Haverst Moon Online New New

Thảo luận trong 'Thảo luận chung' bắt đầu bởi xidateo, 23/3/06.

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  1. xidateo

    xidateo Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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  2. Horo_Zero

    Horo_Zero Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    San Jose - USA
    ngau vay hahahahhaha my favor game hahahahahha
  3. Solokop

    Solokop Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    :D vẫn chưa bắt đầu mà ;;) .....................................................................................................................................cố cho đủ 30 char

    có thêm tin gì thì post thêm đê...........
  4. Luu Linh

    Luu Linh Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    hu hu bao dờ mới chơi được =((
  5. pow

    pow Let Us Cling Together

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    Ngay trang nhất:
    IMPORTANT: www.1up.com has linked to us as an official website for the new Harvest Moon game announced by Marvelous. We are NOT Marvelous, this is an unofficial fan project.

    một dòng rất nhỏ nữa:
    Harvest Moon, all graphics on this site, and anything else we stole are copyrighted by Victor Entertainment. All rights reserved.
  6. tutukun

    tutukun Mario & Luigi

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Hello, Harvest Moon Online fans.

    I regret to inform you that this project is officially being shut down. It's been blatantly obvious no work has been done for a long time. What I'm doing right now should've been done months, maybe even years ago. It's not fair for anyone to keep this charade going. The members of the development team (Slava, Sean, and myself) have all been heavily busy with our daily lives and something like this just cannot be done anymore.
    On top of this, I'm sure you all know that Marvelous and Victor Entertainment have announced an official online version of Harvest Moon. This only further adds reason to why this project should be shut down. The chances of a lawsuit have risen and we'd be competing against too large of an opponent. We wouldn't stand a chance at all.
    Harvest Moon Online may have been a failure as an online game, but I don't regret it. I've learned many things from this that will greatly influence my decisions in future game development. Harvest Moon Online has served as an education tool and I am eternally grateful to everyone who has taught me along the way. As the saying goes, you must fail before you can succeed.
    And I am most grateful to you guys, the fans. You stuck around through our highest highs and lowest lows. You were our motivation. The bond you guys created with each other was the foundation of this project and that's why I shut down this project with a sad face. We promised content and gameplay and we delivered nothing, yet you still stuck around and some even offered to donate money to the project (no donations were accepted, by the way). I am astonished and very impressed. Because of you, I have learned that the fans are what makes a game great. Someone can make a game with fantastic graphics and interactive gameplay and people can call it a terrible game because of the people who play it. We didn't even have anything near a working game and I loved every minute of it, thanks to you guys.
    And that is why I've decided to leave the forums online. I've deleted the project-related forums, so it's a 100% casual talk-about-anything community now. Nothing else has been changed. The moderation team is just as it was and so are the rest of the accounts.
    The old website has also been kept up for a mixture of reasons. If you'd like to view it, click here. Those pages will not be touched anymore, so contact information may become inaccurate. Staff email addresses will still exist, but I won't guarantee they will be checked. If you'd like to contact me for any reason, my personal email is [email protected]. Please don't send me emails asking why I shut the project down; it's all listed out here and nothing more needs to be said. Other than that, though, I'll gladly read and respond to emails.
    I'd like to thank everyone one more time from the bottom of my heart. Fans are the reason I want to design games and I couldn't do anything without you guys.

    Thanks for everything.
    -Ari Velazquez // CrispinX

    Link->>>> http://www.harvestmoononline.com/
  7. SVS

    SVS Mario & Luigi

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    Graveyard of rusted uses
    Thông tin nài có lâu rồi! 3:-o 3:-o Project ấy cũng đã shut down được 2-3 tháng gì đó!
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