
Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi 8490, 10/1/07.

  1. 8490

    8490 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HaNoi---> Sydney
    Cho hỏi cheat của Never winter night la` gì hả mấy bạn (bản đầu tiên)
  2. Rubedo

    Rubedo Mega Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    Neverwinter Nights
    By Darklord
    [email protected]
    Note: This procedure involves editing a game file; 
    create a backup copy of the file before proceeding. 
    Use a text editor to edit the "nwn.ini" file in the 
    game folder. Add the following line under the "Game 
    Options" section: 
    Debug Mode=1 
    Then, press ~ during game play and type DebugMode 1 
    (case sensitive) to enable cheat mode. Then, press ~ 
    again and press [Tab] to view the debug commands. Press 
    [Tab] to scroll through the commands. Enter one of the 
    following case-sensitive codes to activate the corresponding 
    cheat function. The message "Success" will confirm correct 
    code entry. If the message "Entered Target Mode" appears, 
    click on the desired character to apply the cheat. 
    Note: If you alter your character, load the "nwnplayer.ini" 
    file in the game folder and set the following lines in order 
    to continue past the module you are currently on: 
    Single Player Enforce Legal Characters=0
    Single Player ItemLevelRestrictions=0
    Submitted by: Gareth Homewood
    To enable Neverwinter Nights cheats, you will need to hit the 
    tilde (Shift + ~) key and type in "DebugMode 1" (case sensitive). 
    Then hit the (Shift + ~) key again and press [TAB]. This should 
    show you a list of the different functions available. 
    Hit [TAB] again to scroll down the list. 
    NOTE: All Neverwinter Nights codes are case sensitive. 
    dm_god        - God Mode 
    dm_givegold X - Give Gold Amount X
    GetLevel X    - Adds X # of Levels to Your Char 
    SetCON X      - Set Constitution to X
    SetWIS X      - Set Wisdom to X
    SetINT X      - Set Intelligence to X
    SetSTR X      - Set Strength to X
    SetCHA X      - Set Charisma to X 
    SetDEX X      - Set Dexterity to X 
    NOTE: On some of the Neverwinter Nights cheats, it will 
    simply give you a message saying "success" after you type 
    the code and press [ENTER]. Other ones, such as the SetCHA 
    will say "Entered Target Mode". You must click on your 
    character to enable the changes to your character. Check 
    out the Neverwinter Nights in-game listing, since it 
    contains a whole bunch of different functions. 
    To use a command line action, you can bring up the console 
    using the tilde key. You can also enter console commands 
    into the chat widow by prefacing them with a double pound "##".
    ModAge #
    ModAttackBase #
    ModSTR #
    ModDEX #
    ModCON #
    ModINT #
    ModWIS #
    ModCHA #
    ModSpellResistance #
    SetAge #
    SetAttackBase #
    SetSpellResistance #
    GiveXP #
    GiveLevel #
    runscript NAME
    Loot trick:
    Submitted by: arun prakash,
    Before opening the larger chests that are often trapped 
    and locked, you can quicksave your game. Nearly always, 
    the contents of these chests are random, with items within 
    being chosen from a random table comprised of items of 
    relatively equal value. Thus, a particular chest may always 
    contain a powerful magic item, with different items to choose 
    from each time you reload and reopen the chest.
    Easy gold:
    Submitted by: Dj Simo
    When you begin a new game, you can sell your class suit for 1gp, 
    and you can buy it for 0gp, so if you buy and sell it over and over 
    again you can get unlimited amounts of gold.
    Choose your treasure:
    Submitted by: Dj Simo
    Save right before opening trapped chests, because the game randomizes 
    the contents. If you get something uselss, reload the game for a 
    possibility of something better. 
    Your own personal vault:
    Submitted by: Dj Simo
    If you don't mind playing with the level editor, you can make your 
    own personal equipment shack. Just fire up the Aurora Toolset, build 
    a room, and drop in as much equipment as you like. Then start a new 
    character in that module, export it (click "Save Character"), and 
    start a new campaign game with the save character.
    Extra violence level option:
    Submitted by: Dj Simo
    To turn on an extra level of violence, open the nwnplayer.ini file 
    and change Memory Level=1 to Memory Level=2 and Memory Access=1 to 
    Memory Access=2. Save the file and start the game. You will see a 
    new violence level under the 'Game Settings' tab called "Special" 
    and it should be already selected
    Submitted by: R Satterfield 
    E-mail: [email protected]
    When you plan on receiving something experience and/or gold in 
    return for an item such as a head of a players enemy or any other item, 
    stand next to that person and pause the game. Then talk to the person 
    and give them the item they want. you will receive experience and/or 
    gold but you will not lose the item until you unpause the game. 
    You can keep on giving the person the item and receiving experience/gold 
    until you unpause the game. 
    Unlimited Money & Xp:
    Submitted by: Rade
    To unlimited money and experience pause the game and hand 
    a item which someone wants and you'll get experience or 
    money. Then keep handing it to then when you are happy 
    with the results un-pause the game.
    Submitted by: patrick bateman 
    [email protected]
    This cheat requires some knowledge of the aurora toolset, open it up, make 
    a new module etc, similar to that of that other guy further up the page, 
    create a charecter, make them a defender and watever else u want to, then 
    edit ther charecter conversation, and make them say anything, select what 
    they say, then in the bottom right of the conversation screen, select the 
    actions taken sub-menu and then use click the small button with a red hat 
    on it, and it should bring up a menu of actions that can be done, select 
    give rewards, then check the box give xp, and give gold, and put in 
    9999999999999 into each box, low and behold, you are level 20, with 
    lots of gold!!!
    im coming to that now, open up the item wizard, and create a weapon of any 
    type u want, i would suggest against a ranged weapon though, as they kinda 
    ****, edit the item properties and go to the abilities sub menu, and theres 
    all the possible abilities the item can use, you can put as many of them as 
    you want, and for stuff like AC bonus and 
    magic defence, you can select the ability and click the properties button/
    double click the ability, and you can change the resistance/AC to the maximum 
    value. so, you can put on it 100% immunity to spells of level 0-9, no magic 
    can damage you! and u can also immunify yourself to all forms of combat 
    damage, and give your weapon cool looks with attack types, i prefer lightning 
    ability, as it looks amazing, but some of the other abilities overwrite it, 
    so you should look at the effect of each ability on the look of your weapon. 
    and then take it off and look at another, choose whichever you like best. 
    assigning spells to the weapons doesnt seem to work. but oh well, paste the 
    item into the area when your done. then take your charecter into the module 
    and collect your bounty, oh and, if that amount of money isnt enough for you, 
    you can paste more of the weapon into the map, and sell sell sell for $$$ 
    happy happy happy!! and, you can double up the weapon if its a one hander! 
    i occasionally run a module called money money money and stuff on the 
    multiplayer server, you can get full cash and level 20 there, and also 
    amazing swords and other equipment, join that game if you want amazing 
    stuff and no hassle of making the module yourself
    Submitted by: Neo
    dmgod    - God mode
    dmgoldX  - Give the x amount of coins
  3. 8490

    8490 Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Nơi ở:
    HaNoi---> Sydney
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