Tổng hợp thông tin anime 4 tháng cuối năm 2006!

Thảo luận trong 'Anime và Manga' bắt đầu bởi SATOSHI, 25/9/06.


    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    Đợi chờ mãi mà không thấy một cá nhân nào đứng ra lập một topic đáng để chú ý trong khi hiện đang là thời gian nóng của thị trường anime trước mùa mua sắm nên tôi đành phải mạn phép múa rìa qua mắt các bác một chút ^^
    Cũng xin nói luôn: mục đích của topic này là nhằm giới thiệu, tham khảo, bàn luận về các nội dung có liên quan đến những bộ anime đang và sẽ được phát trong 4 tháng cuối năm 2006 (và ngày 01/01/2007) nên các thông tin có thể là cóp nhặt về (và nếu là nguồn tiếng Anh thì không cần xử lý... vì mất thời gian lắm).
    Có thể mở rộng nội dung đến các bộ có liên quan nhưng xin đừng quá sa đà tiểu tiết vào một bộ nào hết. Chủ yếu việc của chúng ta là đưa ra các thông tin bổ sung, các thông ngoài lề (xin nhắc lại là các thông tin ngoài lề chứ không phải là tán phét và dựng chuyện). Tôi không muốn ép mọi người nhưng đừng để bản thân mọi người phải mất đi một hay hai cái nick hay clone vì một lỗi quá vớ vẩn ^^

    Vào đề luôn:

    Tháng 9/2006:
    01. Koukaku Kidoutai Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society
    Title: Koukaku Kidoutai Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society (4414)
    Jap. Kanji: 攻殻機動隊 Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society
    English: Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - Solid State Society
    Synonyms: GitS SAC SSS, GitS: SAC 3, gits sac3, gitssac3, sac3, sss
    Genre: Action, Mecha, SciFi
    Type: TV Special
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (01.09.2006)
    Companies: Production I.G
    URL: http://www.production-ig.co.jp/contents/works_sp/1590_/

    Directed by Kamiyama Kenji and with the participation of the same staff from the popular series, GitS: SAC, this full-length 105 minute feature will premiere in Japan on the SKYPerfecTV! satellite television network on September 1st, and successively released on DVD on November 24th. Release outside Japan is to be announced.

    A.D. 2034. It has been two years since Kusanagi Motoko left Section 9. Togusa is now the new leader of the team, that has considerably increased its appointed personnel. The expanded new Section 9 confronts a rash of complicated incidents, and investigations reveal that an ultra-wizard hacker named the Puppeteer is behind the entire series of events.

    In the midst of all, Batou, who was stalking the case on a separate track, encounters Motoko. She goes away after saying, "Stay away from the Solid State Society." Batou is left with a doubt in his mind. Could Motoko be the the Puppeteer?

    The series of intriguing incidents that Section 9 faces gradually link together almost artistically. Who is the Puppeteer? What will happen to Batou`s relationship with Motoko? What is the full truth behind this carefully planned perfect crime? And what will the outcome be? Mysteries surround the Solid State Society...

    NOTE: The word "Puppeteer" is used in this text as a temporary translation for the original Japanese term "Kugutsu Mawashi," and it is not meant to be the official English adaptation.

    [Taken from Production I.G`s GitS: SAC SSS page at http://www.productionig.com/contents/works_sp/47_/index.html]

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4414

    02. Lupin Sansei: Seven Days Rhapsody
    Title: Lupin Sansei: Seven Days Rhapsody (4634)
    Jap. Kanji: ルパン三世 セブンデイズ・ラプソディ
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Special
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (08.09.2006)
    Companies: Monkey Punch
    URL: http://www.ntv.co.jp/kinro/lupin-3rd/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=3181

    03. Black Blood Brothers
    Title: Black Blood Brothers (4416)
    Jap. Kanji: ブラック・ブラッド・ブラザーズ
    Short: BBB
    Genre: Vampires
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 12
    Year: 2006 (08.09.2006 till 24.11.2006)
    Companies: Group TAC, Studio Live
    URL: http://character.biglobe.ne.jp/BBB/

    The full moon shines in the sky. In the light, a red shadow is running like the wind. Holding a Japanese sword in his hand, he jumps from building to building. He runs in order to save his brother, in order to realize his dreams, and… When he finally finds his enemy, he will grin with his shining fangs because he knows now that he can beat any enemy.

    The Special Area - it is the only place where the vampire, the ones who are supposed to destroy, and human beings can live together. In this place, where two vampires, Mochizuki Kojiro and his brother Kotaro, and a human being, Katsuragi Mimiko, meet, a new fate is waiting for them.

    A story of life and death colored by black and red, and the vampires that control them begins. You’ll be the witness to the legend of a bloody race that lives in the shadow.

    Taken from AnimeNfo with grammatical fixes.

    04. Silk Road Shounen Yuuto
    Title: Silk Road Shounen Yuuto (4560)
    Jap. Kanji: シルクロード少年 ユート
    Synonyms: Silk Road Boy Yuto
    Genre: Adventure
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (16.09.2006 till ?)
    Companies: OLM
    URL: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/anime/yuto/

    When a boy Yuto visits Qinghai in China, he is involved in the battle between time-travelers, and he is sent to the Silk Road in the past. They are looking for a mysterious treasure, the statue of Yuki Daruma Taishi, which is said to make miracles. Seeing historical events and encountering historical persons, such as Yang Guifei and Xuanzang, he will learn many thinks. Whether will he be able to go back to today?
    Taken from Animenfo

    05.Taiyo no Mokushiroku - A Spirit of the Sun
    Title: Taiyo no Mokushiroku - A Spirit of the Sun (4397)
    Jap. Kanji: 太陽の黙示録 A Spirit of the Sun
    Synonyms: Taiyo no Mokushiroku
    Genre: Drama
    Type: TV Special
    Episodes: 2
    Year: 2006 (17.09.2006 till 18.09.2006)
    Companies: Kawaguchi Kaiji, MADHOUSE
    URL: http://www.wowow.co.jp/anime/taiyo/

    A big earthquake demolishes the capital of Japan, and it splits the main land into halves. Japan is divided into the northern and the southern parts. They accept aides from two large countries, i.e., United States and China. However, actually, it is occupation named “aid”. Many Japanese become refugees to go to foreign countries. But, the recovery from the disaster doesn’t work well, and frictions between the inhabitants and the refugees who can’t go home are getting serious.
    (taken from AnimeNfo)

    06. Kaleido Star: Good da yo! Goood!!
    Title: Kaleido Star: Good da yo! Goood!! (3120)
    Jap. Kanji: カレイドスター ぐっどだよ!ぐぅ~っど!!
    English: Kaleidostar: It`s Good! Goood!!
    Synonyms: Kaleido Star: Treatment
    Genre: Comedy, Drama
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (27.09.2006)
    Companies: GONZO
    URL: http://www.kaleidostar.jp/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=3120

