█ FALL 2023 █ ONE PIECE "Never End" ▶Final Saga Begin:Egghead Arc ◀ Netflix Live-action (31/08/2023)

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi re_code_v_x, 21/12/11.


Bao lâu nữa SH vào New World? ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

  1. < 10 chap

    38 phiếu
  2. 10 - 20 chap

    16 phiếu
  3. 20 - 40 chap

    21 phiếu
  4. 40 - 50 chap ლ(ಠ益ಠლ)

    10 phiếu
  5. > 50 chap, Oda chém gió ლ(ಠ_ಠლ)

    178 phiếu
  1. troll

    troll Sith Lord Revan GVN CHAMPION ✡ Shine Wizard ✡ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Onikage clone :">
    kizaru đang trên đường tới wano thì phải :-?
    mà có thêm tí chính quyền vào cho nó gay cấn chứ từ timeskip đến giờ bọn hải tặc đánh nhau chán vcl` !bemwin
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  2. rongdoVN

    rongdoVN Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    TS-Pri GameVN
    tụi HQ có ăn hôi cũng đợi sau trận Lù vs Kaido đã mới hay

    đang solo mà có thằng khác chen vào là mất hay rồi
  3. enragon_hl

    enragon_hl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    WB không bị đâm lén thì cũng bệnh gần tèo rồi. BB nó hôi lúc WB cạn dầu thôi, mà ngược lại BB nó cầm chân Sengoku.

    Tôi đang nghi là kể cả 4 Yonko hợp lại cũng chưa chắc đã ăn được World Goverment ấy.

    Cấp độ Yonko thì có: Sengoku, Garp, 3 admiral, Magenlan. Ngoài ra còn cả IM, 5 lão và Kong.
    Cấp độ captain có: Vice Admiral hơn chục thằng, bọn 7 hải, thằng cháu Kizaru, lũ CP0, chưa kể 1 đống con robot.
    thuyền chiến của Hải quân cũng thiện chiến hơn, khoa học veganpunk lắm trò hơn, chưa kể Hải quân luôn tìm cách để bọn hải tặc tự đâm nhau.

    Bên Hải tặc có được 4 ông yonko, thêm 12 ông đội trưởng đến cấp độ 3 là đáng kể. Hết rồi. Mà chưa kể Yonko nhắc đến Garp thì thằng nào thằng đấy đái hết ra quần.
  4. kalulu12345

    kalulu12345 Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    truyện main char là thằng lù thì kiểu gì tác nó chả tìm cách buff cho thằng lù ăn dc hải quân , trước thằng Mihawk cũng nhận ra sức mạnh thật sự của thằng lù là lôi kéo người khác mà có khi end game là tất cả hải tặc về phe thằng lù cùng tấn công tổng bộ hải quân :))
  5. phanthieugia

    phanthieugia Moderator Moderator Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đám phó đô đốc chưa có trận nào solo nên chả biết mạnh cỡ nào nhỉ
  6. tahnah

    tahnah C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đà Nẵng
    đám phó đô đốc thì chắc cỡ smoker trở xuống,
    mà đám này như bộ 3 tai ương của kaido chắc dư dẹp
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  7. enragon_hl

    enragon_hl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    đám đấy hiện đang bị đối xử như creep, trình dưới cả bọn 7 hải: Momonga phải tự đâm tay thì mới chống được BoA, Smoker bị DoF hành như con còn Vego làm đệ. Bastille bị Sabo đập vỡ mặt nạ. WB đập chết 1 anh nữa.

    Nhưng nếu so kỹ thì lực đội này ko dưới các đội trưởng đâu. Chưa kể thấy bảo Gion và Tokikake mạnh như đô đốc nữa.
  8. g190

    g190 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Đám Vice đó để power dưới 7 hảỉ là đúng rồi, nếu mạnh hơn thì World Government cần 7 hải làm mẹ gì nữa.
    phanthieugia thích bài này.
  9. enragon_hl

    enragon_hl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chap mới quả skill rắn của Queen ảo vãi.
    tôi thật sự muốn Queen vào băng, không có giới hạn nào cho khả năng tấu hài của anh ấy =))))
    Kuria thích bài này.
  10. g190

    g190 Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chapter 1,028: "Brachiojaurus" (in Japanese “ブラキオ蛇ウルス” that means “Brachio Snake”).

    Chapter starts in the “guest room” of Onigashima's castle. There we see that the CP0 members have received a call by Den Den Mushi from a certain person. CP0's boss reports the appearance of another dragon and assumes that it must be related with the fruit that Vegapunk created.

    CP0's boss: "“Straw Hat Luffy” was with that dragon so there is no doubt that this new dragon is Kaidou's enemy."

    Mysterious character: "Never mind, both sides are pirates anyway."

