may anh oi!!!! giup em

Thảo luận trong 'Cheat Code - Hints - Secrets' bắt đầu bởi sikobio, 13/3/07.

  1. sikobio

    sikobio Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    cho em xin cheat code cua pọkemon ruby di tat ca cac cheat luon.CAM ON nhieu` lem' :p :p
  2. Ryu Branstein

    Ryu Branstein Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
    Bài viết:
    Chịu khó tự dịch nha:
    Warning: you have to do this after you defet the pokmon leage and
    u should have an mach bike. Ffirst thing you do is that you surf
    right from pacificlog town. After that you should find 2 rocks that
    you can go through. Then you find a cave, you go up and you will
    find a building. You have to really handle it, Raquaza is level
    70 so watch out.

    Train a Nincada to level 20 with at least one pokeball and
    no more then 5 pokemon in your party. After Nincada hits
    level 20 it evolves into Ninjask but in your empty space
    you will also have a Shedinja.

    Uncatchable pokemon list
    203 - Bulbasaur
    204 - Ivysaur
    205 - Venusaur
    206 - Charmander
    207 - Charmeleon
    208 - Charizard
    209 - Squirtle
    210 - Wartortle
    211 - Blastoise
    212 - Caterpie
    213 - Metapod
    214 - Butterfree
    215 - Weedle
    216 - Kakuna
    217 - Beedrill
    218 - Pidgey
    219 - Pidgeotto
    220 - Pidgeot
    221 - Rattata
    222 - Raticate
    223 - Spearow
    224 - Fearow
    225 - Ekans
    226 - Arbok
    227 - Nidoran [Female]
    228 - Nidorina
    229 - Nidoqueen
    230 - Nidoran [Male]
    231 - Nidorino
    232 - Nidoking
    233 - Clefairy
    234 - Clefable
    235 - Paras
    236 - Parasect
    237 - Venonat
    238 - Venomoth
    239 - Diglett
    240 - Dugtrio
    241 - Meowth
    242 - Persian
    243 - Mankey
    244 - Primeape
    245 - Growlithe
    246 - Arcanine
    247 - Poliwag
    248 - Poliwhirl
    249 - Poliwrath
    250 - Bellsprout
    251 - Weepinbell
    252 - Victreebel
    253 - Ponyta
    254 - Rapidash
    255 - Slowpoke
    256 - Slowbro
    257 - Farfetch'd
    258 - Seel
    259 - Dewgong
    260 - Shellder
    261 - Cloyster
    262 - Gastly
    263 - Haunter
    264 - Gengar
    265 - Onix
    266 - Drowzee
    267 - Hypno
    268 - Krabby
    269 - Kingler
    270 - Exeggcute
    271 - Exeggutor
    272 - Cubone
    273 - Marowak
    274 - Hitmonlee
    275 - Hitmonchan
    276 - Lickitung
    277 - Chansey
    278 - Tangela
    279 - Kangaskhan
    280 - Mr Mime
    281 - Scyther
    282 - Jynx
    283 - Electabuzz
    284 - Magmar
    285 - Tauros
    286 - Lapras
    287 - Ditto
    288 - Eevee
    289 - Vaporeon
    290 - Jolteon
    291 - Flareon
    292 - Porygon
    293 - Omanyte
    294 - Omastar
    295 - Kabuto
    296 - Kabutops
    297 - Aerodactyl
    298 - Snorlax
    299 - Articuno
    300 - Zapdos
    301 - Moltres
    302 - Dratini
    303 - Dragonair
    304 - Dragonite
    305 - Mewtwo
    306 - Mew
    307 - Chikorita
    308 - Bayleef
    309 - Meganium
    310 - Cyndaquil
    311 - Quilava
    312 - Typhlosion
    313 - Totodile
    314 - Croconaw
    315 - Feraligatr
    316 - Sentret
    317 - Furret
    318 - Hoothoot
    319 - Noctowl
    320 - Ledyba
    321 - Ledian
    322 - Spinarak
    323 - Ariados
    324 - Cleffa
    325 - Togepi
    326 - Togetic
    327 - Mareep
    328 - Flaaffy
    329 - Ampharos
    330 - Sudowoodo
    331 - Politoed
    332 - Hoppip
    333 - Skiploom
    334 - Jumpluff
    335 - Aipom
    336 - Sunkern
    337 - Sunflora
    338 - Yanma
    339 - Wooper
    340 - Quagsire
    341 - Espeon
    342 - Umbreon
    343 - Murkrow
    344 - Slowking
    345 - Misdreavus
    346 - Unown
    347 - Pineco
    348 - Forretress
    349 - Dunsparce
    350 - Gligar
    351 - Steelix
    352 - Snubbull
    353 - Granbull
    354 - Qwilfish
    355 - Scizor
    356 - Shuckle
    357 - Sneasel
    358 - Teddiursa
    359 - Ursaring
    360 - Swinub
    361 - Piloswine
    362 - Remoraid
    363 - Octillery
    364 - Delibird
    365 - Mantine
    366 - Houndour
    367 - Houndoom
    368 - Porygon 2
    369 - Stantler
    370 - Smeargle
    371 - Tyrogue
    372 - Hitmontop
    373 - Smoochum
    374 - Elekid
    375 - Magby
    376 - Miltank
    377 - Blissey
    378 - Raikou
    379 - Entei
    380 - Suicune

    Lottery Prizes:
    Action - Result:
    Match all the numbers - Master ball
    Match 4 numbers - Max revive
    Match 3 numbers - Exp. share
    Match 2 numbers - PP up

    Pokemon bases:
    Find rocks or trees with designs on them. Click on them
    and you can make a little pokemon base and decorate it
    with your items.

    How to get Shedinja:
    Train an Anicadia to level 20 with macho brace. Leave the sixth
    space open and when you look in your party you will see a Shedinja.

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