    07. G-9
    Title: G-9 (4736)
    Jap. Kanji: G-九
    Genre: Fantasy
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (27.09.2006)
    URL: http://www.ganime.jp/g-9/index.html
    This is the story of wicked creatures, "Yokoshima Ryu Zama", the destroyers and demon practioner of the unknown. In an uninhabited town, the only person, a little girl, wakes up. Demon Woman of the unknown, Buddhist priest Agarerura. Her memory of reality keeps coming and going, Agarerura fights with what kind of person she should be. Now her consciousness` battle with a parasite life-form will begin.
    Taken from Animenfo

    08. Highway Jenny
    Title: Highway Jenny (4609)
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (27.09.2006)
    URL: http://www.ganime.jp/highway/index.html
    Various places in the world, trouble is awakening the terror inside every person`s view of life, the distant future of overhead airspace is shown in "Highway Jenny."
    It compares existance with one`s lifetime and afterlife, it contemplates the purity and death of future generations, and to the person who looks at the importance of the choices in their own life, it will be appealing.
    Taken from Animenfo

    09. Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl
    Title: Pocket Monsters: Diamond and Pearl (4728)
    Jap. Kanji: ポケットモンスター ダイヤモンド&パール
    Other: Покемон: Диамант & Перла
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (28.09.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/pokemon_dp/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4199

    10. Eien No Hou
    Title: Eien No Hou (4631)
    Jap. Kanji: 永遠の法
    Synonyms: The Laws of Eternity
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (30.09.2006)
    Companies: Group TAC
    URL: http://www.eien-movie.jp/movie/index.html

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    Tháng 10/2006
    01. Top wo Nerae! Gekijouban
    Title: Top wo Nerae! Gekijouban (4526)
    Jap. Kanji: トップをねらえ!劇場版
    Synonyms: Gunbuster Movie, Top wo Nerae! Movie
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (01.10.2006)
    URL: http://www.top2.jp

    A special "Theater Edition" of the Top wo Nerae! OVA, with new recording by the voice cast. To be screened together with the Theater Edition of the Top wo Nerae! 2 Movie.

    In the very near future, a race of huge, insect like aliens is discovered traveling the galaxy. These aliens seem dedicated to the eradication of the human species as it takes its first steps away from the solar system, and they are getting closer and closer to Earth. Humanity has responded by developing spacegoing battleships and giant fighting robots (original idea there). These robots are piloted by the best and brightest of Earth`s youth, picked from training schools around the world.

    The story begins in the year 2023, not long after the first battles with the aliens, and centers on young Noriko Takaya. Although Noriko`s father was a famous Captain in the space fleet who was killed during one of the first battles of the war, her own talents as a pilot are questionable. Nonetheless, she has entered a training school. Through the series Noriko, joined by the beautiful and talented Kazumi Amano, will fight to overcome the trauma of war, the doubts of her peers, and her own lack of confidence.

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4526

    02. Top wo Nerae! 2 Gekijouban
    Title: Top wo Nerae! 2 Gekijouban (4527)
    Jap. Kanji: トップをねらえ2!劇場版
    Synonyms: DieBuster Movie, Gunbuster 2 Movie, Top wo Nerae! 2 Movie
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (01.10.2006)
    URL: http://www.top2.jp
    A special "Theater Edition" of the Top wo Nerae! 2 OVA. To be screened together with the Theater Edition of the Top wo Nerae! Movie.

    Even after the use of Earth`s final weapon the war between mankind and the space monsters still continues to this day...

    As the space monsters gain more power and attack Earth, mankind`s last hope rests on a group of children with supernatural powers called "TOPLESS". Armed with their Buster Machines, they form the fighter crew "Fraternity".

    Nono, who left her countryside home with dreams of becoming a space force pilot, is a clumsy waitress at a diner near space port. There, she meets Raruku, the best TOPLESS Buster Machine pilot. Nono instantly adores her as her "Oneesama" and together, with their teammates Nicola and Chiko, they fight to retrieve their homeland.

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4527

    03. Galaxy Angel II
    Title: Galaxy Angel II (4335)
    Jap. Kanji: ギャラクシーエンジェルII
    Synonyms: Galaxy Ange-lune
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (02.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Satelight
    URL: http://www.broccoli.co.jp/sp_anime/index_anime.html

    Based on the Broccoli game by the same name. Features a completely different cast than the first Galaxy Angel.

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4335

    04. Kin`iro no Chord
    Title: Kin`iro no Chord (4509)
    Jap. Kanji: 金色のコルダ
    Synonyms: Kin Iro no Chord, Kin Iro no Koruda, Kin-iro no Chord, Kin-iro no Koruda, Kiniro No Koruda, Kiniro no Chord, La Corda D`Oro, The Golden Chord
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (02.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/neoromance/tv/corda/

    Based on a game from the "neo romance" romance simulation series.

    The Hoshisou High School has a tradition of two different classes. They are seperated into ordinary classes and music classes.

    One day, the second-year student Kahoko Hino, who applies the ordinary classes, meets Lily, the music fairy, who gives her a magic violin. Afterwards she is being nominated for a music contest in the school.

    Thus her step into the music world begins as she interacts with the other contestants. The whereabouts of love, friendship, and the contest that surrounds all of it but also rivalry and intrigue, all of that awaits her before she can finally reach her newfound dream.

    05. D.Gray-man
    Title: D.Gray-man (4549)
    Genre: Shounen
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (03.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/dgrayman/

    Based on a manga by Hoshino Katsura.

    Akuma, monsters born from dead souls mistakenly recalled by their loved ones to the living world, are the weapons of the Millenium Earl, who is intent on the destruction of the world. Allen Walker has been cursed with an anti-Akuma weapon as his left arm and an eye that sees the former soul of the Akuma since his youth. He is also one of the few who contain "Innocence", a substance that allows him to kill Akuma and fight the Earl. With these powers, he joins the Black Priest Organization as an Exorcist and sets out with other Exorcists to stop the Earl`s attempts to annihilate the human race.

