Nhật Kí

Thảo luận trong 'Hattrick' bắt đầu bởi logictic, 16/4/06.

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  1. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    [​IMG] HaveADay (614166)

    Country: Vietnam
    Region: Hanoi
    Arena: Daylight Stadium
    Language: English
    Series: # 6 in IV.20

    Owner: (Anonymous)
    Alias: ^^! Online!
    Email: (webhyt@gmail.com)
    More details about owner
    Có Một Ngày (614166)   
    Quốc Gia :  ViệtNam
    Vùng, Miền,TP :  Hà Nội 
    Sân Vận Động:  Sân Vận Động Ánh Sáng
    Ngôn Ngữ:  English 
    Cấp,Hạng:  # 6 Trong IV.20 
    Chủ nhân
    Chủ nhân: (Giấu tên; Vô danh; Nặc danh ) 
    Bí danh: ^^!   Online!
    Email: (webhyt@gmail.com) 
    More details about owner
  2. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Training Level: 90% (Changing to 100%)
    Training Type: Goalkeeping
    Coach: Paco Díaz Revorio (since 15-04-2006)
    Team Spirit: composed
    Confidence: decent

    Formation experience
    4-3-3: weak
    4-5-1: weak
    3-5-2: weak
    5-3-2: weak
    3-4-3: weak
    5-4-1: weak [​IMG]

    Tập Luyện
    Cường độ tập:   90% (Chuyển lên :100%)  
    Kiểu tập:   Thủ môn  
    HLV:   Paco Díaz Revorio (Sinh năm 15-04-2006)  
    Tinh thần đội:   Bình tĩnh, điềm tĩnh
    Tính Cách:  hợp với khuôn phép 
                     đứng đắn, đoan trang, tề chỉnh 
    l                 ịch sự, tao nhã 
                     kha khá, tươm tất 
    Sự hình thành kinh nghiệm của đội
     4-3-3:   yếu, yếu ớt 
    4-5-1:   yếu, yếu ớt 
    3-5-2:   yếu, yếu ớt 
    5-3-2:   yếu, yếu ớt 
    3-4-3:   yếu, yếu ớt 
    5-4-1:   yếu, yếu ớt 
  3. 3077

    3077 Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Ông này định câu bài ah hay là định mỗi tuần nên post 1 bài theo dõi sự thay đổi của đội.

    Mới nhận đội hay sao mà mọi chiến thuật đều weak.
  4. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Có Một Ngày
    Thủ Môn:
    Zou Keng Huat 
    TSI = 700 , 25 years, inadequate form
    Has wretched experience and inadequate leadership abilities
    Stamina:   poor     Keeper:   inadequate 
    Playmaking:   wretched     Passing:   wretched 
    Winger:   disastrous     Defending:   disastrous 
    Scoring:   disastrous     Set pieces:   weak 
    Tiền Đạo :
    Ding Lai Hong 
    TSI = 1 250 , 24 years, poor form
    Has wretched experience and weak leadership abilities
    Stamina:   weak     Keeper:   wretched 
    Playmaking:   poor     Passing:   passable 
    Winger:   solid     Defending:   poor 
    Scoring:   solid     Set pieces:   disastrous 
  5. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đây là đội bóng của mình,mình muốn làm nhật ký,để mọi người có thể coi,tiện thể có gì thì giúp mình xây dựng đội,mong mọi người hiểu và thông cảm<giúp mình là chính ^^!
    đúng là mới nhận đội,nghe nói là nhận đội được cho 5M <<<ko thấy M nào lolz
  6. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    Cash funds: 500 000 dong* (244 000) dong*
    Sponsors: calm
    Supporters Club: 97 members
    Supporters: satisfied

    This week

    Revenue --Expenses
    Crowd 0 -- Arena 0
    Sponsors 0 --Wages 0
    Financial 0 --Interest 0
    Temporary 1 500 000 --Temporary 1 556 000
    --Staff 0
    --Youth squad 200 000
    Total revenue 1 500 000 -- Total expenses 1 756 000
    Expected income/loss -256 000
    14 Play your second match (new match order) 100 000 dong*   
    1 Name your arena 50 000 dong*  
    2 Promote a youth player 50 000 dong*  
    3 Check economy 100 000 dong*  
    4 Check out your players 100 000 dong*  
    5 Hire a specialist 100 000 dong*  
    6 Search for... 100 000 dong*  
    7 Book a friendly 150 000 dong*  
    8 Match order (4-4-2) 250 000 dong*  
    9 Join the newbie conference and the conference of your league 100 000 dong*  
    10 Place a bid on a player 150 000 dong*  
    11 Check the result of your first match 100 000 dong*  
    12 Transfer list a player 150 000 dong*  
    13 Choose training type 100 000 dong*  
  7. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Daylight Stadium

    Arena: Daylight Stadium (614166)

    Belongs to: HaveADay
    Country: Vietnam
    Region : Hanoi
    Last improvement: 15-04-2006
    Total capacity: 12000

    Terraces: 8000
    Basic seating: 3000
    Seats under roof: 1000
    Seats in VIP boxes: 0

