The Last Blade 2

Thảo luận trong 'Fighting Game Club' bắt đầu bởi Akari Ichijo, 2/5/07.

  1. Akari Ichijo

    Akari Ichijo Youtube Master Race

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    Triple slash: QCB + A/B [Super Cancel]
    This move is a fairly decent move. It doesn't work as a suprise or
    counter move, but the light one can link into combos and supers.
    It can be used to confuse players who don't know it hits three times

    Lightning slash: QCF + A/B
    Shoots a lightning bolt across the ground. Deals a bit of damage,
    but it's so low that it's very easy to jump over.

    Air Lightning slash: (air) QCF + A/B
    Same as above but done in the air and shoots diagonally down.
    The light one just goes down, but the heavy one stops Kaede and
    it goes a much longer distance. This is great to keep people at bay
    and to build up your super meter doing such.

    Lighting Uppercut: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    Kaede slashes upwards and zaps the enemy. A great defense move
    against people who love to jump and links into combos well.
    +-> (Follow up): Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    A simple second swing adds to the damage dealt by this attack.
    Hard to link an ender onto this though.

    Roll: QCB + C
    Kaede rolls forwards. This... uh... doesn't have too much use,
    Outside of getting out of a few corners.

    Instant Combo: HCF + C [Super Cancel!]
    A GREAT move! Not only is this unblockable (it's only throw
    range though) but from it you can link 3 different
    supers. Some modes don't allow certain ones to work, but
    you get the basic idea. This one requires a deal of timing
    to get off, so practice and you'll get the idea.
    +-> (Follow Ups) : See Super Sword, Lightning Crash, Dragon Crash, or
    Lightning Uppercut

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Super Sword: QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    A powerful super that can do a lot of damage. It links into
    a lot, but normally it's fairly easy to block and does NOT
    hit people out of the air. Sucks right? Well just save it
    for combos then.

    Lightning Crash: QCB DnBk F + AB [Super]
    Now this is more like it. This super creates several shots of
    lightning that can't be jumped at all. This is a GREAT way
    to deal with people who like to jump a lot. It does a decent
    amount of damage if all hit, but usually only a few do, so
    damage generally isn't that high.

    Lightning Dragon Sword: QCF QCF + B [Double Super]
    This super has Kaede stab forwards just a little. If this hits,
    he goes into a massive Uppercut that shoots a huge dragon
    upwards. It doesn't do a lot of damage, nor is it easy at all
    to hit with, but it's a nice one, none the less.

    Dragon Crash: QCB DnBk F + B [Double Super]
    A much more powerful version of the Lightning crash, several
    lightning dragons shoot up and down, and they juggle the enemy
    if they hit... It hits a max of 5 times for almost a full
    life bar. This is best if linked into the Instant Combo.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Lightning Uppercut (FU) -> E
    | +-> Triple slash(A) +-> E
    | | :2 +=> Super Sword -> E [!P**]
    | +-> Lightning Slash(A)
    | +=> Lightning Dragon Sword [!!P**]
    +-> Fw + C +=> Lightning Crash [!]
    +=> Dragon Crash [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Lightning Uppercut (FU) -> E
    +-> Triple slash(A):2 +-> E
    +-> Lightning Slash
    +=> Lightning Dragon Sword [!!Ex]
    Triple slash(B):2 +=> Super Sword [!P/Ex]
    +=> Lightning Crash [!P/Ex]
    Instant Combo +=> Lightning Crash [!]
    +=> Dragon Crash [!!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Sword [!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Speed Combo [!S]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> L.Crash [!?]
    -=> D.Crash [!@#]
    -=> S.Sword [!?]

    Most Powerful move: 10 Hit Lightning Dragon Sword - 149 damage
    JI + B -> B -> Lightning Dragon Sword [!!P]

    Preferred Mode: Power, by far. His combos are much better in
    power mode, and he should be played more technical than just
    combo happy.

    Strategies: Use the Air Lightning slash all the time! Use the
    uppercut for defense, and use the Instant combo instead of
    throwing. Follow that up with an uppercut for a lot of damage.
    Don't use the Lightning Dragon Sword unless in a combo or you
    have a good shot... the general Crash supers aren't very
    powerful but hit all over the place.



    Triple/Quad Slash: QCF + A/B * 3/4 [Super Cancel]
    This starts as a quick slash forward. The light one will hit 3 times,
    and the heavy 4.
    +-> (Follow up) : See Moon Slasher
    After doing one or two of the swings, you can link in the Moon Slasher
    to this instead of the last hits.

    Quick Slasher: QCB + A/B/C
    Played Yamazaki? Same thing. Each button makes him swing his
    sword at a different angle. A is high, C is low. If you hold
    it down, he'll flash after a while. At this point, when you
    release it will swing twice. If you hold it down until it
    releases manually, it will swing 3 times.
    +-> (Follow up) : A/B/C
    This simply readies another swing. You have to hold the
    button down until he turns away a bit, then you can
    release it and follow up again. The C version of the follow
    up does not seem to be able to be followed up on.

    Moon Slasher: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    The moon slasher creates the image of a moon. This is basically
    an uppercut. It works as a decent air defense, and the light
    one does a great counter.
    +-> (Follow up) : Fw Dn DnFw + B
    This only works if the first one was done with A and you are
    in speed mode. Adds a second swing to it, looks cools.

    Teleporter: Bk DnBk Dn + A/B/C
    This teleports Moriya somewhere on the screen, depending on the
    button. A backs you up a bit, but is more of a fake. B teleports
    you right in front of the enemy. C teleports you behind him.
    There's a lot of lag time on this so it's hard to suprise
    +-> (Follow up) : A/B/C
    Hitting a button quickly after doing the teleport lets Moriya
    ready a quick slasher right away. Very useful, the C version
    still hits low so it's good for a suprize.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Multi Slasher: Fw HCF + AB [Super]
    This is basically the Quick Slasher, but 16 of them. You can hold
    down the buttons to delay it (useful some times). It doesn't
    do massive damage, but it's a lot of fun in combos!

    Combo Rusher: Fw HCF + B [Double Super]
    Moriya dashes across the screen and makes a fast swing. If this
    hits, he goes into a combo for 11 hits. Not bad, but not
    incredibly useful altogether.

    JI + B +-> B +-> Moon Slasher(A)(FU) -> E
    | +-> Triple Slash *2 +-> Moon Slasher(A)(FU) -> E [*]
    | | +=> Multi Slasher -> E [!P**]
    | +-> Triple Slash -> Quick Slasher
    | +=> Combo Rusher [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> B + C -> Quick Slasher(B)
    +-> Moon Slasher(A)(FU) -> E
    +-> Triple Slash *2 +-> MoonSlasher(A)(FU) -> E
    | +-> Quick Slasher
    +=> Multi Slasher -> E [!]
    +=> Combo Rusher [!!Ex]
    Quad Slash *4 => Multi Slasher [!P/Ex]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B A -> QCF + C
    +-> Dn + C A +-> Fw + BC -> A B -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> M.Slasher [!?]
    -=> Combo Rusher [!@#Ex]

    Most Powerful move: 21 Hit QuadSlash into Multi Slash - 170 Damage
    Quad Slash *4 => Multi Slasher => E

    Preferred Mode: Power! Really he's good in either mode, but in power
    he can link in his double super really nicely to cause serious
    pain. Wee!

    Strategies: Use the Quick slasher a LOT. This is good to keep the
    enemy away. Don't forget the C version, which hits low. Use
    the moon slasher for air defense. Try to stay away from using the
    teleport too much, it leaves you open. The Alternate Super Combo
    is a lot more powerful than the normal one, so learn that one
    instead. Use the Multi Slasher when in critical life to block
    damage cheese to death! Er... well... if that's what your after.



    Dashing Slash: Dn DnBk Bk + A/B [Super Cancel]
    This causes Yuki to dash across the screen and slash the enemy for a good
    amount of damage. Although the heavy one is usually too slow
    to combo into ANYTHING, the light version is easy to combo in and end
    with a super cancel. (you'll have to do it early in the hit or it won't
    cancel right)

    Ice Bolt: Dn DnFw Fw + A/B
    Yuki shoots a bolt of ice across the screen. A decent projectile, but
    it takes a while to get off. Use this to keep enemies away (use the
    slower moving one, it hits more).

