Multi [Tổng Hợp] Call Of Duty - Tiếng gọi nghĩa vụ quân sự

Thảo luận trong 'Tin tức - Giới thiệu - Thảo luận chung về game' bắt đầu bởi F22Raptors, 24/5/24.

  1. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
    tổng hợp thông tin +leak về BO6

    So now that I've warned you, lets first state the setting of the game.

    Black Ops 6 will take place in 1991 during the Gulf war. Since we have info that 9/11 will be a mission in Black Ops 6, the campaign will most likely flip between 2 time periods. (at least for the linear missions*)

    Who's Developing?

    As kind of a surprise out of the blue, Raven software announced they co developed the game with Treyarch, whereas previously we assumed they only handled the campaign like in Cold War.

    Next we will focus on the campaign for a second.

    The campaign will be a fully open world game akin to far cry, where you are a member of Adler's squad completing missions. There will be tons of side quests and main story missions and will do what MWIII failed to do miserably. And the campaign will have some linear mission for those of you that like that style of gameplay :).

    So that's the general info about the game, now here is the gameplay side of things.

    Weapons: This game will feature 54 weapons on launch (as of current knowledge) and will feature many fan favorites and returning classics! It will have a decorative weapon platform system to switch receivers on the fly and show you related weaponry. you will also notice some weapons from MWII and MWIII on this list. As for those, the only "carry forward" will be the names to have parity between games. Stats, models, sounds, and all that will be different, and will most likely replace the old versions in warzone, the images used for the old weapons are just my placeholders. and with that aside we do have a good mix of old and new guns, and i am especially excited for The Hectate II and the AS Val! and i guess a cool fact is that this is the first time where we will get an accurate M4 since Cod4, surprising right?

    As for the perks, these are the ones we know of:

    • Overkill -Carry two primary weapons

    • Ghost - Undetectable by enemy Spy Planes whenever you are moving, planting or defusing bombs, or controlling Score streaks

    • Restock - Recharge equipment over 25 seconds

    • Spotter - Spot enemy equipment, Field Upgrades, and Killstreaks through walls. Aiming down sights highlights them for the team. Hack enemy IED’s, Landmines, C4, and Trophy Systems

    • Battle Hardened|Reduce the effect of enemy Flash, Stun, EMP Grenades, and Shock Sticks. Immune to Proximity Alarms

    • Shrapnel - Spawn with an extra piece of lethal equipment. Explosive damage delays enemy health regeneration

    • Cold-Blooded - AI-controlled Scorestreaks will not target you, and player-controlled Scorestreaks will not highlight you. Show up cold on Thermal. You do not trigger Operative or High Alert

    • Bomb Squad - Take reduced damage from non-Scorestreak explosives. Reset fuze timers when picking up live grenades Grave Robber - Scrap dropped guns to get extra attachments and ammo

    • Fast Hands Reload, use equipment, and swap weapons faster

    • Quick Fix - Killing players immediately triggers health regeneration. Capturing and holding objectives increases health regeneration rate

    • Hardline - Reduce scorestreak cost by 125 points

    • Underkill - Replace primary with any secondary not in use

    • Scavenger - Replenish ammo from dead players

    • Flex - Delay triggered explosives while sprinting, warns of nearby enemy equipment, and reduce combat noise

    • Overclock - Store an additional Field Upgrade charge. Increase Field Upgrade charge rate by 40%

    • Survivor - On death, enter Last Stand with the ability to self-revive once per life. Teammates can revive downed players faster

    • Operative - When you respawn, enemies briefly appear through walls. Edge of HUD pulses for enemies outside your view. Leave no death skulls

    • Ante Up - Start each life with +200 points towards scorestreaks

    • Dexterity - Mantle faster. ADS while sliding and diving. Take less fall damage

    • Strong Arm - Throw equipment farther and see a preview of the trajectory

    • Stalker - Increased strafe and ADS movement speed

    • Primed - Accuracy and time to aim down sight is improved while jumping

    • Focus - Reduce flinch when aiming down sights and extend Hold Breath duration

    • Bounty Hunter - Earn extra score towards your scorestreaks by killing enemies with bounties. Enemies get a bounty every time they kill three players in a life

