Code Harvest Moon-Back To Nature

Thảo luận trong 'Thư viện' bắt đầu bởi Heinekenz, 11/12/06.

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Không mở trả lời sau này.
  1. Heinekenz

    Heinekenz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    80071A5C 967F
    80071A5E 0098

    "Horse Racing Max Chip"
    80071A60 E0FF
    80071A62 05F5

    "Not Tired"
    30071A12 00B4

    "Good Health"
    30071A16 0000

    "Max Tool Level"
    80071A40 FFFF
    80071A42 FFFF
    80071A44 FFFF
    80071A46 FFFF
    80071A48 FFFF

    "Max Lumber"
    80070D38 03E7

    "Max food of Cow and Sheep"
    80070D3A 03E7

    "Max food of Fish"
    80070D3E 03E7

    "Max food of hen"
    80070D40 03E7

    "Max Heart of Dog"
    300759FA 00FF

    "Max Heart of Horse"
    30075AEA 00FF

    "Max Heart of Karen"
    800767A0 FFFF

    "Max Heart of Ran"
    80076EF0 FFFF

    "Max Heart of Elli"
    80077298 FFFF

    "Max Heart of Mary"
    80077BBC FFFF

    "Max Heart of Popuri"
    800786B4 FFFF

    "All Utensils"
    30070D04 00FF

    "Easy Improve House and all maker"
    30070D06 0002
    30070D08 0003
    30070D0A 0002
    30070D0C 0001

    "Max Heart Of Dwarf"
    3007A64E 00FF
    3007A746 00FF
    3007A83E 00FF
    3007A936 00FF
    3007AA2E 00FF
    3007AB26 00FF
    3007AC1E 00FF

    "Sadistic Chicken"
    D00E2DAA A622
    800E2DA0 00FF
    D00E2DAA A622
    800E2DA2 2402

    "Sadistic Cow"
    D00DF5DA A602
    800DF5D0 00FF
    D00DF5DA A602
    800DF5D2 2402

    "Sadistic Sheep"
    D00E1186 A602
    800E117C 00FF
    D00E1186 A602
    800E117E 2402

    "Unlimited Water/Seed"
    80071A88 0063

    "Doctor Sell All Medicine"
    800711F0 0033
    800711F4 0033

    "Easy Win in Dog Race Fastival"
    30075A90 00FF

    "Easy win in swimming race Fastival"
    D00BFE62 0002
    800BFE62 0003

    "Easy win in Horse race Fastival"
    80075B80 02FF

    "Magic Corps"
    D005E8B4 1062
    8005E8B4 1000
    D00D7DB6 1062
    800D7DB6 1000

    "Quick Fishing"
    D0071A3C 0000
    80071A3C 0001

    "Typhoon never occure"
    D007AD02 0003
    8007AD02 0000
    D007AD02 0004
    8007AD02 0000

    "Max Heart of Baby"
    3007A3F2 00FF

    "Max Havest Ability of Dwarf"
    3007A6E6 00FF
    3007A7DE 00FF
    3007A8D6 00FF
    3007A9CE 00FF
    3007AAC6 00FF
    3007ABBE 00FF
    3007ACB6 00FF

    "Max Watering Ability of Dwarf"
    3007A6E8 00FF
    3007A7E0 00FF
    3007A8D8 00FF
    3007A9D0 00FF
    3007AAC8 00FF
    3007ABC0 00FF
    3007ACB8 00FF

    "Max Animal Ability of Dwarf"
    3007A6EA 00FF
    3007A7E2 00FF
    3007A8DA 00FF
    3007A9D2 00FF
    3007AACA 00FF
    3007ABC2 00FF
    3007ACBA 00FF

    "Ride a Cow"
    D005E8B4 1440
    3005E8B4 0001
    D00F844E 1440
    30071A34 0001

    "All work = 7"
    3007A6F0 0004
    3007A7E8 0002
    3007A8E0 0001
    3007A9D8 0004
    3007AAD0 0001
    3007ABC8 0002
    3007ACC0 0004

    "All Thing is 99"
    D00F844E 1440
    800F844C 0001
    D00F844E 1440
    800F84BC 0063
    D00F844E 1440
    800F84BE 2403