    Ice Uppercut : Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    Yuki slashes upwards and shoots ice along with it. This is a basic air
    defense move... however it's pretty darn slow to get off. Use the light
    one always in power mode, as the heavy version will hardly, if ever,
    get off in time to be really useful.

    Ice Wall : HCF + C
    This causes Yuki to make a small shield of ice with her pike (or whatever
    it is). This deflects projectiles and people too sometimes. Use it if you
    see a slow moving projectile coming at you.

    Instant Combo : HCB + C
    Stealing an idea from Kaede eh... well anyway, Yuki's Instant combo is
    MUCH more powerful than Kaede's little piffle damage one. However,
    not much links out of this. A trick is to do her Whirlwind super
    after this instead of following up, and if you're lucky the enemy will
    stand up right next to you, and thus get hit by the whirlwind.
    +-> (Follow up) : See Ice Uppercut

    Enders: C, DnFw + B
    Yuki's DnFw + B can be held to make her spin her spear. However this is
    pretty worthless outside of looking cool.

    Big Ice Stab : QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    Yuki does a large icey stab forwards. This itself does little damage, and
    is best if worked into a combo. However...
    +-> {Follow up} : Tap A a lot
    Yuki extends the drilling effect a bit longer and does 3 more hits, which
    does a good increase in damage. This makes this super much more effective.
    You'll need to start tapping A as soon as you do the stab and just keep
    tapping it. You need to tap fairly quickly too.

    Whirl Wind : QCB DnBk Fw + B [Double Super]
    Yuki spins her spear above her head and a whirl of air appears around her.
    if anyone jumps or walks into the whirlwind, they are sucked up and
    hit for some massive damage. It works like Orochi's soul ripping thing
    from KOF97, as it pulls the enemy towards it. Use it while CLOSE to
    the enemy so they don't have time to react to it (hence get hit by it).


    JI + B +-> B +-> Ice Bolt(B)
    | +-> Dashing Slash(A) => Big Ice Stab (FU)[!P]
    | +-> Ice Uppercut(A) -> E
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Ice Bolt(B)
    +-> Dashing Slash(A) +=> Big Ice Stab (FU)[!Ex]
    +-> Ice Uppercut
    +=> Big Ice Stab [!]
    Instant Combo -> Ice Uppercut(A) -> E

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -> Ice Upper(B) ->E

    Note- Neither of Yuki's supers work well with the SSC launcher. Her Ice
    Uppercut is probably the best thing she can link.

    Most Powerful Move : 11 Hit Super Power Combo - 155 damage
    JI + B -> B -> Dashing Slash(A) => Big Ice Stab (FU)

    Preferred Mode: Power, no doubt. First of all, she sucks totally in speed
    mode. All her moves are weak, she doesn't have her great Whirl Wind,
    and her combos are worse in speed mode than in power mode.

    Strategies: Throw ice bolts a lot. They are good for keeping the enemy
    away and for block damage. Use the dashing slash for a good amount of
    damage. Her Unblockable is decent but not very good ranged... Use her
    Instant Combo instead of throwing, and follow up with a Whirl Wind if
    you have the ability to use one. If not, just follow with a light Ice
    uppercut. Use the Ice uppercut to block incoming jumpers, although
    be careful of its nasty lag time.



    Sword Slash : QCF + A/B [Super Cancel]
    An overhead slash... pretty simple and not too effective altogether.
    The light version hits fast but is very hard to super cancel out of
    (you REALLY have to have the super go off right away), and the
    heavy version is slow and hard to hit with, but very easy to super
    cancel out of.

    Uppercut : Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    A simple uppercut slash that makes for decent air defense. The light
    one simply goes up, while the heavy one goes forwards a bit then
    slashes upwards, making it worse than the light one for air defense
    in general.

    Huge Slash : QCB + B
    Setsuna makes a massive horizontal swing and flies forward quite a bit.
    This is a great move because it's fast and very strong, and works into
    any combo. Don't use this just to attack people, but use it to counter
    stuff and combos.

    Lightning Defense : HCB + C
    Setsuna holds up his sword and lightning shoots through him. This allows
    him to be able to take a hit and not be knocked out of what he's doing.
    This means if he's doing a super and gets hit, he still does the super.
    Nice hm?
    +-> (Follow up) : See Stunner

    Stunner : HCF + C
    This can only be used after the Lightning Defence.
    Basically this takes that one hit from the lightning defense and shoots it
    out of Setsuna's fist. And enemy who gets hit with this becomes stunned
    and is open to a super or whatever else. Not as useful as it sounds.

    Air Grab : Fw Dn DnFw + C
    Setsuna grabs upwards into the air. If he catches the enemy, he slams them
    into the ground for a bit of damage. Great air defense I might add. Use
    this after hitting with a heavy Sword slash if you don't have a super ready.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Super Slasher : QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    Just like in the Sword Slash, Setsuna does a large overhead slash.
    However, this one is massive and very fast. You can hold AB down
    to delay the swing, which is somewhat useful for timing things,
    especially if Super Canceling from the heavy sword slash.

    Super Lighting Defence : HCB HCB + B [Double Super]
    Like in the Lightning Defence, Setsuna holds up his sword and lighting
    shoots around him. However, this time it's massive, like what Kaede did
    in the first game when he transformed, except this time it does some
    serious damage (I mean like 80+ damage). This time, Setuna cannot be
    knocked out of anything for around 10 seconds, hit or not hit.
    +-> (Follow up) : See Supreme Death

    Supreme Death : QCB HCF + AB
    This can only be used after the Super Lightning Defence
    Setsuna thrusts his hand forward and if he hits, the enemy is caught
    in a plane of glass, which Setsuna scrapes with his fingers, then rips
    out the persons soul, jumps back, and crushes it, sending absolutley
    massive amounts of blood out of the enemy. This hurts, by the way.
    If you get this off during a match, say goodnight to the enemy.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Sword Slash(A) => Super Slasher
    | +-> Huge Slash(A) -> E
    | +-> Uppercut
    | +=> Super Slasher -> E
    +-> Fw + C => Supream Death [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Sword Slash(A)
    +-> Huge Slash
    +-> Uppercut
    +=> Super Slasher -> E
    Stunner +-> Sword Slash(B) +-> Air Grab -> E
    | +=> Super Slasher -> E [!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Speed Combo [!S]

    Fw + C => Supream Death [!!P]

    S.Lit.Def. -> Stunner * 4 +-> JI + B -> B(2) -> Sw.Slash(A) => S.Slasher -> E
    | [!!P/Ex]
    +-> Super Speed Combo [!@#Ex]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C +-> BC -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Super Slasher ->E [!?]
    -=> SupreamDeath [!@#]

    Most Powerful Move: Setsuna-Ultimate-Cheese-Magnum-Combo - 180 (386) damage
    S.Lit.Def. -> Stunner * 4 -> JI + B -> B(2) -> Sw.Slash(A) => S.Slasher -> E

    Notes on the Ultimate-Cheese-Magnum-Combo-
    This combo requires your life bar be flashing and you have a full super bar.
    First, you must do the Super Lightning Defence and then QUICKLY run to the
    enemy and do 4, yes 4, Stunners. It's very hard?to do this, and most likely
    you will want to shoot for just 3 instead. Then you have to jump up and
    maybe forward a bit and do a JI + B. Then, you can hit B and let it hit
    either 1 or 2 times. It's much easier on the first hit, trust me.
    Then, the Sw.Slasher combos in and you must link the Super Slash into the
    2nd or 3rd hit of the Sw.Slash, or it will not combo.
    This combo is fairly hard but good god is it scary to have done to you.

    Note- It is possible to link the Supream Death into the combo,
    it's extreamly difficult though. However, it's probably more
    likely to hit than just using it normaly.

