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Thảo luận trong 'Lưu Trữ' bắt đầu bởi ken10, 26/4/06.

  1. ken10

    ken10 Programmer

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh city
    Install Resources Wizard & RMXP Launcher
    _Intall Resources Wizard & RMXP Launcher là một chương trình dùng để convert các file hình ảnh của RPG 2k3 sang RPGXP gồm có:
    +Battle Weapon​
    _Ngoài ra, chế độ convert của chương trình có thể tự động làm mịn hình ảnh từ chế độ 8bit->24bit (RPG2k3->RPGXP). Tự động kéo dãn hình cho phù hợp với engine RPGXP.​
    Sử Dụng Install Resources Wizard & RMXP Launcher
    _ Để chương trình có thể convert bạn cần các thư mục có tên như những Option đề ra. Sau đó, bạn muốn convert phần nào thì chỉ việc cho hình vào trong thư mục tương ứng.
    _ Nếu sử dụng option Super 2XSal của software sẽ mất nhiều thời gian và sản phẩm sẽ không Transparent (trong suốt).
    _ Ken gửi luôn các thư mục tạo cho các bạn đỡ mất thời gian.

    Các file đính kèm:

    • RTP.rar
      Kích thước:
      70.6 KB
  2. ken10

    ken10 Programmer

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh city
    3D RPG Editor
    _ Chương trình chuyên dùng để làm game thể loại Turn-Base hoặc Tatic.​

    Link download: 3D RPG Editor.​
  3. Dương 4444

    Dương 4444 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Hải Phòng
    Đây là hình Aeris trong FF7

  4. Tìnhyêu36kế

    Tìnhyêu36kế C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ☆ Deep River
    Trang này em chôm bên charas qua nè!