    1 Max Lumber 80070D38 03E7

    2 Max Fodder 80070D3A 03E7

    3 Max Fish Food 80070D3E 03E7

    4 Max Chicken Feed 80070D40 03E7

    5 Have Maxed Power Fruit 800712BC 000A

    6 Max RuckSack Storage 80071A1E 0002

    7 Max Level Sickle 80071A40 FFFF

    8 Max Level Hoe 80071A42 FFFF

    9 Max Level Ax 80071A44 FFFF

    10 Max Level Hammer 80071A46 FFFF

    11 Max Level Watering Can 80071A48 FFFF

    14 Infinite Medals 80071A60 FFFF

    15 Max Medals 80071A60 967F
    80071A62 0098

    16 Max Earnings 800711FC 967F
    800711FE 0098

    RuckSack Item Modifier Codes
    Item in Hand Slot Modifier 80071A8A 0???
    Slot 1 80071AC0 0???
    Slot 2 80071AC6 0???
    Slot 3 80071ACC 0???
    Slot 4 80071AD2 0???
    Slot 5 80071AD8 0???
    Slot 6 80071ADE 0???
    Slot 7 80071AE4 0???
    Slot 8 80071AEA 0???

    Max RuckSack Item Codes

    Item in Hand Slot 80071A8E 0063
    Slot 1 80071AC4 0063
    Slot 2 80071ACA 0063
    Slot 3 80071AD0 0063
    Slot 4 80071AD6 0063
    Slot 5 80071ADC 0063
    Slot 6 80071AE2 0063
    Slot 7 80071AE8 0063
    Slot 8 80071AEE 0063