    Preferred Mode: Who knows? In Power mode he's got great power...
    But in speed mode he's got a lot of really painful combos. It's
    really up to the player. Maybe a candidate for EX mode eh?

    Strategies: First of all, realize his Jump In and Standing Fierce
    both hit Twice. This means to get the max number of hits you'll have
    to hit with both hits jumping in and standing. This takes practice,
    and don't get frustrated if you can't, just deal with a few less
    Anyway, use his Lightning Defense a lot! It's useful. Also use his air
    grabber, which is a great defensive move. His sword slashers are decent
    but don't over use them. His Unblockable is a great attack, since
    it has good range. His Huge slash is also a good move, so use it.
    But most of all, focus on combos. Even in Power mode Setsuna is a
    God at comboing things, and it shows on many frustrated players.



    Card Zap: Bk + B
    A simple, quick fierce attack that shocks the opponant. Not sure if there's
    anything that can be done with this.

    Pounce: Dn + C (in air)
    Akari stomps down and knocks the opponant to the ground. Just a little little
    extra. :)

    Mid Air Throw: C + D ( in air)
    Akari makes a grab for the opponant in the air, but usualy misses and fall down. :)

    Upwards Spin : Dn, Up + C
    Akari spins upwards a bit. This can be used for a variety of tricks,
    but it's overall not that useful.
    +-> (Follow up) : Dn Up + C
    | Akari holds her hand up and hits the enemy for a little extra
    | damage. Mostly just for annoying people.

    Demon Fireball : QCF + A/B
    A small fireball flies at the enemy. The B version doesn't go the whole
    way across the screen. You can't air block these for some reason. What
    a friggin pain.

    Demon Bell : HCB + A
    Akari hits her stick to the ground, if it hits (hits low), then a giant
    bell falls on the enemy and burns them. Akari can get caught in it too,
    but doesn't seem to have anything wrong besides being pissed.

    Sleepy Counter: HCB + B
    Akari falls asleep. Yeah. Anyway, if she gets hit while she's asleep,
    she'll do a counter attack for a bit. Use it to ANNOY people.

    Hello: HCB + C
    Akari turns into the person she is fighting, with everything except
    the supers. This lasts until she is hit or after a bit of time.

    Utter Wackyness: Bk Dn DnBk + A/B/C
    Akari holds a charm out. If this hits, the other player's controls
    are messed up a little. Each button affects a different set of controls...
    use to annoy.

    Teleporter: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B/C
    Initialy this apears a very simple move. Akari teleports off the screen and
    then returns. However, this becomes quickly very complicated:

    +-> C Version: Akari teleports directly above the enemy and lands on her rear
    | unless you follow up.
    | +-> A Version:
    | | | Akari teleports and appears off the same side she was on.
    | +-> B Version:
    | | Akari teleports and appears off the opposite side she was on.
    | |
    | | > These next follow ups can be linked into eachother, however you can only
    | | do any of them once in a single use of the teleport.
    | |
    | +-+> (Follow Up): Hold A
    | | | Holding A after doing the move will allow Akari to roll away from where
    | | | she teleported in from, until you release A.
    | +-+> (Follow Up): Hold B
    | | | Holding B will make akari roll away from where she was coming from.
    | +-+> (Follow Up): Hold C
    | | Akari will hold her place on the ground and continue to spin. She can
    | | actualy hit with this.
    | |
    +---->| > After releasing your hold on one of the previous follow ups, akari
    | will rise up from the ground. You must do these follow ups in the split
    | second before she stops spinning and rising.
    | If you are coming in from the C version, you only have a very short time
    | to do the follow up before Akari lands on her back.
    +-> (Follow Up): Up + A
    | Akari rises up into a blue spinning ball, ala Samus, and then falls back
    | down, causes numerous hits.
    +-> (Follow Up): Up + B
    | Akari rises far up and comes down with a mighty pounce.
    +-> (Follow Up): Up + C
    | Not really and attack, Akari simply bounces in the oposite direction
    | she normaly would.
    +-> (Follow Up): Dn + C
    Akari reverses direction quickly and pounces the on the enemy, then
    countinues and bounces off.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Doom Centipede: Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + AB [Super]
    Akari hops and lands a charm at the enemy's feet. If it hits (hits low), then
    the enemy gets caught up in a big long super. It hurts.

    Doom Parade: HCB HCB + B [Double Super]
    Akari throws her little pole thing into the air. If this hits, a parade
    of ... things goes across the screen for a big mess of damage.
    Use this to get those people who enjoy JUMPING all the time.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Demon Bell
    | +-> Demon Fireball
    | +=> Doom Centipede [!P/Ex]
    | +=> Doom Parade [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A +-> Bk + B +-> DnFw + C
    | +-> Fw + C
    | +-> Demon FireBall
    | +=> Doom Centipede [!]
    +-> B +-> Fw + B
    | +-> DnFw + c
    | +-> Fw + C
    | +-> Demon Fireball
    | +=> Doom Centipede
    +-> Dn + B(2)
    +-> Dn + B(1) +-> DnFw + C
    | +-> Bk + B
    | +-> Demon Fireball
    | +=> Doom Centipede
    | +-> Fw + C
    +=> Doom Centipede
    +-> Utter Wackiness

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Doom Centipead [!?]

    Most Powerful Move: 12 Hit Double Super Power Combo - 149 Damage

    Preferred Mode: Speed. Look at the frickin combos man! Virtualy any mash
    of random buttons will result in some nasty kind of combo. I'm sure there's
    probably plenty more where THIS came from!

    Strategies: If your going to play her at all, be annoying. Just do things
    that piss your opponents off so much they lose track of what your doing.
    Use the Hello move a lot if you know how to play the person your enemy
    is playing. The sleepy counter is good for people who like to just run in
    and attack a lot. The teleport is good if the enemy is trying to get
    something off.
    Use the Utter Wackyness move to further annoy the enemy... and most of all,
    just throw fireballs ALLLLLL the time.



    Flamin Whack: QCF + A/B
    Juzoh swings forward and cause a bit of fire to erupt. This is pretty cool
    but only the light one is really effective.

    Sneeze: QCB + C
    He sneezes. Hold down the button to make it do more damage. Why bother?
    Who knows.

    Big Head: Fw Bk Fw + C
    Juzok rears back and gives the enemy a good head butt. This does a good amount
    of damage and it's unblockable. Wohoo. You have to do this move at close range,
    and the speed version is not unblockable.

    Dash (for no reason): QCF + C
    Juzoh turns Red (Unknockdownable) and dashes at the enemy. You can interrupt
    this with some moves, but does not seem to have too much use, as Juzoh still
    can take damage. You can, BTW, link Juzoh's Super Speed Combo out of this.

    Big Stomp: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Juzoh does a stomp to the ground, knocking down the enemy if he's close.
    This has to be blocked low. Only the A version seems to work as the super
    cancel, and only if you're fairly close, and only with the Really Big Stomp.

    Big Throw: HCB + B
    A cool throw. Juzoh throws them into the air. You can then do either follow
    up to inflict some good damage. When you hit them is also important... you
    get more damage if they are down farther on the screen before it hits. Work
    on your timing kids.
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + B
    | | Juzoh gives the enemy a good heavy swing. This does more the later in
    | | the fall the enemy is.
    | +-> (Follow Up): QCF + C
    | A big flaming attack will fly across the screen for yet another hit.
    | Doesn't do that much damage, but every little bit...
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + AB [Super]
    A massive swing that takes a little while to get off. Use this if you get
    an enemy in the throw and you have a super bar.

    Big Counter: HCB + A
    Juzoh grabs the enemy from the air and slams him down, then whacks him away...
    +-> (Follow Up) : HCF + B
    | Juzoh jumps up and down on the enemy a bit, THEN whacks him away.
    +-> (Follow Up) : HCF + A
    | Juzoh slams em around a bit with his bat, then whacks him away unless...
    +-> (Follow Up) : HCB HCB + AB [Super]
    | Juzoh jumps up and down on the enemy a lot, then whacks him away, UNLESS...
    +-> (Follow Up) : QCF + B [Super]
    Juzoh finished with a really bit stomp and jumps away, very happy. Please
    note, this is NOT a double super, you can do it even with only a standard
    power meter!