    http://char-50.hp.infoseek.co.jp/yogaframe.html *modern & misc, RTP
    http://k-kamio.hp.infoseek.co.jp/rpg/ *face & battlers
    http://yf-project.net/rpg/stuff.shtml *misc, RTP 200x & XP
    http://atemonaku.web.infoseek.co.jp/topfream.htm *misc, 2x & XP, tall
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/AnimeComic-Tone/4246/tukuruhtm.htm *chars, RTP
    http://www.h3.dion.ne.jp/~nakata-y/fire.htm *chars, RTP Xenosaga
    http://econewa.hp.infoseek.co.jp/newpage6.htm *chars RTP & midi
    http://fhouse.s17.xrea.com/main.html *midi
    http://kochi.cool.ne.jp/gazpage/index.html *programs only, Picture to charset converter (PChar) & other
    http://www.geocities.jp/tby331/ *XP only
    http://plutinum.upper.jp/frame.html *face, chara RTP & FSM, misc
    http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~yousai/tukuru_top.html *FSM poses & edits, catapult graphics
    http://kachou.gozaru.jp/sozai.html *chara RTP, 2x & XP
    http://www.geocities.jp/chaos_of_silver/Material.html *midi & graphic
    http://e-sheep.hp.infoseek.co.jp/top.htm *midi
    http:/* MariaMS teor.s6.xrea.com/ *modern, misc
    http://dots.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *chara, misc
    http://season.sinayaka.com/material/ *chara & other (chipsets), Pokemon gba
    http://raichu.s41.xrea.com/poke/index.html *chara & other, pokemon
    http://takuelf.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *chara RTP & midi
    http://naramura.kdn.ne.jp/game.html *XP & 2x, charsets, chipsets & battlers
    http://homepage3.nifty.com/kikuno/ *monsters, mythical japanese
    http://www.ne.jp/asahi/music/t-k/material.htm *midi
    http://naitman.hp.infoseek.co.jp/midi/ *midi
    http://nontanon.hp.infoseek.co.jp/top2.html *midi
    http://www008.upp.so-net.ne.jp/matumura/top.htm *chara & misc
    http://www.ne.jp/asahi/azure/moon/index2.html *icons items
    http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~pukuneko/material/BS/ *monster, face & icons
    http://akase.client.jp/frame.html *XP only
    http://www13.plala.or.jp/legend/ *XP icons
    http://www.tamageta-conda.dyndns.org/~sunm/sunm/1game-nocontents.html *chara RTP, face & other
    http://would-dawn.hp.infoseek.co.jp/material.htm *XP only
    http://peace.poosan.net/nohohon/a_itembox/material_framepage.htm *face
    http://zodiacfragment.sakura.ne.jp/HP-04-material_top.html *midi & graphics
    http://www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~dio/THE_WORLD/main_material_top.htm *chara RTP, chipsets, face
    http://www.geocities.jp/iki_nokoru_tameni/sozai.html *monster charsets
    http://hiren.s19.xrea.com/factory/index.html *chara RTP, monsters & chipset parts
    http://whiteark-lost.hp.infoseek.co.jp/sozai.html *face & battlers
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Bingo/5789/sozai-enter.htm *chara futuristic (some bullets), backdrop & picture
    http://homepage3.nifty.com/FloorGC/sozai.html *bullets & other
    http://www3.coara.or.jp/~noracyan/sozai/ *XP chara with matching battlers & face, also charas RTP 2x & battlecharas
    http://yami3.at.infoseek.co.jp/tukuru/sozai/index.html *monster charsets
    http://nyaa.co.uk/~Eark/frontier/ *midi & graphic
    http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~firedream/sozai-flame.html *chara RTP & portraits +facesets
    http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~tasyumi/index2.htm *RTP chara & parts, many backdrops & graphics
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Yoyo/5234/tkool.html *chara RTP, b.anims & facesets
    http://page.freett.com/tycompanys/mainFrm.htm *chara RTP, face -> 5th link from top
    http://tuuu.s18.xrea.com/sozai2.htm *chara RTP & other
    http://v-r.hp.infoseek.co.jp/sozai.html *horror monster
    http://starlake.hp.infoseek.co.jp/rpg/sozai.htm *chara RTP 2x & XP
    http://www23.tok2.com/home/studioskl/monaRPG/rpg/sozai.htm *strange...
    http://www.tcat.ne.jp/~m.o-777/sozai.htm *XP icons
    http://www.ne.jp/asahi/amanogawa/homepage/amanogawakoubou/sozai.htm *XP battlers & other
    http://www.k3.dion.ne.jp/~gurensyo/guren/RPG/sozai/framepage7.htm *g³ownie XP
    http://rod211x.hp.infoseek.co.jp/dote.htm *monsters
    http://www.wink.ac/~kaz/musesso/ *?
    http://www.douraku.org/game/g_top.htm *RTP chara & other *'game' then 3rd link*
    http://crimson.s5.xrea.com/poj/index.html *RTP chara, also vehicles (trains, old planes)
    http://kaz.oheya.jp/san/13home.htm *web graphics
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Knight/9099/ *graphics, parts
    http://homepage3.nifty.com/usotuki-no-yume/game.f.html *face
    http://brightport.nobody.jp/zakkaya/grocer.htm *XP only, charsets & other
    http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/iceax/framepage1.htm *XP battlers & charsets
    http://vell-wood.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *XP chara
    http://dragon.xrea.jp/ *web graphics
    .htm ] *picture, facesets & system
    http://www.pakupaku.com/game/material/index.html *misc
    http://www.chaosgods.de/thecore_e.shtml *rips
    http://www.rpgmaker2000.de/ *misc
    http://gdvclan.de/projekt/ *rips
    http://blade2k.net/ *misc
    /> http://www.phylomortis.com/
    /> http://www.rm2kprojects.de/index.php?content=ressources&show=characterset&site=1