    CP0's boss gets a little upset.

    CP0's boss: "Why did you call for?"

    Mysterious character: "We have new orders from “above”.In the unlikely case that Kaidou loses this war...the government will move in and will turn Wanokuni into a country under the direct control of the World Government!!Some ships are heading to Wanokuni... How is the chance of Kaidou's losing?"

    As the mysterious character says this, we see that several ships are in the sea near to Wanokuni (where the rocks and giant carps are). Although we cannot see the front of the ships, they don't look like Marine ships (probably all are ships sent by the World Government).

    Then we see the CP0's board. The situation has gone from 30,000 members on Kaidou's side Vs. 5,400 members on samurai's side to 12,000 members on Kaidou's side Vs. 8,000 members on samurai's side.

    CP0's boss: "This battle has turned into something more interesting than I expected.But I still can't imagine Kaidou losing...!!"

    Mysterious character: "Good.I will wait for future reports...There is another order."

    We finally discover who is the mysterious person in the other side of the line. He is Rob Lucci, he's in a room with Kaku and Stussy (Kaku is sleeping sitting on a chair). Lucci keeps talking.

    Rob Lucci: "The crew member of the Straw Hat Pirates...Nico Robin!!She must be caught!!!It doesn't matter what the result of the battle is.The existence of that woman will be the “key” for the pirates."

    As Lucci says this we see that Robin has already woken up and is fighting alongside Brook as they run through Onigashima's castle.

    CP0: "Understood..."

    Cut to the lower area of Onigashima Island, only 5 minutes until the island reaches the “Flower Capital”. Monosuke (who is now alone) keeps trying to create big “Flame Clouds” but he's only capable of creating small “Flame Clouds”. He is very nervous and desperate.

    We see that Yamato (in her hybrid form) is climbing up to the island ground. In a little flashback we see Yamato told Momonosuke that she was going up to the castle to take care of the bombs. In case Momonosuke fails, without the bombs the damage would be considerably reduced.

    When Yamato reaches the top she transforms into her animal form and runs towards the castle. Some of the Heart Pirates look at her in a shocked way

    Cut to the “Live Floor” in Onigashima's castle, Queen (in his hybrid form) and Sanji keep fighting. Quen attacks Sanji with a new attack called “Brypan” (Coming Wind Fist - 風来拳 (ブライパン)) with which he strikes with his claws and attacks with his sword at the same time. Sanji parries and dodges the attacks the best he can.

    Queen gets angry and hits Sanji who crashes into some rocks.

    Queen: "Get it out!!The “Germa 66” battle suit!!"

    Sanji: "...!!"

    Chopper: "Sanji!!"

    Queen: "You used it when you fought King right!?The battle suit!!I saw that it made you disappeared!! Is that Judge's scientific power!?"

    Sanji gets up without paying any attention to Queen, he still thinks to himself that he really feels something is off with his body.

    Sanji: "Stop talking about others' family without knowing their private situations!!!I don't even consider Germa my family!!I'm not going to wear the suit, especially if that's what you want!!"

    Queen gets tired and shoots his “Black Coffee” attack. Sanji jumps and dodges it, then attacks Queen with his “Diable Jambe - Bien Cuit: Grill Shot” which burns Queen's stomach and send him flying.

    Queen stands up and transforms into his animal form. Sanji wonders what he must do to damage Queen since dinosaurs are very tough.

    Queen: "That was a good kick.Well, let me show you the true power of a “dinosaur" without modification.Behold the power of the creatures that used to rule the world 100 million years ago.The power of kings!!!"

    Queen then stretches his body, tail and neck. Then he hits a wall with his tail.

    Queen: "“Brachiojaurus” (Brachio Snake - ブラキオ蛇ウルス)!!!"

    Queen's neck and tail shoot out from his body, leaving his legs and torso behind. Everyone present in the Live Floor (Izou, Marco, Kawamatsu, Chopper, Hyo, the Yakuza...) are shocked. They put "Enel's face" when they see what Queen has done.

    All: "Ehhh!!?What kind of mechanism is that!?"

    Sanji: "Ehhh!!?"

    Queen catches Sanji and strangles him with his body like a giant snake.

    Queen: "Wahahaha!!This is what a brachiosaurus does*!!Nobody has managed to escape from my “Brachiotoguros”!!!"

    *Translation note: It is the same phrase that Sasaki said to Franky.

    Sanji screams in pain, the samurai don't know what to do to help him.

    Queen: "Even those with powerful “Color of Arms Haki”are crushed with this attack that destroys bones and organs!!Come on, show me the power the Germa!!"

    Sanji: "I refuse...Uahhhhhh!!"

    Suddenly, we see that some rockets come out of Queen's torso (specifically, they come out of his back).