    Enders: Up + B, Run
    Juzoh can just run across the enemy to deal them an extra hit.

    Real Big Stomp: QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    Juzoh jumps high into the air and causes a giant explosion if he hits the enemy.
    Since Juzoh is Unknockoutable during this move, it has insanely huge priority
    over people who are currently in the air. Use it a lot.

    Real Big Head Banger: QCF QCF + B [Double Super]
    Juzoh slams his head into the enemy, gives em a swing into the air, and then
    creates a nice large explosion that does some heavy damage to the enemy.
    It's not unblockable, so I haven't found any real good use for it yet.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Flamin Whack(A)
    | +-> Big Stomp(A)
    +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Flamin Whack(A)
    +-> Big Stomp(A)

    Big Stomp => Real Big Stomp

    Super Speed Combo:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C +-> BC -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Real Big Stomp

    DnDn+A/B->A B C->Dn+C C->Fw+BC-=>HCB+A->HCF+A-=>HCB HCB+AB-=>QCF+B [!?Ex]
    Note- I put this one here because it's AWESOME. It's probably his most
    powerful combo, doing almost 180 damage. Yes this is possible to do
    during a match, but you need to have the enemy in a corner (maybe not?)
    and be at critical and have a full meter. FUN. :)

    Most Powerful Move: Real Big Head Banger + End : 153 Damage

    Preferred Mode: Well seeing as how BIG juzoh is, power seems best.
    But if your bored you can show off that rediculous combo I have listed
    for Ex mode. :)

    Strategies: Throw a lot. These are the meat of his damage dealing efforts,
    so do them a lot. Use the Dash (for no reason) into a Big Stomp into
    the Real big stomp if you've got a little life to waste (just in case).
    Use the Real Big Stomp a lot when you've got a super bar, or the Real Big
    Swing. Either is great.
    The Big Counter is another good use of the Super bar. If you've got one filled
    and you've got em in the throw anyway, go for it.



    Point of interest: If you hold back when you do Amano's standing B, he wont
    fall over.

    Big Swing: HCB + B (Optional: Hold B)
    Amano swirls his "Stick" around and swings whenever you let up on the button.
    The first thing he says means you can let go. The second means it will do
    more damage. The third means it has become very big and unblockable. The third
    level will also stun the enemy instantly, which means if they were swift enough
    to get hit with it in the first place, they will probably be dead after it's
    over. This move also links into a super, but it wont stun if you do. So you can
    do it once for the stun, then again for the super. Instant death? Maybe so.

    Annoying Dash: Fw DnBk Fw + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Amano dashes across the screen and gives the enemy a good hit to the
    gut. The super is hard to do off this.

    Fast Whacking: Tap A lots
    Amano just whacks at the enemy for a bit. Nothing real special but BOY
    is it annoying.
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + B
    Amano finishes with quick twirl of his weapon and jams it into the enemy.
    It's not too flashy but it sure is useful, and makes this move a bit
    stronger. Plus this move knocks enemies down so you can often follow up
    on it.

    Bottle hit: QCB + A
    Amano hits the enemy with his Bottle of... whatever. It stuns the enemy
    to let you get in a hit.

    Uppercut: Fw Dn DnFw + C
    A pretty nice uppercut. Amano swings upwards for a good amount of damage.
    Use this as air cover.

    Special Throw : QCF QCF + C
    Please correct me if this is wrong. This is Amano's special throw, where
    he headbutts the enemy repeatedly. It's strong, but it's a little tricky
    to pull off quickly.

    Counter Smack: HCB + C
    Amano starts talking to the enemy, and if he gets hit during this, he gives
    them a good whack. This is very useful because you can link ANYTHING out of it,
    although you'll have to thing fast. Plus it switches sides if you need to do that.

    Ultimate Raz Move: QCF + Start
    You'll know about this one if you've beaten the game with amano before.
    Amano builds his power meter up by 1/2. Cool, but takes a while to get

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Super Swing: HCB HCB + AB [Super]
    Amano swings down and throws... something at the enemy. When it hits the
    ground it explodes and can hit quite a few times.

    Flying Thing: HCB HCB + A/B [Double Super]
    Amano throws out a little... something at the enemy. If it hits, the enemy
    goes flying into the air, back to the ground for a nice explosion and
    a MASSIVE hunk of damage.
    The A version shoots upwards and the B version shoots across.


    B -> Annoying Dash(B) +-> E
    +=> Super Swing [!P/Ex]
    Big Swing(See Note 2) -> Fast Whacking (FU) -> E
    Big Swing(Full Charge) +=> Super Swing [!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Speed Combo

    Counter Smack +-> Fast Whacking(FU)
    +-> Big Swing (No Charge) -> Fast Whacking (FU)
    +-> Annoying Dash(B) +=> Super Swing [!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Swing [!P/Ex]
    +=> Flying Thing -> Uppercut [!!P/Ex] -> E
    +=> Super Speed Combo [!S]

    A -> A -> B -> Annoying Dash(B) +-> E [S/Ex]
    +=> Super Swing [!Ex]
    Flying Thing -> Uppercut [!!P/Ex See Below]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C +-> BC -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -> Uppercut

    Note- I haven't found anything signifigant that works off his
    SSC launcher. Any help?

    Note 2 - This move can link of either the regular version (no charge) or the
    first charge level, between the first and second time he says whatever he does.
    The second charge level knocks the enemy down so you can't link it.

    Flying Thing combo:
    This one requires explanation. When the enemy is first landing from
    the Flying Thing, they can be hit. To make this work, you need
    to be at JUST the right position. The entire screen distance works.
    Hit the enemy with the Flying Thing, then as they are landing,
    do the Uppercut, and follow up with an End. If done right (HARD),
    it will do 180 damage. Ouch.

    Most Powerful Move: Counter into Flying Thing - 180 [244] Damage

    Preferred Mode: Power. You're silly if your try to play him in Speed.
    He totally lacks any speed or any combos in either version, so just
    stick to Power and deal the MASSIVE OH MY GOD damage.

    Strategies: Kill. Amano is powerful, and drunk. Use both to your advantage.
    First of all, use the Dash very often, as it hits out of the air too. Second,
    use the uppercut very often. It is fun. Third, his counter move is very useful.
    Use it a lot if your opponant likes to play on the offensive.



    Slasher: QCF + A/B
    A simple slash forward. A hits high, B hits low. This has serious lag if
    you don't hit the enemy, so watch out.

    Dash Cutter: Fw Dn DnFw + B [Super Cancel]
    Hibiki dashes and cuts the enemy, and ends up behind them. Holding down
    the button delays when she slashes.

    Dodge: AB
    This is a very short dodge, nearly worthless by itself.
    +-> (Follow up) Fw + C
    Hibiki dashes forwards a bit, I haven't found if there is a particular
    reason for this or not.

    Counter Throw: HCF + C
    Hibiki holds her hand out. If she is attacked, she will grab the enemy and
    throw them a bit.
    +-> (Follow up) Fw + C: Hibiki gives the enemy another good slash.
    +-> (Follow up) B + C: Hibiki whaps the enemy with her scabbard.

    Reverse Thrust : Fw Dn DnFw + C
    Hibiki turns around and thrusts her scabbard backwards. This move has
    rediculous lag time, however you can link a lot off of it, but can't be
    linked off of anything.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Super Dash Cutter: Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + AB [Super]
    Just like the Dash cutter, but much faster. When this hits, Hibiki will
    put her sword away very slowly, then the enemy will take the damage they

    Ultimate Slasher: Fw HCF + B [Double Super]
    Hibiki makes a small pink slash. If this hits (It has to be RIGHT in front
    of them), a white line appears over the screen, then Hibiki puts her sword
    away and similar to the Super Dash Cutter, the enemy takes it pretty bad.
    Hard to hit with, however I belive it is unblockable. Maybe use it in place
    of a throw?