    ??? Thay vào nhửng món đồ ở bên dưới
    000 - Nothing
    001 - Sickle
    002 - Copper Sickle
    003 - Silver Sickle
    004 - Gold Sickle
    005 - Mystrile Sickle
    006 - Hoe
    007 - Copper Hoe
    008 - Silver Hoe
    009 - Gold Hoe
    00A - Mystrile Hoe
    00B - Ax
    00C - Copper Ax
    00D - Silver Ax
    00E - Gold Ax
    00F - Mystrile Ax
    010 - Hammer
    011 - Copper Hammer
    012 - Silver Hammer
    013 - Gold Hammer
    014 - Mystrile Hammer
    015 - Watering Can
    016 - Copper Watering Can
    017 - Silver Watering Can
    018 - Gold Watering Can
    019 - Mystrile Watering Can
    01A - Milker
    01B - Clippers
    01C - Brush
    01D - Bell
    01E - Animal Medicine
    01F - Cow Miracle Potion
    020 - Sheep Miracle Potion
    021 - Blue Feather
    022 - Turnip Seeds
    023 - Potato Seeds
    024 - Cucumber Seeds
    025 - Strawberry Seeds
    026 - Cabbage Seeds
    027 - Tomato Seeds
    028 - Corn Seeds
    029 - Onion Seeds
    02A - Pumpkin Seeds
    02B - Pineapple Seeds
    02C - Eggplant Seeds
    02D - Carrot Seeds
    02E - Sweet Potato Seeds
    02F - Spinach Seeds
    030 - Green Pepper Seeds
    031 - Moondrop Seeds
    032 - Pink Cat Seeds
    033 - Magic Red Seeds
    034 - Toy Flower Seeds
    035 - Orange Cup Seeds
    036 - Grass Seeds
    037 - Ocarina
    038 - Fishing Rod
    039 - Fishing Pole
    03A - Stone
    03B - Big Stone
    03C - Rock
    03D - Stump
    03E - Branch
    03F - Lumber
    040 - Weeds
    041 - Turnip
    042 - Potato
    043 - Cucumber
    044 - Strawberry
    045 - Cabbage
    046 - Tomato
    047 - Corn
    048 - Onion
    049 - Pumpkin
    04A - Pineapple
    04B - Eggplant
    04C - Carrot
    04D - Sweet Potato
    04E - Spinach
    04F - Green Pepper
    050 - Grass
    051 - Moon Drop Flower
    052 - Pink Cat Flower
    053 - Blue Magic Red Flower
    054 - Red Magic Red Flower
    055 - Toy Flower
    056 - Orange Cup Fruit
    057 - Apple
    058 - Bamboo Shoot
    059 - Wild Grape
    05A - Mushroom
    05B - Poisonous Mushroom
    05C - Truffle
    05D - Blue Grass
    05E - Red Grass
    05F - Green Grass
    060 - Mystrile
    061 - Orichalcum
    062 - Adamantite
    064 - Basket
    065 - Dog Ball
    066 - Coin
    067 - Power Berry
    068 - Fodder
    069 - Chicken Feed
    06A - Fodder
    06B - Chicken Feed
    06C - Fish Food
    06D - Rucksack Level 2
    06E - Rucksack Level 3
    06F - Pocketststion
    070 - Gift Wrap
    071 - Vase
    072 - Knife
    073 - Frying Pan
    074 - Pot
    075 - Mixer
    076 - Whisk
    077 - Rolling Pin
    078 - Oven
    079 - Seasoning Set
    07A - Gold
    07B - Silver
    07C - Copper
    07D - Carp Print
    07E - Char Print
    07F - Catfish Print
    080 - Squid Print
    081 - Angler Print
    082 - Sea Bream
    083 - Beehive
    084 - Fish Food
    085 - Orange Cup Fruit
    086 - Egg
    087 - Spa-boiled Egg
    088 - Mayonnaise S
    089 - Mayonnaise M
    08A - Mayonnaise L
    08B - Milk S
    08C - Milk M
    08D - Milk L
    08E - Cheese S
    08F - Cheese M
    090 - Cheese L
    091 - Wool S
    092 - Wool M
    093 - Wool L
    094 - Yarn S
    095 - Yarn M
    096 - Yarn L
    097 - Honey
    098 - SUGDW Apple
    099 - Riceballs
    09A - Bread
    09B - Bodigizer
    09C - Bodigizer XL
    09D - Turbojolt
    09E - Turbojolt XL
    09F - Wine
    0A0 - Grape Juice
    0A1 - Fish L
    0A2 - Fish M
    0A3 - Fish S
    0A4 - Gift
    0A5 - Oil
    0A6 - Flour
    0A7 - Curry Powder
    0A8 - Set Meal
    0A9 - Wild Grape Wine
    0AA - Milk
    0AB - Water
    0AC - Snowcone
    0AD - Veggie Pancake
    0AE - Fried Rice
    0AF - Stir Fry
    0B0 - Miso Soup
    0B1 - Stew
    0B2 - Curry
    0B3 - Salad
    0B4 - Fruit Juice
    0B5 - Veggie Juice
    0B6 - Mixed Juice
    0B7 - Sandwich
    0B8 - Pickled Turnips
    0B9 - Fries
    0BA - Pickles
    0BB - Strawberry Jam
    0BC - Strawberry Milk
    0BD - Tomato Juice
    0BE - Popcorn
    0BF - Pumpkin Pudding
    0C0 - Happy Eggplant
    0C1 - Sweet Potato (recipe)
    0C2 - Roasted Potatoes
    0C3 - Greens
    0C4 - Scrambled Eggs
    0C5 - Omelet
    0C6 - Boiled Egg
    0C7 - Hot Milk
    0C8 - Butter
    0C9 - Cheese Cake
    0CA - Cheese Fondue
    0CB - Apple Jam
    0CC - Apple Pie
    0CD - Bamboo Rice
    0CE - Mushroom Rice
    0CF - Truffle Rice
    0D0 - Grape Jam
    0D1 - Sushi
    0D2 - Chirashi Sushi
    0D3 - Jam Bun
    0D4 - Raisin Bread
    0D5 - Dinner Roll
    0D6 - Sashimi
    0D7 - Grilled Fish
    0D8 - Pizza
    0D9 - Pasta
    0DA - Noodles
    0DB - Curry Noodles
    0DC - Tempura Noodles
    0DD - Fried Noodles
    0DE - Tempura
    0DF - Cookie
    0E0 - Ice Cream
    0E1 - Cake
    0E2 - Food Fiasco
    0E3 - Milk G
    0E4 - Cheese G
    0E5 - Mayonnaise G
    0E6 - Yarn G
    0E7 - Wool G
    0E8 - Egg G
    0E9 - Can
    0EA - Message In Bottle
    0EB - Boot
    0EC - Dead Fish
    0ED - Carp
    0EE - Char
    0EF - Catfish
    0F0 - Squid
    0F1 - Angler
    0F2 - Sea Bream
    0F4 - Chocolate Cookies
    0F5 - Chocolate Cake
    0F6 - Moonview Dumplings
    0F7 - Bracelet
    0F8 - Necklace
    0F9 - Earings
    0FA - Bandage
    0FB - Relax Tea Leaves
    0FC - Relaxation Tea
    0FD - Fruit Latte
    0FE - Veggie Latte
    0FF - Mixed Latte
    100 - Perfume
    101 - Cliff's Photo
    102 - Letter
    103 - Invitation
    104 - Woodcutter Book
    105 - Picturebook Of People
    106 - Adult Dog
    107 - Young Dog
    108 - Cat
    109 - Chicken
    10A - Chick
    10B - White Rabbit
    10C - Brown Rabbit
    10D - Suirrel
    10E - Fox
    10F - Monkey
    110 - Snake
    111 - Crab
    112 - Butterfly
    113 - Butterfly 2
    114 - Beetle
    115 - Stag Beetle
    116 - Cicada
    117 - Dragonfly
    118 - Cricket
    119 - Lady Bug
    11A - Grasshopper
    11B - Triangle Sandwich
    11C - Deluxe Sandwich
    11D - Riceball
    11E - Red Bean Bun
    11F - Pizza
    120 - Meat
    121 - Toast
    122 - Egg N
    123 - Egg G
    124 - Egg E
    125 - Popuri's Egg
    126 - Mystic Berry
    127 - Unclear Message In Bottle
    128 - Spring Seeds
    129 - Summer Seeds
    12A - Spring Seeds
    12B - Toy Chick
    12C - Cow Reins
    12D - God Map
    12E - Ketchup
    12F - Rice Omelet
    130 - Salad
    131 - Apple Pie
    132 - Cheese Cake
    133 - Cookie
    134 - Water
    135 - Roasted Corn
    136 - Pasta
    137 - Pizza
    138 - Junk Ore
    139 - Aja Grapes
    13A - Dead Weed
    13B - Winter Stone
    13C - Winter Branch
    13D - Winter Lumber
    13E - Water
    13F - Mayonnaise Maker
  2. Heinekenz

