PS Thảo luận, tin tức và tất cả những thứ có liên quan về PlayStation

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi F22Raptors, 5/9/16.

  1. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

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    Biết ngay, bày đặt đính chính trailer đồ :1cool_look_down::1cool_look_down:
    Tầm vài tuần nữa lòi ra có cả xbox pc thì..với cả đồ hoạ thế thì cũng bình thường so với đám game cuối đời của ps4 chứ có gì đâu mà sợ ko chạy nổi
  2. Rampage_Ghost

    Rampage_Ghost Đây là nick của kẻ Scammer 300k VND

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    Balamb Garden
    Kiểu gì cũng phải có cho Master Race thôi, chạy đằng nào cho được giáo chủ ơi =)).
    alucardme87 thích bài này.
  3. Gantz89

    Gantz89 Marcus Fenix, savior of Sera Lão Làng GVN

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    Giáo hội PS
    vất cho mấy miếng xương cho gặm, giờ đòi bit tết à :4cool_baffle:
  4. nts_2511

    nts_2511 シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Archer GVN Dalit

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    Coast City
    Bác Linh Truck làm gì dí giú chảo ghê thế, tội giáo chủ vlol :))
  5. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Day one just for the cat:7cool_spiderman:

    Spider-Man MM info

    Story Elements:

    -Peter is mostly in the shadows playing the role of a mentor, he communicates with Miles, example they gave was a text, they also interact physically in the story

    -Peter's story will also move forward in this game

    -After the opening sequence Peter tells Miles Mary Jane is going to Symkaria and that he will be joining her as the photographer

    -Miles Uncle is in the game, but no indication he was or is the Prowler

    -True sequel that likely sets the stage for what comes next, a bit shorter than the first game. Not considering it a side story

    -Will have new and familiar characters

    -Set 1 year after the first game Miles is 17 years old

    Opening Sequence:

    -Saw the opening sequence running on PS5, calling it as action packed as they come and has a familiar villain (Rhino) that helps set the stage on how Miles becomes a different Spider-Man

    -Peter and Miles are both in the opening and take on Rhino and the henchman together, Peter is riding around Rhino as he crashes through buildings and objects and the destruction on hand is impressive.

    -The fight goes through several buildings, through a park with a large Christmas tree, and then a mall where a familiar character is playing as a mall Santa (J Jonah Jameson)

    -They describe this whole sequence and set piece moments as larger and crazier than the first game

    -Saying what Insomniac learned in the first game allowed Insomniac to add crazier action, and set pieces in the sequel and it's really apparent in what they witnessed


    -Beginner Suit: Miles' homemade suit, similar to the Spiderverse suit

    -Gift Suit: Gifted to Miles and is not technologically advanced, looks like pajamas

    -Iconic Suit: The suit we have all seen in the promo material

    -TRACK Suit: This is one of the DLC suits, the white one with the red spider

    -Cat Suit: Masked cat in a backpack lol

    -2020 Suit: Futuristic looking suit with LED's

    Combat Details:

    -Hold L1 to charge the Venom in Miles

    -While holding L1, each face button when tapped has a different move

    -All the Venom attacks cause Venom Stun to enemies and they are more vulnerable to attacks in this state

    -Venom isn't unlimited and is built up like Peter's focus meter

    -Describes the sensation of charging the venom attack as building up in the left side of the Dual Sense controller and then flows to the right side and rumbles again when you push a face button

    -Miles has his own set up gadgets and they are used just like in the first game

    -Able to perform stealth takedowns from ceilings and walls now

    -Can also reset stealth encounters after being seen by using Miles' Camouflage ability, enemies will then become frightened and fire wildly into the air and try to flush him out with grenades

    -Some enemies are able to see you even when camouflaged


    -Largely is the same as the first game, but Miles has more tricks he can do while swinging around to earn exp, inspired by sky diving techniques

    -Feel a little rumble when shooting out a web and as you swing the trigger tightens as you reach the end of the swing

    Open World:

    - New York is broken up into districts like the first game, where you have to complete activities and stop crimes to 100%

    - New crimes in this one, but there will be a couple returning from the first game

    - No puzzle lab activity this time around

    - Want to provide meaningful rewards to everyone that completes the activities, mention suits


    - One of Miles hobby is mixing, so one of the collectibles in the game is related to music and possibly has to do with sampling.

    - Game will feature original and licensed songs from Kid Cudi, and Jaden Smith as well as others.

