observing but assassinating...
  19. Xhunter123

    Xhunter123 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cái spoil của HxH dài kinh
  20. Onikage

    Onikage Mayor of SimCity ✟ Grim Reaper ✟ Tàu ngầm GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    thằng đại hoảng tử mạnh thế mà cũng ko có niệm nhỉ , thằng này chắc hệ cường hoá rồi :))
    phen này thằng 4th học niệm thành tài thì còn khướt thằng pika mới đòi được mắt =))

Chia sẻ trang này