    06. Pumpkin Scissors
    Title: Pumpkin Scissors (4473)
    Jap. Kanji: パンプキン・シザーズ
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (03.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: AIC, GONZO
    URL: http://rikujyo3ka.com/

    07. Tokimeki Memorial
    Title: Tokimeki Memorial (4384)
    Jap. Kanji: ときめきメモリアル (仮)
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 26
    Year: 2006-2007 (03.10.2006 till 27.03.2007)
    Companies: AIC A.S.T.A
    URL: http://www.konami.jp/visual/tokimemo-anime/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4384

    08. Love dol: Lovely Idol
    Title: Love dol: Lovely Idol (4584)
    Jap. Kanji: らぶドル(LovelyIdol)
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (03.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Princess Soft, AIC, TNK
    URL: http://www.project-navel.com/navel/lovelyidol/

    09. Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge
    Title: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge (4734)
    Jap. Kanji: ヤマトナデシコ七変化
    Synonyms: Perfect Girl Evolution, The Seven Metamorphoses of Yamato Nadeshiko, The Wallflower
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Nippon Animation
    URL: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/yamanade/

    Takano Kyohei, Oda Takenaga, Toyama, Yukinojo, and Morii Ranmaru are going to rent a house to go to school for free on condition that they make the girl of the house a “lady”.
    However, Nakahara Sunako, the girl living there is gloomy, weird, and horror movie maniac. She has a trauma that she was said ugly by the boy whom she loved when she was in junior high school. She doesn’t like beautiful things, and she gets a nosebleed when she looks something beautiful.
    *From animeNFO

    10. Shounen Onmyouji
    Title: Shounen Onmyouji (4214)
    Jap. Kanji: 少年陰陽師
    Synonyms: Shonen Onmyoji
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Studio DEEN
    URL: http://seimeinomago.net/web/anime/index.html

    Based on a novel by Yuuki Hikaru. Illustration being done by Asagi Sakura.

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    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    11. Black Lagoon 2nd Season
    Title: Black Lagoon 2nd Season (4597)
    Jap. Kanji: BLACK LAGOON 2ndシーズン
    Other: Черна Лагуна 2-ри Сезон
    Synonyms: BLACK LAGOON The Second Barrage
    Genre: Action
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Geneon Entertainment, MADHOUSE, Shogakukan
    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4597
    12. Ghost Hunt
    Title: Ghost Hunt (4564)
    Jap. Kanji: ゴーストハント
    Genre: Drama, Shoujo
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/ghosthunt/

    Based on a novel from Fuyumi Ono and Shiho Inada.

    A manga thats based on the novel got serialized in the shoujo manga magazine Amie, but after Amie magazine got defunct it continued in the shoujo manga magazine Nakayoshi.

    [Manga summary from ANN]
    Seventeen-year-old Kazuya Shibuya is the president of the Shibuya Psychic Research Center, a think tank that studies psychic phenomenon. The firm investigates various strange occurrences at the behest of its clients, while Shibuya`s assistant, Mai Taniyama, deals with her love/hate relationship towards her boss.

    13. Red Garden
    Title: Red Garden (4522)
    Jap. Kanji: RED GARDEN
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: GONZO
    URL: http://anime.excite.co.jp/redgarden/

    New York...girls who approach together being introduced by cruel fates...conflicts, and feuding over their sense of values...

    Kate, Rose, and Rachel go to a same school.

    Since the morning, they’ve been feeling something strange. They are informed of a sudden death of a classmate, Leeds. In the evening, being in grief, the girls gather in an empty warehouse street as if they were led by something.

    Usually, they are not in company, but coincidentally, they had the same strange feelings, and they lost their memories of the last night. When they hear someone’s footsteps and turn, there is a strange couple. The woman notifies them a surprising truth sounds like a lie;“ You are dead”

    [Source: Animenfo]

    14. Death Note
    Title: Death Note (4563)
    Jap. Kanji: DEATH NOTE
    Other: Мъртви записки
    Synonyms: デスノート
    Genre: Detective, Horror, Mystery
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: MADHOUSE
    URL: http://www.ntv.co.jp/deathnote/

    Light Yagami (Or Raito) is an ace student with great aspects who`s bored out of his mind. One day he finds the Death Note a notebook held by a shinigami (Death God). with the Death Note in hand, Light decides to create a perfect world. A world without crime or criminals. However when criminals start dropping dead one by one, the authorites send the legendary detective L to track down the killer.

    15. Negima!?
    Title: Negima!? (4565)
    Jap. Kanji: ネギま!?
    Genre: Comedy, Ecchi, School
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (04.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: SHAFT
    URL: http://www.negima.ne.jp/


    16. Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na
    Title: Yoake Mae Yori Ruri Iro Na (4531)
    Jap. Kanji: 夜明け前より瑠璃色な
    Synonyms: けよりな, 夜明けな, Brighter than dawning blue, Crescent Love
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 12
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till 21.12.2006)
    Companies: Doumu
    URL: http://www.bs-i.co.jp/anime/yoakena/

    Based on a bishoujo game by August Soft.

    The LORD reigneth; let the earth rejoice; let the multitude of isles be glad thereof. Clouds and darkness are round about him: righteousness and judgment are the habitation of his throne. A fire goeth before him, and burneth up his enemies round about. His lightnings lightened the world: the earth saw; and trembled. The hills melted like wax at the presence of the LORD, at the presence of the Lord of the whole earth. The heavens declare his righteousness, and all the people see his glory.

    Long ago people settled down on the moon and established a kingdom there, the Sphere Kingdom. However, relations to the earth cooled down and were finally broken off since a war was fought hundreds of years ago. There isn`t any business between the two races and travelling isn`t allowed. The only link between them is to be found in the Mitsurugasaki Central Port City.

    However, one day the princess of the moon kingdom, Feena Fam Earthlight, is sent on a "homestay" to the earth. She gets to stay at Asagiri Tatsuya`s house. And this is where her task of learning the customs and lifestyle of the earth begins.

    17. Souten no Ken
    Title: Souten no Ken (4750)
    Jap. Kanji: 蒼天の拳
    Synonyms: Fist of the Blue Sky
    Genre: Action
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.comicbunch.com/sp/souten-tv/

    18. Marginal Prince
    Title: Marginal Prince (4621)
    Jap. Kanji: マージナルプリンス
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: GDH, GONZO
    URL: http://mpri.jp/

    19. Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari II
    Title: Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari II (4692)
    Jap. Kanji: 銀河鉄道物語II
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.gintetsu.com/gintetsu_second/index.html

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4692

    20. Busou Renkin
    Title: Busou Renkin (4516)
    Jap. Kanji: 武装錬金
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: XEBEC
    URL: http://www.busourenkin.com/

    Based on a shounen manga by Watsuki Nobuhiro, serialized in Shounen Jump.

    The story begins when high school student Mutou Kazuki is killed one night saving a mysterious girl from a monster, only to wake up and find it was only a dream. However, he soon finds out how real that dream was when a giant serpentine monster attacks him and his sister. Tsumura Tokiko, the girl from his dream, explains that the monster is a homunculus. Kazuki had been attacked and killed by it when rescuing Tokiko, however the girl revived him by placing a kakugane medal in his chest.

    The kakugane, Tokiko explains, is an alchemical device that when activated can give him the power to fight the homunculus monster. Using this, Kazuki creates his own buso renkin, an alchemic weapon in the form of a huge lance. Along with Tokiko and her own buso renkin, Kazuki joins the fight against the homunculus and their master.

