Age of Empires 2 - The Age of Kings Mã: Press ENTER while you are playing, it will open the chat window, then type one of the following codes: Code Result --------------------------------- NO FOG - turns off Fog of War POLO - Remove Fog MARCO - Reveal Map AEGIS - Immidiate Building ROCK ON - 1000 Stone LUMBERJACK - 1000 Wood ROBIN HOOD - 1000 Gold CHEESE STEAK JIMMY'S - 1000 Food NATURAL WONDERS - Control Nature RESIGN - Defeat yourself WIMPYWIMPYWIMPY - Destroy yourself I LOVE THE MONKEY HEAD - Gives a VDML HOW DO YOU TURN THIS ON - Gives a 'cobra' car TORPEDOx - Kills opponent x (where x is the opponent number) TO SMITHEREENS - Gives a saboteur BLACK DEATH - Destroying all the enemies I R WINNER - Victory helloknight - palladin health increases to 192(only in franks) Age of Empires 2 - The Conquerors Mã: Hit ENTER during the game, and enter the following: Result Code ------------------------------------------ 1000 food - cheese steak jimmy's 1000 gold - robin hood 1000 stone - rock on 1000 wood - lumberjack Cobra car - how do you turn this on Control nature - natural wonders Destroy all opponents - black death Fast building - aegis Flying dogs - woof woof Full map - marco Instant loss - resign Instant victory - i r winner Kill Opponent 1 - torpedo1 Kill Opponent 2 - torpedo2 Kill Opponent 3 - torpedo3 Kill Opponent 4 - torpedo4 Kill Opponent 5 - torpedo5 Kill Opponent 6 - torpedo6 Kill Opponent 7 - torpedo7 Kill Opponent 8 - torpedo8 Little monkey - furious the monkey boy No fog of war - polo Saboteur unit - to smithereens Suicide - wimpywimpywimpy Tall, fast moving, useless villager - i love the monkey head aegis - your buildings will be constructed in one touch