    • Double Time - Increase Tac Sprint duration and reduces refresh time

    • Ninja - Move silently. Reduces the effectiveness of enemy Intel perks

    • Hustle -Move faster while crouched, prone, or downed

    • Heavy Metal - Unknown

    • Hunt master - Unknown

    • Credit: Black Ops 6: Developers, leaked weapons & Perks, Zombies, more - Charlie INTEL
    Field upgrades and equipment:

    C4 - High explosive charge that sticks to any surface. Deadly when stuck to vehicles

    IED - Improvised proximity explosive device that sticks to any surface. Arms shortly after deployment

    Impact Grenade - Explodes on impact

    Molotov - Explodes on impact, spreading flames over a small area

    Frag Grenade - Explodes after a short fuse

    Cluster Grenade - Powerful explosive grenade that sticks to surfaces and releases sub-munitions upon detonation

    Semtex - Grenade that sticks to surfaces before detonating

    Thermite - Explosive incendiary device that sticks to surfaces

    Combat Axe - Retrievable axe that kills instantly on impact in Core MP

    Drill Charge - Charge with a thermal lance that can burrow into surfaces before exploding

    Thermobaric Grenade - Cookable grenade. Creates a large explosion that stuns, leaves a fiery residue, and increases the lethality of explosives for a short period of time

    Shock Stick - Electrocutes nearby enemies, forcing them to shoot and disabling ADS

    Proximity Alarm - Tactical ground-based sensor that detects enemy movement within its radius

    Decoy - Simulates footsteps to confuse enemies

    EMP Grenade - Disables nearby enemy electronic systems

    Flashbang - Blinds enemies and impairs hearing. Detonates shortly after being thrown

    Smoke Grenade - Produces a smoke screen on impact

    Stun Grenade - Disorients enemies and slows movement. Detonates shortly after impact

    Tactical Insertion - Drop-zone beacon that allows you to place your next spawn point

    Adrenaline Shot - Reusable stimulant that initiates healing immediately

    Spotter Scanner - Spot and mark enemies from a distance

    Gas Mine - 120 seconds. Proximity activated trap that expels a large cloud of harmful gas. Enemies inside are damaged and disoriented

    Jammer - 150 seconds. Creates an electronic disruption field, disabling enemy Field Upgrades and degrading enemy minimap. information.

    Landmine - 120 seconds. Throwable mine, explodes shortly after an enemy runs or drives over it. Can be avoided by crouching. Destroys any vehicle that runs over it.

    Ammo Pack - 185 seconds. Supply cache containing ammo that gives bonus score for taking down enemies

    Shield - 120 seconds. Portable, rapidly-deployable ballistic cover.

    Revive Gun - 360 seconds. Instantly revive or heal an ally.

    Spy Cam - 240 seconds. Remote camera view that is toggled on and off.

    Rally - 240 seconds. Influence your allies to respawn closer to you.

    Trophy System - 80 seconds. Destroys thrown enemy equipment and launcher missiles within 10 meters.

    • Credit: Black Ops 6: Developers, leaked weapons & Perks, Zombies, more - Charlie INTEL
    Lets talk about movement, this is going to be very hit or miss with the community but i hope Treyarch doesn't mess this up.

    Black Ops 6 will add 1 new mechanic (which might have been scrapped), and rework 2 old ones.

    The new mechanic which is most likely gonna get scraped is leaning. some of you veterans may remember leaning from PC back in Cod4 - Ghosts. But this time it will function more similarly to R6 Siege. if this does make the final release, i don't think it will be enabled in ranked, and may even replace mounting on walls. This could make for some very... interesting scenarios. The main reason we believe this is being scrapped is due to available mapping space on controllers, as the game will become to complicated. But as always, we trust in Treyarch!