    /> http://www.rpggx.de/index.php?page=ressources&type=chipset
    /> http://tsgk.captainn.net/?d=graphical&s=SNES *rips
    http://www.darkolicrpg.net/resources.php *rips
    /> http://www.center.rpgfantasy.de/index.php
    /> http://www.geocities.jp/rein_hart2001/rein_hart.html *chara smaller than RTP, picture
    http://forever.sakura.ne.jp/ *tall chara, also for XP
    /> http://gurimasu.cside5.jp/data/cardwirth.htm *picture & portraits
    http://wild-pd.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *monsters
    http://dsarts.hp.infoseek.co.jp/cgi-bin/sh1_album/sh1_album/ *picture or backdrop
    http://hirune.k-free.net/1game-nocontents.html *RTP chara & facesety, also for XP
    http://homepage2.nifty.com/faceface/index.html *portraits
    http://sankakukan.s20.xrea.com/game_sozai.html *portraits
    http://rpg-palace.com/ *futuristic, XP also
    http://www.sam.hi-ho.ne.jp/m-da/room1.html *cute icons & some monsters
    http://www.ne.jp/asahi/azure/moon/index2.html *cute icons & some monsters
    http://akiroom.com/ *FSM edits, also for XP
    http://www.tekepon.net/fsm/ *REFMAP, FSM or Mack&Blue
    http://f19.aaa.livedoor.jp/~koou/top.html *FSM battlechars & misc edits
    http://pwds.s60.xrea.com/ *facesets & portraits
    http://www.mogunet.net/~mack/looseleaf/index.html *XP only, charsets with poses, tilesets & other (look also at bbs)
    http://www.alisachristopher.us/rmxp/ *XP only, chara, tilesety & other
    http://sprites.fireball20xl.com/HTML/resource.htm *rips
    http://theodore.ikebukuro.cc/ *chipsets & charsets, also for XP
    http://www112.sakura.ne.jp/~saian/tkool-kool/main.html *facesets, also for XP
    http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~rpgtako/ *chara RTP & other
    http://shikatomo.peko.li/material/ *chara, chipsets & other RTP
    http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~combatant/mat.html *RTP chara
    http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~iketu-s/ *face, b.anim & monsters
    http://surume.s140.xrea.com/ *monsters (5th link from top)
    http://www.geocities.jp/montadot/ *monsters
    http://www.geocities.jp/light_psychoman/dot.html *monsters
    http://asutoranagan.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *fansite with charsets & battlecharas from FF7-10
    http://filial-mosquito.hp.infoseek.co.jp/frame.html *RTP chara & b.weapon
    http://www.geocities.jp/megaten_tkool/index.html *misc, monsters
    http://members.jcom.home.ne.jp/hide.mats/ *monsters
    http://www.geocities.jp/kma0851/material/index.html *modern chipsets, charsets & other
    http://www.neko.abc-o.com/index2.html *modern chipsets & charsets
    http://www5b.biglobe.ne.jp/~moonover/sozai/index.htm *parts, ancien Egypt
    http://www31.ocn.ne.jp/~me262/ausflmen.html *charsets, monsters & other IIWW, also weapon pictures
    http://page.freett.com/mayuri2cool2k/ *misc RTP
    http://nyanko7.web.infoseek.co.jp/ *pictures
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milkyway-Sirius/4243/sozai.html *facesets
    http://www.geocities.jp/yareyare_yaugari/ *misc, chipset gametables
    http://www.geocities.jp/project_moe_asciiart/ *charsets & facesets
    http://mo-rpg.s60.xrea.com/mat.html *charsets, also fantasy weapons
    http://www.ne.jp/asahi/noa/project/ *??
    http://www2u.biglobe.ne.jp/~EK-S/ *site "Abyss Diver" & monsters XP
    http://f61.aaa.livedoor.jp/~mastar/ *RTP chara
    http://freett.com/gepponkoku/index.htm *RTP, modern
    http://www.m2kbrothers.com/rage/resources.htm *modern & others
    http://mitglied.lycos.de/firzen88/ *chipsets with Japanese cities & other
    http://www.ripper-mafia.tk/ *rips
    http://www.geocities.com/mcmackin1212/mcmackin1212.html *rippped chipsets
    http://www.mirai-online.de.vu *misc, Harry Potter & other
    http://rpgsan.free.fr/RPGmaker/Chipset/ *chipsets
    http://mitglied.lycos.de/rpgtower/Tower/Rpgmaker/over.html *misc, rips
    http://www.angelfire.com/realm/rm2k/resources/facesets.html *misc
    http://exarus.free.fr/img/ris/ *resources from Helltalez.it
    http://olls.impressur.com/ *misc, rips anim from GS2
    http://www.angelfire.com/rpg2/seikend/RM2k/Main.html *rips "Seiken densetsu"
    http://www3.ocn.ne.jp/~karl/index.html *charsets
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Part/8723/mirror/music/kiyaku.htm *midi
    http://kana002.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *midi
    http://liberty.aki.gs/ *midi
    http://www.tkool.net/ *Japanese linkbase
    http://homepage2.nifty.com/misasa/html/main.html *midi
    http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~s5th-ave/ *midi
    http://hannya.nce.buttobi.net/ *midi
    http://www012.upp.so-net.ne.jp/may/ *pikselki
    http://www.cmo.jp/users/persona/PersonaHobby/ *midi
    http://www.wakaba-music.com/ *midi
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Playtown-Toys/6224/index.html *midi
    http://music.pinky.ne.jp/ *midi
    http://www.fryingbear.com/rpgmaker/resources/resources.php *ripped arcade monsters
    http://www.amaranthia.com/modules/myalbum/viewcat.php?cid=3 *XP only, original
    http://www.geocities.co.jp/Bookend/4860/RPGsozaitop.htm *monster
    http://noratown.sakura.ne.jp/index02.htm *chara RTP & facesety RTP battlechara, picture, also for XP (link RPG-something)