    Your 1 match(es)
     HaveADay - Pelgulinna Panathina  0 - 0  
    (3 day(s) to kick-off)  

    Upcoming Matches
    19-04-2006 (Friendly): HaveADay - Pelgulinna Panathinaikos
    Orders [​IMG]
  8. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Transfers for HaveADay
    Total Purchases: 260 000 dong*
    Total Sales: 0.0 dong*
    Difference: -260 000 dong*
    Number of transfers: 2
    Average (bought): 130 000 dong*
    Average (bought + sold): -130 000 dong*

    Transfers last week HaveADay
    Date Type Players To/From Price TSI then
    15-04-2006 Bought Andrei Rosenkrantz from mostly snares 250 000 dong* 50
    15-04-2006 Bought Warren Murdoch from Tajmahals Team 10 000 dong* 170

    Ulysses Pongia 18-04-2006 at 06.54 1 500 000 dong*
    Jiao Guan Hua 18-04-2006 at 02.26 80 000 dong*
    Paulo Sérgio Fabião 17-04-2006 at 22.32 110 000 dong*
    Lars Mårtensson 17-04-2006 at 17.32 1 000 000 dong*
    Chen Quang-Nhut 17-04-2006 at 12.16 50 000 dong*
    Cui Kuang-Yu 17-04-2006 at 11.49 10 000 dong*
    Total costs 2 750 000 dong*

    Total sum -2 750 000 dong*
    Agent fee, original club money and previous club money -0.0 dong*
    Mother club and last club money 0.0 dong*
    Final sum -2 750 000 dong*
  9. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    The Club

    Youth Squad: wretched
    Investment in the Youth squad: 200 000 dong* / week

    Goalkeeping Coaches: 9
    Assistant Coaches: 1
    Sport Psychologists: 2
    Spokespersons: 2
    Economists: 1
    Physiotherapists: 2
    Doctors: 2

    The Club
    Latest events
    16-04-2006   You sacked a player from your team. 
    16-04-2006   A change of training level was ordered. The change will have taken effect by next Thursday 
    16-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    16-04-2006   You changed your weekly investment in the youth squad to 200 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You put a player on the transfer list with a starting price of 50 000 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You put a player on the transfer list with a starting price of 500 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You put a player on the transfer list with a starting price of 1 000 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You put a player on the transfer list with a starting price of 200 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   The name of your arena was changed to Daylight Stadium. A cost of 40 000 dong* was added to your temporary costs. 
    15-04-2006   You sacked a player from your team. 
    15-04-2006   You recruited a new coach at the cost of 946 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You recruited a new coach at the cost of 100 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 8 and got 250 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   A newly bought player had a really bad start on arrival at the club. The team spirit fell when he initially turned out not to get along very well with the others.  
    15-04-2006   Bought a player and paid 250 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 11 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 7 and got 150 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   A friendly was arranged 
    15-04-2006   The official name of the club was changed. The cost for changing the name came to 100 000 dong* and has been added to your temporary costs. Also, a couple of supporters left. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 12 and got 150 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You put a player on the transfer list with a starting price of 20 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   A change of training level was ordered. The change will have taken effect by next Thursday 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 6 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 5 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You hired one or more specialists. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 13 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You changed training type. 
    15-04-2006   Bought a player and paid 10 000 dong*. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 10 and got 150 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 9 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 4 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 3 and got 100 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 2 and got 50 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   You promoted a player and 20 000 dong* was added to your temporary costs. 
    15-04-2006   You finished challenge 1 and got 50 000 dong* for your team. 
    15-04-2006   The name of your arena was changed to HaveADay. A cost of 40 000 dong* was added to your temporary costs. 
    View all events 
  10. changtrailuumanh

    changtrailuumanh T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    trời đất, bác này rảnh dễ sợ, viết bài kiểu này mang danh nghĩa là để mọi người coi rồi thêm ý kiến giúp đỡ nhưng post kiểu này nhìn vô là lười rồi ai còn đủ sức góp ý cho nổi
  11. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    vậy chứ muốn làm sao bây giờ ^^!
    du tiền đẩy giá hộ con này đi
  12. logictic

    logictic Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    help chút được ko vậy?tui đang thiếu tiền ^^!
  13. tmt1242

    tmt1242 Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hix, kô biết bác này có phải nv tiếp thị DV ADSL kô đây, trọn gói 200k/month hả pác. chi phí lắp đặt tất cả là nhiu vậy :D
  14. PepsiCam

    PepsiCam T.E.T.Я.I.S

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    @ logotic: làm thế là phạm luật, có thể bị ban nick. Nhưng quan trọng là hiện tại mình cũng không có money để giúp bạn. Nhờ thử các bạn hạng 2 hạng 1 xem sao
  15. bilgate

    bilgate Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Kí Ức
    To logictic : muốn hỏi gì bạn vào topic hỏi đáp mà hỏi, có thể hỏi nhiểu vấn đề trong 1 bài tránh việc viết quá nhiều khiến việc đọc cũng như trả lời gặp rắc rối.
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