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    21. Super Robot Taisen: OG Divine Wars
    Title: Super Robot Taisen: OG Divine Wars (4761)
    Jap. Kanji: スーパーロボット大戦OG ディバイン・ウォーズ
    Genre: Mecha
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: OLM
    URL: http://www.suparobo-anime.jp/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4761

    22. Sasami -Mahou Shoujo Club- 2
    Title: Sasami -Mahou Shoujo Club- 2 (4619)
    Short: sasami2
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 13
    Year: 2006 (05.10.2006 till 28.12.2006)
    URL: http://www.vap.co.jp/sasami-club/


    23. 009-1
    Title: 009-1 (4637)
    Synonyms: Zero Zero Nine One
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.tbs.co.jp/anime/009-1/

    Description by AnimeNfo:
    This is another future that the Cold War has continued for 140 years. The earth is divided into two worlds, the East Block and the West Block. Under the false peace keeps its balance by the meanance of nuclear, two worlds continued their war. What does Mylene Hoffman see in the conflicts of spies living in bloodless world?

    24. Happiness!
    Title: Happiness! (4594)
    Jap. Kanji: はぴねす!
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 13
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till 29.12.2006)
    Companies: Artland
    URL: http://www.happiness-anime.com/

    25. Asatte no Hou
    Title: Asatte no Houkou (4339)
    Jap. Kanji: あさっての方向。
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: J.C.STAFF
    URL: http://www.tbs.co.jp/asatteno/

    Based on a manga by J-ta Yamada, running in Blade Comics.

    Karada is an elementary school girl. She lost her parents in the accident, and she has been living with his big brother. Because she doesn`t want be a burden on her brother, she hopes to grow soon. On the other hand, there is a woman named Shoko. She used to be called "genius", and she always misses those days. Those two happen to obtain mysterious stones to grant their wishes. They change their "time". Karada turns to be an adult, while Shoko becomes a child. However...

    26. Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo!
    Title: Mamoru-kun ni Megami no Shukufuku wo! (4529)
    Jap. Kanji: 護くんに女神の祝福を!
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 24
    Year: 2006-2007 (06.10.2006 till 16.03.2007)
    Companies: ZEXCS
    URL: http://www.mediaworks.co.jp/contents/mamoru/

    Based on a light novel series by Iwata Hiroki.

    Nice to meet you. My name is Yoshimura Mamoru and today is supposed to be the start of my new life. From now on I`ll be attending a high school which is attached to the prestigious Tokyo Beatrice University.

    Right when I arrived at the school full of expectations, this is where I met her, under the scattering storm of cherry blossoms. I could do nothing but gaze at an fantastic spectacle. The name of the beautiful girl before me was Takasu Ayako. And suddenly she confessed to me...

    However, little did I know what awaited me after I accepted this stunning offer. She was in reality a rich and spoiled princess who moreover was the genius in control of the Tokyo Beatrice University and this is how my days of a love comedy began.

    27. Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto
    Title: Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto (4570)
    Jap. Kanji: 幕末機関説 いろはにほへと
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 26
    Year: 2006-2007 (06.10.2006 till 30.03.2007)
    Companies: Bandai Visual, Sunrise
    URL: http://www.irohanihoheto.jp/

    End of Edo Era - It was the last time a man lived as a samurai and fought entrusting his life and briefs to a sword.

    It was the time when long peaceful Tokugawa Dynasty began to be overshadowed triggered by the arrival of Westerners. During the upheaval, when youths were seeking for new age, there was an existence that brought turmoil and chaos. It was called Hasha no Kubi, or the Head of Conqueror. It was said that the person who could obtain the head awoke in revolution time could rule over the whole country. On the other hand, there was another shadow existence called Eternal Assassin. They have been destined to fight Hasha no Kubi in order to seal. Both had been fighting each other behind the history. Their fights have affected the history involving those who wanted the power.

    Someone wanted it for themselves, someone wanted it for avenges, and someone wanted it for their ideal.

    Their thoughts cross each other over the Hasha no Kubi. Their thoughts put tougher as if they were complicated gear wheels. Then, it began to move the history as if it became an engine that moved to the future.

    [Source: Animenfo]

    28. Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch
    Title: Code Geass Hangyaku no Lelouch (4521)
    Jap. Kanji: コードギアス 反逆のルルーシュ
    Synonyms: Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion
    Genre: Action, Mecha - [similar]
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Sunrise, CLAMP
    URL: http://www.geass.jp/

    29. Kanon (2006)
    Title: Kanon (2006) (4404)
    Jap. Kanji: カノン (2006)
    Synonyms: Kanon Remake
    Genre: Drama, Romance
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 24
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Visual Art`s, Key, TBS, Kyoto Animation, Pony Canyon
    URL: http://www.bs-i.co.jp/anime/kanon/

    Announced by TBS and Pony Canyon at the Tokyo International Animation Fair 2006.

    A remake of the Kanon series which was shown 2002. This time production and animation is done by Kyoto Animation, the same team which was already behind the AIR TV conversion, as opposed to Toei which was responsible for the 2002 series.

    Broadcast scheduled to fall 2006. The series will have the same seiyuu cast which already was in the original.

    *based on Key Visual Art`s visual-novel by the same name*

    One snowy winter`s day...

    I sit on a bench near the station, waiting to meet my cousin Nayuki Minase; it`s been seven years since I last saw her.

    This place is far from the town where I was born and lived until yesterday.
    This is where Nayuki lives with her mother, who has offered to take me in, now that I am forced to move so suddenly.

    And this is the town in which my faintest, cloudiest childhood memories are set...

    A young man, Yuuichi Aizawa, gets off a train and leaves the station as he enters a town that is blanketed by snow. He left the area seven years ago and has now returned to his memories that he left behind. Although his past is blurry in his mind, the girls that still remember him and that he had relationships begin to help him remember. While this happens, the bad memories of his past also begin to come back, and will eventually haunt him.

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4404

    30. Sumomomo Momomo: Chijou Saikyou no Yome
    Title: Sumomomo Momomo: Chijou Saikyou no Yome (4528)
    Jap. Kanji: すもももももも ~地上最強のヨメ~
    Synonyms: Sumomomo Momomo - The Strongest Bride on Earth
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Studio Hibari
    URL: http://www.tv-sumomo.com/

    Based on a seinen manga by Shinobu Ohtaka, serialized in Young Gangan.

    Koushi Inuzuka is a smart high school student who aims to become a public prosecutor. Unfortunately for our good guy, he was born into a martial arts family whose head (ie his father) only knows one language: violence. When Koushi was still a baby, his father made a pact with his biggest rival to marry Koushi to his opponent-turned-friend`s daughter. The union of the two blood lines is supposed to bring forth Earth`s strongest martial arts clan.