    http://moyasimoyasi.gozaru.jp/ *XP only, charas, battlers, icons & other
    http://www.geocities.jp/kouheispdx/material.html *RTP chara & other
    http://leafscell.919homepage.com/user/ *charsets
    http://sia.chips.jp/tukuru.htm *XP only, charsets, face
    http://point-of-cgth.hp.infoseek.co.jp/FreeMTL.htm *chara, parts & monster
    http://mippi.jp/nya/8823/ *chara RTP
    http://frostblue.fc2web.com/frame.html *chara RTP, monster, icons
    http://izm.acbomb.com/0/ *face
    http://shass.sakura.ne.jp/ *bgr
    http://web.poporo.net/home/billyjoy/pmp.html *icons
    http://www.feplanet.net/?fep=media/sprites *rips Fire Emblem
    http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~itazu/etolier/menu.html *XP only, misc
    http://csx.jp/~diamond/material.htm *XP icons, pistols, charsets futuristic (other!!) anims
    http://akiroom.com/freeware/index.html *programs for atomatic recoloring charsets, for 200x i XP!! (only for charsets with identical color palette as RTP!!)
    http://www.globetown.net/~katokiti/furemu.html *backdrop or picture 3D, 640x480
    http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~sbase/down.htm *RTP chara & poses, parts, faces
    http://brdim.hp.infoseek.co.jp/menu_frame.html *midi
    http://psychodrop.hp.infoseek.co.jp/mokuji-fr.htm *chara RTP
    http://www.kamain.com/files.php *misc
    http://mirko1983.altervista.org/Risorse.htm *misc
    http://umineko.main.jp/ *chara magical items & other (5th linee wej)
    http://raichu.s41.xrea.com/zipang/index.html *XP only, tilesets, icons & charsets ideal samurai jachi ninja
    http://www.geocities.jp/intg998745732145/sozaihaihujo.htm *RTP chara, midi & picture
    http://www.geocities.jp/shimadania/MusicMaterials.htm *midi
    http://homepage2.nifty.com/l_c_s_w/sozai.htm *misc RTP
    http://www.geocities.jp/green_leaves_2005/ *chara & faces (4 link od góry)
    http://www31.tok2.com/home2/applause/sozai/sozaitop.html *midi, RPGm95 graphics
    http://f1.aaa.livedoor.jp/~mtuyu/material.htm *monsters
    http://www43.tok2.com/home/weather/EG/top.html *misc RTP
    http://members3.tsukaeru.net/xrmtrl/ *midi
    http://nyaa.co.uk/~ark/frontier/ *midi & graphics
    http://www10.ocn.ne.jp/~drop/ *backdrops & picture 3D, chara RTP emotes, parts RTP,
    http://www.geocities.jp/youta_1jp/top/Material/kiyaku.htm *misc, XP & 2k
    http://www1.dnet.gr.jp/~mi-ku/newpage3.htm *face
    http://hokuimo.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *misc RTP
    http://hane.lolipop.jp/momoiru/ *facesets & other, chara RTP
    http://csx.jp/~yamato8810/home.htm *chara RTP, monster charsets (3 link from top)
    http://www5a.biglobe.ne.jp/~s5th-ave/ *midi
    http://puzzy.hp.infoseek.co.jp/sozai.html *chara, face & chipsets
    http://izm.acbomb.com/0/ *misc (material then choose option from top menu)
    http://www.geocities.jp/over_cross_0/ *chara, monster & systemgraphic
    http://rpgtakara.gozaru.jp/materi/0_game_tt_mate_t.htm *chara RTP, face & other
    http://mgshellc.lix.jp/material.html *XP & 2k, misc, bgr 3D, futuristic
    http://page.freett.com/sidestreet/mate/menu.htm *system & other
    http://www.geocities.jp/newjorkar2000/top.html *bchara, chara & modern chipsets
    http://distantocean.client.jp/frames.html *misc & midi
    http://abstract.nm.land.to/music_midi.html *midi
    http://withwish.hp.infoseek.co.jp/page003.html *RTP chara
    http://www.realintegrity.net/~kaizan/file/index.html *misc
    http://guttari8.hp.infoseek.co.jp/entrance.htm *picture
    http://www.medianetjapan.com/2/20/music_audio/mizunohi/index.html *midi & graphic
    http://www32.tok2.com/home2/minority/sozai/sozai.html *chara RTP
    http://0bbs.jp/rpg2003koukan/ *face
    http://www.geocities.jp/minemonta13/sotop.htm *XP chara, & 2x
    http://f15.aaa.livedoor.jp/~frst/ *b.anim & other (3 link from top)
    http://www5e.biglobe.ne.jp/~pukuneko/material/BS/ *web material, facesets & monsters ("Material" then Enter)
    http://park20.wakwak.com/~yda/gamesozai/a.game.htm *portraits
    http://www52.tok2.com/home/tiiko/tukuru/tannpinnhokou.htm *RTP chara
    http://tukurushop.gozaru.jp/materialpage.html * misc (choose option from menu)
    http://ulceration.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *RTP chara, misc
    http://aoisizen.exblog.jp/ *chara FF (bottom link with right arrow)
    http://www5.ocn.ne.jp/~owl/material.html *faces & go
    http://clearwater.michikusa.jp/menu.html *misc
    http://satomura.fc2web.com/naiyou/sozai.htm *chara RTP & tall
    http://www.geocities.jp/yuutarogu/sozaimonsuta1.htm *monsters
    http://www004.upp.so-net.ne.jp/kuroma/aster/chip/chip.htm *chipset parts, futuristic
    http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~chibicon/page016.html *monster chara RTP
    http://homepage3.nifty.com/karugamokoushin/midi.htm *midi
    http://freett.com/egame/sozaitop.htm *monsters & chara
    http://www.warofthemagi.com/resources/index.php?cat=7 *misc
    http://neortp.k-server.org/ *XP modern
    http://f7.aaa.livedoor.jp/~higitwo/html/Free.htm *isometric chipsets
    http://mistsheep.hp.infoseek.co.jp/ *monsters & chara RTP
    >http://www5f.biglobe.ne.jp/~kztkzt/hamituku/sozai.html *XP only, battlers, modern tilesets
  5. >VoDich<