    Other Details:

    -Talk about how detailed Harlem is, making you want to stop the character and just look around to soak it all in

    - Although Harlem is the same size, they have increased the detail in the area and made it more lively, brought in consultants to make sure Harlem was brought to life. Treated Harlem like a character itself

    -Swinging motion is not as good as Peter's, his body kind of jolts about as he's swinging through the air, with less control of his arms and legs. Describe him as a bit of a "helicopter" in his movements

    -Other villains will be in the game besides Tinkerer and the one mentioned above in the opening sequence, but not as many as Peter faced.

    -No more police scanner concept, it is replaced by something Ganke invented that helps all the neighborhoods connect and inform Miles of activities and crimes currently taking place. They call it the Friendly Neighborhood Spider App. Bring up the app whenever you want by swiping left on touchpad and the game slows down to allow you to choose crimes or activities by pressing L1 and R1

    - Miles is the only playable character

    - Took a lot of care in representation even going as far as taking coaching sessions to get the Nuyorican Spanish dialogue correct
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/10/20
  6. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    We believe your play time is valuable and should be meaningful, and all the new features we’re delivering are inspired by that concept and vision. The new UX introduces several new features designed to make your gaming experiences more fun, engaging, personalized and social.

    One of the highlights is a new Control Center, which provides immediate access to almost everything you need from the system at a single press of the PlayStation button on the DualSense wireless controller – all without leaving the game.

    We’ve also added a new feature called Activities, designed to bring you closer to the key elements of gameplay. Activities are displayed via on-screen cards in the Control Center, which enables you to discover new gameplay opportunities, go back to things you missed, jump directly into levels or challenges you want to play, and much more. Some Activity cards can be put in picture-in-picture mode, so you can view them without having to leave the game.

    Navigating the interface, switching between games, and hopping into online matches occurs quickly, as we rebuilt the entire software stack from the console to the network to bring you a truly next-generation experience. We believe the less time you spend waiting to interact with the system, the more time you will have to spend playing games.


    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/10/20
    nts_2511, Chronos, SOZUOKA and 3 others like this.
  7. ChocoboLinh

    ChocoboLinh Chuyên trị xaolonist ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️

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  8. Sir Artorias

    Sir Artorias The Last of Us Lão Làng GVN

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    Anor Londo
  9. namkhapro

    namkhapro snake, snake, snaaaake Lão Làng GVN

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    đẹp, mượt hơn con old god ps4, new god có khác =))
  10. Vouu2

    Vouu2 Tiền thâm hậu ghẻ

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    Ngon, 3 năm nữa hốt là chuẩn bài :2cool_confident:
    alucardme87 thích bài này.
  11. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

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    Suspend Your games
  12. batau17

    batau17 Youtube Master Race Lão Làng GVN

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    Cái này tưởng ps4 cũng có mà :3cool_nosebleed:
  13. [R]ainy™

    [R]ainy™ Shop Game Bản Quyền Lão Làng GVN

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    Đà Lạt Phố
    PS4 cũng y chang khi vào rest mode mà :v
  14. dread_nought

    dread_nought Keep calm and Tracer on Lão Làng GVN

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    TP HCM
    suspend your game [ s ] => có thể có chức năng quick resume như Xbox
  15. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

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    Thì như PS4 thoy sleep xong wake vẫn vào chơi tiếp chứ quick resume gì :-?
  16. dread_nought

    dread_nought Keep calm and Tracer on Lão Làng GVN

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    TP HCM
    game có s tức là có thể PS5 sẽ hỗ trợ chạy nhiều game cùng lúc ....
  17. ChocoboLinh

    ChocoboLinh Chuyên trị xaolonist ⚔️ Dragon Knight ⚔️

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    mà làm vậy để chi
  18. dread_nought

    dread_nought Keep calm and Tracer on Lão Làng GVN

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    TP HCM
    vd đang quẩy FF Remake part 2 chưa đến check point, nhưng đám bản rủ vào quẩy 1 ván CoD thì tạm pause FF lại, bay qua mở CoD lên bắn 1 ván, xong lại quay lại chơi FF - khi nào thích thì bay qua bắn CoD tiếp.
  19. Kira_Shinigami

    Kira_Shinigami The Pride of Hiigara Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Lúc mở chơi destruction all star, sackboy chưa có tắt

    Lúc đó sackboy có icon này

    Activities bá quá
    Chỉnh sửa cuối: 15/10/20
  20. kanosaizo127

    kanosaizo127 SPARTAN John-117 Lão Làng GVN

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    GVN Nghèo Clan
    ps4 sleep xong vào chơi tiếp được mà vào lại lâu bm, chả khác gì chờ bật máy :2cool_sad:

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