    Skip forward: Koushi is in high school, oblivious to the marriage arranged for him at his birth. Enter Momoko Kuzuryuu: sugar bomb, airhead, loli martial arts artist and Koushi`s self-proclaimed bride (the strongest on Earth, no less). Her wish for sexual intercourse meets with Koushi`s square refusal as he has absolutely no desire to get it on with someone who looks like she could be his little sister, not to mention that he doesn`t have the foggiest idea who she actually is.

    Meanwhile, a war has broken out between the martial arts families. For Koushi, this means that numerous fighters are out to challenge him. As if that weren`t bad enough, our protagonist also has a fight phobia due to a traumatic incident that took place in his childhood. Now it`s up to Momoko and her superhuman fighting skills to protect her "husband." Will the two sweethearts survive the trials and tribulations ahead of them? More importantly, will Momoko get her way receiving a baby from Koushi?

    -Description by Kotonoha

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    31. Gin-iro no Olynsis
    Title: Gin-iro no Olynsis (4731)
    Jap. Kanji: 銀色のオリンシス
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (06.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Toei Animation
    URL: http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/olynssis/

    From AnimeNfo:

    AD 3567. The human beings has lost their once civilization, and they are living on the desolated grounds. Although their lives are frightened by Gardener, a mysterious unmanned mobile weapon sent from the moon, strong boys and girls become Gardener hunters to earn daily bread. Furthermore, although the civilization was ruined, because of the high-tech maintenance free technologies, limited functions of cities are still working to support people’s lives. Then, a boy’s visit to a city opens the door of their destinies…

    32. Kujibiki Unbalance (2006)
    Title: Kujibiki Unbalance (2006) (4513)
    Jap. Kanji: くじびきアンバランス (2006)
    Short: kujian2
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 12
    Year: 2006 (07.10.2006 till 23.12.2006)
    Companies: Ajia-dou
    URL: http://www.kujian.info/

    Kujibiki Unbalance is originally a "play within a play".
    Here, in Rikkyoin High School, all the troubles are solved by the lot (Kujibiki), and even students are chosen by lots at the entrance exams. This is the story about a one-year battle among the candidates for the next school government leaders, who are also chosen by the lot, in order to gain the position.


    33. Katekyo Hitman Reborn!
    Title: Katekyo Hitman Reborn! (4747)
    Jap. Kanji: 家庭教師ヒットマンREBORN!
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (07.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Artland
    URL: http://ani.tv/reborn/

    34. Tempouibun Ayakashiayashi
    Title: Tempouibun Ayakashiayashi (4571)
    Jap. Kanji: 天保異聞 妖奇士
    Synonyms: Strange Story of Tempou Era: Ayakashiayashi, Tenpou Ibun Ayakashi Ayashi
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (07.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: BONES, MBS, TBS
    URL: http://www.ayakashiayashi.com/

    In the year of Tempo 14, Yoi, monsters from another world attack Edo. Those who fight against them are members of Bansha Aratemesho. In public, Bansha Aratemsho is known as an organization to study foreign books. In fact, they are a organization dedicated to destroying the Yoi. These warriors are called Ayakashi. They gather information of odd events in the country, and are sent to destroy Yoi who appear. They are generally very strange people. For example, a guy who has lost his memory, a girl who dresses like a man. They have special powers with which to beat the Yoi.
    (taken from Animenfo, and revised for grammatical accuracy)

    35. Pururun! Shizuku-chan
    Title: Pururun! Shizuku-chan (4716)
    Jap. Kanji: ぷるるんっ!しずくちゃん
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (07.10.2006 till ?)

    36. Jigoku Shoujo Ni Kago
    Title: Jigoku Shoujo Ni Kago (4638)
    Jap. Kanji: 地獄少女 二籠
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (07.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Studio DEEN
    URL: http://www.jigokushoujo.com/


    37. Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru
    Title: Otome wa Boku ni Koishiteru (4003)
    Jap. Kanji: 乙女はお姉さまに恋してる
    Synonyms: Otoboku, The Maiden Is Falling In Love With The Elder Sister
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 12
    Year: 2006 (08.10.2006 till 24.12.2006)
    URL: http://www.starchild.co.jp/special/otome/

    Based on the shoujo-ai game by Caramel Box.

    The main character Mizuho is a nice guy who was born in a good family, smart, and moral. But one day, he has to transfer to a girl’s high school by his grandfather’s last will. Then, he has to disguise like a girl to go to the school…

    Taken from Animenfo.

    38. Gift Eternal Rainbow
    Title: Gift Eternal Rainbow (4585)
    Jap. Kanji: ギフト~ eternal rainbow
    Genre: Comedy, Romance, School
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (08.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: OLM
    URL: http://www.gift-er.com/

    Narasakicho is a site-spot near the seashore. In this town, there are two mysterious phenomena. One of them is a rainbow over the town, it doesn’t disappear. Whenever one looks up, it is always there. The other one is a magic called “Gift”. It is a present that one can give the other only once.
    Amaumi Haruhiko is a student who goes to Shimano Academy. One day, a student transfers to the school. It was his sister-in-law. She used to live with him, but they have been living separately by some reason.

    [Source: Animenfo]

    39. Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi
    Title: Shijou Saikyou no Deshi Kenichi (4596)
    Jap. Kanji: 史上最強の弟子 ケンイチ
    Synonyms: History`s Strongest Disciple Kenichi
    Genre: Martial Arts
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (08.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.tv-tokyo.co.jp/anime/kenichi/

    Shirahama Kenichi is awalys bullied by the classmates. One day, he sets out his mind to become strong, following an advice of a beautiful girl, Furinji Miu, he goes to a martial arts school. However, it was a tremendously hard school where the strongest martial arts masters teach...

    [Source: Animenfo]

    40. Jinzou Konchuu Kabutoborg VxV
    Title: Jinzou Konchuu Kabutoborg VxV (4756)
    Jap. Kanji: 人造昆虫カブトボーグ VxV
    Synonyms: Artificial Insect Kabutoborg
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (10.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.animax.co.jp/program/program.php3?naiyo=m_jinzokonchu_kabutoborg

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    41. Hataraki Man
    Title: Hataraki Man (4555)
    Jap. Kanji: 働きマン
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 11
    Year: 2006 (13.10.2006 till 22.12.2006)
    Companies: Studio Gallop
    URL: http://www.hataraki-anime.com/

    Based on the manga of the same name by ANNO Moyoko (安野 モヨコ), serialised from 2004 in Morning.