    The 2 mechanics they are reworking are Diving and Proning. Black ops 6 has been leaked to be an omnidirectional... boots on the ground game? yeah it sounds confusing but this will explain it better. You will now be able to shoot while dolphin diving, and be able to dive in any direction around you similar to Helldivers 2. you can now move in any direction while proning, so your character will switch from laying on their back to laying on their stomach while crawling.

    and they are buffing sliding a little by allowing you to slide in any diagonal direction in front of you, and it will have a more gradual transition to sliding.

    So movement looks pretty good this year, now its time for ZOMBIES!

    Zombies is looking very good this year, this is what we know so far.

    2 Maps on launch: Terminus Island, and Liberty Falls. Terminus island is set on an island in the Atlantic which is hinted to at the end of Forsaken, and Liberty falls is looking like a remake of Tranzit due to asset leaks and the Jet gun being found in the files.


    Some new leaks actually propose us getting a crew for this zombies game, but it will most likely be optional and allow for operators and skins to be used.

    Game modes?

    looking at file names you can expect outbreak, round based, possibly onslaught, and the objective mode from Vanguard. No content drought this year.

    What about Warzone?

    For Warzone this year you can expect Verdansk making its return, as well as a new small map in 2025 codenamed "Marina".
  2. kanosaizo127

    kanosaizo127 SPARTAN John-117 Lão Làng GVN

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    GVN Nghèo Clan
    Tôi chỉ mong có 1 bản tương lai mà tụi nó méo làm pepe-35
  3. du90

    du90 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Bản BlackOPS này nên bắt đầu chơi từ bản nào vậy các quý anh? Cold war hay Black OPS 1 nhỉ?
  4. adoniz279

    adoniz279 The Warrior of Light

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  5. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Black ops 1, gamethuanviet có việt hoá đó
    du90 thích bài này.
  6. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51
    Chờ BLOPS7 nhé, theo leak là sequel của BLOPS 2
  7. yulia9588

    yulia9588 C O N T R A

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    Di chứng open combat bản 23 ah =))
    adoniz279 and F22Raptors like this.
  8. du90

    du90 C O N T R A Lão Làng GVN

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    Thank quý anh. Bữa cũng down thuốc về chơi đến map Huế mà drop đến nay chưa xong.
  9. solowing

    solowing Mayor of SimCity Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Éo hiểu cây amr9 có trong bản mw3 rồi còn mang sang blackop làm gì.
  10. adoniz279

    adoniz279 The Warrior of Light

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Kiểu gì đống vk trong mw3 cũng ném hết sang BO thôi pepe-1
  11. dread_nought

    dread_nought Keep calm and Tracer on Lão Làng GVN

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    TP HCM
    David Mason sinh năm 79, nếu chơi song song 2 bối cảnh 91 và 2001 thì có thể 2 main sẽ là Alex / Woods và David.
  12. khanhbonmat

    khanhbonmat snake, snake, snaaaake ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    chả có tí mọe gì bắn nhau !cl có Sadam kia chắc là 11/9 thật !ok
  13. Mrphung

    Mrphung シェンムー Ryo Hazuki Winner Game Award 2024 Lão Làng GVN Sorcerer

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    ...look in the dark -> show 1 tay daden =))
  14. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51

    lmao, đám PR dùng nhầm thumbnail
  15. khanhbonmat

    khanhbonmat snake, snake, snaaaake ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

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    show cả mặt luôn 1 tay gì !haha
  16. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

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    Area 51

    Scorestreaks của phần này
  17. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Area 51
  18. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Area 51
  19. F22Raptors

    F22Raptors Thầy thích lái máy bay bà già ✧Phantom Assassin✧ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Nơi ở:
    Area 51
  20. bloodomen

    bloodomen Temet nosce GVN LEGENDARY ⛨ Empire Gladiator ⛨ Moderator

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    peepo_cringe như game con nít thời crossfire đồ vậy

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