    JI + B +-> B +-> Slasher
    | +-> Dash Cutter +=> Super Dash Cutter [!P/Ex]
    +=> Ultimate Slasher [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Slasher
    +-> Dash Cutter +=> Super Dash Cutter [!Ex]
    | +-> Slasher
    +=> Super Dash Cutter [!]
    +=> Ultimate Slasher [!!Ex]
    Reverse Thrust +-> Slasher
    +=> Super Dash Cutter [!]
    +=> Super Speed Combo [!]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> S.D.Cutter [!]

    Note- Hibiki's Double Super will hit if chained on the SSC launcher but
    wont connect for the full super, so it's pretty worthless.

    Most Powerful Move: SSC Launcher Super combo - 140
    DnDn+A/B -> A B C -> Dn + C A C -> Fw + BC => S.D.Cutter [!S]

    Preferred Mode: Up to you. Speed she can deal some okay combos, but in Power
    her Double Super is somewhat useful, as is her Super Cancel. In power she
    is known to all as the Super Cheese because of her standing fierce attack.
    I hate that.

    Strategies: Hit em high, hit em low, just hit em like mad. Use her slasher
    a bit, but whatever you do, just focus on using her standing fierce. That
    Male Offspring of a female Canine is one painful attack.

    Her Double Super sucks unless in a combo. Get over it Garrot.



    Rapid Stab: QCB + A/B, Tap A/B
    This is a series of rapid stabs at the enemy. These are pretty effective
    at pushing enemies away from you, so use it if you are doing a combo that
    is being blocked to get that sucker away from you.

    Ranged Slash: Bk(H), Fw + A/B
    Washizuka slashes out a little blue slash that flies across the screen
    at the enemy. The B version slashes out 2. This is actualy a very useful
    move, since there are two, it can get rid of most other projectiles and
    then score a hit. It's also great for keeping people away from you.

    Upwards Slash: Dn(H), Up + A/B
    A quick upwards slash. This shoots up a sort of Laser Beam upwards that
    hits enemies out of the air. It's fairly ineffective as an air defense,
    unless you play him like Guile (lamer). Used in a combo it's fairly

    Dash Attack: Bk(H), Fw + C
    Washizuka dashes forwards a bit and runs into the enemy. This doesn't
    do much but sets the enemy up for...
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + C [Super Cancel]
    | Washizuka hits the enemy and it knocks them into the air.
    +-> (Follow Up): QCB + C
    | Washizuka hops into the air then hits. This must be blocked high.
    +-> (Follow Up): QCB + B
    Washizuka Hits the enemy in the kneecaps. Must be blocked low.

    Super Unblockable: BC(H)
    Washizuka does like most unblockables, but hold this down and he will
    turn red. This means it will now go about 7/8ths of the way across
    the screen, and can be followed up. This is unblockable, of course.
    +-> (Follow Up): See Slasher Combo

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Slasher Combo: Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + AB [Super]
    Washizuka dashes forwards and if he hits, starts into a series of
    Rapid Slashes, then knocks the enemy into the air, then does a giant
    Upwards Slash. This hits a lot, but in turn doesn't do very much

    Ultimate Stab/Ultimate Unblockable : Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + B [Double Super]
    Washizuka holds his sword back, then lunges forward and a giant Japanese
    symbol appears in the background. The enemy takes some serious damage
    from this, and it goes the whole way across the screen.
    Even better, hold down the button and instead of just the Ultimate Stab,
    Washizuka will turn red as it becomes the Ultimate Unblockable.
    It's the same thing, but does more damage and YOU CAN'T BLOCK IT.
    You can also hit people out of the air with it, if they are low enough.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Ranged Slash(A)
    | +-> Upwards Slash -> E
    | +-> Rapid Stab
    | +-> Dash Attack +-> Follow Up(QCF+C) => Slasher Combo -> E [!P/Ex]
    | | +-> Follow Up(QCB+C)
    | | +-> Follow Up(QCB+B)
    | +=> Slasher Combo -> E [!]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Ranged Slash(A)
    +-> Upwards Slash -> E
    +-> Rapid Stab
    +-> Dash Attack +-> FU(QCF+C) => Slasher C. -> E [!Ex]
    | +-> Follow Up(QCB+C)
    | +-> Follow Up(QCB+B)
    +=> Slasher Combo -> E [!]
    Super Unblockable => Slasher Combo [!P/Ex]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Slasher Combo [!]
    -=> U.Unblockable [!@#Ex]

    Most Powerful move: 17 Hit Unblockable Super Power Combo : 166 Damage

    Preferred Mode: Power. Why? UNBLOCKABLES EVERYWHERE!

    Strategies: Don't use his dash unless in a combo. Use his Ranged Slashes
    all the time to piss the enemy off. Stay away from the Upperslash as it
    isn't that useful.
    Do unblockables AAAAALLLL the time. Only do his Double Super if you have
    enough room to get it off as an unblockable or can hit the enemy for sure.
    His regular Super isn't very useful unless it hits, so use it in a combo.
    Do his Rapid Stabber when you need to get the enemy off of you. Trust me,
    it works for both getting them away and block damage.
    Use your unblockables like Psycho against the final boss. He deserves it!



    Rapid Stabs: QCB + B
    Kojiro stabs 3 times forward. This is useful for combos.

    Big Slash: QCB + A
    Kojiro quickly slashes forward. This can get you behind the enemy.
    It's a lot more useful than it looks, since it's so fast.

    Ranged Slash: QCF + A/B
    Kojiro slashes out a little yellow slash that flies across the screen
    at the enemy. The B version slashes out 2. This isn't as useful as
    Washizuka's since this one takes longer and throws them as one

    Upwards Slash: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B
    A quick upwards slash. This shoots up a sort of Laser Beam upwards that
    hits enemies out of the air. This is a much better one than Washizuka's
    since you can use it instantly instead of having to charge it.

    Speed Dash: QCB + C
    Kojiro dashes quickly across the screen. Can be followed up by a lot
    of moves. Good for getting behind the enemy if they jump a lot.
    +-> (Follow up) : C
    Kojiro does her throw during this move, very useful, but has to be
    done very close to enemy, in front of him or behind him.

    Super Overhead: Fw + BC
    Only in Speed or EX mode. This works just like the regular overhead
    (can only be blocked high), but knocks the enemy into the air to
    be juggled or whatever.

    Super Unblockable: BC(H)
    Kojiro does like most unblockables, but hold this down and he will
    turn red. This means it will now go about 7/8ths of the way across
    the screen, and can be followed up. This is unblockable, of course.
    +-> (Follow Up): See Slasher Combo

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Slasher Combo: Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + AB [Super]
    Kojiro does similar to Washizuka, except does the first series of stabs
    even if it is blocked. This is GREAT for block damage, and also great
    if not blocked. If this isn't blocked, the enemy is knocked into the air
    and hit with a big Upper slash.

    Ultimate Stab/Ultimate Unblockable : Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + B [Double Super]
    Kojiro holds her sword back, then lunges forward and a giant Japanese
    symbol appears in the background. The enemy takes some serious damage
    from this, and it goes the whole way across the screen.
    Even better, hold down the button and instead of just the Ultimate Stab,
    Kojiro will turn red and then it becomes the Ultimate Unblockable.
    It's the same thing, but does more damage and YOU CAN'T BLOCK IT.
    You can also hit people out of the air with it, if they are low enough.

    JI + B +-> B +-> Ranged Slash(A)
    | +-> Upwards Slash -> E
    | +-> Big Slash
    | +-> Rapid Stabs
    | +=> Slasher Combo -> E [!]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Ranged Slash(A)
    +-> Upwards Slash -> E
    +-> Rapid Stabs
    +-> Big Slash
    +=> Slasher Combo -> E [!]
    Super Unblockable => Slasher Combo -> E [!P/Ex]
    Super Overhead +-> Upwards Slash(B) -> E
    +=> Slasher Combo -> E [!S/Ex]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B A -> QCF + C
    +-> Dn + C A +-> Fw + BC -> A B -> QCF + B
    +->Dn+C->Fw+BC-=> Slasher Combo -> E [!?]
    -=>S.Overhead->U.Slash-> E
    -=>S.Overhead->S.Combo-> E [!?]
    (Corner only)

    Most Powerful move: 11 Hit Unblockable Super Power Combo: 167 Damage

    Preferred Mode: Either. She's good in both her modes, however the
    unblockables might win over many people to Power mode.