    Heinekenz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    Max Stamina 80071A12 003C
    Red Heart Popuri 800786B4 FFFF
    Red Heart Elli 80077298 FFFF
    Red Heart Karen 800767A0 FFFF
    Red Heart Ann 80076EF0 FFFF
    Red Heart Mary 80077BBC FFFF
    Zero Dead Animals 80127232 0000
    All Item Shipped 800711C4 03E7
    800711C6 03E7
    800711C8 03E7
    800711CA 03E7
    800711CC 03E7
    800711CE 03E7
    800711D0 03E7
    800711D2 03E7
    800711D4 03E7
    800711D6 03E7
    800711D8 03E7
    800711DA 03E7
    800711DC 03E7
    800711DE 03E7
    800711E0 03E7
    800711E2 03E7
    800711E4 03E7
    800711E6 03E7
    800711E8 03E7
    800711EA 03E7
    800711EC 03E7
    Max Hearts Chicken 1 30074302 00FF
    Max Hearts Chicken 2 300743B6 00FF
    Max Hearts Chicken 3 3007446A 00FF
    Max Hearts Chicken 4 3007451E 00FF
    Max Hearts Barn Animal 1 30074A0A 00FF
    Max Hearts Barn Animal 2 30074AC2 00FF
    Max Hearts Dog 300759FA 00FF
    Max Hearts Horse 30075AEA 00FF
    Maximum Harvest Sprite's Affection 8007A64E 010E
    8007A746 010E
    8007A83E 010E
    8007A936 010E
    8007AA2E 010E
    8007AB26 010E
    8007AC1E 010E
    Max Affection Cow 1 80074A0A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 2 80074AC2 010E
    Max Affection Cow 3 80074B7A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 4 80074C32 010E
    Max Affection Cow 5 80074CEA 010E
    Max Affection Cow 6 80074DA2 010E
    Max Affection Cow 7 80074E5A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 8 80074F12 010E
    Max Affection Cow 9 80074FCA 010E
    Max Affection Cow 10 80075082 010E
    Max Affection Cow 11 8007513A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 12 800751F2 010E
    Max Affection Cow 13 800752AA 010E
    Max Affection Cow 14 80075362 010E
    Max Affection Cow 15 8007541A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 16 800754D2 010E
    Max Affection Cow 17 8007558A 010E
    Max Affection Cow 18 80075642 010E
    Max Affection Cow 19 800756FA 010E
    Max Affection Cow 20 800757B2 010E