    42. Atagoul wa Neko no Mori
    Title: Atagoul wa Neko no Mori (4607)
    Jap. Kanji: アタゴオルは猫の森
    Synonyms: Atagoal wa Neko no Mori, Atagoul is Cat`s Forest
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (14.10.2006)
    URL: http://www.atagoal.com/

    43. Happy Lucky Bikkuriman
    Title: Happy Lucky Bikkuriman (4774)
    Jap. Kanji: 祝!(ハピ☆ラキ)ビックリマン
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (15.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.toei-anim.co.jp/tv/h-l-bikkuri/

    44. Bartender
    Title: Bartender (4681)
    Jap. Kanji: バーテンダー
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (15.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Palm Studio
    URL: http://www.bartender-tv.com

    45. Kekkaishi
    Title: Kekkaishi (4574)
    Jap. Kanji: 結界師
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (16.10.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Sunrise
    URL: http://www.sunrise-inc.co.jp/kekkaishi/

    46. Ichigo Mashimaro OVA
    Title: Ichigo Mashimaro OVA (4559)
    Jap. Kanji: 苺ましまろ OVA
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (25.10.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://www.ichigomashimaro.com/


    47. Mahou Sensei Negima! OVA Haru
    Title: Mahou Sensei Negima! OVA Haru (4510)
    Jap. Kanji: 魔法先生ネギま!OVA春
    Synonyms: Magic Teacher Negima Spring OVA, Magic Teacher Negima! Spring OVA, Mahou Sensei Negima OVA Haru
    Short: Negima OVA
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 1
    Year: 2006 (25.10.2006)
    Companies: SHAFT
    URL: http://www.starchild.co.jp/special/negima_ova/

    Based on a shounen manga by Akamatsu Ken, serialised in Shounen Magazine.

    Negi Springfield is a ten year old wizard from Wales who dreams of becoming a Magister Magi, special wizards who use their powers to help people. One example mentioned used a NGO job as a cover. Negi`s reason for becoming a Magister is to find his father, Nagi Springfield, the legendary mage also known as the Thousand Master who many believe to be dead.

    After graduating from the Merdiana Magic Academy in Wales, he is given a duty as a cover in the real world, and training, before he actually becomes a Magister Magi. That duty is to become an English teacher at Mahora Academy in Japan. However, the task will not be easy as Negi will become a teacher to a middle school class of 31 older girls, each very special in her own way.


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    Tháng 11/2006
    01. Tokyo Tribe 2
    Title: Tokyo Tribe 2 (4308)
    Jap. Kanji: TOKYO TRIBE 2
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 13
    Year: 2006 (??.11.2006 till ?)
    Companies: MADHOUSE
    URL: http://www.wowow.co.jp/anime/tt2/

    02. Afro Samurai
    Title: Afro Samurai (2656)
    Jap. Kanji: アフロサムライ
    Genre: Action, Samurai
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 5
    Year: 2006 (??.11.2006 till ?)
    Companies: GONZO
    URL: http://www.afrosamurai.com

    The tale of Afro Samurai is one of bloody hardship and pain. Along his solitary path of revenge for his murdered father, he sheds no tears and knows no love. Forever chased by powerful enemies in a lawless technology-speckled dystopia, he evades bullets and blade to reach his final prey: a man who will not die. But Afro will reach his quarry - even if it means painting a road of blood and brains from here to the bitter inevitable end.

    Project by Spike TV / FUNimation of US, and Gonzo`s Samurai Project team.

    03. Soukou no Strain
    Title: Soukou no Strain (4556)
    Jap. Kanji: 奏光のストレイン
    Genre: SciFi
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (02.11.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Studio Fantasia
    URL: http://www.s-strain.jp/

    In the distant future, the mankind is divided into two powers; Union and Deague. They have continued long war that no one is sure when it began. Union uses manned weapons, Strain, as the main military power, while Deague uses unmmand weapons Tumoru.
    Sara Viereck, a daughter of a good family, is a Union’s 16-year-old girl who goes to Grapera Space Armed Soldier Academy locates in Cranial Solar System in order to become a full-fledged Reasoner (a pilot of Strain).
    Her brother, Ralph Viereck, was sent to the front line 130 light years away to accomplish a special mission when she was 11 years old. It takes 400 years of objective time even by the fastest sub-light speed space craft of Union. However, according to relativist theory, it corresponds to two subjective years (the time crews experiences). Therefore, Sara needs to go to the same battle field to meet her brother.
    Because they lost their parents when they were quite young, Sara thinks of her bother as a guy dearer than a sibling, and she lives for their reunion.
    One day, the planet Sara lives is suddenly assaulted by Deague. Surprisingly, it was her brother Ralph that takes away a mysterious girl sleeping in a capsule.
    To search the truth, Sara gets in Strain and runs after him. However, she receives an attack from Ralph, and the Mimic is broken. The Mimic is a copy of the pilot’s brain, and it is an essential part to control the Strain.
    Taken from Animenfo

    04. BALDR FORCE EXE Resolution
    Title: BALDR FORCE EXE Resolution (3445)
    Synonyms: bfexe
    Genre: Action, SciFi
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 4
    Year: 2006 (10.11.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Satelight
    URL: http://www.trinet-ent.com/baldrforce/

    Based on the game by GIGA.

    05. Freedom
    Title: Freedom (4708)
    Jap. Kanji: FREEDOM
    Genre: Action, Adventure, SciFi
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (24.11.2006 till ?)
    URL: http://freedom-project.jp/

    The civilization on the Earth was destroyed by permanent abnormal climate.
    In these days, cities of one million people had been built on the moon, and they became the only place where human-race survived. The people left on the moon declared the foundation of Republic Eden. Then, they have been expanding the cities that loved peace and freedom. However, a boy’s act would shake Eden’s freedom and peace later.

    More than 160 years have passed since then.

    In Eden, the children finish their compulsory education when they are 15 years old. Then, they become parts of the society as citizens. During their brief moratorium, they are given freedom. Like other boys, Takeru is going to take part in a race with his friends. It is a race of machines perucilar to the moon called “Vehicle”. What is different from other boys is Takeru made his vehicle by himself. By this act, Takeru touches the secret hidden in Eden.

    In the year of 2267, Eden hides two freedoms.
    (taken from animenfo.com)

    06. Mai-Otome Zwei
    Title: Mai-Otome Zwei (4567)
    Jap. Kanji: 舞-乙HiME ZWEI
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 4
    Year: 2006 (24.11.2006 till ?)
    Companies: Sunrise
    URL: http://www.my-zhime.net/ova/index.html

    It has been half a year since the threat of the Harmonium was defeated and each Otome has gone to chase her respective dream. The Pearl Otome Irina has, with help from Yohko, recovered a technology that could resurrect Erstin, which she intends to use in order to salvage the lost time with her deceased friend. Unfortunately for her, the use of such technology is forbidden. Meanwhile, the Otome and the Aswad have joined forces for an attack on the headquarters of Schwarz.