    Strategies: Use her a lot like Washizuka... but use the stabs a lot
    more. Use fireballs to keep enemies at range. Her Upper Slash is a lot
    better than Washizuka's, so you can use it to knock people out of the
    air with ease.
    If your life hits critical, just keep using the Super. Even if they block
    it, the block damage is good.



    Whirly Basket: HCB + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Okina spins around with his basket and hits the enemy, B version will
    knock down the enemy after whacking him repeatedly.
    +-> (Follow Up): See Super Whirly Basket

    Turtle: QCF + A/B/C
    Shoots out a turtle of a certain type. C version heals whomever it hits
    (likely you), and can be used to increase your annoyance factor.

    Fishing Pole: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B/C
    Trips up people with a turtle on a fishing rod... A is cloest range,
    B is a bit farther and C is near full screen.

    Teleport: Bk Dn DnBk + A/B/C
    Teleports Okina around and hits the enemy. A is to back up, B to appear
    right inf ront and hit with a turtle, C to appear above.

    Upper Whirly Basket: HCB + C
    Okina spins upwards to hit the enemy, useful as an air counter.

    Super Whirly Basket: HCF HCF + AB [Super]
    Okina Spins around in a Water whirl that goes the entire screen
    verticly, as well as moving horizontally a bit. Useful like
    Terry Bogard's (Fatal Fury) Power Geiser, but a bit slower.

    Super Turtle: HCF HCF + B [Double Super]
    Drops a turtle on the enemy's head... a REALLY big turtle. This can
    be very useful and scary.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Upper Whirly Basket -> E
    | +-> Turtle
    | +-> Fishing Pole(A)
    | +-> Whirly Basket(A)
    +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Upper Whirl Basket -> E
    +-> Turtle
    +-> Fishing Pole(A)
    +-> Whirl Basket(A)
    Whirl Basket(B) +=> Super Whirly Basket [!P/Ex]
    +=> Super Speed Combo

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> S.W.Basket [!?]
    -=> S.Turtle [!@#]

    Most Powerful move: 13 Hit Super Whirly Basket Combo - 173 Damage

    Preferred Mode: Either works fairly well really. Power mode has a very
    nice super cancel, but speed gives you the general speed benefits.
    Take your pick.

    Strategies: In case you didn't notice, I don't like Okina. Anyway, be
    annoying. He seems to be good at that. Just throw turtles and then
    use the fishing pole to trip them up. Be annoying.



    Super Slash: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B, Tap A/B
    He throws out his blade and it hits for many many many hits. If you
    tap it, it flies out then back, for up to around 18 hits. Sick block
    damage, sick regular damage. Sick power bar build. Use it a LOT.

    Throw Slash: QCB + A/B
    He throws out his blade across the screen. Good for keeping the
    enemy away from you.
    +-> (Follow Up): Up + B
    Throws his hand out and wherever the blade is, it holds there
    for a second. This allows for a second hit. Sick.

    Bite Dash: HCF + A/B
    He dashes across the screen, and if not blocked low, bites the enemy
    sending blood around.

    Super Throw: HCB + C
    He holds up his ... weapon. If hit, he knocks them down and does a sick
    little stab thing. Ouh.

    Enders: Up + B

    Diver: (air) QCB + A/B [Super Cancel]
    He dives down at the enemy. Only the B version Super Cancels. Sick.

    Quisinart: QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    He thrusts his blade out then starts sickly chopping the heck out of the
    enemy. Hits 22 times. Ouh.

    YOU ARE DEAD: QCF QCF + B [Double Super]
    He dashes quickly across the screen, as in the Bite dash. If he connects
    (hits low), he starts a massive slashing combo that causes a huge bloody
    symbol to appear in the background, then get cut in half. You turn purple
    from getting hit by this, probably from total lack of blood.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Bite Dash(A)
    | +-> Throw Slash -> Follow Up
    | +-> Super Slash
    | +=> Quisinart -> E [!]
    | +=> YOU ARE DEAD [!!P/Ex]
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Bite Dash(A)
    +-> Throw Slash -> Follow Up
    +-> Super Slash
    +=> Quisinart -> E [!]
    +=> YOU ARE DEAD [!!Ex]
    Diver => Quisinart -> E [!]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C +-> BC -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -> S.Slasher(B) -> E
    -=> Quisinart [!?]
    -=> YOU ARE DEAD [!@#]

    Note- Undead Guy's Quisinart doesn't work well out of the SSC Launcher.
    but the S.Slasher can be done late into the enemies fall for a lot of damage.

    Most Powerful Move: YOU ARE DEAD Combo - 170 Damage
    JI + B +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +=> YOU ARE DEAD [!!Ex]

    Prefered Mode: Power. He doesn't need combos. His Super Slash is enough
    to send anyone crazy with power.

    Strategies: Use the Super Slash ALL the time to build up super power. Then,
    use the Quisinart in any way you can get it off. It's deadly! You don't need
    much skill to play this guy, just go nuts.



    Energy Focus : Start (Hold)
    This move is rather odd. Lee does a stance and his life meter begins refilling!
    It's rather slow though, so doesn't have so much use. However, Lee cannot be
    knocked out of this, nor knocked down.... Odd, but cool. :)

    Fan Dash: HCB + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Lee dashes a bit and hits the enemy with his fan, causing lots of fire. This
    is a decent move but not really THAT useful.
    +-> (Follow Up): HCF + B
    This can be used to follow up on the B version of the Fan Dash. Adds some
    extra damage to the move. You have to do it quick or it won't link in.

    Upperkick: Dn(H), Up + B
    Lee kicks upwards a bit and sets the enemy aflame. Good air defensive move.
    +-> (Follow Up) Dn(H) + B
    Lee kicks the enemy back down. Looks like something Kim Kaphwan would do.

    Dodge: AB
    Lee dodges back a little bit. This avoids many attacks.
    +-> (Follow Up): A/B/C/D
    | Lee attacks after the dodge. A does a fan hit, B a short kick, C a quick low
    | kick and D a big punch.
    +-> (Follow Up): (H)Dn + C
    Lee has a multitude of uses for this. Please see the combo chart below
    for a full listing of things he can do.
    | Lee sweeps low and can finish with the following:
    +-> A) (H)Dn + C C - Lee sweeps three times low and knocks down the enemy.
    +-> B) Dn + C -> Rapid Kicks - Lee finishes with his 9 hit rapid kick.
    +-> B) Fw + C - Lee gives an overhead kick. Doesn't seem to combo.
    +-> C) Dn + C -> Fw + C - Lee sweeps twice and overhead kicks for 4 hits.

    Rapid Kicks: QCB + C x 5?
    Lee does a round flaming kick. Continue doing the motion and it will rack up
    to around 9 hits.

    Air Rapid Kick: (air) QCB + C x 3?
    Same as the rapid kick, but hits less and does it in the air.

    Step on your Face: (air) QCF + C
    Lee kicks downwards, if he hits, he starts kicking rapidly at the enemy.

    Enders: C

    Nuke Fan: Dn DnBk Bk DnBk Fw + AB [Super]
    Lee throws his fan into the air, then catches it, then dashes across the
    screen. If he hits the enemy, they blow up in a big pillar of flame.
    This kinda hurts. Yeah.