    Queen: "Look at that!!Normally brachiosaurus' bodies are uselessbecause they are basically snakes with legs!!But I'm a scientist!!I have equipped the torso with my “Brachio Launchers”!!If I say its name, the launcher will sho..."

    Suddenly, the “Brachio Launchers” shoot out and hit Queen. Queen has said “Brachio Launchers” while he explained it to Sanji, so the missiles have been fired thinking it was an order.

    Queen: "Uahh!!!"

    Subordinates: "Queen-sama!!"

    Queen speaks to his torso.

    Queen: "Idiot!!!I said “Brachio Launchers” because I was explaining the attack...Uahh!!!"

    Subordinates: "Queen-sama!!"

    Queen said again the name of the attack, so the missiles are fired at him again. After the 2nd self-attack, Queen ends up releasing Sanji. Queen says that all Sanji's bones should be broken so he won't be able to get up.

    However Sanji gets up, his left leg is broken in several parts and his back is also affected (he walks like a zombie).

    Chopper: "Huh!?What's the matter Sanji?Are you okay!?"

    Sanji: "That... hurt...But somehow I can move normally...!!"

    Chopper: "Sanji!!!Have you turned into a zombie!?"

    Samuari: "Your entire body is broken, Sangoro-san!!"

    Suddenly, all Sanji's bones snap back into place.

    Sanji: "What's wrong with my body...!!Could it be that my power is awakening?The same power they have?"

    Sanji thinks about this as he remembers a scene from his past where he punched Ichiji's face. While Sanji is distracted, Queen returns to his hybrid form and attacks Sanji from behind with his sword.

    Queen: "Damn brat!!!"

    Chopper: "Sanji!! At your back!!"

    Queen hits Sanji's neck and part of his face with his sword but the sword breaks into pieces when contacted with Sanji's body.

    Sanji: "That hurts."

    Sanji is very angry.

    Sanji: "I refuse!!I don't wanna turn into monsters like them...!!!"

    Queen is shocked.

    Queen: "What...!?"

    End of the chapter

    Info about color spread-

    Color Spread is dedicated to videogames with the sentence “This is your STORY”. In the front we can see Nami and Usopp playing like streamers (with headphones and special glasses). In the background we have a videogame screen, the game they are playing is similar to Super Smash Bros. game. The remaining 8 members of the Straw Hat Pirates represent video game characters.

    - Luffy: Ken from the Street Fighter saga (with his fists and hair on fire).

    - Zoro: Link from The Legend of Zelda saga.

    - Sanji: Inkling from Splatoon saga (not 100% sure).

    - Chopper: It seems that he is dressed like a monkey (maybe it's related with Donkey Kong).

    - Robin: Morrigan from the Darkstalkers saga.

    - Franky: Donkey Kong (Chopper may be related with him, not sure).

    - Brook: He is dressed with a suit and cape, he also wears a crown (I can't identify the videogame he belongs to).

    - Jinbe: Mario from the Super Mario saga (instead of the “M” he wears a “J” on his cap and jumpsuit).
  11. samurai_999

    samurai_999 Cô Mười nhớ, cô Mười thương Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    chắc thằng quêen đánh cú cuối ko xài haki
  12. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Đm sao cảm giác càng ngày càng xàm dù có những nhân vật tạo hype như Lucci, Marco =))
  13. Gin.eK

    Gin.eK Space Marine Doomguy Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:

    thời tới
  14. enragon_hl

    enragon_hl Fire in the hole!

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lucci hype quái gì.
    nhưng tôi thích Queen =)))
  15. Giraffe

    Giraffe Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Lucci giờ vào Sạn nó đá đít luôn ấy. Dễ chap sau Sạn xử xong Queen, 2 chap nữa cho trận Rổ và King rồi tới Kai
  16. samurai_999

    samurai_999 Cô Mười nhớ, cô Mười thương Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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  17. Tyrant 076

    Tyrant 076 KỲ THỦ CỜ VÂY CHAMPION ⚜ Duel Master ⚜ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Nha Trang
    Thực ra chúng ta nên nghĩ ngược lại, không phải Oda buff Sanji

    Mà là cho Queen tấu hài, 3rd của team mũ rơm với 3rd team Kaidou thì cùng chung số phận bị dìm như nhau thôi !like
    enragon_hl and lehmanbear like this.
  18. tieunhilang.

    tieunhilang. SPARTAN John-117 Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    enragon_hl thích bài này.
  19. samurai_999

    samurai_999 Cô Mười nhớ, cô Mười thương Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    hài này thì chuẩn one piece rồi
    enragon_hl thích bài này.
  20. acthanhp

    acthanhp The Warrior of Light Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Thế Brachiosaurus là con rắn à =)) Đúng hack, cái thân ko có não bắn mẹ vào mồm queen 2 phát =))

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