    [Taken from AnimeNewsNetwork]


    07. Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd
    Title: Maria-sama ga Miteru 3rd (4138)
    Jap. Kanji: マリア様がみてる 3rdシーズン
    Synonyms: Maria-sama ga Miteru OVA
    Short: maria3, marimite3
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 5
    Year: 2006-2007 (29.11.2006 till 25.07.2007)
    Companies: Studio DEEN
    URL: http://www.gokigenyou.com/


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    Tháng 12/2006 và 01/01/2007
    01. Major 3rd Season
    Title: Major 3rd Season (4557)
    Jap. Kanji: メジャー (第3シリーズ)
    Genre: Sports
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2006 (??.12.2006 till ??.??.2007)
    Companies: NHK
    URL: http://www3.nhk.or.jp/anime/major/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4557

    02. Digimon Savers: Ultimate Power! Burst Mode Invoke!!
    Title: Digimon Savers: Ultimate Power! Burst Mode Invoke!! (4771)
    Jap. Kanji: デジモンセイバーズ THE MOVIE 究極パワー!バーストモード発動!!
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (09.12.2006)
    URL: http://www.digimon-movie.com/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4771

    03. Gekijouban Bleach: Memories of Nobody
    Title: Gekijouban Bleach: Memories of Nobody (4515)
    Synonyms: Bleach Movie
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (16.12.2006)
    Companies: Dentsu, Shueisha, Studio Pierrot, TOHO, TV Tokyo
    URL: http://www.bleach-movie.com/

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4515

    04. Oideyo Doubutsu no Mori
    Title: Oideyo Doubutsu no Mori (4590)
    Jap. Kanji: おいでよ どうぶつの森
    Synonyms: Animal Crossing
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (16.12.2006)
    URL: http://www.doubutsunomori-movie.jp/

    05. Tekkon Kinkreet (2006)
    Title: Tekkon Kinkreet (2006) (4054)
    Jap. Kanji: 鉄コン筋クリート (2006)
    Synonyms: Black & White, Tekkon Kinkurito
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2006 (23.12.2006)
    Companies: Studio 4°C
    URL: http://www.tekkon.net/

    Based on Taiyo Matsumoto`s manga series Tekkon Kinkurito (released in America by Viz under the title "Black & White"). The film will be animated by Studio 4°C and directed by American film visual effects supervisor and producer Michael Arias, who lives and works in Japan.

    Relations: http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=4054

    06. Armored Core: Fort Tower Song
    Title: Armored Core: Fort Tower Song (4690)
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 2
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007 till ?)
    URL: http://www.aniplex.co.jp/AC/

    07. Nodame Cantabile
    Title: Nodame Cantabile (4691)
    Jap. Kanji: のだめカンタービレ
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 23
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007 till ?)
    Companies: J.C.STAFF

    Based on the awarded shoujo manga by Tomoko Ninomiya.

    Shinichi Chiaki is the top piano student at his university and an excellent violinist, but Chiaki doesn`t care about playing these instruments as much as he dreams of someday being a conductor. Chiaki, however, has several deeply rooted fears about traveling, and so finds himself "trapped" in Japan. Because he`s trapped, Chiaki starts to question exactly how far he can possibly go in music, especially when he`s passed over again and again for others he thinks are less worthy of musical scholarship and fame.

    Recently dumped by his girlfriend for a "sausage" looking fellow, passed over for a chance to go overseas, removed from his star spot in the piano competition because he walked out on his piano instructor, Chiaki is at his limit. This is when he meets Nodame, or Megumi Noda. Nodame is a free — if filthy — spirit who reminds Chiaki that music can be fun. She reminds him what drew him to be a conductor in the first place and, in learning how to deal with Nodame, Chiaki learns how to deal with others. Chiaki begins to realize what is possible for him, even on the tiny island of Japan.

    For Nodame, Chiaki is everything she isn`t. Clean, neat, dedicated, studious and inherently arrogant about his accomplishments and capabilities, Chiaki constantly bullies her into being more serious about life. He sees potential in her and her abilities as a pianist that she doesn`t care about. She loves Chiaki and wants to be with him, but, because she`s not serious about her piano studies nor her personal hygiene, Chiaki denies her affections again and again.

    But Chiaki and Nodame complete each other in ways no other can, a musical compliment that neither of them can completely escape entirely. Watching them grow as people and musicians, and even as a couple, is an interesting ride.

    08. Deltora Quest
    Title: Deltora Quest (4595)
    Jap. Kanji: デルトラ・クエスト
    Genre: Adventure, Fantasy
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007 till ?)
    URL: http://www.deltoraquest.jp/

    09. Paprika
    Title: Paprika (4191)
    Jap. Kanji: パプリカ
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007)
    Companies: MADHOUSE
    URL: http://www.sonypictures.jp/movies/paprika/

    A beautiful therapist Chiba Atsuko and a genius scientist Tokita Kosaku work for a psycho-medical institute. They invented “DC-mini. It is an epoch-making device that brings them into a patient’s dream and enables them to monitor the patient’s inner world in order to cure him. However, one day, the device was stolen by someone. Since then the dreams of those who concerned with the project have been attacked one by one, and something is going wrong. Chiba Atsuko begins to investigate the matter. However, she has another face. She is the Dream Detective Parika who synchronizes with other person’s dream to remove their trauma. She rises against the dream terrorist who uses DC-mini that is strong enough to destroy one’s personality. Who in the world is the criminal, and what for? When the manipulated dream crosses with the reality, the story goes into inner world no one ever seen, and it comes to a surprising end…

    (from AnimeNfo)

    10. Getsumen To Heiki Mina
    Title: Getsumen To Heiki Mina (4177)
    Jap. Kanji: 月面兎兵器ミーナ
    Synonyms: Getsumen Usagi Heiki Miina, [QUESTIONABLE]
    Short: Mina
    Genre: -
    Type: OVA
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007 till ?)
    Companies: GONZO
    URL: http://www.mi-na.jp/

    An animated spin-off from the Densha Otoko (Trainman) tv drama.

    In the drama, actor Itoh Atsushi plays the otaku Yamada, who`s main love in life is the Mina anime, a cutesy busty heroine with floppy rabbit ears and carrots sticking out her rear.

    Mina itself is a character homage which triggers back to the Daicon Animation done by GAINAX where a similar nameless bunny girl appeared. Densha Otoko futher featured an opening with scenes which were appearing back in the Daicon Animation.

    Gonzo webpage:

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    11. Gekijouban Shakugan no Shana
    Title: Gekijouban Shakugan no Shana (4388)
    Jap. Kanji: 劇場版 灼眼のシャナ
    Synonyms: Shakugan no Shana Movie
    Genre: -
    Type: Movie
    Parts: 1
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007)
    Companies: J.C.STAFF
    URL: http://www.shakugan.com


    12. Angelique (2007)
    Title: Angelique (2007) (4753)
    Jap. Kanji: アンジェリーク (2007)
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007 till ?)
    URL: http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/neoromance/tv/ange/images/second.jpg

    13. Lucky Star
    Title: Lucky Star (4777)
    Jap. Kanji: らき☆すた
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007)

    Based on a 4-koma manga by Yoshimizu Kagami, serialised in Comptiq.