    Nuke Combo Rush: Dn Dnbk Bk DnBk Fw + B [Double Super]
    Lee dashes at the enemy, if he hits, he goes into a long combo of
    death and flames, finishing with some flames going up the screen.
    Not that powerful, but lots of fun.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Rapid Kicks -> E
    | +-> Fan Dash +-> Follow Up
    | | +=> Nuke Fan [!P/Ex]
    | +=> Nuke Fan [!]
    | +=> Nuke Combo Rush [!!P/Ex]
    +-> Dn(H) + B -> Up + C -> Follow up -> E
    [S/Ex] +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Rapid Kicks -> E
    +-> Fan Dash +-> Follow Up
    | +=> Nuke Fan [!Ex]
    +=> Nuke Fan [!]
    +=> Nuke Combo Rush [!!Ex]

    Extra special combos:

    A -> B -> C [S/Ex] (Special punch/kick/overhead)

    B -------------------------+
    | +-> Dn + C C Up + B (FU)
    AB ------------------------+-------+-> Fw + C
    | +-> Dn + C Fw + C
    [S/Ex] | +-> Dn + C C Fw + C
    JI + B -> Bk(H) + A A A B -+ +-> Dn + C C C
    +-> Dn + C C +-> Rapid Kicks
    +=> Nuke Fan [!]
    +-> F.Dash => Nuke Fan [!P/Ex]
    +=> Nuke Combo Rush [!!Ex]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B A -> QCF + C
    +-> Dn + C A +-> Fw + BC -> A B -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Nuke Fan [!?] (Corner)

    Most Powerful Move: 12 Hit Massive Super Speed Nuke Combo - 158 Damage
    DnDn+A/C -> A B C -> Dn + C A C -> Fw + BC => Nuke Fan -> E [!S]

    Preferred mode: Your choice. Speed he's got GREAT combos and can still
    whip out a ton of damage. Power though, requires less effort usualy and
    does a good deal of damage because his rapid kicks still hit 9 times.

    Strategies: Combo all the time. Don't stop. This is the way you win
    with Lee. Use the rapid kicks often because they provide a good
    deal of power, and an effective counter with the air version. Use his
    dodge when people won't get the heck away from you, then add on the follow
    up. When your life goes critical, let em have it with the Fan Nukes... they
    are fast and effective.



    Knife Slash: QCF + A
    Zantetsu slashes forwards a bit. This attack both counters projectiles
    and knocks the enemy into the air.

    Laser Shot: QCB + B [Super Cancel]
    Shoots a small beam from his hand. It just shoots straight out (hence
    can be a special finish) so it's not too useful, outside its cancel
    ability. This is one of the hardest super cancels to do in the game
    because the super must be done very early in the move.

    Invisibility: Bk Dn DnBk + A
    Zantetsu wraps himself in his cape and becomes mostly invisible. This
    is pretty much worthless against the computer... but against players it
    can be confusing if comboed with the teleporter.

    Knife Shot: (air) QCF + A/B
    Zantetsu throws a few daggers downwards at the enemy. This wouldn't
    be too useful except that it can be used while the enemy is still on
    the ground (ie was knocked down)
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + (same)
    A second round of daggers, this just adds a little damage and hits.

    Face Dance: (air) Dn + C
    Zantetsu kicks downwards, if he hits, he starts a series of blows to the
    enemy's head.
    +-> (Follow Up): Dn + C
    A finisher kick knocks the enemy into the air.

    Upperkick slash: Fw Dn DnFw + C
    Zantetsu kicks upwards into the air. Used as an air counter or in a combo,
    it does quite a bit of damage.

    Teleporter: Fw Bk Fw + C
    Zantetsu turns black and zips across the screen.
    +-> (Follow Up1): QCB + A
    | Zantetsu slashes Horizontally at the enemy and knocks them across. This one
    | is more powerful and should be used in combos when neccicary. :)
    +-> (Follow Up2): QCB + B
    Zantetsu slashes Verticlly at the enemy, knocking them down.

    Cape Throw: (air/ground) HCB + C
    Zantetsu wraps the enemy up in his cape and appears in the sky with him and
    slams him into the ground. This can be done in the air.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B, Knife Shot (air)
    You can get a 6 hit addon to your combos with the Knife Shot ender.

    Mega Ranged Slasher: Fw HCF + AB [Super]
    Zantetsu slashes upwards, then downward shooting a massive slash across
    the screen (projectile!). This can hit for 2 hits. It can also juggle sometimes.
    This move ALSO can reflect projectiles. For a cool use, try waiting till the enemy
    throws one at you, then do this super to reflect it AND hit with the super
    itself. Very cool.

    Mega Cape Throw: QCB QCB + B [Double Super]
    Zantetsu grabs forwards. If this catches the enemy, he wraps them up and in
    the darkness Zantetsu slashes them multiple times and then pummels them into
    the ground. This is a THROW.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Laser Shot => Mega R.S. [!P/Ex] -> Jump -> Knife Shot (FU) [!P/Ex]
    | +-> Knife Slash -> Jump -> Cape Throw
    | +-> Upper Kick Slash -> Jump -> Knife Shot (FU)
    | +-> Cape Throw
    | +-> Teleport +-> Follow Up 1 -> E
    | | +-> Follow Up 2 -> E
    | +=> Mega Ranged Shot +-> Jump -> Knife Shot (FU) [!]
    | +-> Super Speed Combo [!S]
    | +=> Mega Cape Throw [!!P/Ex]
    +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Laser Shot => MegaR.S. [!Ex] -> Jump -> K.Shot(FU)
    +-> Upper Kick Slash -> Jump -> Knife Shot (FU)
    +-> Teleport +-> Follow up 1 -> E
    +-> Follow up 2 -> E

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B A -> QCF + C
    +-> Dn + C A +-> Fw + BC -> A B -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -> M.R.Shot [!?]
    Note- it's a bit tricky to hit with both hits of the Mega Ranged Shot.
    Basicly, while the enemy is falling, hit him with the first hit and
    hold down the button. Then, release as he's falling the second time
    to juggle on the shot. Hard timing but worth the effort.

    Most Powerful move: 14 Hit Three Super String Combo - 180 Damage (290)
    JI + B -> B => Mega Ranged Shot => Dn Dn + A -> A B C -> Dn + C A C -> Fw + BC ->
    Mega Ranged Shot [!?S/EX]

    Preferred Mode: Power. Although his Three Super String Combo is hella damage and
    easy to pull off, it doesn't make up for otherwise lack-luster speed combos.

    Strategies: Throw whenever possible. When someone throws a projectile, use
    the slasher to shoot it back at them. Use the face dance often, as even if
    the enemy is in the air it will knock them down to the ground. When your life
    hits critical, let loose with the projectile super, because this ALSO reflects
    enemy projectiles!



    Downward dive: (air) Dn + C
    Kagami dives down at an angle, setting the enemy on fire.

    Upperwards slash: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Kagami spins upwards with his sword, setting the enemy afire and dealing
    a good supply of damage. Only B version works for Super Cancel and not
    too well at that.

    Fireball: QCF + A
    Kagami throws his hand forwards and sends a fireball across the screen.

    Firehand: QCF + B
    Kagami throws his hand forward...
    +-> (Follow Up): QCF + B
    Kagami swings his sword at the enemy, causing a good deal of damage.

    Power Surge: QCB + C
    Kagami puts his hand to the ground and drains energy from the Earth, hence
    raising his own power bar.

    Stab Grab: HCB + B
    Kagami grabs the enemy, stabs them, then blasts them with fire. Throw.

    Enders: C, DnFw + B

    Napalm Wave: Fw HCF + AB [Super]
    Like his fireball, except throws out a large wave that goes across the ground.
    This is unblockable but too slow to make it very useful outside of scaring people
    a lot (you'll get at least an "oh shit!" out of them).

    Flame Dive: (air) HCF + AB [Super]
    Kagami dives downward, if he hits, he slams the enemy upwards in flames.