    Có gì sai sót bõ qua nhé
  3. Shirogane

    Shirogane Dolce Far Niente Moderator ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Cậu có post thì vô topic cheat code post nhé, đừng lập topic lung tung như vậy . >_<
  4. Rubin_Hot

    Rubin_Hot Dragon Quest

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Sao chổi
    bạn ơi cái này sao chỉnh được tui chơi PS1 bản BTN chỉ mình được không bạn
  5. Jenova_vn

    Jenova_vn Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Đơn giản thui , xài gameshark .Nhưng món đó bi giờ mới đi mua thì hơi bị khó tìm. Hỏi thủ mấy cao thủ xem có ai còn dư ko. Để lại 1 cái cho bạn dùng >:)
  6. Heinekenz

    Heinekenz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    Bạn oi cái này là xài xái cục gắn sau lưng máy màu xanh đó. Hình như muốn có bạn phải ra 96 paster sài gòn mà mua mới có 100% có hết tất những gì bạn cần đó. Web code nè muốn thì tự tìm hiễu nha

    Quên còn 1 phần code nữa:
    30074302 00FF Chicken 1 has 10 Hearts
    300743B6 00FF Chicken 2 has 10 Hearts
    3007446A 00FF Chicken 3 has 10 Hearts
    3007451E 00FF Chicken 4 has 10 Hearts
    300745D2 00FF Chicken 5 has 10 Hearts
    30074686 00FF Chicken 6 has 10 Hearts
    3007473A 00FF Chicken 7 has 10 Hearts
    300747EE 00FF Chicken 8 has 10 Hearts
    300748A2 00FF Chicken 9 has 10 Hearts
    30074956 00FF Chicken 10 has 10 Hearts

    30074A0A 00FF Barn Animal 1 has 10 Hearts
    30074AC2 00FF Barn Animal 2 has 10 Hearts
    30074B7A 00FF Barn Animal 3 has 10 Hearts
    30074C32 00FF Barn Animal 4 has 10 Hearts
    30074CEA 00FF Barn Animal 5 has 10 Hearts
    30074DA2 00FF Barn Animal 6 has 10 Hearts
    30074E5A 00FF Barn Animal 7 has 10 Hearts
    30074F12 00FF Barn Animal 8 has 10 Hearts
    30074FCA 00FF Barn Animal 9 has 10 Hearts
    30075082 00FF Barn Animal 10 has 10 Hearts
    3007513A 00FF Barn Animal 11 has 10 Hearts
    300751F2 00FF Barn Animal 12 has 10 Hearts
    300752AA 00FF Barn Animal 13 has 10 Hearts
    30075362 00FF Barn Animal 14 has 10 Hearts
    3007541A 00FF Barn Animal 15 has 10 Hearts
    300754D2 00FF Barn Animal 16 has 10 Hearts
    3007558A 00FF Barn Animal 17 has 10 Hearts
    30075642 00FF Barn Animal 18 has 10 Hearts
    300756FA 00FF Barn Animal 19 has 10 Hearts
    300757B2 00FF Barn Animal 20 has 10 Hearts

