Diablo II Lord Of Destruction 1.11b ! Nghe nói gần ra bản Patch mới rồi.. nhưng chưa có thời gian cụ thể.
tui chơi Diablo bản fury winthin , cái hộp horadic cube hinh nhu ko co tác dụng ghép đồ thì phải có một số nhiệm vụ ở làng 2 và 3 phải dùng nó mà ko ghép dc , tìm thì thấy cái đồ đã ghép sẵn cho mình cho hỏi tại sao lại vậy?hay là bản đó bị lỗi nên người ta lam như vậy
Cái hộp horadic cube vẫn có thể ghép đồ được , ở màn 2 tôi vẫn có thể ghép ra cây gậy . Còn ở màn 3 thì chắc là ý của tác giã rồi (Muốn làm khác người ta một chút đó mà ko phải bị lỗi đâu ) bạn cứ yên tâm mà chơi tiếp đi
bản mới hơn thì chưa có đâu, đây là 1 số gợi ý của battle.net về bản 1.12 nhưng ko rõ khi nào sẽ có( các bạn có thể tham khảo) Diablo II Suggestions/Concerns Report: Character Changes - Have the ability to reset skill points. - Increase the Stash/Inventory Size. - Display magic resistances. - Display physical resistances. - Have the ability to view the entire map. - Change the Synergy System: Changing the Synergy System will allow more diverse builds. # Synergies should only be added to native skills which have at least one point investment. # Give every skill at least one synergy. Items - Add more crafting recipes for specific classes. - Increase the Rune/Runeword drop percentage. - Make it so the order you put runes into an item doesn't matter. - Make durability decay more slowly. Battle.net/Multiplayer - Run regular Ruststorms weekly to help remove Duped Items. - Have the ability to categorize Battle.net game types such as: Trade, Experience, Difficulty, etc. - Have the ability to search for a game using keywords. - Add a new mail box system for trading or a hub to trade items at. - Have the ability to control hostile attacks. Both players must accept a hostile agreement. - With the current setup, if a player is killed by another player, their corpse should return to a Town to prevent Corpse Camping. - Decrease the amount of gold lost when killed by another player. - Have the ability to open the Cow Level even after you have defeated the Cow King. - Have a new option for automatically accepting party invites or to send party invites. Balance - Make hired mercenaries more appealing after Act 2. - Only allow the highest ranked aura to be up instead of stacking the same auras of different ranks. User Interface - Fix the numbers 5 and 6 on the character sheet. These can easily cause confusion because they look very similar. The following class suggestions/concerns were the most requested ones to be addressed: Paladin - Reduce the damage of the Blessed Hammer. - Make it so that Smite can be blocked more often. - Sanctuary Aura: Bonus is not working properly against Undead. Amazon - Shorter cool down on Immolation. - Impale should get an attack speed bonus with increased points, or from a synergy. Assassin - Increase damage for Fire Traps - Increase general skill durations - Dragon Flight: Revert back to how it was in 1.09 Barbarian - Add a synergy that increases the radius for Battle Cry and War Cry. - Allow them to get +1-3 Bash and +1-3 Stun on helmets and not just charges - Give them Dagger Mastery Necromancer - Poison Nova should get a higher Next Hit Delay of 25 Frames similar to Twister. Sorceress - Increase amount of damage down by Thunderstorm. - Blizzard does too much damage in PVP. - Add a cool down timer to the Teleport skill as well as increase the amount of mana it requires. Druid - Increase fire skills damage - Add something new to the Spirit of Barbs skill to make it more appealing. - Increase the attack speed of Werewolf form. Additional Item and Class Suggestions are scattered through out these two threads: http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?fn=d2-general&t=1247096&p http://www.battle.net/forums/thread.aspx?fn=d2-general&t=1255812&p Bugs - All current bug reports should be sent to [email protected] Miscellaneous Suggestions - Add a permanent ignore option on Battle.net. - Both players must accept a friend invite in order to add each other to their friends list on Battle.net. - Allow the Single Player "/Players 1-8" command to be added to Battle.net. - Add official Clan Channels for Diablo II players. - Both genders for classes - Allow the option to copy over your closed Battle.net characters to single player characters. - Add a PVP server and PVP Rank/Ladder Systems - Make events/items/etc. that are normally only available on Battle.net, available in Single Player Mode. - Change the way Uber Diablo is spawned. - Increase the amount of experience gained - Add a new difficulty mode - Add new items, quests, monsters, etc.
Hic sao lại thế, Blizzard does too much damage on PvP >.<, đừng bảo là lại giảm đi nhé, Cold từ trước đến nay đã bị giảm bao nhiều lần rồi , còn Teleport có tăng time cool down lên cũng = thừa ...
To VNcis : Đấy đấy... chính là nó đấy.... cái thông tin này hiện đang được bàn đến... và chỉ là mới câu hỏi chứ nghi vấn chứ chưa phải là thực sự => đó cũng chỉ là những thay đổi có thể.... trong bản Pach mới.
cho mình hỏi:diablo hell on earth co' thêm mấy bộ bình bán ở chỗ bà phù thủy làng 1 dùng dể làm gì thê'?!*_*! Chỉ dùm nha