    Having fun in school, doing together homework, cooking and eating, playing videogames, watching anime. All those little things make up the daily life of the anime- and chocolate-loving Izumi Konata and her friends which is portrayed here. Sometimes relaxing but more than often simply funny!

    14. Seirei no Moribito
    Title: Seirei no Moribito (4403)
    Jap. Kanji: 精霊の守り人
    Synonyms: Guardian of the Sacred Spirit
    Short: GotSS, Moribito
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 26
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007)
    Companies: Production I.G

    Based on a fantasy novel by Uehashi Naoko & Futatsugi Saki.

    Chagumu, the second prince of New Yogo Kingdom, is the person who is chosen once in 100 years to be deposited an egg by a water fairly, and he must become the guardian of fairies.

    Thinking of him as a nuisance, the king tries to kill him, while the queen asks a female guard, Valsa, to protect him.
    However, the beings live in another world, Nayugu, aim at him to eat an egg laid in Chagumu’s body.

    15. Devil May Cry
    Title: Devil May Cry (4776)
    Jap. Kanji: デビル メイ クライ
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 12
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007 till ?)
    Companies: MADHOUSE
    URL: http://dmc-tv.com/

    16. Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann
    Title: Tengen Toppa Gurren-Lagann (4575)
    Jap. Kanji: 天元突破 グレンラガン
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007 till ?)
    Companies: Aniplex, GAINAX, Konami
    URL: http://www.gurren-lagann.net/

    17. Himawari! 2
    Title: Himawari! 2 (4572)
    Jap. Kanji: ひまわりっ!2
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007 till ?)
    Companies: Starchild Records
    URL: http://www.starchild.co.jp/special/himawari2/


    18. Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS
    Title: Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha StrikerS (4688)
    Jap. Kanji: 魔法少女リリカルなのはStrikerS
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Series
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.??.2007 till ?)
    URL: http://www.nanoha.com


    19. Shuffle! Memories
    Title: Shuffle! Memories (4759)
    Genre: -
    Type: TV Special
    Episodes: 0
    Year: 2007 (??.01.2007)
    Companies: アスリード
    URL: http://www.shuffle-tv.com/special/#new

  10. Xenogear

    Xenogear The Last of Us

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    Sealeap Zack
    nhiều anime nhỉ :-? ... lần sau có post bài tiếng anh thì cho vào trong trích dẫn hoặc đưa link chứ :-s ... cẩn thận k0 bị mang danh đạo văn vào người :-s
    busou renkin bựa nức danh thế mà vẫn làm anime à :-&
    death note ra anime :x:x:x nhất quyết phải ngồi xem kira giết L :x ... mà anime cốt truyện khác manga thì còn hay nữa :x
    http://anidb.info/perl-bin/animedb.pl?show=rel&aid=3181 <<<--- xem cái này xong mới biết là ta ngu :))

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    Tớ chấp nhận mang tiếng đạo văn. Thà thành kẻ đạo văn để có được một topic đáng xem, còn hơn giấu dốt và tiếp tục spam như một thằng dở hơi :|
    Anyway, cái link cả series đó cũng là 1 series mecha cùng thời với Gundam... nhưng kiếm được thì là thánh.
  12. Mo...Mo...Moeee

    Mo...Mo...Moeee Mr & Ms Pac-Man

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    _ Cho teo hỏi chút nhé Satoshi : mày xem cái Lupin 3rd nào chưa thế ? Cái gì khiến mày xếp nó vào loại Mecha thế ? 8-} Tao fải đọc kỹ lại đọan "giấu dốt spam" mày mới post mới được :'>

    * Nguyên cái cục Lupin 3rd teo kiếm được chừng ... 6,7 cái Movie, TV Series thì ko dám chơi =))

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    Éc... teo nhầm >_> phải là cái Ginga Tetsudou Monogatari II (quên béng thằng Lunpin Sansei 8-} cũng có phát series nhiều như quân Nguyên 8-})
  14. hdht_gamer

    hdht_gamer Claude, S.A gang boss

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Trông chờ Death-Note anime và thử Red-Garden

    Thx bác SATOSHI ;)
  15. Bloody-Road

    Bloody-Road Liu Kang, Champion of Earthrealm Lão Làng GVN

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    Mấy tháng cuối năm nay toàn anime hay cả , nhưng mấy series mecha thì toàn OVA ngắn cũn , đành hi vong vào các bộ khác vậy...
  16. Moon_Son

    Moon_Son Persian Prince

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Ha Noi, Vietnam,
    hi topic này hay đó
    mà hầu hết nhưng anime cuối năm này đều là nhưng anime kinh điển. xem cái sơ đồ gia phả của nó mà muốn xỉu luôn.
    không biết ai chú ý đến cái movie onimusa 4 thấy để trong list anidb tháng 6 or 7 ko nhớ nữa.
    @satoshi: off topic tí ko biết ông đọc tin pm ym chưa nhưng tui cứ nhắc lại vì ko muốn ông đụng đọ ông bô tôi nếu qua nhà tôi thì qua sáng và tối hum trước hum qua gọi điện cho tui phát. thks for listen!
  17. Felix

    Felix Red, Pokémon champion

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    Devil may cry có anime à, vào trang web thấy cái đoạn phim tưởng gì hay ho thấy cái artwork thằng Dante xong dek thấy gì nữa :|
  18. Genius_Ranza

    Genius_Ranza Fried Chicken Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
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    ℳℴℯ ♥
    Nhiều quá SATOSHi ạ,tớ đọc lướt qua thấy có Tokimeki Memorial,Death Note,Jigoku Shoujo,Gin'iro...
    Riêng cái Tokimeki Memorial vốn chui từ H-Game ra...há há...đón xem...
  19. Felix

    Felix Red, Pokémon champion

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Konami có làm Hgame à vì thấy nó nói dựa trên game của Konami :| hay cậu nhầm:-/

    SATOSHI Persian Prince

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    Chán mọi người lắm! Tui biết ngay là tình hình gay cấn thế này là ai cũng quan tâm mà chẳng có bác nào pro đứng ra lo cả :(( Để thằng super novice như tui mất hết kiên nhẫn nên chịu trận trước à? 8-}

    @ Ranza: Đâu chỉ có từng đấy đâu! Tạm thời những bộ đáng chú ý là tớ đánh bold hoặc italic (những thằng để bold là priority cao nhất, rồi đến mấy thằng italic... còn những thằng khác 1 là chưa biết thế nào, 2 là có xem cũng bằng thừa).

    @ Felix: Tokimeki Memorial... cái này không có ý kiến... nhưng theo kinh nghiệm bản thân thì mấy bộ mà poster của nó hình toàn girl thì 1 là ecchi, 2 là shoujo-ai >__> Với cái nét vẽ như thế thì chắc là H-game roài ^^

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