    Phoenix Dive: (air) HCF + B [Double Super]
    As above, Kagami dives downward (at a wider angle though), and if he connects,
    turns into a giant phoenix and blasts the enemy upwards.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Upwards Slash => Flame Dive -> E [!P/Ex]
    | +-> Fireball
    | +-> Firehand (FU)
    +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Upwards Slash => Flame Dive [!Ex] -> E
    +-> Fireball
    +-> Firehand (FU)
    Downward Dive -> Upwards Slash => Flame Dive -> E [!]
    (all air) JI + B => Phoenix Dive [!!P/Ex See Below]
    (all air) Downward Dive => Phoenix Dive [!!P/Ex See Below]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C B -> QCF + A
    +-> Dn + C A +-> BC A -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -=> Flame Dive [!]
    (Corner only)
    -=> Jump -=> P.Dive [!@#]
    (Must do this VERY fast)

    Phoenix Combo:
    You have to be hitting the enemy with the JI + B at the same time you are finishing
    the Phoenix motion, so it goes off nearly instantly after the slash hits. This
    is hard, but when playing as Kagami, you've gotta scavenge for combos!
    You can also link the pheonix dive out of a Downward dive, but it's also very
    difficult. Inorder to link it, you have to do it EXACTLY as you are hitting.
    This is very difficult, maybe harder than the standard JI + B.

    Most Powerful Move: Very hard EX mode only DEATH combo!! Damage: 180 (330)
    Dn Dn+A/B -> A B C -> (Hld)Dw + C A C -> Fw + BC -> Fw Dn DnFw + B => F.Dive -> End

    The timing on this one is really hard. You gotta have critical life and have
    the enemy in a corner I belive. Whew.

    Prefered Mode: Kagami isn't very good, but put into Ex mode he can actualy
    do some damage! Just watch YOU don't get hit a lot. Plus, since in EX mode
    your power bar goes up a lot slower... his power surge isn't affected
    by this! So you can power up incredibly fast and still have the benefits
    of Ex mode.

    Strategies: Do whatever you can. Throw fireballs, combo, do something!!
    Don't ever do his Flame Dive when not in a combo. It's hard to be really
    good with Kagami, but you can with a lot of practice.



    Shell - Effect where Shingen turns gray. This means that even if he is
    hit he will not be knocked out of what he is doing. He still takes the
    damage though, so use it with caution.

    Bk + B : Shingen Shell's and performs a huge overhead punch, knocking the
    enemy down.

    Dash Grab: HCF + A/B/C
    Shingen grabs the enemy, and then slams them a bit.
    A version is a standard throw, B version puts up a Shell then grabs at the
    enemy. C version dashes and grabs.

    Blitz: Fw Dn DnFw + A/B, tap button
    Shingen thrusts out his hand and causes sparks to shoot out causing VERY
    heavy damage. B version goes into the air and slams the enemy down afterwards.

    Heavy Slasher: QCB + A/B [Super Cancel]
    Shingen slashes with his hand, doing very heavy damage.

    Elbow Rush: QCB + C
    SHingen dashes at the enemy with his elbow doing a deal of damage.

    Enders: DnFw + C, CD
    If you try to throw the enemy while they are on the ground, Shingen reaches
    down and picks them up and slams them, yet another time.

    TAUNT!: Start
    Okay, Shingen taunts. No joke. Everyone has this, but his DOES DAMAGE! Okay,
    it's only 2, but IT DOES TO DAMAGE!

    Super Grab: HCB Fw + C
    Shingen Grabs the enemy and chokes them. The best time to perform the followups
    is right when the enemy is slammed onto the ground, you have to be rather quick
    too. You can occationaly break out of this, I don't know how other than mashing
    the buttons.
    +-> (Follow Up): HCF + A
    | | Shingen thumps the enemy then lifts them up again.
    | |
    | +-> (Follow Up): QCB + A
    | | Shingen pounds the enemy a good one. Similar to the super below, but weaker.
    | +-> (Follow Up): QCB + B
    | | Shingen does a good Booya Britz fist strait at the enemy. Quick and effective.
    | +-> (Follow Up): HCB HCB + AB [Super]
    | Shingen chokes the enemy then slams the enemy into the ground for massive
    | damage.
    +-> (Follow Up): HCF + B
    | Shingen slams the enemy, then lifts them up and chokes them.
    +-> (Follow Up) QCB + A
    | Shingen does a Blitz fist upwards. Good damage, fast and effective.
    +-> (Follow Up) QCB + C
    | Shingen does a heavy slasher downwards knocking the enemy down.
    +-> (Follow Up) Tiger Blitz: HCB HCB + C [Double Super]
    Shingen dashes at the enemy in a White Tiger, then causes a large number
    of massive blades to slash the enemy to bits.

    Tiger Dash: QCF QCF + AB [Super]
    Shingen dashes at the enemy and knocks them down. This is the only super that works
    into the combo as far as I know.
    +-> (Follow Up): HCB HCB + B
    | Shingen grabs the enemy then slams them around and then steps on them.
    +-> (Follow Up): HCF + B
    Shingen does a simple blitz punch for booya damage. This is nice because it's far
    easier than the HCB * 2 follow up and does similar damage.

    Super Counter: HCB Bk + AB [Super]
    Shingen puts up a Shell, but this time if hit he grabs them and does an
    INSANELY powerful super.

    Mega Throw: HCB HCB + AB [Super]
    Shingen goes to grab the enemy, if he grabs them, jumps into the air then slams
    them into a rock and brings his hand down in a big slam. Booya.

    Ultimate Throw: HCB HCB + B [Double Super]
    Shingen dashes forward a little bit, if he grabs them: chokes them, jumps into
    the air, then slams them into the ground, stands up and yells out, and multiple
    blades of death rip the enemy apart. Booya.


    JI + B +-> B +-> Blitz -> E
    | +-> Dash Grab(A)
    | +-> Heavy Slashes(A) => Tiger Dash [!]
    | +-> Super Grab(FU B) => (FU) Tiger Blitz [!!P/Ex]
    +-> Fw + C -> Blitz(B)
    +-> Bk(H) + A A A B +-> Blitz -> E
    +-> Heavy Slashes
    +=> Tiger Dash [!]

    Super Speed Combos:

    DnDn+A/B -> A B C +-> A B C +-> A B -> QCF + C
    | +-> C -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C +-> BC -> QCF + B
    +-> Dn + C -> Fw + BC -> Blitz(B)

    Note- None of shingens supers really work off the SSCombo launcher,
    the Blitz is the best thing I've found.

    Most Powerful Move: Tiger Blitz Combo - Damage: 191
    JI + B -> B -> SuperGrab -> (FU) HCF + B => (FU) Tiger Blitz [!!P]

    This is actualy the ONLY super in the entire game that will do over 180
    damage! This is do to the fact that, sence it's a multi-throw, the damage
    meter gets reset after each throw, so it can actualy deal MORE than
    180 damage! So eat that Kouryu!!

    Preferred Mode: Power. Why? Look at the guy! SHEESH!

    Strategies: Deal the pain. If your enemy is a jumper, use the Air Blitz
    to stop him from jumping all the time. Do combos whenever possible, to
    maximize the damage you deal. His throw supers out of the Super Grab
    are great if you can get them off, much more likely to hit. However, it
    seems possible to break them somehow. If your life hits critical and
    you're fast, use the counter super to stop the enemy dead.
    Có ai biết thêm gì ko hướng dẫn em đi
  2. dante04

    dante04 T.E.T.Я.I.S

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    post cái gì thế này, ko pic ko lời dẫn mà cũng ko bít là cái gì lun :D
  3. tuanha1310

    tuanha1310 Legend of Zelda

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    Oh, cái này là Fighting game mà :| Sao lại để ở đây... lại còn đưa nguyên cái move qua nữa =.=''
  4. Akari Ichijo

    Akari Ichijo Youtube Master Race

    Tham gia ngày:
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    Thì em chỉ biết mấy cái move thui, em mới chơi mà, mọi người thường xài char nào vậy
  5. kyori kusagami

    kyori kusagami Trollzilla Moderator

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    có post thì bạn nên post kèm theo hình ảnh đặng mà biết đường mò , đằng này cho 1 đống vô đọc hiểu gì chết liền.
  6. thang_lau_ca

    thang_lau_ca Lao Công Gamevn Lão Làng GVN

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    tớ rối mắt quá hên là chỉ có thằng keade !!! thêm mấy thằng khác chắc.........................
  7. Ash_Crimson

    Ash_Crimson Mr & Ms Pac-Man

    Tham gia ngày:
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    sao ko dịch TV luôn đ mà hiểu
  8. anhminh1987

    anhminh1987 Legend of Zelda

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