    300759FA 00FF Dog has 10 Hearts
    30075AEA 00FF Horse has 10 Hearts

    300712F8 0001 Barn Feed Bin 1 Full
    300712F9 0001 Barn Feed Bin 2 Full
    300712FA 0001 Barn Feed Bin 3 Full
    300712FB 0001 Barn Feed Bin 4 Full
    300712FC 0001 Barn Feed Bin 5 Full
    300712FD 0001 Barn Feed Bin 6 Full
    300712FE 0001 Barn Feed Bin 7 Full
    300712FF 0001 Barn Feed Bin 8 Full
    30071300 0001 Barn Feed Bin 9 Full
    30071301 0001 Barn Feed Bin 10 Full
    30071302 0001 Barn Feed Bin 11 Full
    30071303 0001 Barn Feed Bin 12 Full
    30071304 0001 Barn Feed Bin 13 Full
    30071305 0001 Barn Feed Bin 14 Full
    30071306 0001 Barn Feed Bin 15 Full
    30071307 0001 Barn Feed Bin 16 Full
    30071308 0001 Barn Feed Bin 17 Full
    30071309 0001 Barn Feed Bin 18 Full
    3007130A 0001 Barn Feed Bin 19 Full
    3007130B 0001 Barn Feed Bin 20 Full

    3007130E 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 1 Full
    3007130F 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 2 Full
    30071310 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 3 Full
    30071311 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 4 Full
    30071312 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 5 Full
    30071313 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 6 Full
    30071314 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 7 Full
    30071315 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 8 Full
    30071316 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 9 Full
    30071317 0001 Chicken Feed Bin 10 Full

    Year 1-2
    800755CC 000? (0-2) (Note 2)

    Season Spring-Winter (Note 2)
    800755CE 000? (0-3)

    Day of Season 1-30 (Note 2)
    800755D0 000? (0-1D)

    Day of Week Sunday-Saturday (Note 2)
    800755D2 000? (0-6)
  7. Heinekenz

    Heinekenz Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Tp.Hồ Chí Minh
    Em là lính mới anh đừng có rầy nha anh! Em có mấy món mà ta chưa biết em tìm ra

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    3.Mayonnaise (S)

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    4.Mayonnaise (M)

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    7.Strawberry Jam

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    8.Grape Jam

    Main Ingredients
    -Wild Grapes

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    9.Miso Soup

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -Green Pepper
    -Sweet Potato
    -Bamboo Shoot
    -Small Fish

    Optional Seasonings
    -Soy Sauce

    Optional Utensils

    10.Apple Jam

    Main Ingredients
    -Apple or SUGDW Apple

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -SUGDW Apple

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils
    -Rolling Pin

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings
    -Soy Sauce

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    13.Hot Milk

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    14.Fruit Juice

    Main Ingredients
    -Apple, SUGDW Apple, Pineapple, Strawberry or Wild Grapes

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -SUGDW Apple
    -Grape Juice
    -Wild Grapes

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils
    -Frying Pan

    Optional Ingredients
    -Poisonous Mushroom
    -Spa-boiled Egg
    -Boiled Egg
    -Small Fish
    -Large Fish
    -Green Pepper
    -Sweet Potato
    -Medium Fish

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    16.Pickled Turnips

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings
    -Soy Sauce

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    18.Boiled Egg

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    19.Tomato Juice

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    20.Vegetable Juice

    Main Ingredients
    -Cabbage, Cucumber or Carrot

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -Bamboo Shoot
    -Green Pepper

    Optional Seasonings
    -Soy Sauce

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients
    -Cabbage, Cucumber, Carrot or Tomato

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -Green Pepper
    -SUGDW Apple
    -Boiled Egg

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    22.Strawberry Milk

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    23.French Fries

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils
    -Frying Pan

    Optional Ingredients

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils


    24.Ice Cream

    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -SUGDW Apple
    -Wild Grapes

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils



    Main Ingredients

    Main Seasonings

    Main Utensils

    Optional Ingredients
    -Chocolate (yep...)
    -Grape Juice
    -Vegetable Juice
    -Green Pepper
    -Wild Grapes
    -Boiled Egg
    -SUGDW Apple
    -Bamboo Shoot
    -Spa-boiled Egg
    -Small Fish
    -Medium Fish
    -Sweet Potato
    -Large Fish

    Optional Seasonings

    Optional Utensils
  8. Shirogane

    Shirogane Dolce Far Niente Moderator ➹ Marksman ➹ Lão Làng GVN

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    1. Cái này hình như copy nguyên của hướng dẫn trên Gamefaqs, còn nguyên tiếng Anh kìa :D
    2. Mấy món đó cũ rồi, còn thiếu tùm lum nữa
    ---> Lock topic lại đi, sis Alicia hay Hiếu ơi ^^
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