Cheat của Hoàng tử Ba tư: SECRET TELEPHONE WEAPON: Successfully complete the game under the normal difficulty setting. Take out your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Down] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Down] [Down]. Additional sand: When the Prince absorbs two or more Sands Of Time, at the same time rewind time a little to gain additional sands. Video gallery: Successfully complete the game. Secret swordfish weapon: Successfully complete the game under the hard difficulty setting. Take out your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down]. Secret baby rattle weapon: Successfully complete the game under the easy difficulty setting. Take out your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Up] [Down] [Down] [Up] [Up] [Down]. Sand Gate rewards: Deactivate the indicated number of Sand Gates to earn the corresponding reward: Fourth Sand Tank: 1 Sand Gate 100 Sand Credits: 2 Sand Gates Eye of the Storm Time Power: 3 Sand Gates Fifth Sand Tank: 4 Sand Gates 150 Sand Credits: 5 Sand Gates Winds Of Sand Attack: 6 Sand Gates Sixth Sand Tank: 7 Sand Gates 200 Sand Credits: 8 Sand Gates Sand Storm Attack: 9 Sand Gates Secret chainsaw weapon: Take out your dagger and do not have any secondary weapon. Pause game play, then press [Up] [Up] [Down] [Down] [Up] [Down] [Up] [Down]. Video gallery: Successfully complete the game.
Cheat của GUN: Unlimited ammunition: Take a barrel of TNT from the Badlands mine. Find the abandoned house in the Badlands where the buffalo graze. Go to the back of the house on the outside. Face the chimney (looking west) and place the TNT barrel on the left side of the chimney Unlock Silver Spurs: Successfully complete the Pony Express missions. Easy money You can make more money on the bounty hunter side missions by capturing bounties alive. When you find a wanted poster that offers more money if you capture them alive and are having trouble doing so, use the following trick. Kill all gang members or bodyguards (if any). If the bounty is on a horse, kill the horse. Get close and melee attack. This will stun the fugitive and present an opportunity to grab them. Then, subdue the fugitive. This awards you more money for each bounty. If you accidentally release him, you can try to melee him and grab him again. However, if you do this too many times or if he has been shot, you may kill him and get less money. Unlock Magruder's seven barrel Nock gun: Successfully complete story mode to unlock Magruder's seven barrel Nock gun. Easy poker game wins When you are playing Texas Hold 'em inside the Alhambra, you can easily win with or without a good hand. Raise the bid to the maximum. This should make at least one to three players fold. You can then cheat to make your hand better, and if it is a worse card, forget about the cheat card and go back to your original hand. Afterwards, keep checking your hands until one of you wins. It should be you most of the time. Do not worry if you lose; the tournaments are free. Unlock .69 Ferguson Rifle: Defeat Hollister. Desecrate Hoodoo's corpse After you defeat Hoodoo, there will be a intermission sequence showing him dead standing up in a coffin. After the sequence, he will still be in west empire standing in the grave. You can take out your double-barrel shotgun and shoot him a few times in some areas. You can shoot off his head, arm, and both of his legs. leaving a corpse floating in an up-right coffin. Unlock Apache Shirt: Successfully complete the Hunting missions.. Faster riding: Hold (Dash) while repeatedly jumping your horse to travel about double the speed. Unlock Dual Peacemakers: Defeat Reed.