    >VoDich< Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Can Tho
    {@: engine post đây được chứ ken???

    đây là bản 3DGS A6 pro (đã crack)

    http://uploader.byethost22.com/engine/3DGS A6 PRO/

    gồm 8 file (5mb 1 file) down dìa hết rùi unrar


    quên pass file rar : zeroonea

  6. ken10

    ken10 Programmer

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh city
  7. ZzmIkAsUzZ

    ZzmIkAsUzZ Legend of Zelda

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Seoul - Korea
  8. Tìnhyêu36kế

    Tìnhyêu36kế C O N T R A

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    ☆ Deep River
  9. ken10

    ken10 Programmer

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Ho Chi Minh city
    Explorations RPG System
    _Là một Engine chạy trên nền 16bit, có khả năng tạo các game Massive Multiplayer Online Game và thể loại Role-playing game. Có chế độ làm việc gần giống như RPGXP.
    _Engine có thông số như sau:
    _Website: http://www.explore-rpg.com
    _ Download Engine: Trial hot link :p
    _Demo game: Click here hot link :p
    [​IMG] [​IMG]
  10. bullno1

    bullno1 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Công cụ cho game maker:

    Đừng có coi thường,gamemaker bây giờ xài được Irrlicht rồi đó http://irrlicht.sourceforge.net

    GMI(gamemaker irrlicht): http://home.tiscalinet.de/xception/dlls.htm
    Thích xài 3D với gamemaker thì còn Xtreme3D dùng GLscene và OpenGL:
    http://bami.hoogetech.com/other/examples/index.htm (có đầy đủ tutorial)
    Nói trước là cái X3D này dễ sử dụng nhưng mà có một hệ trục tọa độ "điên loạn"(xoay object là xoay cả trục :( )

    Ngoài ra còn có KingSpace 3D nhưng thực ra vẫn là 3D của gamemaker.

    Ultimate3D dùng DirectX,điều khiển object 3D bằng cách điều khiển object 2D của GM.Nhưng tốc độ và chất lượng hình ảnh thì ... chẹp chẹp cứ thử load cái map to to là giật tưng bừng.

    Nói chung về 3D thì mình đang kết GMI.

    Physic engine cho gamemaker:
    GMPhysic(2D):dễ sử dụng,chỉ cần createbody,nhét script step vào event step là object của gamemaker chuyển động như thật.

    GMTokamak(3D):dễ sử dụng không kém,dùng hệ trục ngược [x,y] = -z http://forums.gamemaker.nl/index.php...5&hl=gmtokamak

    GMODE:siêu khủng,chính là engine ODE được sử dụng trong nhiều game chuyên nghiệp.Sử dụng thì ... :)) chịu khó đọc documentation của ODE,tác giả vẫn giữ nguyên tên function đó.

    Các bản port của winsock
    39dll(ngon nhất):http://host-a.net/getfile.php?usern=39ster&file=39dllV2.zip
    GMsock:chưa dùng bao giờ
    Cơ sở dữ liệu :GmSQL http://www.forge.dds.nl/files/gmsql.zip

    3D level editor: http://www.delgine.com
  11. ken10

    ken10 Programmer

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    Ken post hình kèm theo chú thích để các bạn dễ nhìn.
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